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HST-FBP_15-72_01 - 1947-06-30

Transcript Date

[The White House] June 30, 1947

Dear Bess:

Well I am up as usual with the chickens and the cows. The weather is soggy and foggy--but I am going to take a walk just the same--but not a very long one.

The ghosts walked and walked last night. I left all the doors open. That gave me a chance to hear all the pops and creaks in your room, the hall, and Margie's and your mother's room. But it didn't keep me awake. The good sergeant came at nine o'clock and gave me a good rubbing down. I went to sleep as soon as he finished and didn't wake up until five-fifteen.

You should be approaching the great city of Cincinnati. I always think of the Prince of Pilsen when that city is mentioned. You and I saw or heard it together, as we did a lot of other shows, which at the time I could not afford. The Girl from Utah left the greatest impression on me because of the song "They'll Never Believe Me." You'd just said you'd take a chance on me. Wasn't it a terrible chance? Never did I think I'd get you into all the trouble you're in now. Well you didn't have to take the chance did you?

Lots of Love, Harry