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  4. George Warren Seated With United States Delegates at Refugee Meeting

George Warren Seated With United States Delegates at Refugee Meeting

Accession Number
7x9.25 inches
Black & White

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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Men and women pose for a group photo with a sign in French for "United States" on the table. George L. Warren, a long time principal adviser on refugees and displaced persons for the Department of State is seated in the center. Seated front row, left to right: Frank Chelf, U.S. Congressman from Kentucky; Francis E. Walter, U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania; Mr. Warren; Michael Feighan, U.S. Congressman from Ohio; and unidentified. Others in view are not identified. It is believed to have been taken at an International Migration Conference in association with the beginning of ICEM (Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration) held in Brussels, Belgium, November-December, 1951. At this meeting the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movements of Migrants from Europe was created.
November 1951