Oral History Interviews with
Matthew Connelly
Chief investigator for the Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program (the Truman Committee), 1941-44, Executive Assistant to Senator and Vice President Truman, July 1944-April 1945; and Appointments Secretary to the President, 1945-53.
[Notices and Restrictions | List of Subjects Discussed]
These are transcripts of tape-recorded interviews conducted for the Harry S. Truman Library. A draft of each transcript was edited by the interviewee but only minor emendations were made; therefore, the reader should remember that these are essentially transcripts of the spoken, rather than the written word.
Numbers appearing in square brackets (ex. [45]) within the transcript indicate the pagination in the original, hardcopy version of the oral history interview.
These oral history transcripts may be read, quoted from, cited, and reproduced for purposes of research. They may not be published in full except by permission of the Harry S. Truman Library.
List of Subjects Discussed
Abels, Jules, 137, 293
Acheson, Dean, 391, 395
- cabinet member for Harry S. Truman, 330-331
- Adams, Sherman, 128
Air Corps, 38, 39
Air Force, 223
Alabama, 1, 7, 8
Albany, Indiana, 36
Alcoa Company, 51-52
Allen, George, 94-95, 102, 103, 107, 122, 123, 150
- in the administration of Harry S. Truman, 242-244
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), 51-52
Amberg, Julius H., 26, 27
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 104-105
American Legion, 344
American Overseas Air Line, 443, 444, 446
American Trust and Banking Company, 196
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 276
- Truman, Harry S., attitude toward, 428-429
Anderson, Clinton P. J. 370
Anderson, Howard S., 306
Anderson, Jack, 440
Andrews, Russell P., 215
Ansberry, Peter, 56-57
Argentina, 284
Arizona, 65
Arlington National Cemetery, 398
Army Camps, construction of:
- Connelly, Matthew J., investigates, 32-37
Truman, Harry S., investigates, 29
Arvey, Jacob M. (Jake), 275
Associated Gas and Electric Company, 18
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 46, 398
Ayers, Eben, 185-186
Ball, Senator Joseph, H., 67
Baltimore, Maryland, 395
Baltimore Sun, 183
Barkley, Vice President Alben W., 77, 81, 82, 166, 167, 225, 272, 417, 422
- and the Democratic National Convention, 1948, 276-279
Democratic National Convention, 1952, difficulties with delegates, 418-419
Barnes, James M., 188-189
Barrows, Roberta, on staff of Harry S. Truman, 250-252
Barry, Francis (Frank), 306
Batt, William L., Jr., 292
Battery D, 129th Field Artillery, 103
Bell, David E., 155, 209-211, 302, 426
Bethesda Navy Hospital, 343
Biddle, Francis, 357-358
Biffle, Leslie, 227, 277, 418-419, 421, 422
Big Four Powers, 223, 224, 227-228
Bilbo, Senator Theodore, 391
Birkhead, Kenneth, 292
Bixler, Catherine, 139, 141
Blair-Lee House, 173, 395, 398, 400, 420, 437
B'nai B'rith, 430
Boston, Massachusetts, 105, 110, 387
Boyle, William M., Jr., 11, 43, 86-87, 139, 292, 295, 307, 408
Bradley, General Omar N., 400-401
Brandt, Pete, 172
Brannan, Charles F., 290
- as Cabinet member for Harry S. Truman, 370-372
Brannan Plan, 371-372
Bray, William J. (Bill), 299-300
- Truman, Harry S., on staff of, 215-218
Brazil, 289
Brewster, Senator Owen, 17, 23, 49, 69-71
Bridges, Senator Styles, 72, 451, 452
Brightman, Sam, 410
Brown, Tillie, 175
Brown, Wilson, 232, 236
Brownell, Herbert, 451
Bruce, James, 289
Budget Bureau, 203, 210, 352
Burton, Harold, 72-73
Byrnes, James F., 97, 373, 431, 433-434
- Truman, Harry S., in Cabinet of, 327-329
Cadillac Square, (Detroit), 104, 105, 280, 309, 311, 355
California, University of, 265-266
