Dates: 1860, 1953-1978. Bulk Date Span: 1953-1973
Most of this collection is composed of correspondence arranged in a number of different series, including the Secretary’s Office File, which contains material that Truman's personal secretary felt was especially sensitive and decided to keep in her own office; the Name File, which includes most of Mr. Truman's exchanges of correspondence with prominent persons; and the very large General Correspondence File, which contains public mail and other correspondence deemed by Truman’s staff to be less important. The collection also contains many other series, including a Speech File, a Trip File, an Invitations File, a series containing the documents found in Truman's desk after his death, a series containing materials created during the writing of Truman's Memoirs, and a series relating to the construction and early history of the Harry S. Truman Library.
[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List]
Size: 340 linear feet.
Access: Open, with the exception of some material closed due to donor restrictions.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Jan Davis, Stephanie Rohr, John Miller, Martina Smith, Randy Sowell, Natalie Walker, Tammy Williams, David Clark and others (2011-2025).
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description |
| Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
1884 (May 8) | Born, Lamar, Missouri | |
1887 | Moved with family to farm near Grandview, Missouri | |
1890 | Moved with family to Independence, Missouri | |
1901 | Graduated form Independence High School | |
1901-1906 | Lived in Independence and Kansas City, Missouri; held various jobs, including clerk at two Kansas City banks | |
1905-1911 | Served in Missouri National Guard | |
1906-1917 | Worked on family farm near Grandview, Missouri | |
1917-1919 | Served in 129th Field Artillery; commanded Battery D during World War I; promoted to rank of Captain | |
1919 (June 28) | Married Bess Wallace at Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri | |
1919-1922 | Partner with Eddie Jacobson in Kansas City haberdashery | |
1923-1925 | Eastern District Judge, Jackson County (Missouri) Court | |
1924 (February 17) | Daughter Mary Margaret born | |
1927-1935 | Presiding Judge of the Jackson County (Missouri) Court | |
1935-1945 | United States Senator from Missouri | |
1945 (January 20-April 12) | Vice President of the United States | |
1945 (April 12)-1953 (January 20) | President of the United States | |
1953 (January) | Left Presidency and retired to Independence, Missouri | |
1957 (July 6) | Helped dedicate the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri | |
1972 (December 26) | Died, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri | |
A more detailed timeline of Harry S. Truman's life and Presidency is available on the Truman Trivia Page.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description |
| Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
The Post-Presidential Papers of Harry S. Truman consist of correspondence and other documents created or compiled by Mr. Truman from the end of his Presidency in 1953 until his death in 1972. The paper are arranged in forty-three series, but four large series of correspondence make up more than half of the collection. The collection is currently being reprocessed and further information will be added to this finding aid as reprocessing continues.
The first series, the Daily Engagements File, contains appointment calendars, daily and monthly agendas, correspondence, newsprint clippings, and programs from various meetings, events, and dinners. The calendars and agendas contain the handwriting of Harry S. Truman, Rose Conway (Truman’s personal secretary), and Truman’s other secretaries. The monthly agendas include appointments and appearances, both attended and declined. The correspondence is mostly from Harry S. Truman, either accepting or declining various invitations. The programs and pamphlets are sometimes inscribed with Truman’s handwriting with directives on handling or replies to those who sent the programs and pamphlets. The engagements include everything from dinner with Margaret Truman Daniel to sporting events and political commitments.
The second series, the Family Correspondence File, contains correspondence, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs. The correspondence between relatives includes information about health and greetings exchanged at holidays and birthdays. Correspondence with close relatives such as Truman’s brother, J. Vivian Truman, and Margaret Truman Daniel are mostly routine in nature. Commemorative stamps and first day covers given to Harry S. Truman for his grandchildren and other memorabilia are included. Photographs of relatives and photographs associated with Margaret Truman Daniel’s television career are also included in this series.
The third series, the Secretary's Office File, contains correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. The contents of this series were segregated by Rose Conway, Truman’s personal secretary, due to their perceived importance. The series includes correspondence from such prominent figures as Dean Acheson, H. Roe Bartle, John F. Kennedy, Richard J. Daley, Herbert Hoover, Hubert H. Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, George McGovern, Pope Pius XII, Bob Hope, and Jackie Robinson. There are also notes, annotated drafts, and lists concerning the various books written by Harry S. Truman after his Presidency.
The fourth series, the Name File, contains correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. The Name File contains correspondence with prominent figures in the Democratic Party, leaders of other countries, and such notable persons as Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Bob Hope, J. Edgar Hoover, Tallulah Bankhead, Jack Benny, and Edward R. Murrow.
The fifth series, the General Correspondence File, contains correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. The General Correspondence File primarily contains correspondence with the general public and also correspondence related to businesses, associations, organizations, churches, countries, memberships, and specific subjects.
The sixth series, the Outgoing Correspondence File (Pinks), contains primarily pink carbon copies of outgoing correspondence, mostly from Harry S. Truman and a small amount from Bess Truman. The series includes correspondence to such prominent individuals as Dean Acheson, Spiro Agnew, Eugenie Anderson, Tallulah Bankhead, Thomas Hart Benton, Winston Churchill, Clifton Daniel, Margaret Truman Daniel, John Foster Dulles, Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas Fairbanks, Erle Stanley Gardner, Georgia Neese Gray, Herbert Hoover, Hubert Humphrey, Eddie Jacobson, Lyndon Johnson, Edward Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, David Lloyd, Grandma Moses, Jawaharlal Nehru, Chester Nimitz, Richard Nixon, Syngman Rhee, Matthew Ridgway, Eleanor Roosevelt and Walter Bedell Smith.
The seventh series, the Birthday Correspondence File, contains birthday cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies that are primarily from the general public. Other individuals include U.S. Senators and Representatives, former White House advisors, Supreme Court Justices, ambassadors, government officials, mayors, governors, organizations, and school classes. Donations for the Truman Library were also sent to as part of some of the birthday wishes.
The eighth series, the Christmas Correspondence File, contains Christmas cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies that are primarily from the general public. The ninth series, the Wedding Anniversary Correspondence File, contains anniversary cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies that are primarily from the general public. The tenth series, the Illness Correspondence File, contains get well cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies that are primarily from the general public.
The eleventh series, the Correspondence Relating to Margaret Truman File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams related to Margaret Truman’s engagement to Clifton Daniel, the birth of Harry & Bess Truman’s first grandson, Clifton Truman Daniel; the 1955 "Person to Person" broadcast when Margaret Truman interviewed her parents, and Margaret Truman’s life and career.
The twelfth series, the Biographical File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and printed materials related to Harry S. Truman’s personal and family history.
The thirteenth series, the List of Books and Photographs Autographed File, contains lists names of individuals who received booklets, menus and photographs signed by Harry S. Truman, lists of books inscribed to Harry and Bess Truman, and lists of individuals who received copies of The Man From Missouri, Memoirs, Mr. Citizen, Public Papers, and Truman Speaks.
The fourteenth series, Foreign Relations Series File, primarily contains correspondence between Harry S. Truman and Bernard Baruch and G. Bernard Noble regarding documents to include in the “Foreign Relations of the United States” volume about the history of the Potsdam Conference held in 1945. This series also contained copies of documents that are located in the Harry S. Truman Papers.
The fifteenth series, Mr. Citizen File, contains correspondence, drafts with annotations, newspaper clippings, notes and transcripts of taped interviews for the book, Mr. Citizen. David Noyes and William Hillman conducted the interviews of Harry S. Truman for this autobiography.
The sixteenth series, Congratulatory Letters on Leaving Office File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, and telegrams relating to Harry S. Truman leaving office of the President.
The seventeenth series, Harry Dexter White Case File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and telegrams relating to Attorney General Herbert Brownell’s speech of November 6, 1953, denouncing President Truman’s 1946 appointment of Harry Dexter White as United States Director for the International Monetary Fund. The writers of this mail were divided approximately 85 percent in support of President Truman. On August 10, 1978, the archivist of the United States authorized the destruction of 95 percent of this material after the remaining five percent, which had been selected by random sampling, was set aside for permanent retention.
The eighteenth series, Masonic File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and printed materials primarily regarding Harry S. Truman’s Masonic career.
The nineteenth series, Television File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspapers clippings, press releases, script drafts, scripts, speeches, and telegrams, primarily related the television program “Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman.” Also included is a 1957 interview with Edward R. Murrow. This project began in 1961 when Harry S. Truman signed a contract with Talent Associates—Paramount Ltd., to help produce a series of one-hour programs for television. David Susskind, vice president of the company, arranged the contract. Later in 1961, Susskind and script writer, Merle Miller, worked with Mr. Truman in producing a one-hour episode on Truman’s life and career. The plan was then changed to provide for 39 half-hour episodes, and in 1962 the first half-hour segment was filmed, relating to the Korean War. After these two films were completed, Talent Associates stopped production and in 1963 sold its rights to Ben Gradus and Screen Gems, Inc. Screen Gems revised the project into 26 half-hour episodes and the first program of this series was finally telecast in November 1964.
The twentieth series, Harry S. Truman International Center for the Advancement of Peace File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspapers clippings, printed materials, reports, speeches, statements, and telegrams related to the groundbreaking, inaugural ceremonies and operation of the center.
The twenty-first series, William Hillman File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, memos, newspaper clippings and printed materials related to William Hillman’s role as an assistant to Harry S. Truman in writing his Memoirs and in other literary and television projects involving the former President.
The twenty-second series, Proposed History of the American Presidency Recording Transcripts File, contains transcripts of recordings of Harry S. Truman for a proposed history of the American presidency dating from 1787-1945.
The twenty-third series, Book Acknowledgements File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and telegrams related to Harry S. Truman receiving books and printed materials.
The twenty-fourth series, Memoirs Files, contains article and book reviews, correspondence, draft comments, editing notebooks, handwritten notes, lists of individuals given copies, newspaper clippings, outlines, table of contents, and transcripts of interviews. Some of the transcripts of interviews are arranged chronologically while parts of other transcripts have been arranged by topic or individual. The interviews were conducted with Harry S. Truman, Dean Acheson, Omar Bradley, Averell Harriman, Robert Landry, Charles Murphy, Philip Perlman, John Snyder, and John Steelman. Individuals discussed in Harry S. Truman’s interviews include Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, Douglas MacArthur, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Adlai Stevenson, and Earl Warren. Topics discussed in the interviews include atomic bomb, civil rights, displaced persons, domestic policy, federal government agencies, foreign policy, health insurance, Japanese Surrender, Korea, loyalty and security, peace, Potsdam Conference, Senate, steel seizure, Truman Doctrine, unification of armed forces, United Nations, World War II and Harry S. Truman’s personal life. Many of the documents contain handwritten comments and notes by Harry S. Truman.
The twenty-fifth series, Memoirs Drafts and Galley Proofs File, contains drafts, page proofs and galley proofs of the Memoirs with handwritten comments or notes. Also included are installments of the Memoirs that were printed in the New York Times. Many of the documents contain handwritten comments and notes by Harry S. Truman.
The twenty-six series, Memoirs Correspondence File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings and telegrams from individuals that received copies of the Memoirs, requested copies of the Memoirs or requested autographed copies of the books. Correspondence was received from individuals including Miguel Aleman, Clement Attlee, Vincent Auriol, Alben Barkley, Thomas Hart Benton, Queen Juliana Bernhard, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Dag Hammarskjold, J. Edgar Hoover, Trygve Lie, R. G. Menzies, Jawaharlal Nehru, Pope Pius XII, Syngman Rhee, Eleanor Roosevelt, Walter Bedell Smith, and Louis St. Laurent.
The twenty-seventh series, Democratic National Committee File, contains correspondence, carbon copy replies, fact sheets, newspapers clippings, policy statements, press releases, printed materials, and reports.
The twenty-eighth series, 1956 Presidential Campaign Speeches Files, contains speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, press release copies of speeches and newspaper clippings relating to former President Truman’s campaign speeches.
The twenty-ninth series, 1960 Presidential Campaign Public Opinion Mail File, contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials and telegrams from the general public primarily regarding former President Truman’s campaign speeches and statements about John K. Kennedy and election issues.
The thirtieth series, Chronological File, contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and American University meeting reports and meeting minutes. Additional correspondence refers to materials that were sent to Harry S. Truman including sound recordings, photographs and artifacts that were transferred to the audiovisual and museum collections.
The thirty-first series, Speech File, contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reference material, reading copies, speeches and speech drafts related to former President Truman’s speeches. Many of the documents have handwritten notes by the former president.
The thirty-second series, Financial Affairs File, contains correspondence, contracts, financial documents, land records, receipts, and statements primarily related to automobiles, bank accounts, donations, investments, land, taxes, trips, and TV shows. A majority of the documents in the series relates to former President Truman’s investments in Citronelle Oil, Jett Operations Company, Mobil Oil Company, and Pauley Petroleum.
The thirty-third series, Office Administration File, contains correspondence, financial documents, forms, handwritten notes, and printed materials related to health insurance, life insurance, payroll, personnel issues and taxes for former President Truman’s staff.
The thirty-fourth series, Trip File, contains appointment calendars, correspondence, flight information, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, receipts, speech drafts, speeches, telegrams, and travel itineraries related to Harry S. Truman’s trips for vacations, political speeches and dinners, birthdays, funerals, dedications, and TV series filming.
The thirty-fifth series, European Trip File, contains articles, bills, correspondence, flight information, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, receipts, telegrams, and travel itineraries related to Harry S. Truman’s trip to Europe.
The thirty-sixth series, Invitations File, contains correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams related to invitations for former President Harry S. Truman to visit and speak at political events, Jewish organizations, schools and other public and private activities.
The thirty-seventh series, Museum-Library File, contains correspondence, financial records, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and printed materials related to the groundbreaking, dedication and operation of the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.
The thirty-eighth series, Manuscript File, contains books, cartoons, correspondence, galley proofs, manuscripts, term papers, proofs, theses, dissertations, and plays sent to former President Harry S. Truman asking him to read, provide comments or write an introduction.
The thirty-ninth series, North American Alliance Newspaper, Inc. File, contains articles, drafts of articles, contracts, copyright certificates, correspondence, financial statements, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and press releases primarily related to articles written by former President Harry S. Truman. The articles relate topics including Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), China, civil rights, communism, Cuba, disarmament, domestic policies, economy, foreign policy, Germany, inflation, Korea, long range missiles, Middle East, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), nuclear weapons, peace, Russia and Vietnam.
The fortieth series, Death and Funeral File, contains correspondence, newspapers clippings, printed materials, sympathy cards and carbon copies of replies from Bess Truman related to former President Harry S. Truman’s death.
The forty-first series, Subject File, contains address cards and lists, correspondence, financial records, gift tags, greeting cards, handwritten notes, invitations and newspaper clippings. Much of the series consists of items found in former President Harry S. Truman’s desk at the Harry S. Truman Library. Other materials in the series relate to the dedication of the Thomas Hart Benton mural in the Harry S. Truman Library and donations to the education fund, general fund and library fund at the Library.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description |
| Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Container Nos. | SERIES (Subseries) | |
1-4 | DAILY ENGAGEMENTS FILE, 1953-1966 Appointment calendars, agendas, correspondence, new clippings, and programs from dinners, meetings and the theatre. Arranged chronologically. |
4-10 | FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1953-1973 Correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings and photographs. Arranged alphabetically. |
11-42 | SECRETARY'S OFFICE FILE, 1953-1973 Correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. Arranged alphabetically. |
43-128 | NAME FILE, 1953-1973 Correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. Arranged alphabetically. |
129-413 | GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1953-1973 Correspondence, handwritten notes, greeting cards, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, photographs, memoranda, cables, speeches and speech drafts, itineraries and schedules, articles, books, and legislation. Arranged alphabetically. |
414-476 | OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE FILE ("PINKS"), 1953-1972 Pink carbon copies of outgoing correspondence, mostly from Harry S. Truman and a small amount from Bess Truman. |
477-507 | BIRTHDAY CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1953-1972 Birthday cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies. Arranged chronologically. |
508-529 | CHRISTMAS CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1953-1972 Christmas cards, telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies. Arranged chronologically. |
530-533 | WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1959-1972 Telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies. Arranged chronologically. |
534-542 | ILLNESS CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1954-1972 Telegrams, letters, and carbon copy replies. Arranged chronologically. |
543-545 | CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO MARGARET TRUMAN FILE, 1953-1972 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
546 | BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1953-1966 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically. |
547-548 | LISTS OF BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPHS AUTOGRAPHED FILE, 1957-1972 Lists of individuals who received books, booklets, menus and photographs signed by Harry S. Truman and lists of books inscribed to Harry and Bess Truman. Arranged alphabetically. |
549 | FOREIGN RELATIONS SERIES FILE, 1957-1972 Correspondence and handwritten notes. Arranged alphabetically. |
550-551 | MR. CITIZEN FILE, 1950-1964 Correspondence, drafts with annotations, newspaper clippings, notes and transcripts of taped interviews. Arranged alphabetically. |
552 | CONGRATULATORY LETTERS ON LEAVING OFFICE FILE, 1953 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
553-555 | HARRY DEXTER WHITE CASE FILE, 1946-1978 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
556-558 | MASONIC FILE, 1932-1973 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically. |
559-561 | TELEVISION FILE, 1957-1977 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspapers clippings, press releases, script drafts, scripts, speeches and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
562-563 | HARRY S. TRUMAN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF PEACE FILE, 1965-1971 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspapers clippings, printed materials, reports, speeches, statements, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
564 | WILLIAM HILLMAN FILE, 1953-1955 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, memos, newspaper clippings and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically. |
565-567 | PROPOSED HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY RECORDINGS TRANSCRIPTS FILE, 1960-1961 Transcripts. Arranged Chronologically. |
568-571 | BOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FILE, 1953-1972 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams. Arranged chronologically. |
572-581 | MEMOIRS FILES, 1946-1955 Article and book reviews, correspondence, draft comments, editing notebooks, handwritten notes, lists of individuals given copies, newspaper clippings, outlines, table of contents, and transcripts of interviews. Arranged alphabetically. |
582-596 | MEMOIRS DRAFTS AND GALLEY PROOFS FILE, 1953-1955 Drafts, page proofs, and galley proofs. Arranged chronologically. |
597-600 | MEMOIRS CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1955-1958 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, greeting cards, newspaper clippings and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
601-605 | DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE FILE, 1948-1960 Correspondence, carbon copy replies, fact sheets, newspapers clippings, policy statements, press releases, printed materials, and reports. Arranged alphabetically. |
606-607 | 1956 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN SPEECHES FILE, 1956 Speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, press release copies of speeches and newspaper clippings. Arranged chronologically. |
608-615 | 1960 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN PUBLIC OPINION MAIL FILE, 1960 Correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. |
616-619 | CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1952-1974 Correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and American University meeting reports and meeting minutes. Arranged alphabetically. |
620-635 | SPEECH FILE, 1953-1968 Correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reference material, reading copies, speeches and speech drafts. Arranged chronologically. |
636-649 | FINANCIAL AFFAIRS FILE, 1943-1977 Correspondence, contracts, financial documents, land records, receipts, and statements. Arranged alphabetically. |
650-651 | OFFICE ADMINISTRATION FILE, 1951-1982 Correspondence, financial documents, forms, handwritten notes, and printed materials. Arranged alphabetically. |
652-684 | TRIP FILE, 1953-1969 Appointment calendars, correspondence, flight information, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, receipts, speech drafts, speeches, telegrams, and travel itineraries. Arranged chronologically. |
685-692 | EUROPEAN TRIP FILE, 1956 Articles, bills, correspondence, flight information, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, receipts, telegrams, and travel itineraries. Arranged alphabetically. |
693-774 | INVITATIONS FILE, 1910-1974 Correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and telegrams. |
775-784 | LIBRARY-MUSEUM FILE, 1953-1972 Correspondence, financial records, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. |
785-802 | MANUSCRIPT FILE, 1875-1972 Books, cartoons, correspondence, galley proofs, manuscripts, term papers, proofs, theses, dissertations, and plays. Arranged alphabetically. |
803-806 | NORTH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ALLIANCE, INC. FILE, 1953-1965, 1953-1965 Articles, drafts of articles, contracts, copyright certificates, correspondence, financial statements, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and press releases. Arranged alphabetically. |
807-811 | DEATH AND FUNERAL FILE, 1958-1973, 1953-1965 Correspondence, newspapers clippings, printed materials, sympathy cards, and carbon copies of replies. Arranged alphabetically. |
812-817 | SUBJECT FILE, 1953-1972, 1953-1965 Address cards and lists, correspondence, financial records, gift tags, greeting cards, handwritten notes, invitations and newspaper clippings. Arranged alphabetically. |
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description |
| Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Box 1
- Calendar Commitments, 1953
- Calendar Commitments, 1954
- Calendar Commitments, 1955
- Calendar Commitments, 1956
- Calendar Commitments, 1957
- Calendar Commitments, 1958 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1958 [2 of 2]
Box 2
- Calendar Commitments, 1959 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1959 [2 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1960 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1960 [2 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1961 [1 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1961 [2 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1962 [1 of 2]
Box 3
- Calendar Commitments, 1962 [2 of 2]
- Calendar Commitments, 1963
- Calendar Commitments, 1964
- Calendar Commitments, 1965-1966
- Daily Appointments, 1958-1959
- Daily Engagements, 1960
- Daily Engagements, 1961
Box 4
- Daily Engagements, 1962
- Daily Engagements, 1963
- Daily Engagements, 1964
- Daily Engagements, 1965
- Clippings from President Truman's Desk
- Daniel, E. Clifton, Jr.: 1956-1963
- Daniel, E. Clifton, Jr.: 1964-1973 [1 of 2]
- Daniel, E. Clifton, Jr.: 1964-1973 [2 of 2]
Box 5
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: 1958-1965
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: 1966-1969
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: 1970-1975
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Autographs of Her Book, Harry S. Truman
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Correspondence Regarding Her Book, Harry S. Truman
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Letters Forwarded to Her
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Letters Not Answered
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Letters Signed
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Photographs
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Television Shows
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Thomas Fleming
- Daniel, Margaret Truman: Wedding Guest List
Box 6
- Daniel, Margaret Truman and E. Clifton, Jr.
- Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Clifton, Sr.
- Daniel, William Wallace
- Davidson, Henrietta
- Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 2]
- Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 2]
- Noland, Ethel and Nellie [1 of 2]
- Noland, Ethel and Nellie [2 of 2]
Box 7
- Personal - Miscellaneous Family File
- Personal Notes
- Romine, Roy and Mary [2011 accretion]
- Swoyer, Martha Ann Truman
- Truman, Bess [2011 accretion]
- Truman, Corbie
- Truman, Fred
- Truman, Gilbert
- Truman, Harry
- Truman, Harry S. – Initial “S”
- Truman, J.C.
- Truman, J. Vivian, and Family [1 of 2]
- Truman, J. Vivian, and Family [2 of 2]
- Truman, J. Vivian, Death of [A-G]
Box 8
- Truman, J. Vivian, Death of [H-M]
- Truman, J. Vivian, Death of [N-Z]
- Truman, J. Vivian, Death of – General
- Truman, Louis W. [1 of 2]
- Truman, Louis W. [2 of 2]
- Truman, Margaret - Autobiography
- Truman, Margaret - Personal [1 of 2]
Box 9
- Truman, Margaret - Personal [2 of 2]
- Truman, Margaret - Shows, TV, and Radio Programs
- Truman, Mary Jane [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 3]
- Truman, Mary Jane [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 3]
- Truman, Mary Jane [includes documents added in 2011] [3 of 3]
- Truman, Mary Jane - Letters to Answer
- Truman, Ralph, and Family [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 2]
Box 10
- Truman, Ralph, and Family [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 2]
- Truman, Ralph - Armory and Funeral Data
- Truman Relatives - General
- Wallace, David
- Wallace Family
- Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- Wallace, Mrs. Fred
- Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. George
Box 11
- A
- Acheson, Dean (speeches)
- American Book Company
- American Broadcast Company
- Amrene, Michael
- Anderson, John, Jr.
- Appointments
- Army Data [2011 accretion]
- Articles by the President
- Athletics - Data Concerning
- Awards
- B [includes documents added in 2011]
- Baptist Hospital
- Bartle, H. Roe
- Baruch, Bernard
- Battery "D" Roster
- Battlefield - Santiago de Cuba
- Bell, David E.
- Berkowitz, E. Bertram
- Berlin Airlift
Box 12
- Bill Data
- Birthdays, 1959 and 1972 [2011 accretion]
- BL
- Blackstone Hotel
- Book - Mr. Citizen
- Book - Truman Speaks
- Book Lists
- BR
- Bricker Amendment
- Brink's Drug Store
- Broadcast - "Skywatch"
- Brooks, Ralph G.
- Brown, Edmund G.
- BU
- Burrus, Rufus [1 of 2]
- Burrus, Rufus [2 of 2]
Box 13
- C
- Cabinet - Celebresse, Anthony - Health, Education and Welfare]
- Cabient - Connor, John T. - Commerce
- Cabinet - Dillon, Douglas - Treasury
- Cabinet - Fowler, Henry - Treasury
- Cabinet - Freeman, Orville - Agriculture
- Cabinet - Goldberg, Arthur - Labor
- Cabinet - Gronouski, John A. - Postmaster General
- Cabinet - Hodges, Luther - Commerce
- Cabinet - Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Cabinet - Kennedy, John F.
- Cabinet - Kennedy, Robert F.
- Cabinet - McNamara, Robert - Defense
- Cabinet - Ribicoff, Abraham - Health, Education and Welfare
- Cabinet - Rusk, Dean - State
- Cabinet - Udall, Stewart - Interior
- Cabinet - Wirtz, W. Willard - Labor
- Campaign Costs, President's Commission on
- Campaign Data, 1960
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Capitol, Data on
- Cards, Sample of Engraved [empty]
- Carillon - Truman Library
- Carlyle Hotel
Box 14
- Celler, Emanuel
- Center for Peace - Board of Overseers [empty]
- Center for Peace - Founders Letters
- Center for Peace - Invitations
- Center for Peace - Letters Given to David Noyes
- Center for Peace - Office
- Center for Peace - Requests for Autographs
- Central Intelligence Agency
- CI
- Mr. Citizen - Clippings
- Mr. Citizen - Correspondence
- Mr. Citizen - Data
- Mr. Citizen - Letters
- Civil Rights
- Clippings - Bess Truman
- CO
- Cody, John P.
- Colgan, R.C. (Roch)
Box 15
- Collectors Data
- College News Conference
- Columbia Broadcasting System [1 of 2]
- Columbia Broadcasting System [2 of 2]
- Columbia Broadcasting System - "Let's Take a Trip"
- Columbia Broadcasting System - Presidential Succession Show
- Columbia University Press
- Congressional Record
- Conn Organ Company
- Conniff, Frank
- Considine, Bob
- Constitution of the United States - Amendment
Box 16
- Contributions - Personal
- CU
- Cushing, Richard J. Cardinal
- D
- Daley, Richard J.
- Dalton, John M.
- Darby, Harry
- Day, Edward
- Days (Special)
- Degree Data
- Democratic National Convention, 1964
- Democratic Party Programs
- Development Loan Fund
- DO
- Douglas, Paul H.
- Douglas, William O.
- Duffy, F. Ryan
Box 17
- E
- Eichelberger, Clark M.
- 822 Club
- 822 Club - Dinner and Tour of Harry S. Truman Library]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. - General [1 of 2]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. - General [2 of 2]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. - Letters Concerning Trip with
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. - Metting with Harry S. Truman
- Eisenhower College
- Election Board of Eastern Jackson County, Missouri
- Electoral College Amendment
Box 18
- Evans, Tom - Correspondence, 1953-1966 [2011 accretion]
- Evans, Tom - General [1 of 2]
- Evans, Tom - General [2 of 2]
- Evans, Tom - Truman Library, Inc.
- Executive Office of the President (Office of Emergency Planning)
- F
- Fahy, Charles
- Farm Data
- Faubus, Orval E.
- Feinberg, Abraham [1 of 2]
- Feinberg, Abraham [2 of 2]
Box 19
- Fike, Stanley R.
- Film Data
- Finkelstein, Louis
- Finletter, Thomas K.
- Flag Data - General [includes documents added in 2011]
- Flag Data - Governors
- Flag Data - Governors, Flags Not Received
- Flag Data - Governors, Flags Received
- Food For Peace Program
Box 20
- Ford Motor Company
- Foreign Trip, June-July 1958
- Fountain, L.H.
- Freedom from Hunger Foundation [1 of 2]
- Freedom from Hunger Foundation [2 of 2]
- Freedom from Hunger Foundation - Contributions
- Freedom from Hunger Foundation - Meetings
- Freeman, Orville
- G
- Geis Associates - Contract Data [1 of 2]
Box 21
- Geis Associates - Contract Data [2 of 2]
- Geis Associates - Miscellaneous
- Geis Associates - Releases
- Geis Associates - Statement Regarding Publication of Mr. Citizen
- Geis and Company
- General Services Administration
- Gibson, Floyd R.
- "Give Away" - Correspondence Concerning
- Goldman, Eric F.
- Grandview Masonic Temple Association
- H
- Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.
- Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke, President's Commission on
Box 22
- Hillman, William [1 of 3]
- Hillman, William [2 of 3]
- Hillman, William [3 of 3]
- Hipsh, Carl, Samuel and Charles [1 of 2]
- Hipsh, Carl, Samuel and Charles [2 of 2]
- Hiroshima
- Historical Data - Jewish Displaced Person
- History - Book
- History - Book, Reference Book
Box 23
- History - Statements by Harry S. Truman
- History - Television
- History - United States
- HO [empty]
- Holland Bulb Growers
- Honolulu Trip
- Hoover Commission
- Hoover, Herbert C. [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 3]
- Hoover, Herbert C. [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 3]
- Hoover, Herbert C. [includes documents added in 2011] [3 of 3]
- Hope, Bob - Philharmonic
- Hotel
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Correspondence, 1953-1959
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Correspondence, 1960-1963
Box 24
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Correspondence, 1964-1974 [1 of 2]
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Correspondence, 1964-1974 [2 of 2]
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Political Data, 1972
- Humphrey, Hubert H. - Political Memoranda
- Humphrey, Joseph Bailey
- Huyot, Robert
- I
- Independence School Site (Central Missouri State College)
- Instructions
- Integration
- Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee - Kansas City Hearings, October 21, 1957
- Internal Revenue Office
- J
- Jackson County, Missouri
- Jessup, Philip C.
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Appointments
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Articles and Clippings
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Correspondence, 1955-1958
Box 25
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Correspondence, 1958-1963
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Correspondence with Other People
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Election of 1964
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Inauguration in 1965
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Personal Correspondence
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Political Correspondence
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Recent Correspondence [includes documents added in 2011]
- Johnson, Lyndon B. - Speeches and Press Releases
- Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B.
- Johnston, Eric
Box 26
- Judge Data
- Judges and Jury Duty [2011 accretion]
- K
- KCMO Broadcasting Company
- Keller, K.T.
- Kennedy, Edward M.
- Kennedy, John F. - Applications
- Kennedy, John F. - Appointments
- Kennedy, John F. - Assassination of
- Kennedy, John F. - Campaign of 1960
- Kennedy, John F. - Center for the Performing Arts
- Kennedy, John F. - Clippings on
Box 27
- Kennedy, John F. - Cuban Relations
- Kennedy, John F. - Death
- Kennedy, John F. - Funeral
- Kennedy, John F. - Inauguration
- Kennedy, John F. - Library
- Kennedy, John F. - Memorials [1 of 3]
- Kennedy, John F. - Memorials [2 of 3]
- Kennedy, John F. - Memorials [3 of 3]
- Kennedy, John F. - Miscellaneous Correspondence
- Kennedy, John F. - Personal Data
- Kennedy, John F. - President's Commission on Campaign Cost
Box 28
- Kennedy, John F. - Senator, 1960
- Kennedy, John F. - Speeches and Statements
- Kennedy, John F. - 35th Division
- Kennedy, John F. - Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission
- Kennedy, Mrs. John F.
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- Kerr, Robert S.
- Keys
- Krushchev Letters
- Kohen, Charles
- Krock, Arthur
- L
- Lasker, Mrs. Albert D.
- Legislation
- Lehman, Herbert H.
- Letters Held
- Letters - Historical
- Letters - Important
- Letters - Phony
Box 29
- Letters - Special
- Library - Articles Given to the
- Library - Honorary Fellows - Endowment Memberships
- Library - Institute Meetings [includes documents added in 2011]
- Library - List of Recordings and Tapes
- Library - Name List
- Library - National Library Week
- Library - Transfer of Presidential Papers to [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 2]
- Library - Transfer of Presidential Papers to [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 2]
- Long, Edward V.
- M
Box 30
- Macmillan Company
- Magnuson, Warren G.
- Mason, Jimilu - Art for Science Tour
- Masonic - 50 Year Button
- Mayflower Hotel
- Mc
- McCloskey, Matthew H.
- McCormack, John W. [includes documents added in 2011] [1 of 2]
- McCormack, John W. [includes documents added in 2011] [2 of 2]
- McCormick, Helen B.
- McG
- McGovern, George
- Medical Information [2011 accretion]
- Meet the Press
- Memoirs [Requests/Lists] [1 of 2]
Box 31
- Memoirs [Requests/Lists] [2 of 2]
- Memorial (Liberty) Rededication
- Memorial (Liberty) Redeications [Clippings]
- Meredith, James H.
- Miller, Merle
- Millin, Russell
- Missouri Squires
- Monroney, Mike
- Murphy, Charles S.
- N
Box 32
- National Broadcasting Company [1 of 2]
- National Broadcasting Company [2 of 2]
- New York Central
- Noyes, David [1 of 3]
- Noyes, David [2 of 3]
- Noyes, David [3 of 3]
- Noyes, David - Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
- Noyes, David - Trans World Airlines
- Noyes, David - Travel Data
- O
- O'Connor, Martin
Box 33
- Office Expenses
- O'Mahoney, Joseph C.
- Oxford Data
- Oxford Society
- P [includes documents added in 2011]
- Passport [2011 accretion]
- Pay TV
- Pennsylvania Railroad Company
- Pension Data - Presidential
- People to People Program
- Perlman, Philip B.
- Political - Election of 1960
- Political - Jackson County, Missouri
- Political - Missouri 4th Congressional District
- Pope Pius XII
- Post Office - Grandview, Missouri
- Post Office - Independence, Missouri
- Potsdam Conference
- Presidency - Article on the
- Presidency - Data Concerning
- Presidency - Former Presidents Addresses to the Senate
- Presidency - President Truman’s Statement in Support of H.R. 7813
Box 34
- Presidential Papers
- Presidential Succession
- Presidents' Rating
- Proposition Offers
- Proxmire, William
- R
- Radio - Television
- Railroad - Thank You
- Railway Labor Executives Association
- Randall, William
- Random House
- Redding, John M.
- Releases (Press)
- Reuther, Walter P.
- Rhee, Syngman
- Ribicoff, Abraham
Box 35
- Right to Work Laws
- Robbins, Jhan and June
- Rogers, Lindsay
- Rogge, E.A.
- Romulo, Carlos P.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. Memorial [1 of 2]
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. Memorial [2 of 2]
- Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. and Family [1 of 2]
- Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. and Family [2 of 2]
- Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. Memorial
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Book Data (Hillman)
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Columbia Broadcasting System
Box 36
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Columbia University Press
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Dawson, Donald
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - General [1 of 3]
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - General [2 of 3]
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - General [3 of 3]
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Heiskell and Hillman – 20th Century
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - King Features Syndicate
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Life Data
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Politics
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Rosenman, Samuel and William Hillman
Box 37
- Rosenman, Samuel I. - Trip Reports
- Ross, Walter
- Rusk, Dean
- Russian Matters
- S
- Salary Increases - Federal Officials
- Salinger, Pierre
- Samples - Engraved Cards
- Sands Floral Company [1 of 2]
- Sands Floral Company [2 of 2]
- Saturday Evening Post
- Savin Business Machines Corporation
- Schlesinger, Arthur J.
- Schulz, Robert L.
- Secret Service
- Senate, U.S.
Box 38
- Senators, U.S.
- Sermon, William
- Skelly Oil Company
- Snyder, John W. - Correspondence, 1953-1960
- Snyder, John W. - Correspondence, 1961-1962
- Snyder, John W. - Correspondence, 1963-1967 [1 of 2]
- Snyder, John W. - Correspondence, 1963-1967 [2 of 2]
- Sons of the American Revolution (Missouri)
- Sorensen, Theodore
- Sosland, Benjamin - Correspondence, 1953-1959
- Sosland, Benjamin - Correspondence, 1960-1961
- Sosland, Benjamin - Correspondence, 1962
Box 39
- Sosland, Benjamin - Correspondence, 1963
- Sosland, Benjamin - Correspondence, 1964
- Sosland Press, Inc.
- Souers, Sidney W.
- Sound Scriber Data
- Speeches - Miscellaneous
- Sports Complex - Harry S. Truman
- State Department - Foreign Policy Briefing
- State Department - General
- State Department - Lists
- Stevenson, Adlai E.
- Straus, Nathan
- Strauss, Lewis L.
Box 40
- Symington, Stuart - Administrative Assistant [Stanley R. Fike]
- Symington, Stuart - General Correspondence [1 of 2]
- Symington, Stuart - General Correspondence [2 of 2]
- T [includes documents added in 2011]
- Telephone [1 of 2]
- Telephone [2 of 2]
- Telephone Numbers [2011 accretion]
- Television Series
- Test Ban Treaty
Box 41
- Thirty-Fifth Division - Contributions
- Thirty-Fifth Division - General [includes documents added in 2011]
- Thirty-Fifth Division - Statement
- Trade Expansion Act
- Trans World Airlines
- Truman Home — 219 N. Delaware [2011 accretion]
- Truman Speaks
- Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Truman Presidency
- Twenty-Second Amendment
- Un-American Activities
- United States Information Service
- V
- Vaughan, Harry H. [1 of 2]
Box 42
- Vaughan, Harry H. [2 of 2]
- W
- Wabash Railroad
- Wagner, Robert F.
- Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
- Westwood, Mike [includes documents added in 2011]
- Williams, G. Mennen
- Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
- World Bank and International Monetary Fund
- Young, Stephen M.
NAME FILE, 1953-1973
Box 43
- A
- Abella, Bienvendido Z., M.D.
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, 1953-1955
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, 1956-1957
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, 1958-1959
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, 1960-1963 [includes documents added in 2011]
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, 1964-1971
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, Memoir Data
- Acheson, Dean - Correspondence, Present at the Creation, 1969
Box 44
- Adams Papers
- Adams, Sherman
- Adams, W. Howard
- Adenauer, Konrad
- Agnew, Spiro T.
- AHEPA Data - Statue of Harry S. Truman
- Alaska
- Albert, Carl
- Aleman, Miguel
- Aleman, Miguel - Visit to Kansas City, January 5-6, 1963
- Allen, George
- Allis, Barney L.
- American Cinema Editors - Award
- American District Telegraph Company
- American Legion [includes documents added in 2011]
- American Legion - Suit Against Former President Harry S. Truman
- American Magazine
- American Weekly, 1953-1958
Box 45
- American Weekly, 1958-1961
- American Weekly, Articles
- American Weekly, Work Papers [1 of 2]
- American Weekly, Work Papers [2 of 2]
- Anderson, Clinton P.
- Anderson, Elmer L.
- Anderson, Eugenie
- Angoff, Allan
- Applications
- Arnold, Thurman
- Aronson, Robert L.
