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Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History Interviews

… | list of subjects discussed ]     additional biographical information (submitted by karl bendetsen)   during world war ii during the administrations of president franklin d. roosevelt and of president harry s. truman, bendetsen was an … an agency of the fourth army. in this latter capacity, among other duties, bendetsen directed the evacuation and relocation in 1942 of persons of japanese ancestry who were then resident along the pacific sea frontier of the united … command, 140 , 142 army, u.s., strength of, in 1940, 16 army-navy staff college, 82 , 83 assembly centers (war relocation authority), 78 , 81 , 86-88 , 94 , 96 , 102 , 109-112 atomic bomb, possible use of, in korean war, 259 , 260 attlee, clement, …

Oral History

Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History, October 24, 1972

… washington, i became deeply concerned about our national situation. i shared the view of many others that the clouds of war were gathering and we were ill prepared. at my own expense and with my slender resources, i took myself to washington, … authorize very urgent measures for placing all forces on full alert--an around-the-clock all out defense posture for which authority had been denied by presidential direction. hess: all right. bendetsen: for the reason stated of lack of definite … japanese from the west coast was carried out under the authority of executive order 9066 of february 19, 1942 and the war relocation authority was established by executive order 9102 of march 18, 1942. lieutenant general john [63] dewitt was …

Oral History

Karl R. Bendetsen Oral History, November 9, 1972

… st. james square, london, england, in april of 1943. approximately four months later, i received orders to proceed to the war department, washington, d.c., on temporary duty with instructions to report first to the chief of staff of the army, … conferences held in the course of the first day, with senior officials of the war department general staff, and of the war relocation authority. i will usually refer to the war relocation authority hereafter as the wra. you will recall that the war relocation …

Oral History

Dillon S. Myer Oral History Interview, Chap IX-XIII

… dillon s. myer oral history interview, chap ix-xiii oral history interview with dillon s. myer director, war relocation authority, 1942-46; commissioner, federal public housing administration, 1946-47; president, institute of inter-american …

Oral History

Tom C. Clark Oral History Interview, March 20, 1976

… committee later; at the time it was known as the defense plants committee, where they were investigating procurement of war materiel, the building of cantonments and things like that. as you remember, hitler was brandishing a lot of swords and … to work on trying to develop curfews for the west coast. i went up to oregon to a trial. one of the people contested our authority, and so i tried the case up there before judge [james alger] fee and he held against us; and so we decided we had … people of japanese descent from the west coast and so i worked on that for a while, and then congress created the war relocation authority was about--we're now talking along about, oh, i'd say march or april of 1942. the president appointed …

Oral History

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, February 21, 1968

… to the director of the reconstruction finance corporation, 1940-44; federal loan administrator, 1945; director, office of war mobilization and reconversion, 1945-46. secretary snyder was a longtime close friend of harry s. truman beginning with … been delegated in the pressure of the war was the reaction of the congress to the mead committee recommendations that more authority and more pressure be put on the owmr office during the reconversion period. as you recall, i've told you that the … read, the sale of surplus property. that required a tremendous amount of study and research and planning, not only the relocation of the surplus items in many instances, but the proper usage of them and the proper conversion of the items that a …

Oral History

Oral Histories

… u.s. embassy in rome, italy, 1945-48, and u.s. embassy in madrid, spain, 1949-53. 102 pages. jones, marvin . u.s. war food administrator, 1943-45; chief judge, u.s. court of claims, 1947-64. 397 pages. jones, roger w. assistant director, … murphy, harry e. member, battery d, 129th field artillery during world war i. 31 pages. myer, dillon s. director, war relocation authority, 1942-46; commissioner, federal public housing administration, 1946-47; president, institute of inter-american …

Oral History

George L. McColm Oral History Interview

… soil scientist, soil conservation service, united states department of agriculture, 1936-42; management agronomist, topaz war relocation center, deseret, utah, 1942-44; commissioned as lieutenant (jg), united states navy, 1944; chief agriculture, … department of agriculture; his experience as a soil specialist, topaz war relocation center, deseret, utah, war relocation authority and his relationship with dillon myer and farming techniques used by the japanese americans interned at topaz; his …

