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President Harry S. Truman Poses with Photographers

Accession Number
4x5 inches (10x13 cm)
Black & White
HST Keywords
Truman - Trips - Key West - 1950); Truman - Press - Key West - 1950 - "One More Club"
People Pictured

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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President Harry S. Truman hosted newspaper and radio correspondents and photographers at a picnic in the north garden of the Little white House. After the picnic and a press conference, some members of the "One More Club" posed for a group photo. From left to right are: Bill Gerecke; Harry Walsh, NBC-TV Newsreel; Alfonso A. Muto, International News Pictures; President Truman; Charles Portz, Acme News Pictures; Murray Alvey, Warner's Pathe News; Harvey Georges, Associated Press; and Jeff Broadhead.

March 30, 1950