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67-3_45 - 1950-07-24

Transcript Date

July 24, 1950

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation

Judge Kee Secretary Acheson

Judge Kee called the Secretary to say he had been talking with the Republican members of his Committee and would like to know, if possible, whether there is any likelihood that the President will send up during this session of Congress a request for additional appropriations for military assistance. He said it would make them feel better if he could tell them now about what to expect.

The Secretary told Judge Kee that it is entirely likely that the President will send up such a request. He said he would get himself fully informed and call Judge Kee tomorrow and come up to see him about it.

Judge Kee offered to come to the Department, and he then inquired if the legislation would be referred to his committee. The Secretary replied that it would have to be, but that it would probably not be very extensive legislation - it would be a request to make the bill more flexible and would affect the authorization.

The Secretary inquired if Judge Kee wanted to have anyone else present when they discussed this matter and Judge Kee thought it would be helpful to have Mr. Vorys there. The Secretary is to call Judge Kee tomorrow and they will arrange to meet.
