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67-3_53 - 1950-07-27

Transcript Date

July 27, 1950


Participants: Secretary Johnson Mr. Acheson General Bradley

Secretary Johnson called Mr. Acheson on Wednesday afternoon \(July 26\). He mentioned a telegram from Mr. Spofford to General Bradley which he read to Mr. Acheson. The telegram said that, at the suggestion of the United Kingdom representative, the Council of Deputies has agreed to ask the Standing Group to send a representative to the Council of Deputies meeting. \(We have since obtained a copy of this telegram.\)

Secretary Johnson said that he did not think it advisable to send such a representative to London. He mentioned that the Standing Group was part of the Military Committee, which in turn reported to the Defense Committee, and that he thought it a peculiar organizational arrangement for the Standing Group to have a representative in London.

General Bradley came on the telephone and said that he felt that the only help which the Council of Deputies needed there is a lower rank liaison officer who could obtain information, etc., for the Council. He did not like the idea of a senior officer being sent.

Mr. Acheson said that Mr. Spofford had talked to him prior to his departure and that it had been his impression that all agreed we should not have a permanent full-time representative of the Standing Group there. The Secretary said that the possibility had been mentioned of having General Crittenberger go over there and give the Council of Deputies some idea of the magnitude of the program which the United States had in mind.

General Bradley said that he did not think it would be good to have one American go, since the impression would be given that this was strictly an American show. He said that he thought that, in addition to the American who went, General Tedder and General Ely should also go, if anyone went. General Bradley said that he might be able to go over a week-end but Mr. Acheson indicated that he did not think this would be a good idea since General Bradley is so pressed at this time.

The Secretary agreed to look into this and call Mr. Johnson back.

Later, after consultation with Mr. Matthews and Mr. Perkins, the Secretary called Mr. Johnson and told him we wanted to get a telegram to Mr. Spofford asking for fuller information on the matter - how did it come up, the position Spofford had taken, his recommendation, etc. Mr. Acheson said that after we had a reply from this telegram he would be in touch with Secretary Johnson again.

The telegram referred to above went; the reply came in, and Mr. Acheson has talked to Secretary Johnson about the problem.

