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  4. Clark, Dubois, Richardson, and Bennett at Dinner Held in Pauley's Honor

Clark, Dubois, Richardson, and Bennett at Dinner Held in Pauley's Honor

Accession Number
4x5 inches (10x13 cm)
Black & White
Related Collection
HST Keywords
Austria - Vienna

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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From left to right, Lieutenant William Clark; Mr. Josiah Dubois, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Mr. Lawrence Richardson, transportation expert; and Mr. Martin T. Bennett, industrial engineer, at an informal dinner given by General Mark W. Clark, CG USFA, for Ambassador Edwin W. Pauley and group visiting Vienna, Austria. Mr. Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47, the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors.
July 17, 1946