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67-3_33 - 1950-07-19

Transcript Date

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Memorandum of Telephone Conversation

DATE: July 19, 1950

PARTICIPANTS: Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador; Mr. George W. Perkins, Assistant Secretary, EUR

COPIES TO: FE: S/A - Mr. Jessup; G - Mr. Matthews; S/S; S/P - Mr. Nitze; BNA - Mr. Labouisse

I showed the Secretary of State telegram 406 from London dated July 19 recommending that no side-memoire be given to Franks in regard to U.K. troop contributions to the UN. He agreed that in view of this wire we should not at this time send the aide-memoire and that it was all right to tell Sir Oliver this as he previously knew our thought of sending such an aide-memoire. Accordingly, I called and told Sir Oliver that we were not proposing to give him such an side-memoire at this time.

George W. Perkins

EUR:GWP: tmt