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  2. HST-FBP_15-45_01 - 1946-09-09

HST-FBP_15-45_01 - 1946-09-09

Transcript Date

[The White House] September 9, 1946

Dear Bess:

It is a quarter of six Monday morning. I spent all of yesterday here at the desk and saw only Clifford just before lunch. He wouldn't stay for it because he said he must have one meal on one Sunday with his wife who is in town.

Twas nice to talk to you but I'm sorry I called so early. Did my baby ever get up? Hope your weather isn't so warm as ours. We have summer time back.

I slept well but hot, and some mosquitoes bit my hands and face. Night before last I went to bed at nine o'clock after shutting all my doors. At four o'clock I was awakened by three distinct knocks on my bedroom door. I jumped up and put on my bathrobe, opened the door, and no one there. Went out and looked up and down the hall, looked into your room and Margie's. Still no one. Went back to bed after locking the doors and there were footsteps in your room whose door I'd left open. Jumped and looked and no one there! The damned place is haunted sure as shootin'. Secret service said not even a watchman was up here at that hour.

You and Margie had better come back and protect me before some of these ghosts carry me off. Vivian called last night. He's at the Statler and will have breakfast with me this morning. Hope everybody is well.

Lots and lots of love, Harry