Ohly, John H. Papers

Dates: 1917(1940)-ca. 1984

Attorney in the War Department, 1940-46; Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, 1947-49; official with the Department of State, Mutual Security Agency, Foreign Operations Administration, International Cooperation Administration, and Agency for International Development, 1950-68; independent researcher and historical consultant to the Department of Defense, ca. 1969-84

See also Oral History

The papers of John H. Ohly document his career as attorney in the War Department specializing in labor relations, as an intimate aid to Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal, as a government official and independent researcher studying and advocating foreign economic and military aid programs, and as an historical consultant to the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense File is particularly important for the study of the Truman administration's defense policies. The John H. Ohly Administrative File subseries in the Department of Defense File includes a record, organized by subject, and describing the issues involved and related actions taken, of practically all the documents that came to Ohly's office. Ohly has called this record "a guide to what went on [during] the first 18 months in the life of the Office of the Secretary of Defense." The rest of the material in the Department of Defense File supplements this record.

[ Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



Size: 64.4 linear feet (about 128,000 pages)
Access: Open, with the exception that some documents are temporarily restricted in accordance with the provisions of Elizabeth Ohly's deed of gift and of the requirements of the executive order governing the administration of classified information.
Copyright: Elizabeth Ohly donated her copyright interest in any unpublished writings, including her husband's, in this collection or any other collection in the possession of the United States Government to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents that do not fall in the above two categories is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents.
Processed by: Dennis Bilger, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Shaire Simon, Mary Jo Minter, and Anita Smith

[ Top | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



1911 Born, Brooklyn, New York
1933 A.B., Williams College
1936 LL.B., Harvard Law School
1936-37 Harvard University School of Law Moot Court Assistant
1937-40 Practiced law with Breed, Abbott and Morgan, New York City
1940-46 Attorney in the office of the Assistant Secretary of War, and later the Under Secretary of War, specializing in labor relations, manpower and related matters
1946, June-Dec. Special Assistant to the Secretary of War
1947, Jan.-Sept. Executive Secretary, President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training
1947, Sept.- 1949, Oct. Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
1949-50 Deputy Director and Acting Director, Mutual Defense Assistance Program, Department of State
1951 Assistant Director, Office of International Security Affairs, Department of State
1951-52 Special Assistant for Mutual Security Affairs, Department of State
1952-53 Assistant Director for Program, Office of Director, Mutual Security Agency
1953- Deputy to the Director for Program and Coordination, Mutual Security Agency
1953-55 Deputy Director for Program and Planning, Foreign Operations Administration
1955-59 Deputy Director for Program and Planning, International Cooperation Administration
1959 Consultant, President's Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program
1959-68 Official with the International Cooperation Administration and Agency for International Development
ca. 1968-75 Independent researcher, prepared a report entitled "A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support"
1979-84 Part-time consultant in the historian's office of the Department of Defense
1990, Sept.9 Died, North Adams, Massachusetts

[ Top | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



The papers of John H. Ohly document his entire career in government, which began in 1940 with his accepting a position in the War Department and included later assignments in the Department of Defense and in several agencies having responsibility for foreign economic and military assistance. The papers also document Ohly's work after 1968 as an independent researcher and as an historical consultant to the Department of Defense. The collection throughout reflects the considerable care that Ohly took to accumulate in his files everything that he could that related to his responsibilities. It also reflects the great attention that he gave his papers toward the end of his life. The arrangement scheme described in this finding aid is based on that which Ohly created prior to sending his papers to the Truman Library in 1990. The inventory that Ohly prepared for his papers is filed in the first folder of the John H. Ohly Administrative File subseries of the Department of Defense File.

The collection has six series: The Chronological File,Ethe War Department File, the Department of Defense File, the Foreign Aid File, the Ford Foundation Project File, and the Printed Materials File.

The al File documents Ohly's work in the War Department and with government agencies concerned with foreign aid. His work as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal is not covered in this series; the Department of Defense series includes a separate al File subseries. Although the series is composed entirely of carbon copies, many of the documents are not duplicated elsewhere in Ohly's papers.

The War Department File documents primarily Ohly's work from September 1940 to June 1946 as an attorney in the office of the Assistant Secretary of War, and later the Under Secretary of War, specializing in labor relations and manpower issues, and, during the last ten months of this period, organizing his unit's files and writing histories of its operations, and especially a history of the plant seizure program during World War II. There does not appear to be any material in this series relating to his work from June through December 1946 as a special assistant to the Secretary of War--despite Ohly's identification of about twenty files relating to this period in Attachment D to his inventory. There is a small amount of material in the series that documents Ohly's assignment from January to September 1947 as executive secretary of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training. The series contains information about such subjects as anti-labor attitudes, the condition of work for government employees, the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, labor legislation, the labor supply, plant protection, plant seizure, labor statutes, and the War Department's labor policy. About a third of the material in the series concerns plant protection and plant seizures.

The Department of Defense File is probably the most important series in the collection for the study of the Truman presidency. Ohly was, with his fellow Special Assistants Marx Leva and Wilfred J. McNeil, the core of the small staff allotted to the Secretary of Defense prior to the passage of the 1949 amendments to the National Security Act. This series comprises a significant part of the documentation of the formative period of the Department of Defense. It is divided into four subseries: a John H. Ohly Administrative File, a al File, a Subject File, and an Historical File.

The John H. Ohly Administrative File, which combines different types of materials that Ohly accumulated to help him to carry out his responsibilities in the most effective way, includes what he called his "Special Control Files" and described as "unquestionably the most important historical material in my files." Most, though not quite all, of the material in this subseries relates to Ohly's tenure in the National Military Establishment and the Department of Defense. The "Issues Books," which are described below, contain material that documents a much longer period in Ohly's career.

Perhaps what Ohly called his "Basic Index," comprising about 700 pages, is the most remarkable group of documents in this series. Ohly describes the "Basic Index" in this way: "My responsibilities in the [office of Secretary of Defense James V.] Forrestal office were such that virtually all important papers except those pertaining to relations with Congress, the budget, legal matters, and office administration (and often many of these too) flowed across my desk coming in and frequently going out. With the help of two secretaries, I maintained a record, elaborately organized by subject, of their receipt, the nature of the matter, and resulting actions taken, often with references to phone calls related thereto.... This record is [more or less] comprehensive and...might serve as a guide to what went on [during] the first l8 months in the life of the Office of the Secretary of Defense." The documents in the "Basic Index" are arranged alphabetically under subject headings. An unclassified version of the list of subject headings according to which Ohly filed this material is included as Appendix A to this finding aid.

Another important group of documents in this subseries is what Ohly called his "Issues Books," comprising about 800 pages. He describes the files as follows: "In most jobs that I have held, I recurrently made lists of issues, questions, and tasks that needed to be addressed or performed--sometimes in terms of my own duties or desires, sometimes in terms of matters that needed to be addressed by some other agency or individual...and sometimes to serve as the agenda for a meeting. Often memos or other material prepared by someone else were incorporated with my own. These lists tell a relatively al story of what I was engaged in doing during the period of my working life and...of the life of the organization of which I was a member." Ohly apparently carried these issues books with him throughout most of his career, with the result that they cover a long period of time, beginning in 1939 when he was a lawyer in New York, and extending to his retirement from government service in 1968. One of the issues books includes information about the main responsibilities that Ohly had when he served as special assistant to the Secretary of War from June to December, 1946, a position and period that are otherwise poorly documented in the collection.

The John H. Ohly Administrative File contains three other types of material. The "JHO People Book No. 5," also called "The Forrestal Notebook," lists and gives information about and assessments of the qualifications of people whom Secretary of Defense Forrestal was considering recruiting into important defense and foreign policy related positions. According to Ohly, Forrestal kept this "People Book" on his desk and used it extensively. "It was my job," Ohly says, "to keep custody of it and to maintain it, as well as to follow through on the addition of names to it and, in some cases, making contact with people on the list to determine whether they might be interested in an assignment, to arrange for interviews with Forrestal or phone calls from him, and to familiarize them with positions for which they might be sought or to orient them for ones they had accepted." Of the remaining "People Books," No. 3 is in the Subject File subseries of the Foreign Aid File, but Nos. l, 2 and 4 cannot be accounted for. Ohly's description of the five "People Books" is included as Appendix B to this finding aid.

The remaining two types of material in the John H. Ohly Administrative File are appointment books listing and briefly indicating the purport of Ohly's meetings and telephone calls from October 1947 through November 1949; and a "workbook" which contains memoranda and notes filed under approximately twenty subject headings, from "airplanes" to "war reserve."

The second subseries in the Department of Defense File is the Chronological File, which contains carbon copies of correspondence and memoranda prepared in Ohly's office. This material includes internal Defense Department memoranda, among them detailed "Memoranda for the Files" that Ohly frequently prepared to record the content of meetings and telephone and other conversations. The range of topics documented in this subseries seems to encompass most of the issues that came before the Defense Department during Ohly's tenure there.

The third subseries is the Subject File. Much of the material in this subseries is filed under the names of agencies and organizations within or with a close working relationship with the Department of Defense. The subseries includes files, for example, on the Central Intelligence Agency, the Committee of the Four Secretaries, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Munitions Board, the National Security Council, the National Security Resources Board, the Research and Development Board, and the War Council. Files named for topics include those for civil defense, internal security, unconventional warfare, the unification of the Armed Forces, and universal military training. Additional information has been added to the folder titles, in brackets, by the archives staff in several instances. The subseries includes a small amount of material carried forward by Ohly into his Department of Defense files from his War Department files. Most of it is dated 1946, but a few items date from 1939 and 1940. This material is in the folders entitled "Military Justice," "Organizations," and "Release of Information." The "Organizations" folder--and another folder, entitled "Budget Activities"--contains comments by Ohly on Steven Rearden's History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50 (Washington, D.C., 1984). The last subseries is the Historical File, which documents Ohly's participation in a conference about the United States military establishment, held at the George C. Marshall Research Foundation in 1977, and includes some of Ohly's lengthy comments in review of the two volumes of the History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Steven L. Rearden's The Formative Years, 1947-1950 (Washington, D.C., 1984), and Doris M. Condit's The Test of War, 1950-53 (Washington, D.C., 1988). All of Ohly's comments on Condit's book appear to be present in this series; most of his comments on Rearden's book, as mentioned above, are in the Subject File subseries--in the folders entitled "Budget Activities" and "Organizations." Ohly's review of Rearden's and Condit's books was undertaken as part of his responsibilities as part-time consultant in the historian's office of the Department of Defense from 1979 to 1984.

The large Foreign Aid File documents Ohly's long tenure, from 1949 to 1968, with government agencies responsible for developing and administering the United States' foreign aid program. During the Truman administration Ohly served, beginning in November 1949 and for various periods and sometimes with overlapping tenures, as Deputy Director and Acting Director of the State Department's Mutual Defense Assistance Program, as Assistant Director of the State Department's Office of International Security Affairs, as Special Assistant of the State Department's Office of Mutual Security Affairs, and as Assistant Director of Programs in the office of the Director of the Mutual Security Agency. In an oral history interview conducted in 197l, Ohly said that during this period of his service, he "worked very closely with the White House and Budget Bureau personnel in the drafting of Presidential messages relating to foreign aid, in the preparation of executive orders, in obtaining Presidential findings required under foreign aid laws, and in presenting, and obtaining final decisions on, foreign aid budgets and legislation.... While I never worked directly with the President himself, I did work extensively with Sidney Souers, Clark Clifford, Dave Bell, other members of the White House staff, and the Director of the Budget Bureau...."

The Foreign Aid File is divided into three subseries: a Subject File, a Program Planning and Development File, and a Congressional File. The Subject File, by far the largest subseries, comprises what Ohly called his "functional files," organized "for day-to-day use by Ohly during the years 1949 to 1967." This subseries includes studies of and reports on the foreign aid program, the administration of the Agency for International Development, and Congressional perceptions of the foreign aid programs; background information on the sources and recipients of foreign aid and on the military and non-military forms that foreign aid can take; documentation of the foreign aid programs in individual countries and regions of the world; a selection of speeches by Ohly and by several Presidents on the foreign aid program; and information about the foreign aid program's complicated organizational structure and the problem of selecting and training qualified personnel to administer the aid program. The Subject File also includes a large amount of material, about l0,000 pages in volume, relating to Ohly's work as Acting Director of the Technical Assistance Study Group, a temporary group that was established in the fall of 1959 within the International Cooperation Administration as a result of a decision made by the Director of the ICA and the Under Secretary of State that the government should undertake a major study of the subject of technical assistance. A permanent director for the group was never found and its study was never completed. It was disbanded in the summer of 1963. Ohly's files relating to the Technical Assistance Study Group include information on the initiation and progress of the group's study of the government's technical assistance programs, its methods of work and interviewing procedures, and the organization of its research material. These files also include the group's "digests" of information relating to technical assistance programs and transcripts of their interviews with the participants in these programs. The second subseries in the Foreign Aid File is the Program Planning and Development File, which Ohly described as follows: "These files contain...papers having to do with the initial development and the processing through the Executive Branch (including in particular the Bureau of the Budget) of annual requests to Congress for authorizing and appropriations legislation relating to foreign aid and the adaptation and adjustments made in the initial submissions in the light of the actions taken by Congress on the initial Executive Branch request." The subseries has files on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program for fiscal years1950 through 196l. The third subseries in the Foreign Aid File is the Congressional File, which Ohly described in this way: "These files have to do with two major matters, (l) the annual Congressional authorization and appropriations processes of the foreign aid programs presented by the executive branch for fiscal [years] 195l through 1959, and (2) the general problem of how to obtain adequate Congressional support for the foreign aid program in Congress...." This subseries includes Ohly's study of the problem of achieving Congressional support for the President's foreign aid program, undertaken in the mid 1960s at the request of the director of the Agency for International Development.

The next series, the Ford Foundation Project File, contains a copy of a report that Ohly prepared over a period of about six years after his active government employment had ended. He undertook work on this report, which he regarded as a continuation of his investigation for the Agency for International Development of the problem of how to sustain a high level of Congressional support for a foreign aid program, independently. His focus in this study was on the abstract issue of how a society could create and sustain a level of public support for any important public policy issue sufficient to allow it effectively to deal with that issue. Ohly seems to have believed that several gravely serious problems would have to be confronted in the next fifty years. He felt that the work of public education had to be undertaken by some institution outside of government. When he completed the report in 1975, he took it to the Ford Foundation, whose leadership he admired and whose endowment he felt was large enough to enable it to undertake the kind of educational effort he envisioned. To the best of Ohly's knowledge at the time he died in 1990, his report had not had any significant influence or produced action of any consequence. The series contains a complete copy of the report and a partial draft.