Box 46
- Arrowsmith, George M.
- Arthur, Chester A.
- Arvey, Jacob A. [1 of 2]
- Arvey, Jacob A. [2 of 2]
- Associated Press
- Athenagoras I
- Atlantic Monthly
- Atomic Bomb
- Atomic Bomb Data
- Attlee, Clement R.
- Austin, Warren R.
Box 47
- Australia
- Austria
- Autographs - Memoirs
- Axtell, Enos
- Ayers, Eben
- Bacon, Charles L.
- Bailey, James E.
- Bailey, James E. - After Death of
- Bailey, James E. - Correspondence [1 of 2]
- Bailey, James E. - Correspondence [2 of 2]
Box 48
- Bailey, James E. - Miscellaneous Data
- Banister, T.H.
- Banking and Currency Committee - U.S. Senate
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Barkofske, Frank L.
- Barringer, Lewis T.
- Bayh, Birch A.
- Beaverbrook, Lord
- Bell, David E.
- Ben-Gurion, David
- Bennett, Sir John Wheeler
- Jack Benny [1 of 2]
Box 49
- Jack Benny [2 of 2]
- Benson, Ernest H.
- Benton Mural Data - Chief Justice Warren
- Benton Mural Data - Library
- Benton, Thomas Hart [1 of 2]
- Benton, Thomas Hart [2 of 2]
- Benton, Thomas Hart - Foundation
- Benton, William - 1953-1958
Box 50
- Benton, William - 1958-1965
- Benton, William - 1966-1973
- Benton, William - Publications
- Benton, William - Speeches and Articles
- Bessie, Simon M.
- Bez, Nick
- Biddle, Francis
- Biddle, George
Box 51
- Biffle, Leslie
- Bigus, Isadore
- Blair, James T.
- Bland, Theodoric C.
- Blaustein, Jacob
- BO [includes documents added in 2011]
- Bohemian Grove
- Bohlen, Charles B.
- Bolling, Richard [1 of 2]
Box 52
- Bolling, Richard [2 of 2]
- Bolling-Press Releases
- Bomb Data
- Bonnet, Henri
- Book Data
- Book Valuation
- Bowers, Claude G.
- Bowles, Chester - 1953-1956
- Bowles, Chester - 1957-1959
- Bowles, Chester - 1960-1974
- Bowman, Fred J.
Box 53
- Boykin, Frank W.
- Boyle, William M.
- Boyle, Bernard J.
- BR
- Bradley, Omar N.
- Brannan, Charles F. - 1953-1955
- Brannan, Charles F. - 1956-1959
- Brannan, Charles F. - 1960-1973
- Brannon, Bernard C.
- Branton, W. Coleman and Family
Box 54
- Brazil
- Brewood Printers
- British
- Brod, Stephen
- Brooks, Philip C.
- Brooks, Philip C. - Trip to Europe
- Brooks, Philip C. - Truman Library Memos
- Brown, Charles H.
- Bruce, James
- Bruner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
- BU
- Bull Shoals Dam
- Bundesen, Herman N.
Box 55
- Bundschu, Henry A.
- Burke, Arleigh
- Busch, August A. (Gussie)
- Busch, Hilary A.
- Byrd, Harry F. [includes documents added in 2011]
- CA
- Calendar Data
- Canada - Cuban Missile Crisis
- Canada - Louis S. St. Laurent
- Canaday, Ward M.
- Cannon, Clarence
- Capitol Data - Washington, D.C.
- Capitol (Washington, D.C.) Statement
- Carroll, John A.
- Caudle, T. Lamar
- Cemetery and Monuments
- Cerebral Palsy - Dr. Robert E. Bruner [1 of 2]
Box 56
- Cerebral Palsy - Dr. Robert E. Bruner [2 of 2]
- CH
- Chandler, Albert B.
- Chapman, Oscar
- Chavez, Dennis
- Chelf, Frank
- Cherne, Leo
- Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
- Chicago Sun Times - General
- Chicago Sun Times - Herb Graffis
- Chicago Sun Times - Irv Kupcinet
Box 57
- Chicago Sun Times - Russell Stewart
- Childs, Marquis
- Chiles, Henry C. and John
- China
- Ching, Cyrus S.
- Christopher, George H.
- Churchill, Winston S. – 1953-1956
- Churchill, Winston S. – 1957-1959
- Churchill, Winston S. – 1960-1965
- Churchill, Winston S. – Death Of, 1965
- Churchill, Winston S. - Foundation [1 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston S. - Foundation [2 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston S. - General Correspondence [Personal, 1960-1965]
Box 58
- Churchill, Winston S. – Iron Curtain Speech
- Churchill, Winston S. – Memorial, Fulton, Missouri
- Churchill, Winston S. – Printed Material
- Civil Defense — Self-Protection Plan, Harry S. Truman Library [2011 accretion]
- Civil Service Data
- Civil Service Forms
- Civil Service Postage Data
- Clark, John D.
- Clark, Joseph S.
- Clark, Mark W.
- Clark, Tom C.
- Clay, Stanley
- Clayton, William L.
Box 59
- Clement, Frank
- Clements, Earle C.
- Clifford, Clark M.
- CO
- Cohen, Benjamin V.
- Collett, Caskie
- Collier's
- Collins, LeRoy
- Collinson, T. Hall
- Compton, Arthur H.
- Condon, E.U.
- Condon, Edward V.
- Conference (Press) – Truman Library July 2, 1960
- Conference (Press) – Truman Library July 2, 1960 [Letters Re]
Box 60
- Connelly, Matthew J.
- Connelly, Matthew J. – Testimonial Dinner
- Connelly, Matthew J. – Trial
- Considine, Bob
- Convention 1960 – Data
- Convention 1960 – Invitations
- Convention 1960 – Miscellaneous
- Convention 1960 – Press Coverage
- Coronation – Queen Elizabeth II
- Coronet
- CR
- Craig, May
- Curley, James George and James M.
- Curry, Charles E. and Charles F.
Box 61
- DA
- Dancy, Keith W.
- Daniels, Jonathan
- Davies, Joseph
- Davis, Blevins
- Davis, Elmer
- Dawson, Donald S. - 1953-1956
- Dawson, Donald S. – 1957-1958
- Dawson, Donald S. – 1959-1961
Box 62
- Dawson, Donald S. - 1962-1973
- Dean, Gordon
- Delamo, William A.
- Democratic National Committee – John M. Bailey
- Democratic National Committee – Jack Brown
- Democratic National Committee – Paul Butler
- Democratic National Committee – Convention Site
- Democratic National Committee – Contributions
- Democratic National Committee – General
- Democratic National Committee – Invitations
- Democratic National Committee – Henry M. Jackson
Box 63
- Democratic National Committee – List of Officers and Committees
- Democratic National Committee – Meetings
- Democratic National Committee – National Capitol Democratic Club
- Democratic National Committee – Pamphlets
- Democratic National Committee – Platforms
- Democratic National Committee – Margaret Price
- Democratic National Committee – 750 Club
- Democratic National Convention – 1964
- Democratic National Convention – 1968
- Democratic National Convention – 1972
- Dennison, Robert L.
- Deramus, W. N.
- DeSapio, Carmine G.
- Dewey, Thomas
- Dictaphone Corporation
- DiSalle, Michael V.
Box 64
- DO
- Docking, George
- Dodd, Thomas J.
- Donaldson, Jesse M. [1 of 2]
- Donaldson, Jesse M. [2 of 2]
- Donnelly, Phil M.
- Donohue, Donald D.
- Donohue, F. Joseph
- Dorsey, John H.
- Doubleday & Company, Inc. – 1953-1954
Box 65
- Doubleday & Company, Inc. – 1955
- Doubleday & Company, Inc. – 1956-1961
- Doubleday & Company, Inc. – 1961-1969
- Dryden, William J.
- Dubinsky, David
- Ducournau, J. A.
- Dulles, Allen W.
- Dulles, John F.
- Duncan, Richard M.
- Durante, Jimmy
Box 66
- Dutch Treat Club
- E
- Easley, Harry
- Eaton, Cyrus
- Ecuador
- Edelstein, David M.
- Eden, Anthony
- Edwards, India
- Egan, Edward E.
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. – Pension Data
- Elath, Eliahu
- Elizabeth II, Queen
- Elsey, George
- Employees in Washington, D.C.
- Engle, Clair
- Esquire
Box 67
- Evans, M.R. – 1953-1961
- Evans, M.R. – 1962-1966
- Evans, M.R. – 1967-1969
- Evans, M.R. – 1970-1973
- Evans, Silliman
- Ewing, Oscar
- Expense Account Data
- Eyssell, G.S.
- FA
- Fairbanks, Douglas
Box 68
- Farley, James A. – 1953-1958
- Farley, James A. – 1959-1960
- Farley, James A. – 1961-1973 [1 of 2]
- Farley, James A. – 1961-1973 [2 of 2]
- Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, Inc.
- FBI Data
- Feis, Herbert
- FHA Loans
- Fillmore, Millard [2011 Accretion]
- Finkelstein, Louis
- Fitzpatrick, David R.
- Fitzpatrick, Paul E.
- Fleeson, Doris
Box 69
- Flood, Daniel J.
- Flood Data
- FO
- Focus
- Folliard, Eddie
- Folsom, James E.
- Ford, Gerald R.
- Ford Foundation
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Correspondence [1 of 3]
- Foreign Correspondence [2 of 3]
- Foreign Correspondence [3 of 3]
Box 70
- Foreign Policy
- Forrestal, James V.
- Fourth of July
- Fowler, Henry H.
- France
- Francisco, William and Family
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Freeman, Margaret Ann
- Fritchey, Clayton
- Frontier
- Frye, Jack
- Fulbright, J. William
- Fulton, Hugh
- Fulton, James G.
- Furcolo, Foster
- Fyke Farmer Data
Box 71
- GA-GI [includes documents added in 2011]
- Gage, John B.
- Gardner, Erle Stanley
- Gardner, Hy
- Gardner, O. Max (Family)
- Garner, John
- Gary, Raymond
- Gavin, Thomas J.
- General Services Administration
- Gentry, Alonzo
- Germany Correspondence
- Gertz, Elmer
- Gilmore, Robert M.
Box 72
- Glenn, Frank
- Goldberg, Arthur J.
- Goldberg, Max
- Goldman, Fred
- Goldman, George
- Goldman Jewelry
- Goldwater, Barry
- Good Housekeeping
- Gore, Albert
- Gore, Leroy
- Grady, Henry F.
- Graham, Frank P.
- Graham, James W.
Box 73
- Graham, Wallace
- Granoff, A.J. & Loeb
- Gray, Georgia Neese [1 of 3]
- Gray, Georgia Neese [2 of 3]
- Gray, Georgia Neese [3 of 3]
- Gray, Gordon
- Greece [1 of 2]
Box 74
- Greece [2 of 2]
- Greek Archdiocese of New York – Archbishop Iakovos
- Greek Helmet Data
- Greek Memorial [1 of 4]
- Greek Memorial [2 of 4]
- Greek Memorial [3 of 4]
- Greek Memorial [4 of 4]
- Green, Felix
- Green, Theodore F.
- Greenfield, Albert M.
- Gremley, William H.
- Gridiron Club
- Griffis, Stanton
- Grolier Society
- Gruening, Ernest
Box 75
- HA
- Haile Selassie [2011 Accretion]
- Hall, Leonard W.
- Hammarskjold, Dag [1 of 2]
- Hammarskjold, Dag [2 of 2]
- Ham
- Hamburger, Phillip
- Hamlin, Roy
- Hannegan, Mrs. Robert E. [2011 Accretion]
- Hanrahan, Edward M.
- Harding, Warren G. [2011 Accretion]
- Harper, Roy W.
- Harper & Brothers
- Harriman, W. Averell – 1953-1957
Box 76
- Harriman, W. Averell – 1958-1972 [1 of 2]
- Harriman, W. Averell – 1958-1972 [2 of 2]
- Harrington, Cornelius J.
- Harris, Robert E. G.
- Hartke, Vance
- Harvey, Leo M.
- Hatch, Carl A.
- Hassett, William D.
- Hats
- Hayden, Carl A.
- Hayes, Rutherford B.
- Hays, Brooks
Box 77
- HE
- Hearnes, Warren E.
- Hearnes, Warren E. – Inauguration as Governor of Missouri
- Hearst Corporation
- Heller, Francis M.
- Helm, Mrs. James M.
- Hennings, Thomas C. [1 of 2]
- Hennings, Thomas C. [2 of 2]
- Hennock, Frieda B.
Box 78
- Hildreth, Melvin D.
- Hill, Delmas C.
- Hill, Lister
- Hillman, William – Articles
- Hillman, William – 1953-1957 [1 of 3]
- Hillman, William – 1953-1957 [2 of 3]
- Hillman, William – 1953-1957 [3 of 3]
- Hillman, William – Money Data
- Hinde, Edgar G.
- Hiroshima – Correspondence Concerning
- Hiss Case
- HO
Box 79
- Hodges, Frank
- Hodges, Luther M.
- Hoffman, Paul G.
- Holifield, Chester
- Holiday
- Holland, Albert E.
- Holland, Lou E.
- Holloran, Mark R.
- Holloway, W.A.
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Hope, Bob
- Horton, John E.
- Hospital Data
- Hospitalization [2011 Accretion]
- Hotel
- House Bills
- HU
- Hull, Cordell
Box 80
- Hull, William R.
- Hume, Paul
- Hungary
- I
- Inauguration – 20th Anniversary of Harry S. Truman as President
- India
- Interest Rate - A-H
- Interest Rate - I-Q
- Interest Rate - R-Z
- Interest Rate - General
- Interest Rate – Leopold, Joseph H.
Box 81
- International Business Machines, Inc.
- Israel
- Israel – Truman Dinner, Kansas City, Missouri December, 1961
- Italy
- Iturbi, Jose
- Iturbi, Jose – Concert (Truman Library) March 30, 1963
- J
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson, Andrew – Will (copy)
- Jackson, Robert H.
- Jackson County General Election – November 8, 1960
Box 82
- Jackson County Historical Society – Jail
- Jacobson, Edward
- Eddie Jacobson Memorial Foundation [1 of 3]
- Eddie Jacobson Memorial Foundation [2 of 3]
- Eddie Jacobson Memorial Foundation [3 of 3]
- Eddie Jacobson Memorial Dinner – 1958
- Japan
- Jefferson, Thomas
Box 83
- Jessee, Randall [1 of 2]
- Jessee, Randall [2 of 2]
- Jessee, Randall – Telestar Data
- Jessell, George
- Jobes, Harry C.
- Johnson, Andrew
- Johnson, Edwin C.
- Johnson, J.M.
- Johnson, Louis – 1953-1960
- Johnson, Louis – 1960-1966
- Johnston, Felton M.
- Johnston, Olin D.
- Jones, Joseph M.
Box 84
- KA
- Kaltenborn, H. V.
- Kane, John
- Keech, Richmond B.
- Kefauver, Estes
- Kefauver, Estes – XII Amendment
- Keller, K. T.
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kennedy, John F. – Press Clippings
- Ketcham, William M.
- Key West
- Keyserling, Leon [1 of 4]
- Keyserling, Leon [2 of 4]
- Keyserling, Leon [3 of 4]
- Keyserling, Leon [4 of 4]
Box 85
- Kilgore, Harley
- Killion, George
- Kimball, Daniel A.
- Kimball, Daniel A. – Fundraising Plan
- Kirwan, Michael J.
- KL
- Klutznick, Philip M.
- Knowland, William F.
- Korea – Choi, Chi Whan
- Korea Data [1 of 2]
- Korea Data [2 of 2]
Box 86
- Korean Cultural Foundation
- Kronheim, Milton S.
- Kurt, Margaret Ann [2011 Accretion]
- LA
- Labor - AFL
- Labor – CIO
- Labor – General
- Lamar Data [1 of 2]
- Lamar Data [2 of 2]
- Land, Frank [1 of 2]
- Land, Frank [2 of 2]
Box 87
- Landry, Robert B.
- Langer, William
- Larson, Jess
- Lawler, Joseph J.
- Lawrence, David L.
- Lawrence, William
- Law Review
- Lawton, Frederick J.
- LE
- Legislation
- Leader, George
- Leahy, William D.
- Lee, Richard C.
- Leigh, W. Colston
- Letters – Miscellaneous
- Leva, Marx
- Levinson, Benjamin [1 of 2]
Box 88
- Levinson, Benjamin [2 of 2]
- LI
- Lie, Trygve
- Life-Time – Contract Data
- Life-Time – Correspondence [1 of 3]
- Life-Time – Correspondence [2 of 3]
- Life-Time – Correspondence [3 of 3]
- Life-Time – Article Photographs
- Life-Time – Comments and Quotes
- Life-Time – Foreign Data
- Life-Time – Corrections in Memoirs
Box 89
- Life-Time – Outline Data
- Life-Time – Release of Memoirs
- Life-Time – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Lilienthal, David E.
- Lincoln, Abraham – Autograph Memo Signed to Secretary of State
- Lincoln, Abraham [1 of 2]
- Lincoln, Abraham [2 of 2]
- Lingo Family
- List, Eugene
- List – Lithographed Letters Mailed
- Little, Brown & Company
- Lloyd, David D. [1 of 4]
Box 90
- Lloyd, David D. [2 of 4]
- Lloyd, David D. [3 of 4]
- Lloyd, David D. [4 of 4]
- Lloyd, David D. – Memorial
- Lloyd, David D. – Contributions
- LO
- Locke, Edwin
- London Daily Express
- Longhand Notes [2011 Accretions]
- Look Magazine [1 of 2]
Box 91
- Look Magazine [2 of 2]
- Look Magazine – “Don’t Tamper with the Presidency”
- Look Magazine – Letters Concerning Article
- Louchheim, Katie
- Loveless, Herschel C.
- Lovett, Robert A.
- Lowenthal, Max
- Lucas, Scott W.
Box 92
- Luce, Clare Booth
- Luce, Henry R.
- Lyons, Leonard
- Mc
- McCahey, James B.
- McCall's
- McCarthy, Eugene J.
- McCarthy, Joseph R.
- McCarthy, William T.
- McCloy, John J.
- McCone, John A.
- McDonald, David G.
- McDonald, Harry A.
- McDonald, James G.
- McFaddin, Edward F.
- McFarland, Ernest W.
- McGee, Joseph J.
Box 93
- McGovern, George
- McGranery, James P.
- McGrath, Earl J.
- McGrath, J. Howard
- McGraw-Hill Book Company Incorporated
- McHale, Frank M.
- McKim, Edward D.
- McKinney, Frank E. [1 of 2]
- McKinney, Frank E. [2 of 2]
Box 94
- McLean, A. N.
- McMath, Sidney
- McNaughton, Frank
- McSween, Donald M.
- MA
- MacArthur, Douglas
- MacArthur, Douglas – Death of
- MacArthur, Douglas – Truman Statement Concerning Rank
- Mahoney, Florence
- Mann, Frederic R.
Box 95
- Mansfield, Mike
- Map Data
- Mara, C. J.
- March of Dimes
- Marks, Theodore
- Marquis, George
- Marshall, George [1 of 2]
- Marshall, George [2 of 2]
- Marshall, George C. – Funeral
- Marshall, George C. – George C. Marshall Medal
- Marshall, George C. – Library Dedication
- Marshall, George C. – Marshall Plan
Box 96
- Marshall, George C. – Research Foundation
- Mason, Lowell B.
- Massman, Henry J.
- Matrix Data
- Maverick, Maury
- Meany, George
- Meigs, Merrill C.
- Memoir Data [1 of 2]
- Memoir Data [2 of 2]
- Messall, Victor
Box 97
- Mesta, Perle
- Mexico
- Meyer, Mrs. Eugene
- Meyner, Robert B.
- Middle East
- Miller, Jo Zach
- Miller, Watson B.
- Millin, F. Russell
- Minton, Sherman
- Mississippi River Data
- Missouri Basin Development Program
- Missouri Battleship
Box 98
- Missouri Battleship Clippings
- Missouri Historical Plan
- Missouri Pacific Lines
- Mitchell, Stephen A.
- Mongan, John S.
- Monroe, James
- More, Jake
- Morgan, George H.
- Morrison, Frederick W.
- Morse, Wayne – 1953-1958
- Morse, Wayne – 1959-1961
- Morse, Wayne – 1962-1964
- Moseley, Raymond F.
Box 99
- Moses, Grandma
- Moses, Robert
- Moulder, Morgan
- Mox, William
- Murdock, Abraham
- Murphy, Charles – Bulletins
- Murphy, Charles – 1953-1954
- Murphy, Charles – 1955-1956
- Murphy, Charles – 1957-1958
- Murphy, Charles – 1959-1973
- Murphy, Franklin D. – California
- Murphy, Franklin D. – Kansas
Box 100
- Murphy, Frederick P.
- Murray, James E.
- Murray, Thomas E.
- Murrow, Edward R.
- Murrow, Edward R. – CBS – Rosenman
- Murrow, Edward R. – General
- Murrow, Edward R. – Letters Acknowledged [1 of 2]
- Murrow, Edward R. – Letters Acknowledged [2 of 2]
Box 101
- Murrow, Edward R. – “From Precinct to President”
- Murrow, Edward R. – Letters not Acknowledged
- Murrow, Edward R. – “Precinct to President” Unfavorable
- Murrow, Edward R. – Truman-Attlee Interview
- Murrow, Edward R. – U.S. Information Agency
- Muskie, Edmund S.
- Mutual Broadcasting Company
- Myers, Walter
- N
- Nachtman, Paul
- Nacy, Richard R.
- Nangle, John
- Nash, Philleo – 1953-1959
- Nash, Philleo – 1960-1969
- National Catholic Youth
- National Cultural Center
- National Education Association
- National Theater
Box 102
- National Old Trails Road Association
- Nehru, Jawaharlal
- Neuberger, Richard L.
- Neustadt, Richard E. – 1953-1955
- Neustadt, Richard E. – 1956-1959
- Neustadt, Richard E. – 1960-1972
- New Republic
- Newsweek
- New York Herald Tribune
- New York Post
- New York Times [1 of 2]
- New York Times [2 of 2]
- Nicholson, Henry J.
- Nigro, D. M.
Box 103
- Niles, Raymond
- Nimitz, Chester W.
- Nixon, Richard M. – Administration
- Nixon, Richard M. – Copies of letters sent to
- Nixon, Richard M. – General Correspondence [1 of 2]
- Nixon, Richard M. – General Correspondence [2 of 2]
- Nixon, Richard M. – Inauguration
- Nixon, Richard M. – Melvin Laird
- Nixon, Robert G.
- Nourse, James B.
- Noyes, David M. [1 of 2]
- Noyes, David M. [2 of 2]
- O
Box 104
- O’Connor, Basil
- O’Dwyer, Paul
- Offers – TV/Radio
- Office Data
- Office Space
- Official Guide
- PA
- Pace, Frank
- Pakistan
- Palmer, Dwight
- Palmer, Mrs. W. L. C.
- Pandit, Mrs. Vijaya
- Parker Pen Company
- Parkinson Disease
- Pass Data
- Patman, Wright
- Patterson, N.T.
- Patton, James G. – 1953-1960
Box 105
- Patton, James G. – 1961-1972
- Pauley, Edwin W. – 1953-1956
- Pauley, Edwin W. – 1957-1958
- Pauley, Edwin W. – 1959-1961
- Pauley, Edwin W. – 1962-1973
- Pauley, Edwin W. – General
- Pearson, Drew
- Pell, Claiborne
- Pendergast, James M. [2011 accretion]
- Pepper, Claude
Box 106
- Perkins, Frances
- Perlman, Philip B.
- Perlmeter, Irving
- Peters, Mize
- Petrovic, Alex M.
- Phelps, Phelps
- Phillips, Hunter
- Philharmonic - Kansas City [1 of 3]
- Philharmonic - Kansas City [2 of 3]
- Philharmonic - Kansas City [3 of 3]
- Piano Data
- Pick, Lewis A.
- Pierce, Franklin
- Platform Data
Box 107
- Point IV
- Police
- Poling, Daniel A.
- Polk, James K.
- Pope Data
- Post Office
- Powell, John W. – Case Data
- Power, Thomas S.
- Prendergast, Michael J.
- Presidential – Art Medals
- Presidential – Documents
- Presidential – Historical File
- Presidential – Papers
- Presidential – Papers, Library of New York City
- President’s Pictures
- President’s Public Papers
- Price, Melvin
Box 108
- Printers Ink
- Production Reports – Howard M. Jones
- Proposals and Propositions
- Pruden, Edward H.
- Puerto Rico
- Q
- Radford, William
- Rao, Paul P.
- Rayburn, Sam – 1954-1961
Box 109
- Rayburn, Sam – Funeral 1961
- Rayburn, Sam – General
- Rayburn, Sam – "Mr. Sam"
- Rayburn, Sam – Scholarship
- Readers Digest
- Receipts and Expenditures of the U.S. Government
- Recordings and Films
- Red Cross
- Regan, Phil
- Renfrow, Louis H.
- The Reporter
Box 110
- Research Hospital
- Research Institute – Leo Cherne
- Resolutions
- Reserve Officers Association
- Reuther, Walter
- Ridge, Albert A.
- Ridgway, Matthew B.
- Riss and Company
- River Data
- RO
- Roberts, Roy
- Roberts, Sam
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Box 111
- Rockefeller, Nelson A. – Report on International Security [1 of 2]
- Rockefeller, Nelson A. – Report on International Security [2 of 2]
- Rockefeller, Nelson A. – State Council Report on Nuclear Fallout
- Rosenberg, Anna M.
- Royall, Kenneth C.
- Rusk, Howard A.
- Russell, Richard B.
- Russia
- Ryan, Oswald
- SA
- Sachs, Alex
- Safety – Auto and Pedestrian
Box 112
- St. Lawrence Seaway [1 of 2]
- St. Lawrence Seaway [2 of 2]
- St. Louis Globe Democrat
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch – 1953-1954
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch – 1955-1967
- Salomon, Sidney
- Saturday Evening Post – 1964
- Saturday Review [1 of 4]
- Saturday Review [2 of 4]
Box 113
- Saturday Review [3 of 4]
- Saturday Review [4 of 4]
- Sawyer, Charles
- SC
- Scarritt, Nathan
- Schary, Dore
- Schenck, Martin
- Schindler, Alfred
- Schlesinger, Arthur
- Schwimmer, Harry I.
- Scott, W. Kerr
- Scripps-Howard
- Sevareid, Eric
- Shaw, Mary
- Sheehy, Maurice S.
Box 114
- Sheil, Bernard J.
- Short, Beth
- Simon & Schuster
- Sinclair, Upton
- SM
- Smathers, George
- Smith, Alfred E.
- Smith, Bryce B.
- Smith, Walter Bedell
- Snollygoster
- Sorenson, Theodore C.
- Sparkman, John J.
- Spear, Harvey
- Spence, Brent
- Spingarn, Stephen J. [1 of 3]
- Spingarn, Stephen J. [2 of 3]
Box 115
- Spingarn, Stephen J. [3 of 3]
- Spottswood, John M.
- ST
- Stacks
- Stacks Coin Collection
- Steelman, John R. – 1953
- Steelman, John R. – 1954-1960
- Steelman, John R. – 1967-1973
Box 116
- Stephens, Joseph F.
- Stevenson, Adlai E. [1 of 2]
- Stevenson, Adlai E. [2 of 2]
- Stevenson, Adlai E. – U.N. Ambassador
- Stevenson, Adlai E. – Memorials
- Stevenson, Charles S.
- Stimson, Henry L.
- Stokes, Tom
- Stone, Martin
- Stories
- Stowe, David H.
- Strickler, Thomas J.
- SU
- Sullivan, John L.
- Symington, Stuart [1 of 4]
- Symington, Stuart [2 of 4]
Box 117
- Symington, Stuart [3 of 4]
- Symington, Stuart [4 of 4]
- Symington, Stuart – Campaign
- Symington, Stuart – Political
- Taft, Robert
- Talge, Henry J.
- Talge, Henry J. – Birthday party 1960
- Talge, Henry J. – Birthday party 1961
- Talge, Henry J. – Birthday party 1962
- Talge, Henry J. – Birthday party 1963
- Talge, Henry J. – 1953-1958
- Talge, Henry J. – 1959-1960
Box 118
- Talge, Henry J. – 1961-1973 [1 of 2]
- Talge, Henry J. – 1961-1973 [2 of 2]
- Talge, Henry J. – Reports [1 of 2]
- Talge, Henry J. – Reports [2 of 2]
- Taylor, Myron C.
- Taylor, Preston C.
- Taylor, Telford
- Television and Radio Data [1 of 2]
- Television and Radio Data [2 of 2]
- Thermo-fax Data
Box 119
- 35th Division – Memorial Room
- 35th Division – Presentation of 75mm Field Piece
- 35th Division – General [1 of 2]
- 35th Division – General [2 of 2]
- 35th Division – Realignment
- This I Believe
- This Week Magazine [1 of 2]
- This Week Magazine [2 of 2]
- Thomas, Norman
- Thurman, Samuel
- Tiernan, L. Curtis
Box 120
- Tobin, Maurice
- Torah Data
- Town Hall, Inc.
- Truman Award Dinner: Lucius Clay Dec. 13,1964
- Truman Award Dinner: Hubert Humphrey Dec. 18, 1965
- Truman Award Dinner: Israel Bond Committee
- Truman Award Dinner: Edmund Muskie Dec. 13, 1970
- Truman Award Dinner: Dr. Jonas E. Salk Dec. 18, 1966
- Tubby, Roger – 1953-1956
- Tubby, Roger – 1957-1959
- Tubby, Roger – 1960-1974
- Tucker, Raymond R.
- Turkey
- Twain, Mark
- Tyler, John
- U
Box 121
- United Nations – 1953-1954
- United Nations – 1955-1960
- United Nations – 1961-1971 [1 of 2]
- United Nations – 1961-1971 [2 of 2]
- United Nations Association of the United States of America
- United Nations – Conference February 18-20, 1965
- United Nations – Data
- United Press
- V
- Vatican Library
- Vaccaro, Ernest B. "Tony"
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1953-1956 [1 of 2]
Box 122
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1953-1956 [2 of 2]
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1957-1959 [1 of 2]
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1957-1959 [2 of 2]
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1960-1961
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1962
- Vaughan, Harry H. – 1963-1965
Box 123
- Veatch, N.T.
- Venezuela
- Vice President
- Vietnam Data [1 of 2]
- Vietnam Data [2 of 2]
- Vietnam – Support for Administration Policy (Citizen Committee)
- Vietnam – Truman Statement on, March 20, 1967
- Vile, Hy
- Vinson, Fred M.
- Virgin Islands
- WA
- Walker, Frank C.
- Wallgren, Mon C.
- Walsh, Jerome
Box 124
- Warren, Earl [1 of 2]
- Warren, Earl [2 of 2]
- Warren, Henri L.
- Warren, W. H.
- Washington, George
- Washington Post
- Watson, Felthan
- WE
- Weather Service
- Weatherford, Robert P.
- Webb, James E.
- Weinberg, Benjamin
- Weizman, Chaim
- Wells Family, W. Gates [2011 accretion]
- Welsh, Matthew E.
- West Point [2011 accretion]
- Western Union – Copies of wires sent 1955-1963 [1 of 2]
Box 125
- Western Union – Copies of wires sent 1955-1963 [2 of 2]
- Western Union – Copies of wires sent 1964-1973 [1 of 2]
- Western Union – Copies of wires sent 1964-1973 [2 of 2]
- WH
- Wheeler, Burton K.
- Wheeler, John N.
- Whitehair, Francis P.
- White House – Data
- White House – History [1 of 2]
Box 126
- White House – History [2 of 2]
- Who’s Who [1 of 2]
- Who’s Who [2 of 2]
- Wicker, John J.
- Williams, Harrison A.
- Williams, James L.
- Williams, Ransome J.
- Williamsburg (Colonial)
- Williamson, Hugh P.
- Wilson, A. Reed
- Wilson, Woodrow – Booklets
- Wilson, Woodrow – Commission
- Wilson, Woodrow – Foundation
- Wilson, Woodrow – International Center for Scholars
Box 127
- Wilson, Woodrow – Miscellaneous
- Wisconsin Industrial Union Council
- Woods, Ed – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Wooton, Paul
- World Book Encyclopedia
- World Peace and Security
- Woodward, Stanley [1 of 2]
- Woodward, Stanley [2 of 2]
- World’s Fair
- World’s Fair – New York, 1964 – Board of Directors Agenda, Minutes, etc. 1963-1965 [1 of 5]
- World’s Fair – New York, 1964 – Board of Directors Agenda, Minutes, etc. 1963-1965 [2 of 5]
Box 128
- World’s Fair – New York, 1964 – Board of Directors Agenda, Minutes, etc. 1963-1965 [3 of 5]
- World’s Fair – New York, 1964 – Board of Directors Agenda, Minutes, etc. 1963-1965 [4 of 5]
- World’s Fair – New York, 1964 – Board of Directors Agenda, Minutes, etc. 1963-1965 [5 of 5]
- Wyatt, Wilson W.
- Y
- Yarborough, Ralph W.
- Yeh, George K.C.
- Young, John I.
- Youth Wants to Know – TV – Radio
- Z
- Zobrist, Benedict K.
Box 129
- Aa – Aba
- Abb – "Abel"
- Abela – Abo
- Abelman, Max
- Abernathy, Maurine Howard
- Abr – Abz
- Ac - Acz
- Ad – Admo
- Adams [1 of 2]
Box 130
- Adams [2 of 2]
- Adams, Bob E.
- Adams, John B.
- Adamsa – Adkir
- Addressograph-Multigraph Corp.
- Adkis – Adz
- Ae – Agz
- Africa
- Agriculture – 1958-1963
Box 131
- Agriculture – 1964-1971
- Ah – Air
- Airlines
- Airport Dedication – President Truman
- Ait – Akz
- Ala – Alcz
- Ald – Alexander (A-F)
- Alexander (G-Z)
Box 132
- Alexandr – Alford
- Alfalfa Club
- Alfr – Alkz
- Alla – Allen, A-H
- Allen, I - Allender
- Alleo – Alrz
- Alsa - Alz
Box 133
- Am – America
- Amberg, Richard H.
- American – A-B
- American – C-D
- American – E-F
- American – G-H
- American – I-L
- American – M-Q
Box 134
- American – R-S
- American – T-Z
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
- American Legion – 1953-1957
- American Legion – 1958-1964
- American Legion – 1965-1968
- American Legion – 1969-1972
- American Medical Association
- American Political Science Association
- American Royal Data
Box 135
- Americans – AMZ
- Americans for Democratic Action
- Ana – Anders
- Anderson – A-H
- Anderson – I-Q
- Anderson – R-Z
Box 136
- Andert – Andrews
- Andrews, Robert Armstrong
- Andrews, Russell P.
- Andrh – Ang
- Anich – Anz
- Ao – Aq
- Applications for Jobs
- Ar – Arf
- Ararat Shrine
Box 137
- Arg – "Arms"
- Argentina
- Arkansas
- Arkansas: Governor Faubus and the Integration Issue
- Armstrong – Armz
- Arn – Arnz
- Arnold
- Arnold, Stanley – 1957-1958
Box 138
- Arnold, Stanley – 1959-1960
- Arnold, Stanley – 1961-1962
- Arnold, Stanley – 1963
- Arnold, Stanley – 1964-1969
- Arnold, Stanley – 1970-1972
- Aro – Arz
- Arrington, John S.
- Arrow Rock
- Article – Saul Pett, August 27, 1961
- Asa - Asg
Box 139
- Ash
- Asi - Asz
- Asia
- Associated Press
- Astronauts Data
- At – Atk
- Atl – Atz
- Atlantic Union
- Atlantic Unity – 1953-1959
Box 140
- Atlantic Unity – 1960s
- Au – Auss
- Auctions – Requests For Items (Answered)
- Auctions – Requests For Items (Unanswered) [1 of 2]
- Auctions – Requests For Items (Unanswered) [2 of 2]
- Aust – Auz
- Australia
Box 141
- Austria
- Authors Guild, Inc. & Authors League Fund
- Autograph – Foreign
- Autographing Data
- Av- Aw
- Awards
- Ax-Az
- Ba-Badz
- Bae - Bah
Box 142
- Bai-Bail
- Bailey, Edward W.
- Baim-Bakd
- Baird’s – 1954-1958
- Baird’s – 1959-1973
- Baker, A-H
- Baker, I-Z
Box 143
- Bakery – Balk
- Baldwin Piano Company
- Ball-Ballz
- Balm-Balz
- Bam-Banks
- Banm-Baptist
- Baptist Fire
- Baptist Memorial Hospital
Box 144
- Bar-Bard
- Bare-Barkez
- Barker, Honorable John T.
- Barkf-Barner
- Barkley, Mr. and Mrs. David
- Barnes-Barnett
Box 145
- Barnethu-Barno
- Baro-Barrh
- Barri-Barry
- Barry, Frank M.
- Bars-Bartz
- Barto-Barz
- Basa-Baso
- Baseball – Athletics, Blues, Royals – Kansas City
Box 146
- Baseball – Invitations
- Baseball – Passes
- Baseball – Missouri Invitations
- Baseball – St. Louis Cardinals
- Bass – Basz
- Bata – Bats
- Batt – Batz
- Batton, David
- Battery "D" [1 of 4]
- Battery "D" [2 of 4]
Box 147
- Battery "D" [3 of 4]
- Battery "D" [4 of 4]
- Bau – Baumgarth
- Bauer, Sheila
- Baum, Abraham
- Baumgartner – Baz
- Bayern, Dr. Herman A.
- Bea – Beam
Box 148
- Beaman – Beasley
- Beason – Beaz
- Beb – Beckeo
- Bebee, Jo Allen
- Becker
- Beckera – Bed
Box 149
- Bee – Beel
- Beem – Bef
- Beg – Bek
- Bela – Belkz
- Belgium
- Bell [1 of 2]
- Bell [2 of 2]
- Bella – Belz
- Bem – Beng [1 of 2]
Box 150
- Bem – Beng [2 of 2]
- Benh – Benm
- Benn – Bennett
- Bennett, Charles E.
- Benning – Benson
- Bent – Benz
- Beo – Berf
- Berg – Berger - A-Q
Box 151
- Berger - R-Z – Berh
- Beri – Beck
- Berkowitz, Walter
- Berl – Berliner
- Berm – Bems
- Bernays, Edward
- Bernstein
- Berr – Berry
Box 152
- Berrya – Berz
- Bes – Bet
- Beu - Bhaiandiwala
- Bia – Bib
- Bible Data
- Bic - Bif
- Big – Billr
- Bills – Bim
Box 153
- Bills – Congressional
- Bin – Big
- Bira – Birz
- Birch Society
- Birmingham Church
- Birthday – HST Misc. Programs
- Bis – Biz
- BJ – Black
Box 154
- Blacka – Blackz
- Blad – Blam
- Blan – Blans
- Blant – Blaz
- Ble – Bli
Box 155
- Blo – Block
- Blod – Blot
- Blou – Bluh
- Blum – B’nai B’rith
- Boa – Bodz
- Boe – Bog
Box 156
- Boh – Bok
- Bol – Bolm
- Bolivar, Missouri
- Bols – Bolz
- Bona – Bonf
- Bong – Bonz
- Boo – Boond
Box 157
- Boone
- Boor – Bop
- Bora – Borm
- Born – Borz
- Borough Plan – St. Louis, MO
- Bos – Boston
- Bostrom – Bosworth
Box 158
- Bothwell – Boul
- Bot - Bov
- Bow – Bowers, Harry
- Bowers, J. – Bowlen
- Bowler – Bowz
- Box – Boyden
Box 159
- Boyer – Boyn
- Boys – Boz
- Boy Scouts – 1968 – 1973
- Boy Scouts – 1953 – 1967
- Bra – Brack
- Brad – Bradley, Elmer
- Bradley, Frank – Bradley, William
Box 160
- Bradm – Bradz
- Braf – Branch
- Brand – Brandon
- Brandon, Dr. W. L.