Campaign Expenditures, the Gillette Committee to Investigate, 16, 57
Canfil, Fred A., 14
- Truman Committee, investigates the Hanford, Washington, Plant, 75-77
Cannon, Clarence, 7
Canol project, 40, 82
Carey, Idaho, 263-264
Carton Hotel (Washington, DC), 266
Carr, Albert, 295, 296-297
Carroll, John A., 228
Carter, John Franklin, 295, 297
Casey, Joseph, 275
Chandler. Albert B., investigation of the swimming pool of, 77-82
Chandler, Mrs. Albert B., 80
Chapman, Oscar, 261, 291, 416
- Truman, Harry S., in the Cabinet of, 368-369
Chicago American, 107
Chicago, Illinois, 2, 7, 91, 101, 106, 275, 280, 285, 328, 387, 410, 418, 422
Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 83, 443, 446
Civil rights, 291-292
Civil War, 29-30
Clark, Bennett, 138
Clark, Charles Patrick, 5, 9, 13, 22, 31, 42, 46, 50, 56, 60
Clark, Tom C., 162, 164, 358
Clayton, William C., 390
Cleveland, Mississippi, 391, 392
Clifford, Clark, 150-151, 153, 155, 157, 158, 160, 167, 168, 194, 199, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 214, 236,
- 244, 254, 257, 264, 265, 268, 293, 297, 300, 301, 302, 303, 320, 381, 407
- Israel, involvement in the recognition of, 383, 384, 385-386
TransWorld Airlines (TWA), as a lawyer for, 443-444
Truman, Harry S.:
Cole, William S., 17
Collett, John Caskie, 245
Colorado, 229
Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 5, 7, 16
Congress, Eightieth, 273-275
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 104-105, 430
Congressional liaison during the Truman Administration, 221-229
Connally, Senator Tom, 65, 149
Connelly, Matthew J., 6, 12-13, 15, 102, 293, 294
- Appointments Secretary, duties as, 129-130
Army camp construction, investigates, 32-37
Cabinet meetings, duties at, 130, 131-132
campaign expenditures, involved in the investigation of, 5, 7
Chandler, Albert B., swimming pool of, investigated by Connelly, 77-82
charges against, a discussion of, 448-452
clipping file of, 304-305
Committees in Congress, serves on, 6-8
Democratic National Committee, discusses the various chairmen of, 403-410
Kelley Nash machine in Chicago, investigates, 7
MacArthur, Douglas, a discussion of the dismissal of, 399-401
non-political trip of June 1948, duties during, 261
Presidency, ideas for changing the, 437
Presidential election of 1944, part played in, 102
Presidential election of 1948:
- election evening activities of, 306-308
Truman, Harry S., a discussion of his confidence in winning, 308-310, 311-313
relief programs for Washington, D. C., an investigation of, 6-7
Roosevelt, Franklin D., learns of the death of, 124, 125-126
State Department, a discussion of, 380-383
Truman, Harry S.:
- assassination attempt on, 397-399
congressional liaison for, 222-224
evaluation of, 440
executive assistant to, 115-116
first meeting with Connelly, 1-3
influence on Connelly, 411-413
Postmaster General position, offers to Connelly, 314-316
in Presidential campaign, 1944, accompanied by Connelly, 102
Presidential election, 1948, confident of victory in, 308-310, 311-313
staff of, Connelly reports jealousies among, 441-443
Vice Presidential campaign, assisted by Connelly, 85
and Truman Committee, 8-9
and Vinson, Fred M., comments on the proposed mission of, 302-304
and Willow Run Plant, investigates, 37-39
Constitution Hall, 179
Cox Broadcasting Company, 147
Cox Enterprises, 176
Cox, James, 176
Currie, Lauchlin, 189
Curtiss Wright Corporation, 40, 82-83
Daniels, Jonathan, 189-192
Daniels, Joseph, 245-246
Daniels, Josephus, 191
Dawson, Donald, 261, 322-323, 402
Truman, Harry S., on staff of, 202-203
Defense housing investigation, 43-44