The collection's last series is the Printed Materials File, which contains books, articles, reports and other printed materials from Ohly's personal library that are annotated by him. Most items are only very slightly annotated; heavily annotated items are identified as such on the folder title list. Printed materials from his personal library that do not contain any annotations were transferred to the Library's printed materials collection. The printed materials are divided into five subseries, as follows: Atomic Energy, Universal Military Training, Unification of the Armed Forces, Military Assistance, and Economic Assistance.

The Philleo Nash Papers and the David H. Stowe Papers contain information relating to labor relations issues in the War Department during the time Ohly served there. Material relating to the Defense Department during Ohly's tenure is in the President's Secretary's Files, the Confidential File, the Official File (OF l285), the Ralph N. Stohl Papers, the Clark M. Clifford Papers, and the George M. Elsey Papers. Material relating to the United States' foreign aid programs is included in the records of the President's Committee on Foreign Aid, the Benjamin H. Hardy Papers, the George M. Elsey Papers, the Henry G. Bennett Papers, the Stanley Andrews Papers, and the Milton Katz Papers. The Oral History Collection includes an interview conducted with Ohly on November 30, 1971.

[ Top | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



Container Nos. Series
1-6 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1943-46, 1949-58, 1963, 1968
Carbon copies of correspondence and memoranda together with a small number of mimeographed copies and original documents relating to Ohly's work in the War Department and with agencies responsible for foreign aid programs. The files from 1943 to 1946 include memoranda for the record that Ohly prepared to record the content of meetings and conversations and to describe the subsequent actions taken. This series does not document Ohly's work in the Department of Defense from 1947 to 1949. A separate Chronological File subseries in the Department of Defense File documents this period. Arranged in chronological order.
7-61 WAR DEPARTMENT FILE, 1917(1940)-(1946)1952
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, legal documents, press releases and newspaper clippings relating primarily to Ohly's work as an attorney in the office of the Assistant Secretary of War, and later the Under Secretary of War, specializing in labor relations, manpower and related issues. About a third of the material in the series concerns plant protection and plant seizure. A small amount of material relates to Ohly's assignment as executive secretary of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FILE, 1939(1947)-(1949)ca. 1984
consisting of four subseries as follows:

  • 62-68 JOHN H. OHLY ADMINISTRATIVE FILE, 1939 (1947)-(1949)1968: Correspondence, memoranda, personnel lists, appointment books, handwritten notes, and printed material constituting what Ohly called his "Special Control Files" and documenting primarily his work as Special Assistant to Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal. Ohly considered the remarkable compilations of inform ation that he called his "Basic Index" and "Issues Books" to be the most important historical material in his collection. An unclassified version of the list of subject headings according to which Ohly filed the material in the Basic Index included as Appendix A to this finding aid. The issues books document Ohly's career from 1939, when he was a lawyer working in New York, until 1968, when he retired from active federal service. Ohly's inventory to his files has been placed at the beginning of this subseries. Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
  • 69-75 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1947-49: Carbon copies of correspondence and memoranda prepared in Ohly's office and apparently relating to All of the duties of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. The subseries includes "Memoranda for the Files" that Ohly prepared to record the content of meetings and telephone and other conversations. Filed chronologically.
  • 76-84 SUBJECT FILE, 1939(1947)-(1949)ca. 1984: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, agenda, agency directives, minutes of meetings, handwritten notes, organizational charts, speeches, Congressional publications and newspaper clippings relating to Ohly's Defense Department responsibilities. Arranged alphabetically by subject. Information about the contents of many of the folders has been added, in brackets, to the folder-title listings.
  • 85 HISTORICAL FILE, 1947-ca. 1984: Correspondence, notes, a draft of a professional paper and a newspaper clipping relating to Ohly's participation in a conference about the United States military establishment, held at the George C. Marshall Research Foundation in 1977; and chapter drafts of Steven L. Rearden's and Doris M. Condit's volumes in the History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, together with Ohly's lengthy commentary on portions of Condit's book, and a small part of his commentary on portion's of Rearden's book. The rest of his commentary on Rearden's book is in the Subject File subseries of the Department of Defense File, in the folders entitled "Budget Activities" and "Organizations." Arranged in chronological order.

FOREIGN AID FILE, 1940(1950)-(1968)1979
The series consists of three subseries

  • 86-140 SUBJECT FILE, 1940(1950)-(1968)1979: Memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes, reports, studies, article reprints and other printed material relating to the United States foreign aid program, to Congressional perceptions of the foreign aid program, to forms that foreign aid can take, to specific foreign aid recipients, and about the staffing and administration of the foreign aid program. The subseries includes a large amount of material, filed together within the alphabetical sequence, relating to the Technical Assistance Study Group. Arranged alphabetically.
  • 141-148 PROGRAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FILE, 1941(1950)-1962: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, including reports to Congress, drafts of legislation, notes, legislation, agenda and minutes of meetings, and newspaper clippings relating to the development and processing within the executive branch of submissions to Congress of foreign aid budget requests. Most of the material in the subseries is arranged chronologically under the headings Mutual Defense Advisory Committee and Mutual Defense Assistance Program.
  • 148-162 CONGRESSIONAL FILE, 1950-68: Congressional File, 1950-68: Correspondence, memoranda, Congressional documents, reports, press releases, outlines, charts and graphs, and copies of the Congressional Record relating to Congressional authorization of an appropriations for the foreign aid program, and to the issue of how to obtain Congressional support for the foreign aid program. The material relating to Congressional authorization and appropriations is filed first, by fiscal year, and that relating to the problem of Congressional support for foreign aid afterward, arranged alphabetically. Included with this latter grouping of material is the study Ohly did of Congressional support for foreign aid in the mid 1960s.
A copy of the report that Ohly prepared from about 1968 to 1975 whose purpose was to investigate the problem of how to create a level of public support sufficient to permit society to deal effectively with the major problems that would arise in the next fifty years. Ohly presented the report to the Ford Foundation in March 1975. The series includes a complete copy of the report with its appendices, together with a partial draft.

Congressional reports and documents, reports by government agencies and presidential commissions, reports of private organizations and other printed materials that have been annotated, sometimes only slightly, by Ohly. Heavily annotated items are identified as such on the folder title list. The series consists of five subseries as follows:

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]




Box 1

CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1943-45, 1949-58, 1963 and 1968

  • September 30-November 26, 1943
  • December 1, 1943-February 24, 1944
  • March 4-June 28, 1944
  • July 1-September 28, 1944
  • October 2-December 29, 1944

Box 2

  • January 2-July 14, 1945
  • June-December 1946 [1 of 4]
  • June-December 1946 [2 of 4]
  • June-December 1946 [3 of 4]
  • June-December 1946 [4 of 4]
  • November 21-December 30, 1949
  • January 2-March 31, 1950 [1 of 3]
  • January 2-March 31, 1950 [2 of 3]
  • January 2-March 31, 1950 [3 of 3]

Box 3

  • April 3-June 30, 1950
  • July 3-December 26, 1950 [1 of 4]
  • July 3-December 26, 1950 [2 of 4]
  • July 3-December 26, 1950 [3 of 4]
  • July 3-December 26, 1950 [4 of 4]
  • January 3-June 11, 1951 [1 of 2]
  • January 3-June 11, 1951 [2 of 2]
  • July 2-December 29, 1951 [1 of 3]
  • July 2-December 29, 1951 [2 of 3]
  • July 2-December 29, 1951 [3 of 3]
  • January-June 1952 [1 of 2]
  • January-June 1952 [2 of 2]

Box 4

  • July-December 1952 [1 of 3]
  • July-December 1952 [2 of 3]
  • July-December 1952 [3 of 3]
  • January 5-June 30, 1953 [1 of 2]
  • January 5-June 30, 1953 [2 of 2]
  • July 24-December 30, 1953 [1 of 2]
  • July 24-December 30, 1953 [2 of 2]
  • January-June 29, 1954
  • July 9-December 28, 1954

Box 5

  • January 3-June 24, 1955 [1 of 2]
  • January 3-June 24, 1955 [2 of 2]
  • July 14-December 30, 1955 [1 of 2]
  • July 14-December 30, 1955 [2 of 2]
  • January 4-June 28, 1956 [1 of 2]
  • January 4-June 28, 1956 [2 of 2]
  • July 5-December 28, 1956 [1 of 2]
  • July 5-December 28, 1956 [2 of 2]
  • January 7-June 24, 1957

Box 6

  • July 12-December 30, 1957
  • January 2-June 10, 1958 [1 of 2]
  • January 2-June 10, 1958 [2 of 2]
  • September 24, 1959-August 19, 1963 [1 of 3]
  • September 24, 1959-August 19, 1963 [2 of 3]
  • September 24, 1959-August 19, 1963 [3 of 3]
  • December 6, 1963-September 18, 1968

WAR DEPARTMENT FILE, 1917(1940)-(1946)1952

Box 7

  • Absenteeism
  • Aliens-Employment
  • Analysis of Strikes, 1939-44
  • Annual Report of the Industrial Personnel Division for FY 1943
  • Anti-Labor Attitude in the Army
  • Army Bands, Participants Off Military Reservations
  • Army-Navy Munitions Board [amendment to the directive establishing the Munitions Board, 1950]
  • Austin-Wadsworth Bill [requiring non-combatants to render service that would aid the war effort]
  • Award of Contracts--Policy and General Construction

Box 8

  • Committee to Deal with Management's Right to Manage [1 of 2]
  • Committee to Deal with Management's Right to Manage [2 of 2]
  • Construction--Building Trades Stabilization Agreement of July 1941
  • Construction--Labor
  • Construction--"Notes on Hours of Labor for the "QM" [quartermaster] Crisis"
  • Construction Outside of the United States
  • Construction--Policies and Problems [1 of 4]
  • Construction--Policies and Problems [2 of 4]
  • Construction--Policies and Problems [3 of 4]
  • Construction--Policies and Problems [4 of 4]
  • Construction--Prohibited Items

Box 9

  • Contract Clauses--General
  • Contract Clauses--Labor Construction
  • Contracts--Lump Sum Master File
  • Contract Clauses--Labor--EPF [emergency plant facility] Contract
  • Contract Clauses--Labor Supply Contracts--Lump Sum Master File
  • Contract Terminations
  • Court Martial of Civilians
  • Defense Housing--Rent Control--General
  • Department of Justice--Report on World War I--Labor Strike [1 of 4]
  • Department of Justice--Report on World War I--Labor Strike [2 of 4]
  • Department of Justice--Report on World War I--Labor Strike [3 of 4]

Box l0

  • Department of Justice--Report on World War I--Labor Strike [4 of 4]
  • Foreign Employment Contracts--General
  • Government Employees--Civil Service Act--Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders and Regulations [1 of 4]
  • Government Employees--Civil Service Act--Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders and Regulations [2 of 4]
  • Government Employees--Civil Service Act--Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders and Regulations [3 of 4]
  • Government Employees--Civil Service Act--Rules, Statutes, Executive Orders and Regulations [4 of 4]
  • Government Employees--Conditions of Work--Annual Leave--General
  • Government Employees--Conditions of Work--Field Employees--Quartermaster Construction
  • Government Employees--Conditions of Work--Hours and Overtime--Eight Hour Law

Box ll

  • Government Employees--Conditions of Work--Hours and Overtime Pay--General
  • Government Employees--Conditions of Work--Hours and Overtime--Saturday--Half-Holiday Law
  • Government Employees--Discharge
  • Government Employees--Labor Relations Policy
  • Government Employees--Miscellaneous
  • Government Employees--Prohibitions and Limitations on Government Employees--Protection Against Subversive Elements
  • Government Employees--Recruitment and Placement
  • Government Employees--Unions
  • GOPOP [government-owned privately operated plants]--Background and Development of Labor Policy [1 of 2]
  • GOPOP [government-owned privately operated plants]--Background and Development of Labor Policy [2 of 2]

Box l2

  • GOPOP--Interpretation and Application of Labor Policy [1 of 2]
  • GOPOP--Interpretation and Application of Labor Policy [2 of 2]
  • Hawaii--Labor [1 of 2]
  • Hawaii--Labor [2 of 2]
  • Hawaii--Martial Law--Internment of Civilians [Japanese-Americans]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [1 of 7]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [2 of 7]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [3 of 7]

Box 13

  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [4 of 7]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [5 of 7]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [6 of 7]
  • Headquarters--Army Service Forces--Memoranda and Amendments ReRelease of Men from the Army for the Years 1941, 1942 and 1943 [7 of 7]
  • Implications of the New Agreement
  • Index to Outline [annotated drafts of an index to labor files in a War Department manual]
  • Industrial Disputes--Arbitration
  • Industrial Disputes--General Discussions
  • Industrial Disputes--Grievance Procedure
  • Industrial Disputes--Plans to Prevent--Proposed Legislation and Congressional Hearings
  • Industrial Disputes--Plans to Prevent--Use of Troops
  • Industrial Disputes--Special Techniques

Box l4

  • Industrial Disputes--World War I Experience
  • Job Controls--Newspaper Clippings, January-June 1943
  • Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnel Division] Staff Meetings, Annual Reports and Conferences
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [1 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [2 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [3 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [4 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [5 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [6 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [7 of 10]

Box l5

  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [8 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [9 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--IPD--Weekly Reports [10 of 10]
  • Labor Branch--Organization
  • Labor Cutbacks
  • Labor--Demobilization Problems
  • Labor Discrimination (Problems of a Racial Character) [1 of 4]
  • Labor Discrimination (Problems of a Racial Character) [2 of 4]
  • Labor Discrimination (Problems of a Racial Character) [3 of 4]

Box l6

  • Labor Discrimination (Problems of a Racial Character) [4 of 4]
  • Labor Disputes--Legislative
  • Labor Factor in Award of Contracts--Particular Contracts
  • Labor Health--General Labor Laws
  • Labor Laws and War Production
  • Labor Legislation
  • Labor Legislation--Dead Bills (House of Representatives)
  • Labor Legislation--Dead Bills (Senate)
  • Labor Legislation--40 Hour Week (Fair Labor Standards)
  • Labor Legislation--Methods of Commenting on Proposed Bills

Box 17

  • Labor Legislation--Proficiency
  • Labor Legislation--Resolutions
  • Labor Legislation--77th Congress
  • Labor Legislation--78th Congress--Proposed Legislation
  • Labor Legislation--78th and 79th Congresses--Proposed Legislation
  • Labor Legislation--West Coast Aircraft--File #1 [1 of 3]
  • Labor Legislation--West Coast Aircraft--File #1 [2 of 3]
  • Labor Legislation--West Coast Aircraft--File #1 [3 of 3]
  • Labor Legislation--West Coast Aircraft--File #2 [1 of 2]
  • Labor Legislation--West Coast Aircraft--File #2 [2 of 2]

Box 18

  • Labor--Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
  • Labor--Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
  • Labor--Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
  • Labor Morale [1 of 2]
  • Labor Morale [2 of 2]
  • Labor--Overseas
  • Labor Policies--General
  • Labor Policies--Specific

