June 1, 1950
The Secretary telephoned Secretary Johnson this afternoon to let him know he had considered with the proper people in the Department the desirability of Secretary Johnson and General Bradley stopping in the Philippines on their Far Eastern trip, and has also discussed the matter with the President, as Secretary Johnson had suggested he should do.
He told Secretary Johnson the Department feels, and the President agreed, that it is desirable for them to stop briefly in the Philippines.
Secretary Johnson said that he supposed they should see both the President of the Philippines and the Vice President, and inquired if this should not be arranged by the Department through the Ambassador. The Secretary replied that the Department would be glad to take it up with the Ambassador. The Secretary said that he did not believe Secretary Johnson and General Bradley should travel to Baguio to call on the President, if he is still there, and that perhaps it could be arranged for President Quirino to meet them at Clark Field. Secretary Johnson said they were anxious not to become involved in the problem there, which the Joint Chiefs report is deteriorating.
The matter was left that the Secretary would inquire of the Ambassador about arranging the interviews without making a commitment, and meanwhile, General Bradley would inquire of the military authorities at Clark Field as to their views on the proposed visit.