- Brandt – Bras
- Brats – Braz
- Braverman, Marvin
Box 161
- Bray, William
- Brazil
- Brea – Breger
- Bregman – Bremerton
- Bren – Brenner, J.H.
- Brenner, Robert – Brets
- Breu – Brez
Box 162
- Briand – Bridg
- Bridwell – Bright
- Briggs, Frank
- Brightman – Brill
- Brim – Brister
- Bristol – Briz
- Broa – Broc
Box 163
- Brod – Brody
- Broe – Bron
- Brogan, Denis
- Broo – Brookr
- Brooks - A-G
- Brooks - H-Z
- Brool – Brothl
- Brotm – Brov
- Broutzas, Costas
Box 164
- Brow – Brown, Catherine
- Brown, Charles – Brown, Duane
- Brown, Dan H.
- Brown, Earl – Brown, George E.
- Brown, George F. – Brown, Howard
- Brown, Irene – Brown, Lela
Box 165
- Brown, Leo – Brown, Preston
- Brown, R.C. – Brown, William
- Brownback – Broz
- Browne, Ken
- Brun – Bruz
Box 166
- Brua – Brum
- Bryan – Bryan, William Jennings
- Bryan, Travis – 1958-1962
- Bryan, Travis – 1953-1957
- Bryant – A-R
- Bryant – S-Z
Box 167
- Bu – Buch
- Buck – Buckley, John
- Buckley, Robert – Bucur
- Bud – Buford, Joe
- Buford, O – Buj
- Buker – Bullis
- Bullivan – Bunch
- Bunche – Buon
Box 168
- Bullard, John (Jack)
- Bura – Burd
- Bure – Burj
- Burk – Burke, Norman
- Burke, Paul - Burkett
- Burkf – Burnesz
Box 169
- Burnett – Burns – A-D
- Burns – E-J
- Burns – K-Z – Buro
- Burr – Burrt
- Burru – Burton – A-H
- Burton – I-Z – Burz
- Bus – Bushell
Box 170
- Bushen – Busz
- Butchart – Butler, Lemuel
- Butler, Lucinda – Buw
- Bux – Byk
- Buxton, John
- Byl – Byrd
- Byre - Bz
Box 171
- Ca – Cah
- Cai – Cak
- Cala – Calhoon
- Cali – Calz
- Calley, Lt. William
- Cama – Camr
Box 172
- Camalier, Renah
- Campbell – A-H
- Campbell, Alexander
- Campbell – I-Z
- Cana-Cane
- Canada
- Canel – Canm
Box 173
- Cann – Cap
- Capa – Caputo
- Capehart, Homer E.
- Caps, Ernest L.
- Cara – Carf
- Care, Inc.
- Carg – Carle
Box 174
- Carli – Carlson
- Carlsson – Carm
- Carn – Carnz
- Caro – Carq
- Carr
- Carra – Carrm
- Carro – Carroll – A-L
Box 175
- Carroll – M-Z – Carrz
- Cars – Cartd
- Carte – Carte – A-L
- Carter – M-Z
- Cartf – Carz
- Cartoons – 1953-1955
- Cartoons – 1956-1957
Box 176
- Cartoons – 1958-1961
- Cartoons – 1962-1965
- Cartoons – 1966-1972
- Casa – Cashmore
- Casi – Cassil
- Cassity – Casz
- Casoni, Fred
Box 177
- Casto, James
- Cat – Catta
- Catte – Cauz
- Cav – Celu
- Cem – Cev
- Ceylon
- Cha – Chamberlin
- Chair (Barca Lounger)
- Chairmanships
Box 178
- Chamberlin, Lyman William “Bill”
- Chambers-Chamz
- Chamber of Commerce – Miscellaneous, 1953 – 1957
- Chamber of Commerce – Miscellaneous, 1963 – 1965
- Chamber of Commerce – Miscellaneous, 1966 – 1968
- Chamber of Commerce – Miscellaneous, 1969 – 1972
- Cha-Chanz
- Chao – Chap
- Chara – Chars
Box 179
- Chart – Chaz
- Charter (City Manager Form of Government)
- Che – Cherry
- Chert - Chev
- Cherry, James R.
- Chi – Childr
- Chicago
Box 180
- Childs – Chmielak
- Chile
- China
- Cho – Christg
- Christi – Christid
- Christie – Chrz
Box 181
- Chub – Chung
- Chup – Chz
- Ci – Cip
- Cir – Cit
- Citations – Misc.
- Mr. Citizen (October 1953)
- Mr. Citizen (September 1953)
- Mr. Citizen (A-H)
- Mr. Citizen (I-Z)
- Civ – Clarj
Box 182
- Civil Liberties Education Foundation Inc.
- Civil Rights Data
- Civil Service Data
- Civil War (America)
- Civil War Centennial Commission
- Clark (A-C)
- Clark (D-G)
- Clark (H-K)
- Clark (L-Z)
Box 183
- Clark, Charles Patrick (1953-1961)
- Clark, Charles Patrick (1962-1967)
- Clarke – Claurz
- Clarke, Borden
- Claus – Cld
- Cle – Clemens
- Clement – Cleu
Box 184
- Clemens, Cyril (1953-1955)
- Clemens, Cyril (1956-1957)
- Clemens, Cyril (1958-1961)
- Clemens, Cyril (1962-1964)
- Clemens, Cyril (1965-1967)
- Clemens, Cyril (1968-1970)
Box 185
- Clemens, Cyril (1971)
- Clemens, Cyril (1972 – 1973)
- Clev – Clif
- Clinc – Closter
- Clot – CM Records
- Clymer, Floyd (1953 – 1954)
Box 186
- Clymer, Floyd (1955)
- Clymer, Floyd (1956-1959)
- Clymer, Floyd (1960 – 1972)
- Co – Cobb
- Cobc – Coch
- Cockcroft – Coe
- Cockrell, Judge Ewing
Box 187
- Cof - Coffin
- Coffman – Cohem
- Cohen (A-I)
- Cohen (J-Z)
- Cohenz – Cold
Box 188
- Coin Collection Data
- Colbert, Bobby
- Cole
- Coleb – Coliz
- Coll – Collh
- Colli – Collins (A-H)
Box 189
- Collins (I-Z)
- Collinson – Colt
- Columbia – Colz
- Colored – NAACP
- Coma – Communication
- Committee on Foreign Trade
- Communist – Comz
Box 190
- Con – Congreg
- Congress – Congressional
- Coni – Connd
- Conne – Conney
- Conni – Connz
- Cono – Conr
- Conrad, Fred G.
- Cons
Box 191
- Cont – Conz
- Convention Correspondence – 1956 – Miscellaneous
- Coo – Cook
- Cooke – Cookeson
- Cool – Coonz
- Cooper (A-L)
- Cooper (M-Z)
- Cooperative – Cop
Box 192
- Cora – Corf
- Corig – Cormil
- Corne – Corz
- Cose – Cost
- Costa Rica
- Cot
Box 193
- Cou – Coul
- Coun – Cous
- Cout – Couv
- Cov – Cowden
- Cowdrey – Cowz
- Cox – Coxz
- Coy – Coz
Box 194
- Cra – Craig
- Craih – Crao
- Crape – Crawford
- Crawg – Cres
- Cret – Crn
- Cro – Crom
Box 195
- Cron-Crosr
- Cross-Crov
- Crow-Crt
- Crowe, Brendan T.
- Cru-Cs
- Crutcher, Dorris
Box 196
- Cua – Culp
- Cult – Cumn
- Cub Scouts
- Cuba
- Cuban Crisis Correspondence
- Cuban Missile Crisis - Clippings
- Cumo-Cunningham, J.
- Cunningham, L. - Cuq
- Cur - Currz
Box 197
- Curs-Curz
- Cusa-Cz
- Czechoslovakia
- Da-Dail
- Dailey - Dak
- Dal-Dallm
- Dalln-Dalz
Box 198
- Dam-Danc
- Dand-Daniels
- Danielski – Daps
- Daq-Dasho
- Dashoff – Dauz
- Darling, Arthur B.
Box 199
- J. N. Darling Foundation
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Dav – Davidson, J.
- Davidson, L. – Davir
- Davis, A - C
- Davis, D - G
- Davis, H - I
Box 200
- Davis, J - K
- Davis, L - O
- Davis, P - R
- Davis, S - Z
- Davison – Davy
- Daw – Dawson
- Dax – D’C
Box 201
- Dea-Deaq
- Deal, Horace B.
- Dear-Deby
- Dec-Deck
- Debutante Cotillion Data
- DeCicco, Michael
- Deckera-Dee
- Def-Deg
Box 202
- Deh-Dek
- Dela-Dellz
- Delapp, G. Leslie
- Delm-Delz
- Dem-Demb
- Deme-Demz
- Demaree, Ophelia
- DeMolay Association [1 of 2]
Box 203
- DeMolay Association [2 of 2]
- Den-Dennh
- Denmark
- Denni-Deq
- DePugh, Robert B.
- Der
- Des-Det
- Deu-Devh
Box 204
- Devi-Devz
- Dew-Dez
- Di-Dickd
- Dicke-Dickh
- Dicki-Dicksr
- Dickst - Diek
- Diel – Diez
- Dif – Dilln
- Dillo – Dillz
Box 205
- Dim – Dinn
- Dino – Dir
- Dis – Diz
- Dit – Diw
- Dix – Dn
- Doa – Doc
- Dod – Dodh
Box 206
- Dodi – Dodz
- Doe-Dok
- Dohanos, Stevan
- Dol – Dolz
- Dom – Dong
- Donh – Donn
- Dono – Donz
Box 207
- Doo – Dori
- Dr. Tom Dooley Tribute Fund
- Dorj – Dorm
- Dorn – Dos
- Dot – Dough
- Douglas – Dougz
- Douglas, Lewis
- Douh – Downex
- Dowling, Robert
Box 208
- Downey – Doy
- Dra – Drak
- Dral-Dreh
- Draper, William
- Draper, William – Pamphlets
- Drei-Drn
Box 209
- Dro-Drum
- Druckman, Abraham
- Drun – Dubm
- Dubn – Duc
- Dud – Due
- Duf – Dugan
- Duggan – Duh
- Dui – Duk
Box 210
- Dul – Dunb
- Dunc – Dune
- Dunf – Dunlap, A-H
- Dunlap, I-Z – Dunm
- Dunn – Dup
- Dunston, Katherine “Bunny”
- Duq – Durj
Box 211
- Durk – Dux
- Dv – Dyeq
- Dyer – Dz
- Ea-Eal
- Eagles, Fraternal Order of
- Eagleton, Thomas
- Eam – Eass
Box 212
- East – Eatn
- Easter - 1971
- Easter - 1972
- Easter - 1974
- Eastern Star Data
- Eaton-Eaz
- Eaton, Charles F.
- Eba-Ebz
- Eca-Eckj
- Eckl-Edelr
Box 213
- Edels – Edg
- Edh-Edward
- Edwards, A-H
- Edwards, I-L
- Edwards, M-Z-Edz
- Ee-Eg
- Eha-Ehz
Box 214
- Egan-Ed
- Eia – Eiseman
- Eisen-Eiz
- Ej-Eld
- Ele-Elk
- Electric Consumers Information
- Eli – Elliot
- Elliott – Ellirz
- Elliott, John B.
Box 215
- Ellis, A-J
- Elliis, L-Z
- Ellis, Clyde T.
- Ellison - Elz
- Em – Emery, George
- Emery, H. – Enfz
- Employers Overload, Inc.
- Encyclopedia
- Eng – Engel
Box 216
- Engel, Salo-Engliking
- English-Engstrom
- England [1 of 2]
- England [2 of 2]
- Eni-Epr
- Epsa-Epsz
- Ept-Erj
Box 217
- Erk-Erz
- Ernst, Morris
- Esa-Esq
- Esr-Esz
- Et-Euz
- Eva-Evans (A-D)
- Evans (E-K)
- Evans (L-Z)-Evd
Box 218
- Eve-Evi
- Evj-Ez
- Fab-Fabz
- Faca-Fagin
- Fah-Faiq
- Fair-Fairz
- Fair Campaign Practices Committee, Inc.
- Faj-Falz
- Fam-Faq
Box 219
- Fara-Farh
- Fari-Farl
- Faris, E.C. (Bud)
- Farm
- Farmer's Union
- Farn-Farrand, J.
- Farrar – Farz
- Father's Day (1969)
- Father's Day (1972)
- Fas – Fauj
- Faul-Faz
Box 220
- Fe-Federal
- Federam-Fedz
- Fee-Fef
- Fenney, Joseph G.
- Feh-Fej
- Fela-Feldman
- Feldman, Trude
- Feldn-Fellk
- Fellm-Felz
- Fem-Fergus
- Ferguson-Ferm
Box 221
- Fern-Ferris
- Ferron-Fhz
- Fia-Fielding
- Fields-Filstrup
- Film America Foundation
- Fin-Find
- Fine
- Finea-Finkz
- Finl-Finnz
Box 222
- Finland
- Fino-Fir
- Fis-Fisheq
- Fisher, A-Landon
- Fisher, Lee-S
- Fisher, T-Fisherman
- Fishf-Fisr
Box 223
- Fisse – Fitzgibbon
- Fitzgibbons – Fixz
- Fla – Flanagan
- Flanagen – Flasphaler
- Flag Data [1 of 2]
- Flag Data [2 of 2]
Box 224
- Flat-Fleischel
- Fleet Reserve Association
- Fleischem-Fln
- Flo-Flt
- Flu-Flz
- Foa-Foley, I
Box 225
- Foley, J-Folm
- Fon-Ford Motor Company
- Ford, A-Ford, Z
- Forda-Form
- Foreign, 1953
Box 226
- Foreign, 1955
- Foreign, 1956
- Foreign, 1957
- Foreign, 1958-1959
- Foreign, 1960-1961
- Foreign, 1962-1965
- Foreign – Requests for Autographs
- Foreign Student Data
- Foreign Visitors
- Forn-Forsz
Box 227
- Forsyth-Forsythe
- Fort-Forw
- Fosa-Foster, Julian
- Foster, LaMar-Foto
- Fou – Fowk
- Foulkes, A. Eugene
- Fourth of July [1 of 2]
- Fourth of July [2 of 2]
- Fowler-Fox, A-J
- Fox, K-Z-Foz
Box 228
- Fox, Thomas and Family
- Fra-Frandz
- France [1 of 2]
- France [2 of 2]
- Frane-Frankle
- Franklin-Franz
Box 229
- Frao-Fraz
- Frea – Freedenberger
- Freedman – Freedoms
- Freedom Documents Foundation
- Freedom Riders – Letters
- Freef-Freez
Box 230
- Freg – French, R
- French, Ray – Frez
- Fria – Friedman, Harry
- Friedman, Robert – Friem
- Friedman, Martin
- Friend – Frnz
Box 231
- Fro-Ftz
- Frontier, Phil Kerby
- Fu-Fulj
- Fulk-Fulz
- Fum-Fz
- Ga-Gage
- Gagie-Gaiz
Box 232
- Gaj-Gallagher, D
- Gallagher, E. – Gallagher Z
- Gallaher – Galn
- Galp – Gaml
- Gamm – Gaq
- Gara – Gardiner, T.
Box 233
- Gare – Garq
- Garr – Garrz
- Garrison, R. C.
- Gars – Garz
- Gasa – Gates
- Gates, Vernon
Box 234
- Gatet – Gd
- Gea – Gel
- Gell – Gem
- Gen – Genm
- Genn – Georg
- George – Geq
Box 235
- Gera – Gerl
- Germain – Gesheidler
- Geschwendt – Gh
- Germany, 1971-1973
- Germany, 1970
- Germany, 1968-1969
- Germany, 1965-1967
Box 236
- Germany, 1954-1963
- Gershenson, Harry
- Ghost Writer Data
- Gia – Gibr
- Gibson
- Gibson, Don
- Gibson, Floyd R.
- Gic – Gik
- Gila – Gilbert
Box 237
- Gilberta – Gild
- Gigliotti, Frank B.
- Gile – Gilla
- Gillb – Gillette
- Gilley – Gilmn
- Gilmore – Ginb
- Gind – Ginz
- Gio – Gk
Box 238
- Girl Scouts
- Gla – Glasf
- Glasg – Glasse
- Glassf – Glhz
- Gli – Gn
- Goa – Goh
- Goi – Goldberf
- Goldberg
- Goldberg, William
Box 239
- Goldblatt – Goldlz
- Goldman – Goldstd
- Goldstein – Golz
- Goldstein, Rabbi Israel
- Goller, Harry I. 1953 – 1954
- Goller, Harry I. 1955 – 1961
- Goller, Harry I. 1962 – 1972
Box 240
- Gom – Goodmz
- Goodn – Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordona – Gorz
- Gos – Gosz
- Got – Goz
Box 241
- Gra – Gral
- Graham, Thomas
- Gram – Grar
- Grandchild, Letters Regarding Third
- Gras – Graw
- Gray
Box 242
- Grea-Green
- Greece, 1950-1958
- Greece, 1959-1961
- Greece, 1962-1973
- Greena-Greene
- Greenf-Greez
Box 243
- Greenway, Cornelius
- Gref-Grez
- Gria-Griffir
- Griffis-Grnz
- Groa-Gronz
- Grolier, Inc.
- Groo-Grtz
Box 244
- Grua-Grul
- Grum-Gt
- Gu-Guerz
- Gues-Gukj
- Gula-Gurz
- Gusa-Gz
- Ha-Hackl
Box 245
- Hackm-Hadl
- Hadm-Hagdz
- Hage-Hagz
- Hah-Haj
- Hak-Halk
- Hall (A-G)
- Hall (H-M)
Box 246
- Hall (N-Z)
- Hall of Fame
- Hall of Free Enterprise
- Hall, Mr. Joyce C.
- Halla-Halz
- Hallagan, J.H.
- Ham-Hamils
- Hamilton
- Hamilton, Brutus
Box 247
- Hamj-Hamm
- Hammi-Hamz
- Hana-Hanm
- Handy Associates, Inc.
- Hanna-Hanp
- Hanner, Dick
- Hanr-Hansf
- Hansen, Richard H.
Box 248
- Hansen, Justice Robert W.
- Hanson-Hap
- Hara-Hardy
- Hare-Harl
- Harl, Maple T.
- Harm-Haro
Box 249
- Harp-Harq
- Harper & Row, Publishers
- Harra-Harrir
- Harris, A-H
- Harris, I-Z
- Harrison-Harsz
- Hart, A-P
- Hart, Q-Z
Box 250
- Harth-Haruz
- Harva-Harz
- Harwood, H.M., Sr.
- Hasa-Hasthz
- Hasti-Hasz
- Hat-Hatz
- Haua-Havz
- Hawa-Hayd
Box 251
- Haye-Haz
- Hayes
- Hays
- Hea-Hearr
- Healey, Joseph
- Hears-Heaz
- Heaton, Ronald E.
- Heb-Hedz
Box 252
- Hechler, Kenneth
- Hee-Heil
- Heim-Heis
- Heit-Helleq
- Heller-Helm
- Helma-Hemz
- Hen-Hendeq
- Henderson
- Hendley-Hendz
Box 253
- Hene-Henrh
- Henri-Henrz
- Hens-Hep
- Hensel, Roy and Harold
- Her-Herm
- Hern-Heron
- Herro-Hersh
Box 254
- Hersi-Herz
- Has-Hez
- Heslep, Charter
- Hewetson, W.L.
- Heyn, Ernest V.
- Hi-Hickman
- Hicks
- Hicks, C.D.
- Hid-Hik
Box 255
- Hila-Hill [1 of 2, A-O]
- Hill [2 of 2, P-Z]-Hillz
- Hilm-Hincj
- Himes
- Hinck-Hiq
- Hinters, Albert M.
- Hir-Hiz
- Hirschfield, John C.
Box 256
- Historical Societies
- History Book-Letters Re
- Hoa-Hoc
- Hod-Hoe
- Hof-Hofz
- Hog-Hoh
- Hoi-Holdh
- Holdi-Hollamz
- Holland
Box 257
- Holland (country)
- Hollander-Hollir
- Hollis-Hollz
- Holm-Hols
- Holt-Holz
- Hom-Honz
- Honor America Day
- Hoo-Hooks
Box 258
- Hool-Hoq
- Hopkins, William J.
- Hor-Hornd
- Horne
- Horne, Edward V.
- Horner-Hornz
- Horo-Horz
- Hos-Hosz
- Hostick, King V.
Box 259
- Hot-Hourz
- Housa-Hov
- Housholder, Vic, 1953-1956
- Housholder, Vic, 1957-1959
- Housholder, Vic, 1963-1965
- Housholder, Vic, 1966-1971
- Howard-Howdz
Box 260
- Howe-Hoz
- Howell, Charles R.
- Hra-Hrz
- Hu-Hubers
- Hubert-Hudz
- Hue-Hugg
- Hugh-Hughes
- Hughes, Richard J.
- Hughet-Huma
Box 261
- Humb-Humz
- Humphreys, Joseph B.
- Hun-Hunt
- Hungary
- Hunter-Huq
- Hur-Hurtz
- Huru-Huw
Box 262
- Hux-Hz
- Hyman, William A.
- Ia-Ik
- Il-Inda
- Independence-Indh [includes documents added in 2011]
- Indi-Indz
- India
- Ine-Inl
Box 263
- Infantry Data
- Inm-Ins
- Int-International [1 of 2, A-K]
- International [2 of 2, L-Z]
- International News Service
- Intero-Irh
- Iran
- Ireland
- Iri-Irz
Box 264
- Is-Iz
- Israel-Arab War of 1967
- Israel Data
- Italy
Box 265
- Ja-Jackson [1 of 2, A-H]
- Jackson [2 of 2, I-Z]-Jacnz
- Jackson, Henry M. - Presidential Campaign Data
- Jackson County, Missouri
- Jacoa-Jacobsen
- Jacobs, Floyd E.
- Jacobson-Jal
- Jama-Jamz
Box 266
- Jan-Jaq
- Japan [1 of 2]
- Japan [2 of 2]
- Jar-Jau
- Jav-Jaz
- Je-Jeffe
- Jeffi-Jemz
- Jena-Jenmz
- Jenn-Jensaz
Box 267
- Jensen-Jeq
- Jer-Jhz
- Jewish
- Ji-Jn
- Joa-Johns
- Johnson, A-D
- Johnson, E-G
Box 268
- Johnson, H-I
- Johnson, J-K
- Johnson, Mrs. Joseph L.
- Johnson, L
- Johnson, M
- Johnson, N-Q
- Johnson, R
- Johnson, S-Z
- Johnson, Mrs. Virginia D.
- Johnsr-Johnston, A-K
Box 269
- Johnston, L-Z-Jom
- Jon-Jond
- Jones, A-E
- Jones, F-K
- Jones, L-R
- Jones, S-Z
- Jonf-Jotz
Box 270
- Jou-Juh
- Jourdan, Raymond M.
- Joyce, Morton, D.
- Jui-Juz
- Ka-Kakz
- Kal-Kamz
- Kallir, Otto
- Kan-Kanr
- Kans-Kao
Box 271
- Kap-Kaq
- Kara-Kasz
- Kata-Katz
- Kau-Kaw
- Kax-Kaz
- Kea-Ked
- Kee-Kefz
Box 272
- Keg-Keis
- Keith-Kellex
- Keller, Helen (Katherine Cornell)
- Kelley
- Kelli-Kelz
- Kelly, "A-F"
- Kelly, "G-Z"
- Kelly, Hugh
- Kem-Kenna
Box 273
- Kennedy, "A-L"
- Kennedy, "M-Z"
- Kennee-Kent
- Kenta-Keq
- Ker-Kernz
- Kero-Kes
- Kessler, Ernest R.
- Kessler, Seymour M.
Box 274
- Ket-Khz
- Khrushchev, Nikita
- Kia-Kilz
- Kim-Kimz
- Kina-King, "A-H"
- King, "I-Z"
Box 275
- King, Martin Luther, Favorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "A-H"
- King, Martin Luther, Favorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "I-Q"
- King, Martin Luther, Favorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "R-Z"
- King, Martin Luther, Unfavorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "A-H"
- King, Martin Luther, Unfavorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "I-Q"
- King, Martin Luther, Unfavorable Mail Re Truman Statement, "R-Z"
- Kinga-Kio
- Kip-Kirkoz
- Kirkp-Kis
Box 276
- Kit-Kj
- Kla-Klein, "A-D"
- Klein, "E-Z"-Klen
- Klein, Julius
- Kleo-Klz
- KMBC TV/Radio
- Km-Knight, "A-H"
Box 277
- Knight, "I-Z"-Knoo
- Knop-Knz
- Koa-Kof
- Kog-Kom
- Kohen, Charles
- Kolb, Richard
- Kon-Kop
Box 278
- Koq-Kos
- Korea
- Kornitzer, Bela
- Kot-Koz
- Koury, Phillip A.
- Kp-Kratz
- Krau-Kreb
Box 279
- Krec-Krh
- Krevolin, Harold
- Kri-Kroh
- Krier, Edward
- Kroi-Krtz
- Kru-Krz
- Ks-Kug
- Kuck, Dr. Klaus D.
- Kuh-Kul
- Kum-Kuq
- Kur-Kus
Box 280
- Kut-Kz
- Kutner, Louis
- La-Lad
- Lae-Lah
- Lafferty, A.W.
- Lai-Lalz
Box 281
- Lama-Lamb
- Lamb, Frank
- Lamba-Lamz
- Lambert, Bruce
- Lana-Landf
- Landes, Burton
- Landi-Landy
- Lane-Lanez
- Lang-Langez
Box 282
- Lang, Harriet
- Langf-Lanz
- Lap-Larz
- Las-Lasz
- Lat-Latz
- Lau-Lavhz
- Lavi-Lawrz
Box 283
- Laws-Laxz
- Lay-Laz
- Lea-Leaz
- Leb-Lee, "A-K"
- Lee, "L-Z"-Leez
Box 284
- Lef-Lehz
- Lei-Lelz
- Lema-Lemz
- Lena-Lenz
- Leo-Leonardo
- Leonb-Ler
Box 285
- Les-Let
- Leu-Levin
- Levine-Levinr
- Levins-Lewir
- Lewis, "A-H"
- Lewis, "I-Q"
- Lewis, "R-Z"
- Lewit-Lgz
Box 286
- Lexington, Missouri Centennial Data
- Lh-Lid
- Library-Jack Benny TV Show
- Lie-Lief
- Lieg-Lih
- Lii-Lim
- Lin-Lindd
- Linday, Murray L.
- Linde-Lindz
- Line-Link
Box 287
- Linl-Linz
- Lio-Lipr
- Lips-Lis
- Lipsit, Benjamin B.
- Lit-Litz
- Liu-Ln
- Lob-Loc
Box 288
- Lod-Lof
- Log-Lohz
- Loi-Lonf
- Long
- Longa-Lor
- Longwell, Daniel
Box 289
- Los-Love
- The Lotos Club
- Lottery - Letters Re President Truman's Statement Concerning
- Louisville, Kentucky
- Lovea-Lovz
- Lovestone, Jay
Box 290
- Low-Lowens
- Lowent-Lt
- Lu-Lucd
- Lucus, Jacklyn H.
- Luce-Lud
- Luce, Clare Boothe - Correspondence Regarding Article
- Lue-Luj
- Luk-Lum
- Lun-Luq
Box 291
- Lur-Lx
- Ly-Lym
- Lynch
- Lunch, John B.
- Lynd-Lz
- MacA-MacD
- MacE-MacH
Box 292
- MacI-MacZ
- McA-McAm
- McAleer, Roger W.
- McAn-McB
- McCa-McCam
- McCan-McCartg
- McCann, Wayne
- McCarth
- McCarthy Data
Box 293
- McCarti-McCaz
- McCarty, Dan
- McCb-McCn
- McCo-McCormh
- McCorkle, Admiral F.D.
- McCormi-McCq
- McCr-McCulloh
Box 294
- McCulloi-McCz
- McD-McDn
- McDonald
- McDonnell-McDz
- McE-McF
- McGa-McGg
Box 295
- McGh-McGk
- McGl-McGrath
- McGraw-McGz
- McH-McJ
- McK-McKem
- McKen-McKz
- McLa-McLd
Box 296
- McLe-McLz
- McLean, Angus W.
- McM-McMh
- McMi-McMz
- McN-McNaz
- McNb-McNz
- McP-McZ
- McShain, John
Box 297
- Ma-Mach
- Maci-Macz
- Mad-Maf
- Maga-Magz
- Mah-Mahz
- Mai-Male
Box 298
- Mali-Malone
- Mallory, Mrs. A.D.
- Malmfeldt, Ted
- Maloney-Malz
- Mam-Manhz
- Mani-Mano
- Manp-Maq
Box 299
- Mar-Marhz
- March on the Capitol, 1963 - Letters Re
- March on Montgomery, Alabama, 1965 - Letters Re, Pro
- March on Montgomery, Alabama, 1965 - Letters Re, Con
- Marci-Markrz
- Marks-Marrz
Box 300
- Mars-Marsh
- Marshall-Martim
- Martin, "A-H"
- Martin, "I-Q"
- Martin, "R-Z"
- Martina-Marv
Box 301
- Marw-Marz
- Maryland Hall of Records--Genealogical Files
- Masa-Masrz
- Mass-Masz
- Mata-Mathews
- Mathewson-Matthev
- Matthews
- Matthewson-Mauq
- Maur-Max
Box 302
- May-Maydz
- Maybee, Dr. Bert E.
- Mayer-Mayez
- Mayerberg, Samuel S.
- Mayf-Mayrz
- Mays-Maz
- Mea-Medz
- Medal of Honor - Proposed Award to President Truman
- Medicare - More Important Correspondence
- Medicare - Clippings
Box 303
- Medicare - Data Regarding
- Medicine and Doctors
- Mee-Mik
- Meisburger, Eddie
- Mela-Melz
- Memberships 1953
- Memberships 1954
- Memberships 1955
- Memberships 1956
Box 304
- Memberships 1957
- Memberships 1958
- Memberships 1959
- Memberships 1960
- Memberships 1961
- Memberships 1962
- Memberships 1963
- Memberships 1964
- Memberships 1965
- Memberships 1966
- Memberships 1967
- Memberships 1968
- Memberships 1969
- Memberships 1970
- Memberships 1971
- Memberships 1972
- Memberships 1973
- Memberships - Political - States, "A-H"
- Memberships - Political - States, "I-M"
- Memberships - Political - States, "N-Z"
- Memberships - Political - Missouri
Box 305
- Mem-Merce
- Menorah Medical Center
- Merch-Meriz
- Merj-Merz
- Mes-Meth
- Metropolitan-Mex
- Mexico
- Mey-Mez
Box 306
- Meyer, Agnes (Mrs. Eugene)
- Meyer, Lauretta R.
- Mi-Micha
- Miche-Micz
- Mida-Midz
- Midwest Research Institute
- Mie-Milh
- Military Data
- Mili-Milk
- Mill-Milz
Box 307
- Miller, "A-D"
- Miller, "E-F"
- Miller, "G-H"
- Miller, "I-J"
- Miller, "K-P"
- Miller, "Q-S"
- Miller, "T-Z"
- Miller, Emma Guffey
Box 308
- Mim-Minn
- Minor, Mike
- Mino-Miq
- Mir-Mis
- Mississippi Data
- Missouri Data
- Missouri Resources and Development
- Mit-Mitchell, "A-I"
- Mitchell, "J-Z"-Minz
Box 309
- Moa-Mond
- Money and Requests for Autographs
- Mone-Monz
- Monroe, Frank
- Moo-Moopz
- Moody, Gil and Vicky
- Moore, "A-K"
Box 310
- Moore, "L-Z"-Mooz
- Mopa-Morfz
- Morgan-Morgz
- Morgan, David H.
- Morgenstern, Morris
- Morh-Morrir
Box 311
- Morris
- Morrisa-Morrovz
- Morrow-Morz
- Moseley, James G.
- Mosa-Mosrz
- Moss-Motz
Box 312
- Mother's Day
- Mou-Moz
- Mra-Mullhz
- Muehlebach Hotel
- Mulli-Muq
- Mura-Murphy, "A-K"
Box 313
- Murphy, "L-Z"
- Murphy, Joseph G.
- Murq-Murz
- Murray, Philip - Memorial Foundation
- Murray, Thomas E.
- Music
- Musa-Myers, "A-E"
Box 314
- Myers, "F-Z"-Mz
- Na-Nan
- Nance, Mrs. Richard
- Nao-Nathz
- National "A-B"
Box 315
- National "C-E"
- National "F-K"
- National Geographic Magazine
- National "L-P"
- National "Q-R"
Box 316
- National "S-Z"
- National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colorado
- National Law Enforcement Committee
- National Youth Councils on Civil Affairs
- National Youth Science Foundation
- Nationm-Ndz
- Nea-Nehz
- Nei-Nelson, "A-G"
Box 317
- Nelson, "H-Z"-Nes
- Net-Nev
- Netherlands
- New-Newman
Box 318
- Newmap-Nhz
- New York - Apartment House Data
- New York World's Fair: General
- New York World's Fair: American Israeli Pavilion]
- Nia-Nid
- Nicaragua
- Nie-Nmz
Box 319
- Noa-Noq
- Nobel Peace Prize - Truman Nomination
- Nora-Nors
- Nort-Norz
- Norway
- Nos-Novz
Box 320
- Now-Nz
- Nowak, Ted M.
- Oa-O'Brien, "A-H"
- O'Brien, "I-Z"-Obz
- Oc-Ocz
Box 321
- Od-O'Donnell, "A-L"
- O'Donnell, "M-Z"-Ofz
- Og
- Oh-Ok
- Ol-Olh
- Olia-Oll
Box 322
- Olm-Olsgz
- Olsh-Olz
- Olson, William J.
- Om-Onez
- Onf-Og
- "Open End"
- Ora-Orn
Box 323
- Oro-Osborne
- Osc-Osm
- Osn-Osz
- Ota-Otz
- Ou-Ov
Box 324
- Owa-Owens
- Owen, George D.
- Owf-Oz
- Pa-Pac
- Pad-Pah
- Pai-Palmdz
Box 325
- Palmer-Palz
- Pam-Pan
- Panama
- Panama Canal Veterans Bill - Data Regarding
- Panama Situation - Correspondence Regarding
- Pao-Parker [1 of 2, A-H]
- Parker [2 of 2, I-Z]-Parkrz
- Parker, Mack
Box 326
- Parks-Parrish
- Parrj-Parz
- Parry, Thomas
- Pas-Patn
- Pato-Pattn
- Paton, Bruce
- Patton-Pattz
Box 327
- Patu-Paxs
- Paxton-Padz
- Payne, J. Howard
- Pea-Pearr
- Peale, Norman Vincent
- Pears-Pebz
Box 328
- Pec-Pek
- Pela-Pelz [includes documents added in 2011]
- Pem-Pendh
- Pendi-Penh
- Peni-Penq
- Pennsylvania Railroad and Pennsy
- Penr-Peq
- People to People Program
Box 329
- Per-Perkins
- Perkins, Bill
- Perl-Pesz
- Perry, Dexter
- Peru
- Peta-Peterson [1 of 2]
- Peta-Peterson [2 of 2]
Box 330
- Petf-Pez
- Pfa-Phdz
- Phe-Phikz
- Phila-Philkz
- Philippines
- Philla-Phillips, A-H
- Phillips, I-Z-Phim
Box 331
- Phip-Phz
- Physically Crippled Children
- Physically Handicapped, President's Committee on the
- Pai-Picn
- Pico-Pierce, A-H
- Pierce, I-Z-Pierrz
- Piers-Pinhz
Box 332
- Pini-Piqz
- Pir-Pkz
- Planned Parenthood Data
- Pla-Plat
- Platt, Joel
- Plau-Pld
- Ple-Pnz
Box 333
- Poa-Polit
- Poindexter, Bill
- Poland
- Political File - January-February, 1960
- Political File - March-April, 1960
- Political File - May-August, 1960
- Poliu-Polz
Box 334
- Pom-Pors
- Porta-Porz
- Pos-Potz
- Post Office (Missouri)
- Post Master (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Pou-Powell
Box 335
- Powell, Paul
- Powm-Poz
- Pra-Prd
- Prayer - Supreme Court Decision Regarding Amendment
- Pre-Prerz
- Pres-Press
- Presidential Candidates, 1968
- Presidential Data--Hubert Humphrey, 1968
- President's Education Program
Box 336
- Preston-Prhz
- Pria-Prin
- Price, Melvin
- Prio-Prt
- Pru-Prz
- Psa-Pul
- Public Schools
Box 337
- Puerto Rico
- Pum-Pur
- Pus-Pyz
- Q-Quick
- Quigley-Qz
- Quinn, Theodore J.
- Ra-Radh
Box 338
- Racial Problem
- Radcliffe, George L.
- Radi-Radz
- Radio-TV
- Rae-Ral
- Railroad Car Used by President Truman
- Railroads
Box 339
- Ram-Ranj
- Rank-Rap
- Ras-Rav
- Raw-RCL
- Ray, Reverend George McNeil
Box 340
- Rea-Reaz
- Reb-Rec
- Redbook Magazine
- Red-Redj
- Redk-Reec
- Reed-Reer
Box 341
- Rees-Reh
- Reeves, Paul W.
- Registered Mail - Receipts
- Rei-Reik
- Reil-Reing
- Reinh-Reiz
- The Reporter
Box 342
- Rej-Res
- Reserve Officers Association
- Resolutions
- Ret-Reym
- Reyn-Rez
Box 343
- R.F.E.--Office of the Director
- Rf-Rib
- Ric-Rice
- Rich-Richards
- Richards, Paul C.
- Richardson
Box 344
- Richart-Richz
- Rici-Rid
- Rie-Riez
- Riffle, Colonel John
- Rigdon, Commnander William M.
- Rif-Rig
- Rih-Riley, A-M
- Riley, N-Z-Rin
Box 345
- Rio-Risr
- Riss-Risz
- Rita-Ritter, A-L
- Ritter, M-Z-Rnz
- Ro-Roaz
- Rob-Robertr
- Roberts, A-H
- Roberts, I-Z
Box 346
- Robertsa-Robinrz
- Robinson-Roby
- Roc-Rod
- Roe-Rogers, A-H
Box 347
- Rogers, I-Q
- Rogers, R-Z
- Rogers, Will - Regarding
- Rogf-Rohz
- Roi-Rol
- Rom-Romz
- Ron-Ronz
- Roo-Rooz
- Rop-Ror
Box 348
- Ros-Rosem
- Rosen-Rosenberg, A-I
- Rosenberg, J-Z-Rosenbery
- Rosenbl-Rosencz
- Rosend-Rosez
- Rosf-Ross, A-I
- Ross, Frank
Box 349
- Ross, J-Z-Rosz
- Rota-Rotz
- Roth, George B.
