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  4. Moon surface photo taken by Surveyor VII

Moon surface photo taken by Surveyor VII

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
Related Collection
HST Keywords
Surveyor VII; Moon; National Aeronautics And Space Administration

Public Domain - This item is in the public domain and can be used freely without further permission.

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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Moonscape near Surveyor VII is littered with rocks, many of them one foot or more across. Center of this picture, taken January 10, 1968, is 16 feet from Surveyor's television camera. The rocks are part of the debris which forms the rim of Crater Tycho in the southern highlands of the Moon. The lunar terrain near Tycho has more coarse rocks and rocky fragments than were seen at any of the previous Surveyor landing sites. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched Surveyor VII at 1:30 a.m., EST, January 7, 1968 from Cape Kennedy (Cape Canaveral) Florida, and the spacecraft landed on the Moon approximately 8:00 p.m. EST, January 9, 1968.
January 10, 1968