Dates: 1945-53
Size: 335 linear feet.
Access: Open.
Copyright: President Truman donated his copyright interest in any of his writings in this collection to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents which do not fall in these two categories is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents.
Updated by: David Clark (2001).
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Folder Title List]
The President’s Personal File (PPF) is one of the four principal series within the White House Central Files, the other three being the Official File, the General File, and the Confidential File. The President’s Personal File contains materials interpreted by the White House Central Files unit as being primarily political, social or ceremonial in character. The companion Official File (OF), in contrast, contains materials interpreted as being primarily official or semi-official in nature.
Since documents received by the White House often contained a mixture of personal and official information, the distinction between the two series is very imprecise. A third series within the White House Central Files, the General File, acts as an index, primarily by name, to both the Official File and the President's Personal File.
President Truman's President’s Personal File contains 6,249 numbered files pertaining to broad subject areas, organizations and individuals having business with the President. The files are elaborately cross-referenced both among other files in the President’s Personal File, and among the files of the Official File and the General File. A single original document may be represented by five or six cross-references distributed under file headings devoted to agencies, individuals, countries and subjects. The cross-references typically give a document's correspondents, date and purpose, as well as other appropriate information. A researcher may follow these cross-reference trails through the three linked file series in search of related documents.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Folder Title List]
Box 1
- PPF 1 The President
- PPF 1 The President, 1945-1946
- PPF 1 The President, 1947-1948
- PPF 1 The President, 1949-1950
- PPF 1 The President, 1951-1953
- PPF 1-A President, The (April-May 1945)
- PPF 1-A President, The (June-July 1945)
- PPF 1-A President, The (August-October 1945)
- PPF 1-A President, The (November-December 1945)
Box 2
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-April 1946) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-April 1946) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (May-July 1946) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (May-July 1946) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (August-December 1946)
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-April 1947)
- PPF 1-A President, The (May-July 1947)
Box 3
- PPF 1-A President, The (August-December 1947)
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-March 1949)
- PPF 1-A President, The (April-June 1949)
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1949) [1 of 2]
Box 4
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1950)
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1950)
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July-December 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1952) [1 of 2]
Box 5
- PPF 1-A President, The (January-June 1952) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July 1952-1953) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-A President, The (July 1952-1953) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-B President, The - Requests to Dedicate Books, Musical Compositions, etc. to the President (1945-1949)
- PPF 1-B President, The (1950-June 1952)
- PPF 1-B President, The (July 1952-1953)
- PPF 1-C President, The - Towns, Clubs, etc., named for the President (1945-1948)
Box 6
- PPF 1-C President, The - Towns, Clubs, etc., named for the President (1949-1953)
- PPF 1-C President, The - Kfar Truman Project
- PPF 1-D President, The - Requests to use excerpts, etc. from letters and addresses of the President (1945-1947)
- PPF 1-D President, The - Requests to use excerpts, etc. from letters and addresses of the President (1948-1953)
- PPF 1-E President, The - Engagements of the President [folder empty]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., April-June 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July-August 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., September 1945 [1 of 2]
Box 7
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., September 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., October-December 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., October-December 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-April 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-April 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May-June 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 8
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., August-October 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., November-December 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-March 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., April-June 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July-September 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., October-December 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January 1948
Box 9
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., February 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., March-April 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., June-December 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-March 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., April-May 1949
Box 10
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., June 1-19, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., June 20-30, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., August-December 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-March 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., April 1950
Box 11
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., June-July 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., August-October 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., November-December 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., February 1951
Box 12
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., March 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., April 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., June-September 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., October-December 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-February 1952 [1 of 2]
Box 13
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., January-February 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., March-April 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May-June 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., May-June 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc., July 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
Box 14
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Joint Session of Congress in the House of Representatives, April 16, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Broadcast to the Armed Forces at Home and Abroad, April 17, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Opening of the San Francisco Conference, April 25, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address and Proclamation in Connection with the Surrender of Germany, May 8, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to Congress After Conferring Congressional Medal of Honor on Tech. Sergeant Jake W. Lindsey, May 21, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Closing Session of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, June 26, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in the Senate Chamber on Ratification of the United Nations Charter, July 2, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address of the President Reporting to the Nation on the Berlin Conference, August 9, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address After the Signing of the Japanese Surrender, September 1, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Members of the United States Armed Forces, September 2, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the 1945 National War Fund Campaign, October 2, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks After Presenting the Medal of Honor to 14 Members of the Navy and Marine Corps, October 5, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at the Pemiscot County Fair, Caruthersville, Missouri, October 7, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of the Kentucky Dam, Gilbertsville, Kentucky, October 10, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at the Conclusion of his Address Dedicating the Kentucky Dam, Gilbertsville, Kentucky, October 10, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks After Presenting of Congressional Medal of Honor to 14 Officers and Enlisted Men of the Army, October 12, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Message to Congress on Universal Military Training Delivered to a Joint Session, October 23, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Commissioning of the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 27, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address on Wages and Prices (10/30/1945)
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Opening of the Labor Management Conference in the Labor Department Building, November 5, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Lighting of the Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds, December 24, 1945
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address of the President to the Nation, January 3, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Behalf of the Infantile Paralysis Drive, January 30, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks to the Heads of Departments and Agencies and Their Personnel Directors, February 9, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with Annual Red Cross War Fund Drive, March 1, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Jackson Day Dinner, Mayflower Hotel, March 23, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Connection with Army Day Observances, April 6, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered on the Anniversary of the death of FDR, April 12, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, April 15, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the World Famine Emergency, April 19, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Statement When Buying 100 CARE Packages to Feed Europe’s Hungry, May 7, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the President’s Highway Safety Conference, May 8, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Fordham University, May 11, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Railroad Strike, May 24, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Before a Joint Session of Congress Concerning the Railroad Strike, May 25, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation re: Prices and Veto of the Price Control Bill, June 29, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation on the Meat Shortage and the General Price Stabilization Program, October 14, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations, October 23, 1946
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree, December 24, 1946
Box 15
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Message to Joint Session of Congress on the State of the Union, January 6, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Concerning the March of Dimes, January 30, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Toast to President-Elect Tomas Berreta of Uruguay at the State Luncheon Held in the State Dining Room, February 13, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Behalf of the 1947 Red Cross Campaign, February 28, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Mexico City at the Palacio National, March 3, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Baylor University Upon Receiving the Degree of LLD, March 6, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to Joint Session of the Congress on Aid to Greece and Turkey, March 12, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Jefferson Day Dinner, Mayflower Hotel, April 5, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address on the FDR Memorial Program, Muehlebach Hotel, April 12, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks to the Managers of National and State Press & Publishers Associations and Representatives of the Presidents Highway Safety Conference, May 1, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address and Additional Remarks at Opening of the Fire Prevention Program, Department Auditorium, May 6, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the 35th Division Reunion Memorial Service, Municipal Auditorium, June 7, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, Ontario, June 11, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Before the President’s Second Highway Safety Conference, June 18, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Concerning Veto of the Taft-Hartley Labor Bill, June 20, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - United Nations Day Broadcast (by Transcription), June 26, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Closing Session of 38th Annual Conference of the NAACP, Lincoln Memorial, June 29, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Monticello, the Home of Thomas Jefferson, July 4, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, September 2, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before a Joint Session of the Senate and House of the Brazilian Congress, September 5, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the President’s Citizen Food Committee, East Wing, White House, October 1, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Concluding the President’s Citizens Food Committee Program, Oval Room, October 5, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning Domestic Inflation and Emergency Foreign Aid, October 24, 1947
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Upon Arrival at San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 21, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Annual Banquet of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Hotel Astor, New York, March 17, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening U.S. Savings Bond Drive, April 14, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Annual Dinner of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Hotel Statler, April 17, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the 35th Division Reunion, Omaha, Nebraska, June 5, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Under the Auspices of the Washington State Press Club, Seattle, Washington, June 10, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Simon Bolivar Memorial Statue, Bolivar, Missouri, July 5, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to Joint Session of the Special Session of Congress, July 27, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address of the President on Labor Day, Cadillac Square, Detroit, Michigan, September 6, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Before the Opening Session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Constitution Hall, September 13, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address on the Occasion of the National Plowing Match, Dexter, Iowa, September 18, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Denver, Colorado (Radio Broadcast), September 20, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Mormon Tabernacle, September 21, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Used Over ABC Network on Democratic Women’s Day, September 27, 1948 (Recording Made on Presidential Train)
Box 16
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 28, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Louisville, Kentucky, September 30, 1948, 9pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the Annual Community Chests Campaign, September 30, 1948, 9:55pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Charleston, West Virginia, October 1, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Convention Hall, October 6, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Buffalo, New York, October 8, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Akron, Ohio at the Armory, October 11, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 14, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the Indiana War Memorial, October 16, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Miami, Florida at the Annual convention of the American Legion, October 18, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Dedication of Monument to Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson, State Capitol, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 19, 1948, 11:40am [folder empty]
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Raleigh North Carolina at the State Fair Grounds, October 19, 1948, 3:05pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered from White House as Part of Radio Program Sponsored by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Campaign Committee, October 21, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Scranton, Pennsylvania, October 23, 1948, 8:20am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, October 23, 1948, 9:40am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, October 23, 1948, 5pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, October 23, 1948, 9pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Gary, Indiana, at the Memorial Auditorium, October 25, 1948, 12:03pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Chicago, Illinois, October 25, 1948, 9:04pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Toledo, Ohio, at the Civic Auditorium, October 26, 1948, 2pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Cleveland, Ohio, October 26, 1948, 9pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Springfield, Massachusetts, October 27, 1948, 12:25pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Boston, Massachusetts, October 27, 1948, 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks in Taunton, Massachusetts, October 28, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks in Harlem, New York, October 29, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Independence, Missouri Delivered from the President’s Home on Election Eve, November 1, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address from the President’s Home, Independence, Missouri, on Occasion of Lighting of Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds, December 24, 1948
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - State of the Union Message Delivered to Joint Session of Congress, January 5, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address opening the 1949 Red Cross Fund Campaign, February 28, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered to the United States Conference of Mayors, Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C., March 21, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered to the President’s Conference on Industrial Safety, Departmental Auditorium, March 23, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered During the Interdenominational Radio Program, "One Great Hour," March 26, 1949
Box 17
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty, Departmental Auditorium, April 4, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Dinner Honoring Volunteers of U.S. Savings Bond Division, Treasury Department, Statler Hotel, April 19, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the Savings Bond Opening Drive, May 16, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks to Members of the Brazilian Press, Executive Offices of the President, May 19, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the President’s Conference on Highway Safety, Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall by the Chiefs of Mission of the Marshall Plan Countries, Washinton, D.C., June 5, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Dedication of the World War Memorial Park, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 11, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation, July 13, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Imperial Council Session of the Shrine of North America, Soldiers Field, Chicago, Illinois, July 19, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks Welcoming Elpidio Quirino, President of the Republic of the Philippines Upon His Arrival at the National Airport, August 8, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Golden Jubilee Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Miami, Florida, August 22, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Annual Convention of the American Legion, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 29, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc - Labor Day Address, Allegheny County Fair, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 5, 1949, 12pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Annual Convention of the American Veterans of World War II, on Labor Day, State Fair Grounds, Des Moines, Iowa, September 5, 1949, 4:15pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered as Part of a Program Sponsored by the Women’s Division of the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Women’s Day, September 27, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the 1949 Community Chest Campaign, September 30, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks to Ambassadors to the Council of the Organization of American States, Executive Office of the President, October 12, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Cornerstone Laying of the Secretariat Building of the Permanent United Nations Headquarters in New York, October 24, 1949 12:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered as Part of the Program "Religion in American Life," October 30, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address on Truman Day in St. Paul, Minnesota, November 3, 1949, 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered as Part of Program Sponsored by the Independent Citizen’s Committee for Lehman for Senator, November 5, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Speech Delivered at Luncheon of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., November 11, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Speech Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc., Departmental Auditorium, November 15, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Speech Delivered at a Session of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, November 22, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Unveiling of a World War II Memorial Carillon at Arlington Cemetery, December 21, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Ceremonial Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree, White House Grounds, December 24, 1949
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - State of the Union Message, January 4, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, February 16, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, Virginia, February 22, 1950, 3:00pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the 1950 Red Cross Fund Campaign, February 28, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Luncheon of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Hotel Statler, Washington, D.C., April 20, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dinner of the Federal Bar Association, Hotel Statler, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Lincoln, Nebraska, May 8, 1950, 5pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Cheyenne, Wyoming, May 9, 1950, 4:25pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Laramie, Wyoming, May 9, 1950, 7pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Pendleton, Oregon, May 10, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Dedication Ceremonies of Grand Coulee Dam, Washington, May 11, 1950, 11:15am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington, May 11, 1950, 5:07pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Butte, Montana, May 12, 1950, 10:55am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in Fargo, North Dakota, May 13, 1950, 9pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Dedication of Filene House, International Headquarters of the Credit Union National Association, Madison, Wisconsin, May 14, 1950, 2pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening Savings Bond Drive, Chicago, Illinois, May 15, 1950, 9:54pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at Conclusion of the National Democratic Conference and Jefferson Jubilee, Chicago, Illinois, May 15, 1950, 10:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Publication of Volume One of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Library of Congress, May 17, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before the President’s Conference on Industrial Safety, Departmental Auditorium, June 5, 1950
Box 18
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before a Dinner of the Better Business Bureaus, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D. C., June 6, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Commencement Exercises of the University of Missouri, June 9, 1950, 10:15am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Site of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial on the Riverfront, St. Louis, Missouri, June 10, 1950, 3pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Dedication of the Friendship International Airport, Baltimore, Maryland, June 24, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Laying of the Cornerstone of the New U.S. Courts Building in Washington, D.C., June 27, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before the Annual Convention of the American Newspaper Guild, Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C., June 28, 1950, 4:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Boy Scout Jamboree, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Korean Situation, July 19, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before the President’s Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, August 9, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Korean Situation, September 1, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Defense Production Act of 1950, September 9, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address (Recorded) in Honor of Democratic Women’s Day, September 27, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the Annual Community Chest Campaign Drive, September 29, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at War Memorial Opera House After the President’s Wake Island Conference with General MacArthur, San Francisco, California, October 17, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered Before the United Nations General Assembly, Flushing Meadows, New York, New York, October 24, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered in St. Louis, Missouri at Kiel Auditorium, November 4, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Independence, MO, Accepting Replica of Liberty Bell Presented to Independence by the People of Annecy, France, November 6, 1950, 2:47pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Before the Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth, National Guard Armory, Washington, D.C., December 5, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Announcing Declaration of a National Emergency, December 15, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Ceremony of Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree on White House Grounds, December 24, 1950
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - State of the Union Message, January 8, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award Ceremonies, Executive Office of the President, January 10, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of the Chapel of the Four Chaplains, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the 1951 Red Cross Fund Campaign, February 27, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., April 3, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation on Korean Policy and the Relieving from Command of General Douglas MacArthur, April 11, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, National Guard Armory, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered to the Opening Meeting of the Highway Safety Conference, Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., June 13, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation on the Problem of Inflation and High Prices, June 14, 1951, 10:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks of Welcome Upon the Arrival of Galo Plaza, President of Ecuador at the Washington National Airport, June 20, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of the National Institute of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, June 22, 1951
Box 19
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tennessee, June 25, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Ceremony Commemorating 175th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, Washington Monument Grounds, July 4, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Detroit, Mich., Detroit City Hall, July 28, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of the Presidential Lounge in the Union Station for the Use of Service Men and Women, Washington, D. C., August 8, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of New Washington Headquarters for the American Legion, August 14, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Opening the Fall Meeting of the President’s Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, Departmental Auditorium, August 17, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at Signing of the Treaty of Mutual Defense with the Republic of the Philippines, Departmental Auditorium, August 30, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with Opening of the Defense Bond Drive, September 3, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at opening of conference on the Japanese Peace Treaty, Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, California, September 4, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the laying of the cornerstone of the new General Accounting Office building, Washington, D.C., September 11, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Constitution Day ceremonies, Library of Congress, September 17, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address before the National Association of Postmasters, Constitutional Hall, Washington, D.C., September 17, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of the Equestrian Statues, Memorial Bridge, Washington, D.C., September 26, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Washington Pilgrimage of American Churchmen, National City Christian Church, Wash., D.C., September 28, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address (Recorded) in Connection with the Broadcast Opening the Annual Community Chest Campaign, September 30, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Ground-Breaking Ceremonies for Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, October 15, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Laying of the Cornerstone for the Building of DC Chapter of the American Red Cross, October 24, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Dedication of Gompers’ Square (10th and Mass Ave., NW), Washington, D.C., October 27, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation on International Arms Reduction, November 7, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address on Armistice Day, Key West, Florida, November 11, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Reception and Dinner Given by the Women’s National Democratic Club, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., November 20, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Ceremony of Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds, December 24, 1951
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - State of the Union Message, January 9, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address in Connection with the Opening of the 1952 Red Cross Campaign, February 28, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address from Aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Courier on the Voice of America Program, March 4, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Mutual Security Program, March 6, 1952, 10:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Luncheon of the 28th Annual Convention of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, New York, March 15, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, National Guard Armory, Washington, D.C., March 29, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Ceremonies Commemorating the Third Anniversary of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty, Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., April 4, 1952, 11:50am
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address Accepting Carillon Presented to U.S. by Queen of Netherlands on Behalf of her People, Meridian Hill Park, Washington, D.C., April 4, 1952, 3:45pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Nation Concerning the Current Steel Dispute, April 8, 1952, 10:30pm
Box 20
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at National Conference on International Economic & Social Development, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. (Read for President by Secretary of State), April 8, 1952, 9:45pm
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks on Occasion of Receiving Members of the Council of the Organization of American States, April 14, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at Dedication of the New AMVETS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., April 18, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the 70th Anniversary Meeting of the National Civic Service League, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., May 2, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Remarks at the 6th Annual Honor Awards Program of the Department of Agriculture, Sylvan Theatre (Washington Monument Grounds), May 15, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the National Convention Banquet of the Americans for Democratic Action, Hotel Statler, Wash.ington, D.C., May 17, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Sesquicentennial Convocation, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York , May 20, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address to the Conference on Industrial Safety, Departmental Auditorium, June 2, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Reunion of the 35th Division delivered at the Shrine Mosque, Springfield, MO (6/7/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Message to Joint Session of Congress concerning the current steel dispute (6/10/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at the Commencement Day exercises at Howard University (6/13/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at keel laying of first atomic energy submarine, Electric Boat Div., General Dynamics Corp., Groton, Conn. (6/14/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address dedicating Norfolk and Bull Shoals Dams, Bull Shoals Dam, Arkansas (7/2/1952) 11am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address at the Democratic National Convention Hall, Chicago, IL (7/26/1952) 1:43am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address delivered at Labor Day ceremonies, Milwaukee, Wisc. (9/1/1952) 8:30pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Parkersburg, WV (rear platform) (9/2/1952) 12:50pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address to the President’s Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, Departmental Auditorium (9/4/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address at luncheon of the American Hospital Association convention, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, PA (9/16/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address before the National Conference on Citizenship, Hotel Statler, Wash., D.C. (9/17/1952) 10:45pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Remarks to National Citizens Committee on United Nations Day, Rose Garden (9/26/1952) 12pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address opening the annual Community Chest and similar drives (9/27/1952)
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Fargo, ND (9/29/1952) 8:45am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Remarks in Havre, Mont. (rear platform) (9/30/1952) 11:55am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address at dedication of the Hungry Horse Dam near Kalispell, Mont. (10/1/1952) 11:05am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Spokane, Washington (10/1/1952) 8pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address recorded for the campaign comm. of the InterNational Ladies Garment Workers Union, White House (10/1/1952) 10:15pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Seattle, Washington (10/2/1952) 5:35pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Tacoma, Washington (10/2/1952) 9:05pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Klamath Falls, Oregon (10/3/1952) 9:05am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Redding, California (10/3/1952) 3:40pm
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Provo, Utah (10/6/1952) 10:05am
- PPF 1-F The President (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Colorado Springs, Colo. (10/7/1952) 3:58pm
Box 21
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Shenandoah, Iowa (10/8/1952) 12:40pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Cleveland, Ohio (10/9/1952) 3:15pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Buffalo, NY at Memorial Hall (10/9/1952) 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Rochester, New York (10/10/1952) 11:30am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Albany, NY (10/10/1952) 6pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in New York, NY at the Waldorf Astoria (10/11/1952) 10:05pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Hartford, Conn. (10/16/1952) 12:40pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Manchester, NH (10/16/1952) 9:05pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Mobilization Conf., National Jewish Welfare Bd., (read for the President), Wash., D.C. (10/17/1952) 1pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Lawrence, Mass. (10/17/1952) 1:22pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Boston, Mass. at Symphony Hall (10/17/1952) 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Providence, RI (10/18/1952) 11:35am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Brooklyn, NY (10/18/1952) 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Jersey City, NJ (10/21/1952) 11am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Newark, NJ (10/21/1952) 11:45am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Philadelphia, PA (10/21/1952) 5:35pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Pottsville, PA (10/21/1952) 8:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Scranton, PA (10/22/1952) 8:35am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Pittsburg, PA at the Mosque (10/22/1952) 8:32pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Wheeling, WV (10/23/1952) 9:35am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Cumberland, MD (10/23/1952) 4:25pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Gary, Indiana (10/27/1952) 8:35pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in St. Paul, Minn. (10/28/1952) 11:13am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Hibbing, Minn. (10/28/1952) 8:02pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Davenport, Iowa (10/29/1952) 12:25pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Chicago, IL (10/29/1952) 9:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Lansing, Michigan (10/30/1952) 11:21am
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address in Detroit, Michigan (10/30/1952) 10:30pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Remarks on Election eve made over nation-wide radio and TV hook-up, from Kansas City, MO (11/3/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address before Washington Hebrew Congregation on occasion of laying of cornerstone of their new temple, Wash., D.C. (11/16/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address before the Association of Military Surgeons, Hotel Statler, Wash. D.C. (11/19/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Remarks to the final sess. of the CIA’s 8th training orientation course for representatives of various government agencies, Wash., D.C. (11/21/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Remarks at cornerstone laying of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, VA (11/23/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address dedicating new shrine for the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, National Archives (12/15/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address to the Alumni Association of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Ft. Lesley J. McNair, Wash., D.C. (12/16/1952)
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address at the Wright Memorial Dinner of the Aero Club, Hotel Statler, Wash., D.C. (12/17/1952) 9:50pm
- PPF 1-F President, The (Personal Memoranda, Drafts of Messages and Speeches, etc.) - Address delivered to the faculty and students of the National War College on the course of U.S. foreign policy, December 19, 1952
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Address at Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree, South Grounds of the White House, December 24, 1952
Box 22
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - State of the Union Message, January 7, 1953
- PPF 1-F The President - Drafts of Messages and Speeches, Etc. - Farewell Address to the Nation, January 15, 1953
- PPF 1-G The President - The President’s Home in Independence, Missouri
- PPF 1-H The President - Card Playing and Drinking
- PPF 1-H The President - Card Playing and Drinking, Pro
- PPF 1-H The President - Card Playing and Drinking, Con
- PPF 1-I President, The - Re: Hospital Facilities at Walter Reed Hospital for the President
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, July 1952
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, "A – D"
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, "E – I"
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, "J – M"
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, "N – S"
Box 23
- PPF 1-I President, The - Illness, "T – Z"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (PRO) "A – L"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (PRO) "M – Z"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "A - B" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "A - B" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "C - D" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "C - D" [2 of 2]
Box 24
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "E - G"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "H - J"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "K - L"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "M - N" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "M - N" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "O - R"
Box 25
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "S - T"
- PPF 1-J President, The - Re: Senator Fulbright’s suggestion that the President resign following Republican Landslide in November 1946 Congressional elections, (CON) "U - Z"
- PPF 1-K President, The - Re: alleged remark, 5/9/1949, by the President on Sen. Harry F. Byrd
- PPF 1-K President, The - Re: alleged remark, 5/9/1949, by the President on Sen. Harry F. Byrd (PRO)
- PPF 1-L President, The - Harry S. Truman Foundation [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-L President, The - Harry S. Truman Foundation [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-L President, The - Contributions for Harry S. Truman Library, Inc.