Box 19

  • Labor Policies--War Labor Disputes Act
  • Labor Policy Committee
  • Labor Security--Unions
  • Labor Seniority
  • Labor Standards--General [1 of 4]
  • Labor Standards--General [2 of 4]
  • Labor Standards--General [3 of 4]
  • Labor Standards--General [4 of 4]
  • Labor Supply--General [1 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [2 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [3 of 9]

Box 20

  • Labor Supply--General [4 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [5 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [6 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [7 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [8 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--General [9 of 9]
  • Labor Supply--Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
  • Labor Supply--Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
  • Labor Supply--Miscellaneous Problems

Box 2l

  • Labor Supply--Prisoners of War--Employment (Interned Aliens)
  • Labor Supply--Production Urgency and Manpower Priority Committees [1 of 3]
  • Labor Supply--Production Urgency and Manpower Priority Committees [2 of 3]
  • Labor Supply--Production Urgency and Manpower Priority Committees [3 of 3]
  • Labor Supply--Release and/or Furlough of Enlisted Men [1 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Release and/or Furlough of Enlisted Men [2 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Release and/or Furlough of Enlisted Men [3 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Release and/or Furlough of Enlisted Men [4 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Release and/or Furlough of Enlisted Men [5 of 5]

Box 22

  • Labor Supply--Reports and Maps
  • Labor Supply--Special Projects [1 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Special Projects [2 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Special Projects [3 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Special Projects [4 of 5]
  • Labor Supply--Special Projects [5 of 5]
  • Labor Utilization--General
  • Labor--World War I
  • Legislation--Proposed Bills [1 of 3]

Box 23

  • Legislation--Proposed Bills [2 of 3]
  • Legislation--Proposed Bills [3 of 3]
  • List of Critical Occupations
  • Longshore Work on Eastern and Gulf Coasts
  • Longshoremen's Union--AFL-CIO [1 of 2]
  • Longshoremen's Union--AFL-CIO [2 of 2]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [1 of 7]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [2 of 7]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [3 of 7]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [4 of 7]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [5 of 7]

Box 24

  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [6 of 7]
  • Major Webber's Report on Labor [relating to the reasons for exempting certain categories of workers from the draft [7 of 7]
  • Manpower--British
  • Manpower--General [1 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [2 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [3 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [4 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [5 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [6 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [7 of 10]

Box 25

  • Manpower--General [8 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [9 of 10]
  • Manpower--General [10 of 10]
  • Manpower--Newspaper Clippings [1 of 2]
  • Manpower--Newspaper Clippings [2 of 2]
  • Manpower Reports [drafts] [1 of 2]

Box 26

  • Manpower Reports [drafts] [2 of 2]
  • Manpower Requirements
  • Maritime Labor Problems (Includes ATS) [Army Transport Service]
  • MCB [Military Claims Board]--Duplicates [inventory of government-owned plant equipment]
  • Ministry of Supply (British) [1 of 2]
  • Ministry of Supply (British) [2 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [1 of 9]

Box 27

  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [2 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [3 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [4 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [5 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [6 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [7 of 9]
  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [8 of 9]

Box 28

  • Miscellaneous Materials [labor issues, contracts, plant shut-downs, use of military personnel forcivilian purposes, Army Service Forces circulars relating to labor issues, wage demands, requirements of Executive orders relating to labor issues and contracts, the organization of the War Department for handling labor issues, the Walsh-Healey Act, manpower shortages in specific industries and companies, War Production Board policies, speeches and statements of War Department officials regarding labor issues, tax regulations relating to wartime facilities, civil service regulations, War Department labor directives, etc.] [9 of 9]
  • Mobilization
  • Movement--National Service Legislation (Chronology)
  • National Service Legislation [proposed legislation to promote efficient organization and utilization of manpower needed in total war] [1 of 4]
  • National Service Legislation [proposed legislation to promote efficient organization and utilization of manpower needed in total war] [2 of 4]
  • National Service Legislation [proposed legislation to promote efficient organization and utilization of manpower needed in total war] [3 of 4]
  • National Service Legislation [proposed legislation to promote efficient organization and utilization of manpower needed in total war] [4 of 4]

Box 29

  • Negro Personnel
  • Occupied Territories and Other Foreign Areas [1 of 3]
  • Occupied Territories and Other Foreign Areas [2 of 3]
  • Occupied Territories and Other Foreign Areas [3 of 3]
  • Organization for Mobilization [reports, Executive orders and other types of documents relating to the government's capacity for mobilization] [1 of 5]
  • Organization for Mobilization [reports, Executive orders and other types of documents relating to the government's capacity for mobilization] [2 of 5]
  • Organization for Mobilization [reports, Executive orders and other types of documents relating to the government's capacity for mobilization] [3 of 5]
  • Organization for Mobilization [reports, Executive orders and other types of documents relating to the government's capacity for mobilization] [4 of 5]
  • Organization for Mobilization [reports, Executive orders and other types of documents relating to the government's capacity for mobilization] [5 of 5]

Box 30

  • Overtime Pay [1 of 3]
  • Overtime Pay [2 of 3]
  • Overtime Pay [3 of 3]
  • Panama Canal Zone--Conditions of Employment [1 of 2]
  • Panama Canal Zone--Conditions of Employment [2 of 2]
  • Placement of Contracts with Regard to Labor Supply
  • Plant Protection--Admission to Plants
  • Plant Protection--Aliens

Box 3l

  • Plant Protection--Aliens' Admission to the United States
  • Plant Protection--Army Improved Rules--Miscellaneous
  • Plant Protection--British System
  • Plant Protection--Civilian Protective Organization
  • Plant Protection--Communists
  • Plant Protection--Defense Commands
  • Plant Protection--Dual Nationality
  • Plant Protection--Employment of Ex-Convicts
  • Plant Protection--Fingerprinting
  • Plant Protection--General [1 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--General [2 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--General [3 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--Identification Badges
  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [1 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [2 of 6]

Box 32

  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [3 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [4 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [5 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnal Division]--Reports to CGASF [Commanding General, Army Service Forces. Most of the material concerns the Conference on Manpower Situation--Ground Forces, January 3, 1945] [6 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Labor Subversives
  • Plant Protection--Legislation and Proposed Legislation
  • Plant Protection--Navy
  • Plant Protection--Personnel Security Questionnaires
  • Plant Protection--Plant Guards--Military and Semi-Military Protection [1 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Plant Guards--Military and Semi-Military Protection [2 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Plant Guards--The Private Guard Problem
  • Plant Protection--Plant Guards--Specific Cases
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [1 of 6]

Box 33

  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [2 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [3 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [4 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [5 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--A [6 of 6]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--B [1 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--B [2 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--B [3 of 3]
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--C
  • Plant Protection--Removal of Subversives--Transportation

Box 34

  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--General
  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--Office of Censorship
  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--Office of War Information and Committee on War Information
  • Plant Protection- Safeguarding Information--Release of Information--Bills [1 of 2]
  • Plant Protection- Safeguarding Information--Release of Information--Bills [2 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--Release of Information--Employment Service
  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--War Department [1 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Safeguarding Information--War Department [2 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Security Clearances
  • Plant Protection--Subversive Activities [1 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Subversive Activities [2 of 2]
  • Plant Protection--Subversives in the Army
  • Plant Seizure

Box 35

  • Plant Seizure--American Enka Corporation [1 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--American Enka Corporation [2 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--American Enka Corporation [3 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--American Railroads [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--American Railroads [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Bituminous Coal, 1943-45
  • Plant Seizure--Bituminous Coal--Plan for Possessing and Operating Coal Mines Owned and Operated by Steel Companies or Subsidiaries [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Bituminous Coal--Plan for Possessing and Operating Coal Mines Owned and Operated by Steel Companies or Subsidiaries [2 of 2]

Box 36

  • Plant Seizure--Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Cocker Machine and Foundry Company
  • Plant Seizure--Cudahy Brothers Company
  • Plant Seizure--Diamond Alkali Company
  • Plant Seizure--Executive Orders [1 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Executive Orders [2 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Executive Orders [3 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Fall River Textile Mills [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Fall River Textile Mills [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Farrell-Cheek Steel Corporation
  • Plant Seizure--Gaffney Manufacturing Company

Box 37

  • Plant Seizure--General [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--General [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [1 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [2 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [3 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [4 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [5 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hughes Tool Company [6 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Hummer Manufacturing Division (Montgomery Ward and Company)
  • Plant Seizure--Hummer Manufacturing Division of Montgomery Ward and Company--Final Report (Army Operation)
  • Plant Seizure--Hummer Manufacturing Division of Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report (Army Operation)
  • Plant Seizure--Hummer Manufacturing Division of Montgomery Ward and Company--Supplemental Report (Army Operation)

Box 38

  • Plant Seizure--International Nickel Company
  • Plant Seizure--Ken-Rad Tube and Lamp Corporation
  • Plant Seizure--Legal Basis [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Legal Basis [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Legislation, 78th Congress--Smith-Connally Bill (S.796) [1 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Legislation, 78th Congress--Smith-Connally Bill (S.796) [2 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Legislation, 78th Congress--Smith-Connally Bill (S.796) [3 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Legislation, 78th Congress--Smith-Connally Bill (S.796) [4 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Los Angeles Water and Power
  • Plant Seizure--Manual on Operation [1 of 4]

Box 39

  • Plant Seizure--Manual on Operation [2 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Manual on Operation [3 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Manual on Operation [4 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Mary-Leila Cotton Mills, Inc.
  • Plant Seizure--Memorandum and Supporting Documents Re Smith and Wesson Case--World War I
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Legal Case Files
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Newspaper Clippings [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Newspaper Clippings [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Plan for the Seizure and Operation by the War Department of Montgomery Ward and Company

Box 40

  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Report on the Fiscal Aspects of the War Department Operation, January 2-October 18, 1945
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--Terms and Conditions of Employment for Employees of Montgomery Ward and Company
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [1 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [2 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [3 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [4 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [5 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Montgomery Ward and Company--War Department Seizure of [6 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--North American Aviation Company [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--North American Aviation Company [2 of 2]

Box 41

  • Plant Seizure--Organization
  • Plant Seizure--Philadelphia Transportation Company
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--American Enka Corporation
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Bingham and Garfield Railway Company
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Cocker Machine and Foundry Company [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Cocker Machine and Foundry Company [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Cudahy Brothers Company
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Diamond Alkali Company
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Farrell-Cheek Steel Corporation

Box 42

  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Gaffney Manufacturing Company [1 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Gaffney Manufacturing Company [2 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Gaffney Manufacturing Company [3 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Hughes Tool Company [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Hughes Tool Company [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Mary-Leila Cotton Mills, Inc.

Box 43

  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [1 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [2 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [3 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [4 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [5 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Interim Report [6 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Second Interim Report
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Montgomery Ward and Company--Final Report

Box 44

  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Springfield Plywood Corporation [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Springfield Plywood Corporation [2 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Toledo, Ohio--Eight Plants in
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--20th Century Brass Works [1 of 2]
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--20th Century Brass Works [2 of 2]

Box 45

  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--United States Rubber Company, Detroit Facilities
  • Plant Seizure--Reports File--Western Electric Company, Inc.--Point Breeze Plant of
  • Plant Seizure--Salem-Peabody Tanneries
  • Plant Seizure--S.A. Woods Machine Company
  • Plant Seizure--Seizure of Other Agencies [1 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Seizure of Other Agencies [2 of 3]
  • Plant Seizure--Seizure of Other Agencies [3 of 3]

Box 46

  • Plant Seizure--Steel Seizure--1952
  • Plant Seizure--Termination of Seizures
  • Plant Seizure--Threatened [1 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Threatened [2 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Threatened [3 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Threatened [4 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Toledo--Eight Plants in
  • Plant Seizure--War Department Assistance in Seizure of Other Agencies

Box 47

  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [1 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [2 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [3 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [4 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [5 of 6]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. I [6 of 6]

Box 48

  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [1 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [2 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [3 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [4 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [5 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [6 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [7 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [8 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [9 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [10 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [11 of 15]

Box 49

  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [12 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [13 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [14 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--War Department History of Seizure of Industrial Facilities, 1941-45, Vol. II [15 of 15]
  • Plant Seizure--Western Electric Company
  • Plant Seizure--Western Electric Company--Policy-Planning [1 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Western Electric Company--Policy-Planning [2 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Western Electric Company--Policy-Planning [3 of 4]
  • Plant Seizure--Western Electric Company--Policy-Planning [4 of 4]
  • Policy on Pricing

Box 50

  • President's Committee on Fair Employment Practices--Correspondence, 1942-43 [1 of 3]
  • President's Committee on Fair Employment Practices--Correspondence, 1942-43 [2 of 3]
  • President's Committee on Fair Employment Practices--Correspondence, 1942-43 [3 of 3]
  • President's National Labor-Management Conference (1945)--Vol. I
  • President's National Labor-Management Conference (1945)--Vol. III [1 of 2]
  • President's National Labor-Management Conference (1945)--Vol. III [2 of 2]
  • Procedure in Development and Execution of Army Supply Program

Box 51

  • Procurement--General [relates primarily to military procurement practices in 1940 and 1942] [1 of 3]
  • Procurement--General [relates primarily to military procurement practices in 1940 and 1942] [2 of 3]
  • Procurement--General [relates primarily to military procurement practices in 1940 and 1942] [3 of 3]
  • Procurement--Power to Negotiate Procurement Without Advertising Directives, Etc. [1 of 2]
  • Procurement--Power to Negotiate Procurement Without Advertising Directives, Etc. [2 of 2]
  • Railroads Relations Between the Secretary of War's Office and the Labor Movement

Box 52

  • Selective Service--File #1 [1 of 4]
  • Selective Service--File #1 [2 of 4]
  • Selective Service--File #1 [3 of 4]
  • Selective Service--File #1 [4 of 4]
  • Selective Service--File #2 [1 of 2]
  • Selective Service--File #2 [2 of 2]
  • Selective Service--Deferments [1 of 4]
  • Selective Service--Deferments [2 of 4]
  • Selective Service--Deferments [3 of 4]
  • Selective Service--Deferments [4 of 4]

Box 53

  • Services of Supply
  • Statutes--Fair Labor Standards Act--Wage-Hour Law
  • Statutes--General
  • Statutes--Labor--Davis-Bacon Law
  • Statutes--Labor--8 Hour Law
  • Statutes--Labor--Kickback Provisions [1 of 2]
  • Statutes--Labor--Kickback Provisions [2 of 2]
  • Statutes--Labor-Walsh-Healey Act [1 of 3]
  • Statutes--Labor-Walsh-Healey Act [2 of 3]
  • Statutes--Labor-Walsh-Healey Act [3 of 3]