- Rou-Rowl
- Rown-Roz
Box 350
- Rua-Rubin, A-L
- Rubin, M-Z-Rubz
- Ruc-Rukz
- Rul-Rur
- Rural Electric Cooperative Association [1 of 3]
Box 351
- Rural Electric Cooperative Association [2 of 3]
- Rural Electric Cooperative Association [3 of 3]
- Rusa-Rusr
- Russ-Russell
- Russf-Ruz
- Rv-Ryan, A-L
- Ryan, M-Z-Rz
Box 352
- Sa-Sab
- Sac-Sae
- Sackett, Sheldon F.
- Saf-Sah
- Sai-Saintl
- Saintm-Sak
Box 353
- Sal-Salk
- Salk Polio Vaccine
- Sall-Sals
- Salt-Salz
- Sam
- Samoa
- San-Sander
Box 354
- Sanders-Sandk
- Sandl-Sanf
- Sang-Sao
- Sap-Saq
- Sara-Sarz
- Sas-Satz
- Sau-Sav
Box 355
- Saw-Saz
- Sca-Schac
- Schad-Schal
- Scham-Scheh
- Schei-Schh
- Schei-Schh
Box 356
- Schi-Schk
- Schla-Schlz
- Schlosser, Louis L.
- Schma-Schmz
- Schn-Schnz
- Scholnick, A. C.
Box 357
- Scho-Schom
- Schon-Schoz
- School (Independence, MO), Mrs. Gillette's Class Papers
- Schra-Scht
- Schu-Schulze
Box 358
- Schum-Schuz
- Schwa-Schwartz, A-M
- Schwartz, N-Z
- Schwartza-Schz
- Sci-Scots
- Scofield, Donald R.
- Scott, A-H
- Scott, I-Q
Box 359
- Scott, R-Z-Scoz
- Scr-Scz
- Sea-Seaz
- Seb-Sefz
- Seg-Sek
- Sela-Selkz
Box 360
- Selective Service
- Selective Service Data, A-H (Copies Given to S.S.)
- Selective Service Data, I-Q (Copies Given to S.S.)
- Selective Service Data, R-Z (Copies Given to S.S.)
- Sell-Selm
- Seln-Ses
- Senate Bills
- Set-Sg
Box 361
- Sha-Shahz
- Shai-Shamz
- Shan-Shaqz
- Shara-Shasz
- Shat-Shaz
Box 362
- Shea-Shelcz
- Shelf-Shemz
- Shena-Sheqz
- Sher-Sherm
- Shern-Shez
- Shi-Shih
Box 363
- Shij-Shiq
- Shir-Shoq
- Shoemaker, Floyd C.
- Shor-Shp
- Shr-Shuk
- Shul-Shuq
- Shur-Shz
- Sia-Siegel, A-H
Box 364
- Siegel, I-Z-Sif
- Sig-Silu
- Silva-Silver, A-N
- Silve, O-Z-Silz
- Sima-Simm
- Simmons, John F.
- Simon-Simpkins
Box 365
- Simpson-Simrz
- Sims-Singer
- Singh-Sirz
- Sis-Siz
- Sj-Sklz
- Ski-Skz
Box 366
- Sla-Sldz
- Slater, Harold, 1955-1957
- Slater, Harold, 1958-1959
- Slater, Harold, 1960-1961
- Slater, Harold, 1962-1963
Box 367
- Slater, Harold, 1964-1965
- Slater, Harold, 1966-1972
- Slavin, John
- Sle-Sloaz
- Slob-Slz
- Sma-Smd
- Small, Phillip
- Smalley, Walter B.
- Sme-Smis
Box 368
- Smith, A
- Smith, Arthur Clarendon
- Smith, B
- Smith, C
- Smith, D
- Smith, E-G
- Smith, H
- Smith, H. Allen - Correspondence re Article
- Smith, I-K
- Smith, John A.
- Smith, John E.
- Smith, L-M
- Smith, N-Q
- Smith, R
- Smith, Roy - Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Box 370
- Smith, S-V
- Smith, W-Z
- Smitha-Smz
- Sna-Sno
- Snu-Snz
- Soa-Sok
Box 371
- Social Security
- Sol-Solomz
- Solins, Samuel, 1953-1957
- Solins, Samuel, 1958-1960
- Solins, Samuel, 1961-1972
- Solon-Sonmz
- Songwriters Protective Association
- Sonn-Sons
- Sont-Sorz
- Sos-Sot
Box 372
- Sou-Soz
- Spa-Span
- Spain
- Spao-Spaz
- Spea-Speh
- Spei-Spence
- Spencer-Sphz
- Spi-Spih
Box 373
- Spij-Spk
- Spingarn, Jerome H.
- Spl-Spq
- Spr-Ss
- Sta-Stafford
- Stag-Stanf
- Stallings, Laurence (Article)
Box 374
- Stamp Ceremony (May 8, 1971) - Missouri Sesquicentennial
- Stamp Data
- Stang-Staq
- Star-Starker
- Starkey-Staz
- Statue Shalom, Inc., American Committee for (Statue of Liberty to Israel)
Box 375
- Stea-Steelz
- Steen-Stein
- Steina-Steiner
- Steinberg, Alfred - Man From Missouri (letters re)
- Steinf-Steo
- Step-Steq
- Stephens, A.J.
Box 376
- Ster-Steu
- Steva-Stevz
- Stew-Stewart, A-H
- Stewar, I-Z-Stez
- Stewart, Mrs. Louise (Miss Eleanor Dobrynski)
- Sti-Stiz
- Stilmar, Robert L.
Box 377
- Stj-Stok
- Stol-Stone
- Stonea-Stotz
- Stou-Stoz
- Stp-Strat
- Strachan, Paul A.
Box 378
- Strau-Strh
- Stri-Strom
- Streit, Clarence, 1954-1955
- Streit, Clarence, 1956-1962
- Stroma-Strot
- Strou-Strz
Box 379
- Stua-Stud
- Stue-Stz
- Sugarman, Ronald S.
- Sua-Sullivan, A-D
- Sullivan, E-K
- Sullivan, L-Z-Sully
- Sulm-Sumz
Box 380
- Sun-Suq
- Sur-Susz
- Sut-Suz
- Sva-Swal
- Swam-Swartz
- Swartza-Sweeney, A-H
- Sweeney, I-Z-Sweh
Box 381
- Sweden
- Swei-Swnz
- Switzerland
- Swo-Sz
- Ta-Tafs
- Taft-Tallz
- Talge, Stephen, Foster and Lisle
Box 382
- Tallman, Frank
- Talm-Tang
- Tank-Tarz
- Tas-Tax
- Taya-Taylor, A-G
- Taylor, Carol
- Taylor, Robert G.
- Taylor, H-Q
Box 383
- Taylor, R-Z
- Tea-Tei
- Teachers Strike
- Tel-Tem
- Ten-Terq
- Terr-Tgz
Box 384
- Tha-Thaz
- Thacker, John H.
- Thanksgiving
- Thea-Tholz
- 35th Division Stationery
- Thom-Thomas, A-H
- Thomas, I-L
Box 385
- Thomas, M-Z-Thomoz
- Thomas, R.E.
- Thompson, A-C
- Thompson, D-E
- Thompson, F-L
- Thompson, M-Z
- Thomq-Thorm
Box 386
- Thorn-Thq
- Thr-Thz
- Ti-Tid
- Tie-Tilmz
- Tiln-Tio
- Tip-Tnx
Box 387
- Toa-Toc
- Tod-Tom
- Tombstone, Arizona
- Ton-Totz
- Tou-Toz
- Towler, Joel
Box 388
- Tra
- Train Orders
- Tranin, Earl J.
- Trans World Airlines
- Traubel, Helen
- Tre-Trh
- Treck Photography, Inc.
- Tria-Troz
- Trip Data
- Trp-Trul
Box 389
- Trum-Truman, A-H
- Truman Center for Government Affairs (UMKC)
- Truman Monument (Riverfront Project)
- Truman, I-Z-Trumaz
- Truman, Margaret
- Trumb-Tsz
- Tucker, Charles
- Tu-Tucker, A-H
- Tucker, I-Z-Tuiz
- Tuj-Tun
- Tuo-Turner, A-C
Box 390
- Turner, D-I
- Turner, J-Z
- Turner, Justin G.
- Turkey
- Turnf-Tux
- Tv-Tx
- TV Show "Biography"
- Twain, Mark
- Ty-Tz
Box 391
- Ua-Umz
- Uihlein, Edwin and Robert
- Uhlmann, Paul
- Ukrania
- Union Council (AFL-CIO Industrial)
- Un-Unisz
- United
Box 392
- United Service Organization
- United States Committee for Refugees
- Unity-Uz
- Va-Vanc
Box 393
- Van Biema, A.
- Van Buskirk, William
- Van Dyck, Felix
- Vand-Vang
- Vanh-Vano
- Vanp-Vaqz
- Van Sant, James A.
- Van Sant, T.H.
Box 394
- Vara-Vasz
- Vat-Vaz
- Vea-Vesz
- Velky, Mike
- Venezuela
- Venice
Box 395
- Veta-Vimz
- Veterans (Disabled American)
- Veterans-General
- Veterans Administration
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Vin-Virf
Box 396
- Virg-Vomz
- Villaflores, D.P.
- Von-Vz
- Voting--Letters Re President Truman's Statement on Age
- Wa-Wagm
Box 397
- Wagner-Wagz
- Wah-Walcz
- Wald-Walker, A-D
- Walker, E-Z-Walkz
- Walking (President Truman's)
Box 398
- Wall-Wallace, A-Q
- Wallace, R-Z-Walsq
- Wallace, George (assassination attempt), 1972
- Walsh-Walters
- Waltf-Waq
Box 399
- War-Ward, A-Q
- Ward, R-Z-Warh
- Ward, R.J.
- Wari-Warner
- Warnf-Warz
- Wasa-Wasz
Box 400
- Wat-Watj
- Watkins-Watrz
- Watson-Watsz
- Watson, Felton
- Watt-Watz
- Wau-Wdz
- Wea-Weaz
Box 401
- Webb, Roy H.
- Weba-Webber
- Webc-Webz
- Wec-Wehz
- Weia-Weim
- Wein-Weinberger
- Weinc-Weiq
Box 402
- Weir-Weisl
- Weiss, Mrs. Lola
- Weisman-Wekz
- Wela-Welkz
- Well-Wells
- Welm-Weqz
- Wer-Werz
Box 403
- Wesa-West
- Westa-Westkz
- Westl-Wez
- Wha-Whdz
- Whe-Whgz [includes documents added in 2011]
Box 404
- Whi-Whitd
- Whitaker, Fred D.
- White, A-J
- White, K-R
- White, S-Z
- Whitea-Whithz
- Whitf-Whitr
- Whits-Whz
Box 405
- Whittmore, Robert
- Wia-Wiemz
- Wiener-Wihz
- Wihnyk, Henry A.
- Wila-Wilgz
- Wilh-Wilj
Box 406
- Wilk-Wilkz
- Wilkins, Roy - NAACP
- Will-Willhz
- Williams, A-D
- Williams, E-H
- Williams, I-Q
- Williams, R-Z
Box 407
- Williamsa-Williamson, A-Q
- Williamson, R-Z-Wilsn
- Williamsburg U.S.S.
- Wilson, Arthur W.
- Wilson, A-D
- Wilson, E-H
- Wilson, I-Q
- Wilson, R-Z
Box 408
- Wilt-Windz
- Wine-Winr
- Wins-Winters
- Wintersa-Wir
- Wisa-Wisz
- Wit-Wiz
Box 409
- Wj-Wole
- Wolf
- Wolfa-Wolkz
- Woll-Woo
- Wood
- Wood, A. Hamilton
Box 410
- Wooda-Woodrz
- Woods
- Woodsa-Wooz
- Wop-Work
- World Peace Through Law Conference
- Worle-Woz
- World
- Wp-Wright, A-H
Box 411
- Wright, I-Z-Wt
- Wua-Wyl
- Wym-Wz
- X
- Ya-Ydz
- Yanak, Theodore I.
- Yea-Younfz
Box 412
- Yorty, Samuel W.
- Young, A-C
- Young, D-H
- Young, I-Q
- Young, R-Z
- Younga-Yz
- Za-Zc
Box 413
- Zd-Zh
- Zia-Zimmerlz
- Zimmerman-Ziz
- Zimmerman, H.O.
- Zj-Zucjz
- Zucker-Zy
- Cross Reference File
Box 414
- A-Abramr
- Abelman, Max
- Abrama-Acz
- Acheson, Dean
- Ad-Adamr
- Adams, A-J
- Adams, K-Z
- Adams, W. Howard
- Adamsa-Adz
- Ae-Ak
- Agnew, Spiro T.
- Ahern, James T.
- Ahfeldt, Ernie
- Al-Alderl
- Alaska
- Alderman-Alev
- Alex-Allem
- Algeria
- Allen
- Allen, George E.
- Aller-Alz
- Allis, Barney
- Aly, Bower
- Ama-Amz
- Amberg, Richard H.
- American Legion
- Amvets (P.E. Howard)
- Ana-Anderson, A-F
Box 415
- Anderson, Clinton P.
- Anderson, Eugenie
- Anderson, Hurst
- Anderson, G-Z
- Andert-Anf
- Andrews, Robert A.
- Andrews, Russell P.
- Ang-Aq
- Ara-Arnn
- Argentina
- Armstrong, G.W.
- Arnold-Arz
- Arnold, Stanley N.
- Aronson, Robert L.
- Arrow Rock
- Arrowsmith, George M.
- Arvey, Jacob M.
- Asa-Asz
- Ata-Auo
- Auq-Az
- Austin, Warren R.
- Australia
- Austria
- Ayers, Eben
- Ba-Baf
- Bacon, Charles L.
- Bag-Baj
Box 416
- Bailey, Cleveland M.
- Bailey, Gene
- Bailey, John M.
- Bak-Bakk
- Bal-Balk
- Ball-Balz
- Bam-Baq
- Bankhead, Telullah
- Bar-Barl
- Barker, John T.
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Barkley, David M.
- Barrett, Edward W.
- Barringer, Lewis T.
- Barry, Frank
- Bartle, H. Roe
- Baruch, Bernard
- Battaan, David
- Bauer, Carl
- Barm-Barnh
- Barni-Barrx
- Barry-Barz
- Bas-Bat
- Bau-Bauq
- Baur-Baz
- Bea-Beas
Box 417
- Beat-Becj
- Beck-Bef
- Becker, Julius W.
- Beg-Belk
- Belgium
- Bell
- Bell, David
- Bella-Belz
- Bem-Bennett
- Bennett, Charles E.
- Bennett-Beq
- Benny, Jack
- Benson, Ernest H.
- Benton, Thomas Hart
- Benton, William
- Ber-Berj
- Berkowitz, Bert and Walter
- Berk-Berm
- Bermuda
- Bern-Berq
- Berr-Berz
- Bessie, Simon M.
- Bes-Bh
- Bez, Nick
- Bi-Bik
Box 418
- Biddle, Francis
- Biffle, Leslie L.
- Bigus, Isidore
- Bil-Bin
- Bio-Birq
- Bird, William F.
- Birkhimer, J.E.
- Birr-Biz
- Bj-Black
- Blacka-Blam
- Blair, James T.
- Blan-Blar
- Blas-Blaz
- Blaustein, Jacob
- Ble-Bleck
- Blod-Blz
- Bnai-Boggs
- Bo-Body
- Bogh-Bol
- Bolling, Richard
- Boal-Bop
- Bom-Book
- Bonnet, Herni
- Bor-Borz
Box 419
- Bos-Bot
- Boua-Bov
- Bowa-Bowz
- Bowers, Claude G.
- Bowles, Chester
- Bowman, Fred J.
- Box-Boz
- Boyd, Julian P.
- Boyle, Bernard J.
- Boyle, William M.
- Br-Bradley
- Bradm-Bram
- Bran-Brant
- Brandeis University
- Brandon, Dr. William L.
- Brandt, Raymond P.
- Brannan, Charles F.
- Branu-Braz
- Braverman, A. Marvin
- Bray, William J.
- Brazil
- Brea-Bren
- Brenner, Daniel L.
- Breo-Brez
- Brewood Printers
Box 420
- Bri-Brinf
- Bring-Briz
- Bro-Broderick
- Broderj-Brookr
- Brooks, Philip C.
- Brooks, Brov
- Browa-Brown, "A-H"
- Brown, "I-Q"
- Brown, "R-Z"
- Brown, Charles H.
- Brown, Edmund G.
- Brown, Richard H.
- Browne, Kenneth
- Browne-Broz
- Bruce, James
- Bru-Brum
- Brun-Bruz
- Bryan, Travis B.
- Brya-Bryz
- Bu-Buc
- Bud-Bul
- Bum-Buq
Box 421
- Brundesen, Dr. Herman N.
- Bur-Burdf
- Burdg-Burj
- Burk-Burl
- Burm-Burq
- Burrus, Rufus
- Burr-Burz
- Burton, Harold H.
- Brusa-Brusz
- Busch, August A.
- Butler, Paul M.
- But-Buz
- By-Bz
- Ca-Calc
- Cald-Calg
- Calh-Call
- Calm-Campa
- Camalier, Renah F.
- Campbell
- Campbell, Alexander M.
- Campc-Cannon
- Canady, Ward M.
- Canfield, Cass
- Cannp-Caq
- Capps
- Carey, James B.
Box 422
- Car-Carlr
- Carls-Caro
- Carlton, John T.
- Carlyle Hotel
- Carnahan, A.S.J.
- Carp-Carr
- Carra-Carrz
- Carroll, John A.
- Carroll, Parke
- Carson-Carter
- Cartf-Carz
- Cas-Casr
- Cass-Casz
- Castro, Don & James
- Cat-Caz
- Cea-Cez
- Celler, Emanuel
- Central Missouri State College
- Cerf, Bennett
- Cha-Cham
- Chana-Chanz
- Chap-Charlton
- Chapman, Oscar
- Charn-Chaz
- Che-Chez
Box 423
- Chelf, Frank
- Cherne, Leo
- Cherry, James R.
- Chi-Chn
- China
- Ching, Cyrus S.
- Cho-Christenson
- Chai-Chi, Whan
- Christer-Chz
- Christopher, George H.
- Churchill, Winston S.
- Cia-Ciz
- Cla-Clarj
- Clark
- Clark, Charles P.
- Clark, John D.
- Clark, Joseph S.
- Clark, Mark W.
- Clark, Tom C.
- Clarke-Clau
- Claudy, Carl H.
- Clav-Claz
- Clayton, George D.
- Clemens, Cyril
- Clement, Frank G.
- Clements, Earle C.
- Clements, H.M.
- Cle-Clie
Box 424
- Clifford-Clz
- Clifford, Clark M.
- Clymar, Floyd
- Co-Cocj
- Cock-Coe
- Cof-Cohd
- Cohen-Cohz
- Coi-Colel
- Coleman-Coli
- Coll-Collinr
- Collet, J. Caskie
- Collins-Colz
- Collinson, T. Hall
- Com-Conc
- Cominsky, J.R.
- Commager, Henry Steele
- Conant, James B.
- Condon, Edward V.
- Cond-Conn
- Conna-Connol
- Connelly, Matthew J.
- Connom-Conz
Box 425
- Coo-Cook
- Cool-Coon
- Cooper-Cooz
- Cop-Corc
- Cord-Corp
- Corr-Cot
- Costa Rica
- Cou-Cowf
- Cowg-Coz
- Cra-Crand
- Craig, May
- Crane-Craz
- Cre-Crn
- Croa-Cror
- Cros-Crot
- Crou-Croz
- Cru-Crz
- Cruse, Kenneth
- Cua-Cunm
- Cunn-Cunningham
- Cuo-Curs
Box 426
- Curry, Charles F.
- Curt-Cz
- Da-Dale
- Daley, Richard J.
- Dalf-Dam
- Dalton, John
- Dan-Danz
- Daniel, E.C.
- Daniel, Mr./Mrs. E. Clifton
- Daniels, Jonathan
- Dancy, Keith W.
- Dao-Dau
- Darby, Harry
- Dav-Davir
- Davies, Joseph
- Davis, Blevins [includes documents added in 2011]
- Davis, "A-H"
- Davis, "I-Q"
- Davis, "R-Z"-Davz
- Dawson, Donald S.
- Day, J. Edward
- Daw-Daz
Box 427
- De-Deb
- Deal, Horace B.
- Dean, Gordon
- Dec-Def
- De Castro, Morris F.
- De Cicco, Michael
- Deg-Dek
- Dela-Delz
- DeLapp, G. Leslie
- Dem-Demz
- Demaree, C.S. (Mrs.)
- Den-Deq
- Denmark
- Denni, Harry
- Dennison, Robert L.
- Denslow, Ray V.
- Der-Det
- Deramus, W.N.
- DeSapio, Carmine
- Deu-Dez
- Di-Dickl
- Dickm-Dif
- Dig-Dinf
- Ding-Diz
- DiSalle, Michael V.
- Domohowski
- Do-Dodd
Box 428
- Docking, George
- Docking, Robert
- Dode-Dol
- Dom-Donnelly
- Donaldson, Jesse M.
- Donnelly, Phil M.
- Donner-Donz
- Donahue, Donald D.
- Doo-Dorn
- Doro-Dot
- Dou-Dougk
- Douglas, Lewis W.
- Douglas, William
- Dougl-Douz
- Dov-Dow
- Doy-Doz
- Dra-Drev
- Drew-Drz
- Druckman, A.M.
- Dryden, William J.
- Dua-Duf
- Duffy, F. Ryan
- Dug-Dum
- Dulles, Allen W.
- Dulles, John F.
- Dun-Dunm
- Duncan, Richard M.
- Dunn-Duq
Box 429
- Dura-Durz
- Dus-Dz
- Ea-Eas
- Eagleton, Thomas F.
- Easley, Harry
- Eat-Ec
- Eaton, Cyrus S.
- Eban, Abba
- Ed-Edr
- Edelstein, David
- Eds-Edz
- Edwards, India
- Ee-Eichd
- Egan, Edward
- Eichel-Ek
- Eisenhower, General Dwight D.
- Ela-Ellin
- Elliott, John B.
- Ellio-Ellis
- Ellis, Clyde T.
- Ellis, Elmer
- Ellison-Elz
- Elsey, George M.
- Em-Emz
- En-English
- England
- Engle, Clair
Box 430
- English-Eq
- Er-Ernst
- Ernst, Morris L.
- Err-Etz
- Eu
- Eva-Everg
- Evans, M.R.
- Evans, Tom L.: 1953-1963
- Evans, Tom L.: 1964-1967
- Evans, Tom L.: 1968-1970
- Everh-Ez
- Ewing, Oscar
- Fa-Faq
- Fairbanks, Douglas
- Far-Fraz
- Faris, E.C. (Bud)
- Farley, James A.
- Farrar, John
- Fas-Faz
- Faubus, Orval E.
- Fe-Feir
Box 431
- Feeney, Joseph G.
- Feinberg, Abraham
- Feis-Fel
- Fem-Fergt
- Ferguson-Fez
- Fi-Fiel
- Field, Marshall
- Fiem-Find
- Fike, Stanley R.
- Fine-Finz
- Finklestein, Louis
- Finletter, Thomas K.
- Fio-Fisherq
- Fisher-Fisz
- Fishman, Seymour
- Fit-Fitzl
- Fitzm-Fiz
- Fla-Fleh
- Fleeson, Doris
- Fleir-Fln
- Fleming, Robert V.
- Flo-Flz
Box 432
- Fo-Fond
- Foley, E.H.
- Folliard, Edward T.
- Folsom, James E.
- Fone-Ford
- Forda-Forz
- Fos-Fou
- Foster, B.F.
- Foster, William C.
- Fow-Foz
- Fowler, Henry H.
- Fra-Frankk
- France
- Francisco, William (Bill)
- Frankl-Fraz
- Frea-Freeman
- Freeman, Orville L.
- Freeman-Frez
- Fria-Friedman
- Friedman, Martin L.
- Friedn-Friz
- Fritchey, Clayton
- Froa-Frz
- Frye, Jack
- Fu-Fuls
- Fulton, Hugh
- Fulton-Fz
- Furcolo, Foster
Box 433
- Ga-Gal
- Gam-Gaq
- Gar-Garf
- Gardner, Erle Stanley
- Gardner, Hy
- Garg-Garq
- Garner, John Nance
- Garr-Garrz
- Gara-Garz
- Gas-Gd
- Gates, Vernon
- Gates, G. Walter
- Gavin, Thomas J.
- Gea-Gen
- Geis, Bernard
- Gentry, Alonzo
- Geo-Gerj
- George, Walter F.
- Gerk-Ghz
- Germany
- Gershenson, Harry
- Gershon, Lou S.
- Gertz, Elmer
- Gia-Gik
- Gibson, Donald
- Gibson, Floyd R.
- Gigliotti, Frank B.
Box 434
- Gila-Gilk
- Gill-Gilz
- Gilmore, Robert M.
- Gim-Gj
- Gla-Glaz
- Gle-Glz
- Glenn, Frank
- Glett, Charles L.
- Gm-Gok
- Gol-Golden
- Goldberg, Arthur J.
- Goldena-Goldm
- Goldman Family (Fred, George, Richard)
- Goldn-Goldz
- Goldstein, Israel
- Gole-Goodg
- Goller, Harry
- Goodh-Gootz
- Gor-Gordz
- Gore, Albert
- Gore-Gorz
- Gos-Goz
- Gra-Graham
Box 435
- Gradus, Ben
- Grady, Henry F.
- Graham, Frank P.
- Graham, Thomas
- Graham, Wallace H.
- Grahl-Granz
- Granoff, A.J.
- Grao-Graz
- Gray, Georgia Neese
- Gray, Gordon
- Gre-Green
- Greece
- Green, Theodore F.
- Greena-Greenb
- Greene-Greenz
- Greenway, Cornelius
- Greer-Grez
- Gremley, William H.
- Gri-Griffis
- Griffith-Griz
- Grinnell College
- Gro-Grossman
- Grossn-Grz
- Grover, Wayne C.
- Gua-Guq
Box 436
- Guam
- Gur-Gz
- Ha-Hac
- Had-Haf
- Haga-Hagz
- Hah-Hak
- Hal-Halk
- Halifax (Earl of)
- Hall
- Hall of Fame (Agricultural)
- Hall, Joyce C.
- Halla-Halz
- Ham-Hamilton
- Hamj-Hamz
- Hamlin, Roy
- Hammarskjold, Dag
- Han-Hanni
- Hanno-Hanse
- Hanraham, Edmond M.
- Hansen, Robert W.
- Hansf-Haq
- Har-Hardim
- Hardin-Harf
- Hardin, James N.
- Harg-Harmn
- Harl, Maple T.
Box 437
- Harmo-Harq
- Harper & Brothers, Inc.
- Harper, Roy W.
- Harra-Harris
- Harriman, W. Averell
- Harris
- Harris, Robert E.G.
- Harrison-Harrz
- Hars-Hartr
- Hartke, Vance
- Harts-Has
- Harvey, Leo M.
- Hassett, William D.
- Hastings, Edwin K.
- Hat-Haum
- Hatch, Carl A.
- Hatten, Alvin D.
- Haun-Haw
- Hax-Hayr
- Hayden, Carl
- Hays, Brooks
- Hay-Haz
- Hea-Heaz
- Healey, Joseph F.
- Hearnes, Warren E.
- Hearst, William Randolph
Box 438
- Heb-Hef
- Hechler, Kenneth W.
- Heg-Heis
- Heiskell, Andrew
- Heit-Hellen
- Heller, Francis H.
- Heller-Helz
- Helm, Edith
- Hem-Hemj
- Henk-Heq
- Hennings, Thomas C.
- Hennock, Frieda B.
- Her-Herr
- Hers-Herz
- Heslep, Charter
- Hes-Hez
- Heyn, Ernest V.
- Hi-Hicks
- Hid-Hik
- Hil-Hill
- Hildreth, Melvin D.
- Hill, Lister
- Hilla-Hilz
- Hillman, William
- Him-Hnz
Box 439
- Hinckley, Robert H.
- Hinde, Edgar G.
- Hipsh, Charles/Sam
- Ho-Hoe
- Hodges, Frank
- Hodges, Luther
- Hof-Hok
- Hoffman, Mr./Mrs.
- Hol-Holla
- Holland
- Holland, Al
- Holland, Lou E.
- Hollb-Hollz
- Holloran, Mark R.
- Holm-Holz
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
- Hom-Hoq
- Hoover, Herbert (Sr./Jr.)
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Hope, Bob
- Hor-Horne
- Hornbuckle, Roy D.
- Horner, John V.
- Horton, John E.
- Hornf-Horz
Box 440
- Hos-Hov
- Housholder, Vic H.
- Howard-Howe
- Howard, Lee
- Howell-Hoz
- Hr-Hrz
- HST Associates [2011 accretion]
- Hua-Huffer
- Huffman-Hull
- Hull, William R.
- Hum-Hunt
- Humphrey, Hubert H.
- Humphreys, Joe Bailey
- Hunt, Brice H.
- Hunter-Huq
- Hur-Hutchins
- Hutchinson-Hz
- Ia-Im
- In-Inz
Box 441
- India
- Io-Irz
- Iran
- Ireland
- Isa-Iz
- Israel
- Italy
- Ja-Jacobr
- Jackson, Henry M.
- Jacobs-Jae
- Jacobs, Floyd
- Jacobson, A.D.
- Jacobson, Eddie
- Jaf-Jam
- Jasn-Jaz
- Japan
- Je-Jenkins
- Jenks-Jennz
- Jensen-Jez
- Jesse, Randall
- Jessel, George
- Jessup, Philip C.
- Jin-Jiz
- Joa-Johns
- Jobes, Harry C.
- Johnson, A-C
- Johnson, D-H
- Johnson, I-Q
Box 442
- Johnson, R-Z
- Johnson, Harry M.
- Johnson, J. M.
- Johnson, Louis
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Johnson, Melvin M.
- Johnson, Virginia
- Johnston-Johnz
- Johnston, Eric
- Johnston, Felton M.
- Johnston, James P.
- Joi-Jond
- Jones, A-H
- Jones, I-Q
- Jones, R-Z
- Jones, Coburn
- Jonf-Jorgd
- Jorge-Joz
- Jua-Juz
- Ka-Kai
- Kallir, Otto
- Kaj-Kam
- Kan-Kaplan
- Kaplb-Kas
Box 443
- Kat-Kauf
- Kauff-Kaz
- Ken-Keasr
- Keass-Kee
- Keech, Richmond B.
- Keenan, Joseph D.
- Kef-Keller
- Kefauver, Estes
- Kellerman-Kellz
- Kelly-Kelz
- Kem-Kemz
- Ken-Kenne
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kennedy, Robert/Edward
- Kennf-Kenz
- Keo-Kerq
- Kerby, Phil
- Kerr-Kes
- Kerr, Chester
- Kerr, Robert S.
- Ket-Kez
- Keyserling, Leon H.
- Kf-Kh
- Ki-Kik
- Kil-Kim
- Kilgore, Harley M.
Box 444
- Killion, George L.
- Kimball, Dan A.
- Kin-King
- Kinga-Kinz
- Kio-Kirz
- Kirl-Kj
- Kirwan, Michael
- Kittrell, William H.
- Kl-Klein
- Klein, Julius
- Kle-Kli
- Klj-Klz
- Km-Kmz
- Kn-Knn
- Kno-Knz
- Ko-Koenig
- Koenisberg-Koi
- Kol-Korn
- Kolb, Richard
- Korea
- Korna-Koz
- Kornitzer, Bela
- Koury, Phil A.
- Kra-Kraur
Box 445
- Kraus-Krehl
- Krei-Kril
- Krim-Krz
- Kronheim, Milton
- Ks-Kun
- Kihn, Edward
- Kuo-Kz
- Kupcinet, Irv
- La-Lag
- Lafferty, A.W.
- Lah-Lam
- Lamb, Franklin
- Lambert, Bruce
- Lan-Lanf
- Land, Frank
- Landon, Alfred M.
- Landry, Robert B,
- Lang-Lange
- Langf-Laq
- Lar-Larz
- Las-Laszlasker, Mary
- Lat-Laughlin
- Laughs-Lawq
- Lawler, Joseph J.
- Lawrence-Laz
Box 446
- Lawrence, David L.
- Lawton, Frederick T.
- Lay, James S.
- Lazovick, Paul P.
- Le-Leb
- Leader, George M.
- Leahy, William D.
- Lec-Lez
- Lee, Bert S.
- Lee, Richard C.
- Lef-Leif
- Lehmann, Herbert H.
- Leigh-Lem
- Len-Leonard
- Leonb-Leu
- Lerner, Mrs. Joseph S.
- Lev-Levim
- Levin-Levir
- Levinson, Benjamin
- Levis-Lewir
- Lewis-Lez
- Li-Lieber
- Lie, Trygve
- Liebera-Lik
- Lil-Lindg
Box 447
- Lindh-Linz
- Lingo, Mrs. B. Harrison (Jane)
- Lio-Lis
- Lit-Liz
- Ll
- Lloyd, David D., 1953
- Lloyd, David D., 1954
- Lloyd, David D., 1955
- Lloyd, David D., 1956-1957
- Lloyd, David D., 1958
- Lloyd, David D., 1959-1962
- Loa-Lol
- Lom-Lonf
- Long
- Long, Edward V.
- Longa-Loo
- Longwell, Daniel
- Lop-Lou
- Louchheim, Katie
- Lov-Low
- Loveless, Herschel C.
- Lovett, Robert A.
- Lowden-Loz
- Lowenthal, Max
- Lozier, Lue
Box 448
- Lp-Lt
- Lua-Lul
- Lucas, Scott W.
- Luff, Elvin K.
- Lom-Luz
- Lv-Lx
- Ly-Lync
- Lynd-Lyg
- Lyons, Leonard
- McA-McB
- McC-McCalk
- McCahey, James B.
- McCall-McCarthey
- McCann, Wayne M.
- McCarthy
- McCarthy, Dan
- McCh-McCl
- McCloskey, Matthew H.
- McCloy, John J.
- McCo-McCormack
- McCorkle, F.D.
- McCormack, John W.
- McCormick-McCoz
- McCormick, Kenneth
- McCra-McCz
Box 449
- McD-McDn
- McDermott, R.J.
- McDonald-McDot
- McDonald, David
- McDonald, Harry A.
- McDou-McF
- McFarland, Ernest W.
- McG-McGilk
- McGee, Joseph J.
- McGill-McGowan
- McGra-McGz
- McGranery, James P.
- McGrath, Earl J.
- McGrath, J. Howard
- McH-McJ
- McHale, Frank M.
- McK-McKz
- McKim, Edward D.
- McKinney, Frank E.
- McLa-McLz
- McMa-McMz
- McMath, Sidney S.
- McN-McNh
- McNamara, Robert S.
- McNaughton, Frank
Box 450
- McNi-McZ
- McSween, Donald M.
- Ma-Macj
- MacGowan, Charles J.
- Mack-Macz
- Mack, Corneal J.
- Mad-Mag
- Mag, Arthur
- Magnuson, Warren
- Mah-Mai
- Mahoney, Florence
- Maj-Mall
- Malm-Malone
- Maloney-Mam
- Man-Manm
- Mann-Manor
- Mann, Frederic R.
- Manos-Maq
- Mar-Mark
- Mara, C.J.
- Mari-Marr
- Marquis, George C.
- Marin, Luis Munoz
- Marks, Theodore
- Mars-Marth
Box 451
- Marshall, George C.
- Martel, Frank X.
- Marti-Martin
- Martina-Massn
- Masso-Masoz
- Masp-Masz
- Mat-Matz
- Mau-Maxz
- Maverick, Maury
- May-Mayersz
- Maybee, Bert E.
- Mayerberg, Samuel S.
- Me-Mec
- Mead, James M.
- Med-Meh
- Mei-Mello
- Meigs, Merrill C.
- Meisburger, Eddie
- Mellp-Meq
- Menzies, Robert G.
- Mer-Merrick
- Meredith, James H.
- Merrill-Mes
- Messall, Victor R.
- Mesta, Perle
Box 452
- Met-Mex
- Mexico
- Meyer
- Meyer, Eugene (Mrs.)
- Meyera-Mez
- Meyner, Robert B.
- Mia-Mik
- Middlebush, Frederick A.
- Mil-Milk
- Milig-Mill
- Miller, A-H
- Miller, I-Q
- Miller, R-Z
- Miller, Emma Guffey
- Miller, Jo Zach, III
- Millf-Minh
- Mini-Mir
- Minton, Sherman
- Miravalle, Peter S.
- Mis-Misz
- Mitch-Mitchell
- Mitchell, Stephen A.
- Mitchum-Miz
- Mj-Mn
- Mo-Monag
- Monah-Monz
Box 453
- Monroe, Frank (Mr./Mrs.)
- Monroney, Mike
- Montague, Samuel A.
- Moo-Moore, A-H
- Moore, I-Z-Mooz
- Mora-Morgan
- More, Jake
- Morgan, David H.
- Morganr-Morn
- Moro-Morrisn
- Morrison
- Morrisroe-Morz
- Morse, Wayne
- Mos-Mossi
- Moseley, James G.
- Moseley, Raymond F.
- Moses, Anna Mary ("Grandma")
- Moskovit, Harold R.
- Mossm-Moz
- Moulder, Morgan M.
- Mox, W.L.
- Mr.
- Mu-Mulk
- Mull-Mullz
- Mulm-Muri
Box 454
- Murphy
- Murphy, Charles S., 1953-1959
- Murphy, Charles S., 1960-69
- Murphy, Franklin D.
- Murphy, Frederick P.
- Murphy, Joseph F.
- Murr-Murra
- Murray
- Murray, Johnston
- Murrell-Muz
- Murrow, Edward R.
- Muskie, Edmund S.
- My-Mz
- Myer, Dillon S.
- Myers, Francis J.
- Myers, Walter
- Na-Nas
- Nachtman, Paul
- Nacy, Richard R.
- Nangle, John J.
- Nash, Philleo
- Nat-Naz
- Nathan, Robert R.
- Ne-Nelz
- Nehru, Jawaharal
- Neild, Edward F.
- Nelson
- Nem-Nes
- Net-Nev
- Netherlands
- Neuberger, Richard L.
- Neustadt, Richard E.
- New-News
Box 455
- Newt-Nez
- Ni-Nichols
- Nicaragua
- Nicholson-Nid
- Nie-Niz
- Nigro, D.M.
- Niles, Raymond
- Nimitz, Chester W.
- Nixon, Richard M.
- Nixon, Robert G.
- No-Nolen
- Noble, G. Bernard
- Noe, James A.
- Noland, (Ethel/Nellie)
- Noles-Norr
- Nors-Not
- Nou-Nov
- Now-Nz
- Noyes, David M.
- Nunnally, Edward H.
- Oa-Obz
- Oca-Ocz
- O'Connor, Basil
- O'Connor, Martin J.
- Oda-Odz
Box 456
- Oe-Ok
- O'Hara, Edwin V.
- Ol-Oll
- Olm-Olz
- Oma-Ooz
- Opa-Orr
- Opie, John H.
- Os-Osg
- Osh-Osz
- Ot-Ov
- Ow-Oz
- Pa-Paine
- Pace, Frank
- Painter-Palmer
- Pakistan
- Palmer, Dwight R.G.
- Palmer, W.L.C. (Mrs.)
