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Poster, "Have You Ever Wondered: Why ... ?" [Berlin Wall], No. A08126

… poster, "have you ever wondered: why ... ?" [berlin wall], no. a08126 poster a08126 (no date) have you ever wondered: why ... ? back to clarke oral history | back to clarke oral history appendicies poster, 'have you ever wondered: why ... ?' [berlin wall], no. a08126 back to clarke oral history | back to clarke oral history appendicies back to the top of the page …

Oral History

James W. Riddleberger Oral History Interview, April 6, 1972

… affairs, u.s. dept. of state, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, u.s. forces, germany, 1949-50; political adviser to … '36... riddleberger: that's right. hess: ...and then you served as third and second secretary of the american embassy in berlin from '36 until '41. riddleberger: to '41. hess: and, of course, that time span covers the rise of hitler. to lead into … there in 1932, i think in 1933. i recall making a rather extensive trip in germany in 1934, and then of course, we went to berlin on assignment to the embassy in 1936. in the meantime hitler had come to power in 1933. and i was actually in geneva …

Oral History

James W. Riddleberger Oral History Interviews

… affairs, u.s. dept. of state, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, u.s. forces, germany, 1949-50; political adviser to … 1972 ; april 26, 1972 benes, eduard june 24, 1971 bennett survey (germany) june 24, 1971 bennett, henry g. june 24, 1971 berlin blockade april 6, 1972 berlin, germany june 24, 1971 ; april 6, 1972 ; april 26, 1972 big three april 26, 1972 bipartisan foreign policy april 26, …

Oral History

Jacob D. Beam Oral History Interview

… : topics discussed by ambassador beam include the potsdam conference, the currency problem in postwar germany, the berlin blockade, the indonesian insurrection in the netherlands east indies, u.s. aid to yugoslavia, the death of stalin, the … and then i went to germany as 3rd secretary [in the american embassy]. johnson: as 3rd secretary in germany. beam: in berlin, yes. [6] johnson: how long were you in berlin? beam: i was there five years. johnson: to '39. beam: yes. johnson: did you meet charles thayer? beam: oh, i knew him …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, October 21, 1970

… air force plane, and byrnes got in another one. this was a separation in case of accident. they took off immediately for berlin, landing at the gatow airfield, which had been a luftwaffe airfield adjacent to potsdam. we lost them there. the rest … got a very detailed and graphic look at this destruction. after this trip, which took hours, we headed across germany for berlin. i remember we flew over what had been two cities. the roofs of the houses and buildings in smaller german towns were … a [297] great splotch of yellow where the bombs had pulverized, not only the buildings, but the tiles. from the air berlin reminded me of one of those graphic drawings that illustrates dante's inferno. here was one of the largest and oldest …

Oral History

Alexander, Baron Von Susskind-Schwendi Oral History Interview

… felix graetschel, his colleague, and a lady assistant. baron von susskind joined the reich ministry of economics at berlin in 1932 and served in the government from then on except for military service in world war ii. he worked with the … that was the firm of henshel. i was at the firm's office. but, you know, at this time, all was in ruins. berlin especially was very poor and we all thought we would have to starve. so we were very glad [3] when we heard in … parcels came to many people, to old people, to children, and such. later, in 1948, we had some great difficulties with berlin, when the russians stopped the transportation by rail, and then an air bridge was formed. at this time, it was mostly …

Oral History

J. Burke Knapp Oral History Interviews

… for getting into the [2] foreign service were very restricted.  as it happened, in the summer of 1936 i went to berlin to the olympic games, which i thought i'd take in before i came home.  in berlin, actually through the intervention of some german and american rhodes scholars that lived in berlin at the time, i was recommended for a job with an american banking firm that had a branch in berlin.  i decided to take …

Oral History

Perry Laukhuff Oral History Interview

… with perry laukhuff vice consul, windsor ontario, 1937, milan, italy, 1938-39; third secretary, american embassy, berlin, 1940-41; officer, department of state, 1942-43; third secretary and second secretary, american legation, stockholm, … u.s. political adviser on german affairs s.h.a.e.f., 1945; secretary of mission with u.s. political adviser for germany, berlin, 1945-49; director, office of german political affairs, department of state, 1949-52; special assistant to director, … affairs. mckinzie: might i get you to talk about your experiences in some more detail beginning with your assignment in berlin in 1940 and 1941. laukhuff: yes, i went up there from milan. up to that time my experience had been wholly on the …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, March 12, 1968

… him in advance so that he could assemble whatever notes he might desire or personnel to help us. enroute, however, to berlin we flew across france and saw a great part of the area over which the u.s. troops had marched. we had a wonderful … about forty-five of those a month, so you can see that this was considered a very, very important plant. then we came over berlin, and it was to me who [467] had been brought up as a banker and had placed great value on property values, i tell you … with their tile roofs untouched. but right in the city was this honeycomb of the shells of the big buildings. of course, berlin was a target objective for many reasons because they had centered in and around berlin a great deal of the industry of …

Oral History

E. Allan Lightner, Jr. Oral History Interview

… of restoring a central government would be difficult enough, it seemed prudent to assist the allied control council in berlin to provide uniform policies for each zone by providing the acc with these directives which we hoped would be approved … have been under western control. for example, if we hadn't agreed on the zones of occupation, we surely would have taken berlin before the russians got there. one of the main reasons our forces delayed going into berlin was the realization we would have lost an awful lot of men, and why do that when berlin was going to be a …

Oral History

Leo R. Werts Oral History Interview

… i followed with great interest president truman's participation in the four power summit which took place just outside berlin. i was located in berlin during part of the period of the meeting. in 1946, i moved up to director of the division succeeding general mcsherry. … think he, as much as anyone, whether he had the president's prior approval or not -- you remember when the soviets closed berlin, it was general   [7] clay who instituted that airlift. i remember at a staff meeting, there was a report to the …

Oral History

Geoffrey W. Lewis Oral History Interview

… what; what the authority of the joint military government to be established was going to be; what was going to happen to berlin, which later on, it became quite clear, would probably be separated, as indeed it was, from the rest of west germany, … in which he said that he thinks ambassador winant was a little soft in the sense that he didn't demand access routes into berlin in this early period we have been talking about.  is it a fair question to ask what you thought about ambassador … of the european advisory commission were unhappy that the agreement wasn't more ironclad with respect to our access to berlin.  it seemed to us that was a really very vital thing, and we weren't, ourselves, very happy about leaving it in the …