Democratic National Committee, 12, 86, 103, 104, 149, 200, 209, 260, 261, 279, 287, 292, 294, 295, 297, 299,
- Democratic National Convention of 1948, 270
- Presidential contenders, 278-279
Vice Presidential contenders, 276-277
Democratic National Convention of 1952:
- Barkley, Alben W., and labor delegates, 418-419
Democratic Policy Committee, 266-268
Dennison, Admiral Robert L., 239, 318-319
Detroit, Michigan, 37, 104, 216, 280, 286, 311-312
Dever, Paul, 378
Dewey, Thomas, 249, 284, 288, 305
Dexter, Iowa, 280-281
Diary of Democracy, 3
Dill, Sir John, 398
Dixiecrats, 270
Dollar-a-year-men, 62-64
Donaldson, Jesse M., 365-366
Douglas, William 0., 93, 100-101, 276
Dryden, Mildred, 139, 140-141
Dubinsky, David, 113, 195, 283
Dunn, Eugene, 31
- 104, 125, 142, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175-176, 180, 181-182, 250
Eightieth Congress, 273-275
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 276, 350, 427-428, 438, 448
- Truman, Harry S., transition between administrations, 127, 128
Elsey, George, 155, 205-206, 302
Evans, Tom L., 148
Ewing, Oscar R., 266, 267-268
Excelsior Springs, Missouri, 306
Farley, James,
- 215, 216
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 47, 48, 248
Federal Power Commission, 67
Feeney, Joseph, 221, 228
Feinberg, Abraham, 195-196, 197-198
Ferguson, Senator Homer, 37, 73-74
Finletter, Thomas K., 356-357
Fitzgerald, James, 219
Flynn, Ed, 95
Ford Motor Company, 37
Forrestal, James, 130, 344, 354
- Truman, Harry S., as a Cabinet member for, 340-343
Fort Davis, North Carolina, 32
Fort Stewart, Georgia, 32, 33
Foskett, James A., 232, 234
Frederick, J. Lawton, on staff of Harry S. Truman, 203-204
Friendship Airport, 394
Fritchey, Clayton, 211
Fulton, Hugh, 3-4, 12-13, 15, 16-17, 21, 31, 41, 46, 47, 49, 55, 57-58, 60, 82, 83, 85, 102, 103, 107, 109, 243
- background of, 17-18
political problems, ability to deal with, 18-19
Truman, Harry S., difficulties with, 121-124
Gallup Poll,
- 290
Garvin, Tom, 416-417
Georgetown, University 16, 46, 56
Georgia, 32, 33
Gillette Committee, 5, 7, 16
Gillette, Senator Guy M., 5, 7
Godwin, Earl, 272
Goldwyn, Sam, 296
Grand Coulee Dam, 393-394
Gray, Gordon, 351
Greece, 390
Green, Shirley, 141
Green, Theodore, 406
Griffis, Stanton, 289
Halleck, Charles,
- 451, 452
Halley, Rudolph, 5, 19-20
Halverstadt, Dallas, 219
Hanford, Washington, 75
Hannegan, Robert, 86, 117, 125-126, 200-201, 295, 411
- Democratic National Committee, as chairman of, 403-405
Truman, Harry S.:
Harlem, New York, 298
Harriman W. Averell, 374-375
Harvard University, 42, 56, 221, 392
Hassett, William C., 170, 253, 254
- Truman, Harry S., duties during the administration of, 168-169
Hatch, Senator Carl A., 71, 81-82
Hayden, Senator Carl, 65
Hechler, Kenneth, 220
Hehmeyer, Walter, 20, 21
Henderson, Loy, 381-383
Hercules Powder Company, 36
Herring, Senator Clyde L., 71
Higgins, Eddie, 406-407, 408
Hill, Senator Lister, 1, 7-8
Hillman, William, 181, 296
Hoeber, Johannes, 292
Hollywood, California, 296
Hopkins, Harry L. 193, 194, 387
Houston Chronicle, 304
Hume, Paul, 179
Humphrey-Biemiller civil rights plank (1948 convention), 270
Humphreys, Bob, 80-81
Hyde Park, New York, 121
Ickes, Harold L.,
- 366-367
Illinois, 416
The Independence (Presidential aircraft), 395
Independence, Missouri, 305
Indian Treaty Room, 257
Indiana, 35, 36, 94, 409
Indiantown Gap, PA., 32
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 200, 201
Investigation of Campaign Expenditures, Committee for, 5, 7
Iowa, 5, 71, 94, 280-281, 312
Irvin, Robert L., 22, 62, 381
Israel, recognition of, 194-198, 383-386, 387
Jackson, Charles,
- 219
Jackson, Robert H., 18
Jackson, Samuel, 94
Jacobson, Edward (Eddie), 385