Oral History

Dillon S. Myer Oral History Interview, Chap XIV-XVII

… dillon s. myer oral history interview, chap xiv-xvii oral history interview with dillon s. myer director, war relocation authority, 1942-46; commissioner, federal public housing administration, 1946-47; president, institute of inter-american …

Oral History

Oscar L. Chapman Oral History Interviews

… oil production in, 539 colorado, presidential election of 1948, 86 , 88 colorado supreme court, 368 , 369 columbia valley authority, 450 , 464-474 , 618 , 619 , 713 , 714 , 823 commodity credit corporation, 90 , 149 congressional election of 1946, … , 431 , 432 israel, 28-32 , 33-48 , 738-741 , 759 , 760 , 763-774 , 778-779 j jacobson, edward, 46-48 japanese-american war relocation camps, 727-731 johnson, frederick, 586 johnson, jed, 747 , 751 johnson, louis a., 318 , 320-327 , 329-334 , 336 , …

Oral History

Philleo Nash Oral History Interviews

… nash papers finding aid oral history interviews with philleo nash special assistant for domestic operations, office of war information, 1942-45, and special consultant to the secretary of war, 1943. special assistant to president for minority … manpower commission, 49 , 68 war powers act, 49 , 57 , 81 , 82 , 617 , 618 , 619 , 623 war production board, 49 , 184 war relocation authority, 681 warm springs, georgia, 101 washington, george, 347 , 582 washington, d.c., 77 , 252 , 276 , 347 , 451 , 552 , …

Oral History

Michael H. Cardozo Oral History Interview

… mr. cardozo, i think many historians, as they look back to people who served in government during and after world war ii, ask, "why'd you go into that in the first place?" when you were a young man preparing for law did you anticipate a … effort. he suggested going into lend-lease. for a couple of months i worked in what was then the war department, on the relocation of the japanese and the italian and german restrictions. then i went into lend-lease. that's how it came about: … secretary of state was [53] such that when you took an agreement to him to be signed, his chief question was "by what authority do i sign this?" and whoever brought it to him to get it signed, had to be ready with the answer that would satisfy …

Oral History

Oscar L. Chapman Oral History Interview, November 3, 1972

… [727] chapman: let me say this; he was a better commissioner of the indian office than he was of the japanese relocation camps. you realize that the war relocation camps were put in our department. hess: and had he been in charge of those? chapman: we put him in charge of … to save one little part of that fight. we were in a major fight about whether we should give the advisory boards any authority. now, i saw that he had us licked on it, because every congressman up there was for it. just everyone i talked to …

Oral History

Philleo Nash Oral History Interview, June 5, 1967

… interview, june 5, 1967 oral history interview with philleo nash special assistant for domestic operations, office of war information, 1942-45, and special consultant to the secretary of war, 1943. special assistant to president for minority … here you have a tremendous negro ghetto, you've got big slum areas that need cleaning up, and we had urban renewal authority beginning in what, about 1950. so, comes the question of condemning the land, acquiring title to it, demolishing … so than later. it had been proposed that dillon myer who had been extremely successful as the administrator of the war relocation authority, and who was greatly respected by the japanese-american citizens league, which was the interest group of …

Oral History

John Abbott Oral History Interview

… responsibilities were changed somewhat and they were asked to inquire into what was then greater priority, since world war ii had begun. that was the great movement on a nationwide basis to the war production centers, navy and army arsenals, … again, i came back to the west coast for a considerable period of time. the committee also made an investigation into the relocation of the japanese people residing on the west coast. during all of the period, 1940 to 1942, i was in frequent … in the cooperation. we pleaded fatigue or complications of one kind or another, and in all truth there was. we had no authority of our own to release [61] anything. it would come back -- again using the chief of the bureau of naval ordnance as …

Oral History

Tom C. Clark Oral History Interview

… years. prior to the time the truman committee was established there had been created in the department of justice a war fraud unit, which would monitor the hearings of the truman committee. at that time the department would assign to one of … war had done during the civil war. did you ever hear him talk about that? clark: yes i did. of course, mr. truman was an authority on the civil war, i don't know whether you know it or not. many, many   [13] times i've talked with him about civil … of alien enemy control of the western defense command. clark: yes. hess: and chief of the civilian staff of the japanese relocation in 1942, is that correct? clark: '41... hess: in 1941. clark: ...and '42. hess: 1941 and '42. do you recall …