- Palmd-Paq
- Pandit, Vijya Lakshimi
- Par-Parker
- Parkham-Parn
- Paro-Pas
Box 457
- Pat-Patteq
- Patman, Wright
- Patterson
- Pattes-Pau
- Patton, James G.
- Pauley, Edwin W.
- Pav-Paz
- Pe-Pec
- Pearson, Drew
- Pecora, Ferdinand
- Ped-Pem
- Pen-Penz
- Peo-Perkins
- Pepper, Claude
- Perkinson, Perz
- Perlman, Philip B.
- Perlmeter, Irving
- Pes-Petersi
- Peters, Mize
- Peterson-Pez
- Petrillo, James C.
- Petschek, Walter J.
- Pfa-Phillipr
- Phelps, Phelps
- Philippines
- Philippe, Claude C.
Box 458
- Phillips-Phz
- Pi-Pierce
- Piercea-Pil
- Pim-Piz
- Pius XII, Pope
- Pla-Plz
- Pm-Pn
- Po-Polk
- Poling, Daniel
- Poll-Polz
- Pom-Popk
- Popl-Por
- Portugal
- Pos-Pov
- Potofsky, Jacob S.
- Powell
- Powella-Poz
- Pra-Prh
- Prendergast, Michael H.
- Presidential Art Medals
- Pri-Price
- Price, Melvin
- Pricf-Procs
- Proctor-Prz
- Pruden, Edward
Box 459
- Ps-Pus
- Puerto Rico
- Put-Pz
- Q
- Quinn, Theodore J.
- Ra-Raf
- Radford, Arthur W.
- Radio-TV
- Rag-Ral
- Ram-Randn
- Ramsey, H.J.
- Randall, William J.
- Randolph-Rar
- Rao, Paul P.
- Ras-Rav
- Raw-Raz
- Ray, George McNeil
- Rayburn, Sam
- Re-Reb
- Reader, Harold L.
- Rec-Reece
- Redding, John M.
- Reed-Reeves
- Ref-Reif
- Regan, Phil
- Reig-Reiz
Box 460
- Rej-Res
- Renfrow, Louis
- Rentzel, Del
- Ret-Rez
- Reuther, Walter P.
- Rh-Rhz
- Rhee, Syngman
- Ri-Richards
- Ribicoff, Abraham
- Richards, Paul C.
- Richardson
- Rich-Rico
- Rid-Rik
- Ridge, Albert A.
- Rigdon, William, M.
- Ridgway, Matthew, B.
- Ril-Ritc
- Ritd-Riz
- Roa-Robert
- Roach, Neale
- Roberts
- Roberts, Roy
- Roberts, Samuel E.
- Robertson-Robinsz
- Robbins, Charles
- Robint-Rod
- Rodg-Rof
Box 461
- Rog-Rogz
- Roh-Ron
- Rolvaag, Karl F.
- Romulo, Carlos P.
- Roo-Ror
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.
- Roosevelt, James
- Rosa-Rosem
- Rosee, Irvin N.
- Rosen-Rosene
- Rosenberg, Anna M.
- Rosenblum, Harry Truman
- Rosenblum, Hyman
- Rosenf-Rosr
- Rosenman, Samuel I.
- Ross-Rosz
- Rota-Rotz
- Rothberg, Samuel
- Rou-Rowland
- Rowl-Roz
- Rowley, James J.
- Royall, Kenneth C.
Box 462
- Ru-Ruc
- Rud-Rur
- Rus-Russell
- Rusk, Dean
- Russd-Ruz
- Ry-Rz
- Ryan, George W.
- Saa-Sah
- Sachar, A.L.
- Sachs, Alex F.
- Sai-Salm
- St. Laurent, Louis
- Salomon, Sidney
- Saln-Sam
- Sammons, Wheeler
- San-Sanders
- Sandersa-Sang
- Sands, John
- Sang, Philip D.
- Sanh-Sat
- Sau-Sauz
- Saunders, George M.
- Sav-Sb
- Sawyer, Charles
Box 463
- Sca-Scaz
- Scb-Schall
- Schalk-Schell
- Schary, Dore
- Schel-Schk
- Schindler, Alfred
- Schl-Schmidt
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
- Schlesinger, Peter
- Schlosser, Louis L., Jr.
- Schmidt, Frederick J.
- Schmidtla-Schod
- Schoe-Schq
- Schools
- Schr-Schul
- Schulz, Robert L.
- Schum-Schwartz
- Schwartza-Schz
- Schwimmer, Harry I.
- Sci-Scoc
- Scotland
- Scott
- Scott, W. Kerr
- Scotta-Scz
Box 464
- Screen Gems, Inc.
- Sea-Seb
- Sec-Seh
- Secret Service (Truman Detail)
- Sei-Sek
- Sel-Selz
- Seldes, Timothy
- Sellers, James M.
- Sem-Seru
- Sermon, William
- Serv-Sez
- Sg-Shak
- Shapiro, S.O.
- She-Shef
- Sheg-Shel
- Shem-Sheq
- Sheppard, A.D.
- Sher-Shez
- Sherman, Thomas B.
- Sherwood, Robert E.
- Shia-Shl
- Shoa-Shg
- Shoemaker, Floyd C.
- Short, Beth
Box 465
- Shr-Shz
- Si-Siegel
- Siegelman-Silvd
- Silver-Siml
- Simm-Simo
- Simon and Schuster
- Simmons, John F.
- Simms-Simpr
- Simpson-Simz
- Sin-Siz
- Ska-Skz
- Sla-Slh
- Slater, Harold M., 1953-1959
- Slater, Harold M., 1960-1973
- Sli-Slz
- Sma-Smis
- Small, Phillip
- Smalley, Walter B.
- Smathers, George
- Smith, "A-C"
Box 466
- Smith, "D-G"
- Smith, "H-K"
- Smith, "L"
- Smith, "M-P"
- Smith, "R-S"
- Smith, "T-Z"
- Smith, Arthur Clarendon
- Smith, Bryce B.
- Smith, John A. (Jack)
- Smith, Robert B. ("Gunboat")
- Smith, Walter Bedell
- Smitha-Snh
- Sni-Snz
- Snyder, Floyd
- Snyder, John W.
- Soa-Sol
- Sollins, Samuel
- Som-Soq
- Sor-Soz
- Sosland, Ben
- Souers, Sidney W.
Box 467
- Spa-Sped
- Spain
- Sparkman, John
- Spee-Sph
- Spia-Spiz
- Spingarn, Stephen J.
- Spj-Ss
- Splain, Maurice
- Spottswood, John M.
- St-Stae
- Stack (Harvey, Joseph and Norman)
- Staf-Stah
- Stai-Stao
- Stanton, Frank
- Stap-Staz
- Ste-Steim
- Steelman, John R.
- Stein-Steinz
- Steinbeck, John
- Stel-Sterling
- Stephens, A.J.
- Stephens, Joseph F.
- Sterm-Sterz
- Stes-Steward
- Stevenson, Adlai E.
Box 468
- Stewart - Stewart, HIll
- Stewart, Russell
- Stia-Stiz
- Sto-Stol
- Stom-Stoz
- Stowe, David H.
- Str-Straur
- Straus-Strauss
- Straw-Strh
- Streit, Clarence K.
- Stria-Strz
- Strickler, T.J.
- Sts-Stz
- Su-Sullivan, A-H
- Sullivan, I-Z-Sulz
- Sulzberger, Arthur H.
- Sum-Sus
- Summer, Mrs. Grace & Adda
- Sut-Suz
- Sv-Swed
- Swee-Swez
Box 469
- Swf-Sz
- Swoyer, Mr. and Mrs. James F. and Karl
- Symington, W. Stuart, 1953-1960
- Symington, W. Stuart, 1961-1972
- Ta-Talb
- Talc-Tap
- Talge, H.J.
- Tallman, Frank J.
- Taq-Tax
- Tay-Taylor, A-H
- Taylor, I-Q
- Taylor, R-Z-Taz
- Taylor, Carol
- Taylor, Myron
- Taylor, Preston C.
- Taylor, Telford
- Te-Tem
- Ten-Tg
- Tha-Thiz
- Thacher, John H.
- Theis, Frank G.
- Tho-Thomas, A-H
- Thomas, I-Z-Thomasz
- Thomb-Thompson, A-H
- Thompson, Edward K.
Box 470
- Thompson, I-Z-Thon
- Thora-Thuz
- Thurman, Rabbi Samuel
- Tia-Tik
- Tiernan, Monsignor L. Curtis
- Til-Tim
- Tin-Tnz
- To-Tok
- Tol-Tom
- Tona-Toz
- Tra-Traz
- Tranin, Earl J.
- Trea-Trs
- Tru-Trz
- Truman, C.R.
- Truman, John
- Truman, J.C.
- Truman, J.V. - Fred, Harry, and Gilbert
- Truman, Louis W.
- Truman, Mary Jane
- Truman, Major General Ralph E.
- Tsa-Tuq
- Tubby, Roger
- Tucker, Charles
- Tucker, Raymond R.
- Tuohy, Walter J.
- Tura-Turney
- Turkey
Box 471
- Turner
- Turnf-Tuz
- TWA-Tz
- Tydings, Millard E.
- Ua-Um
- Uhlmann, Paul
- Uihlein, Erwin C. and Robert A.
- UN-Uniu
- Univ-Uz
- Vaccaro, Ernest B. (Tony)
- Van Ackeren, Reverend Maurice E.
- Va-Vand
- Vane-Vanm
- Vann-Vaq
- Var-Vaz
- Van Sant, Thomas and James
- Vaughan, Harry H., 1953-1959
- Vaughan, Harry H., 1960-1963
- Vaughan, Harry H., 1964-1972
- Vea-Vez
- Veatch, N.T.
- Velky, Mike
Box 472
- Via-Viz
- Vile, Hy
- Vince, Harold
- Vl-Vond
- Vone-Vz
- Wa-Wagner
- Wagner, Elmer W.
- Wagner, Robert F. (Mayor of New York City)
- Wagoner-Walkd
- Walker-Walkup
- Walker, Frank C.
- Wall-Wallace
- Wallace, David
- Wallace, Fred
- Wallace, Lew
- Wallach-Walsh
- Waller, Mr. W. J.
- Wallgren, Mon C.
- Walshi-Wan
- War-Ward
- Ward, Charles A.
- Warda-Warner
- Warnf-Warz
- Warren, Honorable Earl
- Warren, W.H.
Box 473
- Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs
- Wasa-Wasz
- Wat-Watkins
- Watkinson-Wats
- Watson, Anna
- Watson, Thomas J.
- Watt-Waz
- We-Weaz
- Weatherford, Robert P. (Mayor of Independence)
- Webb
- Webb, Honorable Roy H.
- Webber-Weber
- Webster-Wehr
- Wei-Weinberg
- Weinberg, Benjamin F.
- Weinberger-Weiq
- Weir-Weiz
- Wek-Wellr
- Wells
- Wells, W. Gates
- Welm-Wenz
- Wentworth Military Academy
- Wepr-West
- Westa-Wez
- West Publishing Company
- Wha-Whez
Box 474
- Wheeler, Honorable Burton K.
- Wheeler, John N. (North American Newspaper Alliance)
- Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John
- Whia-White, A-H
- White, I-Q
- White, R-Z
- White, Dr. Eugene E.
- White, Walter
- Whitea-Whz
- Whitehair, Francis P.
- Wia-Wilcox
- Wild-Wilk
- Will-Williams, A-H
- Williams, I-Z
- Williams, Harrison A. (Pete)
- Williams, Mennen G.
- Williams, Ransome J.
- Williamsburg-Wiln
- Wilson, A-D
Box 475
- Wilson, E-L
- Wilson, M-Z-Wilz
- Wim-Winn
- Wino-Wir
- Wis-Wiz
- Wj-Wolfd
- Wolfe-Wolff
- Wolffe-Won
- Wood
- Wooda-Woods
- Woods, Edward
- Woods, Richard H. (Dick)
- Woodson-Wooz
- Woodward, Stanley
- Wor-Woz
- World Publishing Company
- Wr-Wt
- Wu-Wz
- Wyatt, Wilson W.
- X
- Ya-Yaz
- Yarbourough, Ralph W.
- Ye-Yez
Box 476
- Yeager, Randolph O.
- Yeh, Dr. and Mrs. George K. C. (Embassay of the Republic of China)
- Yeldell, Thomas J.
- Yi-Youm
- Youndt
- Young, A-H
- Young, I-Q
- Young, R-Z
- Young, Stephen M.
- Younga-Yz
- Youngblood, Rufus
- Za-Zh
- Zi-Zummerl
- Zimmerman-Zn
- Zo-Zz
Box 477
- 1953: "A-H"
- 1953: "I-P"
- 1953: "Q-Z"
- 1954: "A-H"
- 1954: "I-P"
- 1954: "Q-Z"
- 1955: "A-H"
- 1955: "I-P"
Box 478
- 1955: "Q-Z"
- 1955: Birthday Contributions [1 of 2]
- 1955: Birthday Contributions [2 of 2]
- 1956: "A-H"
- 1956: "I-P"
- 1956: "Q-Z"
- 1957: "A-H"
Box 479
- 1957: "I-P"
- 1957: "Q-Z"
- 1958: "A-H"
- 1958: "I-P"
- 1958: "Q-Z"
- 1958: General
- 1959: "A-H" [1 of 2]
- 1959: "A-H" [2 of 2]
Box 480
- 1959: "I-P"
- 1959: "Q-Z"
- 1959: Clippings
- 1959: Mayors, Governors, and Congress
- 1959: Miscellaneous Letters Mailed [1 of 2]
- 1959: Miscellaneous Letters Mailed [2 of 2]
- 1959: Miscellaneous Telegrams Mailed
- 1959: Organizations
- 1959: Thank Yous
Box 481
- 1960: "A-H"
- 1960: "I-P"
- 1960: "Q-Z"
- 1961: "A-C"
- 1961: "D-F"
- 1961: "G-J"
- 1961: "K-L"
- 1961: "M-Q"
- 1961: "R-S"
- 1961: "T-Z"
- 1961: Foreign
- 1961: Miscellaneous
Box 482
- 1962: "A-D"
- 1962: "E-H"
- 1962: "I-Q"
- 1962: "R-Z"
- 1962: Foreign
- 1962: Miscellaneous
- 1963: "A-D"
- 1963: "E-G"
- 1963: "H-K"
- 1963: "L-R"
- 1963: "S-Z"
- 1963: Newspaper Clippings
- 1963: Miscellaneous
Box 483
- 1963: Received Cards - Acknowledgements
- 1964: "A-H" [1 of 2]
- 1964: "A-H" [2 of 2]
- 1964: "I-Q" [1 of 2]
- 1964: "I-Q" [2 of 2]
- 1964: "R-Z" [1 of 2]
- 1964: "R-Z" [2 of 2]
Box 484
- 1964: Correspondence for Booklet
- 1964: Farmers Tribute to President Truman
- 1964: Foreign
- 1964: Clippings
- 1964: Ambassadors
- 1964: U. S. Congressmen
- 1964: Department of Agriculture
- 1964: Former Cabinet/White House Staff Members
- 1964: Government Officials and Supreme Court Justices
- 1964: Miscellaneous
- 1964: U.S. Senators
- 1965: "A-B"
- 1965: "C-F"
Box 485
- 1965: "G-K"
- 1965: "L-M"
- 1965: "N-R"
- 1965: "S"
- 1965: "T-Z"
- 1965: Contributions, "A-H"
- 1965: Contributions, "I-Q"
- 1965: Contributions, "R-Z"
- 1965: Lists of Contributions to Library
- 1965: Letters Tom Evans Wanted Acknowledged
- 1965: Foreign
Box 486
- 1965: Miscellaneous
- 1965: Contributions A
- 1965: Contributions B [1 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions B [2 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions C [1 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions C [2 of 2]
Box 487
- 1965: Contributions D
- 1965: Contributions E
- 1965: Contributions F
- 1965: Contributions G
Box 488
- 1965: Contributions H
- 1965: Contributions I
- 1965: Contributions J
- 1965: Contributions K
- 1965: Contributions L
Box 489
- 1965: Contributions M [1 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions M [2 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions N
- 1965: Contributions O
- 1965: Contributions P
Box 490
- 1965: Contributions Q
- 1965: Contributions R
- 1965: Contributions S [1 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions S [2 of 2]
- 1965: Contributions T
Box 491
- 1965: Contributions U
- 1965: Contributions V
- 1965: Contributions W
- 1965: Contributions Y
- 1965: Contributions Z
- 1965: Contributions, No Name
- 1966: "A-B"
- 1966: "C-E"
- 1966: "F-G"
- 1966: "H-J"
- 1966: "K-L"
- 1966: "Mc-M"
Box 492
- 1966: "N-R"
- 1966: "S"
- 1966: "T-Z"
- 1966: Miscellaneous
- 1967: "A"
- 1967: "B"
- 1967: "C"
- 1967: "D-E"
Box 493
- 1967: "F-G"
- 1967: "H"
- 1967: "I-K"
- 1967: "L-Md"
- 1967: "Me-O"
- 1967: "P-R"
Box 494
- 1967: "S"
- 1967: "T-V"
- 1967: "W-Wh"
- 1967: "Wi-Z"
- 1967: Miscellaneous
- 1967: Schools
Box 495
- 1968: A-C
- 1968: D-F
- 1968: G-I
- 1968: J-K
- 1968: L-O
- 1968: P-R
- 1968: S
- 1968: T-Z
- 1968: Miscellaneous
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, A
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, B
Box 496
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, C
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, D
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, E
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, F
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, G
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, H
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, I
Box 497
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, J
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, K
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, L
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, M
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, N
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, O
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, P
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, Q
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, R
Box 498
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, S
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, T
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, U
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, V
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, W
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, X
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, Y
- 1968: Received Engraved Card, Z
- 1969: A-B
- 1969: C-D
- 1969: E-F
Box 499
- 1969: G-H
- 1969: I-L
- 1969: M-O
- 1969: P-R
- 1969: S
- 1969: T-Z
- 1969: Miscellaneous
- 1969: Resolutions
- 1969: Schools [1 of 5]
Box 500
- 1969: Schools [2 of 5]
- 1969: Schools [3 of 5]
- 1969: Schools [4 of 5]
- 1969: Schools [5 of 5]
Box 501
- 1970: A-B
- 1970: C-D
- 1970: E-F
- 1970: G-H
- 1970: I-L
- 1970: M-O
- 1970: P-Q
- 1970: R-Sh
- 1970: Si-Sz
Box 502
- 1970: T-V
- 1970: W-Z
- 1970: Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
- 1970: Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
- 1970: Schools [1 of 2]
- 1970: Schools [2 of 2]
Box 503
- 1971: A-C [1 of 2]
- 1971: A-C [2 of 2]
- 1971: D-E
- 1971: F-G
- 1971: H-K
- 1971: L-N
- 1971: O-R
- 1971: S-T
- 1971: U-Z
Box 504
- 1971: Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
- 1971: Schools [1 of 5]
Box 505
- 1971: Schools [2 of 5]
- 1971: Schools [3 of 5]
- 1971: Schools [4 of 5]
- 1971: Schools [5 of 5]
Box 506
- 1972: A-B
- 1972: C-D
- 1972: E-F
- 1972: G-I
- 1972: J-L
- 1972: M
Box 507
- 1972: N-R
- 1972: S
- 1972: T
- 1972: U-Z
- 1972: Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
- 1972: Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
- 1972: Schools [1 of 2]
- 1972: Schools [2 of 2]
Box 508
- 1953: A-B
- 1953: C-D
- 1953: E-I
- 1953: J-L
- 1953: M-P
- 1953: R-T
- 1953: U-Z
Box 509
- 1954: A-H [1 of 2]
- 1954: A-H [2 of 2]
- 1954: I-P [1 of 2]
- 1954: I-P [2 of 2]
- 1954: Q-Z [1 of 2]
- 1954: Q-Z [2 of 2]
Box 510
- 1955: A-H [1 of 2]
- 1955: A-H [2 of 2]
- 1955: I-P
- 1955: Q-Z
- 1956: A-C
Box 511
- 1956: D-H
- 1956: I-L
- 1956: M-Q
- 1956: R-Z
Box 512
- 1957: A-B
- 1957: C-E
- 1957: F-H
- 1957: I-L
- 1957: M
Box 513
- 1957: N-Q
- 1957: R-S
- 1957: T-Z
- 1957: Foreign
- 1958: A-H
- 1958: I-Q
- 1958: R-Z
Box 514
- 1959: A-H
- 1959: I-Q
- 1959: R-Z
- 1959: Foreign
- 1960: A-C
- 1960: D-F
- 1960: G-H
Box 515
- 1960: J-L
- 1960: Mc-M
- 1960: N-R
- 1960: S
- 1960: T-Z
- 1960: Foreign
- 1961: A-H
Box 516
- 1961: I-N
- 1961: O-Z
- 1962: A-H
- 1962: I-P
- 1962: Q-Z
- 1962: Foreign
- 1963: A-C
- 1963: D-H
- 1963: I-P
Box 517
- 1963: Q-Z
- 1964: A-B
- 1964: C-D
- 1964: E-G
- 1964: H-K
- 1964: L-McA
- 1964: M-Q
Box 518
- 1964: R-S
- 1964: T-Z
- 1964: Foreign
- 1965: A-B
- 1965: C-D
- 1965: E-G
- 1965: H-I
Box 519
- 1965: J-L
- 1965: Mc-M
- 1965: N-R
- 1965: S
- 1965: T-Z
- 1965: Foreign
- 1965: Unacknowledged
- 1966: A
- 1966: B
Box 520
- 1966: C
- 1966: D
- 1966: E-F
- 1966: G
- 1966: Ha-Hd
- 1966: He-I
- 1966: J-K
- 1966: L
- 1966: M-Md
- 1966: Me-N
Box 521
- 1966: O-Q
- 1966: R-Sd
- 1966: Se-Sz
- 1966: T-V
- 1966: W-Z
- 1966: Foreign
- 1967: A-C
- 1967: D-F
Box 522
- 1967: G-H
- 1967: I-L
- 1967: M-N
- 1967: O-Q
- 1967: R
- 1967: S
- 1967: T-U
- 1967: V-Z
Box 523
- 1968: A-B
- 1968: C-D
- 1968: E-F
- 1968: G
- 1968: H-I
- 1968: J-L
- 1968: M
- 1968: N-Q
- 1968: R
- 1968: S
- 1968: T-Z
Box 524
- 1969: Foreign
- 1969: Miscellaneous
- 1969: A-B
- 1969: C
- 1969: D
- 1969: E-F
- 1969: G-H
- 1969: I-Ke
- 1969: Ki-Kz
- 1969: L-Mc
Box 525
- 1969: Md-O
- 1969: P
- 1969: R
- 1969: S-Ss
- 1969: St-U
- 1969: V-Z
- 1970: A-C
- 1970: D-E
- 1970: F-G
- 1970: H
Box 526
- 1970: I-K
- 1970: L-Ma
- 1970: Mc-Mz
- 1970: N-Q
- 1970: R
- 1970: S
- 1970: T-Z
- 1970: Miscellaneous
Box 527
- 1971: A-C
- 1971: D-F
- 1971: G-H
- 1971: I-M
- 1971: N-Q
- 1971: R-S
- 1971: T-Z
- 1971: Miscellaneous [1 of 5]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [2 of 5]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [3 of 5]
Box 528
- 1971: Miscellaneous [4 of 5]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [5 of 5]
- 1972: [1 of 8]
- 1972: [2 of 8]
- 1972: [3 of 8]
Box 529
- 1972: [4 of 8]
- 1972: [5 of 8]
- 1972: [6 of 8]
- 1972: [7 of 8]
- 1972: [8 of 8]
Box 530
- 40th Anniversary, 1959
- 41st Anniversary, 1960
- 42nd Anniversary, 1961
- 43rd Anniversary, 1962
- 44th Anniversary, 1963
- 45th Anniversary, 1964
- 46th Anniversary, 1965
- 49th Anniversary, 1968
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, A
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, B
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, C
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, D-E
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, F
Box 531
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, G
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Ha-He
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Hi-Hz
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, I-J
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, K-L
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, M-McD
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, McE-Mz
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, N-Pa
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Pb-Q
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, R-Ri
Box 532
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Rj-Rz
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Sa-Sd
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Se-Sm
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Sn-Sz
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, T-V
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, W-Wh
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Wi-Z
- 50th Anniversary, 1969, Miscellaneous
- 51st Anniversary, 1970, A-G
Box 533
- 51st Anniversary, 1970, H-Q
- 51st Anniversary, 1970, R-Z
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, A-D
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, E-I
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, J-L
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, M
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, N-R
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, S
- 52nd Anniversary, 1971, T-Z
- 53rd Anniversary, 1972, A-L
- 53rd Anniversary, 1972, M-Z
Box 534
- 1954: A
- 1954: B
- 1954: C
- 1954: Contributions for the Library
- 1954: D
- 1954: E
- 1954: F
- 1954: Flowers and Gifts
- 1954: G
Box 535
- 1954: H
- 1954: I
- 1954: J
- 1954: K
- 1954: L
- 1954: Labor
- 1954: M
- 1954: Mc
- 1954: Masonic
- 1954: N
- 1954: O
- 1954: P
- 1954: Political
- 1954: Q
- 1954: R
- 1954: S
Box 536
- 1954: T
- 1954: U
- 1954: V
- 1954: W
- 1954: XYZ
- 1954: Clippings
- 1954: Telegrams
- 1954: Miscellaneous [1 of 4]
Box 537
- 1954: Miscellaneous [2 of 4]
- 1954: Miscellaneous [3 of 4]
- 1954: Miscellaneous [4 of 4]
- 1963: A-H
- 1963: I-Q
Box 538
- 1963: R-Z
- 1963: A-H, Received Cards of Acknoledgement
- 1963: I-Q, Received Cards of Acknoledgement
- 1963: R-Z, Received Cards of Acknoledgement
- 1964: A-D
- 1964: E-H
- 1964: I-L
- 1964: M-Q
- 1964: R-S
- 1964: T-Z
Box 539
- 1964: Accident, Miscellaneous Correspondence
- 1964: Foreign
- 1966: A-F
- 1966: G-K
- 1966: L-Z
- 1966: Clippings
- 1969: A-H
- 1969: I-Z
- 1969: Miscellaneous Correspondence
- 1971: A-B
- 1971: C-D
- 1971: E-F
- 1971: G
- 1971: H
Box 540
- 1971: I-K
- 1971: L
- 1971: M-N
- 1971: O-Q
- 1971: R
- 1971: S
- 1971: T-Z
- 1971: Miscellaneous [1 of 7]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [2 of 7]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [3 of 7]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [4 of 7]
Box 541
- 1971: Miscellaneous [5 of 7]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [6 of 7]
- 1971: Miscellaneous [7 of 7]
- 1972, July: A-H
- 1972, July: I-Q
- 1972, July: R-Z
Box 542
- 1972, July: Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
- 1972, July: Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
- 1972, July: Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
- 1972, December: A-M
- 1972, December: N-Z
- 1972, December: Press Releases, Statements From Hospital
- 1972, December: Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
- 1972, December: Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
- 1972, December: Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
Box 543
- Correspondence, Margaret Truman [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, Margaret Truman [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, Margaret Truman [3 of 3]
- Correspondence, A
- Correspondence, B
- Correspondence, C
- Correspondence, D
- Correspondence, E
- Correspondence, F
- Correspondence, G
- Correspondence, H
Box 544
- Correspondence, I
- Correspondence, Important Letters
- Correspondence, J
- Correspondence, K
- Correspondence, L
- Correspondence, Mc
- Correspondence, M
- Correspondence, N
- Correspondence, O
- Correspondence, P
- Correspondence, Q
- Correspondence, R
- Correspondence, S
- Correspondence, Stamp Collection
- Correspondence, T
- Correspondence, U
- Correspondence, V
- Correspondence, W
Box 545
- Correspondence Concerning Grandchild [1 of 2]
- Correspondence Concerning Grandchild [2 of 2]
- Engagement to Clifton Daniel
- Margaret Truman--Clippings
- Person to Person Broadcast [1 of 2]
- Person to Person Broadcast [2 of 2]
- J. Vivian Truman
Box 546
- Biographical Correspondence, 1953-59
- Biographical Correspondence, 1960-63 [1 of 2]
- Biographical Correspondence, 1960-63 [2 of 2]
- Biographical--Correspondence, 1964-66
- Booklets and Clippings [1 of 2]
- Booklets and Clippings [2 of 2]
Box 547
- Books and Booklets
- Books Inscribed to President and Mrs. Harry S. Truman [1 of 2]
- Books Inscribed to President and Mrs. Harry S. Truman [2 of 2]
- The Man From Missouri
- Memoirs [1 of 2]
- Memoirs [2 of 2]
- Mr. Citizen
- Photographs [1 of 2]
Box 548
- Photographs [2 of 2]
- Public Papers of the Presidents
- Truman Speaks
Box 549
- Baruch, Bernard
- Noble, G. Bernard
MR. CITIZEN FILE, 1950-1964
Box 550
- List of Individuals Given Copies
- Manuscript Annotations [1 of 2]
- Manuscript Annotations [2 of 2]
- Manuscript Drafts [1 of 4]
- Manuscript Drafts [2 of 4]
- Manuscript Drafts [3 of 4]
Box 551
- Manuscript Drafts [4 of 4]
- Newspaper Clippings
- Notes and Correspondence
- Taped interviews by David Noyes and William Hillman, 1959 [1 of 3]
- Taped interviews by David Noyes and William Hillman, 1959 [2 of 3]
- Taped interviews by David Noyes and William Hillman, 1959 [3 of 3]
- Years of Decision
Box 552
- A-H
- I-R
- S-Z
Box 553
- Background Data
- Correspondence Acknowledged [1 of 3]
- Correspondence Acknowledged [2 of 3]
- Correspondence Acknowledged [3 of 3]
- Correspondence, Acknowledged, Replies
- Correspondence, Colleges and Universities
- Correspondence, Political Support
- Newspaper Clippings [1 of 6]
Box 554
- Newspaper Clippings [2 of 6]
- Newspaper Clippings [3 of 6]
- Newspaper Clippings [4 of 6]
- Newspaper Clippings [5 of 6]
- Newspaper Clippings [6 of 6]
Box 555
- Public Opinion Mail, Memo
- Public Opinion Mail, Con [1 of 2]
- Public Opinion Mail, Con [2 of 2]
- Public Opinion Mail, Pro [1 of 3]
- Public Opinion Mail, Pro [2 of 3]
- Public Opinion Mail, Pro [3 of 3]
MASONIC FILE, 1932-1973
Box 556
- Claudy, Carl H.
- Correspondence, 1953-1957
- Correspondence, 1958-1960
- Correspondence, 1961-1963
- Correspondence, 1964-1965
- Correspondence, 1966-1967
- Correspondence, 1968-1969
- Correspondence, 1970-1973
- Correspondence, California
- Correspondence, Connecticut
- Correspondence, Delaware
- Correspondence, Florida
- Correspondence, Georgia
- Correspondence, Illinois
- Correspondence, Iowa
Box 557
- Correspondence, Kansas
- Correspondence, Kentucky
- Correspondence, Louisiana
- Correspondence, Massachusetts
- Correspondence, Michigan
- Correspondence, Minnesota
- Correspondence, Missouri, 1953-1967
- Correspondence, Missouri, 1968-1973
- Correspondence, Missouri, Grandview
- Correspondence, Missouri, Kansas City
- Correspondence, Missouri, St. Louis
- Correspondence, Missouri, Southeast
- Correspondence, Mississippi
- Correspondence, New Jersey
- Correspondence, New York
- Correspondence, North Carolina
- Correspondence, North Dakota
- Correspondence, Ohio
- Correspondence, Pennsylvania
- Correspondence, Texas
- Correspondence, Virginia
- Correspondence, Washington, D. C.
- Correspondence, West Virginia
- Correspondence, Wisconsin
- Correspondence, Greece
- Correspondence, Israel
- Correspondence, Philippines
Box 558
- Denslow, Ray V.
- 50 Year Presentation Pin
- Galley Proofs, Masonic Leaders
- George Washington, the Man and the Mason
- Marquis, George C.
- Masonic Service Association
- Mitchell, Orestes
- Printed Materials
- Reader, Harold L.
Box 559
- Archivist's Note
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Background Information
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Public Comments
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Reference Material
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Script Drafts [1 of 2]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Script Drafts [2 of 2]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Scripts [1 of 3]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Scripts [2 of 3]
Box 560
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): Scripts [3 of 3]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV and Radio
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on Berlin Airlift, Comments
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on MacArthur, Favorable Comments
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on MacArthur, Public Comments
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on MacArthur, Unfavorable Comments [1 of 3]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on MacArthur, Unfavorable Comments [2 of 3]
- Ben Gradus Productions (Screen Gems, Inc.): TV Program on MacArthur, Unfavorable Comments [3 of 3]
Box 561
- Edward R. Murrow Interview, June 12, 1957 [1 of 2]
- Edward R. Murrow Interview, June 12, 1957 [2 of 2]
- "Time for Decision," Episode 1, Annotated Script
- "Time for Decision," Episode 1, Atomic Sequences [1 of 2]
- "Time for Decision," Episode 1, Atomic Sequences [2 of 2]
- "Time for Decision," Episode 1, Comprehensive Draft
Box 562
- Board of Trustees
- Correspondence [1 of 2]
- Correspondence [2 of 2]
- Correspondence - Founders
- Draft of a Proposal of Research Projects
- Fishman, Seymour
- Groundbreaking Ceremonies
Box 563
- Hebrew University
- Inaugural Ceremony
- Newspaper Clippings
- Rothberg, Samuel
- Statements and Press Releases
- Warren, Earl
Box 564
- A
- The American Weekly
- B
- C
- CBS [Columbia Broadcasting System]
- D
- E
- Engagements Referred to Hillman
- F
- Farrar, Straus & Young, Inc.
- G
- J
- John Hersey Article
- K
- L
- Life Magazine
- M
- Memoirs – Book Data
- Mr. President Drafts and Notes
- Mr. President List of Numbered Copies
- N
- NBC [National Broadcasting Company]
- Noyes, David
- O
- P
- Public Opinion Mail
- Q
- R
- S
- Simon & Schuster, Inc.
- Stone, Martin
- T
- Television Offers
- Town Hall, Inc.