Jenner, Senator William E., 427
Jewish vote, in the 1948 Presidential election, 387-388
Johnson, Louis A., 285, 354
- Military budget cuts, 344-346
Truman, Harry S.: in Cabinet of, 343-347
Treasurer for the Presidential Campaign of 1948, 285, 287-289
Jones, Jesse, 119, 304
- and Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 50-53
Justice Department, 18, 358
Kansas City, Missouri,
- 11, 36, 37, 39, 116, 117, 118, 305-306, 395, 408-409
Kayser Company, 195
Kayser Roth, 195
Keech, Richmond B., 202
Kelly, Frank, 292
Kelly-Nash "machine" in Chicago, 7
Kentucky, 77-78
Keyserling, Leon, 266
Key West, Florida, 192, 342-343, 362, 414
Kilgore, Senator Harley, 71-72
Killion, George, 355
Kimball, Dan, 355
Knowles, Miles, 26-27
Knudsen, General William S., 39
Korea, 246, 344-346, 353
Krug, Julius A., 290
Ku Klux Klan, 106-108
Labor Department,
- 212, 213
Lamar, Missouri, 148
Landry, Robert B., 237-238, 239
Lasker, Morris, 56
Lathrom, Donald M., 22, 83, 86
Lawrence, Massachusetts, 110
Leahy, Admiral William D., 98, 236
Leviero, Anthony, 401
Liberal Party, 113
Lloyd, David D., 155, 208, 265, 302, 323, 324, 436
Locke, Edwin A., Jr., 64, 219-220
Lockwood, Paul, 293-294
Lord and Thomas Advertising Co., 296
Los Angeles, California, 105
Louisville, Kentucky, 80
Lovett, Robert A., 348
Lowe, Frank E., 22-24, 246
Lowenthal, Max. 196-197, 230, 418
- and Truman, Harry S., 83-84
Lucas, Senator Scott, 225
MacArthur, General Douglas,
- 352, 397
McCarthy, Senator Joseph R., 84
- and staff of President Truman, 435-436
McCormack, Representative John W., 225
McFarland, Senator E. W., 225
McGranery, James P., 363-364
McGrath, J. Howard, 163, 164, 165
- in Cabinet of President Truman, 358-363
as Chairman of Democratic National Committee, 405-407
McHale, Frank, 409
McIlwain, Sam, 244
McIntyre, Marvin, 250
McKim, Edward D., 103, 107, 263
- on staff of President Truman, 246-249
McKinney, Frank E., 409, 420, 422
McReynolds, William, 200
- on staff of President Truman, 186-187
Madison Square Garden, 113
Mager, Harry, 31-32
Maine, 69
Maletz, Herbert N., 41-43, 229-230
Maloney, James J., 305-306
Map Room, 205
Martel, Frank, 105
Martinez, Joe L., 44-45
Marshall, General George C., 26, 75, 381, 392, 427
Marshall plan, 391, 438
Martin, Representative Joseph W., 451, 452
Massachusetts, 108, 109, 110, 378
Matthews, Francis, 354-355
Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C., 125, 418, 421
Maylon, Charles, 221, 223, 228
Meader, George, 6, 45-46
Mead, Senator James, 65-66, 72
Memoirs, by Harry S. Truman, 69, 95, 152, 414
Messall, Victor, 139
Michigan, 37, 216, 445
Michigan, University of, 18, 22
Military, budget cuts in, 344-345
Military Affairs Committee, 2, 28
Miller, Ray, 307-308
Minnesota, 67
Mississippi, 107
Missouri, 2, 53, 60, 138-139, 140, 147, 404, 442
Missouri, U. S. S., 234
Mr. President, 432
Mitchell, Stephen, 410
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 332-334
Morgenthau plan, 333-334
Morris, Newbold, 360-361
Moscow, 433
Muehlebach Hotel, (Kansas City, Missouri), 306
Murphy, Charles S., 155, 157, 199, 210, 211, 214, 221, 254, 265, 297, 302, 320, 413
- on staff of President Truman, 165-168
Murphy, Frank, 162, 445
Murray, Tom, 398
Nash, Philleo,
- 436
- on staff of President Truman, 198-199
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 207
National Plowing Contest, Dexter, Iowa, 280-281
Navy Department, relations with the Truman Committee, 24-25, 31
Nelson, Donald M., 61-62
Neustadt, Richard E., 221, 302
New Hampshire, 72
New Jersey, 5
New Mexico, 44, 71
New Orleans, 102
Newsweek, 281
New York, 18, 43, 119-120, 123, 197, 283-284, 306, 321, 356, 360, 368, 372, 388, 395, 401, 426
New York Times, 114, 136, 255, 401, 411
