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67-3_07 - 1950-07-03

Transcript Date

July 3, 1950


At a meeting in the Secretary's office on Saturday, July 1st, the Secretary gave Mr. Pace a copy of the attached memorandum of questions which were under consideration. He made it clear that this was not a formal communication but merely to keep him advised.

At a similar meeting in the Secretary's office Sunday afternoon, July 2nd, attended by Mr. Pace, Mr. Finletter and General Burns as well as by Mr. Harriman and General Dean, further consideration was given to these two questions.

On the question of a possible Joint Resolution and a Presidential message to Congress, there was a brief discussion of the Defense Department's redraft of the Joint Resolution. There was general agreement on substance and it was decided that the exact drafting could be referred to the officials concerned. On the question of the message, the Secretary read aloud the draft and gave copies to Mr. Pace, Mr. Finletter and General Burns. All three of these expressed the view that it was an excellent draft.

The Secretary expressed the hope that the President could be advised on Monday just what the recommendation was from the two Departments or if necessary what the divergence of views between the two Departments precisely is.

At either the Saturday or Sunday meeting the Secretary expressed his concern about the maintenance of sufficient forces around Formosa to prevent any possible Chinese communist attack. He stated explicitly that he was not attempting to interfere in the military question of disposition of forces but that information on this point would be of value to him in connection with the political decisions which need to be made by him.

Attachment Cy Mr. Rusk's document: "Check List #1" 6/30 Cys: Mr. Battle, Mr. Matthews