- PPF 1-L President, The - Job Folder (Applications for Positions in Truman Library)
- PPF 1-M President, The - Letters to Posterity
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "A"
Box 26
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "B"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "C" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "C" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "D"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "E"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "F"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "G" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "G" [2 of 2]
Box 27
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "H-I"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "J-K"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "L"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "M" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "M" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "N-O"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "P" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "P" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "Q"
Box 28
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "R"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "S" [1 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "S" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "T"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "U-V"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "W"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - "X-Z"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous
Box 29
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "A"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "B"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "C"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "D-E"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "F"
Box 30
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "G"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "H-K"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "L"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "M" (November 1-21)
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "M" (November 22- )
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "N-O"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "P" [1 of 2]
Box 31
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "P" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "Q-R"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "S" (November)
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "S" (December)
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "T"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "U-W"
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "X-Z" [1 of 2]
Box 32
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, "X-Z" [2 of 2]
- PPF 1-N President, The - Attempt on President's Life, November 1, 1950 - Miscellaneous, - Leslie Coffelt Fund
- PPF 1-O President, The - Whispering and Smear Campaign against the President
- PPF 1-O President, The - Whispering and Smear Campaign against the President, Miscellaneous
- PPF 1-P President, The - Portrait Medallions of the President and Mrs. Truman by Mr. Paul Vincze
- PPF 1-P President, The - Portrait Medallions of the President and Mrs. Truman by Mr. Paul Vincze, Miscellaneous
- PPF 1-Q The President - Re: Mr. Truman running for Senate upon his retirement from the Presidency
- PPF 1-R The President - Homes Offered for Sale to the President
- PPF 1-S The President - Occupational Offers
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess)
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - 1945-1946
Box 33
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - 1945, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-April 1946, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - May-December 1946, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - 1947-July 1949
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-June 1947, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - July-December 1947, cross-reference sheets
Box 34
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-June 1948, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - July-December 1948, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-July 1949, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - August-December 1949
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - August-December 1949, cross-reference sheets [1 of 2]
Box 35
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - August-December 1949, cross-reference sheets [2 of 2]
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-June 1950
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-June 1950, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - July-December 1950
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - July-December 1950, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-April 1951, [1 of 2]
Box 36
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-April 1951, [2 of 2]
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-April 1951, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - May-September 1951
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - October-December 1951
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - May-December 1951, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-February 1952
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - January-February 1952, cross-reference sheets
Box 37
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - March-May 1952
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - March-May 1952, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - June 1952-1953
- PPF 2 Truman, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) - June 1952-1953, cross-reference sheets
- PPF 2 Newspaper Conference
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1945-1947)
Box 38
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1945-1946) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1947) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1948-1949)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1948) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1949) cross-reference sheets
Box 39
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-June 1950)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (July-December 1950)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (1950) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-May 1951)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-May 1951) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (June 1951)
Box 40
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (Aug 1951)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (September-December 1951)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (June-December 1951) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-July 1952) [1 of 2]
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-July 1952) [2 of 2]
Box 41
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (January-June 1952) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (Aug 1952-1953)
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret (July 1952-1953) cross-reference sheets
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter – Comments re: the President’s letter to Paul Hume, Music Critic, in connection with Miss Truman
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "A-C"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "D-G"
Box 42
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "H-K"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "L-M"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "N-R"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Pro) "S-Z"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "A-C"
Box 43
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "D-G"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "H-L"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "M-O"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "P-S"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Hume Letter (Con) "T-Z"
Box 44
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "A"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "B"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "C"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "D-E"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "F-G"
Box 45
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "H-J"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "K-L"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "M"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "N – Q"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "R"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "S"
Box 46
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Radio, TV, & Concert Appearances "T-Z"
- PPF 3 Truman, Miss Margaret, Secretary Folder
- PPF 3-A Truman, Miss Margaret, Mike – Margaret Truman’s Dog
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), April-May 1945
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), June 1945
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), July-December 1945
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), 1946
Box 47
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), January-June 1947
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), July-December 1947
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen), 1948-1953
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "A"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "B" (February-May 1947)
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "B" (June 1947)
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "C"
Box 48
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "D-E"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "F-G"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "H-I"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "J-K"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "L"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "M" (February-May 1947)
Box 49
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "M" (June-Aug 1947)
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "N-P"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "Q-R"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "S" (February-May 1947)
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "S" (June-November 1947)
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "T-V"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "W"
Box 50
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Accident and Illness "X-Z"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Clippings re: Death [1 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Clippings re: Death [2 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "A"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "B" [1 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "B" [2 of 5]
Box 51
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "B" [3 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "B" [4 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "B" [5 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "C" [1 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "C" [2 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "C" [3 of 5]
Box 52
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "C" [4 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "C" [5 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "D" [1 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "D" [2 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "E"
Box 53
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "F"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "G" [1 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "G" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "G" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "H" [1 of 4]
Box 54
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "H" [2 of 4]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "H" [3 of 4]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "H" [4 of 4]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "I"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "J"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "K" [1 of 3]
Box 55
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "K" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "K" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "L" [1 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "L" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "L" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "M" [1 of 5]
Box 56
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "M" [2 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "M" [3 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "M" [4 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "M" [5 of 5]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "N"
Box 57
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "O"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "P" [1 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "P" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "P" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "Q"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "R" [1 of 3]
Box 58
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "R" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "R" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [1 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [2 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [3 of 6]
Box 59
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [4 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [5 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "S" [6 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "T" [1 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "T" [2 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "U"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "V"
Box 60
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "W" [1 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "W" [2 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "W" [3 of 3]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, "X-Y-Z"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Acknowledged with White House Card [1 of 2]
Box 61
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Acknowledged with White House Card [2 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "A"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "B"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "C"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "D"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "E"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "F"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "G"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "H"
Box 62
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "I"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "J"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "K"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "L"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "M"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "N"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "O"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "P"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "Q"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "R"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "S"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "T"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "U"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "V"
Box 63
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "W"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Family Card Acknowledgements, "X-Y-Z"
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [1 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [2 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [3 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [4 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [5 of 6]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Foreign [6 of 6]
Box 64
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Unacknowledged because of insufficient address, no address, not signed, etc. [1 of 2]
- PPF 4 Truman, Mrs. John A. (Martha Ellen) - Death, Unacknowledged because of insufficient address, no address, not signed, etc. [2 of 2]
- PPF 5 Truman, J. Vivian
- PPF 6 Truman, Miss Mary Jane
- PPF 6 Truman, Miss Mary Jane - Cross Reference Sheets
- PPF 7 Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. David W. (Madge)
Box 65
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "A-C"
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "D-G"
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "H-J"
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "K-M"
Box 66
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "N-R"
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, "S-Z"
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, Foreign messages acknowledged by Department of State [1 of 4]
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, Foreign messages acknowledged by Department of State [2 of 4]
Box 67
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, Foreign messages acknowledged by Department of State [3 of 4]
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, Foreign messages acknowledged by Department of State [4 of 4]
- PPF 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Death, Miscellaneous
- PPF 8-A Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Roosevelt National Memorial Committee
- PPF 8-B Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation
- PPF 8-C Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Memorials to Franklin D. Roosevelt
- PPF 8-D Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Roosevelt Day
- PPF 8-E Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedom Award
- PPF 9 Gifts to the President
- PPF 9 A (April-September 1945)
- PPF 9 A (October-December 1945)
Box 68
- PPF 9 B (April-June 1945) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (April-June 1945) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (July-September 1945) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (July-September 1945) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (October 1945)
- PPF 9 B (November-December 1945)
Box 69
- PPF 9 C (April-May 1945)
- PPF 9 C (June-October 1945)
- PPF 9 C (November-December 1945)
- PPF 9 D (April-August 1945)
- PPF 9 D (September-December 1945)
- PPF 9 E (1945)
Box 70
- PPF 9 F (April-September 1945)
- PPF 9 F (October-December 1945)
- PPF 9 G (1945)
- PPF 9 H (April-August 1945)
- PPF 9 H (September-December 1945)
- PPF 9 I (1945)
- PPF 9 J (1945)
Box 71
- PPF 9 K (April-July 1945)
- PPF 9 K (August-December 1945)
- PPF 9 L (April-July 1945)
- PPF 9 L (August-December 1945)
- PPF 9 M (April-May 1945)
Box 72
- PPF 9 M (June-September 1945)
- PPF 9 M (October-December 1945)
- PPF 9 N (1945)
- PPF 9 O (1945)
- PPF 9 P (April-August 1945)
- PPF 9 P (September-December 1945)
Box 73
- PPF 9 Q (1945)
- PPF 9 R (April-June 1945)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1945)
- PPF 9 S (April-June 1945)
- PPF 9 S (July-September 1945)
- PPF 9 S (October-November 1945)
Box 74
- PPF 9 S (December 1945)
- PPF 9 T (1945)
- PPF 9 U (1945)
- PPF 9 V (1945)
- PPF 9 W (April-August 1945)
- PPF 9 W (September-December 1945)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1945)
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1946)
Box 75
- PPF 9 A (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 B (January-April 1946) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (January-April 1946) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (May-July 1946)
- PPF 9 B (August-December 1946) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (August-December 1946) [2 of 2]
Box 76
- PPF 9 C (January-March 1946)
- PPF 9 C (April-May 1946)
- PPF 9 C (June-August 1946)
- PPF 9 C (September-December 1946)
- PPF 9 D (January-June 1946)
- PPF 9 D (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 E (1946)
- PPF 9 F (January-June 1946)
Box 77
- PPF 9 F (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 G (January-April 1946)
- PPF 9 G (May-December 1946)
- PPF 9 H (January-April 1946)
- PPF 9 H (May-December 1946)
- PPF 9 I (1946)
- PPF 9 J (1946)
Box 78
- PPF 9 K (January-June 1946)
- PPF 9 K (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 L (January-March 1946)
- PPF 9 L (April-December 1946)
- PPF 9 M (January-March 1946)
- PPF 9 M (April-June 1946)
- PPF 9 M (July-December 1946)
Box 79
- PPF 9 N (January-May 1946)
- PPF 9 N (June-December 1946)
- PPF 9 O (1946)
- PPF 9 P (January-June 1946)
- PPF 9 P (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 Q (1946)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1946)
Box 80
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 S (January 1946)
- PPF 9 S (February-April 1946)
- PPF 9 S (May-September 1946)
- PPF 9 S (October-December 1946)
- PPF 9 T (January-June 1946)
- PPF 9 T (July-December 1946)
- PPF 9 U (1946)
Box 81
- PPF 9 V (1946)
- PPF 9 W (January-April 1946)
- PPF 9 W (May-December 1946)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1946)
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1947)
- PPF 9 A (July-December 1947)
- PPF 9 B (January-June 1947) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (January-June 1947) [2 of 2]
Box 82
- PPF 9 B (July-December 1947) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (July-December 1947) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-June 1947)
- PPF 9 C (July-December 1947)
- PPF 9 D (1947)
- PPF 9 E (1947)
Box 83
- PPF 9 F (1947)
- PPF 9 G (January-August 1947)
- PPF 9 G (September-December 1947)
- PPF 9 H (January-July 1947)
- PPF 9 H (August-December 1947)
- PPF 9 I (1947)
- PPF 9 J (1947)
- PPF 9 K (1947)
Box 84
- PPF 9 L (1947)
- PPF 9 M (January-April 1947)
- PPF 9 M (May-August 1947)
- PPF 9 M (September-December 1947)
- PPF 9 N (1947)
- PPF 9 O (1947)
- PPF 9 P (January-June 1947)
Box 85
- PPF 9 P (July-December 1947)
- PPF 9 Q (1947)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1947)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1947)
- PPF 9 S (January-June 1947)
- PPF 9 S (July-December 1947)
- PPF 9 T (1947)
Box 86
- PPF 9 U (1947)
- PPF 9 V (1947)
- PPF 9 W (1947)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1947)
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1948)
- PPF 9 A (July-December 1948)
- PPF 9 B (January-June 1948) [1 of 2]
Box 87
- PPF 9 B (January-June 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (July-August 1948)
- PPF 9 B (September-December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (September-December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-June 1948)
- PPF 9 C (July-November 1948)
Box 88
- PPF 9 C (December 1948)
- PPF 9 D (January-August 1948)
- PPF 9 D (September-December 1948)
- PPF 9 E (1948)
- PPF 9 F (1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 F (1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 G (January-September 1948)
Box 89
- PPF 9 G (October-December 1948)
- PPF 9 H (January-September 1948)
- PPF 9 H (October-December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 H (October-December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 I (1948)
- PPF 9 J (1948)
- PPF 9 K (January-April 1948)
Box 90
- PPF 9 K (May-September 1948)
- PPF 9 K (October-December 1948)
- PPF 9 L (January-September 1948)
- PPF 9 L (October-December 1948)
- PPF 9 M (January-June 1948)
Box 91
- PPF 9 M (July-September 1948)
- PPF 9 M (October-November 1948)
- PPF 9 M (December 1948)
- PPF 9 N (1948)
- PPF 9 O (1948)
- PPF 9 P (January-June 1948) [1 of 2]
Box 92
- PPF 9 P (January-June 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (July-December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (July-December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 Q (1948)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1948)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1948)
- PPF 9 S (January-February 1948)
- PPF 9 S (March-June 1948)
Box 93
- PPF 9 S (July-October 1948)
- PPF 9 S (November-December 1948)
- PPF 9 T (January-September 1948)
- PPF 9 T (October-December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 T (October-December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 U (1948)
- PPF 9 V (1948)
Box 94
- PPF 9 W (January-September 1948)
- PPF 9 W (October-November 1948)
- PPF 9 W (December 1948)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1948)
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1949)
- PPF 9 A (July-December 1949)
- PPF 9 B (January-February 1949) [1 of 2]
Box 95
- PPF 9 B (January-February 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (March-May 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (March-May 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (June-August 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (June-August 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (September-November 1949)
- PPF 9 B (December 1949)
Box 96
- PPF 9 C (January-March 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-March 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (April-July 1949)
- PPF 9 C (August-December 1949)
- PPF 9 D (January-March 1949)
- PPF 9 D (April-October 1949)
Box 97
- PPF 9 D (November-December 1949)
- PPF 9 E (1949)
- PPF 9 F (January-June 1949)
- PPF 9 F (July-December 1949)
- PPF 9 G (January-May 1949)
- PPF 9 G (June-December 1949)
Box 98
- PPF 9 H (January-June 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 H (January-June 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 H (July-December 1949)
- PPF 9 I (1949)
- PPF 9 J (1949)
- PPF 9 K (January-May 1949)
Box 99
- PPF 9 K (June-December 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 K (June-December 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 L (January-March 1949)
- PPF 9 L (April-December 1949)
- PPF 9 M (January-February 1949)
- PPF 9 M (March-May 1949)
Box 100
- PPF 9 M (June-August 1949)
- PPF 9 M (September-December 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 M (September-December 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 N (1949)
- PPF 9 O (1949)
- PPF 9 P (January-March 1949) [1 of 2]
Box 101
- PPF 9 P (January-March 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (April-December 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (April-December 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 Q (1949)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1949)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1949)
- PPF 9 S (January 1949)
Box 102
- PPF 9 S (February-April 1949) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (February-April 1949) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (May-September 1949)
- PPF 9 S (October-December 1949)
- PPF 9 T (January-June 1949)
- PPF 9 T (July-December 1949)
Box 103
- PPF 9 U (1949)
- PPF 9 V (1949)
- PPF 9 W (January-February 1949)
- PPF 9 W (March-July 1949)
- PPF 9 W (August-December 1949)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1949)
Box 104
- PPF 9 A (1950)
- PPF 9 B (January-May 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (January-May 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (June-December 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (June-December 1950) [2 of 2]
Box 105
- PPF 9 C (January-May 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-May 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (June-September 1950)
- PPF 9 C (October-December 1950)
- PPF 9 D (January-September 1950)
- PPF 9 D (October-December 1950)
Box 106
- PPF 9 E (1950)
- PPF 9 F (1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 F (1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 G (January-June 1950)
- PPF 9 G (July-December 1950)
- PPF 9 H (January-June 1950) [1 of 2]
Box 107
- PPF 9 H (January-June 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 H (July-December 1950)
- PPF 9 I (1950)
- PPF 9 J (1950)
- PPF 9 K (January-March 1950)
- PPF 9 K (April-December 1950)
- PPF 9 L (January-June 1950)
Box 108
- PPF 9 L (July-December 1950)
- PPF 9 M (January-May 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 M (January-May 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 M (June-September 1950)
- PPF 9 M (October-December 1950)
- PPF 9 N (1950) [1 of 2]
Box 109
- PPF 9 N (1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 O (1950)
- PPF 9 P (January-April 1950)
- PPF 9 P (May-December 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (May-December 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 Q (1950)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1950)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1950) [1 of 2]
Box 110
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (January-May 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (January-May 1950) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (June-August 1950)
- PPF 9 S (September-December 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (September-December 1950) [2 of 2]
Box 111
- PPF 9 T (January-June 1950)
- PPF 9 T (July-December 1950)
- PPF 9 U (1950)
- PPF 9 V (1950)
- PPF 9 W (January-March 1950)
- PPF 9 W (April-June 1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 W (April-June 1950) [2 of 2]
Box 112
- PPF 9 W (July-December 1950)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1950)
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 A (July-December 1951)
- PPF 9 B (January-March 1951)
Box 113
- PPF 9 B (April-June 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (April-June 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (July-October 1951)
- PPF 9 B (November-December 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (November-December 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-May 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January-May 1951) [2 of 2]
Box 114
- PPF 9 C (June-November 1951) [1 of 3]
- PPF 9 C (June-November 1951) [2 of 3]
- PPF 9 C (June-November 1951) [3 of 3]
- PPF 9 C (December 1951)
- PPF 9 D (January-February 1951)
- PPF 9 D (March-August 1951)
- PPF 9 D (September 1951) [1 of 2]
Box 115
- PPF 9 D (September 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 D (October-December 1951)
- PPF 9 E (1951)
- PPF 9 F (January-August 1951)
- PPF 9 F (September-December 1951)
- PPF 9 G (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 G (July-December 1951)
Box 116
- PPF 9 H (January-April 1951)
- PPF 9 H (May-October 1951)
- PPF 9 H (November-December 1951)
- PPF 9 I (1951)
- PPF 9 J (1951)
- PPF 9 K (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 K (July-December 1951)
- PPF 9 L (1951)
Box 117
- PPF 9 M (January-February 1951)
- PPF 9 M (March-April 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 M (March-April 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 M (May-July 1951)
- PPF 9 M (August-November 1951)
- PPF 9 M (December 1951)
- PPF 9 N (1951)
Box 118
- PPF 9 O (1951)
- PPF 9 P (January-August 1951) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (January-August 1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 P (September-December 1951)
- PPF 9 Q (1951)
- PPF 9 R (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1951)
- PPF 9 S (January-May 1951)
Box 119
- PPF 9 S (June-November 1951)
- PPF 9 S (December 1951)
- PPF 9 T (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 T (July-December 1951)
- PPF 9 U (1951)
- PPF 9 V (1951)
- PPF 9 W (January-June 1951)
- PPF 9 W (July-December 1951)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1951)
Box 120
- PPF 9 A (January-June 1952)
- PPF 9 A (July 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 B (January-April 1952) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (January-April 1952) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (May-August 1952) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (May-August 1952) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 B (September 1952-1953) [1 of 2]
Box 121
- PPF 9 B (September 1952-1953) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 C (January 1952)
- PPF 9 C (February-June 1952)
- PPF 9 C (July-September 1952)
- PPF 9 C (October 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 D (January-June 1952)
- PPF 9 D (July 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 E (1952-1953)
Box 122
- PPF 9 F (January-August 1952) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 F (January-August 1952) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 F (September 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 G (January-May 1952)
- PPF 9 G (June 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 H (January-April 1952)
- PPF 9 H (May-July 1952)
Box 123
- PPF 9 H (August 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 I (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 J (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 K (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 L (January-April 1952)
- PPF 9 L (May 1952-1953)
Box 124
- PPF 9 M (January-March 1952)
- PPF 9 M (April-June 1952)
- PPF 9 M (July-October 1952)
- PPF 9 M (November 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 N (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 O (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 P (1952-1953) [1 of 2]
Box 125
- PPF 9 P (1952-1953) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 Q (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 R (January-May 1952)
- PPF 9 R (June 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 S (January-May 1952) [1 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (January-May 1952) [2 of 2]
- PPF 9 S (June-September 1952)
Box 126
- PPF 9 S (October 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 T (January-June 1952)
- PPF 9 T (July 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 U (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 V (1952-1953)
- PPF 9 W (January-June 1952)
- PPF 9 W (July 1952-1953)
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1952-1953)
Box 127
- PPF 10 Inauguration of the President
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - A
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - B [1 of 2]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - B [2 of 2]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - C
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - D
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President -
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - F
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - G
Box 128
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - H
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - I
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - J
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - K
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - L
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - M [1 of 3]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - M [2 of 3]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - M [3 of 3]
Box 129
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - N
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - O
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - P
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - Q
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - R
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - S [1 of 3]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - S [2 of 3]
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - S [3 of 3]
Box 130
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - T
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - U
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - V
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - W
- PPF 11 Honorary Memberships Accepted by the President - X-Y-Z
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - A
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - B
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - C
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - D
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - E
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - F
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - G
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - H
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - I
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - J
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - K
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - L
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - M
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - N
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - O
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - P
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - Q [folder empty]
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - R
Box 131
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - S
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - T
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - U [folder empty]
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - V
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - W
- PPF 12 Honorary Membership Declined by the President - X-Y-Z
- PPF 13 Masonic Matters, 1945-1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 13 Masonic Matters, 1945-1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 13 Masonic Matters, 1947-1948
- PPF 13 Masonic Matters, 1949-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 132
- PPF 13 Masonic Matters, 1949-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - A
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - B
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - C
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - D
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - E
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - F
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - G
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - H
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - I [folder empty]
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - J [folder empty]
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - K
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - L
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - M
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - N
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - O
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - P
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - Q
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - R
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - S
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - T [folder empty]
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - U
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - V
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - W
- PPF 13-A Congratulations on the President’s Elevation to the 33rd Degree of Masonry - X-Y-Z
- PPF 13-B Masonic Matters - Missouri Lodge of Research
- PPF 13-B Masonic Matters - Grand Lodge of Missouri
- PPF 13-C Masonic Matters - Grandview Lodge no. 618 A.F. & A.M.