Niles, David K., 199, 200, 381
Non-political trip of June 1948, 258, 259-266
North Carolina, 32, 191
Noyes, David M., 295, 296, 297, 309
Odum, Reathel,
- 54, 139, 140, 141
O'Dwyer, William, 275, 298
Ohio, 307, 308, 375
Okinawa, 151
Oklahoma, 7, 286
Omaha, Nebraska, 103, 246, 262
Oregon, 93
Out of the Jaws of Victory, 136-137, 293, 303
Pace, Frank,
- 203
Pan American Airways, 443, 444, 446
Parks, Franklin N., 46, 229-230
Patterson, Robert P., 117
- in Cabinet of President Truman, 339-340
Pauley, Edwin W., 92, 265, 355
Pawley, William, 289-290
Pearson, Drew, 182, 440
Pendergast, Thomas J., funeral of, 116-118
Pennsylvania, 32
Pentagon, 33
Peoria, Illinois, 105, 106-107
Pepper, Senator Claude, 278
Perkins, Francis, 376-377
Perlmeter, Irving, 184-185
Philadelphia, 118, 271, 364
Phillips, Cabell, 350, 411, 421, 423
Point IV, 393, 438
Pontiac, Michigan, 312
Porter, Paul, 117
Postmaster General of the United States, 215, 314-316
Potsdam, East Germany, 143
Presidential election campaign, 1944, Harry S. Truman as a campaigner, 102
Presidential election campaign, 1948: Cabinet members of President Truman, involvement in campaign,
- 290-291
Campaign train:
Clifford, Clark speculates on outcome of, 447-448
Connelly, Matthew J., belief that Truman would win, 308-310, 311-313
contributions, shortage of, 284-289
crowds, reaction of, 298-300
Democrats, opposition from, 275-276
Dewey, Thomas, campaign train of, 293
Election evening, 306-308, 310
Harlem; New York, 298
Itinerary, 279-281
Jewish vote, the importance of, 387-388
Maloney, James J., joins the Dewey campaign, 305-306
Wallace, Henry A., campaign of, 283-284
writers assisting in the campaign, 295-297
Presidential election campaign, 1952:
- Stevenson, Adlai E., relationship with Harry S. Truman, 420-425
Truman, Harry S.:
- choice for a successor, 415-418
decision not to run, 413-415
Stevenson, Adlai E., relationship with, 420-425
President's Committee on Civil Rights, 268
Price Administration, Office of, 80
Progressive Party, 283
Public Papers of Harry S. Truman, 394
Pulitzer. Joseph, 174
Pulitzer Prize, 401
Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Company, 182
Quartermaster Corps,
Rayburn, Representative Sam,
- 124, 225, 226
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 202, 203, 244
- Truman Committee, relationship with, 50-53
Redding, Jack, 410
Reinsch, J. Leonard, 147-148, 149, 171, 176-177, 182
Relief programs in the District of Columbia, an investigation of, 6-7
Research Division of the Democratic National Committee, 209
Reuther, Walter, 105
Reynolds Aluminum Company, 51-52
Reynolds, Ed, 122, 125, 150, 242, 243
Rhode Island, 406, 408
Rigdon, William M., 316, 414
Roach, Neale, 94
Robeson, Paul, 284
Robinson, Harold G., 5, 47-48
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 62, 87, 92, 93, 102, 103, 104, 121, 127-128, 141, 142, 147, 169, 176, 186, 189, 190,
- 212, 231, 232, 246, 250, 326, 328, 332, 341, 357, 364, 365, 370, 376, 386, 387, 403, 405
- Cabinet of, 130-131, 389
Connelly, Matthew J., learns of the death of, 124, 125-126
health of, 111-112, 114
Presidential election campaign of 1944, communication with Harry S. Truman, 119
speech making, 145
Truman, Harry S.,
Roosevelt Hotel (New York City), 306
Roosevelt, James, 275
Rose, Alex, 283
Rosenman, Judge Samuel I., 121, 144-145, 150, 152, 155, 161, 243, 441
- as speech writer for President Truman, 156-160
Rosenthal, Louis, 288
Ross, Charles G., 155-156, 172, 173, 180-181, 183, 185, 186, 238-239, 240-241, 253, 256, 264, 311, 313-314
- death of, 179, 180
as Press Secretary to President Truman, 172-179
Rowley, Jim, 306, 321