Oral History

Lucius D. Clay Oral History Interview

… as the official relations were concerned. they were both the representatives on the control council and they would come to berlin periodically. i would brief them, sit with them and help them with that work. other than that they gave me a very … it would have been helpful if there had been a specific arrangement in writing as to which roads and railroads going into berlin were under the control of the allies, and which were under the control of the russians. but, remember this, when the … about my own views of the situation and it was that letter which he used as the basis for this speech. he visited me in berlin and we went over together. he had that passage in there, "as long as any other foreign country's troops are in germany …

Oral History

Bruce C. Clarke Oral History Interview

… chief of the army in europe, being held over an extra year over the retirement age of 60 by the president because of the berlin wall crisis as i was in europe when the berlin wall was built. and after that situation stabilized, i retired at the age of 61, some seven years ago. hess: let's … to soldier management and morale. i was commander in chief in europe for a year and a half under mcnamara during the berlin wall. he never came to visit my troops. five times i sent word by visitors that the secretary ought to come and visit …

Oral History

Konrad Adenauer Oral History Interview

… history of the truman administration, what would you say is the [9] comparative importance of the marshall plan, and the berlin airlift, the establishment of nato, and the korean action? adenauer: i believe that without the marshall plan this … hear how mr. truman is now. brooks: very well, thank you. what about the airlift, or nato? adenauer: well, i feel that the berlin airlift was a truly visible sign that america recognized her duty to be the leader of free nations and wanted to … and acheson, dean, 13-14 and truman, harry s., 1 , 10-11 , 12 and the union of soviet socialist republics, 4 , 15-16 berlin airlift, 9 , 10 bevin, ernest, 4 bonn, germany, 2 churchill, sir winston, 15 clay, general lucius d., 15 common …

Oral History

Lord Oliver Franks Oral History Interview

… of the north atlantic treaty bevin had been sniffing around for a closer united states association, getting nowhere. the berlin blockade unloosed everything. it created a new urgency enabling the united states to take new initiatives. lovett … to let the war in korea be the prelude to general hostilities. the united states and the united kingdom had been caught in berlin and now in korea. bradley was drawing (or had drawn) up a list of what was required militarily for a first line … , 29-32 argentina, 12 atlantic city conference, 2 attlee, clement richard, 18 ball, senator joseph h., 28 belgium, 12 , 13 berlin, germany, 19 berlin blockade, 16 bevin, ernest, 3-4 , 12 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 22 bidault, georges, 22 bradley, general …

Oral History

O.J. McDiarmid Oral History Interview

… was the leading character on the committee. we had a lot of meetings and tried to devise some unified currency for berlin. or are you thinking of something [31] earlier? mckinzie: i'm thinking of that early business of giving the russians a set of currency plates. mcdiarmid: oh, yes, i thought you were thinking of the berlin blockade, and the currency problem that led up to that, but you're talking about turning the plates, for printing the … yes, that's right. mckinzie: in our initial discussion, you mentioned [36] the committee that did, sometime after the berlin blockade, try to negotiate a currency arrangement for berlin city. mcdiarmid: yes, that's right, to try to have a …

Oral History

Dr. Wallace H. Graham Oral History Interview, January 10, 1976

… asked them what kind of a plane they had and how many seats it had in it, because, see, we had been in magdeburg north of berlin. i had been in berlin before the war. you see, i was there as a resident surgeon after graduating here, and going through my internship and … there and i took advantage of a scholarship then in vienna, austria, in pathology and surgery. naturally, i having been in berlin and lived there for some time, i wanted to show the men around who were in our unit, and let them enjoy the sights. …

Oral History

General William H. Draper Jr. Oral History Interview

… became commander in chief for the european theater in addition to handling occupied germany. after about two years in berlin dealing with the german economy, its agriculture, industry, trade and general administration of its economy the german … of germany. when we moved up from versailles, our offices were first in frankfurt, and then in july of 1945 we moved to berlin. first the tripartite control council, then when the french joined us, the quadripartite control council was the … into the community of nations, first they had to be fed, not too much, but they had to have enough to live. the ration in berlin was 1560 calories a day, just about half of what you and i eat now, or then, as well. they got along on it. it wasn't …

Oral History

Gunther Harkort Oral History Interview

… over 30 percent (bizone joint report, september 1948, pp. 72-74). it is true that exports (of the three western zones and berlin west) in 1947 amounted to $318 million which was $112 million higher than in 1946, but half of this amount consisted … and a policy of strict price stabilization were advisable. import figures for the later area of the federal republic (with berlin west) amounted to only $689 million in 1946, reaching $2.237 billion in 1949. respectively, 68 percent, 71 percent, 65 … britain came to $3.176 billion, for france $2.706 billion, for italy $1.474 billion, and for west germany (including west berlin) $1.537 billion (price, p. 90). converted into per capita figures as of 1950-1951 (st. jb. 1952, p. 13 ) this meant: …

Oral History

Henry Byroade Oral History Interview

… ledo road; the flying tigers; the bombing of tokyo; the marshall mission to china; soviet dismantling in manchuria; the berlin airlift; postwar occupation of austria and germany; the issue of german unification; german rearmament; the plevin … came across india by rail, or again, by river from calcutta. johnson: while i'm thinking about it, you got involved in the berlin airlift too. byroade: yes. johnson: was there experience from the hump that was used in the berlin airlift, and were some of the same persons involved in that one? byroade: well, you asked for my favorite story in …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, July 7, 1970

… referring to that period of '46, '47, '48, when such fundamental matters as the truman doctrine, the marshall plan, the berlin airlift, many very critical, crucial decisions were made. why couldn't the state department be as innovative and brave … more of a fdr's own personal concern and he was beaten down. hess: do you know if it was seen at that time, that placing berlin in the russian sector without actually having adequate overland routes, corridors, to berlin would subsequently turn into a problem? elsey: this was not foreseen at all. it was not foreseen by anybody, at least …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview

… battle of the bulge, 389 bell, david e., 11 , 128 , 151-152 , 156 , 160 , 163 , 185 , 216 , 270 , 291 , 303 , 419 , 420 berlin, germany, 350-351 , 352 berlin airlift, 326 , 390-391 berlin conference, 260 bipartisanship during the truman administration, 98-100 bogue, robert w., 339 bohlen, charles e., 320 …

Oral History

James W. Riddleberger Oral History Interview, June 24, 1971

… affairs, u.s. dept. of state, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, u.s. forces, germany, 1949-50; political adviser to … recent knowledge of the situation in a particular city that somebody else might not have. of course, i was living in berlin so i was asked about the situation there. this was before the heavy bombing of berlin. it was earlier in 1941. wilson: you were brought back to the united states in 1944… riddleberger: yes, from london. …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, November 23, 1970

… this marshall plan was to fill the vacuum that had been left by this error. then the russians abruptly denied us access to berlin. some of our statesmen or high [1039] military people, apparently overlooked an obvious thing. we had gotten no agreement, with the russians, as to access by road to berlin. when the russians, as part of their thrusting out movement in europe, abruptly terminated access to berlin, truman had, here again, a very bold decision. he agreed to supply berlin by what had become known as the "berlin …

Oral History

David K. E. Bruce Oral History Interview

… closely with him? bruce: closely, and this made it much easier for me. hess: in mid-summer of 1948 the soviets began the berlin blockade which lasted until may of 1949. did that affect you in your job in any way? did you have any involvement in that matter? bruce: no, i did not. that was handled outside of the paris embassy. hess: speaking of berlin, what is your opinion of the fact that berlin had been placed within the soviet sector of germany and no adequate provisions had been made to insure access? bruce: …

Oral History

Charles E. Saltzman Oral History Interview

… out had it not been that in march general sokolovsky flounced out of the control council meeting in germany and the berlin blockade started. that was deemed by general marshall, very wisely, not to be the moment to change the system of … as far as i can remember i saw very little reflection of any concern of his about it, and in fact at the time of the berlin blockade when the decision was made not to drive a convoy through the russian zone to berlin, but to adopt the famous airlift instead, my impression was, and i may be quite wrong about this (because if you sit …

Oral History

Willis C. Armstrong Oral History Interview

… we were on a friendly commercial basis. as of 1947 we were on a friendly commercial basis, but by 1948 with the [21] berlin blockade and various other things in the works, we began to withhold from the russians certain machinery and equipment … the active period of stockpiling, which was around '47, '48, '49, '50-'53, were very happy to sell. the korean war and the berlin blockade and the general state of tension caused us to accelerate our stockpiling. mckinzie: there was an argument on … to do with the basic relationship pattern that happened after the war. the russians still have a cold war face. i was in berlin in march. it was the first time i had visited east berlin, and the first time i had seen the wall. people go there and …

Oral History

Gustav Adolf Sonnenhol Oral History Interview

… about 6 billion deutsch marks today, still working, and besides the reconstruction work in germany, the reconstruction in berlin, mainly, was financed out of these counterpart funds. that may be of interest to [21] you, we finance a small part of … with german reaction to the truman administration foreign policy? sonnenhol: well, the truman administration was berlin, the marshall plan, and nato, you see. and of course acheson is a very important figure, because all this happened at … acheson, dean, 27 bad godesberg, germany, 28 bank for reconstruction and development, frankfort, germany, 20 belgium, 3 berlin, germany, 20 , 27 bevin, ernest, 11 , 23 bidault, georges, 11 , 23 bonn, germany, i byrnes, james f., 4 cralog …

Oral History

Raymond W. Goldsmith Oral History Interview

… with james r. newman, the well known writer. i stayed on there until 1947, i think, when mr. [joseph] dodge, whom i met in berlin (as i will refer to in a minute), asked me to come along with him as economic adviser for the austrian state treaty … report. we were for about three months in germany, traveled around half of the time and spent half of the time in berlin. we had really argued out the essence of the plan on the plane flying over. mckinzie: whose original idea was it? … man, mr. maletin who later became a vice minister of finance and may have already have been that when he was sent to berlin. he came from around murmansk, and his father was a fisherman, he was extremely smart, and also spoke excellent …

Oral History

Lois Bernhardt Oral History Interview

… bernhardt: to the azores and then paris. johnson: azores, paris . . . bernhardt: and then germany. johnson: and then berlin. that was quite a ride. bernhardt: oh, yes, it was. johnson: you won't forget that will you? bernhardt: no. johnson: … russell i would say. johnson: one of those two. bernhardt: they were both very helpful to him. johnson: did you tour berlin when truman arrived? stalin came a day late. bernhardt: right. we had been there for two days, i think it was, before that. we flew in and they came by ship. so, we toured berlin for a couple of days before the president and mr. byrnes arrived. we came upon all this rubble. johnson: did you see …

Oral History

Sir Ashley Clarke Oral History Interview

… developed if we hadn't had the assurance that oeec was going to succeed. i've forgotten what the exact year or date of the berlin crisis was... wilson: '48. just at the time... clarke: we were beginning to recover a kind of european consciousness and european firmness at the time. [13] it was just two or three people that took that decision about berlin and bevin was certainly one. but i don't think that bevin would himself have been quite so ready to take that decision … of tension between the two sides to decide where that line came and it went on growing until, paradoxically enough, the berlin wall was actually physically built and you could see where the fence was. and it's amazing how almost immediately …

Oral History

Robert A. Lovett Oral History Interview

… in charge of the executive offices—administration--and it worked beautifully. we had greek-turkish aid, we had the berlin airlift, we had the marshall plan, and we had the nato organization. mckinzie: an exciting period.   [2] lovett: it … which god knows was lacking in   [16] many of the previous ones. i think of the comment that was made by professor isaiah berlin, of oxford or cambridge, i believe it was, who said, "when the history of this century is written, truman will be one … | interview transcript | list of subjects discussed ]     list of subjects discussed acheson, dean, 14 , 28 aramco, 17 berlin airlift, 1 berlin, isaiah, 16 bi-partisanship in the truman administration, 1 brown brothers, harriman and company, …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, April 3, 1968

… on this: at the time of your discussions with the president was it seen that there might be some difficulty with placing berlin in the russian sector and not having a corridor? during the time of the meeting on the u.s.s. potomac , what was mr. … about getting things back into operation. [532] hess: in the foreword written by george elsey of the president's trip to berlin he mentions that fred vinson had been scheduled to make the trip to potsdam but had dropped out of the party on the … a great deal about what he had learned in those last days of our holding back our troops while the russians rushed on to berlin, and there seemed to have been an understanding somewhere in the background that the russians would come into berlin …