- PPF 13-D Masonic Negro Matters
- PPF 13-E Masonic Matters – Presidents 40th Anniversary as a Master Mason
- PPF 14 Pyle, Ernie
- PPF 15 Namesakes of the President – Babies Named for the President
- PPF 15 A
- PPF 15 B
- PPF 15 C
- PPF 15 D
- PPF 15 E [folder empty]
Box 133
- PPF 15 F
- PPF 15 G
- PPF 15 H
- PPF 15 I
- PPF 15 J
- PPF 15 K
- PPF 15 L
- PPF 15 M
- PPF 15 N
- PPF 15 O
- PPF 15 P
- PPF 15 Q [folder empty]
- PPF 15 R
- PPF 15 S
- PPF 15 T
- PPF 15 U
- PPF 15 V
- PPF 15 W
- PPF 15 X-Y-Z
- PPF 16 Wilson, President Woodrow – concerning
- PPF 16-A Woodrow Wilson Foundation
- PPF 17 Rogger, F.B.
- PPF 18 Catholic Matters [1 of 2]
Box 134
- PPF 18 Catholic Matters [2 of 2]
- PPF 19 Jewish Matters, 1945-1948
- PPF 19 Jewish Matters, 1949-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 19 Jewish Matters, 1949-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 19-A Rosh Hashanah
- PPF 20 Sholtz, David
- PPF 21 Church Matters, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
Box 135
- PPF 21 Church Matters, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 21 Church Matters, 1948-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 21 Church Matters, 1948-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 21 Church Matters, 1948-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 22 Boy Scouts of America, 1945-1947
- PPF 22 Boy Scouts of America, 1948-1950
Box 136
- PPF 22 Boy Scouts of America, 1951-1953
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - A
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - B
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - C
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - D
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - E
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - F
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - G
Box 137
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - H
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - I
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - J
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - K
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - L
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - M
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - N
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - O
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - P
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - Q [folder empty]
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - R
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - S [1 of 2]
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - S [2 of 2]
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - T
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - U
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - V
Box 138
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - W
- PPF 23 Memberships Accepted by the President - X-Y-Z
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - A
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - B
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - C
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - D
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - E
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - F
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - G
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - H
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - I
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - J
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - K
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - L
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - M
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - N
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - O
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - P
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - Q [folder empty]
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - R
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - S
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - T
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - U
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - V
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - W
- PPF 24 Memberships Declined by the President - X-Y-Z
- PPF 25 Educational Matters [1 of 4]
Box 139
- PPF 25 Educational Matters [2 of 4]
- PPF 25 Educational Matters [3 of 4]
- PPF 25 Educational Matters [4 of 4]
- PPF 26 Biographical data concerning the President; "Mr. President" by William Hillman (SF); Misc: President, miscellaneous requests for biographical data concerning the
- PPF 26 (April-July 1945)
- PPF 26 (August-December 1945)
Box 140
- PPF 26 (1946-1948)
- PPF 26 (1949-1950)
- PPF 26 (1951-1953)
- PPF 26 Miscellaneous (1945-1946)
- PPF 26 Miscellaneous (1947-1948)
- PPF 26 Miscellaneous (1949-1951) [1 of 2]
Box 141
- PPF 26 Miscellaneous (1949-1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 26 Miscellaneous (1952-1953)
- PPF 26 Hillman Book "Mr. President"
- PPF 26 A
- PPF 26 B
- PPF 26 C
- PPF 26 D
- PPF 26 E
- PPF 26 F
- PPF 26 G
- PPF 26 H
- PPF 26 I
Box 142
- PPF 26 J
- PPF 26 K
- PPF 26 L
- PPF 26 M
- PPF 26 N
- PPF 26 O
- PPF 26 P
- PPF 26 Q
- PPF 26 R
- PPF 26 S
- PPF 26 T
- PPF 26 U [folder empty]
- PPF 26 V
- PPF 26 W
- PPF 26 X-Y-Z
- PPF 27 Cox, James M.
- PPF 28 Humor – Humorous communications
- PPF 29 Duncan, Richard D.
Box 143
- PPF 30 Colored Matters
- PPF 30-A Emancipation Proclamation
- PPF 31 Rumsey, Horace S.
- PPF 32 Taggart, Thomas D.
- PPF 33 Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America
- PPF 34 Kilroy, Michael J.
- PPF 35 Children; Child Labor
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1945-1946
Box 144
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1947
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1948
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1949
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1950
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1951
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 145
- PPF 36 Medals, Decorations, Citations and Awards Presented to the President, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 37 Philately
- PPF 37 A
- PPF 37 B
- PPF 37 C
- PPF 37 D [1 of 2]
- PPF 37 D [2 of 2]
- PPF 37 E
- PPF 37 F
- PPF 37 G
Box 146
- PPF 37 H
- PPF 37 I
- PPF 37 J
- PPF 37 K
- PPF 37 L
- PPF 37 M
- PPF 37 N
- PPF 37 O
- PPF 37 P
- PPF 37 Q [folder empty]
- PPF 37 R
- PPF 37 S
- PPF 37 T
- PPF 37 U [folder empty]
- PPF 37 V
Box 147
- PPF 37 W
- PPF 37 X-Y-Z
- PPF 38 Powell, A. Clayton, Jr.
- PPF 39 Aeronautics; Aviation
- PPF 39-A The President’s Airplane (1945-1946)
- PPF 39-A The President’s Airplane (1947) [1 of 2]
- PPF 39-A The President’s Airplane (1947) [2 of 2]
- PPF 39-A The President’s Airplane (1948-1953)
- PPF 40 Fire
- PPF 41 Ball, Joseph H.
- PPF 42 Ross, Guy
- PPF 43 Military Order of the World Wars [1 of 2]
Box 148
- PPF 43 Military Order of the World Wars [2 of 2]
- PPF 44 Watson, Thomas J.
- PPF 45 Andrews, Charles O.
- PPF 46 Arnall, Ellis Gibbs
- PPF 47 Athenagoras, Archbishop F.
- PPF 48 Unusual Utterances by the President
- PPF 49 Safety
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1945-1947 [1 of 3]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1945-1947 [2 of 3]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1945-1947 [3 of 3]
Box 149
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
Box 150
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1945-1947
Box 151
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1945-1947 [1 of 3]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1945-1947 [2 of 3]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1945-1947 [3 of 3]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1945-1947
Box 152
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1945-1947
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1948 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1948
Box 153
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1948 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1948 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1948
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1949
Box 154
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1949
Box 155
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1949 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1949
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1950
Box 156
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1950 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1950
Box 157
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1950 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1950 V
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1950 W
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1950
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1951 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1951
Box 158
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1951
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - A, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - B, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - C, 1952-1953
Box 159
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - D, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - E, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - F, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - G, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - H, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - I, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - J, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - K, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - L, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - M, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - N, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - O, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - P, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - Q, 1952-1953 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - R, 1952-1953
Box 160
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - S, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - T, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - U, 1952-1953 [folder empty]
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - V, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - W, 1952-1953
- PPF 50 Heart Interest Letters – Letters to Elderly People for the President - X-Y-Z, 1952-1953
- PPF 51 Bailey, Josiah W.
- PPF 52 Bailey, Thomas L.
- PPF 53 Bankhead, John H., II
- PPF 54 Benedum, M. L.
- PPF 55 Letters of condolence from the President, 1945-1950 [1 of 3]
- PPF 55 Letters of condolence from the President, 1945-1950 [2 of 3]
- PPF 55 Letters of condolence from the President, 1945-1950 [3 of 3]
Box 161
- PPF 55 Letters of condolence from the President, 1951-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 55 Letters of condolence from the President, 1951-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 56 Blalock, Myron G.
- PPF 57 Busch, August A., Jr.
- PPF 58 Caldwell, Millard F.
- PPF 59 Cantwell, Archbishop John J.
- PPF 60 Veterans
- PPF 61 Curley, James M.
- PPF 62 Farley, James A.
- PPF 63 Women
- PPF 64 Flood, Daniel J.
- PPF 65 Democratic Party [1 of 2]
- PPF 65 Democratic Party [2 of 2]
Box 162
- PPF 65-A Women’s Division – Democratic National Committee
- PPF 65-A Democratic National Committee
- PPF 65-B Second Presidential Term [1 of 2]
- PPF 65-B Second Presidential Term [2 of 2]
- PPF 65-C Democratic Presidential Campaign (1945-November 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 65-C Democratic Presidential Campaign (1945-November 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 65-C Democratic Presidential Campaign (December 1948-1949)
Box 163
- PPF 65-C Democratic Presidential Campaign (1950-1953)
- PPF 65-D Democratic State Conventions
- PPF 65-E Democratic National Convention
- PPF 65-F Third Presidential Term
- PPF 65-F Announcement
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) A
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) B
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) C
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) D
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) E
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) F
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) G
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) H
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) I [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) J
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) K
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) L
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) M
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) N
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) O [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) P
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) Q
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) R
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) S
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) T
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) U [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) V [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) W
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Pro) X-Y-Z
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con)
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) A
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) B
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) C
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) D
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) E
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) F
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) G [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) H
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) I
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) J [folder empty]
Box 164
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) K
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) L
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) M
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) N
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) O
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) P
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) Q [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) R
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) S
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) T
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) U [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) V [folder empty]
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) W
- PPF 65-F Announcement (Con) X-Y-Z [folder empty]
- PPF 65-G Democratic National Platform
- PPF 65-H Fair Deal
- PPF 66 Holograph letters
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1945 [1 of 2]
Box 165
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1945
Box 166
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1945
Box 167
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1945
Box 168
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1945
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1946
Box 169
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 170
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1946
Box 171
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1946 [folder empty]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1946
Box 172
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1946
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1947 [1 of 2]
Box 173
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1947
Box 174
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1947 [1 of 2]
Box 175
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1947
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1948
Box 176
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1948
Box 177
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1948
Box 178
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1948 [2 of 2]
Box 179
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1948
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1949 [1 of 2]
Box 180
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1949
Box 181
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1949 [1 of 2]
Box 182
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1949 [1 of 2]
Box 183
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1949
Box 184
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1949
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1950
Box 185
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1950
Box 186
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1950
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1951
Box 187
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1951
Box 188
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1951
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - A, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 189
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - B, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - C, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - D, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - E, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - F, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - G, 1952-1953
Box 190
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - H, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - I, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - J, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - K, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - L, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
Box 191
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - M, 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - N, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - O, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - P, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - Q, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - R, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - S, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
Box 192
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - T, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - U, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - V, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - W, 1952-1953
- PPF 66-A Requests for the President's Autograph - X-Y-Z, 1952-1953
- PPF 67 President’s Dog "Feller"
- PPF 67 (1947-January 1948)
- PPF 67 (February 1948-1953)
- PPF 68 Forand, Aime J.
- PPF 69 Gabriel, Russell W.
- PPF 70 Garner, John N.
- PPF 71 Gary, J. Vaughn
- PPF 72 Glennon, Archbishop John J. Cardinal
Box 193
- PPF 73 Genealogical – Genealogy of the President – Relatives of the President, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 73 Genealogical – Genealogy of the President – Relatives of the President, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 73 Genealogical – Genealogy of the President – Relatives of the President, 1946-1948
- PPF 73 Genealogical – Genealogy of the President – Relatives of the President, 1949-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 73 Genealogical – Genealogy of the President – Relatives of the President, 1949-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 74 Goldman, Fred
- PPF 75 Radio matters
Box 194
- PPF 76 Georgia Warm Springs Foundation
- PPF 76-A Georgia Warm Springs Foundation - Little White House
- PPF 77 Libraries
- PPF 78 Goldwyn, Samuel
- PPF 79 Gossett, Charles C.
- PPF 80 Donnelly, Phil M.
- PPF 81 Merchant marine
- PPF 82 The Press, 1945-1946
- PPF 82 The Press, 1947-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 82 The Press, 1947-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 82 The Press, 1947-1953 [3 of 3]
Box 195
- PPF 83 Gerard, James W.
- PPF 84 Green, Dwight H.
- PPF 85 American Federation of Labor, 1945-1947
- PPF 85 American Federation of Labor, 1948-1951
- PPF 85 American Federation of Labor, 1952-1953
- PPF 85-A Trade Union Courier
- PPF 86 Raleigh (North Carolina) News and Observer; Josephus Daniels; Jonathan Daniels, 1945-1947
- PPF 86 Raleigh (North Carolina) News and Observer; Josephus Daniels; Jonathan Daniels, 1948-1953
Box 196
- PPF 87 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 1945-1946
- PPF 87 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 1947-1950
- PPF 87 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 1951-1953
- PPF 88 Labor
- PPF 89 Voting – Elections [1 of 2]
- PPF 89 Voting – Elections [2 of 2]
- PPF 89-A Voting, Elections - Electoral Colleges of the U.S.
Box 197
- PPF 90 The Bible – Prayer
- PPF 90-A The Bible, Prayer - Sunday Schools
- PPF 91 Harvard University
- PPF 91-A Harvard University - Harvard Crimson
- PPF 91-B Harvard University - Harvard Lampoon
- PPF 92 Agriculture
- PPF 93 Gruening, Ernest
- PPF 94 McClellan, John L.
- PPF 95 Hoover, Herbert C.
- PPF 96 Griffith, Clark C.
- PPF 97 Speech Material
- PPF 97 Speech Material, 1945-1948
- PPF 97 Speech Material, 1949-1953
Box 198
- PPF 98 Publishers
- PPF 98-A Publishers - Miscellaneous
- PPF 99 Books
- PPF 100 Music
- PPF 101 Salvation Army, The
- PPF 102 Baruch, Herman B.
- PPF 103 George VI, King of England
- PPF 104 Carter, Amon G.
- PPF 105 Osmena, Sergio
- PPF 106 Chiang Kai-Shek
- PPF 107 Muldrow, H. L.
- PPF 108 Pope Pius XII
Box 199
- PPF 109 Smith, Bryce B.
- PPF 110 Madden, John G.
- PPF 111 Lewis, Martin A., Jr.
- PPF 112 Ansberry, T. Peter
- PPF 113 Ferris, Scott
- PPF 114 Steinman, J. Hale
- PPF 115 Peter II, King of Yugoslavia
- PPF 116 Franz Josef II, Prince Regent of Liechtenstein
- PPF 117 De Gaulle, Gen. Charles
- PPF 118 King, William Lyon Mackenzie
- PPF 119 Cushing, Archbishop Richard J.
- PPF 120 Peace [1 of 2]
- PPF 120 Peace [2 of 2]
- PPF 121 Johnson, Dr. Mordecai W.
- PPF 122 Maywood Baptist Church of Independence (MO)
- PPF 123 Dodds, Harold W.
- PPF 123-A Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs
Box 200
- PPF 124 Chambers of Commerce
- PPF 125 Independence (MO) Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 126 Helm, William P.
- PPF 127 Johnson, Louis Arthur
- PPF 128 Forestry – Trees
- PPF 129 Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Accepted, 1945-1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 129 Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Accepted, 1945-1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 129 Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Accepted, 1951-1953
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, 1945
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-August 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 201
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-August 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, September-December 1946
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, 1947
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-April 1948
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, May-December 1948
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-May 1949
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, June-August 1949
Box 202
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, September-December 1949
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-July 1950
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, August-December 1950
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, January-February 1951
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, March-June 1951
Box 203
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, July-December 1951
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 129-A Requests for the Use of the President's and Mrs. Truman's Name as Patron, Denied, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 130 Dogs
- PPF 131 Johnson, Luther A.
- PPF 132 Byrd, W. D.
- PPF 133 Hunt, Lester C.
- PPF 134 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 135 Navy, The – Navy Day
- PPF 136 Kefauver, Estes
- PPF 137 Giannini, L. M.
- PPF 138 Kirk, Maj. Gen. Norman T.
- PPF 139 Kennedy, Michael J., Jr.
- PPF 140 Moody, Dan
- PPF 141 Kerr, Robert S.
- PPF 142 Dingell, John D.
- PPF 143 Capper, Arthur
Box 204
- PPF 144 National Grange, The
- PPF 145 Henderson, M. J.
- PPF 146 McGill, George
- PPF 147 Myers, Francis J.
- PPF 148 Moore, Rex H.
- PPF 149 Army, The
- PPF 150 Latin American Republics, matters re: the
- PPF 151 Patterson, Ellis E.
- PPF 152 Proctor, Mortimer R.
- PPF 153 Love, Thomas B.
- PPF 154 Kaplan, Charles
- PPF 155 Laney, Ben T.
- PPF 156 McCord, Jim Nance
- PPF 157 McGregor, W. B.
- PPF 158 McMillan, M. J.
- PPF 159 MacLaughlin, T. G.
- PPF 160 McNicholas, Most Rev. John T.
- PPF 161 Maw, Herbert B.
- PPF 162 Mason, William L.
- PPF 163 Miller, Carroll
- PPF 164 Stelle, John
- PPF 165 Norman, W. O.
- PPF 166 Metzger, Mrs. Arthur S.
- PPF 167 Poindexter, Harry E.
- PPF 168 Schoenberg, Albert
- PPF 169 Thompson, Dorothy
- PPF 170 Wedding anniversary, President and Mrs. Truman’s
Box 205
- PPF 171 Steelman, John R.
- PPF 172 Medical practices
- PPF 172-A Hospitals
- PPF 172-B Pharmacists
- PPF 172-C Dental Practice
- PPF 173 Thompson, Jay S.
- PPF 174 American Newspaper Publishers Association
- PPF 175 Valdes, J. H.
- PPF 176 Notre Dame University
- PPF 177 Sabath, Adolph J.
- PPF 178 O’Connor Basil
- PPF 179 Blind – matters re:
- PPF 180 Osborn, Sidney P.
- PPF 181 Vandenberg, Arthur H.
- PPF 182 Wade, Mr. and Mrs. James
- PPF 183 Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. James M.
- PPF 184 Wallgren, Mon C.
- PPF 185 World War II [1 of 2]
Box 206
- PPF 185 World War II [2 of 2]
- PPF 185-A Miscellaneous
- PPF 186 Park, Guy B.
- PPF 187 Roosevelt, Mrs. Belle
- PPF 188 Roe, Dudley G.
- PPF 189 Myers, Walter
- PPF 190 Stainback, Ingram M.
- PPF 191 Smith, John Lee
- PPF 192 Sparks, Chauncey
- PPF 193 Warner, Jack L. – Warner Brothers Studio
- PPF 194 Williams, Ransome J.
- PPF 195 Winn, Robert W.
- PPF 196 Homes – Housing
- PPF 196-A National Family Week
- PPF 197 Banking
- PPF 198 Wright, R. R., Sr.