- V
- W
Box 565
- 1960, June 29: Nos. 1-3
- 1960, July 26: Nos 4-8
- 1960, July 27: Nos. 9-12
- 1960, July 28: Nos. 13-17
- 1960, July 30: Nos. 18-23
- 1960, August 11: Nos. 24-30
- 1960, August 12: Nos. 31-39
- 1960, August 21-22: Nos. 40-45
- 1960, September 14: Nos. 46-48
- 1960, September 16: Nos. 49-52
Box 566
- 1960, September 17: Nos. 53-56
- 1960, October 5: Nos. 51-61
- 1960, October 6: Nos. 62-65
- 1960, October 7: Nos. 66-72
- 1960, November 12: Nos. 73-78
- 1960, December 7: Nos. 79-83
- 1960, December 8: Nos. 84-88
- 1960, December 26: Nos. 88A
- 1961, January 5: Nos. 89-98
- 1961, January 6: Nos. 99-104 [Morning]
- 1961, January 6: Nos. 105-109 [Afternoon]
Box 567
- 1961, January 7: Nos. 110-119
- 1961, January 8: Nos. 120-126
- 1961, January 27: Nos. 127-130
- 1961, January 29: Nos. 131-133
- 1961, January 31: Nos. 134-135
- 1961, February 2: Nos. 136-139
Box 568
- Books, 1953
- Books, 1954 [1 of 2]
- Books, 1954 [2 of 2]
- Books, 1955 [1 of 2]
- Books, 1955 [2 of 2]
- Books, 1956 [1 of 2]
- Books, 1956 [2 of 2]
Box 569
- Books, 1957
- Books, 1958 [1 of 4]
- Books, 1958 [2 of 4]
- Books, 1958 [3 of 4]
- Books, 1958 [4 of 4]
- Books, 1959 [1 of 2]
Box 570
- Books, 1959 [2 of 2]
- Books, 1960 [1 of 2]
- Books, 1960 [2 of 2]
- Books, 1961
- Books, 1962
Box 571
- Books, 1963
- Books, 1964
- Books, 1965
- Books, 1966
- Books, 1967
- Books, 1968
- Books, Thank You’s Not Carded
- Newspaper Clippings
MEMOIRS FILE, 1945-1955
Box 572
- Autographing Party Day
- Book Jacket
- Chronology
- Editing Notebooks [1 of 2]
- Editing Notebooks [2 of 2]
- Lists of Individuals Given Copies [1 of 2]
- Lists of Individuals Given Copies [2 of 2]
- Outlines
- Progress Reports
- Table of Contents
- Time Magazine
- Cabinet
Box 573
- Domestic Policy: Civil Rights
- Domestic Policy: Defense Budget Cuts
- Domestic Policy: Department of Agriculture
- Domestic Policy: Department of the Treasury
- Domestic Policy: Farm Controls
- Domestic Policy: "Five Percenter" Investigation
- Domestic Policy: Flood Controls and Electric Power
- Domestic Policy: Health Insurance
- Domestic Policy: Hiss Trial
- Domestic Policy: History of
- Domestic Policy: Housing Program
- Domestic Policy: Inflation and Controls
- Domestic Policy: Internal Revenue Service
- Domestic Policy: Labor Unions
- Domestic Policy: Loyalty Program and Security
- Domestic Policy: Loyalty Program and Security – Espionage
- Domestic Policy: McCarran Immigration Law
- Domestic Policy: National Science Foundation
- Domestic Policy: Postwar Reconversion
- Domestic Policy: Presidential Commissions
- Domestic Policy: Puerto Rico
- Domestic Policy: Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Domestic Policy: Reorganization of the Government
- Domestic Policy: Statehood for Alaska and Hawaii
- Domestic Policy: Steel Seizure
- Domestic Policy: Taft-Hartley Act
- Domestic Policy: Tidelands
- Domestic Policy: Twenty-One Point Program
Box 574
- Domestic Policy: Unification of the Armed Forces
- Domestic Policy: Virgin Islands
- Foreign Policy: Arsenal of Democracy
- Foreign Policy: Atomic Bomb
- Foreign Policy: British-American Relations
- Foreign Policy: British Loan
- Foreign Policy: China
- Foreign Policy: Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech, Fulton, Missouri
- Foreign Policy: Colonialism
- Foreign Policy; Disarmament
- Foreign Policy: Displaced Persons
- Foreign Policy: Documents
- Foreign Policy: Economic Cooperation Administration
- Foreign Policy: Foreign Aid and Reciprocal Trade
- Foreign Policy: Four Power Conference Proposals, 1949
- Foreign Policy: France
- Foreign Policy: General
- Foreign Policy: History of
- Foreign Policy: Himmler’s Peace Offer
- Foreign Policy: Hopkins-Davies Missions
- Foreign Policy: Initiation Into
- Foreign Policy: Isolationism
- Foreign Policy: Japan, Surrender and Occupation
- Foreign Policy: Korea
- Foreign Policy: Latin America
- Foreign Policy: Lend-Lease
- Foreign Policy: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Foreign Policy: Palestine
- Foreign Policy: Peace
Box 575
- Foreign Policy: Personal Meetings with Heads of State
- Foreign Policy: Point Four
- Foreign Policy: Potsdam
- Foreign Policy: Proposed Vinson Mission to Moscow
- Foreign Policy: Russia
- Foreign Policy: Stockpiling of Strategic Materials
- Foreign Policy: Tito and Trieste
- Foreign Policy: Truman Doctrine
- Foreign Policy: United Nations
- Foreign Policy: United Nations San Francisco Conference, 1945
- Foreign Policy: United Nations, Potsdam and V-J Day, April 12-September 2, 1945
- Foreign Policy: World War II [1 of 2]
- Foreign Policy: World War II [2 of 2]
Box 576
- Hillman, William – Notes
- New York Times
- Newspaper Clippings [1 of 3]
- Newspaper Clippings [2 of 3]
- Newspaper Clippings [3 of 3]
- Newspaper Clippings – Life Editorials
Box 577
- Newspaper Clippings – Reviews [1 of 5]
- Newspaper Clippings – Reviews [2 of 5]
- Newspaper Clippings – Reviews [3 of 5]
- Newspaper Clippings – Reviews [4 of 5]
- Newspaper Clippings – Reviews [5 of 5]
Box 578
- Personal: Anecdotes
- Personal: Bess Truman Letter
- Personal: Diaries
- Personal: From the Precinct to the Presidency
- Personal: History, Interest
- Personal: Independence, Missouri, Life
- Personal: Interviews, September 1953
- Personal: Interviews, November 1953
- Personal: Interviews, January 1954
- Personal: Interviews, February 1954
- Personal: Interviews, March 1954
- Personal: Interviews, April 1954
- Personal: Interviews, May 1954
- Personal: Interviews, November 1954
- Personal: Interviews, December 1954
- Personal: Interviews, January 1955
- Personal: Interviews, February 1955
- Personal: Interviews, March 1955
- Personal: Kansas City, Missouri
Box 579
- Personal: Martha Truman and Mary Jane Truman Letters
- Personal: Masonic Lodge
- Personal: Memories – Early
- Personal: Merchandising Venture, 1919-1921
- Personal: Military
- Personal: Missouri Politics
- Personal: Notes
- Personal: Speeches
- Personal: "The Beginning"
- Personal: War Experiences
- Personal: Yachts
- Personalities: Acheson, Dean – Draft Comments
- Personalities: Acheson, Dean – Interviews [1 of 2]
- Personalities: Acheson, Dean – Interviews [2 of 2]
- Personalities: Attlee, Clement
- Personalities: Baruch, Bernard
- Personalities: Bradley, Omar – Interviews
- Personalities: Chiang Kai-Shek, Madam
- Personalities: Churchill, Winston
- Personalities: DeGaulle, Charles
- Personalities: Eisenhower, Dwight
- Personalities: Forrestal, James
- Personalities: Grady, Henry
- Personalities: Harriman, Averell – Interview
- Personalities: Hoover, Herbert
Box 580
- Personalities: Kefauver, Estes
- Personalities: Kilgore, Harley – Interview
- Personalities: Landry, Robert – Interview
- Personalities: Leahy, William
- Personalities: MacArthur, Douglas
- Personalities: McGrath, J. Howard and Charles Sawyer – Interviews
- Personalities: Molotov
- Personalities: Murphy, Charles S. – Interview
- Personalities: Murray, Thomas – Interview
- Personalities: Perlman, Philip – Draft Comments
- Personalities: Perlman, Philip – Interviews [1 of 2]
- Personalities: Perlman, Philip – Interviews [2 of 2]
- Personalities: Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Personalities: Rosenman, Samuel – Draft Comments
- Personalities: Snyder, John – Draft Comments
- Personalities: Snyder, John – Interviews
- Personalities: Souers, Sidney – Interviews
Box 581
- Personalities: Steelman, John – Interviews
- Personalities: Stevenson, Adlai
- Personalities: Warren, Earl
- Personalities: Woodward, Stanley – Interviews
- Politics: Assassination Attempt – Security Measures for Presidential Family
- Politics: Campaign, 1944
- Politics: Campaign, 1948
- Politics: Campaign, 1952
- Politics: Career Appointments
- Politics: Citizenship and Responsibility
- Politics: Congressional Redistricting
- Politics: Convention and Campaign, 1944
- Politics: Convention and Campaign, 1948
- Politics: Cronyism
- Politics: Crooks in Government
- Politics: Democratic National Committee
- Politics: Democratic Party Organization
- Politics: Democratic Party Platform
- Politics: Eisenhower Administration Compare with Truman Administration
- Politics: Merit System – Job Appointments
- Politics: 1948 Nominations
- Politics: Non-Political Trip, June 1948
- Politics: Opinions on Eisenhower
- Politics: Political Ethics of Presidents
- Politics: Popular Reactions to Former Presidents
- Politics: Presidency
- Politics: Press
- Politics: St. Patrick’s Day, New York City, 1948 – Henry Wallace
- Politics: Subject Of
- Politics: Trip to West Indies and the Firing of Henry Wallace
- Senate: Activities In
- Senate: Congressional Investigations
- Senate: Fulbright Commission, Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Post Office
- Senate: Funerals and Swearing-In Ceremonies
- Senate: Kefauver Committee
- Senate: Race 1934 and 1940
- Senate: Relationship Between the President and Congress
- Senate: Truman Committee
Box 582
- First Draft [1 of 35]
- First Draft [2 of 35]
- First Draft [3 of 35]
- First Draft [4 of 35]
- First Draft [5 of 35]
- First Draft [6 of 35]
Box 583
- First Draft [7 of 35]
- First Draft [8 of 35]
- First Draft [9 of 35]
- First Draft [10 of 35]
- First Draft [11 of 35]
- First Draft [12 of 35]
Box 584
- First Draft [13 of 35]
- First Draft [14 of 35]
- First Draft [15 of 35]
- First Draft [16 of 35]
- First Draft [17 of 35]
- First Draft [18 of 35]
Box 585
- First Draft [19 of 35]
- First Draft [20 of 35]
- First Draft [21 of 35]
- First Draft [22 of 35]
- First Draft [23 of 35]
- First Draft [24 of 35]
Box 586
- First Draft [25 of 35]
- First Draft [26 of 35]
- First Draft [27 of 35]
- First Draft [28 of 35]
- First Draft [29 of 35]
- First Draft [30 of 35]
Box 587
- First Draft [31 of 35]
- First Draft [32 of 35]
- First Draft [33 of 35]
- First Draft [34 of 35]
- First Draft [35 of 35]
- Second Draft [1 of 15]
Box 588
- Second Draft [2 of 15]
- Second Draft [3 of 15]
- Second Draft [4 of 15]
- Second Draft [5 of 15]
- Second Draft [6 of 15]
- Second Draft [7 of 15]
Box 589
- Second Draft [8 of 15]
- Second Draft [9 of 15]
- Second Draft [10 of 15]
- Second Draft [11 of 15]
- Second Draft [12 of 15]
- Second Draft [13 of 15]
Box 590
- Second Draft [14 of 15]
- Second Draft [15 of 15]
- Third Draft [1 of 8]
- Third Draft [2 of 8]
- Third Draft [3 of 8]
- Third Draft [4 of 8]
Box 591
- Third Draft [5 of 8]
- Third Draft [6 of 8]
- Third Draft [7 of 8]
- Third Draft [8 of 8]
- Fourth Draft Index [1 of 2]
- Fourth Draft Index [2 of 2]
- Fourth Draft [1 of 12]
Box 592
- Fourth Draft [2 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [3 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [4 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [5 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [6 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [7 of 12]
Box 593
- Fourth Draft [8 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [9 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [10 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [11 of 12]
- Fourth Draft [12 of 12]
- Life Installment One
- Life Installment Two
Box 594
- Life Installment Three
- Life Installment Four
- Life Installment Five
- Life Magazine
- Page Proofs [1 of 15]
- Page Proofs [2 of 15]
- Page Proofs [3 of 15]
Box 595
- Page Proofs [4 of 15]
- Page Proofs [5 of 15]
- Page Proofs [6 of 15]
- Page Proofs [7 of 15]
- Page Proofs [8 of 15]
- Page Proofs [9 of 15]
- Page Proofs [10 of 15]
Box 596
- Page Proofs [11 of 15]
- Page Proofs [12 of 15]
- Page Proofs [13 of 15]
- Page Proofs [14 of 15]
- Page Proofs [15 of 15]
- Page Proofs List
- Galley Proofs
Box 597
- A
- Aleman, Miguel
- Anderson, Clinton
- Anderson, Eugenie
- Andrews, Russell
- Arvey, Jacob
- Attlee, Clement
- Auriol, Vincent
- Austin, Warren
- Ayers, Eben
- B [1 of 2]
- B [2 of 2]
- Barkley, Alben
- Battle, Lucius
- Benton, Thomas Hart
- Bernhard, Juliana [Queen of the Netherlands]
- Biddle, Francis
- Biffle, Leslie
- Black, Hugo
- Bradley, Omar
- Brewster, Owen
- Burton, Harold
- Butler, Paul
- C [1 of 2]
- C [2 of 2]
- Caldwell, Robert
- Camalier, Renah
- Churchill, Winston
- Clark, Tom
- Clifford, Clark
- Connally, Tom
- D
- Daley, Richard
- Daniels, Jonathan
- Darby, Harry
- Dawson, Donald
- Dean, Gordon
- Deramus, W.N.
- DiSalle, Michael
- Donaldson, Jesse
- Douglas, William O.
Box 598
- E
- Eden, Anthony
- Ellis, Elmer
- Elsey, George
- F
- Farley, James
- Foley, Raymond
- Foreign
- Frankfurter, Felix
- Friedman, Martin
- Fulton, Hugh
- G
- Gardner, Erle Stanley
- Garver, Roger
- Graham, Wallace
- Gray, Georgia Neese
- Gray, Gordon
- Guffey, Joseph
- H [1 of 2]
- H [2 of 2]
- Hammarskjold, Dag
- Harper, Roy
- Harriman, Averell
- Harvey, Paul
- Hassett, William
- Hatch, Carl
- Havemann, Ernest
- Helm, Edith
- Hillman, William
- Hoffman, Paul
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- I
- Ibarra, J. M. Velasco
- J
- Jacobson, Bluma
- Johnson, Louis
Box 599
- K
- Keyserling, Leon
- L
- Landry, Robert
- Leahy, William
- Lie, Trygve
- List of Letters Received for Gift Copies
- Lloyd, David
- Locke, Edwin
- Lovett, Robert
- M
- MacArthur, Douglas
- Matthews, Francis
- Mc
- McGranery, James
- Menzies, R.G.
- Minton, Sherman
- Morgenthau, Henry
- Murphy, Charles
- Nehru, Jawaharlal
- Neustadt, Richard
- Noyes, David
- O
- Odum Reathel
- P
- Pauley, Edwin
- Perkins, Frances
- Perlman, Philip
- Pope Pius XII
- Q
Box 600
- R
- Reed, Stanley
- Rhee, Syngman
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Roosevelt, Jr., Franklin D.
- Rosenberg, Anna
- Rosenman, Samuel
- Royall, Kenneth
- S [1 of 2]
- S [2 of 2]
- Sawyer, Charles
- Schindler, Alfred
- Schoeneman, George
- Smith, Walter Bedell
- Snyder, John
- Solins, Sam
- Souers, Sidney
- St. Laurent, Louis
- Steelman, John
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Sullivan, John
- Symington, Stuart
- T
- Talge, Henry
- Taylor, Myron
- Truman Family
- U-V
- Vaughan, Harry
- W
- Walker, Frank
- Wickard, Claude
- Wallgren, Mon
- Wheeler, Burton
- Williams, Herbert Lee
- Woodward, Stanley
- X-Y-Z
Box 601
- Advisory Council Correspondence
- Advisory Council Documents Index
- Contributions
- Convention, 1956
- Correspondence, 1953
- Correspondence, 1954
- Correspondence, 1955
- Correspondence, 1956
- Correspondence, 1957
- Correspondence, 1959
Box 602
- Democratic Women’s National Club
- Edward Lamb Case
- Fact Sheets, 1953
- Fact Sheets, 1954
- Fact Sheets, 1955
- Fact Sheets, 1956
- Fact Sheets, 1957
- Fact Sheets, 1958
- Fact Sheets, 1959
- Fact Sheets, 1960
- Meetings, 1957
- Meetings, 1958
- Meetings, 1959
- Meetings, 1960
- Membership Lists
Box 603
- Midwest Democratic Meeting – October 1954
- Newspapers Editorials
- Policy Statements, 1957
- Policy Statements, 1958 [1 of 2]
- Policy Statements, 1958 [2 of 2]
- Policy Statements, 1959 [1 of 2]
- Policy Statements, 1959 [2 of 2]
Box 604
- Policy Statements, 1960 [1 of 2]
- Policy Statements, 1960 [2 of 2]
- Press Releases, 1953
- Press Releases, 1954
- Press Releases, 1955
Box 605
- Press Releases, 1956
- Press Releases, 1957
- Press Releases, 1958
- Press Releases, 1959
- Press Releases, 1960
- Printed Materials
- Reports
- Research Division
- 750 Club
Box 606
- August 9: Chicago, Illinois
- August 17: Chicago, Illinois, Democratic National Convention
- September 1: Ottumwa, Iowa, Farmer-Labor Celebration
- September 3: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- September 7: Washington, D.C., American Political Science Association
- September 10: Jefferson City, Missouri, Federal of Women’s Democratic Clubs
- September 14: St. Louis, Missouri, International Union of Railroad and Machine Workers
- September 15: Kansas City, Missouri, Wheatley-Provident Hospital
- September 28: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- September 29: Boston, Massachusetts, John Hancock Hall
- October 8: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Carnegie Hall
- October 9: Monessen (Twin Coaches), Pennsylvania
- October 10: Detroit, Michigan, Labor Temple
Box 607
- October 10: Moundsville, West Virginia, Field House
- October 12: Marshall, Minnesota, High School Auditorium
- October 13: Taylorsville, Illinois, High School Auditorium
- October 18: Gary, Indiana, Memorial Auditorium
- October 20: Washington, D.C., Statler Hotel
- October 20: Washington, D.C., Closed Circuit Telecast
- October 24: Salt Lake City, Utah
- October 25: San Francisco, California, Bakery Workers Union
- October 25: San Francisco, California, Press and Union League Club
- October 26: Butte, Montana
- October 26: Salem, Missouri
- November 3: St. Louis, Missouri
- November 5: Kansas City, Missouri, Precinct Workers
Box 608
- Bowles, Chester
- Catholic President Issue
- Correspondence [1 of 15]
- Correspondence [2 of 15]
- Correspondence [3 of 15]
- Correspondence [4 of 15]
- Correspondence [5 of 15]
Box 609
- Correspondence [6 of 15]
- Correspondence [7 of 15]
- Correspondence [8 of 15]
- Correspondence [9 of 15]
- Correspondence [10 of 15]
Box 610
- Correspondence [11 of 15]
- Correspondence [12 of 15]
- Correspondence [13 of 15]
- Correspondence [14 of 15]
- Correspondence [15 of 15]
Box 611
- Democratic National Convention [1 of 3]
- Democratic National Convention [2 of 3]
- Democratic National Convention [3 of 3]
- Election Returns
- Farmers Voting the Republican Ticket
- Harry S. Truman’s Role [1 of 3]
- Harry S. Truman’s Role [2 of 3]
- Harry S. Truman’s Role [3 of 3]
Box 612
- John F. Kennedy Candidacy – Harry S. Truman’s Press Conference – Favorable [1 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy Candidacy – Harry S. Truman’s Press Conference – Favorable [2 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy Candidacy – Harry S. Truman’s Press Conference – Favorable [3 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy Candidacy – Harry S. Truman’s Press Conference – Favorable [4 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy Candidacy – Harry S. Truman’s Press Conference – Unfavorable
Box 613
- John F. Kennedy – Harry S. Truman’s Statement at the Democratic National Convention [1 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy – Harry S. Truman’s Statement at the Democratic National Convention [2 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy – Harry S. Truman’s Statement at the Democratic National Convention [3 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy – Harry S. Truman’s Statement at the Democratic National Convention [4 of 4]
- John F. Kennedy – Letters Concerning [1 of 3]
Box 614
- John F. Kennedy – Letters Concerning [2 of 3]
- John F. Kennedy – Letters Concerning [3 of 3]
- John F. Kennedy – Nomination [1 of 2]
- John F. Kennedy – Nomination [2 of 2]
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Meyer, Robert
Box 615
- Nixon, Richard
- Speech – October 10, 1960 – San Antonio, Texas [1 of 3]
- Speech – October 10, 1960 – San Antonio, Texas [2 of 3]
- Speech – October 10, 1960 – San Antonio, Texas [3 of 3]
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Symington, Stuart
Box 616
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
Box 617
- 1960 [1 of 5]
- 1960 [2 of 5]
- 1960 [3 of 5]
- 1960 [4 of 5]
- 1960 [5 of 5]
Box 618
- 1961 [1 of 2]
- 1961 [2 of 2]
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
Box 619
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
SPEECH FILE, 1953-1968
Box 620
- 1953, February 5: Testimonial Dinner, Independence, Missouri
- 1953, May 12: State Legislature, Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1953, May 16: Armed Forces Day, Kansas City, Kansas
- 1953, June 14: Flag Day, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1953, June 26: Reserve Officers Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1953, August 24: Disabled American Veterans Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1953, September 7: Labor Day, Detroit, Michigan
- 1953, September 14: Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Illinois
- 1953, September 20: Ford Foundation, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1953, September 28: Four Freedoms Banquet, New York, New York
- 1953, October 8: Sidney Hillman Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1953, October 10: Frank E. McKinney Dinner, Indianapolis, Indiana
- 1953, November 9: American Jewish Conference, New York, New York
- 1953, November 10: Alumni Association, City College of New York, New York
Box 621
- 1953, November 12: American Friends of the Hebrew University, New York, New York
- 1953, November 16: Harry Dexter White Case, Kansas City Missouri
- 1953, November 19: Jackson County Young Democrats, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1953, November 28: Jewish Candelabra, Chicago, Illinois
- 1953, December 3: American Committee for Weizmann Institute of Science, New York, New York
- 1953, December 16: Truman Road Dedication, Independence, Missouri
- 1953: Reference Material
- 1954, February 5: Americans For Democratic Action, New York, New York
- 1954, March 7: Ford Foundation, New York, New York
- 1954, April 4: United Hebrew Temple, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1954, April 12: Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri
- 1954, May 8: Birthday, Truman Library Fund Dinner, New York, New York
Box 622
- 1954, May 10: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
- 1954, May 13: Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- 1954, October 16: Political Rally, Kansas City, Missouri [1 of 2]
- 1954, October 16: Political Rally, Kansas City, Missouri [2 of 2]
- 1954, November 14: Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, Missouri
- 1955, February 10: Conference of Christians and Jews, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1955, March 26: National Guard Association, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1955, April 16: Sam Rayburn Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1955, April 18: Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, D.C.
- 1955, April 24: Ramp Festival, Cosby, Tennessee
- 1955, April 27: Decalogue Society, Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, May 8: Harry S. Truman Birthday Party
- 1955, May 8: Harry S. Truman Library Groundbreaking, Independence, Missouri
- 1955, May 17: Missouri Legislature, Jefferson City, Missouri
Box 623
- 1955, June 11: Democratic Party Dinner, Portland, Oregon
- 1955, June 24: United Nations Anniversary, San Francisco, California
- 1955, August 27: Indiana Democratic Editorial Association, French Lick, Indiana
- 1955, August 29: Democratic Party Conference, Mackinac Island, Michigan
- 1955, September 5: Labor Day, Detroit, Michigan
- 1955, September 9: Executive Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, September 23: Real Estate Board
- 1955, October 6: Combined Jewish Appeal Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
- 1955, October 24: Ararat Shrine, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1955, October 24: United Nations Anniversary, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1955, October 27: Navy Day, Olathe, Kansas
- 1955, October 29: Federated Hellenic Society of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, November 5: National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, New Orleans, Louisiana
Box 624
- 1955, November 17: American Public Health Association, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1955: Reference Material
- 1956, January 12: Independence Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, Independence, Missouri
- 1956, January 14: Democratic Farm Labor Dinner, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- 1956, February 2: State Democratic Dinner, New York, New York
- 1956, February 4: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts
- 1956, February 22: Columbia, Missouri
- 1956, March 17: Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Scranton, Pennsylvania
- 1956, April 3: Overseas Press Club, New York, New York
- 1956, April 11: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Des Moines, Iowa
- 1956, May 9: Four Freedoms Dinner, New York, New York
- 1956, June 21: Pilgrims Society, London, England
- 1956, July 5: Foreign Relations Council Meeting, New York, New York
- 1956, July 10: Truman Library Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
- 1956, August 23: IATSC, Kansas City, Missouri
Box 625
- 1956, September 3: Labor Day, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1956, September 23: Kehilath Israel Synagogue, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1956, October 4: Labor Temple, Detroit, Michigan
- 1956, October 6: Employ the Physically Handicapped, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1956, November 6: Missouri Precinct Workers
- 1956, November 11: Veteran’s Day
- 1956, November 18: Dedication of the Ruskin High School Kansas City, Missouri
- 1956, November 28: Democratic Party Rally, St. Joseph, Missouri
- 1956, December 14: United Brotherhood of Carpenter and Joiners, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1956: Reference Material
- 1957, January 24: Franklin D. Roosevelt Birthday Dinner (Tape Recording)
- 1957, February 2: Truman Library Dinner, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1957, February 12: Combined Jewish Appeal, Miami, Florida
- 1957, February 15: National Israel Bonds Dinner, Miami, Florida
- 1957, February 23: Truman Library Dinner, Key West, Florida
- 1957, February 25: Truman Library Dinner, Miami, Florida
- 1957, March 1: A & M College, Stillwater, Oklahoma
- 1957, March 3: Beth Israel Synagogue Dinner, Omaha, Nebraska
- 1957, April 6: Kansas Democratic Clubs Dinner, Topeka, Kansas
- 1957, April 16: U.S. Weather Bureau, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1957, May 2: New York University, New York, New York
- 1957, May 3: Electric Consumers Information Committee, Washington, D.C.
- 1957, May 4: National Guard Armory Dinner, Washington, D.C.
Box 626
- 1957, May 13: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
- 1957, May 21: Jackson County (MO) Democratic Committee Dinner, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1957, June 5: Missouri Police Chiefs Association, St. Joseph, Missouri
- 1957, June 9: Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts
- 1957, June 14: University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
- 1957, June 15: Jefferson-Jackson Day, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1957, June 18: Democratic Committee Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- 1957, June 19: Democratic Party Dinner, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- 1957, June 21: U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
- 1957, June 27: American Library Association, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1957, June 28: Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri, Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1957, August 30: Teachers Meeting, Independence, Missouri
- 1957, September 14: Zionist Organization of America, New York, New York
- 1957, September 20: Real Estate Board Luncheon, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1957, September 29: National Employ the Physically Handicapped, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1957, October 10: National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- 1957, November 1: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Los Angeles, California
- 1957, November 11: Veterans Day, Welch, West Virginia
- 1957, November 13: Human Rights Award Dinner, New York, New York
Box 627
- 1957: Reference Material
- 1958, January 12: World Academy Award, New York, New York
- 1958, January 14: Printing Week Dinner, New York, New York
- 1958, February 6: Bar Association, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1958: February 22: Harry S. Truman Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1958, February 25: Mutual Security Agency Luncheon, Washington, D.C.
- 1958, March 4: League of Young Democrats, Norman, Oklahoma
- 1958, March 11: National Conference of Christians and Jews, Wichita, Kansas
- 1958, March 18: National Farmers Union, Denver, Colorado
- 1958, April 12: AMVETS, Washington, D.C.
- 1958, April 21: Democratic Women’s Campaign Conference, Washington, D.C.
- 1958, April 24: Tenth Anniversary of the State of Israel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Box 628
- 1958, April 25: New York State University, Albany, New York
- 1958, April 27: Universal Brotherhood Award, New York, New York
- 1958, May 3: Bar Association Ceremonies, Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1958, May 22: Cook County Democratic Party Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
- 1958, July 4: Aboard U.S.S. Constitution En Route From France to the United States
- 1958, August 6: Fraternal Order of Eagles Convention, Chicago, Illinois
- 1958, September 3: American Legion Convention, Chicago, Illinois
- 1958, September 11: Democratic Party Dinner, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 1958, September 12: Midwest Democratic Conference, Omaha, Nebraska
- 1958, September 17: Advertising Club, New York, New York
- 1958, September 17: Steelworkers Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- 1958, September 18: Democratic Party Dinner, Albany, New York
- 1958, September 19: Democratic Party Dinner, Pikesville, Maryland
- 1958, September 20: Democratic Party Dinner, Charleston, West Virginia
- 1958, September 25: Democratic Party Dinner, San Francisco, California
- 1958, September 26: Democratic Party Dinner, Seattle, Washington
Box 629
- 1958, September 27: Democratic Party Dinner, Portland, Oregon
- 1958, October 1: Democratic Party Dinner, Cheyenne, Wyoming
- 1958, October 3: Democratic Party Dinner, Akron, Ohio
- 1958, October 3: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Cleveland, Ohio
- 1958, October 4: Democratic Party Dinner, Columbus, Ohio
- 1958, October 9: Democratic Party Rally, Cherokee, Iowa
- 1958, October 10: Democratic Party Rally, Minot, North Dakota
- 1958, October 11: Democratic Party Rally, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- 1958, October 12: Democratic Party Rally, Detroit, Michigan
- 1958, October 21: Democratic Party Rally, New Castle, Pennsylvania
- 1958, October 22: Democratic Party Rally, Wilmington, Delaware
- 1958, October 23: Democratic Party Rally, Boston, Massachusetts
- 1958, November 1: Democratic Party Rally, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1958, November 8: American Legion Dinner, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1958, November 11: Veterans Day, Springfield, Missouri
- 1958, December 5: Andrew Jackson Sesquicentennial, Raleigh, North Carolina
- 1958, December 8: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
- 1958: Reference Material
- 1959, March 4: Missouri Police Chiefs Association, Columbia, Missouri
Box 630
- 1959, March 24: University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
- 1959, April 4: International Trade Fair and Industrial Exposition, Beverly Hills, California
- 1959, April 27-28: Columbia University, New York, New York
- 1959, April 30: Tenth Anniversary of Point Four Program, Washington, D.C.
- 1959, May 4: Statement on 22nd U.S. Constitution Amendment, Washington, D.C.
- 1959, May 4: Dedication of the National Guard Armory, Washington, D.C.
- 1959, May 5: Statement on Mutual Security Program, Washington, D.C.
- 1959, May 8: 75th Birthday Party, New York, New York
- 1959, July 4: Fourth of July, Independence, Missouri
- 1959, August 21: Press Conference re; Mr. Citizen, Independence, Missouri
- 1959, September 8: National Baptist Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1959, September 12: Midwest Democratic Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1959, September 13: Hadassah Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1959, September 19: Matthew J. Connelly Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts
- 1959, September 23: Roosevelt-Truman Dinner, Wichita, Kansas
- 1959, October 8: Democratic Party Dinner, Springfield, Illinois
- 1959, October 16: United Nations, Lubbock, Texas
- 1959, October 17: Democratic Party Meeting, Dallas, Texas
- 1959, October 21: Independence, Missouri
- 1959, October 24: Democratic Party Meeting, Paducah, Kentucky
- 1959, November 10: William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri
- 1959, November 14: Catholic Youth Group, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1959, November 17: Trinity Episcopal Church Men’s Club, Independence, Missouri
- 1959, November 21: Young Democratic Clubs of America Convention, Toledo, Ohio
- 1959, November 27: National Council for the Social Studies Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1959, December 3: Gaylord Nelson Dinner, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1959, December 4: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1959, December 5: United Italian-American Labor Council Luncheon, New York, New York
- 1959, December 7: Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner, New York, New York
- 1959: Reference Material
Box 631
- 1960, January 9: Democratic Party Dinner, Phoenix, Arizona
- 1960, January 23: 1960 Presidential Campaign Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1960, February 8: Men’s Club, Independence, Missouri
- 1960, February 22: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Miami, Florida
- 1960, February 27: Democratic Party Dinner, Miami Beach, Florida
- 1960, February 28: 1960 Inaugural Conference for Israel Bonds, Miami, Florida
- 1960, March 19: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Louisville, Kentucky
- 1960, March 24: Statement on Negro Sit Demonstrations, Independence, Missouri
- 1960, April 1: Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas
- 1960, April 22: USO Show for NBC-TV (Pre-recorded)
- 1960, April 28: National Conference of International Economic and Social Development Luncheon
- 1960, April 30: Democratic Congressional Campaign Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1960, May 1: CBS-TV "FYI" Program
- 1960, May 2: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia
- 1960, May 3: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
- 1960, May 13: Executive Club Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, May 13: Press Conference, Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, June 6: American Booksellers Association, Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, June 23: Stuart Symington Dinner, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1960, June 26: United Nations Meeting, San Francisco, California
- 1960, July 2: Resignation as Delegate to the Democratic National Convention
- 1960, July 4: Fourth of July, Independence, Missouri
- 1960, September 5: Labor Day, Marion, Indiana
- 1960, October 2: Meeting with John F. Kennedy, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1960, October 3: National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, Kansas City, Missouri
Box 632
- 1960, October 8: Political Campaign Speech, Spencer, Iowa
- 1960, October 10: Political Campaign Speech, Texarkana, Texas
- 1960, October 10: Political Campaign Speech, San Antonio, Texas
- 1960, October 11: Political Campaign Speech, Waco, Texas
- 1960, October 13: Political Campaign Speech, Raleigh, North Carolina
- 1960, October 14: Political Campaign Speech, Wilson, North Carolina
- 1960, October 14: Political Campaign Speech, Nashville, North Carolina
- 1960, October 15: Political Campaign Speech, Abingdon, Virginia
- 1960, October 20: Political Campaign Speech, Trenton, Tennessee
- 1960, October 20: Political Campaign Speech, Sikeston, Missouri
- 1960, October 21: Political Campaign Speech, Tupelo, Mississippi
- 1960, October 21: Political Campaign Speech, Decatur, Alabama
- 1960, October 22: Political Campaign Speech, Abbeyville, Louisiana
- 1960, October 27: Political Campaign Speech, Seattle, Washington
- 1960, October 27: Political Campaign Speech, Tacoma, Washington
- 1960, October 27: Political Campaign Speech, Reno, Nevada
- 1960, October 28: Political Campaign Speech, Oakland, California
- 1960, November 1: Political Campaign Speech, New York, New York
Box 633
- 1960, November 2: Political Campaign Speech, Haverstraw, New York
- 1960, November 2: Political Campaign Speech, Fishkill, New York
- 1960, November 3: Political Campaign Speech, New York, New York (3 Speeches)
- 1960, November 4: Political Campaign Speech, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 1960, November 4: Political Campaign Speech, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1960, November 27: B’Nai B’Rith Dinner, New York, New York
- 1960, December 10: Man of the Century Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, December 28: Society of American Archivists, New York, New York
- 1960: Reference Material
- 1961, January 13: Ladies at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
- 1961, April 15: Harry S. Truman Library Mural Dedication, Independence, Missouri
- 1961, May 25: Bar Association, Louisville, Kentucky
- 1961, May 27: Democratic National Committee Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1961, June 5: TV Show Release, New York, New York
- 1961, June 24: Recorded Message About Earl Warren
- 1961, July 4: Fourth of July, Independence, Missouri
- 1961, August 9: Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1961, August 12: Lone Jack Picnic, Independence, Missouri
- 1961, August 18: Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri
- 1961, September 14: American Legion Convention, Denver, Colorado
- 1961, November 2: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
- 1961, November 21: 2nd Baptist Church, Independence, Missouri
- 1961, November 30: Democratic Party Dinner, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1961, December 7: Wayne Morse Dinner, Los Angeles, California
Box 634
- 1962, January 20: Democratic Party Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1962, March 27: Yale Club Annual Dinner, Washington, D.C.
- 1962, April 13: Emergency Planning Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1962, April 26: TWA Building Dedication, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1962, April 28: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Indianapolis, Indiana
- 1962, May 9: Jewish National Fund, New York, New York
- 1962, July 28: Democratic Party Rally, Highland & Venice, Illinois
- 1962, July 29: American Legion, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1962, August 22: AHEPA Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
- 1962, September 8: Democratic Party Dinner, Hartford, Connecticut
- 1962, September 11: Stanley Mosk Birthday Party, San Francisco, California
- 1962, September 12: Edmund G. Brown Dinner, Los Angeles, California
- 1962, September 17: U.S. Constitution Anniversary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1962, September 29: Democratic Party Dinner, Youngstown, Ohio
- 1962, October 5: Democratic Party Dinner, Clarksburg, West Virginia
- 1962, October 6: Democratic Party Dinner, Evansville, Indiana
- 1962, October 11: American Legion Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada
- 1962, October 15: Man of the Century Award, Denver, Colorado
- 1962, October 19: Democratic Party Dinner, Louisville, Kentucky
- 1962, October 22: Democratic Party Dinner, Hutchison, Kansas
- 1962, October 25: Cuban Crisis, Independence, Missouri
- 1962, October 27: Canada-United States Relations, Independence, Missouri
- 1962, November 18: State of Israel Commendation Dinner, Beverly Hills, California
- 1962, December 8: United Jewish Appeal, New York, New York
- 1962: Reference Material
- 1963, May 2: TV Series Announcement, Independence, Missouri
- 1963, June 9: Jewish Community Center Dedication, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1963, July 28: American Legion Convention, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1963, September 14: Stephen Young Dinner, Cleveland, Ohio
- 1963, October 23: Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
- 1963, October 24: Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
- 1963, November 8: Missouri State Red Cross Conference, Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1963, November 10: Anit-Defamation League, Las Vegas, Nevada
Box 635
- 1964, May 1: Farmers Birthday Tribute, Independence, Missouri
- 1964, May 11: United Jewish Appeal, New York, New York
- 1964, August 25: Democratic National Convention Statement, Independence, Missouri
- 1964, September 25: William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri
- 1964, October 14: Radio Broadcast, NBC
- 1964: Reference Material
- 1965, February 16: Vietnam Situation, Independence, Missouri
- 1965, April 7: Statement on Tape for President’s Office (Museum), Truman Library, Independence, Missouri
- 1965, April 13: Freedom Award Dinner, New York, New York
- 1965, May 22: Statement About Eddie Jacobson
- 1965, July 4: Fourth of July
- 1965, July 30: Medicare Bill Signing, Independence, Missouri
- 1965, October 20: American Society of Civil Engineers, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1965, November 8: Heart of American Men’s and Boy’s Apparel Club Luncheon, Kansas City, Missouri
- 1965, December 19: Harry S. Truman Commendation Award Dinner
- 1966, January 20: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace, Independence, Missouri
- 1966, March 15: Medicare TV Film Statement, Independence, Missouri
- 1966, July 11: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace Groundbreaking Ceremony
- 1966, August 28: Statement on High Interest Rates, Independence, Missouri
- 1967, January 18: Presentation of Scrolls to Founders of Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
- 1967, March 20: Vietnam Situation, Independence, Missouri
- 1967, July 1: 10th Anniversary of the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri
- 1967, November 29: Unveiling of Scale Model, Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace, Independence, Missouri
- 1968, March 27: Dedication for the Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
- Undated: Reference Material
Box 636
- American Weekly: "Mr. Citizen" Articles
- Annuity
- Automobile
- Automobile: Chrysler
- Automobile: Chrysler, Mrs. Truman’s
- Automobile: Dodge
- Automobile: Plymouth
- Bank Balances
- Bank of Independence
- Barstow School Building Fund
- Bermuda Trip
- Brokerage Data
- Carriage Club
- Carson and Sons Funeral Home
- Cemetery
- Census
- Check Stubs for Oil Income, 1959-1964
- Chrisman-Sawyer Bank
- Citgo
Box 637
- Citronelle Oil: 1957-1958
- Citronelle Oil: 1959
- Citronelle Oil: 1960
- Citronelle Oil: 1961
- Citronelle Oil: 1962, January-June
- Citronelle Oil, 1962: July-December
- Citronelle Oil, 1963: January-June
- Citronelle Oil, 1963: July-December
Box 638
- Citronelle Oil: 1964, January-June
- Citronelle Oil: 1964, July-December
- Citronelle Oil: 1965, January-June
- Citronelle Oil: 1965, July-December
- Citronelle Oil: 1966
- Citronelle Oil: 1967
- Citronelle Oil: 1968, January-June
Box 639
- Citronelle Oil: 1968, July-December
- Citronelle Oil: 1969
- Citronelle Oil: 1970
- Citronelle Oil: 1971-1973
- City National Bank and Trust Company
- Columbia National Bank
- Commerce Trust Company
- Deer Trail Mines
- Dixon Management Corporation
- Donations
- Douglas Oil Purchasing Company, Inc.
Box 640
- Empire State Bank
- Figures
- First National Bank of Chicago: Checkbook
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1958
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1959
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1960
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1961
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1962
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1963
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1964
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1965
- First National Bank of Chicago: 1966-1967
- First National Bank of Independence
- Four States Drilling Company
- General American Oil Company
- Goldman Jewelry Company
- Grandview Masonic Temple Association
- Gray’s Diamond Shop
- Gulf Oil Company
Box 641
- Hamilton National Bank
- Harris, Upham & Company
- Home Insurance Company
- HST Associates: Atomic Energy
- HST Associates: Bank Data
- HST Associates: Chronological
- HST Associates: Contract Data
- HST Associates: Korean Data
- HST Associates: Miscellaneous
- HST Associates: New York Trip
- HST Associates: Notes
Box 642
- HST Associates: Personnel
- HST Associates: Releases and Statements
- HST Associates: Susskind and Talent Associates Regarding Television Appearances
- HST Associates: Television Comments, Open End Broadcast, September 17, 1961
- Independence Productions, Inc.: Bank Data, Statements, Etc.
- Independence Productions, Inc.: Contract and Documents
- Independence Productions, Inc.: Miscellaneous
- Insurance
- Jackson County Highway Map, 1948
- Jett Operations Company: 1958
- Jett Operations Company: 1959, January-June
- Jett Operations Company: 1959, July-December
Box 643
- Jett Operations Company: 1960, January-June
- Jett Operations Company: 1960, July-December
- Jett Operations Company: 1961, January-June
- Jett Operations Company: 1961, July-December
- Jett Operations Company: 1962
- Jett Operations Company: 1963-1965
Box 644
- Kansas City Club
- Land: Abstracts of Title [1 of 2]
- Land: Abstracts of Title [2 of 2]
- Land: Bills Paid By J. Vivian Truman
- Land: Casto, Don M. [1 of 2]
- Land: Casto, Don M. [2 of 2]
- Land: C. E. Edelbrock, Inc., and Mary Don Company
- Land: Checks Issued by Harry S. Truman
- Land: Curry Property East of 71 Highway
- Land: Deed for Ella Hall Property
- Land: Frisell, Rosemary and Russell
- Land: Kansas City Title Insurance Company
- Land: Kitchen Kabinet, Inc.
Box 645
- Land: Kurzweil, James R.
- Land: Ledgers
- Land: Leo’s TV and Appliance, Inc.
- Land: Mary Jane Truman’s Place
- Land: Mother’s Place West of 71 Highway
- Land: Peebles, Alex
- Land: Receipts
- Land: Rutledge Oil Company
- Land: Solomon Young Holdings
- Land: Triangle Investment Company and B. F. Weinberg
- Land: Truman
- Land: Truman, Harry and Gilbert
- Mag, Arthur
- Magnavox Company
- Marriage Affidavits
- McGee, Thomas and Sons
- Medicare
- Mobil Oil Corporation: Citronelle Unit
- Mobil Oil Corporation: Statements, 1967-1968
Box 646
- Mobil Oil Corporation: Statements, 1969-1970
- Mobil Oil Corporation: Statements, 1971-1973
- Moore Mortuary
- Muehlebach Hotel
- National Bank of Washington
- North American Newspaper Alliance: Syndicated Articles
- Northeast Airlines, Inc.
