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President Harry S. Truman's remarks on receiving the gift of a clock and two candelabras from the French ambassador. The President spoke at 12:05 p.m. on the North Portico of the White House to Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador to the United States. The Ambassador's remarks are first, followed by the President's. In making the presentation Ambassador Bonnet said: "Mr. President: "In the name of President Vincent Auriol, I have great pleasure in presenting to you for the renovated White House this musical clock and two candelabras as a token of the gratitude and friendship of the French people for the people of the United States." The clock and the candelabra were both acquired especially by the President of France on this occasion. The clock is mounted on a white marble base and is supported by two cupids astride bronze animals. Before the hour, the clock plays pastoral music of the 18th Century ("ariettes and musettes") on a miniature organ hidden in a gold case. It is the work of sculptor Gouttiere, one of the celebrated masters of that period.