Oral History

Michael J. Dux Oral History Interview

… about the downfall of the middle-of-the-road democratic government and extended soviet influence. mckinzie: how did the berlin airlift -- or the berlin blockade, i should say -- affect the work that you were doing at that time? that was '48. dux: that was '48, yes. by … an investment policy, and, of course, [24] the currency reform of 1948. mckinzie: which was ostensibly the reason for the berlin blockade. dux: yes. mckinzie: you have been involved in the planning of the currency reform itself? dux: yes. …

Oral History

Oral Histories

… 1949-53. 110 pages. laukhuff, perry. foreign service officer; secretary of mission, u.s. political adviser for germany, berlin, 1945-49; director, office of german political affairs, department of state, 1949-52; special assistant to the … member, committee for european economic cooperation, italy. 27 pages. matthews, h. freeman. member, u.s. delegation, berlin conference, 1945; political adviser, council of foreign ministers meetings, moscow, 1945, paris, 1946, new york, 1946; …

Oral History

Vernice Anderson Oral History Interview

… security council), which led subsequently to the convening of a foreign ministers meeting in paris and the lifting of the berlin blockade. [20] in the united nations delegates lounge one day at lake success, new york (on what appeared to be a most … kingsbury smith of international news service, and joseph stalin, of the key issue of the currency question in berlin. this, you will recall, was the initial basis for the extreme measure of the blockade, which was a very aggravating … their respective governments to a meeting of the council of foreign ministers on may 23 in paris and to the lifting of the berlin blockade on may 11. it was through ambassador jessup's intuition and skill at the negotiating table, and based on …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History

… pulgencio, 536 battersea power station, 16 battle of the bulge, 339 beatty, morgan, 289 berkeley, california, 563-564 berlin, germany, 255 allied access to, 305-306 blockade of, 1039 truman, harry s., tour of, 299-304 biffle, leslie, 368-369 , … nixon, robert g., 389 , 1012 atomic bomb: japan, opinion of use in, 315-317 knowledge of the project to create, 312-314 berlin, germany, tour of, 299-304 biographical information, 1-3 brest, france, evacuated from, 9-11 churchill, winston, … background of, 152 barkley, alben, as his vice presidential candidate, 583-584 berkeley, california, speech at, 563-564 berlin, germany, tours, 299-304 byrnes, james f.: relationship, 245-254 secretary of state, appointed, 244 canfil, fred a., …

Oral History

Elbridge Durbrow Oral History Interview

… internal affairs -- or call it what you will -- which they don't like. mckinzie: i guess, you were there at the time the berlin airlift began, weren't you? i wonder if you could perhaps talk a little bit about that, and maybe some of the events that transpired there before? durbrow: well, that was a very disturbing thing. of course, the czech coup plus the berlin airlift was the "straw that broke the back" of   [90] resistance to nato and everything else, and induced mr. truman … it to save our boys' lives. all the other decisions -- nato,   [91] the truman doctrine, all that sort of thing. so, the berlin airlift -- it was really a blockade -- came and that was just about the last straw i think for the president and …

Oral History

Thomas D. Cabot Oral History Interview

… group, but we certainly were entitled to believe that the communists, the soviet union specifically, might attack berlin. we were scared about berlin, and we didn't, of course, want to start a nuclear war. berlin couldn't have been defended with ground troops, if the soviets had wanted to move in there. rearming europe seemed …

Oral History

Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History Interviews

… bendetsen served as acting deputy to the first secretary of defense (mr. forrestal) during the initial phases of the berlin crisis. later that year he established the office of general counsel of the army and served as its first incumbent …

Oral History

Henry H. Fowler Oral History Interview

… war was still going on. while i was flying over with a small staff, with these reports, on my way to frankfurt and then to berlin, the potsdam [20] meeting occurred. you know from your other records what happened at the potsdam meeting, but it … and the british to cooperate with us and we'll have that." that is the way it worked out. i went on to frankfurt and to berlin and spent about a month there . . . johnson: in berlin. fowler: . . . acquainting general william draper, who was the economic adviser to general clay, and his staff with …

Oral History

Oscar R. Ewing Oral History Interview, April 30, 1969

… to the italian government for a job of broadcasting to america. the italians turned him down. then he made a trip to berlin to apply personally for a job of broadcasting to america for radio berlin. fuchs: did he do this partly because he needed money or was it solely because he wanted to work against jews? ewing: … reason they went to austria was because the cost of living made it an attractive place for them. when he applied to radio berlin they employed him at the highest salary that they paid any broadcaster. [155] the crew that the department of justice …

Oral History

Dirk U. Stikker Oral History Interview, July 14, 1970

… me; and i guess, perhaps, dealing with the people on the spot. stikker: i had that same experience later on again on the berlin crises, in the years when i was secretary   [27] general of nato. there again the tripartite had control, and they … on we should get together only on a personal basis. so, for instance, you had later on a blockade again of the road to berlin. i had been sitting together with larry norstad, and general [earle g.] wheeler who at that time was the man who was … things. but when the oecd and oeec and the marshal aid came into existence, it was, i think, a month later, they had the berlin blockade. the berlin blockade immediately started this sort of cold or hot or whatever you could say. now originally   …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, October 20, 1970

… washington to go to norfolk and boarded the cruiser augusta to go across the atlantic to antwerp. then flew on to potsdam, berlin. truman had been in communication with churchill, and churchill was pressing for another meeting with stalin for … communicated with roosevelt about this.) potsdam was the place where it would be held. it couldn't be held [255] in berlin itself because berlin was destroyed, and brother i mean destroyed! not just a house here and a building there knocked down, but everything . …

Oral History

Oscar R. Ewing Oral History

… kentucky, 3 , 5 , 6 batt, william, jr., 271-272 , 273 bell, david, 163 , 306 benson, ezra taft, 99 benton, elmer, 98 berlin, germany, 154 bernadotte plan, 282 , 283 , 285 , 286 best, robert, 152-153 beta theta pi, 8 biddle, francis, 87 , 93 , … 198 , 199 , 200-202 , 206 , 228 , 231 , 238 , 364 , 365 pulliam, eugene, newspaper chain of, 260 , 261 , 262 r radio berlin, 154 , 155 , 160 radio east, 155 radio north america, 155 radio southeast, 155 raleigh, north carolina, 367 randall …