Box 54

  • Statutes--NLRB [National Labor Relations Board]
  • Statutes--Miscellaneous
  • Strikes [effects on the war effort] [1 of 3]
  • Strikes [effects on the war effort] [2 of 3]
  • Strikes [effects on the war effort] [3 of 3]
  • Strikes--General
  • Strikes--Statistics--General [1 of 2]
  • Strikes--Statistics--General [2 of 2]

Box 55

  • Unionization of Protective Workers [1 of 3]
  • Unionization of Protective Workers [2 of 3]
  • Unionization of Protective Workers [3 of 3]
  • Unions [information on atomic energy projects, 1943-46] [1 of 2]
  • Unions [information on atomic energy projects, 1943-46] [2 of 2]
  • Unions--URW [United Rubber Workers]--CIO
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [1 of 6]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [2 of 6]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [3 of 6]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [4 of 6]

Box 56

  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [5 of 6]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT [President's Advisory Committee on Universal Training] [6 of 6]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT--Master Book of the Executive Secretary [1 of 4]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT--Master Book of the Executive Secretary [2 of 4]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT--Master Book of the Executive Secretary [3 of 4]
  • Universal Military Training--PACUT--Master Book of the Executive Secretary [4 of 4]
  • Wage Control--Modification of Controls to Provide for Increased Wages
  • Wage Control--Problem of Reimbursement and Cost

Box 57

  • Wages--Dismissal Wages, Incentive Plans and Attendance Bonuses
  • Wages--General [1 of 5]
  • Wages--General [2 of 5]
  • Wages--General [3 of 5]
  • Wages--General [4 of 5]
  • Wages--General [5 of 5]
  • Walsh-Healey Act--Railroads
  • War Department Functions
  • War Department--Labor Branch--IPD [Industrial Personnel Division]--Organization--File #l

Box 58

  • War Department--Labor Branch--IPD--Organization--File #2 [1 of 4]
  • War Department--Labor Branch--IPD--Organization--File #2 [2 of 4]
  • War Department--Labor Branch--IPD--Organization--File #2 [3 of 4]
  • War Department--Labor Branch--IPD--Organization--File #2 [4 of 4]
  • War Department--Industrial Services Division (Organization and Functions)
  • War Department--Labor Operations Manual [1 of 2]
  • War Department--Labor Operations Manual [2 of 2]

Box 59

  • "War Department Labor Organization for the Handling of Labor Problems in World War II," Part One of Monograph by Lt. Col. H.M. Souers and J.H. Ohly (Part l Prepared by Ohly)
  • War Department Labor Organization--History [1 of 2]
  • War Department Labor Organization--History [2 of 2]
  • War Department Labor Organization--Labor Branch--OUSW [Office of the Under Secretary of War] [1 of 2]
  • War Department Labor Organization--Labor Branch--OUSW [Office of the Under Secretary of War] [2 of 2]
  • War Department Labor Organization--Relations to Other Government Agencies [1 of 3]
  • War Department Labor Organization--Relations to Other Government Agencies [2 of 3]
  • War Department Labor Organization--Relations to Other Government Agencies [3 of 3]
  • War Department Labor Organization--SAS [Supply Arms and Services]

Box 60

  • War Department Labor Policy [1 of 5]
  • War Department Labor Policy [2 of 5]
  • War Department Labor Policy [3 of 5]
  • War Department Labor Policy [4 of 5]
  • War Department Labor Policy [5 of 5]
  • War Department--Notes by John H. Ohly [handwritten notes, December 1943-March 1945] [1 of 2]
  • War Department--Notes by John H. Ohly [handwritten notes, December 1943-March 1945] [2 of 2]

Box 61

  • WMC [War Mobilization Committee]--West Coast Plan [1 of 2]
  • WMC [War Mobilization Committee]--West Coast Plan [2 of 2]
  • Workmen's Compensation--General

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FILE: John H. Ohly Administrative File, 1939 (1947)-(1949)1968

Box 62

  • John H. Ohly--Government Career Files [Ohly's description of and arrangement scheme for his papers]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. I (A-F) [see Appendix A] [1 of 3]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. I (A-F) [see Appendix A] [2 of 3]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. I (A-F) [see Appendix A] [3 of 3]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. II (G-O) [see Appendix A] [1 of 2]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. II (G-O) [see Appendix A] [2 of 2]

Box 63

  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. III (P-R) [see Appendix A] [1 of 2]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. III (P-R) [see Appendix A] [2 of 2]
  • Ohly's Basic Index--Vol. IV (S-Z) [see Appendix A]

Box 64

  • National Diary, The Year 1947 [appointment book]
  • National Diary, The Year 1948 [appointment book]
  • National Diary, The Year 1949 [appointment book]

Box 65

  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [1 of 6, "Current Matters"]
  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [2 of 6, "Current Matters," cont.]
  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [3 of 6, definition of function and outstanding matters--Departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Defense]
  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [4 of 6, definition of function and outstanding matters--Leva, McNeil, Blum, Whelan, Hinton, The War Council, the Committee of the Four Secretaries, and other]

Box 66

  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [5 of 6, definition of function and other information--Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, Public Information Officer, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Munitions Board]
  • The Department of Defense--Issues Book, September 17, 1947 to October 1949 [6 of 6, definition of function and other information--National Security Resources Board, Resesarch and DevelopmentBoard, Military Liaison Committee, Office of Civil Defense Planning, National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency]
  • Issues Book #l [1 of 5, relating to Ohly's work with Breed, Abbott and Morgan, 1939-40]
  • Issues Book #l [2 of 5, relating to Ohly's work as Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, 1946]
  • Issues Book #l [3 of 5, relating to Ohly's work as Special Assistant to theSecretary of War, 1946, and as an official with the State Department's Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 1950-51]
  • Issues Book #l [4 of 5, relating to Ohly's work as an official with the State Department's Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 1950-51]

Box 67

  • Issues Book #l [5 of 5, relating to Ohly's work as an official with the State Department's Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 1950-51]
  • Issues Book #2 [1 of 4, 1952]
  • Issues Book #2 [2 of 4, 1952-55]
  • Issues Book #2 [3 of 4, 1955-57]
  • Issues Book #2 [4 of 4, 1958, 1964-68]

Box 68

  • Ohly's Workbook
    • [1 of 3, airplanes, air power, Antarctic, atomic energy, Crimean War]
      [2 of 3, Executive order 9950, Eisenhower's report to the Secretary of Defense, flight pay, ground forces, Inter-American Defense Council, Kurile and Sakhalin Islands, military legal research and planning, oil]
      [3 of 3, oil, Panamal Canal, pay, electric power, War reserves, organization of the Departments of Army and Navy]
  • People Book #5, Prospective Personnel for Various Positions (The Forrestal Book) [1 of 3]
  • People Book #5, Prospective Personnel for Various Positions (The Forrestal Book) [2 of 3]
  • People Book #5, Prospective Personnel for Various Positions (The Forrestal Book) [3 of 3]

Box 69

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FILE: Chronological File, 1947-49

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--October 1947 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--October 1947 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--November 1947 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--November 1947 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--December 1947 [1 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--December 1947 [2 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--December 1947 [3 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--January 1948 [1 of 3]

Box 70

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--January 1948 [2 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--January 1948 [3 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--February 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--February 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--March 1948 [1 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--March 1948 [2 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--March 1948 [3 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1948 [1 of 4]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1948 [2 of 4]

Box 71

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1948 [3 of 4]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1948 [4 of 4]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--May 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--May 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--June 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--June 1948 [2 of 2]

Box 72

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--July 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--July 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--August 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--August 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--September 1948 [1 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--September 1948 [2 of 3]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--September 1948 [3 of 3]

Box 73

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--October 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--October 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--November 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--November 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--December 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--December 1948 [2 of 2]

Box 74

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--January 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--January 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--February 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--February 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--March 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--March 1949 [2 of 2]

Box 75

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--April 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--May 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--May 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--June 1949
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--July 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--July 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--August 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--August 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--September 1949
  • Office of the Secretary of Defense--October 1949

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FILE: Subject File, 1939 (1947)-(1949)ca. 1984

Box 76

  • Army Air--Army Divorce--General
  • Budgetary Activities [includes Ohly's comments on portions of Steven L. Rearden's History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-1950]
  • Central Intelligence Agency [1 of 2]
  • Central Intelligence Agency [2 of 2]
  • Civil Defense [1 of 3]
  • Civil Defense [2 of 3]
  • Civil Defense [3 of 3]

Box 77

  • Commitments Involving Use of Armed Forces
  • Committee of the Four Secretaries [memoranda and agendas relating to meetings, October 1947 to March 1949. An index is included at the front of the folder. The Committee of the Four Secretaries was abolished on April 6, 1949; its functions were given to the War Council.] [1 of 4]
  • Committee of the Four Secretaries [memoranda and agendas relating to meetings, October 1947 to March 1949. An index is included at the front of the folder. The Committee of the Four Secretaries was abolished on April 6, 1949; its functions were given to the War Council.] [2 of 4]
  • Committee of the Four Secretaries [memoranda and agendas relating to meetings, October 1947 to March 1949. An index is included at the front of the folder. The Committee of the Four Secretaries was abolished on April 6, 1949; its functions were given to the War Council.] [3 of 4]
  • Committee of the Four Secretaries [memoranda and agendas relating to meetings, October 1947 to March 1949. An index is included at the front of the folder. The Committee of the Four Secretaries was abolished on April 6, 1949; its functions were given to the War Council.] [4 of 4]
  • Information and Education [relating to the creation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense of the Armed Forces Information and Education Division]
  • Internal Security
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff [relating to the organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1948-49]
  • Legislative Activities

Box 78

  • Medical [shortages of armed services medical personnel] [1 of 4]
  • Medical [shortages of armed services medical personnel] [2 of 4]
  • Medical [shortages of armed services medical personnel] [3 of 4]
  • Medical [shortages of armed services medical personnel] [4 of 4]
  • Military Justice
  • Military Pay Levels [1 of 3]
  • Military Pay Levels [2 of 3]
  • Military Pay Levels [3 of 3]

Box 79

  • Military Personnel
  • Miscellaneous Defense Materials, 1947-49 [inadequacy of the Berlin airlift; copy of "Final Report of the War Department Policies and Programs Review Board;" common use of facilities and services among the armed services; cooperative recruiting practices among the armed services; establishment of an air academy; notes of Secretary Forrestal's meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, September 29, 1948]
  • Munitions Board
  • National Defense Manual [relating to the organization of the National Military Establishment and the functions of its various operating units and including a 1949 directory of the boards and commissions within the office of the Secretary of Defense] [1 of 2]
  • National Defense Manual [relating to the organization of the National Military Establishment and the functions of its various operating units and including a 1949 directory of the boards and commissions within the office of the Secretary of Defense] [2 of 2]
  • National Security Council
  • National Security Resources Board [1 of 2]
  • National Security Resources Board [2 of 2]
  • NATS and ATC [Naval Air Transport Service and Air Transport Command]

Box 80

  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [1 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [2 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [3 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [4 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [5 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [6 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [7 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [8 of 11]

Box 81

  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [9 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [10 of 11]
  • Organizations [relating to the organization of and reorganization proposals for various components of the National Military Establishment, and particularly the Office of the Secretary of Defense. These folders include lists of NME offices and personnel, Ohly's extended comments on the portion of historian Steven Rearden's volume of the history of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Formative Years, 1947-50, that relates to organizational issues, documents from the period 1939 to 1946 relating to the organization of the War Department, and information about the organization of Australia's Defence Department and Great Britain's Ministry of Defence.] [11 of 11]
  • Personnel Policy Board
  • Public Relations [1 of 3]
  • Public Relations [2 of 3]
  • Public Relations [3 of 3]
  • Release of Information
  • Reports and Memoranda--Forrestal's Workbook--Miscellaneous [contents of a notebook from Secretary Forrestal's office that Forrestal gave to Ohly on his (Forrestal's) last day in office. The information relates to the operations of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.] [1 of 2]

Box 82

  • Reports and Memoranda--Forrestal's Workbook--Miscellaneous [contents of a notebook from Secretary Forrestal's office that Forrestal gave to Ohly on his (Forrestal's) last day in office. The information relates to the operations of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.] [2 of 2]
  • Reports and Memoranda--Papers Prepared by Staff Members [copies of papers prepared for Secretary Forrestal's signature in Ohly's office by Robert Blum, Najeeb Halaby, John Sherman, and other personnel] [1 of 2]
  • Reports and Memoranda--Papers Prepared by Staff Members [copies of papers prepared for Secretary Forrestal's signature in Ohly's office by Robert Blum, Najeeb Halaby, John Sherman, and other personnel] [2 of 2]
  • Reports and Memoranda--Report to the President from the Secretary of Defense, February 28, 1948 [the management of the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Navy's need for land-based aircraft; military bases; the strategic importance of Greece and Turkey; the international control of atomic energy, etc.] [1 of 2]
  • Reports and Memoranda--Report to the President from the Secretary of Defense, February 28, 1948 [the management of the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Navy's need for land-based aircraft; military bases; the strategic importance of Greece and Turkey; the international control of atomic energy, etc.] [2 of 2]
  • Research and Development Board
  • Reserve National Guard [1 of 2]
  • Reserve National Guard [2 of 2]

Box 83

  • Unconventional Warfare [1 of 2]
  • Unconventional Warfare [2 of 2]
  • Unification of the Armed Forces
  • Unification Notebook [prepared ca. late 1948. The notebook's subtitle is "A Compendium of Accomplishments in the Field of Armed Forces Unification."]
  • Universal Military Training
  • War Council--Vol. I [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council and also to the Committee of the Four Secretaries, October 1947-December 1948. An index to this material is included at the front of the folder.] [1 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. I [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council and also to the Committee of the Four Secretaries, October 1947-December 1948. An index to this material is included at the front of the folder.] [2 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. I [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council and also to the Committee of the Four Secretaries, October 1947-December 1948. An index to this material is included at the front of the folder.] [3 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. I [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council and also to the Committee of the Four Secretaries, October 1947-December 1948. An index to this material is included at the front of the folder.] [4 of 4]

Box 84

  • War Council--Vol. II [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council, December 1948-November 1949. The War Council's name was changed to the Armed Forces Policy Council in August 1948.] [1 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. II [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council, December 1948-November 1949. The War Council's name was changed to the Armed Forces Policy Council in August 1948.] [2 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. II [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council, December 1948-November 1949. The War Council's name was changed to the Armed Forces Policy Council in August 1948.] [3 of 4]
  • War Council--Vol. II [memoranda and agenda relating to the meetings of the War Council, December 1948-November 1949. The War Council's name was changed to the Armed Forces Policy Council in August 1948.] [4 of 4]
  • War Plans--Roles and Missions, Etc. [relating to the roles and missions assigned by the Secretary of Defense to the three armed services, 1948-49]
  • Establishment of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group [1 of 2]
  • Establishment of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group [2 of 2]
  • Welfare and Recreation

