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Truman & Jacobson

… truman & jacobson image truman and eddie jacobson opened their clothing store on november 28, 1919. they rented their 18 by 48 foot … store all day--he would get out and go to lunches and mix with people, you know. he was very well known in that way and eddie jacobson would stay around and take care of the business." (ted marks oral history interview, truman library, 1962). …

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Oakwood Country Club

… a former president of the united states, truman sometimes came to the club for dinner and a card game with friends such as eddie jacobson, a. j. granoff, and ernie peiser. (author's interview with kenneth krakauer, 1999.) truman liked to tell stories at these events about how eddie jacobson and his other jewish friends in kansas city kept his campaign train moving in 1948 by giving money at crucial …

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Work Places

… and baltimore avenue kansas city, mo truman left the national bank of commerce to work here from 1905 to 1906. truman & jacobson 104 west 12th street kansas city, mo truman and eddie jacobson opened their haberdashery on november 28, 1919. the business failed in the economic downturn following world war i. …

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First Election Won with 'Goats' Support

… life insurance and the sale of memberships in the missouri automobile club. in 1922, through the assistance of war buddy eddie jacobson and other of his kansas city friends, mr. truman was offered the support of the goat faction (tom pendergast's …

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Drugstore Clerk at 14 His First Job

… his return from world war i in 1919 and his marriage to bess wallace, mr. truman went into the haberdashery business with eddie jacobson, with whom he had worked in the successful operation of the canteen at camp doniphan. the store prospered until 1921 … shrunk and creditors and banks pressed us and we closed out, hopelessly in debt." it was a number of years before he and jacobson finally paid off all debts from the business failure. image haberdashery business at 104 w. twelfth (1920) truman in …

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Local Politics Helped Him as President

… had been a lieutenant in the 129th field artillery, was a frequent visitor in the haberdashery opened by mr. truman and eddie jacobson. he was the son of mike pendergast, a political power and a brother of tom pendergast. jim put in a good word for …

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Captain of Battery D Succeeded in Winning Approval of His Men

… canteen officer and, knowing that a soldier of his acquaintance had had some experience in merchandising, he selected eddie jacobson to assist him in the operation of the canteen. the canteen was a great success; and after $2 had been collected from …

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Biographical Sketch: Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States

… was born on february 17, 1924. from 1919 to 1922 he ran a men's clothing store in kansas city with his wartime friend, eddie jacobson. the store failed in the postwar recession. truman narrowly avoided bankruptcy, and through determination and over …

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President Harry S. Truman's White House Staff

… in dr. steelman's office jackson, janet correspondence staff; secretary to general graham jackson, samuel lobby attendant jacobson, james a. see:  records of the american war production mission in china [awpmc] at nara(record group 220.5.12) staff … the president: 04/45 - 05/45 renfrow, colonel louis h. oral history assistant military aide repplier, ted s.   reynolds, eddie mr. allen's office ridenour, rena (mrs. elwood c.) correspondence staff; chief of correspondence rigdon, commander …

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