Oral History

Oral History Interview

… should be better armed than the u.s. as was [57] exemplified by his decision on the hydrogen bomb issue. and when did the berlin wall episode occur, wasn't that during his administration too? hess: no, we had the blockade, it was not really the wall, but there was a year when they had the autobahn blocked and we had to fly in supplies for berlin, the berlin blockade. the wall, of course, came during the kennedy administration. strauss: as late as that? i didn't recall that. …

Oral History

Jose Figueres Ferrer Oral History Interview

… he went through the lines, and i think was shot at, and stayed here. but at that time, i remember that we had the berlin airlift and that he and i were day by day watching events and hoping [25] that nothing weird would happen. mccoy: so, … acheson, dean, 22 agency for international development, 14-15 , 16 alliance for progress, 28 batista, fulgencio, 33 berlin, germany, 24 berlin airlift, 24 betancourt, romulo, 34 bowles, chester, 1 bretton woods conference, 29 canada, 27 caracus conference, 34 …

Oral History

Robert B. Landry Oral History Interview

… the marshall plan, the president's strong support of the united nations, holding the line under u.n. mandate in korea, the berlin airlift--just to name a few. fuchs: what do you recall about the berlin airlift? [34] landry: i was in germany. i was in the eighth air force. when we dropped the bomb in august '45, i was … in the books about mr. truman and in other historical books. i don't know anything about that. i knew something about the berlin airlift. fuchs: i'm wondering what were your reactions at the time; did you feel that we were biting off more that we …

Oral History

Edward S. Mason Oral History Interview

… clay very well, because he's a very strong personality; and we saw him several times and spent perhaps two weeks in berlin before going to frankfurt and then on to stuttgart, where secretary byrnes made his speech. we also went to munich. … not in any particularly important position, but i forget what position he was in at that stage. i also met willy brandt in berlin. he had just come back from sweden or norway to berlin and was trying to reestablish his contacts with the social democratic party. he made a very strong impression on me. …

Oral History

Oral History Interviews

… 1934-45. 112 pages. dubois, josiah e., jr. member, allied reparations commission, moscow, 1945; member, u.s. delegation, berlin conference (potsdam), 1945; deputy chief of counsel for war crimes in charge of i.g. farben case, nuremberg, germany, … committee, organization for european economic cooperation, 1948. 26 pages. halvorson, gail. air force pilot during berlin airlift, 1948-1949. also known as the "candy bomber". the oral history is only available through the research room . …

Oral History

John Maktos Oral History Interview

… how much germany was really able to pay. one of the other problems developed to be a very serious one, namely access to berlin. i had proposed that there should be a written agreement between the victors giving to all of them a right of passage to berlin from the soviet sector. mckinzie: but you proposed this in that same committee? maktos: no, this was not in the … | list of subjects discussed ]     list of subjects discussed art treasures stolen by nazi government, disposition of, 21 berlin, access to, 22 finch, george, 38 fitzmaurice, gerald, 38-42 genocide, u.n. resolution and convention on, 2-5 , 30-34 …

Oral History

Richard R. Beckman Oral History Interview

… johnson: most of the souvenirs, i guess that is another term we can use, that you were able to pick up, well, around the berlin area... beckman: i started picking up nazi arm bands, and i have given all of them to the truman library. i had one of … in art, doing artwork. you took art classes, did you, when you were in school. beckman: yes. somewhere before we got to berlin, i had picked up three german lugers; you know, the german luger is the famous pistol... johnson: the pistol now … oh, no, no. the thing is, i think what was basic to that, niel, is that nobody was allowed to fraternize. when we got to berlin, [there were] the german police who were relatively politically clean -- i was never quite convinced that they had …

Oral History

James I. Loeb Oral History

… 164 batt, william jr., 91 , 105 bausch and lomb, 71 bean, louis, 66 bell, david e., 147 , 187 , 189 benneton, norman, 205 berlin, germany, 74 bernie, ben, 206 biddle, francis, 135 biemiller, andrew, 32 biffle, leslie, 155 bingham, senator hiram, …

Oral History

Harry H. Vaughan, March 20, 1976 Oral History Interview

… that russia never kept any agreements that they made at all. it was a gentleman's agreement that the free access to west berlin, across the russian held part of germany at all times. within a year we had to have this berlin [23] airlift, you know, to keep the people in berlin from starving to death. well, if you're playing with the russians you don't play by the marquis of queensbury rules. …

Oral History

Raymond P. Brandt Oral History Interview

… a reporter at the white house? brandt: one thing that i think was his mistake, is that he accepted the yalta agreement on berlin. that was an   [90] eisenhower and roosevelt mistake and we should never have let berlin be isolated that way. the story i've heard was that churchill wanted to renege on that, to take berlin, and to abrogate that part of the understanding about four-power government in berlin. truman is supposed to have …

Oral History

Clark Clifford Oral History

… balfour declaration, 104 barkley, alben w., 228 , 230 batt, william, jr., 226 , 227 belgium, 79 berkeley, california, 222 berlin airlift, 456 biemiller, andrew j., 264 biemiller-humphrey civil rights plank, 264-266 biffle, leslie, 61 , 63 , 64 , …

Oral History

Ben Hill Brown Oral History Interview

… earlier? brown: i think it probably should have occurred earlier than it did, but it was delayed considerably by the berlin blockade. the mission to germany which i went on was to prepare the way for a turnover to civilian control and a   … even though it would still be an occupation, they preferred it under civilian control. but immediately thereafter the berlin blockade came up, which i think everybody agreed required that the final authority in germany continue to be military as long as they were having to support berlin by military airlift. so, it was delayed. i can't remember when the turnover finally took place. the mission to …

Oral History

James W. Riddleberger Oral History Interview, April 26, 1972

… affairs, u.s. dept. of state, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, u.s. forces, germany, 1949-50; political adviser to … soviet union and germany and what i thought the real intentions of the soviet leaders were. don't forget, i was still in berlin for both the molotov-ribbentrop pact at the outbreak of the war and also for the famous molotov visit in the winter of … i stopped off in germany on my way back i think, yes, to go over a number of things. hess: all right. riddleberger: in berlin--no, of course, this wasn't germany. i beg your pardon. may i stop to think a moment? hess: you certainly may. …