Royall, Kenneth C., as a member of the Truman Administration, 340, 349-351
Rusk, Dean, 323, 324
Saint Louis, Missouri,
- 52, 152, 365, 403
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, 172
San Francisco, California, 173, 322, 323, 402
Sawyer, Charles, 375-376
Sawyer, Haven, 49
Schenley Liquor, 288
Schoeneman, George J., 200-201
Schwellenbach, Lewis B., 377
Secret Service, 305, 306, 310-311, 321, 332, 341, 401
Seattle, Washington, 105, 106, 119
To Secure These Rights, 268
Shangri-La, 236
Sherwood, Robert, 145
Shoreham Hotel (Washington, D. C.), 397-398
Short, Joseph, 170, 256
- on staff of President Truman, 182-184
Short, Mrs. Joseph (Beth), 170
Simmons, William D., 238
Somervell, Brehon B., 27, 30
Snyder, John W., 52-53, 180, 182, 243, 271, 291, 356
- in Cabinet of President Truman, 337-338
and relationship with Truman, 53-55
South Carolina, 327
Spain, 289
Sparks, Wilbur D., 49-50
Spingarn, Arthur, 207
Spingarn, Joel, 207
Spingarn, Stephen J., 206-208
Springfield, Illinois, 426
Sproul, Robert G., 265
State Department, 246, 380-383, 431
States' Rights Party, 291
Steelman, Dr. John R., 134-135, 204, 216, 219, 221, 253, 254, 257, 379, 442, 443
- on staff of President Truman, 211-215
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., in the Cabinet of Harry S. Truman, 325-327
Stevenson, Adlai E., 410, 415, 420
Stimson, Henry L., 137, 339
Stowe, David H., 204, 299-300
Sullivan, Gael, 407-408, 410, 411
Sullivan, John L., 234, 354
Sun Flower Ordnance Plant, 36, 45
Suydum, Hendrick, 50
Symington, Senator W. Stuart, 243, 440
- and administration of President Truman, 356
Tabor, Representative John,
- 7
Taft-Hartley Act, 44
Ten Point Civil Rights Message, 206, 268
Tennessee Valley Authority, 367
Texas, 65, 102, 149
Thomas, Senator Elbert, 7
Thurmond, Senator J. Strom, 291
Tobin, Maurice, 290, 377-378
Toomey, Marion, 55
Toulmin, Harry Aubrey, Jr., 3-4, 5, 23-24
TransWorld Airlines (TWA), 443-446
Treasury Department, 54
Truman, Harry S., 12, 16, 26, 39, 41, 44, 47, 49, 52, 75-76, 81, 152, 283-284
- Acheson, Dean, in Cabinet of, 330-331
administration of, his conduct of the office, 452-453
Allen, George E., in the administration of, 242-244
Americans for Democratic Action, opinion of, 428-429
Anderson, Clinton P., in the Cabinet of, 370
army camp visits, 28-29
assassination attempt, 397-399
Ayers, Eben, in the administration of, 185-186
Barnes, James M., on the staff of, 188-189
Barrows, Robert A., in the administration of, 250-252
Bell, David E., on the staff of, 209-211
Biddle, Francis, in the Cabinet of, 357-358
Boyle, William, Jr., relationship with, 11-12
Brannan, Charles, in the Cabinet of, 370-372
Bray, William, on the staff of, 215-217, 218
Brown, Wilson, in the administration of, 232, 236
Brynes, James F., in the Cabinet of, 327-329
Cabinet of, 130-133, 134-136, 325
and Chandler, Albert B., 77-82
Chapman, Oscar, in the Cabinet of, 368-369
Clark, Bennett, relationship with, 138
Civil rights:
Clifford, Clark:
Collett, John Caskie, in the administration of, 245
Congressional liaison during the administration of, 221-229
Connelly, Matthew J.:
- and congressional liaison, 222-229
evaluates Truman as President, 440
as an executive assistant, 115-116
first meeting with Truman, 1-3
influence on Truman, 411-413
Postmaster General position, offer of, 314-316
Currie, Lauchlin, on the staff of, 189
and Daniels, Jonathan, 189-192
and Davies, Joseph, 245-246
Dawson, Donald, on the staff of, 202-203
decision maker, as a, 434
Democratic National Convention, 1948, 270-273
and Dennison, Robert L., 233-235
Donaldson, Jesse M., in the Cabinet of, 365-366
Eightieth Congress, recalled for a special session by, 273-275
