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  4. Autographed (by Crew) Photograph of the Enola Gay sitting on an airfield

Autographed (by Crew) Photograph of the Enola Gay sitting on an airfield

Accession Number
7x9-1/2 inches
Black & White
HST Keywords
Airplanes - Enola Gay; Atom Bomb; Autographs - Beser, Jacob; Autographs - Caron, George; Autographs - Ferebee, Thomas; Autographs - Nelson, Richard; Autographs - Tibbets, Paul, Jr.; Autographs - Van Kirk, Theodore; Enola Gay

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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A photograph of the Enola Gay, the Airplane used to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, sitting on an airfield. The photograph bears six signature (copies) of the men who were aboard during its flight as follows: Col. Paul Tibbets, Jr., pilot; Capt. Theodore Van Kirk, navigator; PFC Richard Nelson, radar operator; Major Thomas Ferebee, bombardier; Staff Sgt. George Caron, gunner; and First Lieutenant Jacob Beser, radar countermeasure observer. The original picture with the original autographs is owned by the family of Inguanez. From: Dr. Marcel-Dingli-Attard-Inguanez.