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  4. Truman and fellow officers at the 129th Field Artillery Canteen, Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma

Truman and fellow officers at the 129th Field Artillery Canteen, Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma

Accession Number
8x14.5 inches
Black & White
HST Keywords
Armed services - Army - Units - 129th Field Artillery; Camp Doniphan; Oklahoma - Camp Doniphan; Truman - Soldier - World War I

Public Domain - This item is in the public domain and can be used freely without further permission.

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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First Lieutenant Harry Truman (14th from left) enjoying a soft drink with fellow officers, "A jolly bunch at the 129 Field Artillery Canteen, Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma." Those who can be identified are (standing); Morris Sterns, Buck Davis, Ed Harper (1st, 2nd, 3rd from left), Sgt. Edward Jacobson (7th from left) Battery F, First Lt. Walter G. Slagle (10th from left), 2nd Lt. Clyde C. Clark (11th from left), First Lt. William Hubbard (12th from left), First Lt. Harry Truman (14th from left), 2nd Lt. Herbert J. Hale (15th from left), and Dr. James Terrill Brown, 1st Lt. Med. Corps (3rd from right). (See also 97-2024 and 58-366.) From: Eddie Jacobson