Oral History

Recollections of the 1948 Campaign by William J. Bray

… a day or two before. an impasse had developed between the soviets and the western powers over the russian blockade of berlin. the russians refused to end the blockade and the westerners refused to be deterred by it. smith said the situation … discussed akron, ohio, 40 albany, n. y., 40 anderson, clinton p., 12 austin, texas, 15 , 18 battery d, 129th f.a., 6 berlin blockade, 17 bonham, texas, 17 bray, william j., 10 , 25 , 36 bridgeport, conn., 44 brockton, mass, 43 butler, robert, … 32 toledo, ohio, 39 , 40 tolono, ill., 29 truman, harry s.: battery d, visit with friend from during 1948 campaign, 6-7 berlin blockade, conference with ambassador b. smith re, 17 campaign fund donations for the democratic party, influence in …

Oral History

Max Lowenthal Oral History Interview

… often, in the early part of his presidency. in fact there was a war job, or a wartime produced task to be performed in berlin and i was directed by the war department to work on that matter and go over to germany. i had known bob patterson, and … other official job. hess: what was the task that you had in germany? lowenthal: in the fall of 1946 i was asked to go to berlin. at the time berlin was under a three or four nation army administration. the american military authorities in berlin wanted to have a …

Oral History

Jules Moch Oral History Interview

… a top priority to housing in germany. the publicity on it was not in your favor. i remember the first time i was in west berlin i saw only ruins and mountains of wreckage everywhere; but the second time, instead of that, i saw new houses and … list of subjects discussed acheson, dean, 20 algiers, 7 atlantic pact, 22 auriol, vincent, 11 austria, 34 benes, edward, 9 berlin, germany, 39 bonaparte, louis napoleon, 7 bradley, omar, 25 caravelle, 35 china, 35 common market, 35 communists, 1 , …

Oral History

Theodore Christidis Oral History Interview

… the united states of america, which after sending its sons, fathers, and brothers, to fight from one end of europe up to berlin and further, to come once more and give the great aid which was known as the marshall plan aid and the truman dogma. … is with deep respect that i bend my head to those who covered the whole european continent, from the atlantic ocean up to berlin and further with their tombs. it is with respect and gratitude that the greek people turn their eyes and their spirits …

Oral History

Oral Histories

… department of state, 1944-47; counselor, u.s. embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; political adviser to the economic cooperation administration, paris, france, 1950-52; director, …

Oral History

Frederick Nolting Oral History Interview

… and luxembourg, i didn't have much to do with that. mckinzie: with the coming of nato, which came on the heels of the berlin blockade, which came on the heels, itself, of the marshall plan, a lot of tension filled events in western europe. … discussed acheson, dean, 22 , 26 , 34 , 38 achilles, theodore, 20 austria, 3 , 4 belgium, 20-21 benelux countries, 5 , 21 berlin blockade, 21 chiang kai-shek, 23 , 36 china, 19 , 23-24 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 36-37 clay, lucius, 3 cumming, hugh., 3 diem, …

Oral History

Bernard Bernstein Oral History Interview

… a number of valises. i also showed them the art treasures, which i later ascertained constituted almost 25 percent of the berlin art museum, and also showed general eisenhower [120] the plates of the reichsbank used for the printing of the … the art treasure, from the studies made by the art experts of shaef, seemed to have been the legitimate property of the berlin museum. our government turned all of that art back to the west german government. some of it has been taken by the … the mine, we picked up two german civilians who turned out to be officials of the reichsbank. they had been sent down from berlin to keep an eye on that gold and treasure. we began our examination of the gold question by our examination of these …

Oral History

Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History, November 9, 1972

… may. mr. forrestal phoned me in san francisco where i was practicing law and said that an emergency was in the making, the berlin crisis storm was gathering, the probabilities were high that the defense establishment, as it was then known, would be … certain senators and representatives on these committees. hess: what particular duties did you have in connection with the berlin blockade and the berlin airlift? bendetsen: no direct duties. my duties were in general support functions. i had no direct military …

Oral History

Dr. Isador Lubin Oral History Interview

… united states that had some technological significance to them as oil people. on our return we visited a good deal around berlin, and other nearby places and then went on to moscow. the mission to moscow was a complete failure. we got nowhere at … transcript | list of subjects discussed ]     list of subjects discussed aachen, germany, 2 arden house conference, 42 berlin, germany, 9 blair-lee house, 8 byrnes, james f., 10 , 26-27 clay, lucius d., 33 clayton, william c., 31 connelly, …

Oral History

Loy W. Henderson Oral History Interview

… red cross commission attached to the interallied commission for the repatriation of prisoners of war with headquarters in berlin, i acted as an inspector of prison camps in germany. there were several hundred thousand russian prisoners in these … and the problems connected with their repatriation were complex and numerous. there were arguments both in paris and berlin with regard to decisions relating to their [3] repatriation. on the one hand, there was a fear that if they should be … lithuania in order to hold back the soviets. this sub-commission was composed of members of the interallied commission in berlin. it was headed by a british major; and its other members consisted of a united states medical officer, a french …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, July 9, 1970

… also have taken that comment under advisement. hess: well, that may be true. also one other point on foreign affairs. the berlin airlift took place in june of 1948, or the… elsey: the airlift commenced then. hess: right, it commenced then. the russian blockade of [391] berlin, and we did not discuss that last time. does anything particular come to mind about mr. truman's decision to act as he did in that way and have an airlift. what was the thinking around the white house at the time of the berlin blockade? elsey: i have no special insight or comments to offer on that. by that time the national security council …

Oral History

Emilio Collado Oral History Interview, July 11, 1974

… completely out of joint as a result of that and we finally did make a concession and let the french have their zone in berlin and germany. the poles kept showing up, poor guys, and not getting anywhere. as you know, our support of them didn't … 26 , 41 , 46 and the marshall plan, 42-43 atlantic city, new jersey, 14 babelsberg, germany, 49 berle, adolf a., jr., 6-7 berlin, germany, 33 bolivia, 12 bonsal, phil, 9 brand, bob, 46 bretton woods conference, 12 , 14 , 15-17 , 18 , 21-22 , 46 …