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FILE: Historical File, 1947-ca. 1984

Box 85

  • George C. Marshall Research Foundation Conference on The National Military Establishment (1977)
  • History of OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] by Steve Rearden--Ohly's Comments [ca. 1984. See also the folders "Budget Activities" and "Organizations" in the Department of Defense File]
  • History of OSD by Doris Condit--Ohly's Comments [ca. 1984] [1 of 3]
  • History of OSD by Doris Condit--Ohly's Comments [ca. 1984] [2 of 3]
  • History of OSD by Doris Condit--Ohly's Comments [ca. 1984] [3 of 3]

FOREIGN AID FILE: Subject File, 1940(1950)-(1968)1979

Box 86

  • Aid Recipients--Criteria for Eligibility
  • Aid Recipients--The Problem of Numbers [this folder is empty]
  • Aid Recipients--The Problem of Priorities
  • Aid Recipients--The Several Problems of Concentration
  • Aid, Terms of--Reimbursable Aid [1 of 2]
  • Aid, Terms of--Reimbursable Aid [2 of 2]
  • AID [Agency for International Development] Files--Military Assistance Reappraisal, June 1965 [1 of 2]
  • AID [Agency for International Development] Files--Military Assistance Reappraisal, June 1965 [2 of 2]

Box 87

  • Basic Data and Statistics--File #1 [1 of 3]
  • Basic Data and Statistics--File #1 [2 of 3]
  • Basic Data and Statistics--File #1 [3 of 3]
  • Basic Data and Statistics--File #2 [1 of 2]
  • Basic Data and Statistics--File #2 [2 of 2]
  • Basic Issues [1959-65]

Box 88

  • Bibliographies on Foreign Aid and Development [1 of 3]
  • Bibliographies on Foreign Aid and Development [2 of 3]
  • Bibliographies on Foreign Aid and Development [3 of 3]
  • Bureau of the Budget Staff Report--Organization and Coordination of Foreign Economic Activities--Vol. I, January 1961
  • Bureau of the Budget Staff Report--Organization and Coordination of Foreign Economic Activities--Vol. II, January 1961

Box 89

  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Border-Sharing
  • Channels and Souces of Aid--Coordination--DAG [Development Assistance Group]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--General
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral vs. Bilateral Aid [1 of 4]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral vs. Bilateral Aid [2 of 4]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral vs. Bilateral Aid [3 of 4]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral vs. Bilateral Aid [4 of 4]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--General
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--IBRD [International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--Specific Donors

Box 90

  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--UNTA and UNSF [U.N. Technical Assistance Program and U.N. Special Fund] [1 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--UNTA and UNSF [U.N. Technical Assistance Program and U.N. Special Fund] [2 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Multilateral Donors--UNTA and UNSF [U.N. Technical Assistance Program and U.N. Special Fund] [3 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other National Sources--Free World [1 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other National Sources--Free World [2 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other National Sources--Free World [3 of 3]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other National Sources--Soviet Block [1 of 2]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other National Sources--Soviet Block [2 of 2]

Box 91

  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Other U.S. Instrumentalities
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Donors--General
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Donors--Voluntary and Charitable
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [1 of 6]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [2 of 6]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [3 of 6]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [4 of 6]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [5 of 6]
  • Channels and Sources of Aid--Private Investment--General [6 of 6]
  • Comments on Robert Donovan's Paper on the Truman Administration [the basis of his book, The Tumultuous Years]
  • Comments on Noel Eggleston's Paper [relating to the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, and including the Melby-Erskine Mission to Southeast Asia]

Box 92

  • Comments on Lawrence Kaplan's Manuscript, "NATO and the Military Assistance Program, 1948-51--The Politico-Military Implications"
  • Conditions on Foreign Aid
  • Congressional Reports--80th Congress, 1st Session--European Recovery Program
  • Congressional Reports--80th Congress, 1st Session--Report of a Study of U.S. Foreign Aid in Ten Middle Eastern and African Countries, October 1, 1963
  • Department of State--Alliance for Progress, 1962 [1 of 2]
  • Department of State--Alliance for Progress, 1962 [2 of 2]
  • Department of State--Latin America [1 of 3]
  • Department of State--Latin America [2 of 3]
  • Department of State--Latin America [3 of 3]

Box 93

  • Development of LDCs [less developed countries]--Developing and Planning [1 of 3]
  • Development of LDCs [less developed countries]--Developing and Planning [2 of 3]
  • Development of LDCs [less developed countries]--Developing and Planning [3 of 3]
  • Development of LDCs--The General Problem [1 of 2]
  • Development of LDCs--The General Problem [2 of 2]
  • Development of LDCs--Political Development
  • Domestic Factors--General
  • Domestic Factors--Impact on U.S. Trade, Production and Employment

Box 94

  • Domestic Factors--U.S. Balance of Payments
  • Donor-Donee Relationships
  • Duration of Country Programs (Termination)
  • Duration of Individual Projects, Etc.
  • Duration of Long Term Development Process
  • Duration--The Problem of Continuity
  • Early Foreign Aid Programs
  • Evaluation--General [1 of 2]
  • Evaluation--General [2 of 2]
  • Evaluation--Specific Studies [1 of 3]
  • Evaluation--Specific Studies [2 of 3]

Box 95

  • Evaluation--Specific Studies [3 of 3]
  • Foreign Economic Policy--General
  • Foreign Policy--Refugees, Migrants and Escapees
  • Foreign Policy--Role of Congress
  • Foreign Policy--Role of Private Organizations
  • Forms of Aid--Contingency Fund
  • Forms of Aid--Development Assistance (Loans and Grants for Developing Process)--General
  • Forms of Aid--Food Aid [Food for Freedom, War on Hunger] [1 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Food Aid [Food for Freedom, War on Hunger] [2 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--General
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--Current

Box 96

  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--MDAP [Military Defense Assistance Program] [1 of 5]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--MDAP [Military Defense Assistance Program] [2 of 5]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--MDAP [Military Defense Assistance Program] [3 of 5]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--MDAP [Military Defense Assistance Program] [4 of 5]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--General--MDAP [Military Defense Assistance Program] [5 of 5]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--Increasing European Production [1 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--Increasing European Production [2 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--Sales--General
  • Forms of Aid--Military Assistance--Training
  • Forms of Aid--Relief
  • Forms of Aid--Supporting Assistance (Defense Support)

Box 97

  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--General [1 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--General [2 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--General [3 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--General [4 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--High Level Human Resources
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Participant Training--Evaluation [1 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Participant Training--Evaluation [2 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Participant Training--General [1 of 2]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Participant Training--General [2 of 2]

Box 98

  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Special Subjects--"The Brain Drain"
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Special Subjects--Technical Aids, Etc.
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--Systems and Methods of Providing Aid
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG [Technical Assistance Study Group]--File # 1 [1 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG [Technical Assistance Study Group]--File # 1 [2 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG [Technical Assistance Study Group]--File # 1 [3 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG [Technical Assistance Study Group]--File # 1 [4 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #2 [1 of 3]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #2 [2 of 3]

Box 99

  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #2 [3 of 3]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #3 [1 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #3 [2 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #3 [3 of 4]
  • Forms of Aid--Technical Assistance--TASG--File #3 [4 of 4]
  • Funding and Fiscal Matters--Administration and Management
  • Funding and Fiscal Matters--General

Box 100

  • General--Miscellaneous Memorabilia [meetings of the Foreign Operations Administration, 1953-54 and Lyndon B. Johnson's world trip, May 196l]
  • Implementation--Operations--General [1 of 4]
  • Implementation--Operations--General [2 of 4]
  • Implementation--Operations--General [3 of 4]
  • Implementation--Operations--General [4 of 4]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of Contractors--General #l [1 of 2]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of Contractors--General #l [2 of 2]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of Other Government Agencies [1 of 3]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of Other Government Agencies [2 of 3]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of Other Government Agencies [3 of 3]

Box 101

  • Implementation--Operations--Use of State and Local Governments
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of University Contractors [1 of 2]
  • Implementation--Operations--Use of University Contractors [2 of 2]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Africa
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Asia [1 of 2]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Asia [2 of 2]
  • Individual Regions and Countries, A-I [Afghanistan to Italy] [1 of 3]

Box 102

  • Individual Regions and Countries, A-I [Afghanistan to Italy] [2 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries, A-I [Afghanistan to Italy] [3 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--India [1 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--India [2 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--India [3 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Indochina [including Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Iran
  • Individual Regions and Countries, J-Y [Jordan to Yugoslavia] [1 of 2]

Box 103

  • Individual Regions and Countries, J-Y [Jordan to Yugoslavia] [2 of 2]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Japan
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Korea [1 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Korea [2 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Korea [3 of 3]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [1 of 6]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [2 of 6]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [3 of 6]

Box 104

  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [4 of 6]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [5 of 6]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Latin America [6 of 6]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Palestine
  • Individual Regions and Countries--The Philippines
  • Individual Regions and Countries--The Ryukyus
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Taiwan (Formosa)

Box 105

  • Individual Regions and Countries--Tunisia
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Turkey
  • Individual Regions and Countries--United Kingdom
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Yugloslavia
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Special Subjects--Middle East [1 of 4]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Special Subjects--Middle East [2 of 4]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Special Subjects--Middle East [3 of 4]
  • Individual Regions and Countries--Special Subjects--Middle East [4 of 4]

Box 106

  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--AID [Agency for International Development]--File #1 [1 of 4]
  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--AID [Agency for International Development]--File #1 [2 of 4]
  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--AID [Agency for International Development]--File #1 [3 of 4]
  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--AID [Agency for International Development]--File #1 [4 of 4]
  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--AID--File #2
  • Information--Systems of Retrieval--General

Box 107

  • Lists and Indices of Documents (Secretariat Notes, ICA and AID)[International Cooperation Administration and Agency for International Development]
  • Major Studies and Reports [1 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports [2 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports [3 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports--Ball Committee--1964 [1 of 2]
  • Major Studies and Reports--Ball Committee--1964 [2 of 2]
  • Major Studies and Reports--Prochnow and USEA [Herbert V. Prochnow, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1956; USEA--U.S. Economic Aid]

Box 108

  • Major Studies and Reports--General Advisory Committee, 1963-67 [1 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports--General Advisory Committee, 1963-67 [2 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports--General Advisory Committee, 1963-67 [3 of 3]
  • Major Studies and Reports--Kaysen (1964)--Foreign Economic Policy and [Rudolph A.] Peterson (1970)
  • Major Studies and Reports--Proposals for Major Studies, Reappraisals
  • Major Studies and Reports--Proposals for Changes and Reorganization (Inventory)
  • Major Studies and Reports--Proposed Organization of Files for a Fairless-Type Study (1957-58)
  • Major Studies and Reports--Report to the President from the Committee to Strengthen the Free World (Draper Report) [1 of 2]

Box 109

  • Major Studies and Reports--Report to the President from the Committee to Strengthen the Free World (Draper Report) [2 of 2]
  • Major Studies and Reports--Report to the President on Guatemala and Venezuela (1962)
  • Major Studies and Reports--Report to the President on Liberia and Tunisia (1963)
  • Mobilization of U.S. Resources
  • National Strategy
  • National Support--Congressional Opinion
  • National Support--Public Education
  • National Support--Public Opinion

Box 110

  • [Ohly] "People's Book"--AID [lists of government personnel with specific skills] [1 of 3]
  • [Ohly] "People's Book"--AID [lists of government personnel with specific skills] [2 of 3]
  • [Ohly] "People's Book"--AID [lists of government personnel with specific skills] [3 of 3]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [1 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [2 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [3 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [4 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [5 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Articles [primarily notes and outlines for speeches and lectures] [6 of 6]

Box 111

  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [1 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [2 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [3 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [4 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [5 of 6]
  • [Ohly] Speeches and Notes [6 of 6]
  • Organization--Advisory Committees [General Advisory Committee on Foreign Assistance Programs] [1 of 4]
  • Organization--Advisory Committees [General Advisory Committee on Foreign Assistance Programs] [2 of 4]
  • Organization--Advisory Committees [General Advisory Committee on Foreign Assistance Programs] [3 of 4]
  • Organization--Advisory Committees [General Advisory Committee on Foreign Assistance Programs] [4 of 4]

Box 112

  • Organization--The [George] Ball Committee, 1963-64
  • Organization--Coordination of Participant Training and Other Training Programs
  • Organization--Coordination and Related Problems [1953-61] [1 of 4]
  • Organization--Coordination and Related Problems [1953-61] [2 of 4]
  • Organization--Coordination and Related Problems [1953-61] [3 of 4]
  • Organization--Coordination and Related Problems [1953-61] [4 of 4]
  • Organization--[William H.] Draper Committee [The President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military Assistance Program, 1959]
  • Organization--Field Mission Organization and Relations
  • Organization--General

Box 113

  • Organization--General Papers and Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
  • Organization--General Papers and Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
  • Organization--General Papers and Miscellaneous [3 of 3]
  • Organization--ISA [International Security Affairs], ECA [Economic Cooperation Administration] vs. Department of State, DMS [Director for Mutual Security] [1 of 5]
  • Organization--ISA [International Security Affairs], ECA [Economic Cooperation Administration] vs. Department of State, DMS [Director for Mutual Security] [2 of 5]
  • Organization--ISA [International Security Affairs], ECA [Economic Cooperation Administration] vs. Department of State, DMS [Director for Mutual Security] [3 of 5]
  • Organization--ISA [International Security Affairs], ECA [Economic Cooperation Administration] vs. Department of State, DMS [Director for Mutual Security] [4 of 5]
  • Organization--ISA [International Security Affairs], ECA [Economic Cooperation Administration] vs. Department of State, DMS [Director for Mutual Security] [5 of 5]

Box 114

  • Organization--MDAP and NATO [Mutual Defense Assistance Program and North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [1 of 5]
  • Organization--MDAP and NATO [Mutual Defense Assistance Program and North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [2 of 5]
  • Organization--MDAP and NATO [Mutual Defense Assistance Program and North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [3 of 5]
  • Organization--MDAP and NATO [Mutual Defense Assistance Program and North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [4 of 5]
  • Organization--MDAP and NATO [Mutual Defense Assistance Program and North Atlantic Treaty Organization] [5 of 5]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [1 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [2 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [3 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [4 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [5 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [6 of 7]
  • Organization--MSA to FOA [Mutual Security Agency to Foreign Operations Administration] [7 of 7]

Box 115

  • Organization--1960-62 Reorganization of AID [Agency for International Development]--File # 1 [1 of 5]
  • Organization--1960-62 Reorganization of AID [Agency for International Development]--File # 1 [2 of 5]
  • Organization--1960-62 Reorganization of AID [Agency for International Development]--File # 1 [3 of 5]
  • Organization--1960-62 Reorganization of AID [Agency for International Development]--File # 1 [4 of 5]
  • Organization--1960-62 Reorganization of AID [Agency for International Development]--File # 1 [5 of 5]
  • Organization--1960-62--Reorganization of AID--File # 2 [1 of 4]
  • Organization--1960-62--Reorganization of AID--File # 2 [2 of 4]