Eisenhower, Dwight D., transition from administration of, 127, 128
Elsey, George, on the staff of, 205-206
and Finletter, Thomas, 356-357
Forrestal, James, in the Cabinet of, 340-343
and Foskett, James A., 232, 234
Frederick, J. Lawton, on staff of, 203-204
Fritchey, Clayton, on the staff of, 211
Fulton, Hugh, difficulties involving, 121-124
Government operation, views on, 436
Grand Coulee Dam, attends rededication of, 393-394
Hannegan, Robert E., in the Cabinet of, 364-365
Harriman, W. Averell, in the Cabinet of, 374-375
and Hassett, William D., 168-169
and Hillman, William, 431-434
and Hopkins, Harry L., 245-246
and Hume, Paul, 179-180
Ickes, Harold L., in the Cabinet of, 366-367
Johnson, Louis A., in the Cabinet of, 343-347
Keech, Richmond B., on the staff of, 202
Key West, Florida, vacations at, 313-314, 316-320
and Kimball, Dan, 355
Korean invasion, attitude concerning, 396
Krug, Julius A., in the Cabinet of, 366-368
and Landry, Robert B., 237-238, 239
and Leahy,William B., 231-232
Lloyd, David D., on the staff of, 208
Locke, Edwin A., Jr., on the staff of, 219-220
Lovett, Robert A., in the Cabinet of, 348
and Lowenthal, Max, 83-84
MacArthur, General Douglas, and Wake Island conference with, 321-324, 401-402
McCarthy, Joseph, makes charges against Truman staff members, 435-436
McGrath, J. Howard, in the administration of, 358-363
McKim, Edward D., on the staff of, 246-249
McReynolds, William, on the staff of, 186-187
Marshall, George C., in the Cabinet of, 329-330, 347-348, 349
Matthews, Francis, in the administration of, 354-355
Meader, George, on the staff of, 45-46
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., in the Cabinet of, 332-334
Murphy, Charles S., on the staff of, 165-168
Nash, Philleo, on the staff of, 198-199
Niles, David K., on the staff of, 193-194
non-political trip of June, 1948, 258, 259-266
Pace, Frank, in the administration of, 352-353
Parks, Franklin N., on the staff of, 46
Patterson, Robert P., in the Cabinet of, 339-340
Pendergast, Thomas J., funeral, 116-118
Perkins, Francis, in the Cabinet of, 376-377
Perlmeter, Irving, on the staff of, 184-185
press conferences, 257-258
pre-press conferences of, 256-257
press leaks during the administration of, 431
and pressure groups, 429-430
public opinion mail, 430-431
Presidential election campaign, 1944:
- campaigns during, 102
Roosevelt, Franklin D., communications with Truman during, 119-120
Presidential election campaign, 1948, 279-281, 290-291, Also See Presidential election campaign, 1948
Presidential election campaign, 1952:
Rigdon, William M., in the administration of, 236-237
Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
- communication with Truman in 1944 campaign,119
communication with Vice President Truman, 120, 127
death of, 124-125
health of, 111
Rosenman, Judge Samuel I., in the administration of, 156-160
Ross, Charles G., on the staff of, 172-179
Royall, Kenneth C., on the staff of, 340, 349-351
Sawyer, Charles, in the Cabinet of, 375-376
Schwellenbach, Lewis B., in the Cabinet of, 377
and Senators involving the Truman Committee, 64-74
Schoeneman, George J., on the staff of, 200-201
Short, Joseph, as a staff assistant to, 182-184
Snyder, John W.:
- in the Truman Cabinet, 337-338
relationship with Truman, 53-55
Somervell. Brehon B., relations with, 30-31
Spingarn, Stephen J., on the staff of, 206-208
staff members, 139-143, 144-145
- Connelly, Matthew J., comments on reported jealousies between, 441-443
discussion of, 155-195, 198-216, 219-222, 228-237, 243-252
meetings of, 252-256
staffing problems, 141-143
Steelman, Dr. John R., on the staff of, 204
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., in the Cabinet of, 325-327
