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  2. 67-3_56 - 1950-07-28

67-3_56 - 1950-07-28

Transcript Date

July 28, 1950


Re: MDAP Supplement

On his return from NSC yesterday the Secretary said that he was confused as to the proposed figures for the military assistance supplement. He said that he did not understand whether the $4 billion figure which had been discussed at the White House included or did not include titles 2 and 3 countries.

He got Mr. Ohly to come to his office and discussed this with him. Secretary Johnson then called Mr. Acheson and said that he had talked to General Lemnitzer and The General said that the $4 billion did include countries covered by titles 2 and 3.

Subsequently, General Lemnitzer, Mr. Bissell and Mr. Leva joined the Secretary and Mr. Ohly and it was finally agreed that the figure requested would be $4 billion and that this figure would include the countries covered by titles 2 and 3. General Lemnitzer assured the Secretary that this amount would, in the opinion of the Defense Establishment, be ample to cover the first year under a proposed accelerated program for defense of these countries.