- Oil Invoices Paid
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1957
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1958, January-June
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1958, July-December
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1959, January-June
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1959, July-December
Box 647
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1960, January-June
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1960: July-December
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1961
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1962
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1963-1965
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1966-1968
- Pauley Petroleum and Edwin Pauley: 1969-1973
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company
- Presidential Pension Bill
Box 648
- Presidential Transitions
- Rosenman, Samuel: Argentina Trade Mark Case
- Rosenman, Samuel: Library
- Rosenman, Samuel: Taxes
- Royalties
- Screen Gems
- Screen Gems: Bank
- Screen Gems: Contract
- Screen Gems: Newspaper Clippings
- Screen Gems: Pictures
- Screen Gems: School Study Guide
- Screen Gems: Statement and Press Release
- Social Security
- Slowinski, Walter: Speech on Tax Savings Under the 1954 Code
- St. Agnes Convent
- Stinson, Mag, Thomson, McEvers & Fizzell, Attorneys
- Stocks and Bonds
Box 649
- Taxes: Grandview, Missouri
- Taxes: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company
- Taxes: Real Estate
- Taxes: Withholding Exemption Certificate
- Time, Inc.: Agreement and Notes
- Truman, Bess: Hospitalization, 1959
- Truman Corners: Missouri State Highway Commission
- Truman Corners: Town and Country Shoppers City
- Truman, Mary Jane
- Washington Post
- Western Electric Building
Box 650
- Bailey, Eugene
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield [1 of 2]
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield [2 of 2]
- Combinations and Keys
- Facsimile Messages for Mass Mailing
- General Services Administration
- General Services Administration: Funds
- General Services Administration: Insurance
- General Services Administration: Personnel Handbook
- Goe, Robert L.
- Harris, Robert E. G.
- Hillman, William
- Letters for the President to Sign
- Library Staff
- Lists of Truman Property Shipped, 1952-1957
- Noyes, David M.
- Payroll Ledger, 1953-1958
- Personnel Data
- Royse, Morton
Box 651
- Salaries and Expenses
- Schedler, Dean
- Schedler, Dean: Personal
- Shoemaker, Jane
- Smith, Anne
- Social Security
- Taxes: Employer’s Quarterly Tax Returns
- Taxes: Employer’s Tax Data
- Taxes: Withholding
- Truman Files
- Workmen’s Compensation
- Wren, Virginia
TRIP FILE, 1953-1969
Box 652
- 1953, February-March: Hawaiian Vacation, General Correspondence [1 of 3]
- 1953, February-March: Hawaiian Vacation, General Correspondence [2 of 3]
- 1953, February-March: Hawaiian Vacation, General Correspondence [3 of 3]
- 1953: Hawaiian Vacation Data
- 1953, June-July: East Coast Trip
- 1953: Washington, D.C.-New York City [1 of 2]
- 1953: Washington, D.C.-New York City [2 of 2]
Box 653
- 1953, July 30-31: Casper, Wyoming – Camp Riley, Minnesota
- 1953, Augst 11: Clinton, Missouri (Fair)
- 1953: Detroit, Michigan (Labor Day)
- 1953, September 14: Chicago, Illinois
- 1953, September 24: St. Louis, Missouri (AFL Dinner)
- 1953, September 25: St. Joseph, Missouri (35th Division Reunion)
- 1953, September 29: New York, New York (Four Freedoms Award)
- 1953, September 29-30: St. Louis, Missouri (Grand Masonic Lodge of Missouri)
- 1953, October 1: Caruthersville, Missouri (Fair)
- 1953, October 8: St. Louis, Missouri (Sidney Hamilton Foundation Award)
- 1953, October 8: Indianapolis, Indiana (Frank E. McKinney Dinner)
- 1953, November 8: New York, New York
- 1953, November 9: New York, New York (American Jewish Congress)
- 1953, November 10: New York, New York (City College)
Box 654
- 1953, November 12: New York, New York (Hebrew University)
- 1953, November 28: Chicago, Illinois
- 1953, November 30 – December 4: New York, New York
- 1953, December 21: Sedalia, Missouri (U.S. Air Force Base)
- 1954, January 8-12: New York, New York
- 1954, February 5: New York, New York
- 1954, March 5-10: New York, New York (Ford Foundation)
- 1954, March 27-28: Jefferson City, Missouri (National Guard Association)
- 1954, April 4: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1954, April 12-13: Fulton, Missouri (Westminster College) and Columbia, Missouri (University of Missouri)
- 1954, May 5-16: Washington, D.C. – New York City, New York [1 of 3]
- 1954, May 5-16: Washington, D.C. – New York City, New York [2 of 3]
- 1954, May 5-16: Washington, D.C. – New York City, New York [3 of 3]
Box 655
- 1954: Benjamin Franklin Portrait
- 1954, June 15: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (American Federation of Musicians)
- 1954, November 6: Kansas City, Missouri
- 1954, November 14: Lexington, Missouri (Wentworth Military Academy)
- 1954, December 13: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Library Dinner)
- 1955, February 2: St. Louis, Missouri (Harold Reader Dinner)
- 1955, February 6: Maryville, Missouri (Dedication of Armory)
- 1955, April 14-19: Washington, D.C. (Sam Rayburn Dinner and Testimony Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee [1 of 2]
- 1955, April 14-19: Washington, D.C. (Sam Rayburn Dinner and Testimony Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee [2 of 2]
- 1955, April 24-25: Cosby, Tennessee (Ramp Festival) [1 of 2]
Box 656
- 1955, April 24-25: Cosby, Tennessee (Ramp Festival) [2 of 2]
- 1955, April 27: Chicago, Illinois (Decalogue Society of Lawyers) [1 of 2]
- 1955, April 27: Chicago, Illinois (Decalogue Society of Lawyers) [2 of 2]
- 1955, May 17: Jefferson City, Missouri (State Legislation)
- 1955, May 24: Denver, Colorado
- 1955, June 3: Cleveland, Ohio
- 1955, June: St. Louis, Missouri and Cincinnati, Ohio
- 1955, June 11-12: Portland, Oregon, Correspondence Re: Speech
- 1955, June 11-12: Portland, Oregon, Letters Requesting Interviews and Appointments
- 1955, June 11-12: Portland, Oregon, Correspondence with Civic and Party Officials
Box 657
- 1955, June 24: San Francisco, California (U.N. Speech) [1 of 2]
- 1955, June 24: San Francisco, California (U.N. Speech) [2 of 2]
- 1955, July 11-14: Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, August 22: Sedalia, Missouri
- 1955, August 27-30: French Lick, Indiana and Mackinac Island, Michigan [1 of 2]
- 1955, August 27-30: French Lick, Indiana and Mackinac Island, Michigan [2 of 2]
- 1955, September 3: Hamilton, Missouri
- 1955, September 4-6: Detroit, Michigan
- 1955, September 6: Toledo, Ohio
- 1955, September 9: Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, September 11: St. Joseph, Missouri
- 1955, September 23-24: Little Rock, Arkansas
Box 658
- 1955, September 26-27: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1955, October 5-15: New York, New York
- 1955, October 6-7: Boston, Massachusetts and New York, New York
- 1955, October 29: Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, November 5: New Orleans, Louisiana
- 1955, November 19: Chicago, Illinois
- 1955, November 25-30: West Coast – California
- 1955, November 25-27: Seattle, Washington
- 1955, November 25: Los Angeles, California
- 1955, November 29: San Francisco, California
Box 659
- 1955, December 14: St. Louis, Missouri (Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner)
- 1956, January 15: St. Paul, Minnesota
- 1956, January 31-February 6: New York
- 1956, January 31-February 6: New York, New York – Appointments
- 1956, February 4: Boston, Massachusetts
- 1956, February 24: Columbia, Missouri (Association of Women Students)
- 1956, March 17: Scranton, Pennsylvania
- 1956, March 31 – April 5: New York, New York
Box 660
- 1956, April 2: New York, New York (Overseas Press Club)
- 1956, April 11: Des Moines, Iowa
- 1956, April 30-May 1: Huron, South Dakota
- 1956, May 9: New York, New York
- 1956, July 9-10: Chicago, Illinois (Library Dinner)
- 1956: 1956 Democratic National Convention
- 1956, September 1: Ottumwa, Iowa
- 1956, September 3: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Labor Day)
- 1956, September 7: Washington, D.C. and New York, New York (American Political Science Association)
- 1956, September 10: Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1956, September 14: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1956, September 28-29: Detroit, Michigan
- 1956, September 28-29: Boston, Massachusetts
- 1956, October 8-11: Washington, D.C.
- 1956, October 8-11: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box 661
- 1956, October 10: Moundsville, West Virginia
- 1956, October 12: Marshall, Minnesota
- 1956, October 13: Springfield and Taylorsville, Illinois
- 1956: Trip to Australia (Proposed)
- 1956, October 29: Salem, Massachusetts
- 1956, October: Western Trip (Colorado, California, Utah, Montana)
- 1956, November 3: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1956, November 19-24: Arkansas Tour
- 1956, November 28: St. Joseph, Missouri
- 1956, December 1: Columbia, Missouri
- 1956, December 30: Half Way, Missouri
- 1957, January 4-5: Washington, D.C.
- 1957, February 2: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1957, February 9-28: Florida Vacation – Correspondence [1 of 2]
- 1957, February 9-28: Florida Vacation – Correspondence [2 of 2]
- 1957, February: Key West
- 1957, February 25: Miami, Florida
Box 662
- 1957, March 1: Stillwater, Oklahoma (Oklahoma A & M College)
- 1957, March 3: Omaha, Nebraska
- 1957, March 28-April 3: New York, New York
- 1957, April 6: Topeka, Kansas
- 1957, May 1-2: New York, New York
- 1957, May 3-5: Washington, D.C.
- 1957, May 13: Dallas, Texas
- 1957, June 8-9: Boston, Massachusetts
- 1957, June 14: Columbia, Missouri
- 1957, June 15: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1957, June 19: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- 1957, September 8-15: New York, New York
- 1957, September 30-October 1: Denver, Colorado
Box 663
- 1957, October 9: Bonham, Texas [1 of 2]
- 1957, October 9: Bonham, Texas [2 of 2]
- 1957, November 1: Los Angeles, California
- 1957, November 11: Welch, West Virginia [1 of 2]
- 1957, November 11: Welch, West Virginia [2 of 2]
Box 664
- 1957, November 12: Washington, D.C. and New York, New York [1 of 2]
- 1957, November 12: Washington, D.C. and New York, New York [2 of 2]
- 1957, November 23: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1957, December 22-30: New York, New York
- 1958, January 12-15: New York
- 1958, February 18-19: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1958, February 19-25: Washington, D.C. and New York, New York
- 1958, February 22: Washington, D.C. (Dinner) [1 of 2]
- 1958, February 22: Washington, D.C. (Dinner) [2 of 2]
Box 665
- 1958, March 4: Norman, Oklahoma
- 1958, March 11: Wichita, Kansas (National Conference of Jews and Christians [1 of 2]
- 1958, March 11: Wichita, Kansas (National Conference of Jews and Christians [2 of 2]
- 1958, March 18: Denver, Colorado [1 of 2]
- 1958, March 18: Denver, Colorado [2 of 2]
Box 666
- 1958, April 8-10: New Haven, Connecticut (Yale University)
- 1958, April 11-14: Washington, D.C.
- 1958, April 21: Washington, D.C.
- 1958, April 23-24: New York, New York
- 1958, April 23-28: New York, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1958, April 25: Albany, New York
- 1958, April 27: New York (Jewish Theological Seminary)
- 1958, May 22: Chicago, Illinois
- 1958, May-July: European Trip [1 of 5]
Box 667
- 1958, May-July: European Trip [2 of 5]
- 1958, May-July: European Trip [3 of 5]
- 1958, May-July: European Trip [4 of 5]
- 1958, May-July: European Trip [5 of 5]
- 1958, August 6: Chicago, Illinois (FOE Convention)
- 1958, September 3: Chicago, Illinois (American Legion Convention)
Box 668
- 1958, September 11: Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 1958, September 13: Nebraska
- 1958, September 16-22: New York, New York
- 1958, September 17: Atlantic City, New Jersey
- 1958, September 18-19: Albany, New York
- 1958, September 19: Pikesville, Maryland
- 1958, September 19-20: Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland
- 1958, September 20: Charleston, West Virginia
- 1958, September 21-22, Chicago, Illinois
- 1958, September 25: San Francisco, California
- 1958, September 26: Seattle, Washington
- 1958, September 27: Portland, Oregon
Box 669
- 1958, October 1: Cheyenne, Wyoming
- 1958, October 2: Cleveland, Ohio
- 1958, October 3: Akron, Ohio
- 1958, October 4: Columbus, Ohio
- 1958, October 9: Cherokee and Sioux City, Iowa
- 1958, October 10: Minot, North Dakota
- 1958, October 11: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- 1958, October 11: Detroit, Michigan
- 1958, October 17-18: Washington, D.C.
- 1958, October 21: New Castle, Pennsylvania
- 1958, October 22: Wilmington, Delaware
- 1958, October 23: Boston, Massachusetts
- 1958, October 19-27: New York, New York
- 1958, November 1: St. Louis, Missouri (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1958, November 11, Springfield, Missouri
- 1958, November 22: Uvalde, Texas
Box 670
- 1958, November 25: Houston, Missouri
- 1958, December 2-8: Washington, D.C.
- 1958, December 4-5: Raleigh, North Carolina
- 1958, December 21-27: New York, New York
- 1959, January 5-11: Washington, D.C.
- 1959, March 2 and 24: Columbia, Missouri
- 1959, April 4: West Coast – California [1 of 2]
- 1959, April 4: West Coast – California [2 of 2]
- 1959, April 11: Omaha, Nebraska
- 1959, April 27-29: New York (Columbia University)
- 1959, April 27-May 7: New York, New York and Washington, D.C.
Box 671
- 1959, April 3-May7: Washington, D.C.
- 1959, May 8: New York, New York
- 1959, September 13-22: New York, New York
- 1959, September 19: Boston, Massachusetts (Matthew J. Connelly Dinner)
- 1959, September 23: Wichita, Kansas
- 1959, October 8: Springfield, Illinois
- 1959, October 16: Lubbock, Texas
- 1959, October 17: Dallas, Texas
- 1959, October 20: Washington, D.C.
- 1959, October 24: Paducah, Kentucky
- 1959, November 21: Toledo, Ohio
Box 672
- 1959, December 3: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1959, December 5-8: New York, New York
- 1960, January 9: Phoenix, Arizona
- 1960, January 23: Washington, D.C.
- 1960, February 14-March 7: Florida Vacation [1 of 2]
- 1960, February 14-March 7: Florida Vacation [2 of 2]
- 1960, March 18-19: Louisville, Kentucky
- 1960, April 1: Lawrence, Kansas
Box 673
- 1960, April 1: Topeka, Kansas
- 1960, April 5: Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, April 11-May 6: New York, New York and Washington, D.C.
- 1960, April 18: Ithaca, New York (Cornell University)
- 1960, April 23: Syracuse, New York (Syracuse University)
- 1960, April 26-30: Washington, D.C.
- 1960, May 1-4: Lexington, Virginia (Washington and Lee University)
- 1960, May 1-4: Charlottesville, Virginia (University of Virginia)
- 1960, May 13: Chicago, Illinois (Executives’ Club)
- 1960, June 5-6: Chicago, Illinois (American Booksellers Association)
- 1960, June 9-11: New York, New York (Mr. Citizen)
- 1960, June 12: East Lansing, Michigan (Michigan State University)
- 1960, June 17-22: New York, New York
Box 674
- 1960, June 26: San Francisco, California (United Nations Address)
- 1960, July 7: Los Angeles, California
- 1960, July 20: Logan, Utah (Utah State University)
- 1960, September 1: Washington, D.C.
- 1960, September 5: Marion, Indiana [1 of 3]
- 1960, September 5: Marion, Indiana [2 of 3]
- 1960, September 5: Marion, Indiana [3 of 3]
Box 675
- 1960, September 8: New York, New York
- 1960, October 2: St. Louis, Missouri (John F. Kennedy Dinner)
- 1960, October 6: Jefferson City, Missouri (Executive Mansion)
- 1960, October 8: Spencer, Iowa
- 1960, October 10: Texarkana, Texas
- 1960, October 10: San Antonio, Texas
- 1960, October 11: Waco, Texas
- 1960, October 12: Washington, D.C.
- 1960, October 13: Raleigh, North Carolina
- 1960, October 14: Wilson, North Carolina
- 1960, October 14: Nashville, North Carolina
- 1960, October 15: Abingdon, Virginia
- 1960, October 20: Trenton, Tennessee
- 1960, October 20: Sikeston, Missouri
- 1960, October 21: Decatur, Alabama
- 1960, October 22: Tupelo, Mississippi
- 1960, October 22: Abbeyville, Louisiana
- 1960, October 26-27: Seattle, Washington
Box 676
- 1960, October 27: Tacoma, Washington
- 1960, October 28: Reno, Nevada
- 1960, October 28: San Francisco and Oakland, California
- 1960, November 1-3: New York, New York
- 1960, November 4: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 1960, November 12: Chicago, Illinois (Press Photographers Association)
- 1960, November 27: New York, New York
- 1960, December 3: St. Joseph, Missouri
- 1960, December 9-10: Chicago, Illinois
- 1960, December 20-29: New York, New York
- 1961: Presidential Inaugural Invitations
- 1961, January 9: Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1961, January 13: Leavenworth, Kansas
- 1961, January 18-21: Washington, D.C.
- 1961, February 10: New York, New York
- 1961, February 13: Hamilton, Bermuda
- 1961, March 8-10: Washington, D.C.
Box 677
- 1961, May 1: Jefferson City, Missouri
- 1961, May 25-26: Louisville, Kentucky
- 1961, May 26-27: Washington, D.C. (Democratic Dinner)
- 1961, May 30-June 8: New York, New York
- 1961, June 28-29: Camp Riley, Minnesota
- 1961, August 5: Wichita, Kansas (American Legion Convention)
- 1961, August 10-11: Minneapolis, Minnesota (FOE Convention)
- 1961, August 31: New York, New York
- 1961, September 13: Toledo, Ohio
- 1961, September 14: Denver, Colorado
Box 678
- 1961, October 10: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1961, October 12: Dallas, Texas
- 1961, October 30-November 5: Washington, D.C.
- 1961, November 18: Bonham, Texas
- 1961, November 30: St. Louis, Missouri
- 1961, December 6-8: Los Angeles, California
- 1961, December 15: Leavenworth, Kansas
- 1962, January 17-18: Washington, D.C.
- 1962, January 28: New York, New York
- 1962, February 11-14: Washington, D.C. (Charles Clark Dinner)
- 1962, February 20: Des Moines, Iowa (Drake University)
- 1962, February 22: Baldwin, Kansas (Baldwin University)
- 1962, March 17: Savannah, Georgia (Hibernian Society Dinner)
- 1962, March 25-26: Buffalo, New York (Canisus College)
Box 679
- 1962, March 27-28: Washington, D.C. (Yale Club Dinner)
- 1962, March 30: St. Louis, Missouri (Sidney Souers Birthday Party)
- 1962, April 4-5: St. Louis, Missouri (Israel Bond Drive)
- 1962, April 14-15: Omaha, Nebraska (Creighton University)
- 1962, April 25: Des Moines, Iowa (Federal Home Loan Bank)
- 1962, April 26: Indianapolis, Indiana (Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner)
- 1962, April 30-May 1: Abilene, Kansas (Eisenhower Library Dedication)
- 1962, May 9-11: New York, New York (State of Israel Salute)
- 1962, May 12: Neosho, Missouri (Thomas Hart Benton Homecoming)
- 1962, June 4-9: Washington, D.C.
- 1962, June 20-23: Charleston, West Virginia (Centennial)
- 1962, July 28: Highland and Venice, Illinois (Democratic Party Meeting)
- 1962, August 3: Maryville, Missouri (Post Office Dedication)
- 1962, August 8-9: Washington, D.C. (Helm Funeral)
- 1962, August 9-10: West Branch, Iowa (Hoover Library Dedication)
Box 680
- 1962, August 22: Chicago, Illinois (AHEPA Dinner)
- 1962, August 23-29: New York, New York (Visit with Daniel Family)
- 1962, September 8-9: Hartford, Connecticut
- 1962, September 11: San Francisco, California (Stanley Mask Dinner)
- 1962, September 12-13: Los Angeles, California (Edmund G. Brown Dinner)
- 1962, September 14: Idaho Falls, Idaho (Democratic Party Meeting)
- 1962, September 17: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (U.S. Constitution Anniversary)
- 1962, September 24-25: St. Louis, Missouri (Masonic Dinner)
- 1962, September 29: Youngstown, Ohio (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 3: Jefferson City, Missouri (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 5: Clarksburg, West Virginia (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 6: Evansville, Indiana (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 11: Las Vegas, Nevada (American Legion Convention)
Box 681
- 1962, October 15: Denver, Colorado (Man of the Century Award)
- 1962, October 16: Cape Girardeau, Missouri (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 19-21: Louisville, Kentucky (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 22: Hutchinson, Kansas (Democratic Party Dinner)
- 1962, October 26-28: Detroit, Michigan
- 1962, October 29: Portland, Oregon (Political)
- 1962, November 8-12: New York, New York (Eleanor Roosevelt Funeral)
- 1962, November 17-19: Los Angeles, California (State of Israel Commendation Dinner)
- 1962, December 8-9: New York, New York (United Jewish Appeal Conference)
- 1963, May 9: Springfield, Missouri (Ralph Truman Armory Dedication)
- 1963, June 12-15: Washington, D.C. (Truman Committee Reunion)
- 1963, July 27-28: St. Louis, Missouri (American Legion Convention)
- 1963, July 31: Chicago, Illinois (F.O.E. Convention)
- 1963, August 18-23: New York, New York (TV Business)
- 1963, September 6-19: New York, New York (Visit with Daniel Family)
- 1963, September 13-14: Cleveland, Ohio (Stephen Young Dinner) [1 of 2]
Box 682
- 1963, September 13-14: Cleveland, Ohio (Stephen Young Dinner) [2 of 2]
- 1963, October 6-12: New York, New York (TV Series Filming)
- 1963, October 23-24: Des Moines, Iowa (Drake University and Grinnell College)
- 1963, October 27: Wichita, Kansas (United Jewish Appeal)
- 1963, November 8: Jefferson City, Missouri (State Red Cross Conference)
- 1963, November 10: Las Vegas, Nevada (Anti-Defamation League)
- 1963, December 20-29: New York, New York (Visit with Daniel Family)
- 1963: Trips – Expense Data [1 of 2]
- 1963: Trips – Expense Data [2 of 2]
- 1964: January 5-11: New York, New York (TV Series Filming)
- 1964, March 3-10: Greece (Funeral of King David) [1 of 2]
Box 683
- 1964, March 3-10: Greece (Funeral of King David) [2 of 2 & Book]
- 1964, March 14-28: Key West, Florida (Vacation)
- 1964, April 19: Fulton, Missouri (Westminster College)
- 1964, April 19-26: New York, New York (TV Series Filming)
- 1964: May 7-9: Washington, D.C. (80th Birthday Fete)
Box 684
- 1964, May 10-12: New York New York (United Jewish Appeal)
- 1964, June 8: Fulton, Missouri (Westminster College)
- 1964, June 20: Springfield, Illinois (Paul Powell Dinner)
- 1964, December 21-28: New York, New York (Visit with Daniel Family)
- 1968, March 16-31: Key West, Florida (Vacation) [1 of 3]
- 1968, March 16-31: Key West, Florida (Vacation) [2 of 3]
- 1968, March 16-31: Key West, Florida (Vacation) [3 of 3]
- 1969, March 22-April 4: Key West, Florida (Vacation)
Box 685
- Articles on Trip
- Australia (Proposed Visit)
- Austria
- Belgium [1 of 2]
- Belgium [2 of 2]
- Bills
- Chronological File, May 7-July 9 [1 of 2]
Box 686
- Chronological File, May 7-July 9 [1 of 2]
- England [1 of 12]
- England [2 of 12]
- England [3 of 12]
- England [4 of 12]
Box 687
- England [5 of 12]
- England [6 of 12]
- England [7 of 12]
- England [8 of 12]
- England [9 of 12]
Box 688
- England [10 of 12]
- England [11 of 12]
- England [12 of 12]
- Foreign Data
- France [1 of 4]
Box 689
- France [2 of 4]
- France [3 of 4]
- France [4 of 4]
- General Memoranda
- Germany [1 of 2]
- Germany [2 of 2]
Box 690
- Italy - General [1 of 3]
- Italy - General [1 of 3]
- Italy - General [1 of 3]
- Italy - Assisi
- Italy - Florence
- Italy - Naples
- Italy - Rome
Box 691
- Italy - Venice
- Itinerary for Trip
- Miscellaneous Correspondence
- Netherlands [1 of 2]
- Netherlands [2 of 2]
- New York Visits [1 of 2]
- New York Visits [2 of 2]
Box 692
- Shipboard - Eastbound
- Shipboard - Westbound
- Switzerland
- Truman, Harry S. - Articles on Trip [1 of 2]
- Truman, Harry S. - Articles on Trip [2 of 2]
- Woodward, Stanley
Box 693
- Political File
- Political File: Alabama
- Political File: Alaska
- Political File: Arizona
- Political File: Arizona, Phoenix
- Political File: California, Cities, A-H
- Political File: California, Cities, I-P
- Political File: California, Cities, Q-Z
- Political File: California, Berkeley
- Political File: California, Beverly Hills
- Political File: California, Democratic State Central Committee of Southern California
- Political File: California, Long Beach
- Political File: California, Los Angeles, 1953-1955
- Political File: California, Los Angeles, 1956-1959
Box 694
- Political File: California, Los Angeles, 1960-1972
- Political File: California, Sacramento
- Political File: California, San Bernardino
- Political File: California, San Diego
- Political File: California, San Francisco
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Miscellaneous Data
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Contributions
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Harriman Data
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Senator Hennings
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Hubert Humphrey
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Lyndon Johnson
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Kefauver Data
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Kennedy
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Lausche
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Campaign Fund--Democratic National Committee
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Stevenson
- Political File: Campaign, 1956 - Harry S. Truman
- Political File: Canada
- Political File: Colorado
- Political File: Colorado, Denver
Box 695
- Political File: Connecticut
- Political File: Delaware
- Political File: Democratic National Committee
- Political File: Democratic National Convention Site, 1960, Los Angeles, California
- Political File: E-Florida
- Political File: Florida
- Political File: G
- Political File: Hawaii
- Political File: Idaho
- Political File: Illinois, A-C
- Political File: Illinois, D-F
- Political File: Illinois, G-L
- Political File: Illinois, M-P
- Political File: Illinois, Q-S
- Political File: Illinois, T-Z
- Political File: Illinois, Chicago
Box 696
- Political File: Indiana, Miscellaneous
- Political File: Indiana, Fort Wayne
- Political File: Indiana, Indianapolis
- Political File: Iowa, A-L
- Political File: Iowa, M-Z
- Political File: Iowa, Des Moines
- Political File: Kansas, Kansas City
- Political File: Kansas, Lawrence
- Political File: Kansas, Miscellaneous
- Political File: Kansas, Topeka
- Political File: Kansas, Wichita
- Political File: Kentucky
Box 697
- Political File: Louisiana
- Political File: Maine
- Political File: Maryland
- Political File: Massachusetts, Cities, A-Z
- Political File: Massachusetts, Boston
- Political File: Mexico
- Political File: Michigan, Cities, A-Z
- Political File: Michigan, Detroit
- Political File: Michigan, Lansing
- Political File: Midwest Conference - Detroit
- Political File: Minnesota, Cities, A-Z]
Box 698
- Political File: Minnesota, Minneapolis
- Political File: Minnesota, St. Paul
- Political File: Mississippi
- Political File: Missouri, A-B
- Political File: Missouri, C-E
- Political File: Missouri, F-H
- Political File: Missouri I-L
- Political File: Missouri, M-N
- Political File: Missouri, O-R
- Political File: Missouri, S-Z
- Political File: Missouri, Independence
- Political File: Missouri, Poplar Bluff, Truman Day
Box 699
- Political File: Missouri, Columbia
- Political File: Missouri, Jefferson City
- Political File: Missouri, Kansas City, 1953-1956
- Political File: Missouri, Kansas City, 1957-1959
- Political File: Missouri, Kansas City, 1960-1972
- Political File: Missouri, St. Joseph
- Political File: Missouri, St. Louis
- Political File: Missouri, Springfield
- Political File: Montana
Box 700
- Political File: Nebraska
- Political File: Nevada
- Political File: New Hampshire
- Political File: New Jersey, A-G
- Political File: New Jersey, H-L
- Political File: New Jersey, M-Z
- Political File: New Jersey, Newark
- Political File: New Jersey, Trenton
- Political File: New Mexico
- Political File: New York City, 1953-1954
- Political File: New York City, 1955-1957
- Political File: New York City, 1958-1960]
- Political File: New York City, 1961-1972
Box 701
- Political File: New York State, A-H
- Political File: New York State, I-O
- Political File: New York State, P-Z
- Political File: New York State, Affiliated Young Democrats of
- Political File: New York State, Albany
- Political File: New York State, Harriman-DeSapio
- Political File: North Carolina
- Political File: North Carolina, Raleigh
- Political File: North Dakota
- Political File: Ohio, A-B
- Political File: Ohio, C-E
- Political File: Ohio, F-K
- Political File: Ohio, L-N
- Political File: Ohio, O-R
- Political File: Ohio, S-Z
Box 702
- Political File: Ohio, Akron
- Political File: Ohio, Cincinnati
- Political File: Ohio, Cleveland
- Political File: Ohio, Columbus
- Political File: Ohio, Dayton
- Political File: Ohio, Toledo
- Political File: Oklahoma, A-O
- Political File: Oklahoma, P-Z
- Political File: Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
- Political File: Oregon
- Political File: Oregon, Medford
- Political File: Oregon, Portland
- Political File: Pennsylvania, Cities, A-H
- Political File: Pennsylvania, Cities, I-Z
- Political File: Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
- Political File: Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
Box 703
- Political File: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Political File: Puerto Rico
- Political File: South Carolina
- Political File: South Dakota
- Political File: Tennesse, A-L
- Political File: Tennessee, M-Z
- Political File: Tennessee, Knoxville
- Political File: Tennessee, Nashville
- Political File: Texas
- Political File: Texas, Austin
- Political File: Texas, Dallas
- Political File: Texas, San Antonio
- Political File: Utah
- Political File: Vermont
Box 704
- Political File: Virginia
- Political File: Washington, D. C., 1953-1956
- Political File: Washington, D. C., 1957-1960
- Political File: Washington, D. C., 1961-1972
- Political File: Washington (State), A-O
- Political File: Washington (State), P-Z
- Political File: Washington (State), Seattle
- Political File: West Virginia
- Political File: Wisconsin, A-P
- Political File: Wisconsin, Q-Z
- Political File: Wisconsin, Madison
- Political File: Wyoming
Box 705
- Jewish Organization File: State, A-H
- Jewish Organization File: State, I-M
- Jewish Organization File: State, N-Z
- Jewish Organization File: California
- Jewish Organization File: Canada
- Jewish Organization File: Colorado
- Jewish Organization File: Connecticut
- Jewish Organization File: Florida
- Jewish Organization File: Illinois [1 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Illinois [2 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Indiana
- Jewish Organization File: Iowa
- Jewish Organization File: Kansas
- Jewish Organization File: Maryland
- Jewish Organization File: Massachusetts
- Jewish Organization File: Michigan
- Jewish Organization File: Minnesota
Box 706
- Jewish Organization File: Missouri [1 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Missouri [2 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Missouri, Kansas City [1 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Missouri, Kansas City [2 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: Missouri, Kansas City, Jewish Community Center]
- Jewish Organization File: Nebraska
- Jewish Organization File: New Jersey
- Jewish Organization File: New York City [1 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: New York City [2 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: New York City, 1959
- Jewish Organization File: New York City, Brooklyn
- Jewish Organization File: New York State [1 of 2]
Box 707
- Jewish Organization File: New York State [2 of 2]
- Jewish Organization File: North Carolina
- Jewish Organization File: Ohio
- Jewish Organization File: Oklahoma
- Jewish Organization File: Pennsylvania
- Jewish Organization File: Texas
- Jewish Organization File: Washington
- Jewish Organization File: Washington, D.C.
- Jewish Organization File: Wisconsin
- Jewish Organization File: Jewish Theological Seminary of America
- Jewish Organization File: National Conference of Christians and Jews [includes documents added in 2011]
- Jewish Organization File: United Jewish Appeal, New York, New York
- Schools File: School Invitations Lists
- Schools File: Comments
- Schools File: A
- Schools File: Alabama
- Schools File: Alaska
- Schools File: American Association of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities
- Schools File: Arizona
Box 708
- Schools File: Arkansas
- Schools File: Australia
- Schools File: California, General, A-L
- Schools File: California, General, M
- Schools File: California, General, N-Q
- Schools File: California, General, R-S
- Schools File: California, General, T-Z
- Schools File: California, University of California, 1953-1959
- Schools File: California, University of California, 1960-1972
- Schools File: California, Long Beach
Box 709
- Schools File: California, Los Angeles
- Schools File: California, Sacramento
- Schools File: California, San Diego
- Schools File: California, San Francisco
- Schools File: California, San Jose
- Schools File: California, Stanford University, Correspondence with President's Office
- Schools File: California, Stanford University, Miscellaneous
- Schools File: California, Stanford University, Political Invitations
- Schools File: Canada, 1960-1965
- Schools File: Colorado, Boulder
Box 710
- Schools File: Colorado, Colorado Springs
- Schools File: Colorado, Denver
- Schools File: Connecticut, General
- Schools File: Connecticut, Bridgeport
- Schools File: Connecticut, University, Papers of Benjamin Franklin
- Schools File: Connecticut, Yale University
- Schools File: Connecticut, Yale University, Yale Law School
- Schools File: Connecticut, Yale University, Yale University Library
- Schools File: Delaware
Box 711
- Schools File: Florida, General
- Schools File: Florida, Coral Gables
- Schools File: Florida, Tallahassee (Florida State University)
- Schools File: Florida, Tampa
- Schools File: Foreign
- Schools File: Georgia, General
- Schools File: Georgia, Atlanta
- Schools File: Georgia, University of Georgia, Demosthenian Literary Society
- Schools File: Georgia, Mercer University
- Schools File: Georgia, Oxford
- Schools File: Greece
- Schools File: Hawaii, General
Box 712
- Schools File: Hawaii, University of Hawaii
- Schools File: Idaho
- Schools File: Illinois, General, A-C
- Schools File: Illinois, General, D-G
- Schools File: Illinois, General, H-L
- Schools File: Illinois, General, M-Z
- Schools File: Illinois, Carbondale
- Schools File: Illinois, Chicago
- Schools File: Illinois, University of Chicago
- Schools File: Illinois, Decatur
- Schools File: Illinois, Evanston
Box 713
- Schools File: Illinois, Northwestern University
- Schools File: Illinois, Northwestern University, Richard C. Snyder, Korea Data, Etc.
- Schools File: Indiana, General
- Schools File: Indiana, Indianapolis
- Schools File: Indiana, University of Notre Dame
- Schools File: Indiana, Purdue University
- Schools File: Iowa, General, A-H
- Schools File: Iowa, General, I-P
Box 714
- Schools File: Iowa, General, Q-Z
- Schools File: Iowa, Ames
- Schools File: Iowa, Davenport-Palmer School of Chiropractic
- Schools File: Iowa, Des Moines
- Schools File: Iowa, Grinnell College
- Schools File: Iowa, Iowa City
- Schools File: Iowa, Sioux City
- Schools File: Israel
- Schools File: Kansas, General, A-D
- Schools File: Kansas, General, E-L
- Schools File: Kansas, General, M-Z
Box 715
- Schools File: Kansas, Kansas City
- Schools File: Kansas, University of Kansas
- Schools File: Kansas, University of Kansas, Foreign Students
- Schools File: Kansas, University of Kansas, W. Clarke Wescoe
- Schools File: Kansas, University of Kansas, Law Department
- Schools File: Kansas, Manhattan
- Schools File: Kansas, Pittsburg
- Schools File: Kansas, Salina
- Schools File: Kansas, St. John's Military
- Schools File: Kansas, Saint Mary College, Xavier
- Schools File: Kentucky
- Schools File: Louisiana, General
Box 716
- Schools File: Louisiana, New Orleans
- Schools File: Maine
- Schools File: Maryland
- Schools File: Massachusetts, General
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Amherst
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Boston
Box 717
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Brandeis Data
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1953-1957
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1958-1970
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, Business Department
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, International Seminar
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, Korean Professorship
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, Law Department
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Harvard University, Public Administration
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Medford
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Tufts University
- Schools File: Massachusetts, Worcester
- Schools File: Mexico
Box 718
- Schools File: Michigan, General
- Schools File: Michigan, Detroit
- Schools File: Michigan, East Lansing
- Schools File: Michigan, University of Michigan [1 of 2]
- Schools File: Minnesota, General
- Schools File: Minnesota, University of Minnesota]
- Schools File: Mississippi
- Schools File: Missouri, General, A-B
Box 719
- Schools File: Missouri, General, C-E
- Schools File: Missouri, General, F-H
- Schools File: Missouri, General, I-L
- Schools File: Missouri, General, M-P
- Schools File: Missouri, General, Q-Z
- Schools File: Missouri, Columbia
- Schools File: Missouri - Culver-Stockton College, May 7, 1968
Box 720
- Schools File: Missouri, Independence
- Schools File: Missouri, Independence, Central Missouri State Residence Ct.
