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  4. Truman gets a salute from Louis Jensen, mascot of the 637th National Guard Division

Truman gets a salute from Louis Jensen, mascot of the 637th National Guard Division

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
HST Keywords
Autographs - Warren, Earl; California, San Francisco; Japan - Japanese Peace Treaty; Conferences - General File - Japanese Peace Treaty; National Guard - 637th Division; Truman - Dignitaries - Governors - Warren, Earl; Truman - Dignitaries - Mayors - Robinson, Elmer; Truman - Trips - Other - Presidential - California, San Francisco

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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Louis Jensen, age three, exchanged a salute with his Commander-in-Chief, as President Harry S. Truman (third from the right) left the Fairmont Hotel to address the first plenary session of the Japanese Peace Conference in San Francisco, California. Louis is the mascot of the 637th National Guard Division. California's Governor Earl Warren (second from the right) and San Francisco's Mayor Elmer Robinson (left) accompanied the President. The original photo was autographed by Earl Warren. (Same as 66-1130, 65-2723, and 68-1109 except larger) From: Ms. Doris S. Jensen.
September 4, 1951