- PPF 199 Woll, Matthew
- PPF 200 The President, messages commendatory of the; Election congratulations (1948); Inaugural congratulations (1949); Messages in support of the President; Speeches, public reaction to (pro and con); Tenders of services to the President; President, commendation and support of the as result of the 1952 election; President, goodwill messages sent to the (at the end of his tenure of office)
- PPF 200 General Speeches
- PPF 200 Election Congratulations
Box 207
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [2 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [5 of 8]
Box 208
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [5 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [7 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (November 1948) [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 A (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 A (December 1948) [2 of 2]
Box 209
- PPF 200 A [January-March 1949]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [1 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [2 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [3 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [4 of 22]
Box 210
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [5 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [6 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [7 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [8 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [9 of 22]
Box 211
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [10 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [11 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [12 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [13 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [14 of 22]
Box 212
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [15 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [16 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [17 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [18 of 22]
Box 213
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [19 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [20 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [21 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (November 1948) [22 of 22]
- PPF 200 B (December 1948) [1 of 3]
Box 214
- PPF 200 B (December 1948) [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 B (December 1948) [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 B [January-February 1949]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [1 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [2 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [3 of 19]
Box 215
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [4 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [5 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [6 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [7 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [8 of 19]
Box 216
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [9 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [10 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [11 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [12 of 19]
Box 217
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [13 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [14 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [15 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [16 of 19]
Box 218
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [17 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [18 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (November 1948) [19 of 19]
- PPF 200 C (December 1948) [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 C (December 1948) [2 of 3]
Box 219
- PPF 200 C (December 1948) [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 C [January-April 1949]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [1 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [2 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [3 of 13]
Box 220
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [4 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [5 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [6 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [7 of 13]
Box 221
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [8 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [9 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [10 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [11 of 13]
Box 222
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [12 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (November 1948) [13 of 13]
- PPF 200 D (December 1948) [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 D (December 1948) [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 D (December 1948) [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 D [January-November 1949]
Box 223
- PPF 200 E (November 1948) [1 of 5]
- PPF 200 E (November 1948) [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 E (November 1948) [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 E (November 1948) [4 of 5]
Box 224
- PPF 200 E (November 1948) [5 of 5]
- PPF 200 E (December 1948)
- PPF 200 E [January 1949]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [1 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [2 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [3 of 10]
Box 225
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [4 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [5 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [6 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [7 of 10]
Box 226
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [8 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [9 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (November 1948) [10 of 10]
- PPF 200 F (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 F (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 F [January-October 1949]
Box 227
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [1 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [2 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [3 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [4 of 13]
Box 228
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [5 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [6 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [7 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [8 of 13]
Box 229
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [9 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [10 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [11 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [12 of 13]
- PPF 200 G (November 1948) [13 of 13]
Box 230
- PPF 200 G (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 G (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 G [January-May 1949]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [1 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [2 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [3 of 16]
Box 231
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [4 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [5 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [6 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [7 of 16]
Box 232
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [8 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [9 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [10 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [11 of 16]
Box 233
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [12 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [13 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [14 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [15 of 16]
Box 234
- PPF 200 H (November 1948) [16 of 16]
- PPF 200 H (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 H (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 H [1949-1951]
- PPF 200 I (November 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 I (November 1948) [2 of 2]
Box 235
- PPF 200 I (December 1948)
- PPF 200 I [January 1949]
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [3 of 6]
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [4 of 6]
Box 236
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 J (November 1948) [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 J (December 1948) J
- PPF 200 J [January-April 1949]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [1 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [2 of 11]
Box 237
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [3 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [4 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [5 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [6 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [7 of 11]
Box 238
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [8 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [9 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [10 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (November 1948) [11 of 11]
- PPF 200 K (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 K (December 1948) [2 of 2]
Box 239
- PPF 200 K [January-July 1949]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [1 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [2 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [3 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [4 of 12]
Box 240
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [5 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [6 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [7 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [8 of 12]
Box 241
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [9 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [10 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [11 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (November 1948) [12 of 12]
- PPF 200 L (December 1948) [1 of 2]
Box 242
- PPF 200 L (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 L [1949-1950]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [1 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [2 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [3 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [4 of 27]
Box 243
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [5 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [6 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [7 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [8 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [9 of 27]
Box 244
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [10 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [11 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [12 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [13 of 27]
Box 245
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [14 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [15 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [16 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [17 of 27]
Box 246
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [18 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [19 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [20 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [21 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [22 of 27]
Box 247
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [23 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [24 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [25 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [26 of 27]
- PPF 200 M (November 1948) [27 of 27]
Box 248
- PPF 200 M (December 1948) [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 M (December 1948) [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 M (December 1948) [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 M [January-June 1949]
- PPF 200 N (November 1948) [1 of 5]
- PPF 200 N (November 1948) [2 of 5]
Box 249
- PPF 200 N (November 1948) [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 N (November 1948) [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 N (November 1948) [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 N (December 1948)
- PPF 200 N [January-September 1949]
Box 250
- PPF 200 O (November 1948) [1 of 5]
- PPF 200 O (November 1948) [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 O (November 1948) [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 O (November 1948) [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 O (November 1948) [5 of 5]
Box 251
- PPF 200 O (December 1948)
- PPF 200 O [January-March 1949]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [1 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [2 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [3 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [4 of 12]
Box 252
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [5 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [6 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [7 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [8 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [9 of 12]
Box 253
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [10 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [11 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (November 1948) [12 of 12]
- PPF 200 P (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 P (December 1948) [1 of 2]
Box 254
- PPF 200 P [January-June 1949]
- PPF 200 Q (November 1948)
- PPF 200 Q (December 1948)
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [1 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [2 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [3 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [4 of 14]
Box 255
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [5 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [6 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [7 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [8 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [9 of 14]
Box 256
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [10 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [11 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [12 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [13 of 14]
- PPF 200 R (November 1948) [14 of 14]
Box 257
- PPF 200 R (December 1948)
- PPF 200 R [January-April 1949]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [1 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [2 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [3 of 25]
Box 258
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [4 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [5 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [6 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [7 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [8 of 25]
Box 259
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [9 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [10 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [11 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [12 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [13 of 25]
Box 260
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [14 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [15 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [16 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [17 of 25]
Box 261
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [18 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [19 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [20 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [21 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [22 of 25]
Box 262
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [23 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [24 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (November 1948) [25 of 25]
- PPF 200 S (December 1948) [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 S (December 1948) [2 of 4]
Box 263
- PPF 200 S (December 1948) [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 S (December 1948) [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 S [January-July 1949]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [1 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [2 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [3 of 9]
Box 264
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [4 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [5 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [6 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [7 of 9]
Box 265
- PPF 200 T (November 1948) [9 of 9]
- PPF 200 T (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 T (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 T [January-February 1949]
- PPF 200 U (November 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 U (November 1948) [2 of 2]
Box 266
- PPF 200 U (December 1948)
- PPF 200 U [January-February 1949]
- PPF 200 V (November 1948) [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 V (November 1948) [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 V (November 1948) [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 V (December 1948)
- PPF 200 V [January 1949]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [1 of 17]
Box 267
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [2 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [3 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [4 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [5 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [6 of 17]
Box 268
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [7 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [8 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [9 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [10 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [11 of 17]
Box 269
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [12 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [13 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [14 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [15 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [16 of 17]
Box 270
- PPF 200 W (November 1948) [17 of 17]
- PPF 200 W (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 W (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 W [1949-1952]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [1 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [2 of 10]
Box 271
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [3 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [4 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [5 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [6 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [7 of 10]
Box 272
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [8 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [9 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (November 1948) [10 of 10]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (December 1948) [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z (December 1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z [1949-1952]
Box 273
- PPF 200 Inaugural Congratulations
- PPF 200 A
- PPF 200 B [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 B [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 C [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 C [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 D [1 of 2]
Box 274
- PPF 200 D [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 E
- PPF 200 F
- PPF 200 G [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 G [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 H [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 H [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 I
Box 275
- PPF 200 J
- PPF 200 K
- PPF 200 L
- PPF 200 M [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 M [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 N
Box 276
- PPF 200 O
- PPF 200 P
- PPF 200 Q
- PPF 200 R
- PPF 200 S [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 S [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 S [3 of 3]
Box 277
- PPF 200 T
- PPF 200 U
- PPF 200 V
- PPF 200 W
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Following Death of President Roosevelt, April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 A April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 B April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 C April 16, 1945
Box 278
- PPF 200 D April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 E April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 F April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 G April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 H April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 I April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 J April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 K April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 L April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 M April 16, 1945
Box 279
- PPF 200 N April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 O April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 P April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 Q April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 R April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 S April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 T April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 U April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 V April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 W April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z April 16, 1945
- PPF 200 Broadcast to Armed Forces following death of President Roosevelt, April 17, 1945
Box 280
- PPF 200 Broadcast to the Opening of the United Nations Conference, April 25, 1945
- PPF 200 V-E Day Broadcast, May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 V-E Day Broadcast, 5/8/45 – Miscellaneous
- PPF 200 A May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 B May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 C May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 D May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 E May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 F May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 G May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 H May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 I May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 J May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 K May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 L May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 M May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 N May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 O May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 P May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 Q May 8, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 R May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 S May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 T May 8, 1945
Box 281
- PPF 200 U May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 V May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 W May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z May 8, 1945
- PPF 200 Address at Closing Session, United Nations Conference, June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 A June 26, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 B June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 C June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 D June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 E June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 F June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 G June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 H June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 I June 26, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 J June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 K June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 L June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 M June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 N June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 O June 26, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 P June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 Q June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 R June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 S June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 T June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 U June 26, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 V June 26, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 W June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z June 26, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Senate upon delivery of the United Nations Charter, July 2, 1945
- PPF 200 Radio Address Report on the Berlin [Potsdam] Conference, August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 A August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 B August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 C August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 D August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 E August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 F August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 G August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 H August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 I August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 J August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 K August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 L August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 M August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 N August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 O August 9, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 P August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 Q August 9, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 R August 9, 1945
Box 282
- PPF 200 S August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 T August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 U August 9, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 V August 9, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 W August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z August 9, 1945
- PPF 200 V-J Statement [Japanese Surrender Congratulations], August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 Surrender Congratulations – Miscellaneous
- PPF 200 A August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 B August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 C August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 D August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 E August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 F August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 G August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 H August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 I August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 J August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 K August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 L August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 M August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 N August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 O August 14, 1945
Box 283
- PPF 200 P August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 Q August 14, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 R August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 S August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 T August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 U August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 V August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 W August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z August 14, 1945
- PPF 200 Radio Address at time of signing the Surrender aboard the USS Missouri, September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 A September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 B September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 C September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 D September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 E September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 F September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 G September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 H September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 I September 1, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 J September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 K September 1, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 L September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 M September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 N September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 O September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 P September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 Q September 1, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 R September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 S September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 T September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 U September 1, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 V September 1, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 W September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z September 1, 1945
- PPF 200 Radio Address to Armed Forces Following Japanese Surrender, September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 A September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 B September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 C September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 D September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 E September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 F September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 G September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 H September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 I September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 J September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 K September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 L September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 M September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 N September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 O September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 P September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 Q September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 R September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 S September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 T September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 U September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 V September 2, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 W September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z September 2, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress, September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 A September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 B September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 C September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 D September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 E September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 F September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 G September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 H September 6, 1945
Box 284
- PPF 200 I September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 J September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 K September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 L September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 M September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 N September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 O September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 P September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 Q September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 R September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 S September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 T September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 U September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 V September 6, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 W September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z September 6, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress on Universal Military Training
- PPF 200 (Pro) A October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) B October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) C October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) D October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) E October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) F October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) G October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) H October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) I October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) J October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) K October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) L October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) M October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) N October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) O October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) P October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q October 23, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) S October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) T October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) U October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) V October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) W October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) A October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) B October 23, 1945
Box 285
- PPF 200 (Con) C October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) D October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) E October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) F October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) G October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) H October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) I October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) J October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) K October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) L October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) M October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) N October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) O October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) P October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) Q October 23, 1945 [empty folder]
Box 286
- PPF 200 (Con) R October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) S October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) T October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) U October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) V October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) W October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z October 23, 1945
- PPF 200 Navy Day Address, October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) A October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) B October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) C October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) D October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) E October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) F October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) G October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) H October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) I October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) J October 27, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) K October 27, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) M October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) N October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) O October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) P October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q October 27, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) S October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) T October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) U October 27, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) V October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) W October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) X – Y - Z October 27, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) October 27, 1945
Box 287
- PPF 200 Radio Address on Wages & Prices, October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) A October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) B October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) C October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) D October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) E October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) F October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) G October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) H October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) I October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) J October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) K October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) L October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) M October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) N October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) O October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) P October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) R October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) S October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) T October 30, 1945
Box 288
- PPF 200 (Pro) U October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) V October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) W October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) A October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) B October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) C October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) D October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) E October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) F October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) G October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) H October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) I October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) J October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) K October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) L October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) M October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) N October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) O October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) P October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) Q October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) R October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) S October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) T October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) U October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) V October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) W October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z October 30, 1945
- PPF 200 Labor Management Conference Address, November 5, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress in support of UNRRA, November 13, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding National Health Insurance Program, November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) A November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) B November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) C November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) D November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) E November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) F November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) G November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) H November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) I November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) J November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) K November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) L November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) M November 19, 1945
Box 289
- PPF 200 (Pro) N November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) O November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) P November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) R November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) S November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) T November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) U November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) V November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) W November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) November 19, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding Fact-Finding Board for Industrial Disputes, December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) A December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) B December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) C December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) D December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) E December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) F December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) G December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) H December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) I December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) J December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) K December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) L December 3, 1945
Box 290
- PPF 200 (Pro) M December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) N December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) O December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) P December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q December 3, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) S December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) T December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) U December 3, 1945 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) V December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) W December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) A December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) B December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) C December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) D December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) E December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) F December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) G December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) H December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) I December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) J December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) K December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) L December 3, 1945
Box 291
- PPF 200 (Con) M December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) N December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) O December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) P December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) Q December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) R December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) S December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) T December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) U [1 of 2] December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) U [2 of 2] December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) V December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) W December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z December 3, 1945
- PPF 200 Message to Congress (Reunification of Armed Forces), December 19, 1945
Box 292
- PPF 200 Radio Address, December 24, 1945
- PPF 200 Radio Address Urging Support for Congressional Action, January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) A January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 3, 1946 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 3, 1946 [2 of 4]
Box 293
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 3, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 3, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 3, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 3, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 3, 1946 [3 of 3]
Box 294
- PPF 200 (Pro) D January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) E January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) F January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) F January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 295
- PPF 200 (Pro) G January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) G January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 3, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 3, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 3, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) I January 3, 1946
Box 296
- PPF 200 (Pro) J January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) K January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) K January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 297
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 3, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 3, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 3, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) O January 3, 1946
Box 298
- PPF 200 (Pro) P January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) P January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) R January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S January 3, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 299
- PPF 200 (Pro) S January 3, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S January 3, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S January 3, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) U January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) V January 3, 1946
Box 300
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 3, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 3, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 3, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) A January 3, 1946
Box 301
- PPF 200 (Con) B January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) B January 3, 1946[2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) C January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) D January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) E January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) F January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) G January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) H January 3, 1946
Box 302
- PPF 200 (Con) I January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) J January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) K January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) L January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) M January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) M January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) N January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) O January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) P January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) Q January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) R January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) S January 3, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 303
