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President Truman's Address at a Dinner of the Better Business Bureau

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Recording Date(s)
June 6, 1950
Accession Number

President Harry S. Truman's speech at a Better Business Bureau meeting. President Truman talks about private enterprise and what it means to the economy. He gives a little history from the 1930s and finishes with some comments about the economic strength of the United States. The President spoke at 10 p.m. at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to John N. Garber, chairman of the board of the Association of Better Business Bureaus. The prizewinners whom the President congratulated at the beginning of his remarks were the recipients of awards for outstanding services in their communities: Marshall A. Mott, president of the Cleveland Better Business Bureau; W. L. Templeton, manager of the Better Business Bureau of Vancouver, British Columbia; and John L. O'Brien, manager of the Akron, OH, Better Business Bureau.

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