May 5, 1950 Senator Knowland telephoned the Secretary that he had received word through Mr. McFall that Mr. Acheson wished to know what their interpretation was of the proviso in 602 of the ECA Bill. The Senator said that this had been discussed, that he had gone over it with Senator Connally and that Senator Connally had concurred in their interpretation. The Senator proceeded to give his interpretation \(roughly\) - that funds \(ECA\) were available so long as the President deemed it practicable, etc. Senator Knowland said he would offer no amendment to the bill.
The Secretary said that the meaning of the proviso was clearly as the Senator had stated it.
\(The above memo was written after the Secretary's departure for London. No distribution was made of it. LDB said he was not sure just what they were driving at in the conversation. The above is my interpretation.\)
S ma 5/9/50