June 12, 1950
DEPARTMENT OF STATE Memorandum of Conversation
Subject: First call of the newly appointed Ambassador of Portugal
Participants: The Secretary The Appointed Ambassador of Portugal Senhor Manuel Rocheta, Embassy of Portugal R. D. Muir, Acting Chief of Protocol
Copies to: S, S/S, S/S-PR, EUR, WE
His Excellency Senhor Luis Esteves Fernandes, newly appointed Ambassador of Portugal, called on me this date to present copies of his credentials and to request an appointment with the President.
After some general conversation I told the Ambassador of my recent meeting with the Portuguese Foreign Minister at London and how much I enjoyed seeing him again. The Ambassador stated that he had worked under the Foreign Minister many years ago and agreed that he is a very fine and brilliant man.
After the usual exchange of courtesies the Ambassador departed.
No matters of a political nature were discussed.