- PPF 200 (Con) S January 3, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) T January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) U January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) V January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) W January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z January 3, 1946
- PPF 200 State of the Union and Budget Speech, January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) A January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 21, 1946 [1 of 3]
Box 304
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 21, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 21, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 21, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 21, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D January 21, 1946
Box 305
- PPF 200 (Pro) E January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) F January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) G January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 21, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 21, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) I January 21, 1946
Box 306
- PPF 200 (Pro) J January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) K January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) L January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 21, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 21, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 21, 1946 [3 of 3]
Box 307
- PPF 200 (Pro) N January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) O January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) P January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q January 21, 1946 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) S [1 of 2] January 21, 1946 [1 of 3]
Box 308
- PPF 200 (Pro) S [1 of 2] January 21, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S [1 of 2] January 21, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) U January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) V January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 21, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 21, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 309
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) January 21, 1946
- PPF 200 President’s statement Regarding Food for Foreign Relief, February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) A February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) B February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D February 6 and 7, 1946
Box 310
- PPF 200 (Pro) E February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) F February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) G February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) H February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) I February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) J February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) K February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) L February 6 and 7, 1946
Box 311
- PPF 200 (Pro) M February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) O February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) P February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) R February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) S February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 312
- PPF 200 (Pro) S February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) U February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) V February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) W February 6 and 7, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W February 6 and 7, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) February 6 and 7, 1946
- PPF 200 Address to the Federal Council of Churches in America, Columbus, Ohio, March 6, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 6, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 313
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 6, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) March 6, 1946
- PPF 200 Jackson Day Dinner Address, March 23, 1946
- PPF 200 Army Day Address, Chicago, Regarding Draft, Universal Military Training and Unification of Armed Forces, April 6, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 6, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) April 6, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) April 6, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Address at Hyde Park, New York - First Anniversary of the Death of FDR, April 12, 1946
Box 314
- PPF 200 First Anniversary [April 12, 1946]
- PPF 200 Address to Pan American Union on Pan American Day, April 15, 1946
- PPF 200 Radio address Regarding Food Emergency Program and Famine Relief, April 19, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 19, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) April 19, 1946
- PPF 200 Radio address, May 11, 1946 [Acceptance of Honorary Degree of Laws from Fordham Univ., NY]
- PPF 200 Radio address, May 24, 1946 and Message to Congress, May 25, 1946, Regarding Railroad Strikes
- PPF 200 (Pro) A May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) A May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 315
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 8]
Box 316
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [7 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B May 24-25, 1946 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 7]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 7]
Box 317
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 7]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 7]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 7]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 7]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C May 24-25, 1946 [7 of 7]
Box 318
- PPF 200 (Pro) D May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) D May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) E May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 319
- PPF 200 (Pro) E May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) F May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) F May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) F May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) G May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 320
- PPF 200 (Pro) G May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) G May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) G May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 6]
Box 321
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) H May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) I May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) J May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 322
- PPF 200 (Pro) J May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) K May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) K May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) K May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 323
- PPF 200 (Pro) L May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) L May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 8]
Box 324
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [7 of 8]
Box 325
- PPF 200 (Pro) M May 24-25, 1946 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) O May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) P May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 326
- PPF 200 (Pro) P May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) P May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) P May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) R May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 327
- PPF 200 (Pro) R May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 8]
Box 328
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 8]
Box 329
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [7 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S May 24-25, 1946 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
Box 330
- PPF 200 (Pro) U May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) V May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 6]
Box 331
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) W May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
Box 332
- PPF 200 (Con) A May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) A May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) B May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) B May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) B May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
Box 333
- PPF 200 (Con) B May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) C May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) C May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) C May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) D May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 334
- PPF 200 (Con) D May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) E May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) F May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) F May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) G May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 335
- PPF 200 (Con) G May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) H May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) H May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) I May 24-25, 1946
Box 336
- PPF 200 (Con) J May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) K May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) K May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) L May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) L May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 337
- PPF 200 (Con) M May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) M May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) M May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) N May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) O May 24-25, 1946
Box 338
- PPF 200 (Con) P May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) P May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) Q May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) R May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) R May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) S May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 4]
Box 339
- PPF 200 (Con) S May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) S May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) S May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) T May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) T May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 2]
Box 340
- PPF 200 (Con) U May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) U May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) U May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) V May 24-25, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) W May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) W May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 3]
Box 341
- PPF 200 (Con) W May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [3 of 6]
Box 342
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [4 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z May 24-25, 1946 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 Extemporaneous Address at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, June 1, 1946
- PPF 200 Radio Broadcast on Veto of H.R. 5042 – Bill to Amend and Extend Price Control Laws, June 29, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 29, 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 29, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) June 29, 1946
- PPF 200 Address in Regard to the Community Chest, October 1, 1946
Box 343
- PPF 200 Radio Address on De-Control of Meat, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) A-F, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) G-L, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) M-S, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) T-Z, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) A-J, October 14, 1946
Box 344
- PPF 200 (Con) K-S, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) T-Z, October 14, 1946
- PPF 200 Address to the United Nations General Assembly, October 23, 1946
- PPF 200 (Pro) October 23, 1946
- PPF 200 (Con) October 23, 1946
- PPF 200 Statement of November 11, 1946, Pledging Cooperation with the New Congress
- PPF 200 Christmas Eve Broadcast, December 24, 1946
- PPF 200 Message to Congress, January 6, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 6, 1947 [1 of 2]
Box 345
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 6, 1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) January 6, 1947
- PPF 200 Mexico City Address, March 3, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 3, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) March 3, 1947 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 Address by President – Baylor University Waco, Texas, March 6, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 6, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) March 6, 1947 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 Message to Congress on Aid to Turkey and Greece, March 12, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 12, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) March 12, 1947
- PPF 200 Jefferson Day Dinner Address (Broadcast), April 5, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 5, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) April 5, 1947
- PPF 200 Broadcast from Kansas City as Part of FDR Memorial Program, April 12, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 12, 1947 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Con) April 12, 1947
Box 346
- PPF 200 Address by President at the Annual Luncheon of the Associated Press in New York City, April 21, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 21, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) April 21, 1947
- PPF 200 Address at 35th Reunion Memorial Service – Kansas City, MO, June 7, 1947
- PPF 200 Address before the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, Canada, June 11, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 11, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) June 11, 1947
- PPF 200 Speech at Princeton University, June 17, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 17, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) June 17, 1947
- PPF 200 Address on Labor Following Veto of the Hartley-Taft Bill, June 20, 1947
- PPF 200 Speech at the Closing Session of 38th Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, June 29, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 29, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) June 29, 1947
- PPF 200 Address of the President at Monticello, Home of Thomas Jefferson, Charlottesville, Virginia, July 4, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 4, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) July 4, 1947
Box 347
- PPF 200 Address Delivered at the Rio de Janeiro Conference – Inter American Conference for Peace, September 2, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 2, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) September 2, 1947 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 Community Chest Broadcast, September 26, 1947
- PPF 200 Address by President Regarding Food Conservation Program for Foreign Relief and Saving Grain, etc., October 5, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) October 5, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) October 5, 1947
- PPF 200 Address by President to the Women’s Division of the Democratic National Committee on Democratic Women’s Day, October 8, 1947
- PPF 200 Radio address of Calling Special Session of Congress for November 17, 1947, October 24, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) October 24, 1947
- PPF 200 (Con) October 24, 1947
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding Aid to Europe and Domestic Anti-Inflation Program, November 17, 1947
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 17, 1947 [1 of 4]
Box 348
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 17, 1947 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 17, 1947 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 17, 1947 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) November 17, 1947
- PPF 200 Speech Made by President Regarding Conservation of our Natural Resources, December 6, 1947
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding European Recovery Program, December 18, 1947
- PPF 200 Christmas Message by President, December 24, 1947
Box 349
- PPF 200 State of the Union, January 7, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 7, 1948 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 7, 1948 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 7, 1948 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) January 7, 1948
- PPF 200 Budget Message, January 12, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 12, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) January 12, 1948
- PPF 200 Civil Rights, February 2, 1948
Box 350
- PPF 200 (Pro) A February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) B February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) C February 2, 1948
Box 351
- PPF 200 (Pro) D February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) E February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) F February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) G February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) H February 2, 1948
Box 352
- PPF 200 (Pro) I February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) J February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) K February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) L February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) M February 2, 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 353
- PPF 200 (Pro) M February 2, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) O February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) P February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) R February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) S February 2, 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 354
- PPF 200 (Pro) S February 2, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) U February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) V February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) W February 2, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z February 2, 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 355
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z February 2, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) February 2, 1948, A-F
- PPF 200 (Con) February 2, 1948, G-L
- PPF 200 (Con) February 2, 1948, M-R
- PPF 200 (Con) February 2, 1948, S-T
Box 356
- PPF 200 (Con) February 2, 1948, U-Z
- PPF 200 Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Speech, February 19, 1948
- PPF 200 Regarding Rent Control Message, February 23, 1948
- PPF 200 Red Cross Fund Campaign, February 29, 1948
- PPF 200 Message Joint Session of Congress & Society of Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Regarding Critical Situation in Europe and Russian Aggression, March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) A March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) B March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) B March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C March 17, 1948
Box 357
- PPF 200 (Pro) D March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) E March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) F March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) G March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) H March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) I March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) J March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) K March 17, 1948
Box 358
- PPF 200 (Pro) L March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) M March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) M March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) O March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) P March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) R March 17, 1948
Box 359
- PPF 200 (Pro) S March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) T March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) U March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) V March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) W March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) A March 17, 1948
Box 360
- PPF 200 (Con) B March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) B March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) C March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) C March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) D March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) E March 17, 1948
Box 361
- PPF 200 (Con) F March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) G March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) H March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) H March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) I March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) J March 17, 1948
Box 362
- PPF 200 (Con) K March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) L March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) M March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) M March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) N March 17, 1948
Box 363
- PPF 200 (Con) O March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) P March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) Q March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) R March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) S March 17, 1948 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) S March 17, 1948 [2 of 3]
Box 364
- PPF 200 (Con) S March 17, 1948 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) T March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) U March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) V March 17, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) W March 17, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) W March 17, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z March 17, 1948 [1 of 4]
Box 365
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z March 17, 1948 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z March 17, 1948 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z March 17, 1948 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Informal Address – AHEPA Banquet, March 29, 1948
- PPF 200 Message – American Society of Newspaper Editors Regarding Inflation, April 17, 1948
- PPF 200 Address to Congress – 50th Anniversary of Cuban Independence, April 19, 1948
- PPF 200 Address – National Health Assembly, May 1, 1948
- PPF 200 Address to National Conference on Family Life, May 6, 1948
Box 366
- PPF 200 Extemporaneous Remarks of President at Young Democrats Dinner, May 14, 1948
- PPF 200 Remarks of President in Girard College Chapel, May 20, 1948 (Radio Broadcast)
- PPF 200 Broadcast Remarks of President – Memorial Day, Arlington, May 30, 1948
- PPF 200 Address, Chicago Stadium Before Swedish Pioneer Centennial Association Regarding Displaced Persons, Under-privileged Persons, & "More & Better Democracy," June 4, 1948
- PPF 200 Address, 35th Division Reunion Regarding Need for Farm Legislation, June 5, 1948
- PPF 200 Address Under the Auspices of Washington State Press Club, June 10, 1948
- PPF 200 Address: University of California, June 12, 1948
- PPF 200 Address: Greater Los Angeles Press Club, June 14, 1948
- PPF 200 Platform, Other Speeches, June 1948
- PPF 200 President’s Acceptance Speech Democratic National Convention, July 15, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 15, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) July 15, 1948
- PPF 200 Message to Special Session of Congress, July 27, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 27, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) July 27, 1948
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of NY International Airport, July 31, 1948
Box 367
- PPF 200 Speeches in Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Pontiac, Hamtramck, Grand Rapids, Mich. & Toledo, OH, on Labor Day, September 6, 1948
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 6, 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) September 6, 1948
- PPF 200 Address Before Opening Session of American Association for Advancement of Science, September 13, 1948
- PPF 200 Speeches on Campaign Trip Beginning September 17, 1948 & Subsequent September and October Dates [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Speeches on Campaign Trip Beginning September 17, 1948 & Subsequent September and October Dates [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Speeches on Campaign Trip Beginning September 17, 1948 & Subsequent September and October Dates [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) September-October 1948
- PPF 200 (Con) September-October 1948
Box 368
- PPF 200 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, December 24, 1948
- PPF 200 State of the Union Message to Congress, January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) A January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) B January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) C January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) D January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) E January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) F January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) G January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) H January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) I January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) J January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) K January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) L January 5, 1949
Box 369
- PPF 200 (Pro) M January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) N January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) O January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) P January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) R January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) S January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) T January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) U January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) V January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) W January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) January 5, 1949
- PPF 200 Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949
Box 370
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 20, 1949 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 20, 1949 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 20, 1949 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) January 20, 1949
- PPF 200 Remarks to Reserve Officers Assoc. (including “S.O.B.”), February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 22, 1949 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 22, 1949 [2 of 4]
Box 371
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 22, 1949 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 22, 1949 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) A February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) B February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) C February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) D February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) E February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) F February 22, 1949
Box 372
- PPF 200 (Con) G February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) H February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) I February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) J February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) K February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) L February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) M February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) N February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) O February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) P February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) Q February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) R February 22, 1949
Box 373
- PPF 200 (Con) S February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) T February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) U February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) V February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) W February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) X-Y-Z February 22, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners, February 29, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 29, 1949
- PPF 200 (Con) February 29, 1949
- PPF 200 Address to Conference of Mayors, March 21, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Conference on Industrial Safety, March 23, 1949
- PPF 200 Address on "One Great Hour" Program, March 26, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Signing of North Atlantic Treaty, April 4, 1949
- PPF 200 Remarks, etc., April 6, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Statler hotel, Washington, D.C., Dinner for Volunteers, U.S. Savings Bond Division, Treasury Department Prior to Open of Opportunity Bond Drive, April 19, 1949
- PPF 200 President’s Conference on Highway Safety, June 2, 1949
- PPF 200 Comments by President at George C. Marshall Dinner, June 5, 1949
Box 374
- PPF 200 Comments by President at dedication of World War Memorial, Little Rock, Ark., June 11, 1949
- PPF 200 Radio Address on Mid-Year Economic Report to Congress, July 13, 1949
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 13, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 13, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) July 13, 1949
- PPF 200 Address of President at Shriner’s Convention, Chicago, July 19, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Golden Jubilee Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Miami, FL, August 22, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Annual Convention of American Legion Philadelphia, PA, August 29, 1949
- PPF 200 Allegheny County Free Fair, Pittsburg, PA – American Veterans of WWII, Des Moines, Iowa, September 5, 1949
- PPF 200 Address to Women’s Division of Democratic National Committee, September 27, 1949
Box 375
- PPF 200 Address at Testimonial Dinner Honoring William M. Boyle, Jr., September 29, 1949
- PPF 200 Address Opening Community Chest Campaign, September 30, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Laying of Cornerstone, UN Headquarters, October 24, 1949
- PPF 200 Address – "Religion in American Life," October 30, 1949
- PPF 200 Address – St. Paul, Minn., November 3, 1949
- PPF 200 Radio Address by President Regarding the New York Election, November 5, 1949
- PPF 200 Remarks of President to the Women’s National Democratic Club, Mayflower Hotel, November 8, 1949
- PPF 200 Address to National Conference of Christians and Jews, November 11, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Annual Meeting of National Council of Negro Women, Inc., November 15, 1949
- PPF 200 Address at Unveiling WWII Memorial Carillon at Arlington Cemetery, December 21, 1949
- PPF 200 Christmas Eve Address, December 24, 1949
- PPF 200 State of the Union, January 4, 1950 [1 of 2]
Box 376
- PPF 200 State of the Union, January 4, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 President’s Budget Message to Congress, January 9, 1950
- PPF 200 President’s Tax Message to Congress, January 23, 1950
- PPF 200 President’s Address to Attorney General’s Conference on Law Enforcement, February 15, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, February 16, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 16, 1950
- PPF 200 (Con) February 16, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, VA, February 22, 1950
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding Strengthening the Federal-State Unemployment Insurance System, April 6, 1950
- PPF 200 Address to American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C., April 20, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Dinner of the Federal Bar Association, April 24, 1950
Box 377
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding Small Business, May 5, 1950
- PPF 200 Address Regarding Agricultural Program, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 5, 1950
- PPF 200 Address in Laramie, Wyoming, May 9, 1950
- PPF 200 Address in Casper, Wyoming, May 9, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Grand Coulee Dam, Washington, May 11, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Butte, Montana, May 12, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Madison, Wisconsin, May 14, 1950
- PPF 200 Address in Chicago, Illinois, May 15, 1950
- PPF 200 Address in Chicago, Opening Savings Bond Independence Drive, May 15, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Library of Congress – Publication of Jefferson Papers, May 17, 1950
- PPF 200 Address Before Better Business Bureau’s Dinner, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1950
- PPF 200 Remarks to Convention of Augustana Lutheran Church, Washington, D.C., June 7, 1950
- PPF 200 Address in Columbia, MO, June 9, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Site of Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, on Riverfront in St. Louis, MO, June 10, 1950
- PPF 200 Address Dedicating Friendship Airport, Baltimore, MD, June 24, 1950
- PPF 200 Address before Annual Convention of American Newspaper Guild, Wash. D.C., June 28, 1950
- PPR 200 Address by Boy Scout Jamboree, Valley Forge, PA, June 30, 1950
- PPF 200 Message to Congress & Radio Address on Korean Situation, July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) A July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) B July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) C July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) D July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) E July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) F July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) G July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) H July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) I July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) J July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) K July 19, 1950
Box 378
- PPF 200 (Pro) L July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) M July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) N July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) O July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) P July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q July 19, 1950 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) S July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) T July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) U July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) V July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) W July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 (Con) July 19, 1950
- PPF 200 Internal Security Message to Congress, August 8, 1950
- PPF 200 Address to President’s Committee on National Employ. the Physically Handicapped Week, August 9, 1950
- PPF 200 Radio Address on the Korean Situation, September 1, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 1, 1950 [1 of 2]
Box 379
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 1, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) September 1, 1950
- PPF 200 Broadcast on Defense Program and Defense Production Act, September 9, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 9, 1950
- PPF 200 (Con) September 9, 1950
- PPF 200 Community Chest Address, September 29, 1950
- PPF 200 San Francisco Address Following Pacific Conference with General MacArthur, October 17, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) October 17, 1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) October 17, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) October 17, 1950
Box 380
- PPF 200 President’s Address Before United Nations General Assembly, October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) A October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) B October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) C October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) D October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) E October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) F October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) G October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) H October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) I October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) J October 24, 1950
Box 381
- PPF 200 (Pro) K October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) L October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) M October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) N October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) O October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) P October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q October 24, 1950 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) S October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) T October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) U October 24, 1950
Box 382
- PPF 200 (Pro) V October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) W October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 (Con) October 24, 1950
- PPF 200 President’s Address in St. Louis, MO, November 4, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 4, 1950
- PPF 200 (Con) November 4, 1950
- PPF 200 Address at Liberty Bell Ceremony, Independence, MO, November 6, 1950
- PPF 200 Statement on Serious Crisis in Korean Emergency, November 30, 1950
- PPF 200 President’s Address Before Mid-Century White House Conference on Children & Youth, December 5, 1950
- PPF 200 Address of President Regarding Korean Emergency and Pending National Emergency Announcement, December 15, 1950
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [1 of 4]
Box 383
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) December 15, 1950
- PPF 200 Remarks While on Christmas T, December 23, 1950
- PPF 200 President’s Broadcast of December 24, 1950
- PPF 200 State of the Union, January 8, 1951
Box 384
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 8, 1951 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) December 15, 1950 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) January 8, 1951
- PPF 200 President’s Economic Message to Congress, January 12, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of Chapel of the Four Chaplains, February 3, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) February 3, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) February 3, 1951 [empty folder]
Box 385
- PPF 200 President’s Address at Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers of American Republics, March 26, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Laying of Cornerstone of New York Presbyterian Church, April 3, 1951
- PPF 200 Address Regarding Dismissal of Gen. MacArthur & U.S. Foreign Policy in Far East, Particularly in Korea, April 11, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 11, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 11, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) April 11, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Wash. D.C., April 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) April 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) April 14 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Civil Defense Conference Dinner, May 7, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) May 7, 1951 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) May 7, 1951 [2 of 3]
Box 386
- PPF 200 (Pro) May 7, 1951 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) May 7, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at National Conference on Citizenship, May 17, 1951
- PPF 200 Remarks of President at Armed Forces Day Dinner, May 18, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Highway Safety Conference, June 13, 1951
- PPF 200 Address Regarding Inflation and Extension of Defense Production Act, June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) A June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) B June 14, 1951 [1 of 2]
Box 387
- PPF 200 (Pro) B June 14, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) C June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) D June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) E June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) F June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) G June 14, 1951
Box 388
- PPF 200 (Pro) H June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) I June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) J June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) K June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) L June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) M June 14, 1951 [1 of 2]
Box 389
- PPF 200 (Pro) M June 14, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) N June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) O June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) P June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) Q June 14, 1951 [empty folder]
- PPF 200 (Pro) R June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) S June 14, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) S June 14, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 390
- PPF 200 (Pro) T June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) U June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) V June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) W June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) X-Y-Z June 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) June 14, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) June 14, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of the National Institute of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, June 22, 1951
- PPF 200 Address Dedicating Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tullahoma, TN, June 25, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) June 25, 1951
Box 391
- PPF 200 (Con) June 25, 1951
- PPF 200 Address Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 4, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) July 4, 1951
- PPF 200 Address in Connection with Celebration of 250th Anniversary of Detroit, July 28, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 28, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) July 28, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Union Station, Wash., D.C. at Dedication of Presidential Lounge for USO, August 8, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of Washington Headquarters of American Legion, August 14, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 14, 1951 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 14, 1951 [2 of 3]
Box 392
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 14, 1951 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 (Con) August 14, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Opening of Conference on Japanese Peace Treaty in San Francisco, September 4, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 4, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) September 4, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Laying of Cornerstone of New General Accounting Office Bldg. in Washington, September 11, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Constitution Day Ceremonies, Sealing of Constitution and Declaration of Independence, September 17, 1951
- PPF 200 Address Before the National Association of Postmasters, September 17, 1951
- PPF 200 Address to Wash. Pilgrimage of American Churches, National City Christian Church, September 28, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 28, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) September 28, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 393
- PPF 200 (Con) September 28, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Ground Breaking Ceremonies of Wake Forest College, October 15, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of Gomper’s Square, Wash. D.C., October 27, 1951
- PPF 200 Radio Address on International Arms Reduction, November 7, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 7, 1951 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 7, 1951 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 7, 1951 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 7, 1951 [4 of 4]
Box 394
- PPF 200 (Con) November 7, 1951
- PPF 200 Address at the Woman’s National Democratic Club, November 20, 1951
- PPF 200 (Pro) November 20, 1951
- PPF 200 (Con) November 20, 1951
- PPF 200 Christmas Tree Lighting, December 24, 1951
- PPF 200 State of the Union, January 9, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 9, 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 9, 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) January 9, 1952
- PPF 200 President’s Economic Report, January 16, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 16, 1952
- PPF 200 (Con) January 16, 1952
- PPF 200 Remarks at Masonic Breakfast, February 21, 1952
- PPF 200 Address Aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Courier, March 4, 1952
Box 395
- PPF 200 Radio Address on Mutual Security Program, March 6, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 6, 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 6, 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 (Con) March 6, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Columbia Scholastic Press Association, NY, NY, March 15, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) March 15, 1952
- PPF 200 (Con) March 15, 1952
- PPF 200 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Address Regarding Not Running for Third Term, March 29, 1952
- PPF 200 Address Regarding Steel Strike, April 8, 1952
- PPF 200 Address to Jospeh Zylka, Last of DP’s, in Rose Garden, Remark Regarding "Ancestor Hunter," April 14, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Dedication of AMVET Headquarters, April 18, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at 70th Anniversary Meeting of the National Civil Service League, May 2, 1952
Box 396
- PPF 200 Remarks at Banquet of the National Housing Conference, May 6, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Banquet of the Americans for Democratic Action, May 17, 1952
- PPF 200 Speech at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, May 20, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Veterans Administration Voluntary Services Ceremonies, Wash. May 21, 1952
- PPF 200 Address to the Electric Consumers Conference, Wash. D.C., May 26, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Dinner held by the Jewish National Fund, Wash. May 26, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at 35th Div. Reunion, Springfield, MO, June 7, 1952
- PPF 200 Message to Congress Regarding Status of Steel Industry Dispute, June 10, 1952
- PPF 200 Commencement Day Address, Howard University, June 13, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine, Groton, Conn., June 14, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Bull Shoals, Ark. Dedicating Norfork and Bull Shoals Dams, July 2, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Democratic National Convention in Chicago, July 26, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) July 26, 1952