Oral History

Spyros Markezinis Oral History Interview

… in greece, it did not get projected universally as it ought to be. just as i think the splendid success of the airlift in berlin was also badly publicized. question: did the united states aid programs have influence upon the political system and … to see it after world war ii. that is why they pushed through the division of germany and the curious status quo of berlin, while clemenceau, foch, and poincare had failed mutatis mutandis in their similar pursuit earlier. (boundaries of the … targets. the russians had correctly marked greece as the key position for the control of the eastern mediterranean. berlin was the other target at that time. that is why i consider [53] that the final success of american policy in these two …

Oral History

James J. Rowley Oral History Interview

… d.c. we took one of those four-motored planes, a dc-4, and flew to miami. then we flew to trinidad, from trinidad to berlin, and berlin to natal, where we refueled. by the way, after taking off from natal, we're in the air, and all of a sudden i smelled … the meeting arrangements. i landed in paris and i called bob [robert] murphy, who was ambassador, and he was going up to berlin, so he wouldn't be available. finally i found out that an admiral that i worked with in hawaii when roosevelt went and …

Oral History

Paul H. Nitze Oral History Interviews, June 11 and June 17, 1975

… the ten days and i found it not worthwhile reading something i already knew about. shortly after this period, i was in berlin at the time of the potsdam conference. the reason i was there was that speer had an economic and planning section … of this planning section would be the best records to give us everything we needed. but wagenfuehr had disappeared to berlin and that's why i went to berlin to see whether i could find   [85] wagenfuehr. we got to berlin and found that wagenfuehr was in that section of …

Oral History

Felix E. Larkin Oral History Interview

… these maps of the world and say, "now one of the things we really have to do if the communists [64] move east into west berlin and so forth, is we're going to have to hold spain; we're going to have to do this; we're going to have to do that" … was europe. and this is, of course--i'm trying to think of the dates of the marshall plan, of greek-turkey aid, the berlin airlift. hess: there was a good deal of activity in europe at [65] this time, but was there any thinking of an attack … that i think most people, finally, were surprised. they never did think that the communists, starting with eisenhower in berlin when they moved in and grabbed everything, would continue with an objective of a world push. they were highly …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interviews

… report, 441-445 benton, william, 1925-1926 berchtesgaden, germany, features of, 485-489 berenstein, david, 133-134 berlin, germany, as a strategic target during world war ii, 468-469 bevin, ernest, and marshall plan, role in, 1125 , …

Oral History

Willard L. Thorp Oral History Interview

… i wouldn't be in on it, but if it was an economic problem, for instance, the currency problem, i would either go to berlin or we'd have the meeting somewhere else. i don't think any of these were actually resolved in berlin. i think we wanted to be away from the generals to resolve them. we would work out some solution and, of course, the … by and large the state department became more and more distressed about the status of germany and the situation there. the berlin airlift crisis was an indication of weakness: i think every government felt that berlin was one of our vulnerable …

Oral History

Benson E. L. Timmons III Oral History Interview

… first for economic recovery and political strength, and then later after the developments in czechoslovakia and the berlin blockade, there is the clear emergence of the soviet threat to western europe. there was the necessity for defense …

Oral History

Walter H. Judd Oral History Interview

… could do from korea; and to have our forces in korea may be provocative to the soviet union." i said, "that's true of west berlin also; they can take berlin any weekend. we haven't got enough troops there to stop them. why don't they do it? because we do have one regiment in berlin--and the american flag. that's all, but it's a symbol of american power and interest. if we take everything out of …

Oral History

Reverend Welbern Bowman Oral History Interview

… town was that near, or close to? bowman: our mail address was king city, missouri, but we lived near a little town called berlin. i went to the grade school and then to high school in the grandview consolidated schools -- not the grandview we live … baptist church, grandview, missouri, 9-14 , 16-29 , 34-39 , 45 benton boulevard baptist church, kansas city, missouri, 6-7 berlin, missouri, 2 blue ridge baptist church, grandview, misouri, 22-23 bowman, jasper, 1 bowman, maggie, 1 bowman, welbern, …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, March 17, 1976

… much of my work in april and may and [4] june was preparing background data for president truman to use at the potsdam or berlin conference. as a result, i came to see him more often and know him better than anyone as young and as junior in rank … assume that in des moines he was going to talk about the price of hogs or something like that. he might be discussing the berlin airlift in des moines, and they would have to be out there listening, and as a result of this, they were just filing …

Oral History

Charles P. Kindleberger Oral History Interview

… army group in europe to members of his staff in london; (2) letters from kindleberger to his office as he toured brussels, berlin, and vienna for the department of state in 1946; and (3) letters to his office from moscow in march-april, 1947.] you … and we did that for a long time. there were reparations issues, reconstruction issues, feeding issues. i went to berlin and austria in the summer of ‘46, that’s where one of those piles of letters comes from. we elaborated the policies … felt, i think, that it was outrageous to let foreign businessmen go into germany and buy up things. and my letters from berlin here do talk about the moratorium. now the moratorium was a device we worked out. there would be a moratorium on …

Oral History

Sir Alexander Cairncross Oral History Interview

… with sir alexander cairncross director of programmes, ministry of aircraft production, 1945; economic advisory panel, berlin, 1945-46; member of wool working party, 1946; economic advisor to the board of trade, 1946-49; economic advisor to …

Oral History

Harding F. Bancroft Oral History Interview

… of indonesia. i remember we had a whole lot of meetings in paris during the general assembly meeting there following the berlin blockade in the fall of '48. in early 1949, dr. jessup was the person who had to announce the   [24] united states … and dulles, john foster, 52-54 and the office of price administration, 3-4 and the state department, 15 bard, ralph a., 2 berlin blockade, 23 bernadotte, count folke af wisborg, 43 black, cyril, 14 bulgaria, 14 , 16 bunche, ralph, 43 butterworth, …

