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67-3_49 - 1950-07-26

Transcript Date

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Memorandum of Conversation

DATE: July 26, 1950

SUBJECT: First Call of the Ambassador-Designate of Haiti

PARTICIPANTS: The Secretary The Ambassador-Designate of Haiti John F. Simmons, Chief of Protocol


His Excellency Gustave Laraque, newly appointed Ambassador of Haiti, called on me today to present copies of his credentials and to request an appointment with the President.

After the usual exchange of courtesies, the Ambassador spoke of the unprecedented responsibilities now imposed on the United States Government in connection with the Korean crisis. The Ambassador mentioned the difficulties now confronting the free nations of the world, adding his ratification to the immediate response of the American nations, including his own, to the position taken by President Truman before the United Nations last month.

The Ambassador spoke with regret in regard to the fact that Haiti could offer so little assistance, although he mentioned that his country might be able to furnish a small division for combat duty, although these troops would be completely lacking the necessary arms and equipment at the present time. He repeated that the Haitian people strongly upheld the decision of the United States Government in this matter.

After some further general conversation the Ambassador departed.