- PPF 200 (Con) July 26, 1952
- PPF 200 Labor Day Speech – Milwaukee, Wisc. and “Whistle Stop” Speeches, August 31-September 2, 1952
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 31-September 2, 1952 [1 of 5]
Box 397
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 31-September 2, 1952 [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 31-September 2, 1952 [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 31-September 2, 1952 [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 (Pro) August 31-September 2, 1952 [5 of 5]
- PPF 200 (Con) August 31-September 2, 1952 [1 of 4]
Box 398
- PPF 200 (Con) August 31-September 2, 1952 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) August 31-September 2, 1952 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 (Con) August 31-September 2, 1952 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Address to American Hospital Association, Philadelphia, PA, September 16, 1952
- PPF 200 Address Before the National Conference on Citizenship, September 17, 1952
- PPF 200 Community Chest Radio & TV Broadcast, September 27, 1952
- PPF 200 Address Before the Association of Military Surgeons, November 19, 1952
- PPF 200 Remarks at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, VA, November 23, 1952
- PPF 200 Address Dedicating Shrine at National Archives, December 15, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at Industrial College of the Armed Forces, December 16, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at National War College, December 19, 1952
- PPF 200 Address at the National Community Christmas Tree Ceremony, December 24, 1952
- PPF 200 President’s State of the Union Message, January 7, 1953
- PPF 200 President’s Farewell Address, January 15, 1953
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [1 of 6]
Box 399
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [3 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [4 of 6]
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [5 of 6]
Box 400
- PPF 200 (Pro) January 15, 1953 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [1 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [2 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [3 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [4 of 11]
Box 401
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [5 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [6 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [7 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [8 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [9 of 11]
Box 402
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [10 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1945 [11 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support A 1946
- PPF 200 Support A 1947
- PPF 200 Support A 1948
- PPF 200 Support A 1949
- PPF 200 Support A 1950
- PPF 200 Support A 1951
Box 403
- PPF 200 Support A 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [1 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [2 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [3 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [4 of 24]
Box 404
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [5 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [6 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [7 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [8 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [9 of 24]
Box 405
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [10 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [11 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [12 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [13 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [14 of 24]
Box 406
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [15 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [16 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [17 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [18 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [19 of 24]
Box 407
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [20 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [21 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [22 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [23 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support B 1945 [24 of 24]
Box 408
- PPF 200 Support B 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support B 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support B 1947
- PPF 200 Support B 1948
- PPF 200 Support B 1949
Box 409
- PPF 200 Support B 1950
- PPF 200 Support B 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support B 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support B 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support B 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
Box 410
- PPF 200 Support B 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [1 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [2 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [3 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [4 of 20]
Box 411
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [5 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [6 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [7 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [8 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [9 of 20]
Box 412
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [10 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [11 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [12 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [13 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [14 of 20]
Box 413
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [15 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [16 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [17 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [18 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [19 of 20]
Box 414
- PPF 200 Support C 1945 [20 of 20]
- PPF 200 Support C 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support C 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support C 1947
- PPF 200 Support C 1948
- PPF 200 Support C 1949
Box 415
- PPF 200 Support C 1950
- PPF 200 Support C 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support C 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support C 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support C 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
Box 416
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [1 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [2 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [3 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [4 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [5 of 11]
Box 417
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [6 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [7 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [8 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [9 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [10 of 11]
Box 418
- PPF 200 Support D 1945 [11 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support D 1946
- PPF 200 Support D 1947
- PPF 200 Support D 1948
- PPF 200 Support D 1949
- PPF 200 Support D 1950
- PPF 200 Support D 1951
Box 419
- PPF 200 Support D 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support D 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [3 of 6]
Box 420
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [4 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support E 1945 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support E 1946
- PPF 200 Support E 1947
- PPF 200 Support E 1948
- PPF 200 Support E 1949
- PPF 200 Support E 1950
- PPF 200 Support E 1951
Box 421
- PPF 200 Support E 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [1 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [2 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [3 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [4 of 12]
Box 422
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [5 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [6 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [7 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [8 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [9 of 12]
Box 423
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [10 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [11 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1945 [12 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support F 1946
- PPF 200 Support F 1947
- PPF 200 Support F 1948
Box 424
- PPF 200 Support F 1949
- PPF 200 Support F 1950
- PPF 200 Support F 1951
- PPF 200 Support F 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [1 of 13]
Box 425
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [2 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [3 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [4 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [5 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [6 of 13]
Box 426
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [7 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [8 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [9 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [10 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [11 of 13]
Box 427
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [12 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1945 [13 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support G 1946
- PPF 200 Support G 1947
- PPF 200 Support G 1948
- PPF 200 Support G 1949
Box 428
- PPF 200 Support G 1950
- PPF 200 Support G 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support G 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support G 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support G 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [1 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [2 of 17]
Box 429
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [3 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [4 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [5 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [6 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [7 of 17]
Box 430
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [8 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [9 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [10 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [11 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [12 of 17]
Box 431
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [13 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [14 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [15 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [16 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support H 1945 [17 of 17]
Box 432
- PPF 200 Support H 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support H 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support H 1947
- PPF 200 Support H 1948
- PPF 200 Support H 1949
- PPF 200 Support H 1950
Box 433
- PPF 200 Support H 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support H 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support H 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support H 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support H 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support I 1945 [1 of 4]
Box 434
- PPF 200 Support I 1945 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support I 1945 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support I 1945 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support I 1946
- PPF 200 Support I 1947
- PPF 200 Support I 1948
- PPF 200 Support I 1949
- PPF 200 Support I 1950
- PPF 200 Support I 1951
- PPF 200 Support I 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [2 of 8]
Box 435
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [5 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [7 of 8]
Box 436
- PPF 200 Support J 1945 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support J 1946
- PPF 200 Support J 1947
- PPF 200 Support J 1948
- PPF 200 Support J 1949
- PPF 200 Support J 1950
- PPF 200 Support J 1951
- PPF 200 Support J 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [1 of 11]
Box 437
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [2 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [3 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [4 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [5 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [6 of 11]
Box 438
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [7 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [8 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [9 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [10 of 11]
- PPF 200 Support K 1945 [11 of 11]
Box 439
- PPF 200 Support K 1946
- PPF 200 Support K 1947
- PPF 200 Support K 1948
- PPF 200 Support K 1949
- PPF 200 Support K 1950
- PPF 200 Support K 1951
- PPF 200 Support K 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support K 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
Box 440
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [1 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [2 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [3 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [4 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [5 of 13]
Box 441
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [6 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [7 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [8 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [9 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [10 of 13]
Box 442
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [11 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [12 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1945 [13 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support L 1946
- PPF 200 Support L 1947
- PPF 200 Support L 1948
Box 443
- PPF 200 Support L 1949
- PPF 200 Support L 1950
- PPF 200 Support L 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support L 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support L 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support L 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [1 of 24]
Box 444
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [2 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [3 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [4 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [5 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [6 of 24]
Box 445
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [7 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [8 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [9 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [10 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [11 of 24]
Box 446
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [12 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [13 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [14 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [15 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [16 of 24]
Box 447
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [17 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [18 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [19 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [20 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [21 of 24]
Box 448
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [22 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [23 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1945 [24 of 24]
- PPF 200 Support M 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support M 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support M 1947
Box 449
- PPF 200 Support M 1948
- PPF 200 Support M 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support M 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support M 1950
- PPF 200 Support M 1951 [1 of 3]
Box 450
- PPF 200 Support M 1951 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support M 1951 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support M 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support M 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support M 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
Box 451
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [2 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [5 of 8]
Box 452
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [7 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1945 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support N 1946
- PPF 200 Support N 1947
- PPF 200 Support N 1948
- PPF 200 Support N 1949
- PPF 200 Support N 1950
- PPF 200 Support N 1951
Box 453
- PPF 200 Support N 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support O 1945 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support O 1945 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support O 1945 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support O 1945 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support O 1946
Box 454
- PPF 200 Support O 1947
- PPF 200 Support O 1948
- PPF 200 Support O 1949
- PPF 200 Support O 1950
- PPF 200 Support O 1951
- PPF 200 Support O 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [1 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [2 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [3 of 12]
Box 455
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [4 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [5 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [6 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [7 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [8 of 12]
Box 456
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [9 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [10 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [11 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1945 [12 of 12]
- PPF 200 Support P 1946
Box 457
- PPF 200 Support P 1947
- PPF 200 Support P 1948
- PPF 200 Support P 1949
- PPF 200 Support P 1950
- PPF 200 Support P 1951
- PPF 200 Support P 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support P 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Q 1945
- PPF 200 Support Q 1946
- PPF 200 Support Q 1947
- PPF 200 Support Q 1948
- PPF 200 Support Q 1949
- PPF 200 Support Q 1950
- PPF 200 Support Q 1951
- PPF 200 Support Q 1952-1953
Box 458
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [1 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [2 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [3 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [4 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [5 of 13]
Box 459
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [6 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [7 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [8 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [9 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [10 of 13]
Box 460
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [11 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [12 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [13 of 13]
- PPF 200 Support R 1946
- PPF 200 Support R 1947
Box 461
- PPF 200 Support R 1948
- PPF 200 Support R 1949
- PPF 200 Support R 1950
- PPF 200 Support R 1951
- PPF 200 Support R 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [1 of 29]
Box 462
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [2 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [3 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [4 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [5 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [6 of 29]
Box 463
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [7 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [8 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [9 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [10 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [11 of 29]
Box 464
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [12 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [13 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [14 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [15 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [16 of 29]
Box 465
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [17 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [18 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [19 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [20 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [21 of 29]
Box 466
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [22 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [23 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [24 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [25 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [26 of 29]
Box 467
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [27 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [28 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [29 of 29]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [2 of 3]
Box 468
- PPF 200 Support S 1946 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support S 1947
- PPF 200 Support S 1948
- PPF 200 Support S 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support S 1949 [2 of 2]
Box 469
- PPF 200 Support S 1950
- PPF 200 Support S 1951 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1951 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1951 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1951 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1952-1953 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1952-1953 [2 of 4]
Box 470
- PPF 200 Support S 1952-1953 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support S 1952-1953 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [1 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [2 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [3 of 9]
Box 471
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [4 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [5 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [6 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [7 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [8 of 9]
Box 472
- PPF 200 Support T 1945 [9 of 9]
- PPF 200 Support T 1946
- PPF 200 Support T 1947
- PPF 200 Support T 1948
- PPF 200 Support T 1949
- PPF 200 Support T 1950
- PPF 200 Support T 1951
- PPF 200 Support T 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 473
- PPF 200 Support T 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [1 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [2 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [3 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [4 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [5 of 8]
Box 474
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [6 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [7 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1945 [8 of 8]
- PPF 200 Support U 1946
- PPF 200 Support U 1947
- PPF 200 Support U 1948
- PPF 200 Support U 1949
- PPF 200 Support U 1940
- PPF 200 Support U 1951
- PPF 200 Support U 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support V 1945 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support V 1945 [2 of 3]
Box 475
- PPF 200 Support V 1945 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support V 1946
- PPF 200 Support V 1947
- PPF 200 Support V 1948
- PPF 200 Support V 1949
- PPF 200 Support V 1950
- PPF 200 Support V 1951
- PPF 200 Support V 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [1 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [2 of 17]
Box 476
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [3 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [4 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [5 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [6 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [7 of 17]
Box 477
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [8 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [9 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [10 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [11 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [12 of 17]
Box 478
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [13 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [14 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [15 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [16 of 17]
- PPF 200 Support W 1945 [17 of 17]
Box 479
- PPF 200 Support W 1946 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support W 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support W 1947
- PPF 200 Support W 1948
- PPF 200 Support W 1949
- PPF 200 Support W 1950
Box 480
- PPF 200 Support W 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support W 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support W 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support W 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1945 [1 of 5]
Box 481
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1945 [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1945 [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1945 [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1945 [5 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1946
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1947
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1948
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1949
Box 482
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1950
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1951
- PPF 200 Support X-Y-Z 1952-1953
- PPF 200 Support Election A 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election B 1952 [1 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election B 1952 [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election B 1952 [3 of 5]
Box 483
- PPF 200 Support Election B 1952 [4 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election B 1952 [5 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election C 1952 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election C 1952 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election C 1952 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election D 1952 [1 of 3]
Box 484
- PPF 200 Support Election D 1952 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election D 1952 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election E 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election F 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election F 1952 [2 of 2]
Box 485
- PPF 200 Support Election G 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election G 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election H 1952 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election H 1952 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election H 1952 [3 of 3]
Box 486
- PPF 200 Support Election I 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election J 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election K 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election K 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election L 1952 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election L 1952 [2 of 3]
Box 487
- PPF 200 Support Election L 1952 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election M 1952 [1 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election M 1952 [2 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election M 1952 [3 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election M 1952 [4 of 5]
Box 488
- PPF 200 Support Election M 1952 [5 of 5]
- PPF 200 Support Election N 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election O 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election P 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election P 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election Q 1952
Box 489
- PPF 200 Support Election R 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election R 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [1 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [2 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [3 of 6]
Box 490
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [4 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [5 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support Election S 1952 [6 of 6]
- PPF 200 Support Election T 1952 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election T 1952 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Support Election U 1952
- PPF 200 Support Election V 1952
Box 491
- PPF 200 Support Election W 1952 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election W 1952 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election W 1952 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Support Election X-Y-Z 1952
- PPF 200 Goodwill Messages to the President at End of Tenure in Office, 1953
- PPF 200 A 1953
- PPF 200 B 1953
Box 492
- PPF 200 C 1953
- PPF 200 D 1953
- PPF 200 E 1953
- PPF 200 F 1953
- PPF 200 G 1953
- PPF 200 H 1953
- PPF 200 I 1953
- PPF 200 J 1953
Box 493
- PPF 200 K 1953
- PPF 200 L 1953
- PPF 200 M 1953
- PPF 200 N 1953
- PPF 200 O 1953
- PPF 200 P 1953
- PPF 200 Q 1953
- PPF 200 R 1953
Box 494
- PPF 200 S 1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 S 1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 T 1953
- PPF 200 U 1953
- PPF 200 V 1953
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z 1953
- PPF 200 Tender of Services, 1945-1953
- PPF 200 A 1945-1953
- PPF 200 B 1945-1953
Box 495
- PPF 200 C 1945-1953
- PPF 200 D 1945-1953
- PPF 200 E 1945-1953
- PPF 200 F 1945-1953
- PPF 200 G 1945-1953
- PPF 200 H 1945-1953
- PPF 200 I 1945-1953
- PPF 200 J 1945-1953
- PPF 200 K 1945-1953
- PPF 200 L 1945-1953
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 496
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 N 1945-1953
- PPF 200 O 1945-1953
- PPF 200 P 1945-1953
- PPF 200 Q 1945-1953
- PPF 200 R 1945-1953
- PPF 200 S 1945-1953
- PPF 200 T 1945-1953
- PPF 200 U 1945-1953
- PPF 200 V 1945-1953
- PPF 200 W 1945-1953
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z 1945-1953
Box 497
- PPF 200 Criticisms of the President, 1945-1953
- PPF 200 A 1945-1953
- PPF 200 B 1945-1953 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 B 1945-1953 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 B 1945-1953 [3 of 4]
Box 498
- PPF 200 B 1945-1953 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 C 1945-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 C 1945-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 C 1945-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 D 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 499
- PPF 200 D 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 E 1945-1953
- PPF 200 F 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 F 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 G 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 500
- PPF 200 G 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 H 1945-1953 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 H 1945-1953 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 H 1945-1953 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 H 1945-1953 [4 of 4]
Box 501
- PPF 200 I 1945-1953
- PPF 200 J 1945-1953
- PPF 200 K 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 K 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 L 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 L 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
Box 502
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [3 of 4]
- PPF 200 M 1945-1953 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 N 1945-1953
Box 503
- PPF 200 O 1945-1953
- PPF 200 P 1945-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 P 1945-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 P 1945-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 Q 1945-1953
- PPF 200 R 1945-1953 [1 of 3]
Box 504
- PPF 200 R 1945-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 200 R 1945-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 S 1945-1953 [1 of 4]
- PPF 200 S 1945-1953 [2 of 4]
- PPF 200 S 1945-1953 [3 of 4]
Box 505
- PPF 200 S 1945-1953 [4 of 4]
- PPF 200 T 1945-1953
- PPF 200 U 1945-1953
- PPF 200 V 1945-1953
- PPF 200 W 1945-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 W 1945-1953 [2 of 3]
Box 506
- PPF 200 W 1945-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 200 X-Y-Z 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 200 Criticisms of the President as a Result of the 1952 Election [1 of 3]
- PPF 200 Criticisms of the President as a Result of the 1952 Election [2 of 3]
Box 507
- PPF 200 Criticisms of the President as a Result of the 1952 Election [3 of 3]
- PPF 201 Tucker, Wilson E.
- PPF 202 Forewords to Books or Other Publications, Requests for President to Write
- PPF 202-A Requests Denied
- PPF 203 Classmates of the President
- PPF 204 Van Wagoner, Murray D.
- PPF 205 Tobin, Maurice J.
- PPF 206 National Federation of Federal Employees
- PPF 207 Sheil, Rt. Rev. Bernard J.
- PPF 208 University of Southern California
- PPF 209 Missouri Bar Association
- PPF 210 Motion Pictures (1945-1948)
- PPF 210 Motion Pictures (1949-1953)
Box 508
- PPF 211 Knights of Columbus
- PPF 212 Lewis, John L.
- PPF 213 Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
- PPF 213-A Political Action Committee
- PPF 213-B Philip Murray Award
- PPF 214 Spellman, Most Rev. Francis J. Cardinal
- PPF 215 Lincoln, Abraham – concerning
- PPF 216 Synagogue Council of America
- PPF 217 Easter – Easter Greetings
- PPF 217-A Good Friday
- PPF 218 Spence, Brent
- PPF 219 Tunnell, James M.
- PPF 220 Barr, Virginia
- PPF 221 Bell, C. Jasper
- PPF 222 Bernhard, John H.
- PPF 223 Browning, R. B.
- PPF 224 Bowen, John C.
- PPF 225 Degrees Tendered to or Conferred Upon the President (1945-1948)
- PPF 225 Degrees Tendered to or Conferred Upon the President (1949-1953)
Box 509
- PPF 226 Blair, Harry W.
- PPF 227 Lashly, Jacob M.
- PPF 228 Breadon, Sam
- PPF 229 Cooper, E. W.
- PPF 230 Clark, George R.
- PPF 231 Cogswell, John E.
- PPF 232 Cromwell, James H. R.
- PPF 233 Theatres
- PPF 234 Cowan, Ray G.
- PPF 235 Crouse, Emmett J.
- PPF 236 Young Democratic Clubs of America (1945-1949)
- PPF 236 Young Democratic Clubs of America (1950-1953)
- PPF 237 Donnelly, Eugene P.
- PPF 238 Dickman, Bernard Francis
- PPF 239 Dempsey, John J.
- PPF 240 Eyssell, G. S. – Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY
- PPF 241 Duffy, F. Ryan
- PPF 242 Ducournau, J. A.
- PPF 243 Arnold, J. S.
- PPF 244 Alford, Mrs. Neil
- PPF 245 Brinkman, Ernest P.
- PPF 246 Society for the Advancement of Management
- PPF 247 Byrnes, James R.
- PPF 248 Ferguson, John A.
- PPF 249 Grant, Tom
Box 510
- PPF 250 Gifford, Ward C.
- PPF 251 Gage, John B.
- PPF 252 Ford, Paul C.
- PPF 253 Holland, Lou E.
- PPF 254 National Tuberculosis Association
- PPF 255 Jobes, Harry C.
- PPF 256 Hill, Robert E. Lee
- PPF 257 Hatfield, John A.
- PPF 258 Coordinating Committee of Catholic Lay Organizations
- PPF 259 Jefferson, Thomas – Concerning – Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners [1 of 2]
- PPF 259 Jefferson, Thomas – Concerning – Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners [2 of 2]
- PPF 259-A Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association
- PPF 259-B Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation
- PPF 260 Prayer and Religion [1 of 2]
- PPF 260 Prayer and Religion [2 of 2]
Box 511
- PPF 260-A Religious Liberty
- PPF 261 Mabee, Charles R.
- PPF 262 Kemper, Rufus Crosby
- PPF 263 Holman, Rufus C.
- PPF 264 Keenan, Joseph B.
- PPF 265 McKittrick, Roy
- PPF 266 Greek-American Matters
- PPF 267 Fishing
- PPF 268 Laughlin, P. E.
- PPF 269 O’Malley, R. E.
- PPF 270 Martin, W. W.
- PPF 271 Morris, George Roy
- PPF 272 Conn, Amos L.
- PPF 273 Ray, Means
- PPF 274 Sevier, Robert F.
- PPF 275 Wherritt, Alan F.
- PPF 276 Memorials
- PPF 276-A Memorials to the President
- PPF 277 McLaughlin, Charles F.
- PPF 278 Dondero, George A.
- PPF 279 Davis, Walter N.
- PPF 280 Ford, Sam C.
- PPF 281 Dockweiler, Frederick C.
- PPF 282 National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
- PPF 283 Graswohl, Dr. R. B. H.
- PPF 284 Fieser, James L.
- PPF 285 Henry, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
- PPF 286 Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee
- PPF 287 Hurst, Fannie
- PPF 288 King, Edward A.
- PPF 289 Missouri Club of Peoria
- PPF 290 Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. C. V.
Box 512
- PPF 291 Librach, Max M.
- PPF 292 Miller, Mrs. Eric O. A.
- PPF 293 Patton, Mrs. Paul
- PPF 294 Newmyer, Arthur G.
- PPF 295 McMahan, R. C.
- PPF 296 Grand Army of the Republic
- PPF 297 Sick, George J.
- PPF 298 Spencer, George Lloyd
- PPF 299 Poetry – Poets
- PPF 300 Stewart, Clarence M.
- PPF 301 Roosevelt, Mrs. Dorothy Kemp
- PPF 302 Swope, Herbert Bayard
- PPF 303 Trimble, Mrs. Ada Green
- PPF 304 Tucker, Albert C.
- PPF 305 Uhlmann, Paul
- PPF 306 Warren, W. D.
- PPF 307 Whiteley, Clyde C.
- PPF 308 Young, Harold A.
- PPF 309 Wogan, Maurice F.
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1948
Box 513
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - A, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1946 [1 of 2]
Box 514
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1946 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1949 [2 of 2]
Box 515
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 516
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - B, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 517
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 518
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - C, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1950
Box 519
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - D, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1951
Box 520
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - E, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1950
Box 521
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - F, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1948
Box 522
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - G, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1945 [1 of 2]
Box 523
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1948 [2 of 2]
Box 524
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 525
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - H, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1951 [folder empty]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - I, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - J, 1952-1953
Box 526
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1950
Box 527
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - K, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1947
Box 528
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - L, 1952-1953
Box 529
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1948 [1 of 2]
Box 530
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1950 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1950 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1951 [1 of 3]
Box 531
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1951 [2 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1951 [3 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - M, 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1946
Box 532
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - N, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - O, 1952-1953
Box 533
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1950
Box 534
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - P, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - Q, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1946
Box 535
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 536
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - R, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1945 [1 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1945 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1945 [3 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1947
Box 537
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1950
Box 538
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1952-1953 [1 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1952-1953 [2 of 3]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - S, 1952-1953 [3 of 3]
Box 539
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - T, 1952-1953
Box 540
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - U, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1945
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - V, 1952-1953
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1945 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1945 [2 of 2]
Box 541
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1948 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1948 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1949 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1949 [2 of 2]
Box 542
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - W, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1945
Box 543
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1946
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1947
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1948
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1949
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1950
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1951
- PPF 310 Birthday Congratulations Received by the President - X-Y-Z, 1952-1953
- PPF 311 Fraternal Order of Eagles
Box 544
- PPF 312 Grand Council of Order of DeMolay
- PPF 313 Winchell, Walter
- PPF 314 Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
- PPF 314 (1945-1948)
- PPF 314 (1949-1953)
- PPF 315 Rayburn, Sam
- PPF 316 Briggs, Frank Parks
- PPF 317 Ryder, Oscar B.
- PPF 318 National Unity, Communications Concerning
Box 545
- PPF 319 Waltner, Marion D.
- PPF 320 Gates, Artemus L.
- PPF 321 Morrison, George F.
- PPF 322 Austin, Warren R.
- PPF 323 Protestant, The
- PPF 324 Carmichael, Ray
- PPF 325 Hillman, Sidney
- PPF 326 Lockhart, Harold A.
- PPF 327 Churchill, Winston
- PPF 328 Byrd, Harry F.
- PPF 329 Bowman, Gus M.
- PPF 330 Carnes, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
- PPF 331 Barnhill, F. C.
- PPF 332 Campbell, D. C.
- PPF 333 Municipal Celebrations
- PPF 334 Infantile Paralysis
- PPF 335 Clay, Stanley P.
- PPF 336 Fleishman, Alfred
- PPF 337 Cook, Howard
- PPF 338 Dunn, W. C.
- PPF 339 Gunther, John
- PPF 340 Henkes, George
- PPF 341 Ellenbogen, Henry
- PPF 342 Eisenhower, Arthur B.
- PPF 343 Houston, James E.
- PPF 344 Gore, Thomas P.
- PPF 345 Griffin, John J.
- PPF 346 Kohn, Jules E.
- PPF 347 Lions International
Box 546
- PPF 348 First Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY
- PPF 349 Layland, Charles R.
- PPF 350 The American Legion
- PPF 350 (1945)
- PPF 350 (1946)
- PPF 350 (1947-1948)
- PPF 350 (1949-1953) [1 of 2]
- PPF 350 (1949-1953) [2 of 2]
- PPF 350-A American Auxiliary
Box 547
- PPF 350-A Girls Nation, American Legion Auxiliary
- PPF 350-B The American Legion Fair, Caruthersville, MO
- PPF 350-C The Society of American Legion Founders
- PPF 350-D Boy’s Forum of National Government
- PPF 351 Lemon, Robert S.
- PPF 352 Contributions Made by the President
- PPF 353 Lonsdale, John G., Jr.
- PPF 354 National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work – 4-H Clubs, 1945-1948
- PPF 354 National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work – 4-H Clubs, 1949-1953
- PPF 355 Babst, Earl D.
- PPF 356 Mesta, Mrs. George (Mrs. Perle Mesta)
- PPF 357 Indianapolis News
- PPF 358 Moore, E. H.
- PPF 359 Foreign Affairs, Correspondence Concerning
- PPF 360 Knights of Pythias
Box 548
- PPF 361 Conrad, Ernest [empty folder]
- PPF 362 Beverly, Benjamin
- PPF 363 Mox, William L.
- PPF 364 Grandview (MO) Baptist Church
- PPF 365 Rotary International
- PPF 366 Kansas City Star, The
- PPF 367 Canaday, Ward M.
- PPF 368 Oliver, W. Palmer
- PPF 369 Owsley, Alvin M.
- PPF 370 Paterson, N. T.
- PPF 371 Phillips, V. E.
- PPF 372 Pierson, Elmer F.
- PPF 373 Roberts, Raymond S.
- PPF 374 Gordon, William C.
- PPF 375 Schmidt, Ernest L.
- PPF 376 Short, Thompson
- PPF 377 Quinn, Theodore J.
- PPF 378 Shouse, Jouett
- PPF 379 Shapiro, Julius C. and Herman
- PPF 380 Sinek, William J.
- PPF 381 Sosland, Benjamin
- PPF 382 Talbott, Jack
- PPF 383 Prosser, Major Gen. Walter E.
- PPF 384 Talge, Foster L.
- PPF 385 Business
Box 549
- PPF 386 Turoff, Benn
- PPF 387 Pruett, Homer L.
- PPF 388 Stark, Admiral Harold R.
- PPF 389 Hunt, Bishop Duane G.
- PPF 390 Sturges, Harry A.
- PPF 391 Alexander, Rees
- PPF 392 New York Times, Inc.
- PPF 393 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- PPF 394 Baity, J. L.
- PPF 395 Griffin, Bishop William A.
- PPF 396 Washington, George – Concerning
- PPF 397 Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church
- PPF 398 Handlan, Ed and Handlan, A. H.
- PPF 399 Hamilton, Frank
- PPF 400 Forrester, D. Bruce
- PPF 401 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine – Abou Ben Adem, 1945-1948
- PPF 401 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine – Abou Ben Adem, 1949-1953
- PPF 402 Earthman, Harold H.
- PPF 403 Howell, Mrs. Charles M., Sr.
- PPF 404 Huselton, Howard E.
Box 550
- PPF 405 Griswold, Dwight
- PPF 406 harris, Rev. Frederick Brown – Foundry Methodist Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 407 Hershey, Maj. Gen. Lewis B.
- PPF 408 Kilgore, Mrs. Laura J.
- PPF 409 Automobiles
- PPF 410 Hoch, Daniel K.
- PPF 411 Holt, Rush D.
- PPF 412 Koehler, Leo E.
- PPF 413 Ball, James W.
- PPF 414 Lawrence, Lowell
- PPF 415 Expositions – Exhibitions – Fairs
- PPF 415-A Chicago Railroad Fair
- PPF 415-B International Trade Fair of Chicago
- PPF 415-C Chicago Lake Front Fair
- PPF 415-D Japanese Trade Fair
- PPF 416 Claudy, Carl H.
- PPF 417 Lee, Jay M.
- PPF 418 King, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E.
- PPF 419 Kelso, I. R.
- PPF 420 McNeese, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
- PPF 421 McGuire, Matthew F.
- PPF 422 Morgan, Harold N.
- PPF 423 Murphy, Ray
- PPF 424 Pendleton, Fleming
- PPF 425 Nunan, Joseph D., Jr.
- PPF 426 Potts, Mrs. Charles D. (Carrie D.)
- PPF 427 Rice, Carl V.
- PPF 428 Ransom, Ronald
- PPF 429 Shelton, Mrs. Fred M.
- PPF 430 Parks
- PPF 431 Snodgrass, Herbert J.
- PPF 432 Rogers, Franz E.
- PPF 433 Independence (MO) Examiner
- PPF 434 Stovall, L. G.
- PPF 435 Robinson, Right Rev. Frank B.
- PPF 436 Walsh, Thomas E.
- PPF 437 Woods, Arch
- PPF 438 Woolf, Herbert M.
- PPF 439 Dockweiler, Henry I.
- PPF 440 Allison, Frank S.
Box 551
- PPF 441 Bush, Dr. Vannevar
- PPF 442 Bowers, Claude G.
- PPF 443 National Sojourners
- PPF 444 Phonograph Recordings
- PPF 445 Tydings, Millard E.
- PPF 446 Radcliffe, George L.
- PPF 447 Briggs, Dr. Eugene S.
- PPF 448 Kennedy, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Thomas D.
- PPF 449 Murphy, Margaret Rose
- PPF 450 Old Documents
- PPF 451 Bell, Lawrence D.
- PPF 452 Government, The
- PPF 453 Union for Democratic Action
- PPF 454 World War I
Box 552
- PPF 455 Highways
- PPF 456 Aylward, James P.
- PPF 457 Art and Artists
- PPF 458 Robertson, Nathan W.
- PPF 459 Leigh, Vere C.
- PPF 460 Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D. (Mrs. Eleanor)
- PPF 461 Insurance
- PPF 462 Truscott, Lt. Gen. Lucian K.
- PPF 463 Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks
- PPF 463 (1945-1948)
- PPF 463 (1949-1953)
- PPF 463-A Benevolent and Protective Order of Does
- PPF 464 Duncan, Richard M.
- PPF 465 Government Employees
- PPF 466 Citizenship – Americanism
- PPF 466-A “I am an American Day”
Box 553
- PPF 467 Yale, Dr. F. A.
- PPF 468 Sports – Recreation – Games
- PPF 468-A Baseball (1945-1949)
- PPF 468-A Baseball (1950-1953)
- PPF 468-B Horse Racing
- PPF 468-C Football
- PPF 468-D Horseshoe Pitching
- PPF 468-E Yachting
- PPF 468-F Olympic Games
- PPF 468-G Tennis
- PPF 468-H Golf
- PPF 468-I Chess
- PPF 468-J Basketball
- PPF 469 Brown, Matilda D.
- PPF 470 Victory Gardens; National Garden Institute
Box 554
- PPF 471 Independent Citizens’ Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Inc.