Box 116

  • Organization--1960-62--Reorganization of AID--File # 2 [3 of 4]
  • Organization--1960-62--Reorganization of AID--File # 2 [4 of 4]
  • Organization--TCA to FOA [Technical Cooperation Administration to Foreign Operations Administration] Technical Assistance, Organization Proposals [1 of 3]
  • Organization--TCA to FOA [Technical Cooperation Administration to Foreign Operations Administration] Technical Assistance, Organization Proposals [2 of 3]
  • Organization--TCA to FOA [Technical Cooperation Administration to Foreign Operations Administration] Technical Assistance, Organization Proposals [3 of 3]
  • Other Countries Programs
  • Party Platforms--Political Speeches
  • Peace Corps--General

Box 117

  • Personnel--Executive Personnel--General [1 of 3]
  • Personnel--Executive Personnel--General [2 of 3]
  • Personnel--Executive Personnel--General [3 of 3]
  • Personnel--Executive--Senior Executive Evaluation Panel [1 of 2]
  • Personnel--Executive--Senior Executive Evaluation Panel [2 of 2]
  • Personnel--General [1 of 2]
  • Personnel--General [2 of 2]
  • Personnel--Loyalty and Security
  • Personnel--Need for and Use of Social Scientists
  • Personnel--Numbers--Issues of Too Many Americans
  • Personnel--Organization and Administration of Personnel Role in Aid
  • Personnel--Personnel System

Box 118

  • Personnel--Recruitment and Selection [1 of 3]
  • Personnel--Recruitment and Selection [2 of 3]
  • Personnel--Recruitment and Selection [3 of 3]
  • Personnel--Selection Out--Removal Procedures
  • Personnel--Training and Orientation [1 of 4]
  • Personnel--Training and Orientation [2 of 4]
  • Personnel--Training and Orientation [3 of 4]
  • Personnel--Training and Orientation [4 of 4]

Box 119

  • Presidential Statements and Messages, 1950-67 [1 of 5]
  • Presidential Statements and Messages, 1950-67 [2 of 5]
  • Presidential Statements and Messages, 1950-67 [3 of 5]
  • Presidential Statements and Messages, 1950-67 [4 of 5]
  • Presidential Statements and Messages, 1950-67 [5 of 5]
  • President's Committee to Study U.S. Military Assistance Program, 1959
  • Programs and Programming--General

Box 120

  • Programs and Programming--Programming Procedures [1 of 4]
  • Programs and Programming--Programming Procedures [2 of 4]
  • Programs and Programming--Programming Procedures [3 of 4]
  • Programs and Programming--Programming Procedures [4 of 4]
  • Rationale--Aid Effectiveness--Arguments for and Against Foreign Aid [1 of 3]
  • Rationale--Aid Effectiveness--Arguments for and Against Foreign Aid [2 of 3]
  • Rationale--Aid Effectiveness--Arguments for and Against Foreign Aid [3 of 3]
  • Rationale--Aid Effectiveness--Successes and Failures [1 of 2]
  • Rationale--Aid Effectiveness--Successes and Failures [2 of 2]

Box 121

  • Rationale--Levels of Aid [1956-65] [1 of 3]
  • Rationale--Levels of Aid [1956-65] [2 of 3]
  • Rationale--Levels of Aid [1956-65] [3 of 3]
  • Rationale--Terms of Aid--The Debt-Servicing Problem
  • Rationale--Terms of Aid--General [1954-61] [1 of 2]
  • Rationale--Terms of Aid--General [1954-61] [2 of 2]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Fedral Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program, by John H. Ohly, July 23, 1962 [1 of 2]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Fedral Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program, by John H. Ohly, July 23, 1962 [2 of 2]

Box 122

  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. I--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [1 of 4]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. I--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [2 of 4]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. I--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [3 of 4]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. I--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [4 of 4]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. II--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [1 of 5]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. II--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [2 of 5]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. II--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [3 of 5]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. II--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [4 of 5]
  • Report to the Administrator of AID on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program--Annex D--Vol. II--Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience--Digest of Congressional Views [5 of 5]

Box 123

  • Report--Interim Report to the Administrator of AID on "An Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid as Reflected in the Congressional Handling of the FY 1964 Foreign Aid Request"--October 20, 1965
  • Report--Second and Concluding Report to the Administrator of AID on "An Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid as Reflected in Congressional Handling of the FY 1964 Foreign Aid Request," November 1, 1967--Part I
  • Report--Second and Concluding Report to the Administrator of AID on "An Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid as Reflected in Congressional Handling of the FY 1964 Foreign Aid Request," November 1, 1967--Part II
  • Report--Second and Concluding Report to the Administrator of AID on "An Anaylsis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid as Reflected in Congressional Handling of the FY 1964 Foreign Aid Request," November 1, 1967--Parts III and IV and Appendices
  • Report--Summary of Report by John H. Ohly on the Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program
  • Research and Development--General [1 of 4]
  • Research and Development--General [2 of 4]
  • Research and Development--General [3 of 4]
  • Research and Development--General [4 of 4]

Box 124

  • Special Subjects--Congressional Attitudes--General [1 of 2]
  • Special Subjects--Congressional Attitudes--General [2 of 2]
  • Special Subjects--Congressional Attitudes--1963 Study
  • Special Subjects--Cooperatives
  • Special Subjects--Economic Corps for Peace (Smith) [Probably Eldon B. Smith, Deputy Director, Office of the Budget, Department of State]
  • Special Subjects--Encouraging Local Private Enterprise
  • Special Subjects--Local Currency [1 of 2]
  • Special Subjects--Local Currency [2 of 2]
  • Special Subjects--Policy Papers and Directives--General
  • Special Subjects--Relations with Congress [1 of 2]
  • Special Subjects--Relations with Congress [2 of 2]

Box 125

  • Special Subjects--Religious Factors and Leaders in Development
  • Special Subjects--Reports to Congress [1 of 3]
  • Special Subjects--Reports to Congress [2 of 3]
  • Special Subjects--Reports to Congress [3 of 3]
  • Special Subjects--Use of Military Resources for Development--Civic Action Programs
  • Special Subjects--Women in Development
  • Speeches and Articles--General (Non-Ohly)
  • TASG [Technical Assistance Study Group]--List of Materials
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials on Participants--Volumes I and II, July 1963
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume I

Box 126

  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume II
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume III
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume V [there is no Vol. IV]
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume VI
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials, May 1963--General Approach to Technical Assistance--Volume VII
  • TASG--Digest of TASG Materials on Technical Assistance on Language (TECH-T, 2f)
  • TASG--"Education in the Less Developed Countries," by J.B. Stabler, December 31, 1961 [1 of 2]
  • TASG--"Education in the Less Developed Countries," by J.B. Stabler, December 31, 1961 [2 of 2]

Box 127

  • TASG--Forms of Donor-Host Government Operational Relationships, 1961
  • TASG--Forms of Donor-Host Government Operational Relationships--Summary of TASG Files on Services, Joint Services and Joint Funds [1 of 2]
  • TASG--Forms of Donor-Host Government Operational Relationships--Summary of TASG Files on Services, Joint Services and Joint Funds [2 of 2]
  • TASG--General Approach--Organization of Master Research File [1 of 3]
  • TASG--General Approach--Organization of Master Research File [2 of 3]
  • TASG--General Approach--Organization of Master Research File [3 of 3]

Box 128

  • TASG--Interviews--ICA/W [International Cooperation Administration, Washington, D.C.] Interviews [1 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--ICA/W [International Cooperation Administration, Washington, D.C.] Interviews [2 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--ICA/W [International Cooperation Administration, Washington, D.C.] Interviews [3 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--ICA/W [International Cooperation Administration, Washington, D.C.] Interviews [4 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [1 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [2 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [3 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [4 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [5 of 5]

Box 129

  • TASG--Interviews--Participating Agency Interviews [5 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Private Non-U.S. Interviews
  • TASG--Interviews--Private U.S. Interviews [1 of 3]
  • TASG--Interviews--Private U.S. Interviews [2 of 3]
  • TASG--Interviews--Private U.S. Interviews [3 of 3]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [1 of 6]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [2 of 6]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [3 of 6]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [4 of 6]

Box 130

  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [5 of 6]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. I [6 of 6]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. II [1 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. II [2 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. II [3 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--Non-Technician Interviews--Vol. II [4 of 4]
  • TASG--Interviews--Technician Interviews [1 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Technician Interviews [2 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Technician Interviews [3 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Technician Interviews [4 of 5]
  • TASG--Interviews--Technician Interviews [5 of 5]

Box 131

  • TASG--Master Research File--History of TASG--Introduction
  • TASG--Master Research File--History of TASG--Purpose and Nature of Technical Assistance
  • TASG--Master Research File--History of TASG--Technical Potential and Capacity
  • TASG--Master Research File--Outline of Ohly's Digest [1 of 5]
  • TASG--Master Research File--Outline of Ohly's Digest [2 of 5]
  • TASG--Master Research File--Outline of Ohly's Digest [3 of 5]
  • TASG--Master Research File--Outline of Ohly's Digest [4 of 5]
  • TASG--Master Research File--Outline of Ohly's Digest [5 of 5]
  • TASG--Master Research File--Rules and Procedures for Access to Files

Box 132

  • TASG--Memoranda [1 of 5]
  • TASG--Memoranda [2 of 5]
  • TASG--Memoranda [3 of 5]
  • TASG--Memoranda [4 of 5]
  • TASG--Memoranda [5 of 5]
  • TASG--Notes on "Papers Pertaining to TASG"--Addendum
  • TASG--Ohly's Report, "The Mobilization of Federal Resources in Support of the Foreign Aid Program" (October 1962)--a Critique of
  • TASG--Ohly's Summaries--Operational Relationships [1 of 3]
  • TASG--Ohly's Summaries--Operational Relationships [2 of 3]
  • TASG--Ohly's Summaries--Operational Relationships [3 of 3]

Box 133

  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Forms of Donor-Host Government Relationships, Summary of TASG Files on Services, Joint Services and Joint Funds, November 7, 1961
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--General Approach [1 of 2]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--General Approach [2 of 2]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Donor--Host Government Operational Relationships, December 28, 196l
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Donor--Host Government Operational Relationships--Advisory Relationships, December 196l

Box 134

  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Management and Administration
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Organization of Technical Assistance
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Personal Qualities Requested in Technicians, February 1962
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Promotion of the English Language
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Quality of Present Personnel
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Summary of TASG Files in Country Situations
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech I--Agriculture [1 of 3]

Box 135

  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech I--Agriculture [2 of 3]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech I--Agriculture [3 of 3]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech II--Personal Qualities
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech III--Notes on Technical Assistance [1 of 2]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech III--Notes on Technical Assistance [2 of 2]
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech IV--Training Files
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech V--Housing File

Box 136

  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech VI--Industry, Mining and Natural Resources
  • TASG--Organization of the Master Research File--Tech XII--Development Planning, Fiscal and Monetary Advice
  • TASG--Orientation of Technicians--Table of Contents, August 1961
  • TASG--A Proposed Outline for the Study of Technical Assistance to Less Developed Countries [1 of 2]
  • TASG--A Proposed Outline for the Study of Technical Assistance to Less Developed Countries [2 of 2]

Box 137

  • TASG--Purpose of Technical Assistance--Source Material [1 of 4]
  • TASG--Purpose of Technical Assistance--Source Material [2 of 4]
  • TASG--Purpose of Technical Assistance--Source Material [3 of 4]
  • TASG--Purpose of Technical Assistance--Source Material [4 of 4]
  • TASG--Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Recruitment, Screening and Selection of AID Personnel, March 19, 1962
  • TASG--Report of the Task Force on Training and Orientation--Appendices [1 of 4]
  • TASG--Report of the Task Force on Training and Orientation--Appendices [2 of 4]
  • TASG--Report of the Task Force on Training and Orientation--Appendices [3 of 4]

Box 138

  • TASG--Report of the Task Force on Training and Orientation--Appendices [4 of 4]
  • TASG--Summary of TASG Contracts with Organizations Other Than Universities--Vol. I
  • TASG--Summary of TASG Contracts with Organizations Other Than Universities--Vol. II
  • TASG--Summary--University Contracts--J.B. Stabler, April 1962 [1 of 2]
  • TASG--Summary--University Contracts--J.B. Stabler, April 1962 [2 of 2]
  • TASG--Training of Technicians, September 1961

Box 139

  • Technical Fields--Agriculture [1 of 2]
  • Technical Fields--Agriculture [2 of 2]
  • Technical Fields--Communications
  • Technical Fields--Community Development [1 of 3]
  • Technical Fields--Community Development [2 of 3]
  • Technical Fields--Community Development [3 of 3]

Box 140

  • Technical Fields--Education--General [1 of 2]
  • Technical Fields--Education--General [2 of 2]
  • Technical Fields--Education--Promotion of the English Language
  • Technical Fields--Health--General
  • Technical Fields--Health--Population Control
  • Technical Fields--Housing and Urban Affairs
  • Technical Fields--Industry
  • Technical Fields--Labor
  • Technical Fields--Law and Legal Institutions
  • Technical Fields--Public Administration
  • Technical Fields--Social Welfare
  • Technical Fields--Transportation

FOREIGN AID FILE: Program Planning And Development File, 1941(1950)-1962

Box 141

  • Department of State--Program by Year Lend Lease
  • MAAC [Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee]--FY 1952 to FY 1954 [1 of 3]
  • MAAC [Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee]--FY 1952 to FY 1954 [2 of 3]
  • MAAC [Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee]--FY 1952 to FY 1954 [3 of 3]
  • MDAP [Mutual Defense Assistance Program]--FY 1950 [1 of 2]
  • MDAP [Mutual Defense Assistance Program]--FY 1950 [2 of 2]
  • MDAP--Program Planning and Development--FY 1951 [1 of 2]
  • MDAP--Program Planning and Development--FY 1951 [2 of 2]

Box 142

  • MDAP--FY 195l and FY 195l Supplemental [1 of 3]
  • MDAP--FY 195l and FY 195l Supplemental [2 of 3]
  • MDAP--FY 195l and FY 195l Supplemental [3 of 3]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [1 of 6]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [2 of 6]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [3 of 6]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [4 of 6]

Box 143

  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [5 of 6]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #l--Public Presentation Book, All Areas [6 of 6]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #2--Documents Re Development of Programs and the Authorization Bill [1 of 3]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #2--Documents Re Development of Programs and the Authorization Bill [2 of 3]
  • MDAP--FY 1952--File #2--Documents Re Development of Programs and the Authorization Bill [3 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1953--General [1 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1953--General [2 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1953--General [3 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1954--General [1 of 4]

