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67-3_08 - 1950-07-03

Transcript Date

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Memorandum of Conversation

DATE: July 3, 1950

SUBJECT: Korean Crisis

PARTICIPANTS: Ambassador Jooste, South African Embassy Secretary Acheson Mr. Satterthwaite, BNA

COPIES TO: Embassies, Pretoria, Wellington, Canberra, London and Ottawa BNA - Mr. Shullaw

The South African Ambassador called at his request and said that on the occasion of his presenting to Mr. Bonbright a copy of the South African statement to the United Nations on the Korean situation he gained the impression we were disappointed because no military assistance was offered. The South African Ambassador pointed out that his country's strong stand in favor of the United Nations resolution and its willingness to consider direct military assistance in case of dire need marked considerable progress in its traditional attitude, particularly as for geographical reasons it did not consider it could contribute a great deal to the solution of Far Eastern problems.

The Secretary expressed gratification and pleasure with the statement of the South African Ambassador. Using a late map of Korea the Secretary explained to him why the aid so quickly sent by Australia, the British, and New Zealand was helpful. The Secretary said that we were not asking the South Africans for direct assistance; that we were gratified with their position, but he left no doubt in Jooste's mind that any assistance they offered even if this were only a battalion or some fighters would be very useful to the nations actually supporting the U.N. resolution.