- PPF 472 Woodward, Ellen S.
- PPF 473 Haagensen, Kenneth W.
- PPF 474 Carver, George Washington – Concerning
- PPF 475 Bassing, Frank J.
- PPF 476 Eisenhower, Mrs. D. J.
- PPF 477 Escalante, Dr. Don Diogenes
- PPF 478 Bloom, Sol
- PPF 479 Mead, James M.
- PPF 480 Democracy
- PPF 480-A Voice of Democracy
- PPF 481 Norris, W. F.
- PPF 482 Walker, Frank C.
- PPF 483 Hillix, Albert F.
- PPF 484 Earley, Larry
- PPF 485 Physically handicapped
- PPF 486 National American University Fraternity
- PPF 487 Athlone, Earl of
- PPF 488 Abdul-Aziz Ibn, Saud, King
- PPF 489 Charles, Prince Regent of Belgium
- PPF 490 Camacho, Gen. Mauel Avila
- PPF 491 Haakon, VII, King of Norway
- PPF 492 Lescot, Elie
- PPF 493 Medina A., Gen. Isaias
- PPF 494 Trujillo Molina, Rafael L.
Box 555
- PPF 495 Prado, Manuel
- PPF 496 Vargas, Getulio
- PPF 497 Morrison, George L.
- PPF 498 Greek Letter Fraternaties
- PPF 499 Raczkiewicz, Wladyslaw
- PPF 500 Hevessy, R. J.
- PPF 501 Degnan, Tom
- PPF 502 Landon, Alfred M.
- PPF 503 Bergin, Thomas M.
- PPF 504 Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions
- PPF 505 Royal Order of Jesters
- PPF 506 Kelly, Joseph J.
- PPF 507 Bryant, Mrs. Florence L.
- PPF 508 Jewish War Veterans of the U. S.
- PPF 508 (1945-1947)
- PPF 508 (1948-1953)
Box 556
- PPF 509 Perry, Lt. LeRoy B.
- PPF 510 Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm
- PPF 511 Stewart, Russell – Chicago Sun and Times Co.
- PPF 512 Hicks, Clarence D.
- PPF 513 Francisco, William
- PPF 514 Davis, Louis P.
- PPF 515 Order of the Eastern Star
- PPF 515-A Eastern Star Negro Matters
- PPF 516 National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
- PPF 517 Thompson, Frank A.
- PPF 518 Smith, Merriman
- PPF 519 Alley, James B.
- PPF 520 Missouri, State of – Missouri State Legislature
- PPF 521 Woods, Richard H.
- PPF 522 McGee, Gerald F.
- PPF 523 Wells, Vernon R.
- PPF 524 Gentry, William R.
- PPF 525 Hauck, Russell M.
- PPF 526 West Washington Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 527 Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
- PPF 528 Bennett, John J.
- PPF 529 Baer, John M.
Box 557
- PPF 530 Allison, Emery W.
- PPF 531 Graham, Dr. J. W.
- PPF 532 Burgin, W. O.
- PPF 533 Bilbo, Theodore G.
- PPF 534 Boone Beulah I.
- PPF 535 Hardgrave, Arthur
- PPF 536 Arnold, Gen. H. H.
- PPF 537 Billingslea, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
- PPF 538 Brown, Charles L.
- PPF 539 Broaddus, John
- PPF 540 Boyer, Rev. Jonas William
- PPF 541 Burrus, Harvey
- PPF 542 Blandford, John B., Jr.
- PPF 543 Campbell, Dr. A. J.
- PPF 544 Callahan, Robert J.
- PPF 545 Bowers, H. K.
- PPF 546 Bostian, Kenneth
- PPF 547 Capt, J. C.
- PPF 548 Carter, E. Kemper
- PPF 549 Chiles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.
- PPF 550 Douglas, Lewis W.
- PPF 551 Dillon, Paul
- PPF 552 De Witt, J. Roger
- PPF 553 Dearmont, Russell L.
- PPF 554 Dewey, Thomas E.
- PPF 555 Crandall, Mrs. Lucy Ehrke
- PPF 556 Costolow, Thomas A.
- PPF 557 Cooke, Thornton
- PPF 558 Coates, Arthur E.
- PPF 559 Dunne,James E.
- PPF 560 Baudendistel, Rev. William H.
- PPF 561 Barnard, V. O.
- PPF 562 Folger, John H.
- PPF 563 Ferguson, Abner H.
- PPF 564 Regular Veterans Association
- PPF 565 Eldridge, Nash S.
- PPF 566 Farwig, B. J.
- PPF 567 Farrar, J. H.
- PPF 568 Grant, Robert A.
- PPF 569 Foyle, John W.
- PPF 570 Hale, George M.
- PPF 571 Hall, H. Cleveland
- PPF 572 Hall, Grover C.
- PPF 573 Heller, Dr. Edward P.
- PPF 574 Henderson, Charles B.
- PPF 575 Hodgden, Perry
- PPF 576 Hesburgh, Rev. Theodore
- PPF 577 Jarman, Pete
- PPF 578 Jacobson, Ben
- PPF 579 Jackson, Samuel D.
Box 558
- PPF 580 Idol, James D.
- PPF 581 Jackson, N. D.
- PPF 582 Housley, Gilbert O.
- PPF 583 Horton, Ray B.
- PPF 584 McKellar, D. W.
- PPF 585 McGranery, James P.
- PPF 586 Lynch, Mrs. Margaret Mitchell
- PPF 587 McClymond, E. L.
- PPF 588 McDonald, Stewart
- PPF 589 Lillis, J. F.
- PPF 590 Latimer, Honey
- PPF 591 Larrabee, Ben
- PPF 592 Littlejohn, Maj. Gen. Robert M.
- PPF 593 Knoll, P. H.
- PPF 594 Krause, E. J.
- PPF 595 Krug, Julius A.
- PPF 596 Kaufmann, Edmund I.
- PPF 597 Jameson, W. Ed
- PPF 598 Johnston, Olin D.
- PPF 599 Johnson, Harry W.
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1948-1949 [1 of 2]
Box 559
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1948-1949 [2 of 2]
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1950
- PPF 600 35th Division – 35th Division Association – 129th Field Artillery Regiment, 35th Division, 1951-1953
- PPF 600-A Battery "D" 129th F.A.
- PPF 600-B Batteries Other Than "D"
- PPF 600-C Battery “F” 129th Field Artillery
- PPF 601 Jones, Jesse H.
- PPF 602 Jones, Cliff C.
- PPF 603 Jenkins, John W. III
- PPF 604 Jeffers, Jack Allen
- PPF 605 Marvin, Cloyd; George Washington University, The
Box 560
- PPF 606 MacBoyle, Mr. and Mrs. Errol
- PPF 607 McPherson, Orville S.
- PPF 608 Mansfield, Mike
- PPF 609 Mather, Rev. Thomas Bradley
- PPF 610 May, Earl E.
- PPF 611 Moseley, Ray F.
- PPF 612 Kraus, Mrs. Betty
- PPF 613 Pinchot, Gifford
- PPF 614 Murphy, Frank
- PPF 615 Lowe, Major Gen. Frank E.
- PPF 616 Owen, Rev. David
- PPF 617 Nover, Barnet
- PPF 618 Oberholtz, L. E.
- PPF 619 Nichols, Jesse C.
- PPF 620 Norquist, Emanuel E.
- PPF 621 Murphy, W. C., Jr.
- PPF 622 Penfold, John Brook
- PPF 623 Peters, Mize
- PPF 624 Powell, David H.
- PPF 625 Porter, Dan D.
- PPF 626 Porter, Paul A.
- PPF 627 First Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 628 Price, Emory H.
- PPF 629 Crabbs, Leo B., Jr.
- PPF 630 Replogle, John L.
- PPF 631 Rainey, E. T.
- PPF 632 Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Tex
- PPF 633 Ridge, Albert A.
Box 561
- PPF 634 Robertson, Charles R.
- PPF 635 Rosenblum, Hyman
- PPF 636 Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- PPF 637 Johnson, Jed
- PPF 638 Evans, Charles A.
- PPF 639 Collins, A. Loyd – Junior Agricultural College of Central Arkansas
- PPF 640 Cates, Charles W.
- PPF 641 Baird, Major Gen. Henry
- PPF 642 Howard, Mrs. Charles R.
- PPF 643 Hewitt, W. C.
- PPF 644 Heaps, H. H.
- PPF 645 Joffee, Jerome M.
- PPF 646 Meisburger, Edward P.
- PPF 647 McCahey, James B.
- PPF 648 Kinder, Mrs. James A.
- PPF 649 Johnston, Rev. James P.
- PPF 650 Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross E.
- PPF 651 Meyer, Charles E.
- PPF 652 Schellenberg, A. B.
- PPF 653 Ricketts, Floyd T.
- PPF 654 Berry, Francis
- PPF 655 Biggers, John D.
- PPF 656 Burdge, Charles L.
- PPF 657 Slagle, Walter G.
- PPF 658 Blanton, Harry C.
- PPF 659 Bourke, Thomas C.
- PPF 660 Wood, Fred O.
- PPF 661 Wells, W. Gates
- PPF 662 Van Smith, H. C.
- PPF 663 Trigg, Dan F.
- PPF 664 Thomasson, J. E.
- PPF 665 Bray, Lauren C.
- PPF 666 Brodrick, Lynn R.
- PPF 667 Burke, Edward R.
- PPF 668 Cameron, Charles B.
- PPF 669 Casardi, Mrs. Virginia Harris
- PPF 670 Clark, George G.
- PPF 671 Bird, William L.
- PPF 672 Hallowell, Thomas Jewett
- PPF 673 Douglas, James M.
- PPF 674 Konrad, Rev. Joseph G.
- PPF 675 Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 676 Condon, Edward V.
- PPF 677 Keating, Edgar J.
- PPF 678 Colmery, Harry W.
- PPF 679 Cooke, Chester
- PPF 680 Coroness, Dr. Ernest W.
Box 562
- PPF 681 Couch, Dr. L. B.
- PPF 682 Army Navy Journal
- PPF 683 Patton, Gen. George S., Jr.
- PPF 684 Crane, Durries
- PPF 685 Dawson, Donald B.
- PPF 686 Downey, G. C.
- PPF 687 Dubord, Harold
- PPF 688 Duncan, Earle C.
- PPF 689 Rockefeller, Nelson A.
- PPF 690 Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
- PPF 691 Smith, Walter W.
- PPF 692 O’Connor, J. F. T.
- PPF 693 Palmer, C. R.
- PPF 694 Griggs, John A.
- PPF 695 Green, Edwin H., Sr.
- PPF 696 Green, Alex C.
- PPF 697 Gray, Edward W.
- PPF 698 Graves, Phil H.
- PPF 699 Graham, Frank P.
- PPF 700 Gottsch, Dr. E. J.
- PPF 701 Goodloe, Ward
- PPF 702 Gary, Hunter
- PPF 703 Garvin, Lee M.
- PPF 704 Gardner, Russell E., Jr.
- PPF 705 Erye, J. Grant
- PPF 706 Ford, James L., Jr.
- PPF 707 Fitzpatrick, Rev. Francis J.
- PPF 708 General Federation of Women’s Clubs
- PPF 709 Eagleton, Mark D.
- PPF 710 Ehle, Merritt W.
- PPF 711 Wahl, Jack
- PPF 712 Sencer, Rt. Rev. Robert Nelson
- PPF 713 Gualdoni, Louis J.
- PPF 714 Henley, Harry G.
- PPF 715 Hennings, Thomas C., Sr.
- PPF 716 Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
- PPF 717 Hobbs, Sam
Box 563
- PPF 718 Kiwanis International
- PPF 719 Jones, Joseph A.
- PPF 720 Taylor, Wayne C.
- PPF 721 Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Ellen
- PPF 722 Taylor, James A.
- PPF 723 Johnson, Lyndon B.
- PPF 724 District of Columbia Baptist Convention
- PPF 725 Johnson, C. H.
- PPF 726 Stover, Holly
- PPF 727 Hoffman, Roy
- PPF 728 Hollister, Herb
- PPF 729 Holloway, W. A.
- PPF 730 Freer, Robert E.
- PPF 731 Byrnes, James F.
- PPF 732 Hill, David W., Jr.
- PPF 733 Cole, William C.
- PPF 734 Disney, Wesley E.
- PPF 735 Helm, Neal W.
- PPF 736 Burrus, Rufus B.
- PPF 737 Henderson, Herbert
- PPF 738 Idol, Roscoe L.
- PPF 739 Keller, K. T. – Chrysler Corporation
- PPF 740 Kelly, Edward J.
- PPF 741 Lee, Bert S.
- PPF 742 Lee, Frank H.; Joplin (MO) Southwestern
- PPF 743 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
- PPF 744 Mayer, Louis B.
- PPF 745 Ross, Nellie Tayloe
- PPF 746 Ruhland, Dr. George C.
- PPF 747 Russell, Wm. E.
- PPF 748 Rutledge, Wiley
- PPF 749 Schindler, Alfred A.
- PPF 750 Schram, Emil
Box 564
- PPF 751 Schwab, Frank K.
- PPF 752 Simpson, Delsia
- PPF 753 Slaughter, Roger C.
- PPF 754 Rios, Juan Antonio
- PPF 755 Smith, H. Alexander
- PPF 756 Smith, Harold D.
- PPF 757 Smith, Maurice R.
- PPF 758 Sowers, Claude E.
- PPF 759 Sparkman, John J.
- PPF 760 Spence, Rev. Hubert T.
- PPF 761 Spitzer, Simon
- PPF 762 Stanley, Howard
- PPF 763 Stayton, General Edward M.
- PPF 764 Steinmann, Clyde E.
- PPF 765 Stone, S. Ralph
- PPF 766 Thomas, Albert
- PPF 767 Tierney, W.
- PPF 768 Tugwell, Rexford Guy
- PPF 769 Vetsburg, Karl M.
- PPF 770 Wadsworth, James W.
- PPF 771 Walstedt, John R.
- PPF 772 Waller, Wilmer J.
- PPF 773 Walton, George L.
- PPF 774 Warren, Henri, L.
- PPF 775 Weede, Orlin A.
- PPF 776 Welch, Sam A.
- PPF 777 Wells, Oscar
- PPF 778 Wene, Elmer H.
- PPF 779 Whitney, H. Leroy
- PPF 780 Whitney, J. B. Jr.
- PPF 781 St. Thomas’ Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 782 Wilson, George A.
- PPF 783 Smalley, Garrett L. – Kansas City (MO) News-Press
- PPF 784 Woolley, Dr. Paul V.
- PPF 785 Wyatt, Walter
- PPF 786 Yates, Walter A.
- PPF 787 Allen, Harry B.
- PPF 788 Allen, R. D.
- PPF 789 Anderson, C. Arthur
- PPF 790 Anderson, Jack Z.
- PPF 791 Arnold, Thurman
- PPF 792 Arrowsmith, Wendell C.
- PPF 793 Barnes, Walter R.
- PPF 794 Barstow, William M.
- PPF 795 Berry, George L.
- PPF 796 Betts Walter M.
- PPF 797 Bittner, Dr. and Mrs. Silas P.
- PPF 798 Bliss, Arthur G.
- PPF 799 Branch, Harllee
- PPF 800 Brooks, W. A., Jr.
- PPF 801 Bullard, John H.
- PPF 802 St. Joseph (MO) News-Press and Gazette
- PPF 803 Carr, Dan M.
- PPF 804 Carter, Robert L.
- PPF 805 United Steelworkers of America
Box 565
- PPF 806 Railway Labor Executives’ Association
- PPF 807 Clasen, Arthur C.
- PPF 808 Clark, Albert M.
- PPF 809 National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc.
- PPF 810 Clinton, Tom
- PPF 811 Coffee, John M.
- PPF 812 Colyer, James D.
- PPF 813 Costello, Edwin M.
- PPF 814 Crandall, Dr. Frank G. Jr.
- PPF 815 Miller, Jo Zach, III
- PPF 816 Forty and Eight Club
- PPF 817 American Bankers Association
- PPF 818 Cox, Oscar
- PPF 819 Mow, Maj. Gen. P. T.
- PPF 820 O’Mahoney, Joseph C.
- PPF 821 Vall-Spinosa, F.
- PPF 822 Lambert, Bruce E.
- PPF 823 Williams, George H.
- PPF 824 Curdy, Mrs. Robert James (Anne Hall Curdy)
- PPF 825 Danielsen, George
- PPF 826 Felker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.
- PPF 827 Darby, Harry
- PPF 828 National Old Trails Road Association – Frank A. Davis
- PPF 829 Davis, William H.
- PPF 830 Delk, Rev. James L.
- PPF 831 Dewall, Aileen
- PPF 832 Dewey, Bradley
- PPF 833 Brossard, Edgar B.
- PPF 834 Lumpkin, Tony B.
Box 566
- PPF 835 Carrothers, John W.
- PPF 836 Dickson, Joe F.
- PPF 837 Donahey, A. Victor
- PPF 838 Donahue, E. T.
- PPF 839 Drehmer, Mark W.
- PPF 840 Duvall, Harold
- PPF 841 Eckardt, Dr. P. E.
- PPF 842 Edison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
- PPF 843 Erhart, Frank H.
- PPF 844 Graff, T. O.
- PPF 845 Kemper, James M.
- PPF 846 Kinney, William M.
- PPF 847 McNiel, Robert O.
- PPF 848 Earp, Claude C.
- PPF 849 Nash, Walter
- PPF 850 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company – McGraw, James H., Jr.
- PPF 851 Eviston, Frank M.
- PPF 852 Hull, Cordell
- PPF 853 Fahy, Charles
- PPF 854 Warren, Henry
- PPF 855 Association of the U.S. Army – U.S. Field Artillery Association
- PPF 856 Beuder, Matty J.
- PPF 857 Fane, Irvin
- PPF 858 Finnegan, James P.
- PPF 859 Fisher, Frank B. Jr.
- PPF 860 Fitzpatrick, Daniel R.
- PPF 861 Fitzpatrick, Paul E.
- PPF 862 Fogel, Lyle L.
- PPF 863 Frye, Jack
- PPF 864 Gentry, Mrs. Elston
- PPF 865 Glenn, Robert E.
- PPF 866 Goldstandt, Milton A.
- PPF 867 Goodman, Barney
- PPF 868 Bundschu, Henry A.
- PPF 869 Davies, Joseph E.
- PPF 870 McMillan, Neville J.
- PPF 871 Armfield, L. C.
- PPF 872 Grace, W. P. Jr.
- PPF 873 Graves, John L.
- PPF 874 Graves, Ludwick
- PPF 875 American Theater, Men and Women of the
Box 567
- PPF 876 Introductions, Endorsements and Recommendations by the President
- PPF 877 Hall, Bert M.
- PPF 878 Halley, George E.
- PPF 879 Handley, R. B.
- PPF 880 Burruss, J. E.
- PPF 881 Gray, Charles M.
- PPF 882 Hardwick, T. J.
- PPF 883 Hunt, Mrs. Bernard
- PPF 884 Hornby, Maj. Gen. A. H.
- PPF 885 Hunter, H. C.
- PPF 886 Hussey, Jack W.
- PPF 887 Huston, J. P.
- PPF 888 Hutchens, Mac
- PPF 889 Jacoby, Ellsworth
- PPF 890 Jacobs, Floyd E.
- PPF 891 Jenkins, Nissley R.
- PPF 892 American Women’s Voluntary Services, Inc.
- PPF 893 Rankin, John E.
- PPF 894 Jessel, George
- PPF 895 Johnson, Edwin C.
- PPF 896 Johnson, Leo H.
- PPF 897 Johnston, John L.
- PPF 898 Joslyn, Louis Danforth
- PPF 899 Benson, Elmer A.
- PPF 900 Kaufman, Gabe
- PPF 901 Kaufmann, A. P.
- PPF 902 Kelly, Charles G.
- PPF 903 Kemp, William E.
- PPF 904 Kernodle, R. E.
- PPF 905 King, Cecil R.
- PPF 906 Knowles, Wm. F.
- PPF 907 Kuever, Mrs. Ethel S.
- PPF 908 LaFollette, Charles M.
- PPF 909 Lausche, Frank J.
- PPF 910 Lee, Josh
- PPF 911 Lee, Phil C.
- PPF 912 Leedom, Joe W.
- PPF 913 Lemire, Clarence P.
- PPF 914 Lenihan, Owen J.
- PPF 915 Theis, Harry
- PPF 916 Baruch, Bernard M.
- PPF 917 Cowles, John H.
- PPF 918 Deal, Dorothy J.
- PPF 919 Good, Robert
- PPF 920 Griffith, Evan
Box 568
- PPF 921 Hughes, Rupert
- PPF 922 International Circulation Managers’ Association
- PPF 923 Levand, Louis – Wichita Beacon
- PPF 924 Lewis, W. F.
- PPF 925 Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
- PPF 926 Long, W. B.
- PPF 927 Love, Homer T.
- PPF 928 Luce, Henry R.
- PPF 929 McCaslin, Walter R.
- PPF 930 McCooey, John H. Jr.
- PPF 931 McCormick, Mrs. J. Clem
- PPF 932 McCoy, Percy B.
- PPF 933 McDonald, Webster
- PPF 934 McElroy, Henry F.
- PPF 935 McGinley, F. J.
- PPF 936 McPherson, Harry E.
- PPF 937 McNatt, John H.
- PPF 938 Magnuson, Warren G.
- PPF 939 Major, Mr. and Mrs. John
- PPF 940 Malmfeldt, T. J.
- PPF 941 Martin, Thomas E.
- PPF 942 Mason, William S.
- PPF 943 May, Armand
- PPF 944 Meadows, Clarence W.
- PPF 945 Meyer, Eugene – Washington Post
- PPF 945-A Radio Station WTOP
- PPF 946 Meyer, W. F.
- PPF 947 War Savings Bonds and Stamps
- PPF 947-A War Posters
- PPF 948 Miller, John E.
- PPF 949 Mitchell, Orestes Jr.
- PPF 950 Moore, A. Harry
- PPF 951 Mudd, Harry E.
- PPF 952 Murphy, Charles S.
- PPF 953 Nachtman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
- PPF 954 Nichols, John C.
- PPF 955 Nee, Dan M.
- PPF 956 Neill, Robert Jr.
- PPF 957 Norton, Mary T.
- PPF 958 Nugent, James E.
- PPF 959 Nye, Gerald P.
- PPF 960 O’Connor, William V.
Box 569
- PPF 961 American Farm Bureau Federation
- PPF 962 Otto, Eduard F.
- PPF 963 Pallette, Mr. and Mrs. Mell A.
- PPF 964 Palmer, Dwight R. G.
- PPF 965 Parker, George M.
- PPF 966 Parker, Harry F.
- PPF 967 Patman, Wright
- PPF 968 Pendleton, Rice L.
- PPF 969 Pew, John B.
- PPF 970 Phillips, Frank
- PPF 971 Philips, Thomas
- PPF 972 Pierson, Warren Lee
- PPF 973 Quirk, Bernard G.
