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World's only airlifted pontoon bridge, Korean War

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
HST Keywords
Korean War - General File

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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Far East Air Forces Combat Cargo Command Airlift Airbase, Japan. Rolling across the world's only airlifted pontoon bridge, are these veteran U. S. Eighth Army Troops. Airlifted from Japan by huge troop carrier aircraft of Feafs Combat Cargo Command, this bridge has become the key crossing point on the Han River where United Nations Forces are driving north in pursuit of North Korean Reds. Three bridges which had previously spanned the Han, were completely destroyed by Air Force, Navy and Marine Fighter Bombers. Note that American G.I.'s have taken up temporary light housekeeping in some of the spacious aluminum alloy pontoons. This is a portion of the bridge lifted in the OPN.
October 11, 1950