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President Truman, Address at the Eastern Parkway Arena in Brooklyn, New York

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Recording Date(s)
October 18, 1952
Accession Number
President Harry S. Truman's address at the Eastern Parkway Arena in Brooklyn, New York, October 18, 1952, 9:30pm. During his remarks, the President referred to, among others, Robert F. Wagner, Sr., former United States Senator; Senator Herbert H. Lehman, former Governor; John Cashmore, Democratic candidate for Senator; Representatives Emanuel Celler, Abraham J. Multer, John J. Rooney, Eugene J. Keogh, Louis B. Heller, Edna F. Kelly, Donald L. O'Toole, and James J. Murphy, all of New York; William C. Revercomb, Senator from West Virginia, 1943-49; and Senators William E. Jenner of Indiana and Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Transcript available in Public Papers of the Presidents, Harry S. Truman, 1952-1953.
HST Keywords
Cashmore, John; Heller, Louis H.; Jenner, William E.; Kelly, Edna F.; Keogh, Eugene J.; Multer, Abraham J.; Murphy, James J.; O'Toole, Donald L.; Revercomb, William C.; Rooney, John J.
Original Format(s)
National Archives Identifier (NAID)