Oral History

Carroll H. Kenworthy Oral History Interview

… into the history of it or the documentation that is available, but i felt that the united states had the upper hand in the war, its impact had been decisive and roosevelt should have pressed more for the things he wanted. i felt that he was too … very big news may break in rome at 10 o'clock at night or at midnight, and it's awfully important to have a man in real authority, whom you can reach. therefore, accessibility is a prime consideration. secondly, forthrightness or honesty, saying … general douglas, dismissal of, 43 , 46-47 marshall plan, opinion on, 11 point 4, opinion on, 11 press conferences, relocation of, 17-18 and truman, harry s., early recollections of, 4-5 dismissal of, 40-41 marshall, george c., 52-53 …

Oral History

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, October 23, 1970

… came to washington, d.c., in 1938 where he served as their state department and foreign relations correspondent. he was a war correspondent, attached to the british army in france and belgium, 1940, during invasion of the low countries; evacuated … everybody will have a better chance at these press conferences." do you recall if there was a little committee about the relocation? nixon: oh, yes. first, i wanted to add one more note on this business that you asked about comfort. the executive … that it did come from the president, because the same material is carried in several of the top newspapers so it bears the authority of source. obviously a half a dozen bureau chiefs of individual newspapers, like the new york times , are not going …

Oral History

Stephen J. Spingarn Oral History Interview, March 24, 1967

… hard on them. i remember, for example, i served eleven years in the treasury, from '34 to '49 with the exception of four war years, during most of which i was overseas in the army, and eight of those eleven years were under henry morgenthau who … we could get professor [edward s.] corwin's -- of princeton -- opinion on the subject." corwin was a great constitutional authority who every couple of years wrote a new book interpreting the constitution. i was [714] startled to find that one of … i believe, were men who came out of these concentration camps in the states, too, but mostly hawaiins -- i mean these relocation centers or whatever they were called -- and then later it was a whole regimental combat team, the 442nd, and in …

Oral History

Dale E. Doty Oral History Interview

… that time for indians, and had the indians as one of my bureaus. dillon had come over from agriculture, where the japanese relocation administration was at that time. he was an administrator of that. a very excellent administrator and he was a very fine man. i think it's part of this; if the law gives you authority, to the administrative mind, sometimes, you're supposed to exercise it. and the law is fairly precise that the … why was mr. krug chosen? doty: secretary krug had a very good reputation. hess: he had come out of tva... doty: tva -- war production board along with electric [35] utilities. he was a very young man, i think he was probably 36 and he had an …

Oral History

Brigadier General Louis H. Renfrow Oral History Interview

… his office. then when the truman committee was organized, vaughan went over to work on the truman committee. then when the war came he went on active duty and wound up in australia and new zealand where he was the provost marshal of new zealand. … and louis johnson. they were three of the finest men i have ever had anything to do with. general hershey was the greatest authority on military manpower in this country, and no one knows as much as he does about it. he did, i think, one of the … kenneth c., 115 russell, richard, 87 schneider, j. thomas, 33-34 secretary of defense's office, refurbishing of, 116-118 relocation of, 114-116 selective service, 8-25 , 40-44 selective service legislation, 11-17 senate armed services committee, …

Oral History

Harold I. McGrath Oral History Interview

… in 1944, when the members of the truman committee were conducting hearings in california pertaining to the national war effort and were the guests of the democratic jackson day dinner of that year. i was impressed at that time with the … this jefferson-jackson day party. mcgrath: no. at that point i was an employee of the united states government war relocation administration, bringing these japanese-american people back from their detention camps. i entered the active … most of their money into other races where they felt they had a chance of winning. i don't want to speak with too great authority here because i was not privy to the financial arrangements that organized labor had. i say that from our viewpoint, …

Oral History

Dillon S. Myer Oral History Interview, Chap V-VIII

… dillon s. myer oral history interview, chap v-viii oral history interview with dillon s. myer director, war relocation authority, 1942-46; commissioner, federal public housing administration, 1946-47; president, institute of inter-american …

Oral History

Dillon S. Myer Oral History Interview, Chap I-IV

… dillon s. myer oral history interview, chap i-iv oral history interview with dillon s. myer director, war relocation authority, 1942-46; commissioner, federal public housing administration, 1946-47; president, institute of inter-american …

Oral History