- Schools File: Missouri, Independence, Truman High School
- Schools File: Missouri, Independence, William Chrisman High School
- Schools File: Missouri, Jefferson City
- Schools File: Missouri, Joplin
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City
Box 721
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City, Avila College
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City, Barstow School
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City, DeLaSalle Military Academy
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City, Junior College of Kansas City
- Schools File: Missouri, Kansas City, Rockhurst College
- Schools File: Missouri, Kemper Military Academy
- Schools File: Missouri, Marshall
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri, College of Arts and Sciences
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri, Dr. Elmer Ellis
Box 722
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri, Journalism Department
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri, Law Department
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri Press
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri at Kansas City [1 of 2]
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri at Kansas City [2 of 2]
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Law Department
- Schools File: Missouri, University of Missouri at Kansas City, University Associates
- Schools File: Missouri, Nevada
- Schools File: Missouri, Parkville
- Schools File: Missouri, St. Joseph
- Schools File: Missouri, St. Louis
Box 723
- Schools File: Missouri, St. Louis University
- Schools File: Missouri, Springfield
- Schools File: Missouri, Warrensburg
- Schools File: Missouri, Warrensburg, Data Re Foreign Visitors
- Schools File: Missouri, Washington University
- Schools File: Missouri, Wentworth Military Academy
- Schools File: Missouri, Westminster College [1 of 2]
Box 724
- Schools File: Missouri, Westminster College [2 of 2]
- Schools File: Missouri, William Jewell College
- Schools File: Montana
- Schools File: Nebraska, General
- Schools File: Nebraska, University of Nebraska]
- Schools File: Nevada
- Schools File: New Hampshire, General
- Schools File: New Hampshire, Dartmouth College
- Schools File: New Jersey, General, A-R
Box 725
- Schools File: New Jersey, General, S-Z
- Schools File: New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Schools File: New Jersey, Princeton University
- Schools File: New Jersey, Princeton University, Papers of Thomas Jefferson
- Schools File: New Jersey, Upsala College
- Schools File: New Mexico
- Schools File: New York State, General, A-G
- Schools File: New York State, General, H-Q
Box 726
- Schools File: New York State, General, R-Z
- Schools File: New York State, Adelphi College
- Schools File: New York State, Albany
- Schools File: New York State, Brooklyn
- Schools File: New York State, Buffalo
- Schools File: New York State, Colgate University
- Schools File: New York State, Columbia University
- Schools File: New York State, Columbia University, Journalism Department
- Schools File: New York State, Columbia University, Law and Government
- Schools File: New York State, Cornell University
Box 727
- Schools File: New York State, New York University
- Schools File: New York State, Syracuse University
- Schools File: New York State, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
- Schools File: New York State, Vassar College
- Schools File: New York State, Yorktown Heights, Wiltwyck School
- Schools File: New York City, General, 1953-1958
- Schools File: New York City, General, 1959-1972
- Schools File: New York City, City College
- Schools File: New York City, Fordham University
- Schools File: New York City, Yeshiva University
- Schools File: North Carolina, General, A-F
Box 728
- Schools File: North Carolina, General, G-Z
- Schools File: North Carolina, Duke University
- Schools File: North Carolina, University of North Carolina
- Schools File: North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Carolina Forum
- Schools File: North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Gordon Gray
- Schools File: North Carolina, Winston-Salem
- Schools File: North Dakota, General
- Schools File: North Dakota, Bismarck Junior College
- Schools File: Ohio, General, A-H
- Schools File: Ohio, General, I-R
Box 729
- Schools File: Ohio, General, S-Z
- Schools File: Ohio, Columbus
- Schools File: Ohio, Wilmington College
- Schools File: Oklahoma, General
- Schools File: Oklahoma, Stillwater
- Schools File: Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma
- Schools File: Oregon, General
- Schools File: Oregon, University of Oregon
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, General, A-I
Box 730
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, General, J-Z
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, Bethlehem
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, Dropsie College
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania
- Schools File: Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh
- Schools File: Puerto Rico
- Schools File: Rhode Island
- Schools File: South Carolina
- Schools File: South Dakota
- Schools File: Tennessee, General, A-L
Box 731
- Schools File: Tennessee, General, M-Z
- Schools File: Tennessee, George Peabody College
- Schools File: Tennessee, Vanderbilt University
- Schools File: Texas, General, A-G
- Schools File: Texas, General, H-Z
- Schools File: Texas, Austin
- Schools File: Texas, San Antonio
- Schools File: Texas, Waco
- Schools File: Utah, General
- Schools File: Utah, University of Utah
- Schools File: Vermont
Box 732
- Schools File: Virginia, General
- Schools File: Virginia, Virginia Military Institute
- Schools File: Washington State
- Schools File: Washington, Seattle
- Schools File: Washington, Tacoma-Truman Junior High School
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., General
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., American University
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., American University, R. Anderson
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., American University, Statements [1 of 2]
Box 733
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., American University, Statements [2 of 2]
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., Georgetown University
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., National War College [1 of 2]
- Schools File: Washington, D.C., National War College [2 of 2]
- Schools File: West Virginia, General, A-R
- Schools File: West Virginia, General, S-Z
- Schools File: Wisconsin, General
- Schools File: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin
Box 734
- Schools File: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, Union Forum Committee
- Schools File: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
- Schools File: Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Schools File: Wyoming
- General File: Addresses-Rosters (American Legion, Masonic, Etc.)
- General File: Ab-Ah
- General File: Ai-Alz
- General File: Ama-Aq
- General File: Ara-Arz
- General File: As-Az
- General File: Advertising Clubs
Box 735
- General File: Agricultural Hall of Fame, General
- General File: Agricultural Hall of Fame, Dinner, May 16, 1964
- General File: Agricultural Hall of Fame, Site
- General File: Agriculture
- General File: AHEPA
- General File: Air Force, General
- General File: Air Force, Alabama
- General File: Air Force, Kansas City and Independence
- General File: Air Force, Missouri
Box 736
- General File: Air Force, Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base
- General File: Air Force, Colonel John Riffle
- General File: Air Force, Whiteman Air Force Base
- General File: Air Force, Dinner, September 18, 1963
- General File: Alabama, General
- General File: Alabama, Birmingham
- General File: Alfalfa Club
- General File: American, A-B
- General File: American, C-D
- General File: American, E-L
- General File: American, M-P
Box 737
- General File: American, Q-Z
- General File: American Archivists, Society of
- General File: American Bar
- General File: American Bar Association Meeting, August 5-7, 1961
- General File: American Bar Association Meeting, August 12, 1963
- General File: American Federation of Labor
- General File: American Friends Service Committee
- General File: American G.I. Forum of the U.S.
- General File: American Historical Association
- General File: American Polled Hereford Association
- General File: American Legion Program Data
- General File: American Legion, General, A-H
- General File: American Legion, General, I-N
- General File: American Legion, General, O-Z
- General File: American Legion, California
- General File: American Legion, Indiana
- General File: American Legion, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Box 738
- General File: American Legion, Missouri
- General File: American Legion, Jefferson City, Missouri
- General File: American Legion, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: American Legion, Springfield, Missouri
- General File: American Legion, New York
- General File: American Library Association
- General File: American Newspaper Guild
- General File: American Political Science Association
- General File: American Royal
- General File: AMVETS
- General File: Americans for Democratic Action
- General File: Ardmore, Oklahoma
- General File: Arizona
Box 739
- General File: Arkansas
- General File: Army, General, A-O
- General File: Army, General, P-Z
- General File: Army, Ft. Leavenworth
- General File: Army, Kansas
- General File: Army, Missouri, Miscellaneous
- General File: Army, Missouri, Kansas City
- General File: Army, New York
- General File: Army, 356th Infantry Association Data
Box 740
- General File: Arrow Rock, Missouri
- General File: Associated Health Foundation, Inc.
- General File: Atlantic Congress
- General File: Atlantic Council
- General File: Auto Club of Missouri
- General File: Ba-Baq
- General File: Bar-Bh
- General File: Bi-Bn
- General File: Bo-Bq
- General File: Br-Bt
- General File: Bu-Bz
- General File: Baptist
- General File: Baptist Hospital
- General File: Bar, Miscellaneous
- General File: Basketball
Box 741
- General File: Battery D, Miscellaneous
- General File: Belgium
- General File: Blind Organization
- General File: Boy Scouts, General
- General File: Boy Scouts, Missouri
- General File: Boy Scouts, New Jersey
- General File: Boys' Clubs, Boys' Homes
- General File: Brookings Institution
- General File: Business and Professional Women's Clubs
- General File: Ca-Carnz
- General File: Caro-Caz
- General File: Cb-Cg
- General File: Ch
- General File: Ci-Ckz
- General File: Cl-Cn
Box 742
- General File: Coa-Coll
- General File: Colm-Colz
- General File: Com-Con
- General File: Coo-Cor
- General File: Cos-Coz
- General File: Cp-Cz
- General File: Canada, General
- General File: Canada, Montreal
- General File: Canada, Ottawa
- General File: Canada, Toronto
- General File: Canada, Windsor
Box 743
- General File: Canada, Winnipeg
- General File: Cancer, Miscellaneous
- General File: Carlson, George and Associates
- General File: George Washington Carver Memorial Institute
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, General, A-K
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, General, L-O
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, General, R-Z
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, California
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Connecticut
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Florida
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Georgia
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Illinois
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Indiana
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Iowa
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Kansas
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Kentucky
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Missouri
Box 744
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Independence, Missouri
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Ohio
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Pennsylvania
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Rhode Island
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Tennessee
- General File: Chamber of Commerce, Texas
- General File: Cincinnati Bar Association
- General File: City of Hope
- General File: Civil Service
- General File: Civil War, General
- General File: Civil War, Maryland
- General File: Civil War Roundtable, General
Box 745
- General File: Civil War Roundtable, New York
- General File: Commonwealth Club of California
- General File: Conservation Federation of Missouri
- General File: Consumers Cooperative Association
- General File: Crippled Children
- General File: Charles Curry
- General File: Da-Dd
- General File: De-Dh
- General File: Di-Dn
- General File: Do-Dz
- General File: Decalogue Society of Lawyers
- General File: DeMolay, General, A-I
Box 746
- General File: DeMolay, General, J-Z
- General File: DeMolay, Missouri and Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: Ditchley Foundation
- General File: Ea-Ek
- General File: Ela-Elz
- General File: Em-Eq
- General File: Er-Ez
- General File: Eagles, General
- General File: Eagles, Missouri
- General File: Eagles, Pennsylvania
- General File: Eastern Star
Box 747
- General File: Economic Club
- General File: Elks
- General File: Fa-Fd
- General File: Fe-Fh
- General File: Fi-Fk
- General File: Fla-Fn
- General File: Fo-Forsz
- General File: Fort-Forz
- General File: Fos-Fq
- General File: Fra-Frd
- General File: Fre-Ft
- General File: Fu-Fz
Box 748
- General File: Fairs, General
- General File: Fairs, Missouri
- General File: Fairs, Missouri State Fair
- General File: Fraternities, General
- General File: Fraternities, Missouri
- General File: Fraternities, Alpha Delta Gamma
- General File: Fraternities, Beta Sigma Tau
- General File: Fraternities, Lambda Chi Alpha
- General File: Fraternities, Phi Alpha Delta
- General File: Fraternities, Sigma Delta Kappa
Box 749
- General File: Football
- General File: Foreign
- General File: Fourth of July, General
- General File: Fourth of July, Philadelphia
- General File: Freedom House
- General File: Freedom House Award Dinner, April 1965
- General File: Friars Club
- General File: Future Farmers of America, General
- General File: Future Farmers of America, Missouri
- General File: Ga-Gk
Box 750
- General File: Gl-Go
- General File: Gp-Gz
- General File: Georgia
- General File: Girl Scouts
- General File: Goldberg, Max G.
- General File: Greek, General
- General File: Greek, Missouri
- General File: Gridiron, General
- General File: Gridiron, Washington, D.C.
- General File: Ha-Hal
- General File: Ham-Haz
- General File: Hea-Hef
- General File: Heg-Hg
- General File: Hi-Hn
Box 751
- General File: Ho-Hol
- General File: Hom-Ht
- General File: Hu
- General File: Hadassah, General
- General File: Hadassah, Dr. Miriam Freud
- General File: Historical Miscellaneous
- General File: Hotel, General
- General File: Hotel, Florida
- General File: Hughes, Charles Evans Award, 1967
- General File: Hungarian
- General File: Ia-Im
- General File: Ina-Ins
- General File: Ins-Inz
- General File: Io-Iz
- General File: Independence Sanitarium
Box 752
- General File: Inter-American Bar Association
- General File: International, General, A-G
- General File: International, General, H-Z
- General File: Israel, General
- General File: Israel, Missouri
- General File: Israel, New York, New York
- General File: Israel, Washington, D.C.
- General File: Italian, Miscellaneous
- General File: Ja-Je
- General File: Jf-Jz
- General File: Jackson County Historical Society
Box 753
- General File: Eddie Jacobson Memorial Dinner, April 15, 1958
- General File: Jefferson Islands Club
- General File: Ka-Kd
- General File: Ke-Kk
- General File: Kl-Ku
- General File: Kansas City Bar Association
- General File: Kentucky
- General File: Key West, Florida
Box 754
- General File: Kiwanis
- General File: Knife and Fork Club
- General File: La-Lam
- General File: Lan-Laq
- General File: Lar-Ld
- General File: Le-Lh
- General File: Li-Lim
- General File: Lin-Ln
- General File: Lo-Los
- General File: Lot-Lz
- General File: Labor, States, A-G
Box 755
- General File: Labor, States, H-K
- General File: Labor, States, L-N
- General File: Labor, States, Oa-Oz
- General File: Labor, States, P-Z
- General File: Labor, California
- General File: Labor, Illinois
- General File: Labor, Kansas
- General File: Labor, Michigan
- General File: Labor, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: Labor, New York
- General File: Labor, Pennsylvania
- General File: Labor, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry
- General File: Labor, Reuther, Walter
- General File: Labor, St. Louis
- General File: Labor, Texas
- General File: Labor, Washington, D.C.
Box 756
- General File: Larned, Kansas Centennial
- General File: Last Man's Club, Battery F
- General File: Later (Letters Awaiting Final Decision)
- General File: Latter Day Saints, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
- General File: Lecture Bureaus
- General File: Lincoln, Abraham, Day Dinner
- General File: Lincoln Sesquicentennial
- General File: Lions Club, General
- General File: Lions Club, Missouri
- General File: Lists
- General File: Literary Agents
- General File: Lotos Club
- General File: Mc
- General File: Ma-Maq
- General File: Mar-Mark
Box 757
- General File: Marl-Md
- General File: March of Dimes
- General File: Masonic, States, A-C
- General File: Masonic, States, D-H
- General File: Masonic, States, I-K
- General File: Masonic, States, L-M
- General File: Masonic, States, N-O
- General File: Masonic, States, R-Z
- General File: Masonic, California
- General File: Masonic, Canada
- General File: Masonic, Colorado
- General File: Masonic, Foreign
- General File: Masonic, Georgia
- General File: Masonic, Illinois
Box 758
- General File: Masonic, Iowa
- General File: Masonic, Kansas
- General File: Masonic, Massachusetts
- General File: Masonic, Michigan
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, A-D
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, E-L
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, M-Q
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, R-S
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, T-Z
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, Grandview
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, Independence
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, Kansas City, 1953-1959
Box 759
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, Kansas City, 1960-1969
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, St. Louis, 1953-1959
- General File: Masonic, Missouri, St. Louis, 1960-1974
- General File: Masonic, New York
- General File: Masonic, New York City
- General File: Masonic, North Carolina
- General File: Masonic, Ohio
- General File: Masonic, Oklahoma
Box 760
- General File: Masonic, Pennsylvania
- General File: Masonic, Tennessee
- General File: Masonic, Harry S. Truman Data
- General File: Masonic, Virginia
- General File: Masonic, Washington, D.C.
- General File: Massman, Rockhurst
- General File: Me-Mem
- General File: Memphis Bar Association
- General File: Men-Meq
- General File: Mer-Mh
- General File: Mi-Mik
- General File: Mil-Miz
- General File: Michigan Constitutional Convention
Box 761
- General File: Military Order of the World Wars, General
- General File: Military Order of the World Wars, Missouri]
- General File: Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Meeting, St. Louis
- General File: Missouri, General, A-H
- General File: Missouri, General, I-Z
- General File: Missouri Bar, The
- General File: Missouri Press Association, The
- General File: Mo-Mom
- General File: Mon-Moq
Box 762
- General File: Mor-Mt
- General File: Mu-Mur
- General File: Mus-Mz
- General File: Murray-Green Award
- General File: Music
- General File: Na-Nd
- General File: Ne-Nev
- General File: New
- General File: Nf-Nors
- General File: North-Nz
- General File: National, A
- General File: National, B
Box 763
- General File: National, C-H
- General File: National, I-L
- General File: National, M-Q
- General File: National, R-Z
- General File: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- General File: National Catholic Youth
- General File: National Council for the Social Studies
- General File: National Education Association
- General File: National Guard
Box 764
- General File: National Press Club
- General File: Navy
- General File: New Orleans Press
- General File: New York Groups
- General File: Nigro, Dr. D.M.
- General File: North Carolina
- General File: North Dakota
- General File: Oa-Oi
- General File: Oj-Olc
- General File: Old-Olz
- General File: Om-Orh
- General File: Ori-Oz
- General File: Optimist Clubs, Optometric, etc.
Box 765
- General File: On-to-Oregon Cavalcade, April 1959
- General File: Overseas Press Club
- General File: Pa-Parm
- General File: Parn-Peb
- General File: Pec-Pem
- General File: Pen-Pg
- General File: Ph
- General File: Pi-Pk
- General File: Pl-Pon
- General File: Poo-Por
- General File: Pos-Pq
- General File: Pra-Prnz
- General File: Pro-Pz
Box 766
- General File: Pershing, John J.
- General File: Philadelphia Cotillion
- General File: Physically Handicapped Data
- General File: Police
- General File: Pony Express
- General File: Post Office, Postal Conventions, Etc.
- General File: Press
- General File: Puerto Rico
- General File: Q
- General File: Ra-Raz
- General File: Rea-Ren
- General File: Reo-Rg
- General File: Rh-Rn
- General File: Roa-Rof
- General File: Rog-Rtz
Box 767
- General File: Ru-Rz
- General File: Radio-Television [1 of 2]
- General File: Radio-Television [2 of 2]
- General File: Railroads
- General File: Real Estate
- General File: Records
- General File: Reserve Officers, General, A-M
- General File: Reserve Officers, General, N-Z
- General File: Reserve Officers, Missouri
- General File: Reserve Officers, Oklahoma
- General File: Reserve Officers, Virginia
Box 768
- General File: Reserve Officers, Washington, D.C., 1961
- General File: Reserve Officers, Headquarters
- General File: ROTC
- General File: Restaurant
- General File: Rome Boys Club
- General File: Roosevelt Invitations
- General File: Roosevelt Memorial
- General File: Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Memorial Dinners
- General File: Rotary Clubs (States)
- General File: Round Table
- General File: Royal Order of Jesters
- General File: REA
- General File: Sa-Sak
- General File: Sal-Sb
Box 769
- General File: Sc-Sd
- General File: Sea-Sez
- General File: Sha-Shz
- General File: Sia-Slz
- General File: Sin-Sotz
- General File: Sou-Soz
- General File: Spa-Ss
- General File: Sta-Stz
- General File: Su-Sz
- General File: Saints and Sinners Club
- General File: St. Louis
Box 770
- General File: St. Patrick's Day
- General File: Santa Fe Trail
- General File: Sertoma Club
- General File: Shiloh, Battle of
- General File: Sons of the Revolution
- General File: South Central Business Association
- General File: State Department Representatives, William Gremley, Executive Secretary, Committee on Human Relations
- General File: Ta-Tem
- General File: Ten-Tew
- General File: Tex-Th
- General File: Ti-Tol
- General File: Tom-Toz
Box 771
- General File: Tp-Ttz
- General File: Tu-Tz
- General File: Teachers
- General File: 35th Division, General
- General File: 35th Division, Clippings
- General File: Traffic Club
- General File: TWA
- General File: Trinity Episcopal Church
- General File: Twain, Mark
- General File: 20-30 Clubs
- General File: Ua-Unisz
- General File: UNESCO
- General File: UNICO
- General File: Unit-United
- General File: United Daughters of the Confederacy
- General File: United Funds
- General File: United Nations, States, A-N
- General File: United Nations, States, O-Z
Box 772
- General File: United Nations, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: United Nations, Meeting, April 24, 1956 at HST Library
- General File: United States, Miscellaneous-Uz
- General File: United World Federalists
- General File: University Club
- General File: Urban League
- General File: V
- General File: Variety Club
- General File: Veterans, States, A-G
- General File: Veterans, States, H-L
- General File: Veterans, States, M-O
- General File: Veterans, States, P-Z
- General File: Veterans, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: Veterans, Missouri
- General File: Veterans, New York
- General File: Veterans, Washington, D.C.
Box 773
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, States, A-H
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, States, I-N
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, States, O-Z
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, Kansas City, Missouri
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, Tennessee
- General File: Veterans of Foreign Wars, Miami Beach, Florida, August 26, 1957
- General File: Voice of America
- General File: Wa
- General File: We
- General File: Wh
- General File: Wi-Wiz
- General File: Wj-Wz
Box 774
- General File: Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs
- General File: Williams Players, The George
- General File: Williamsburg
- General File: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative
- General File: Women's American ORT
- General File: Women's Press Club
- General File: Woodrow Wilson, Etc.
- General File: World Affairs, Etc.
- General File: X
- General File: Y
- General File: YMCA
- General File: YWCA
- General File: Z
- General File: Zionist-New York
Box 775
- Pre-Dedication: A
- Pre-Dedication: B
- Pre-Dedication: Booklets
- Pre-Dedication: Brooks, Philip C.
- Pre-Dedication: C
- Pre-Dedication: Chronological File [1 of 2]
- Pre-Dedication: Chronological File [2 of 2]
- Pre-Dedication: Contributions [1 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Contributions [2 of 5]
Box 776
- Pre-Dedication: Contributions [3 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Contributions [4 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Contributions [5 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: D
- Pre-Dedication: Dinner, Kansas City, Missouri, November 6, 1954 (Truman Library Fundraising)
- Pre-Dedication: Dinner, Denver, Colorado, May 24, 1955 (Truman Library Fundraising)
- Pre-Dedication: E
- Pre-Dedication: F
- Pre-Dedication: Fundraising
- Pre-Dedication: G
- Pre-Dedication: Groundbreaking Ceremony for Truman Library, May 8, 1955
Box 777
- Pre-Dedication: H
- Pre-Dedication: I
- Pre-Dedication: J
- Pre-Dedication: K
- Pre-Dedication: L
- Pre-Dedication: Library Dedication [1 of 3]
- Pre-Dedication: Library Dedication [2 of 3]
- Pre-Dedication: Library Dedication [3 of 3]
- Pre-Dedication: Library Finance Committee
Box 778
- Pre-Dedication: Lloyd, David D.
- Pre-Dedication: Location (Truman Library Site)
- Pre-Dedication: Mc
- Pre-Dedication: M
- Pre-Dedication: Miscellaneous Data
- Pre-Dedication: Museum [1 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Museum [2 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Museum [3 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: Museum [4 of 5]
Box 779
- Pre-Dedication: Museum [5 of 5]
- Pre-Dedication: N
- Pre-Dedication: P
- Pre-Dedication: Personnel Applications
- Pre-Dedication: Presidents of the United States
- Pre-Dedication: R
- Pre-Dedication: Releases (Press)
- Pre-Dedication: S
- Pre-Dedication: Site (Truman Library)
- Pre-Dedication: Speeches-Truman Library Fundraising
- Pre-Dedication: T
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, Architect Data
Box 780
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, Construction
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, Equipment Data
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, General Correspondence
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, Gentry, Alonzo
- Pre-Dedication: Truman Library, Lloyd, David D.
- Pre-Dedication: U
- Pre-Dedication: V
- Pre-Dedication: W
- Pre-Dedication: Y
- Post-Dedication: A
- Post-Dedication: Archivist, Truman Papers
- Post-Dedication: Ba
- Post-Dedication: Bi
- Post-Dedication: Board of Directors, Truman Library
- Post-Dedication: Comments, Researchers at Truman Library
- Post-Dedication: Dedication Ceremonies, July 6, 1957 [1 of 2]
- Post-Dedication: Dedication Ceremonies, July 6, 1957 [2 of 2]
- Post-Dedication: Dedication Ceremonies, Invitations Accepted
- Post-Dedication: Dedication Ceremonies, Invitations Declined
- Post-Dedication: Do
- Post-Dedication: E
Box 781
- Post-Dedication: F
- Post-Dedication: G
- Post-Dedication: Grants (Research)
- Post-Dedication: Grover, Wayne C.
- Post-Dedication: Honorary Fellows, Truman Library [1 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: Honorary Fellows, Truman Library [2 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: Honorary Fellows, Truman Library [3 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: I
- Post-Dedication: Instructions
- Post-Dedication: J
- Post-Dedication: Junior Service League
- Post-Dedication: K
- Post-Dedication: L
- Post-Dedication: Library of Congress
- Post-Dedication: Library, Congratulations
Box 782
- Post-Dedication: Library, Fund Data
- Post-Dedication: Library, Furnishings and Decorations
- Post-Dedication: Library, General Memoranda
- Post-Dedication: Library, Gift Data
- Post-Dedication: Library, Lists of Articles Given to the Library
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, March 31, 1962 (Dean Acheson Day)
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, April 1, 1967
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, April 11, 1970
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, March 27, 1971
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, April 22, 1972
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, General [1 of 2]
Box 783
- Post-Dedication: Library, Meeting, General [2 of 2]
- Post-Dedication: Library, Photographs Taken at Dedication
- Post-Dedication: Lloyd, David D.
- Post-Dedication: Masonic Cornerstone Laying, Truman Library, July 6, 1957
- Post-Dedication: Masonic Data
- Post-Dedication: Mc
- Post-Dedication: Museum [1 of 2]
- Post-Dedication: Museum [2 of 2]
- Post-Dedication: N
- Post-Dedication: Newspapers [2011 accretion]
- Post-Dedication: Office Data, Truman Library
- Post-Dedication: Oval Office, Replica Recording
- Post-Dedication: Papers, Donors to the Library, A-H
- Post-Dedication: Papers, Donors to the Library, I-N
- Post-Dedication: Papers, Donors to the Library, O-Z
- Post-Dedication: Papers, Harry S. Truman
- Post-Dedication: Personnel
- Post-Dedication: Perry, Milton F.
- Post-Dedication: Presidential Papers
- Post-Dedication: Press, Radio, Television
- Post-Dedication: R
- Post-Dedication: Ro
Box 784
- Post-Dedication: S
- Post-Dedication: Scholarship Grants
- Post-Dedication: Speeches
- Post-Dedication: Staff Directory
- Post-Dedication: Statements, Harry S. Truman Library Institute [1 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: Statements, Harry S. Truman Library Institute [2 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: Statements, Harry S. Truman Library Institute [3 of 3]
- Post-Dedication: Thank You Letters
- Post-Dedication: U-V
Box 785
- Achelis, Elizabeth: "Be Not Silent" – Chapter of
- Acheson, Dean: "Sketches From Life"
- Adams, John J.: Copy of Commencement Address by F. Northrup
- Aki, Francis A.: "Pearl Harbor," etc.
- Anderson, F. B.: Excerpts from “Upsidown”
- Asbell, Bernard: "When FDR Died"
- Baird, Robert R.: "Gave Them Hell, Harry"
- Baranski, Leo J.: Re: Controversy at Los Angeles State College
- Beasley, Rex: "Great Men in History"
Box 786
- Bird, Phil: "The Kidnapping of a President"
- Block, Herb: Cartoons, 1955-1958
- Bloom, Robert A: Re: Truman-MacArthur Dispute
- Bloomgarden, Hank S.: "Second Choice"
- Bolte, Carl E., Jr.: "Give'em Hell Harry"
- Bolton, Guy: "A Man and His Wife" (re: Churchills)
- Bowles, Chester: "The Coming Political Breakthrough"
Box 787
- Buck, Pearl S.: "Command the Morning"
- Burdys, A.J.: "Truman and the Pendergasts"
- Caldwell, Ivy E.: Re: Social Security System
- Carter, Claremont F.: "The Forgotten Men and Women in Our U.S.A."
- Chesler, Alan Richard: "Harry Truman and the 1948 Presidential Election"
- Christenson, Roy M.: "The Brannan Plan"
- Clapper, Olive: "One Lucky Woman"
Box 788
- Cockrell, Francis M., II: "The Senator from Missouri: Life and Times of F.M. Cockrell"
- Comay, Mrs. Michael: "Ben Gurion and the Birth of Israel"
- Copaken, Robert: Re: Connally Reservation and International Court of Justice
- Creel, Herrlee G., ed.: "Translation of Hsiao Ching"
- Dalrymple, John O.: "Harry Truman as a Political Leader"
- Decker, Frank N.: Re: Farm Problem
- Devine, Margaret; "The National Cartoonist Society Albu, 1960-61"
- Dobo, Francis F.: Chronology of HST from "Book of Presidents"
- Donner, Gustaf: "The U.S. Presidential Election of 1956"
- Downing, Joan F., ed.: "People of Destiny: HST"
- Eggertz, Georgia and Henry” TV Script "A Mission for Understanding"
- Eidelberg, Paul: "A New Frontier for the U.S. and the West"
- Ellis, Linda Ryan: "Journal of American Youth"
- Emmerich, Herbert: “Federal Organization and Administrative Management"
Box 789
- Faber, William B. "The Holland Years"
- Falkner, Leonard: "The President Who Wouldn’t Retire" (J.Q. Adams)
- Fehrenbach, T.R.: "That Kind of War"
- Fos, Kathryn Mary: "A True Man" (School Paper)
- Freelling, Joseph: "Peace Plan"
- Gertz, Elmer: "A Handful of Clients"
Box 790
- Gruber, Ruth: "Israel Today"
- Haley, Andrew G.: "Space Law and Government" (Forward)
- Halle, Kay: "Winston Churchill on America and Britain"
- Harris, Seymour E.: "The Economics of Political Parties"
- Haybock, Frank B.: "The Eight Succeeding Vice-Presidents Who Changed History"
- Haymire, Norman L.: "South America Prospects and Problems"
- "The Life of George Hearst: California Pioneer"
- Henderson, Charles: Essays on Asian Nations (Vietnam, China, Philippines)
Box 791
- Henry, John: "The War Chronicle of John Henry"
- Hickey, Mrs. Louise LaGorce: Re: Cookie Tree
- Horigan, J. Michael: "The Truman Victory: Why and How It Happened" (Term Paper)
- Jain, Prakash C.: "Facts Don’t Mean a Thing"
- Johnson, Margot: "Mr. Speaker"
- Katz, Irving: "A Path to Peace"
- Kerr, Grace: "The Squawking Goose"
- Klein, Peter M.: Re: MacArthur Dismissal (Term Paper)
- Krier, Edward: "Anti-Veto Jurisprudence"
Box 792
- Krisiloff, Samuel: Poems and Essays
- Labin, Suzanne: "The Technique of Soviet Propaganda"
- Lacombe, PierreL "Why War?"
- Larsen, George F.: "Individual Responsibility and Peace"
- Larson, David L.: Re: U.S.-Yugoslav Relations, 1945-51
- Lederer, William J.: "A Nation of Sheep"
- Leech, Margaret: "In the Days of McKinley"
Box 793
- McCarthy, Daniel: "The Truman Doctrine"
- McNeil, R.: "Truman and the Decline and Fall of Modern Liberalism"
- Maher, Sister Patrick Ellen: Re: Truman Committee
- Makara, Frank: "Private Thoughts of a Ph.D."
- Mandelbaum, Bernard: "Assignment in Israel"
- Mann, Dr. John: "Changing Human Behavior"
- Means, Marianne: "First Ladies of the Land"
- Mitchell, Grant: "The Senatorial Career of Harry S. Truman" (M.A. Thesis)
Box 794
- Morgan, Mary E.: "Madam President"
- Mowrer, Edgar A.: "Triumph and Turmoil"
- Murphy, P.J.: "De Insanitate"
- Musser, Robert: Mill Valley, New York
- National Putnam Letters Committee (W.C. George)
Box 795
- Nizer, Louis: "My Life in Court"
- Oatfield, Larry: "Tour of U.S.S.R."
- Oringer, Dr. Charles J.: Re: National Health Reform Program, etc.
- Paige, Glen D.: "The Korean Decision"
- Parker, Daniel P., Ph.D.: "Neither Left Nor Right: The Political Philosophy of Harry S. Truman"
- Pratt, Noel: "The Great American Controversy"
Box 796
- Prescott, Worrall D.: "An Ancestral Record"
- "Presidential Politics in 1952" (American Political Science Association)
- Rearick, H.E.: "Stop! Look!"
- Rebane, Imant: "The Drama of the Baltic Peoples"
- Remington, Jesse: "Construction in the United States: Under the Quartermaster and the Chief"
- Reville, Alfred: "As I Walked Today: Thoughts and Observations"
- Rhodes, Richard: "The Inland Ground"
- Richards, Kenneth G.: "People of Destiny"
Box 797
- Roe, James: "Cancer"
- Schaefer, William P.: "Truman’s Point Four Program"
- Schenck, Martin: "Commander of the Light Division: The Story of General A.P. Hill, U.S.A."
- Schull, Rebecca: "Government at Work"
- Schwartz, Bart: Essays on Fiscal Theory
Box 798
- Sectish, Michael: "In the Presidential Spotlight: The Senator"
- Seadler, Stephen Edward: "Defenses of Peace"
- Severeid, Eric: "Behind the Headlines in the Presidential Race" (1960)
- Sheldon, Charles P., M.D.: Freedom Studies Center [1 of 2]
- Sheldon, Charles P., M.D.: Freedom Studies Center [2 of 2]
- Sight, Dan: "Harry S. Truman" (School Paper)
- Simmons, F. Boulware: "Cultural Guidance for Every American"
- Smith, C. Steensen: "In His Hands"
Box 799
- Smith, Waddell: Re: Western Emigration
- Snyder, Louis L.: "The War: A Concise History, 1939-45"
- Steele, M.W.: Re: Okinawa
- Stilmar, Robert L.: Re: Monetary Policy
Box 800
- Stilmar, Robert L.: "The Coming Economic Crash in America"
- Streiber, Edward M.: "An International Peace University as a Means to the Elimination of War" (Air University Thesis)
- Suffridge, James A.: "Around the World with LBJ in Fourteen Days"
- Tate, J.D.: "Philip Murray as a Labor Leader" (Ph.D. Dissertation)
- Timmsen, Ralph: "Bottom Ground"
- Tucker, Robert C.: "Impressions of Russia in 1958; A Trip Report"
Box 801
- Tyler, William John: Re: Genealogy of the Tyler Family
- Van Hove, Austin G.: "A Preliminary Study of the Truman Committee: The Growth of a Statesman" (M.A. Theses)
- Vierra, Robert S.: "The Exact Science of Economics"
- Weltner, Charles Longstreet: "Southerner"
Box 802
- Werner, Victor E.: "Memory Methods"
- Williams, Herbert Lee: "Truman and the Press" (Ph.D. Dissertation, 1955) [1 of 3]
- Williams, Herbert Lee: "Truman and the Press" (Ph.D. Dissertation, 1955) [2 of 3]
- Williams, Herbert Lee: "Truman and the Press" (Ph.D. Dissertation, 1955) [3 of 3]
- Williams, Theo Wayter: "The F.B.I. Security Affair"
- Wu, S.Y.: "Synopsis of Communism in China’s Melting Pot"
- Yancopoulous, George D.: "Of President Truman’s Activities During the Time of the Presidency"
Box 803
- 1953: Contracts
- 1953: Correspondence
- 1954: Correspondence
- 1956: Contracts
- 1957: Article No. 1
- 1957: Article No. 2
- 1957: Article No. 3
- 1957: Article No. 4
- 1957: Article No. 5
- 1957: Article No. 6
- 1957: Article No. 7
- 1957: Article No. 8
- 1957: Article No. 9
- 1957: Article No. 10
- 1957: Article No. 11
- 1957: Article No. 12
- 1957: Certificate of Registration of a Claim to Copyright
- 1957: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1957: Correspondence
- 1957: Transcriptions of Talks
- 1958: Article No. 1
- 1958: Article No. 2
- 1958: Article No. 3
- 1958: Article No. 4
- 1958: Article No. 5
- 1958: Article No. 6
- 1958: Article No. 7
- 1958: Article No. 8
- 1958: Article No. 9
- 1958: Articles
Box 804
- 1958: Certificate of Registration of a Claim to Copyright
- 1958: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1958: Correspondence
- 1958: Press Releases
- 1959: Article No. 1
- 1959: Article No. 2
- 1959: Article No. 3
- 1959: Article No. 4
- 1959: Article No. 5
- 1959: Article No. 6
- 1959: Article No. 7
- 1959: Article No. 8
- 1959: Article No. 9
- 1959: Articles
- 1959: Certificate of Registration of a Claim to Copyright
- 1959: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1959: Correspondence
- 1959: Press Releases
Box 805
- 1960: Articles
- 1960: Certificate of Registration of a Claim to Copyright
- 1960: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1960: Correspondence
- 1961: Articles
- 1961: Certificate of Registration of a Claim to Copyright
- 1961: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1961: Correspondence
- 1961: Press Releases
- 1962: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1962: Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 1
- 1963: Article No. 1 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 2
- 1963: Article No. 2 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 3
- 1963: Article No. 3 Correspondence
Box 806
- 1963: Article No. 4
- 1963: Article No. 4 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 5
- 1963: Article No. 5 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 6
- 1963: Article No. 6 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 7
- 1963: Article No. 7 Correspondence
- 1963: Article No. 8
- 1963: Article No. 8 Correspondence
- 1963: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1963: Correspondence
- 1964: Article No. 9
- 1964: Article No. 9 Correspondence
- 1964: Article No. 10
- 1964: Article No. 10 Correspondence
- 1964: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1964: Correspondence
- 1965: Article No. 11
- 1965: Contracts and Financial Statements
- 1965: Correspondence
Box 807
- A
- Automobile Dealers: Letters of Appreciation for Use of Cars
- B-Bq
- Br-Bz
- C-Ck
- Cl-Cz
- D
- Di-Dz
Box 808
- E
- Editorials
- F-Fk
- Fl-Fz
- Greeting Cards
- Flower Data/li>
- Foreign Letters
- Ga-Gn
- Go-Gz
Box 809
- H-Hi
- Ho-Hz
- I
- J
- Ka-Kh
- Ki-Kz
- La-Lei
- Mc
Box 810
- Ma
- Me-Mn
- Mo-Mz
- Masonic Letters
- Miscellaneous Data
- N
- O
- O-Plan Missouri
- Organizations - Cards Sent
- Pa-Ph
- Pi-Pz
- Q
- Ra-Rh
- Ri-Rz
- Resolutions
Box 811
- Sa-Sd
- Se-Sl
- Sm-Sz
- T
- Items for Mrs. Truman
- U
- V
- Wa-Wg
- Wh-Wz
- Letters Sent to the White House for Mrs. Truman
- X-Y-Z
SUBJECT FILE, 1953-1972
Box 812
- Address File [1 of 2]
Box 813
- Address File [2 of 2]
- Benton Mural Dedication: Acceptances, A-F
- Benton Mural Dedication: Acceptances, G-L
Box 814
- Benton Mural Dedication: Acceptances, M-R
- Benton Mural Dedication: Acceptances, S-Z
- Benton Mural Dedication: Lists of Invited Guests
- Benton Mural Dedication: Regrets, A-H
- Benton Mural Dedication: Regrets, I-O
- Benton Mural Dedication: Regrets, P-Z
- Calling Cards
- Correspondence
Box 815
- Correspondence - Family
- Education Fund: A
- Education Fund: B
- Education Fund: C
- Education Fund: D
- Education Fund: E
- Education Fund: F
- Education Fund: G
- Education Fund: H
- Education Fund: I
- Education Fund: J
- Education Fund: K
- Education Fund: L
- Education Fund: M
Box 816
- Education Fund: N
- Education Fund: O
- Education Fund: P
- Education Fund: Q
- Education Fund: R
- Education Fund: S
- Education Fund: T
- Education Fund: U
- Education Fund: V
- Education Fund: W
- Education Fund: Y
- Education Fund: Z
- Envelopes Addressed to Carlyle Hotel Employees
- Financial Notes
- General Fund
- Gift Tags – Truman Family
- Greeting Cards
- Invitations
Box 817
- Library Fund
- Library Fund-Rufus Burrus
- List of Historical Materials (Artifacts) Donated to the Harry S. Truman Library
- Maps
- Personal
- Photographs
- Scrapbook 1959
[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List]