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President Truman with labor leaders

Accession Number
5x7 inches (13x18 cm)
Black & White
Related Collection
HST Keywords
Tobin, Maurice; Harriman, Averell - General File; Tewson, Vincent; Green, William; Oldenbrook, J. A.; Potofsky, Jacob; Murray, Philip - Reference To; Truman - Dignitaries - Labor Leaders; Truman - Cabinet - Truman with Members - Tobin, Maurice

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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From left to right: Averell Harriman; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; Philip Kaiser; President Harry S. Truman; Mr. Vincent Tewson, Head of British labor group; William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor; J. H. Oldenbroek, Executive Secretary of the International Free Trade Unions; and Jacob Potofsky, President of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, representing Philip Murray, President, Congress of Industrial Organizations. Same as 63-1204.

January 16, 1951