Box 144

  • [MDAP]--FY 1954--General [2 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1954--General [3 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1954--General [4 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1955--General [1 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1955--General [2 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1956--General [1 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1956--General [2 of 2]

Box 145

  • [MDAP]--FY 1957--General [1 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1957--General [2 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1957--General [3 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1957--General [4 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1957--General [5 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--General [1 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--General [2 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--General [3 of 5]

Box 146

  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--General [4 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--General [5 of 5]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 1 [1 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 1 [2 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 1 [3 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 2 [1 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 2 [2 of 3]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1958--Development Loan Fund--File # 2 [3 of 3]

Box 147

  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--General [1 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--General [2 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--General [3 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--General [4 of 4]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--Legislation and Presentation--Definition of Defense Support [1 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1959--Legislation and Presentation--Definition of Defense Support [2 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1960--Military Assistance Program [1 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 1960--Military Assistance Program [2 of 2]

Box 148

  • [MDAP]--FY 196l and following years [1 of 2]
  • [MDAP]--FY 196l and following years [2 of 2]

FOREIGN AID FILE: Congressional File, 1950-68

  • FY 195l
  • FY 1952--File # l--Authorization (House) [1 of 4]
  • FY 1952--File # l--Authorization (House) [2 of 4]
  • FY 1952--File # l--Authorization (House) [3 of 4]
  • FY 1952--File # l--Authorization (House) [4 of 4]
  • FY 1952--File # 2--Authorization (Senate) [1 of 5]
  • FY 1952--File # 2--Authorization (Senate) [2 of 5]

Box 149

  • FY 1952--File # 2--Authorization (Senate) [3 of 5]
  • FY 1952--File # 2--Authorization (Senate) [4 of 5]
  • FY 1952--File # 2--Authorization (Senate) [5 of 5]
  • FY 1952--File # 3--Authorization (Conference) [1 of 2]
  • FY 1952--File # 3--Authorization (Conference) [2 of 2]
  • FY 1953 [1 of 3]
  • FY 1953 [2 of 3]
  • FY 1953 [3 of 3]
  • FY 1954--File # l--Authorization (Preparation of Legislation) [1 of 2]
  • FY 1954--File # l--Authorization (Preparation of Legislation) [2 of 2]

Box 150

  • FY 1954--File # 2--Authorization (Legislative Preparation--House and Senate) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1954--File # 2--Authorization (Legislative Preparation--House and Senate) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1954--File # 2--Authorization (Legislative Preparation--House and Senate) [3 of 3]
  • FY 1954--File # 3--Authorization (Conference) [1 of 2]
  • FY 1954--File # 3--Authorization (Conference) [2 of 2]
  • FY 1954--File # 4--Appropriations (House, Senate, Conference) [1 of 4]
  • FY 1954--File # 4--Appropriations (House, Senate, Conference) [2 of 4]
  • FY 1954--File # 4--Appropriations (House, Senate, Conference) [3 of 4]
  • FY 1954--File # 4--Appropriations (House, Senate, Conference) [4 of 4]

Box 151

  • FY 1955--File # l--Authorization (House) [1 of 2]
  • FY 1955--File # l--Authorization (House) [2 of 2]
  • FY 1955--File # 2--Authorization (House) [1 of 2]
  • FY 1955--File # 2--Authorization (House) [2 of 2]
  • FY 1955--File # 3--Authorization (House) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 3--Authorization (House) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 3--Authorization (House) [3 of 3]

Box 152

  • FY 1955--File # 4--Authorization (Senate Conference) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 4--Authorization (Senate Conference) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 4--Authorization (Senate Conference) [3 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 5--Appropriations (House, Senate Conference) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 5--Appropriations (House, Senate Conference) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1955--File # 5--Appropriations (House, Senate Conference) [3 of 3]
  • FY 1956--File # l--Authorization [1 of 3]
  • FY 1956--File # l--Authorization [2 of 3]

Box 153

  • FY 1956--File # l--Authorization [3 of 3]
  • FY 1956--File # 2--Appropriations [1 of 2]
  • FY 1956--File # 2--Appropriations [2 of 2]
  • FY 1957--File # 1--Authorization [1 of 3]
  • FY 1957--File # 1--Authorization [2 of 3]
  • FY 1957--File # 1--Authorization [3 of 3]
  • FY 1957--File # 2--Debate on Authorization [1 of 5]
  • FY 1957--File # 2--Debate on Authorization [2 of 5]

Box 154

  • FY 1957--File # 2--Debate on Authorization [3 of 5]
  • FY 1957--File # 2--Debate on Authorization [4 of 5]
  • FY 1957--File # 2--Debate on Authorization [5 of 5]
  • FY 1957--File # 3--Appropriations [1 of 3]
  • FY 1957--File # 3--Appropriations [2 of 3]
  • FY 1957--File # 3--Appropriations [3 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 1--Authorization (Senate and House) [1 of 4]
  • FY 1958--File # 1--Authorization (Senate and House) [2 of 4]

Box 155

  • FY 1958--File # 1--Authorization (Senate and House) [3 of 4]
  • FY 1958--File # 1--Authorization (Senate and House) [4 of 4]
  • FY 1958--File # 2--Authorization [1 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 2--Authorization [2 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 2--Authorization [3 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 3--Debate [1 of 5]
  • FY 1958--File # 3--Debate [2 of 5]
  • FY 1958--File # 3--Debate [3 of 5]

Box 156

  • FY 1958--File # 3--Debate [4 of 5]
  • FY 1958--File # 3--Debate [5 of 5]
  • FY 1958--File # 4--Authorization (Conference) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 4--Authorization (Conference) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 4--Authorization (Conference) [3 of 3]
  • FY 1958--File # 5--Appropriations [1 of 2]
  • FY 1958--File # 5--Appropriations [2 of 2]
  • FY 1959--File # 1--Authorization (House) [1 of 3]
  • FY 1959--File # 1--Authorization (House) [2 of 3]
  • FY 1959--File # 1--Authorization (House) [3 of 3]

Box 157

  • FY 1959--File # 2--Authorization (Senate and House) [1 of 5]
  • FY 1959--File # 2--Authorization (Senate and House) [2 of 5]
  • FY 1959--File # 2--Authorization (Senate and House) [3 of 5]
  • FY 1959--File # 2--Authorization (Senate and House) [4 of 5]
  • FY 1959--File # 2--Authorization (Senate and House) [5 of 5]
  • FY 1959--File # 3--Appropriations [1 of 2]
  • FY 1959--File # 3--Appropriations [2 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous Congressional Documents--FY 1959 to FY 1966 [1 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous Congressional Documents--FY 1959 to FY 1966 [2 of 2]

Box 158

  • Congressional Documents--FY 1962--Bills, Presidential Messages, Committee Reports and Acts [1 of 4]
  • Congressional Documents--FY 1962--Bills, Presidential Messages, Committee Reports and Acts [2 of 4]
  • Congressional Documents--FY 1962--Bills, Presidential Messages, Committee Reports and Acts [3 of 4]
  • Congressional Documents--FY 1962--Bills, Presidential Messages, Committee Reports and Acts [4 of 4]
  • ICA [International Cooperation Administration]--Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents, November 1952
  • ICA--Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents, December 1953
  • ICA--Handbook of Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents, December 1954
  • Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents--FY 1956

Box 159

  • Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents--FY 1957
  • Mutual Security Legislation and Related Documents--FY 1958
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID [1966-67]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Foreign Assistance Act, October 1963
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [1 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [2 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [3 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [4 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [5 of 7]

Box 160

  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [6 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process for the Director of AID--Congressional Record [7 of 7]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Committee Action and Reports (Extra Copies)
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--FY 1964 Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid [1 of 3]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--FY 1964 Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid [2 of 3]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--FY 1964 Analysis of Congressional Views on Foreign Aid [3 of 3]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [1 of 6]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [2 of 6]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [3 of 6]

Box 161

  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [4 of 6]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [5 of 6]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Annex D to Final Report to the Administrator on Congressional Implications of 1963 Congressional Experience, November 1967 [6 of 6]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Digest of Views Expressed on Various Subjects--FY 1964 [1 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Digest of Views Expressed on Various Subjects--FY 1964 [2 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Digest of Views Expressed on Various Subjects--FY 1964 [3 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Digest of Views Expressed on Various Subjects--FY 1964 [4 of 4]

Box 162

  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Second and Concluding Report [1 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Second and Concluding Report [2 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Second and Concluding Report [3 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Second and Concluding Report [4 of 4]
  • Ohly's Study of Congressional Process--Foreign Assistance Act of 1966--Reports
  • Senate Support for Foreign Aid by Programs--Undated


Box 163

  • Ford Foundation--David Bell--1975 [correspondence describing and accompanying the presentation of Ohly's report]
  • Ford Foundation Project--Outlines--Part I
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. I, Table of Contents--Parts I and II
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. I--Part III [1 of 2]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. I--Part III [2 of 2]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. II--Part IV [1 of 5]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. II--Part IV [2 of 5]

Box 164

  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. II--Part IV [3 of 5]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. II--Part IV [4 of 5]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. II--Part IV [5 of 5]
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. III-Parts V and VI
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. IV--Appendices A-D
  • Ford Foundation Project--A Proposal for an Attack on the Problem of Public Support--Vol. IV--Appendices E-H

Box 165

  • Ford Foundation Project--Part I--Book 1 (pages 1-79)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part I--Book 2 (pages 80-158)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part I--Book 3 (pages 159-236)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 4 (pages 1-78)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 5 (pages 79-159)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 6 (pages 160-237)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 7 (pages 238-319)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 8 (pages 320-399)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 9 (pages 400-477)

Box 166

  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book 10 (pages 478-566)
  • Ford Foundation Project--Part II--Book ll (pages V-l-34)

PRINTED MATERIALS FILE: Atomic Energy File, 1946-47

  • A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy--Prepared for The Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy, March l6, 1946 ["Acheson-Lilienthal Report"]
  • The United States Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Chairman's Office, June 19, 1946
  • The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by The Manhattan Engineer District, June 30, 1946
  • The International Control of Atomic Energy, Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission Prepared in the Office of Mr. Bernard M. Baruch, United States Representative, The Department of State, June 14, 1946-October 14, 1946 ["Baruch Report"]
  • All Hands, The Bureau of Naval Personnel Bulletin, July 1, 1946--Atomic Bomb Test
  • The New Yorker, August 31, 1946, "A Reporter at Large--Hiroshima"
  • "The Atomic Bomb and Universal Training," A Survey of Published Opinion by Bernard Bodie, February 1947

PRINTED MATERIALS FILE: Universal Military Training File, 1945-47

  • The Library of Congress, General Reference and Bibliography Division, Universal Military Training: A Selected and Annotated List of References, March 23, 1945
  • The Library of Congress, General Reference and Bibliography Division,Universal Military Training: Supplement, September 6, 1945
  • The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,"Universal Military Training and National Security," September 1945
  • Congress of the United States, House Committee on Military Affairs, "Universal Military Training," February 18, 1946

Box 167

  • Congress of the United States, House Committee on Military Affairs, 79th, 1st Session on HR 515, Part 1 [heavily annotated]
  • The Catholic University of America, "The Legislative and Statutory Development of the Federal Concept of Conscription for Military Service", a Dissertation by Joseph C. Duggan, 1946
  • Report of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training, "A Program for National Security," May 29, 1947

PRINTED MATERIALS FILE: Unification Of The Armed Forces, 1945-49

  • 79th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Report to James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy on "Unification of the War and Navy Departments and Postwar Oganizations fo National Security," October 22, 1945
  • Unification of the Armed Forces, Analytical Digest of Testimony Before the Senate Military Affairs Committee, October 17 to December 17, 1945 and of the President's Message to Congress, December 19, 1945
  • Press Release, June 15, 1946, [covering the following documents: letters of the President to Chairmen of the Senate and House Committees on Military and Naval Affairs, joint report to the President by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy and the President's reply to this report]
  • Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 26, 1946, Bill to Promote the Common Defense by Unifying the Departments and Agencies of the Government Relating to the Common Defense [S.2044]
  • 80th Congress, lst Session, House of Representatives, National Security Act of 1947, Communication from the President of the United States Transmitting a Draft of a Proposed Bill Entitled "National Security Act of 1947" [two copies--one heavily annotated]
  • National Military Establishment, First Report of the Secretary of Defense, 1948

Box 168

  • National Military Establishment, A Study of Civil Defense, February 1948
  • Reserve Forces for National Security, Report to the Secretary of Defense by the Committee on Civilian Components, June 30, 1948
  • Civil Defense for National Security, Report to the Secretary of Defense by the Office of Civil Defense Planning, October 1, 1948
  • Report to the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government by the Committee on the National Security Organization, November 15, 1948 [Vol. I]
  • Report to the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government by the Committee on the National Security Organization, November 14, 1948 [Vol. II] [1 of 2]
  • Report to the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government by the Committee on the National Security Organization, November 14, 1948 [Vol. II] [2 of 2]

Box 169

  • Report to the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government by the Committee on the National Security Organization, November 15, 1948 [Vol. III] [1 of 2]
  • Report to the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government by the Committee on the National Security Organization, November 15, 1948 [Vol. III] [2 of 2]
  • Career Compensation for the Uniformed Forces, A Report and Recommendation for the Secretary of Defense by the Advisory Commission on Service Pay, December 1948
  • National Military Establishment, Index and Letters of Transmittal for the Reports of the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of the Air Force, 1948
  • Second Report of the Secretary of Defense and Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary ofthe Air Force for FY 1949
  • House of Representatives, Committee on Armed Services, June 28, 1949, Full Committee Hearings on S.1843 to Convert the National Military Establishment into an Executive Department of the Government, to be known as the Department of Defense [pp. 2679-2953 only]

PRINTED MATERIALS FILE: Military Assistance File, 1949-62

  • The Military Assistance Program, Submitted by the Department of State on Behalf of the Inter-departmental Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee, July 1949
  • 8lst Congress, 2nd Session, Mutual Defense Assistance Program for FY 1951, Submitted by the Department of State for the Use of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, June l, 1950
  • Second Semiannual Report to Congress on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, April 6 to October 6, 1950
  • Third Semiannual Report to Congress on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, October 6, 1950 to March 3l, 195l
  • Building a Mutual Defense, Mutual Defense Assistance Program, April l to October 9, 1951

Box 170

  • First Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program, Supplement, Agreements and Other Documents Relating to the Mutual Security Program [attached to this report is a letter from Ole Bjorn Kraft, Foreign Minister of Denmark, to Eugenie Anderson, United States Ambassador to Denmark, April 7, 1952, on the Tax Relief Agreement between the United States and Denmark]
  • Foreign Aid Appropriations for 1951, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 81st Congress, 2nd Session
  • Supplemental Appropriations for 1951, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 81st Congress, 2nd Session
  • Foreign Aid Appropriations for 1951, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, 1950
  • The Supplemental Appropriation Bill for 1951, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, 1950