Stevenson, Adlai E., Presidential election campaign, 1952:
Stimson, Henry L „ in the Cabinet of, 339
Stowe, David H., on the staff of, 204
and Sullivan, John L., 354
Symington, Senator W. Stuart, in the administration of, 356
Tobin, Maurice, in the Cabinet of, 377-378
Tubby, Roger, on the staff of, 184-185
and Vice Presidential nomination in 1944, 89-94
Vinson, Fred, in the Cabinet of, 334-337
Wake Island conference, 321-324, 401-402
Walker, Frank, in the Cabinet of, 364
Wallace, Henry A.:
- in the Truman Cabinet, 372
relationship with Truman, 113-114
Walsh, Senator David, relationship with, 109-111
White House reorganization, 437-438
Wickard, Claude R., in the Cabinet of, 369-370
Zimmerman, Raymond R., on the staff of, 201-202
Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess), 153, 173, 420, 421
Truman Committee, 90
- Anskerry, Peter, on the staff of, 56-57
assignments, procedure for, 12-14
atomic energy, research plant at Hanover, Washington, 75-77
budget for, 96-97
committee reports, 67-68
Connelly, Matthew J., hiring of and chief investigator for, 1-3, 8-9
defense housing investigation, 43-44
field investigations, 39-41
and Lasken, Morris, 56
and Locke, Edwin A., Jr., 64
and Maletz, Herbert, 41-43
and Mead, James, 65-66
members of, 9-12, 15, 41-43, 45-50, 55-57
meetings of, 60-61
and Navy Department, 24-25, 31
and Nelson, Donald M., 61-62
and press, 20-21
and Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 50-53
recruiting for, 13
Robinson, Harold G., on the staff of, 47-48
Sawyer, Haven, on the staff of, 49
Senators on the committee and their relationship with Committee members, 64-74
Sparks, Wilbur, on the staff of, 49-50
staffing of, 4-6
and Suydum, Hendrix, 50
Toomey, Marion on the staff of, 55
Truman, Harry S.:
- as chairman of, 88-89
discussion on the purpose of, 29-30
relationship with the staff, 57
War Department relations, 24-28, 30-31
War Production Board, relations with, 61-63
Truman Doctrine, 390
Truman, Margaret, 179
Truman Presidency, The, 350
Tubby, Roger, 170, 184-185
Tully, Grace, 93
Turkey, 390
Turner, Roy, 286, 287
Twenty-one point message, 152-153
Tyree, John, Jr., 236
United Nations,
Vandenberg, Senator Arthur H.,
- 69
Vardaman, Commodore James K., 151, 152, 232-233, 236, 441
Vaughan, Harry H., 11, 52, 125, 139, 140, 141, 151, 230, 238-241, 246, 442
Veterans Affairs, as coordinator for, 241-242
Vinson, Fred M.:
Wake Island,
- 397
Walker, Frank C., 92, 95, 364
Wallace, Henry A., 89, 92-93, 94, 100, 101, 112, 137, 283-284, 291, 388
- Madison Square Garden speech, 373-374
as Secretary of Commerce, 118-119
in Truman Cabinet, 372
and Truman, Harry S., 113-114
Wallgren, Senator Mon C., 66-67
Walsh, Senator David I., 109-111
War Department, 23, 33
War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of, 54
War Production Board, 61
- Locke, Edwin A., Jr., as a member of, 64
Truman Committee, relationship with, 61-63
Warren, Earl, 281
Washington, D. C., 6-7, 40, 54, 94, 108, 121, 157, 202, 246, 272, 286, 294, 317, 321, 343, 360, 426,
Watson, General Edwin M. ("Pa"), 250
Webb, James E., 203
West Virginia, 221
Wheeler, Senator Burton K., 84
White House, reorganization of, 437-438
White House Sailor, 414
Wickard, Claude R., 369-370
Williamsburg, U.S.S., 98, 99, 237
Willkie, Wendell, 8
Willow Run plant, 37-39
Wilson, Arthur, 25-26, 28
Wilson, Woodrow, 191
Windom, Jim, 244
Wolf, Agnes Strauss, 55
Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant, 48
Worcester, Massachusetts, 108, 109
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 194, 387
Yale Law School,
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