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President Harry S. Truman Throws Out First Ball For American League

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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President Harry S. Truman throws the first ball at the 1951 opening game of the baseball season at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C. In the first row are, from left to right: Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley, Vice President Alben Barkley, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Truman, Washington Senators manager Bucky Harris, Senators President Clark Griffith, and New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel. In the second row are Admiral Robert Dennison and General Harry Vaughan (behind Mrs. Barkley), Special Assistant Averell Harriman (behind Mr. Truman), and Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (behind Harris). All others are unidentified.
April 20, 1951