Box 171

  • United States Foreign-Aid Programs in Europe, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 82nd Congress, 1st Session on United States Economic and Military Assistance to Free Europe, 1951
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1952, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 82nd Congress, 1st Session on HR 5684
  • Mutual Security Act of 1951, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, 82nd Congress, 1st Session on S.1762
  • The Mutual Security Program, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, First Session on (HR 5020 and HR 5113)

Box 172

  • Mutual Security Program Appropriations for 1952 Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, on Mutual Security Program, Part 1
  • Mutual Security Program Appropriations for 1952, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, 1st Session on Mutual Security Program for 1952, Parts 2 and 3
  • Mutual Security Act of 1952, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, March-April 1952
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1953, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1952

Box 173

  • Mutual Security Act Extension, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, 1st Session on H.R. 5710, March-June 1953
  • Mutual Security Act of 1953, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 83rd Congress, 1st Session, May 1953
  • Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1953, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 8370 for FY Ending June 30, 1953
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program for the Six Months Ended December 31, 1953
  • Mutual Security Act of 1954, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, June 1954

Box 174

  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1954, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, lst Session, 1953
  • Mutual Security Act of 1954, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, April-June 1954
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1954, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 83rd Congress, 1st Session on HR 6391

Box 175

  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program, For the Six Months Ended, June 30, 1954
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program, For the Six Months Ended, December 31, 1954
  • The Mutual Security Program, FY 1956, A Summary Statement, May 1955
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program For the Six Months Ended, June 30, 1955
  • Background for Mutual Security, International Cooperation Administration, August 1955
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program For the Six Months Ended, December 31, 1955
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1955, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, on H.R. 10051, 1954
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1955, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954
  • Mutual Security Act of 1955, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 84th Congress, 1st Session, May 1955

Box 176

  • Mutual Security Act of 1954, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 84th Congress, 1st Session, May 1955
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1956, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 84th Congress, lst Session on H.R. 7724, 1955
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1956, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 84th Congress, lst Session, 1955
  • Mutual Security Act of 1956, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, United States Senate, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, April-May 1956

Box 177

  • Mutual Security Act of 1956, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 84th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 10082, March-May 1956
  • The Mutual Security Program, FY 1957, A Summary Presentation, April 1956, Department of State, Department of Defense and the International Cooperation Administration
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program For the Six Months Ended, June 30, 1956
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1957, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, 1956
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United State Senate, 84th Congress, 2nd Session on HR 12130, 1956

Box 178

  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program for the Six Months Ended, December 31, 1956
  • Report to the President by the President's Citizen Advisors on the Mutual Security Program, March 1, 1957
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, May-June 1957
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program For the Six Months Ended, June 30, 1957
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program For the Six Months Ended, December 31, 1957
  • Economic and Military Cooperation with Nations in the General Area of the Middle East, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session on H.J. Res. 117, January 1957
  • The President's Proposal on the Middle East, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, on S.J. Res. 19 and H.J. Res. 117, Part I, January-February 1957

Box 179

  • The President's Proposal on the Middle East, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session on S.J. Res. 19 and H.S. Res. l17, Part II, February 1957
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, May 1957, Part I
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, May-June 1957, Part II
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, June 1957, Part III
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, June 1957, Part IV
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, June 1957, Part V
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, June 1957, Part VI
  • Mutual Security Act of 1957, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 1st Session, May-June 1957, Part VII, Appendix and Index
  • Mutual Security Program, FY 1958, A Summary Presentation, June 1957, Department of State, Department of Defense, International Cooperation Administration

Box 180

  • Mutual Security Act of 1958, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 2nd Session on S.3318, March-April 1958
  • Mutual Security Act of 1958, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 12181, February-March 1958, Parts I-VIII, Vol. 1
  • Mutual Security Act of 1958, Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 12181, Parts IX-XVI (Index), Vol. 2

Box 181

  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1958, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session on H.R. 9302, June 30, 1958
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1958, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, lst Session, 1957
  • Background for Mutual Security, FY 1959, Department of State, Department of Defense and International Cooperation Administration
  • The Mutual Security Program, FY 1959, A Summary Presentation, February 1958, Department of State, Department of Defense, International Cooperation Administration
  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1959, Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 13192, June 30, 1959

Box 182

  • Mutual Security Appropriations for 1959, Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 2nd Session
  • Mutual Security Program, FY 1960, A Summary Presentation, March 1959, Department of State, Department of Defense, International Cooperation Administration
  • Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program, for the Fiscal Year 196l
  • NATO, The First Five Years, 1949-1954 by Lord Ismay, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

PRINTED MATERIALS FILE: Economic Assistance File, 1948-1970

Box 183

  • First Report to Congress on the United States Foreign Aid Program,for the Period Ended December 31, 1947, May 1948
  • Point Four, Cooperative Program for Aid in the Development of Economically Underdeveloped Areas, The Department of State, January 1950
  • Guide to Technical Assistance Services of United States Voluntary Agencies Abroad, Latin America, Africa, Near East, Far East, 1949-1951, April 1952
  • Partners in Progress, A Report to the President by the International Development Advisory Board, March 1951
  • Commmittee on the Present Danger, A Statement on Foreign Aid and A Study of the Need, Objectives, and Administration of Foreign Aid, June 18, 1951
  • The Administration of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Operations by the Brookings Institution, June 1951, A Report Prepared for the Bureau of the Budget, Executive Office of the President
  • Committee on the Present Danger, A Study of Certain Military and Economic Aspects of the Proposed Mutual Security Program, April 1952
  • The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Technical Assistance, American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Services, Inc., May 1953
  • Social Aspects of Technical Assistance in Operation, A Report by Morris E. Opler of a Conference Held Jointly by the United Nations and UNESCO, April 1954
  • Technical Cooperation Programs Around the World, Foreign Operations Administration, 1954
  • Development of Technical Assistance Programs, Background Information and Documents, Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Technical Assistance Programs Pursuant to S.Res. 214, 83rd Congress, November 22, 1954
  • Technical Assistance Programs, Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 84th Congress, 1st Session on Technical Assistance Programs, February-March 1955

Box 184

  • Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government ["Hoover Commission"], Task Force Report on Overseas Economic Operations, June 1955
  • World Politics, Vol. VII, No. 4, July 1955, "American Foreign Assistance" by Thomas C. Shelling [review of book, American Foreign Assistance by William Adams Brown, Jr. and Reeves Opie, The Brookings Institution, 1953; heavily annotated]
  • Technical Assistance in the Far East, South Asia, and Middle East,Report of Senator Theodore Francis Green on a Study Mission, January 13, 1956
  • Technical Assistance Programs, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, Part 2, January 23, 1956
  • Technical Assistance and Related Programs, Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Pursuant to the Provisions of S.Res. 214, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; S.Res. 36 and S. Res. 133, 84th Congress, lst Session, and S.Res. 162, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, May 7, 1956
  • Technical Cooperation in Latin America, Recommendations for the Future by the NPA Special Policy Committee on Technical Cooperation, National Planning Association, June 1956
  • The Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid, A Paper Prepared for the Special Studies Project of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund by Harlan Cleveland, Syracuse University, Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, November 1, 1956
  • Technical Cooperation, Office of Public Reports, International Cooperation Administration, January 21, 1957
  • A New Emphasis on Economic Development Abroad, A Report to the President, The International Development Advisory Board, March 1957
  • The Choice of Instruments for Technical Cooperation by Philip M. Glick, Reprinted from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May 1959
  • Report to the President by the President's Citizen Advisers on the Mutual Security Program, March 1, 1957 ["Fairless Report"; heavily annotated]
  • Report on Overseas Operations of the United States Government by Senator Allen J. Ellender of Louisiana, Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, March 4, 1957

Box 185

  • Technical Assistance, Final Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, 85th Congress, 1st Session, March 12, 1957
  • The Foreign Aid Program, Hearings Before the Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session Pursuant to S.Res. 285 of the 84th Congress and S. Res. 35, 85th Congress, March-April 1957
  • Foreign Aid, Report of the Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, 1957 [heavily annotated]
  • Foreign Aid, Report of the Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, May 13, 1957

Box 186

  • Foreign Aid Program, Compilation of Studies and Surveys, Prepared Under the Direction of the Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, United States Senate, 85th Congress, 1st Session, July 1957
  • Area Study Programs in American Universities, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, External Research Division, Department of State, 1959
  • Government Programs in International Education (A Survey and Handbook), Forty-Second Report by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, 85th Congress, 2nd Session, 1959
  • The American Economic Review, Vol. XLIX, No. 2, May 1959, Reprint, "The Role and Character of Foreign Aid-Problems of Foreign Aid Viewed from the Inside" by C. Tyler Wood, International Cooperation Administration

Box 187

  • Recommendations for Strengthening Science and Technology in Selected Areas of Africa, South of the Sahara, Prepared for the International Cooperation Administration by the National Academy of Science-National Research Council, July 1, 1959
  • Cultural Facts and Fancies, Evaluation Division, Research, Evaluation and Planning Assistance Staff, Agency for International Development, Department of State, September 1960
  • The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto by W.W. Rostow, Cambridge University Press, 1960 [heavily annotated; also a review article by Robert Theobald]
  • Strategy for the 60s, Summary and Analysis of Studies Prepared by l3 Foreign Policy Research Centers for the United States Senate, Foreign Policy Clearing House [not dated]
  • Rural Progress in Taiwan, by E. Stuart Kirby, Professor of Economics, University of Hong Kong, December 1960
  • Staff Report, Organization and Coordination of Foreign Economic Activities, Vol. 1, January 1961, Executive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget
  • Staff Report, Organization and Coordination of Foreign Economic Activities, Vol. 2--Appendices, January 1961, Executive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget
  • Organization and Functional Statements for the Agency for International Development, The President's Task Force on Foreign Economic Assistance--Group on Organization and Administration, June 30, 1961

Box 188

  • Conference on the Application of Newer Scientific Methods of Learning and Teaching to Selected Major Educational Problems in Developing Countries; Office of Educational Services, International Cooperation Administration, July 9-12, 1961
  • American Voluntary and Non-Profit Agencies in Technical Assistance Abroad, A Summary, Wayland Zwayer, Editor, Technical Assistance Information Clearing House, October 1961
  • Training for Aid, A Ten Point Training Program, Report of the Task Force on Training and Orientation for A.I.D., October 1961
  • Report to the Congress on the Foreign Assistance Program for FY 1962
  • Training for Leadership and Service, Proceedings of the National Conference on the International Training Programs of A.I.D., June 25-26, 1962
  • Personnel for the New Diplomacy, Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Personnel, December 1962 [heavily annotated]
  • Technical Cooperation and Cultural Reality, Department of State, Agency for International Development, 1963
  • Report to the President of the United States from the Committee to Strengthen the Security of the Free World, The Scope and Distribution of United States Military and Economic Assistance Program, March 20, 1963
  • The Role of Technical Assistance in Foreign Aid, Agency for International Development, Department of State, April 1963
  • A Special Study on the Effectiveness of the Past Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs of the U.S. Department of State, A Report to Congress from the U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs, Pursuant to Public Law 87-256, 88th Congress, 1st Session, April 2, 1963
  • International Roles of the Schools of Public Health of North America,A Pilot Study of the Committee on Studies, Association of Schools of Public Health, Inc., April 1963

Box 189

  • Agency for International Development, Technical Assistance Study Group, Digest of Technical Assistance Study Group Materials on Participants, Vol. 1, July 1963
  • Agency for International Development, Technical Assistance Study Group, Digest of Technical Assistance Study Group Materials on Participants, Vol. 2, July 1963
  • Study of International Housing, Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, 88th Congress, 1st Session on a Compendium of Papers Prepared for the Study of International Housing, April 1963
  • Why Foreign Aid? Two Messages by President Kennedy and Essays by Edward C. Banfield, Hollis B. Chenery, John Nuveen, Hans J. Morgenthau, Max F. Millikan, Joseph C. Cropsey, Edited by Robert A. Goldwin, April 1963 [heavily annotated]
  • The Role of Technical Assistance in Foreign Aid, Agency for International Development, Department of State, April 1963
  • Agricultural Sciences for the Developing Nations, Edited by Albert H. Moseman, Director for Agricultural Sciences, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, c. 1964 [heavily annotated]
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Brookings Staff Paper by Arthur M. Cox and Karl Mathiasen III, The Brookings Institution, December 1964
  • Aid Research Program in Agriculture and Rural Development FY 1962-1967, Office of Research and Analysis in the Office of Technical Cooperation and Research, Agency for International Development, Department of State, January 1965

Box 190

  • Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy by Herbert Feis, St. Martin's Press, New York, c. 1964 [heavily annotated]
  • Foreign Skills and Technical Assistance in Economic Development, Development Centre of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris, 1965
  • Principles of Foreign Economic Assistance, Agency for International Development, September 1965
  • Technical Assistance in the Field: A Study in Administrative Relations, Technical Assistance Research Project, A Staff Report by Roscoe C. and Mildred E. Martin, February 1966 [heavily annotated]
  • Technical Assistance: Theory and Guidelines by Sidney C. Sufrin, Syracuse University Press, c. 1966 [heavily annotated]

Box 191

  • Personnel for Technical Assistance, Technical Assistance Research Project, A Staff Report by Robert W. Iverson, March 1966 [heavily annotated]
  • Economic Development in India and Pakistan, by Edward S. Mason, Harvard University Center for International Affairs, September 1966
  • A.I.D. Participant Training Program, Far East--An Evaluation Study, Agency for International Development, Department of State, 1966
  • A.I.D. Participant Training Program, Latin America--An Evaluation Study, Agency for International Development, Department of State, 1966
  • A.I.D. Participant Training Program, Near East and South Asia--An Evaluation Study, Agency for International Development, Department of State, 1966
  • A.I.D. Participant Training Program, North Africa-An EvaluationStudy, Agency for International Development, Department of State, 1966
  • Proposed Economic Assistance Programs, FY 1967, Agency for International Development, Summary Presentation to the Congress, March 1966

Box 192

  • Proposed Foreign Aid Program, FY 1968, Agency for International Development, Summary Presentation to the Congress, May 1967
  • Aspects of Political Development, by Lucian W. Pye, Boston and Toronto, Little, Brown and Company, c. 1966 [heavily annotated]
  • Research on Agricultural Development in Selected Middle Eastern Countries by Donald C. Taylor, The Agricultural Development Council, Inc., New York, c. 1968
  • U.S. Foreign Assistance in the 1970s: A New Approach, Report to the President from the Task Force on International Development, March 4, 1970 [heavily annotated]
  • Cross Reference Sheets [for printed materials removed from the collection and transferred to the printed materials unit]


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