Oral History

Paul H. Nitze Oral History Interview, August 4, 1975

… it was ultimately going to be for the three western zones? nitze: well, the problem was complicated by the situation in berlin. there, that problem was made extremely difficult by harry dexter white and the treasury department. harry dexter … currency be turned over to the russians, and so the russians printed unlimited quantities of occupational currency in the berlin area,   [207] all of which occupation currency was convertible into u.s. dollars. so, this was a wide open hole in our … in desperation we made all those occupation dollars unconvertible into u.s. dollars, that's what brought about the first berlin blockade. and that in turn led to the 1949 palais rose conference, because after the airlift the russians finally …

Oral History

Francis O. Wilcox Oral History Interview, February 1, 1984

… for its work in the field of international law. i had a fellowship to go there for the summer. so i spent some time in berlin and some time at the hague. ritchie: what was your impression of berlin in 1937? wilcox: well, you couldn't help but feel that hitler's efforts were moving the world toward a very serious …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, December 27, 1967

… and visited the bombed out cities of germany. it was an appalling sight to see the industrial cities, and particularly in berlin, to see these gaunt walls standing there with the entire interior burned out by the incendiary bombs. these were the …

Oral History

Robert L. Riggs Oral History Interview

… and japan; the dropping of the atomic bomb; aid to turkey and greece; and the fall of china and czechoslovakia; the berlin blockade, the korean war. just what was your general opinion of the truman administration's handling of foreign … ayers, eben a., 23 barkley, alben, 6 , 35 , 43-44 , 45 battery d, 129th field artillery, 28 berkeley, california, 30 , 32 berlin blockade, 49 biffle, leslie, 35 blackstone hotel, chicago, 44-45 boston, massachusetts, 9 byrnes, james f., 23 …

Oral History

Donald C. Blaisdell Oral History Interview

… general assembly. there were special sessions of the security council held at the same time, because this was the time the berlin blockade was on and there were negotiations. philip jessup was our representative in those debates. my job was … and said, "why, there is you." mckinzie: in paris in 1948 what did you have to do, if anything, with the negotiations on berlin? blaisdell: i had nothing to do with that. the security council held one or two special meetings   [124] in connection … or where i don't know, but someone detected   [125] stalin's public statement as the chance to negotiate the end of the berlin blockade; how philip jessup approached jacob malik in the delegates' lounge at the u.n. to determine whether the …

Oral History

John D. Hickerson Oral History Interview

… that's just the brussels pact. things were happening: the takeover in czechoslovakia; the spy scare in scandinavia; the berlin blockade, all of those things scared the living daylights out of people. out of that we had approaches from everybody, … the result of all of that was that everybody was scared absolutely sick. now, later on, there was another ingredient, the berlin blockade, but that only came in june. but the february takeover in czechoslovakia triggered the whole thing. now, the … to consider what should be done about the situation. those talks opened in early july, 1948, in the meantime the berlin blockade had come along and given a further boost to the urgency of this idea, the blockade lasted until the following …

Oral History

U. Alexis Johnson Oral History Interview

… in 1949, when you came back, if such existed it was at its peak, with the marshall plan going the way it was and with the berlin airlift winding down. you, too, had been conditioned by four years of scap, in which the dominant view was that the … approach to the war than ours tended to be. and you have such things as the decision not to occupy prague, not to go into berlin, and these things. but, coming back, the inseparability of political and military factors was truly brought home to …

Oral History

Edward W. Barrett Oral History Interview

… up all the information they could, which was awfully inadequate on occasion. but usually, your american who had worked in berlin, an ed taylor and someone like that, would know of four or five germans and say, "oh, damn it, i know that he's a good … scientific, and cultural organization, 18-19 and voice of america, 35-39 benton, william, 20-21 , 24 , 27 , 32 berlin, germany, 15 bowles, chester, 27 bradley, omar n., 6 brooklyn, new york, 56 brooklyn tablet , 56 , 62 bulgaria, 55 …

Oral History

Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr. Oral History Interview

… through the battle of the bulge and all of that terrible business. troops had moved east. the armies were closing in on berlin and the bombers that had been coming over london every night no [29] longer came over. we did have a few v 2s drop in … was the state department dealing on the political [45] level, through winant and his position in the eac with regard to berlin and all of these things, which i had nothing to do with at all. except for this what i regarded as one attempt to …

Oral History

Josiah E. Dubois, Jr. Oral History Interview

… counsel of the war refugee board, 1944; member of allied reparations commission, moscow, 1945; member u.s. delegation, berlin conference (potsdam), 1945; dep. chief of counsel for war crimes in charge of i.g. farben case, nuremberg, germany, …

Oral History

Carroll H. Kenworthy Oral History Interview

… house and other news sources in washington was to pick up news which would interest newspapers in london, paris, rome, berlin, buenos aires, tokyo and you name almost any other capital in the world. we had -- when i first started -- we had only … fewer things for you to ask. kenworthy: that's right. that's right. or a correspondent for some london newspaper or some berlin newspaper would ask a question which i had expected to ask in that area, in those areas. hess: i would like to ask a …

Oral History

Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. Oral History Interview

… gasoline consumption studies, which became very important as they tried to push the outer range of the fighter planes, to berlin for example, and then later in the pacific, when the planes based on the philippines and okinawa were flying over … henry h., 9 ball, george, 13 , 14 barkley, alben w., 68 bell, david e., 37 , 38 , 40 , 44 berger, samuel david, 36 , 37 berlin, germany, 11 bradley, general omar n., 32 , 46 brown brothers, 33 brown university, 3 bruce, david, 34 burma, 72 …

Oral History

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, March 9, 1965

… which was then in the process of negotiation and formation, of the [100] necessity of opposition to soviet pressures, of berlin--we can carry on a dozen or more major areas of extreme national significance where the national unity and the …

Oral History

Clark M. Clifford Oral History Interview, February 14, 1973

… to a great extent that was due to the farsightedness and vision of harry s. truman. as he carried on he went through the berlin airlift. people forget today how all embracing soviet expansionism was during that period. people forget that in the …

Oral History

Fred L. Lee Oral History Interview

… the potsdam conference, and of course, he did meet patton there.  there was that flag-raising picture with truman at berlin. lee:  well, maybe that was the occasion. johnson:  and some other important people.  i think patton came to the white …

Oral History

Harold Stassen Oral History Interview

… as to how aggressive the soviet union might be in europe. they were pressing very hard, maybe somewhere in the area of the berlin blockade, and things of that kind, and i wanted to create an atmosphere on their part that they could not count on the …

Oral History