- PPF 974 Reed, Robert W.
- PPF 975 Rider, Paul
- PPF 976 Riley, Morris G.
- PPF 977 Roach, Bernice Blaire
- PPF 978 Robertson, James M.
- PPF 979 Ross, Helen
- PPF 980 Sack, Lee R.
- PPF 981 Sampson, C. J.
- PPF 982 Sands, Irving
- PPF 983 Radio Corporation of America – David Sarnoff
- PPF 984 Schulz, C. W.
- PPF 985 Schwartz, Frank
- PPF 986 Sheehan, Walter F.
- PPF 987 Shook, Edgar
- PPF 988 Skelly, James W.
- PPF 989 Slack, William J.
- PPF 990 Peoria Journal-Transcript
- PPF 991 Souter, Eugene H.
- PPF 992 Southern, Allen C.
- PPF 993 Southern, James Allen
- PPF 994 Sparks, Mrs. Grover C.
- PPF 995 Stark, Edwin J.
- PPF 996 Stifel, Arnold G.
- PPF 997 Stinson, Paul R.
- PPF 998 Strickler, Gratz B.
- PPF 999 Stumberg, W. R.
Box 570
- PPF 1000 Suddath, J. W.
- PPF 1001 Sutton, Hugh W.
- PPF 1002 Swenson, Godfrey
- PPF 1003 Swofford, Ben W.
- PPF 1004 Symington, W. Stuart
- PPF 1005 Thacher, John H.
- PPF 1006 Totty, Henry J.
- PPF 1007 Travis, Leslie L.
- PPF 1008 Tyler, Frank E.
- PPF 1009 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr.
- PPF 1010 Viner, A. S.
- PPF 1011 Voorhis, Jerry
- PPF 1012 Order of Ahepa (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association)
- PPF 1013 Wahl, Norman
- PPF 1014 Wallace, George K.
- PPF 1015 Wallace, Lew
- PPF 1016 Walsh, Frank J.
- PPF 1017 Watson, James E.
- PPF 1018 Wear, Sam M.
- PPF 1019 Weeks, Harry L.
- PPF 1020 Weinberg, B. F.
- PPF 1021 Weston, Adelbert E.
- PPF 1022 Wheatley, Charles
- PPF 1023 Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 1024 Williams, Eugene F.
- PPF 1025 Williams, Major General John F.
- PPF 1026 Wittig, William
- PPF 1027 Wolf, Arthur W.
- PPF 1028 Wornell, R. B.
- PPF 1029 Yankee, Comton D.
- PPF 1030 Zurn, Fred W.
- PPF 1031 Bez, Nick
Box 571
- PPF 1032 Brosnahan, D. Thomas
- PPF 1033 Denslow, Ray V.
- PPF 1034 Dyer, Lowell W.
- PPF 1035 De La Salle Military Academy
- PPF 1036 Flint, Rt. Rev. Charles Wesley
- PPF 1037 Fordyce, Samuel W.
- PPF 1038 Frizzell, V. F.
- PPF 1039 Grener, Powell C.
- PPF 1040 Hansel, John
- PPF 1041 Hammond, Kay L.
- PPF 1042 Hays, Will H.
- PPF 1043 Boston University
- PPF 1044 Johnson, Melvin M.
- PPF 1045 Kilday, Paul J.
- PPF 1046 Long, E. J.
- PPF 1047 Maher, Daniel P
- PPF 1048 Martin, Mrs. Daisy O.
- PPF 1049 Means, Lewis M.
- PPF 1050 Nelson, W. L.
- PPF 1051 Oglesby, Rube
- PPF 1052 Rhoden, E. C.
- PPF 1053 Slaughter, Seth W.
- PPF 1054 Smith, Richard T.
- PPF 1055 Turck, Charles J.
- PPF 1056 Willier, Robert A.
- PPF 1057 Winkelmann, Most Rev C. H.
- PPF 1058 Wise, Rabbi Stephen S.
- PPF 1059 Zanuck, Darryl F. – Twentieth Century-Fox Corp.
- PPF 1060 USS Bunker Hill Publishing Committee
- PPF 1061 Miravalle, Peter S.
- PPF 1062 Reeves, Everett
- PPF 1063 Freedom of Press and Speech
- PPF 1064 South Norwalk (Conn.) Sentinel
- PPF 1065 Duke, W. B.
- PPF 1066 Independence, Missouri
- PPF 1067 Stewart, Tom
Box 572
- PPF 1068 Hill, Lister
- PPF 1069 Maybank, Burnet R.
- PPF 1070 McFarland, Ernest W.
- PPF 1071 Chavez, Dennis
- PPF 1072 Russell, Richard B.
- PPF 1073 Heitzeberg, Charles G.
- PPF 1074 Kilgore, Harley M.
- PPF 1075 Mitchell, Hugh B.
- PPF 1076 Hatch, Carl A.
- PPF 1077 Guffey, Joseph F.
- PPF 1078 Disabled American Veterans
- PPF 1079 Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
- PPF 1080 Beam, Fred P.
- PPF 1081 Benson, Ernie H.
- PPF 1082 Chiles, John H.
- PPF 1083 Dallman, V. Y.
- PPF 1084 Dancy, Keith W.
- PPF 1085 Dean, Frank J.
- PPF 1086 Dobbs, Fred P.
- PPF 1087 Greene, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
- PPF 1088 McGee, Joseph J.
- PPF 1089 Roffe, A. W.
- PPF 1090 Sullivan, John B.
- PPF 1091 Gallagher, Willa
- PPF 1092 Gentry, Alonzo H.
- PPF 1093 German, C. Z.
- PPF 1094 Goodwin, Clarence N.
- PPF 1095 Guild, John M.
- PPF 1096 Guyet, Arnold
- PPF 1097 Hanna, Raymond J.
- PPF 1098 Herron, W. W.
Box 573
- PPF 1099 Hovey, George S.
- PPF 1100 Photographers – photographs
- PPF 1101 Hessler, Leo G.
- PPF 1102 First Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- PPF 1103 Kirby, Alva
- PPF 1104 Kirtley, J. Marcus
- PPF 1105 Cartoons, 1945-1948
- PPF 1105 Cartoons, 1949-1953
- PPF 1106 Washington Evening Star
- PPF 1107 Lourey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- PPF 1108 Kansas City Merchants Association
- PPF 1109 Atlanta Constitution, The
- PPF 1110 McTernan, Hugh
- PPF 1111 Morgan, David H.
- PPF 1112 Capehart, Homer E.
- PPF 1113 Berryman, Jim
- PPF 1114 Altschuler, Sidney L.
- PPF 1115 Alexander, Knox
- PPF 1116 Railroads
- PPF 1116-A Presidential Train
- PPF 1117 Boykin, Frank W.
Box 574
- PPF 1118 Sawyer, Charles
- PPF 1119 Sherwood, Robert E.
- PPF 1120 Hopkins, Harry P.
- PPF 1121 Brady, W. I.
- PPF 1122 Short, E. J.
- PPF 1123 Delafield, Brig. Gen. John Ross
- PPF 1124 Knights Templar
- PPF 1125 King, Admiral Ernest J.
- PPF 1126 Carmical, John
- PPF 1127 Palmer, Mrs. W. L. C.
- PPF 1128 Whitney, Harry
- PPF 1129 Kung, Dr. H. H.
- PPF 1130 Hope, Bob
- PPF 1131 Brooklyn (NY) Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 1132 Edmondson, A. N.
- PPF 1133 Colyer, C. M.
- PPF 1134 Hamlin, Roy
- PPF 1135 Short, Dewey
- PPF 1136 Roby, Earl O.
- PPF 1137 Canfil, Fred A.
- PPF 1138 Chandler, Walter
- PPF 1139 Piper, Philip F.
- PPF 1140 Sibley, R. H.
- PPF 1141 Studebaker, Dr. John W.
- PPF 1142 Sturdy, Orvis A.
- PPF 1143 Tucker, Charles
- PPF 1144 Taggart, Lucy M.
- PPF 1145 Welch, Phil J.
- PPF 1146 Williamson, Hugh P.
- PPF 1147 Wilson, Scott
- PPF 1148 Woodson, Bess Surface (Mrs. John T.)
- PPF 1149 Wright, Mrs. Cobina, Sr.
- PPF 1150 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Gary, Indiana
- PPF 1151 Burlington (Vermont) Free Press
- PPF 1152 National Maritime Union of America
- PPF 1153 Kansas City, MO Public Schools
- PPF 1154 Oldham, Rt. Rev. G. Ashton
- PPF 1155 Historical Matters – History [1 of 2]
Box 575
- PPF 1155 Historical Matters – History [2 of 2]
- PPF 1156 Chiles, Henry P.
- PPF 1157 Adams, Dr. C. F.
- PPF 1158 Pinkerton, Paul
- PPF 1159 Boatright, William G.
- PPF 1160 Bigger, Byrne E.
- PPF 1161 Pharriss, Walter
- PPF 1162 Nacy, Richard R.
- PPF 1163 Nivert, William B., Jr.
- PPF 1164 Bogardus, Mrs. M. E.
- PPF 1165 Civil Liberties – Civil Rights
- PPF 1165 (1945-1950)
- PPF 1165 (1951-1953)
- PPF 1166 Republican Party
- PPF 1166-A Republican National Convention
- PPF 1167 LaGuardia, Fiorello H.
- PPF 1168 Daly, Rev. John J. – Blessed Sacrament Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- PPF 1169 Larkin, Rev. D. S. – Sacred Heart Church, Eldon, Missouri
- PPF 1170 Independence, Missouri High School – William Chrisman High School, Independence, Missouri
- PPF 1171 Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. P. Loyd
- PPF 1172 Womack, Mary B.
- PPF 1173 Tipton, Ernest M.
- PPF 1174 Bryant, George S., Jr.
- PPF 1175 Schroeder, W. W.
- PPF 1176 Hawes, Harry B.
- PPF 1177 Conran, James V.
- PPF 1178 Hunter, Howard O.
- PPF 1179 Jones, Renick
- PPF 1180 Sullivan, James R.
Box 576
- PPF 1181 Kemper Military School
- PPF 1182 Roberts, Dwight
- PPF 1183 Duggins, George T.
- PPF 1184 Vogelsang, Herbert J.
- PPF 1185 White, Dr. Edwin C.
- PPF 1186 Nangle, John J.
- PPF 1187 Minton, Sherman
- PPF 1188 Tiernan, J. P.
- PPF 1189 Barger, R. L.
- PPF 1190 Bellemere, Fred
- PPF 1191 Harriman, William Averell
- PPF 1192 Stewart, Byron A.
- PPF 1193 Blake, C. J.
- PPF 1194 Caldwell, Virgil E.
- PPF 1195 Chiles, Morton P., Jr.
- PPF 1196 Massachusetts Committee Catholics, Protestants and Jews
- PPF 1197 Churchill, Clark R.
- PPF 1198 Collet, J. Caskie
- PPF 1199 Cope, Homer A.
- PPF 1200 Governors’ Conference
- PPF 1200-A Southern Governors’ Conference
- PPF 1201 Erskine, Herbert W.
- PPF 1202 Galamba, Herman J.
- PPF 1203 Gillis, J. John
- PPF 1204 Gnefkow, Bernard W.
- PPF 1205 Hayes, Thomas M.
- PPF 1206 Hines, Brig. Gen. Frank T.
- PPF 1207 Hoffman, J. W.
- PPF 1208 Hofner, Mrs. Ollie M. Truman
- PPF 1209 Innis, Ralph B.
- PPF 1210 Jennings, Clark W.
- PPF 1211 Krieger, Marvin W.
- PPF 1212 Lorsch, Max M.
- PPF 1213 Murphy, Cornelius, Jr.
- PPF 1214 Negbaur, Walter H.
- PPF 1215 Newcomb, Ernest H.
- PPF 1216 Newman, Harry (McLean, Va.)
- PPF 1217 O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
- PPF 1218 South Central Business Association, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Box 577
- PPF 1219 Payne, J. Howard
- PPF 1220 Powell, George E.
- PPF 1221 Sain, Frank J.
- PPF 1222 Sherrod, Mr. and Mrs. John P.
- PPF 1223 Sickel, John T.
- PPF 1224 Skelton, Ike
- PPF 1225 Smith, Tom K.
- PPF 1226 Stapleton, Ben F.
- PPF 1227 Stonebraker, H. Barse
- PPF 1228 Sullivan, Art
- PPF 1229 Thayer, Norton
- PPF 1230 Twyman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
- PPF 1231 Wesner, Fred F.
- PPF 1232 Wornall, Kearney
- PPF 1233 Klapmeyer, Ray M.
- PPF 1234 Doherty, James J.
- PPF 1235 Dickinson, Martin B.
- PPF 1236 Corder, Aldridge
- PPF 1237 Bell, Floyd Lee
- PPF 1238 Harper, Roy W.
- PPF 1239 Gordon, George L.
- PPF 1240 Douglass, Shannon C.
- PPF 1241 Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H.
- PPF 1242 Brown, Joseph E.
- PPF 1243 Edwards, Mrs. Bonnie Sykes
- PPF 1244 Haden, Turner R.
- PPF 1245 Hinde, Edgar G.
- PPF 1246 Buford, Anthony A.
- PPF 1247 Josephson, Sam
- PPF 1248 Hoffman, Harry G.
- PPF 1249 McCormick, Leo J.
- PPF 1250 Holloway, W. W.
- PPF 1251 Lunsford, Harry
- PPF 1252 Stanley, Frank
- PPF 1253 Ploeser, Walter C.
- PPF 1254 Southern, William Jr.
- PPF 1255 Winger, Maurice H.
- PPF 1256 Wilkinson, Frank L.
- PPF 1257 Stern, Sigmund
- PPF 1258 Mathonet, Mrs. Hubert H.
- PPF 1259 Peek, George M.
- PPF 1260 Pierson, Millard
- PPF 1261 Thornhill, Byron E.
- PPF 1262 Vermillion, J. F.
- PPF 1263 Schultz, Joseph J.
- PPF 1264 Reeves, James M.
- PPF 1265 Truman, Fred
- PPF 1266 Walker, Dr. George W.
- PPF 1267 Gile, Cliff O.
- PPF 1268 Francisco, T. L.
Box 578
- PPF 1269 Craft, Rev. James P.
- PPF 1270 Erskine, Maj. Gen. Graves Blanchard
- PPF 1271 Alford, William T.
- PPF 1272 Duncan, A. B.
- PPF 1273 Hastings, Daniel O.
- PPF 1274 Fitzmorris, William A.
- PPF 1275 Houston, Frank K.
- PPF 1276 Jacoby, Otto R.
- PPF 1277 Priest, Frank T.
- PPF 1278 Smith, J. W.
- PPF 1279 Tevis, Hupp
- PPF 1280 Bushnell General Hospital
- PPF 1281 Reynolds, Quentin
- PPF 1282 Foster, Rev. D. K.
- PPF 1283 Jordan, Harry P.
- PPF 1284 McLucas, Walter S.
- PPF 1285 Rush, Charles E.
- PPF 1286 Pool, Cance A.
- PPF 1287 Roach, Arno L.
- PPF 1288 Wohlford, Mrs. Valerie Evelyn Truman
- PPF 1289 Walker, Roger L.
- PPF 1290 Heninger, Grant
- PPF 1291 Ferguson, Homer
- PPF 1292 Snyder, Kenneth W.
- PPF 1293 Jayne, Edward M.
- PPF 1294 Love, Jack
- PPF 1295 Matscheck, Walter
- PPF 1296 Sachs, Alex F.
- PPF 1297 Smith, C. Willard
- PPF 1298 Bray, William J.
- PPF 1299 Clark, Walter R.
- PPF 1300 Dillingham, M. V.
- PPF 1301 Ford, Mrs. Beatrix Winn
- PPF 1302 Jones, Sam H.
- PPF 1303 McDevitt, Frank J.
- PPF 1304 Mahoney, F. A.
- PPF 1305 Platt, Mortimer
- PPF 1306 Russell, Mrs. Joie S.
- PPF 1307 Schmulling, E. E.
- PPF 1308 Schoen, Rev. Theon
- PPF 1309 Secor, S. R.
- PPF 1310 Shutz, Byron T.
- PPF 1311 Start, Chester T.
- PPF 1312 Taylor, Mrs. Crawford
- PPF 1313 Ward, Anthony
- PPF 1314 Colmer, William M.
- PPF 1315 Briggs, Lloyd W.
- PPF 1316 McKim, Mrs. Edward D., Jr.
- PPF 1317 Bone, Homer T.
- PPF 1318 Kammer, Fred L.
- PPF 1319 Burr, Walter
- PPF 1320 Boyle, William M., Jr.
- PPF 1321 Robertson, A. Willis
- PPF 1322 Nease, Mrs. Hilbert
- PPF 1323 Nachtman, Ray O.
- PPF 1324 Painter, W. R.
- PPF 1325 Pershall, E. E.
- PPF 1326 Wilson Brothers, Chicago, Ill.
Box 579
- PPF 1327 Prairie Farmer, The
- PPF 1328 Sullivan, W. D.
- PPF 1329 Morris, M. E.
- PPF 1330 Law Enforcement – Police and Police Activities
- PPF 1331 Bryan, Dr. and Mrs. W. J.
- PPF 1332 Cajigas, Dr. Tomas
- PPF 1333 Chaney, V. E.
- PPF 1334 Danford, Maj. Gen. R. M.
- PPF 1335 Dickstein, Samuel
- PPF 1336 Eppstein, Joseph O.
- PPF 1337 Ferguson, Harley L.
- PPF 1338 Fling, Ray
- PPF 1339 Haldeman, W. A.
- PPF 1340 Hyatt, Robert L.
- PPF 1341 Immken, Hon. Caroline
- PPF 1342 Lebrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Sol
- PPF 1343 National Fraternal Congress of American – National Fraternal Week
- PPF 1344 Purdy, Ray
- PPF 1345 Ridge, Searoy
- PPF 1346 Schauffler, Edward R.
- PPF 1347 Schricker, Henry F.
- PPF 1348 Smith, Cleo O.
- PPF 1349 Smith, Harold
- PPF 1350 Tolle, Cecil E.
- PPF 1351 Kansas City (MO) Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 1352 Western Union Telegraph Company, The
- PPF 1353 Wright, Robert R.
- PPF 1354 Foster, Stephen Collins – Concerning
- PPF 1355 Leonard, David W.
- PPF 1356 Cooper, Armwell L.
- PPF 1357 Myers, Mrs. Pope G.
- PFP 1358 O’Donnell, Frank
- PPF 1359 Hunting
- PPF 1360 Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
- PPF 1361 Townsend, John G., Jr.
- PPF 1362 Apt, Frederick G.
- PPF 1363 Harris, Brown
- PPF 1364 Colgan, Fred R.
- PPF 1365 Latimer, C. W.
- PPF 1366 Berenstein, David
- PPF 1367 Flynn, Thomas F., Jr.
- PPF 1368 Joynt, John W.
- PPF 1369 Nigro, Dr. D. M.
Box 580
- PPF 1370 Reichel, Rev. George F.
- PPF 1371 Ristine, Col. Carl
- PPF 1372 Morrison, James H.
- PPF 1373 Ahlfeldt, Ernest N.
- PPF 1374 Maragon, John F.
- PPF 1375 St. John’s Church, Washington D. C.
- PPF 1376 Howell, Charles M., Jr.
- PPF 1377 Gibson, T. E.
- PPF 1378 Kerr, Dr. Ernest E.
- PPF 1379 English Neighborhood Reformed Church, Ridgefield, N. J.
- PPF 1380 Dibble, Allen
- PPF 1381 Foreign Trade
- PPF 1382 McNeill, Don
- PPF 1383 Goodrich, James E.
- PPF 1384 Ewin, Mira Waller
- PPF 1385 Elon College
- PPF 1386 University of Missouri
- PPF 1386-A University of Missouri Alumni Association
- PPF 1387 Chandler, William P.
- PPF 1388 Olin, John M.
- PPF 1389 Christensen, Julius O.
- PPF 1390 Frisby, Farmer H.
- PPF 1391 Wheatley, Frank
- PPF 1392 Flynn, Michael J.
- PPF 1393 Eiser, Mrs. Lucile B.
- PPF 1394 Reader, Harold L.
- PPF 1395 Thurman, Rabbi Samuel
- PPF 1396 Koch, George B.
- PPF 1397 Winat, John
- PPF 1398 Arundel, Russell M.
- PPF 1399 Bird, Lafayette E.
- PPF 1400 Hibernian Societies
- PPF 1401 Smith, C. E.; The Fairmont (W. Va.) Times
- PPF 1402 Bayer, Otto K.
- PPF 1403 University of Kansas City
- PPF 1404 Turner, George S.
- PPF 1405 Rothwell, Hemp
- PPF 1406 Meyer, Emil G.
Box 581
- PPF 1407 Bradshaw, Mrs. James T.
- PPF 1408 Lewis, Edward McE.
- PPF 1409 Clark, Tom C.
- PPF 1410 Douglas, William O.
- PPF 1411 Collins, Martin J.
- PPF 1412 Englund, Lawrence N.
- PPF 1413 Fristoe, Frank H.
- PPF 1414 Page, Nelle
- PPF 1415 Coffey, Edmund Patrick
- PPF 1416 Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden (Florence J.)
- PPF 1417 Hoffman, Frank G.
- PPF 1418 McBrayer, Mrs. Jakaline
- PPF 1419 McCabe, George H.
- PPF 1420 Millard, George F.
- PPF 1421 Hunter, Harry P.
- PPF 1422 Newman, Harry (St. Louis, Mo.)
- PPF 1423 Chang, Carsun
- PPF 1424 Stevenson, Coke
- PPF 1425 Quinn, Jack
- PPF 1426 Remington, Mrs. George
- PPF 1427 Rittersbacher, Clarence
- PPF 1428 Kansas City Bible College, The
- PPF 1429 Westminster College
- PPF 1430 Sermon, Roger T.
- PPF 1431 Vrooman, Claude E.
- PPF 1432 Hall, Miss Ella
- PPF 1433 Italian-American Matters
- PPF 1434 Bartholomew, Harland
- PPF 1435 McCasland, Carl W.
- PPF 1436 Burning Tree Club, Bethesda, Md.
- PPF 1437 Building and Loan Associations
- PPF 1438 Americans United for World Organization, Inc.
- PPF 1439 Weber, Karl
- PPF 1440 Heroism
- PPF 1441 Philippine Story, The
- PPF 1442 Marks, Theodore
- PPF 1443 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts
- PPF 1444 First Presbyterian Church, Goshen, New York
- PPF 1445 Brooks, Dr. William E.
- PPF 1446 Cannon, Clarence
Box 582
- PPF 1447 SS. Cyril and Methodius Church, Taunton, Minn.
- PPF 1448 Holland, Joseph F.
- PPF 1449 Fulton, Hugh
- PPF 1450 Masonic Service Association of the U.S. [1 of 2]
- PPF 1450 Masonic Service Association of the U.S. [2 of 2]
- PPF 1451 Judell, Fred A.
- PPF 1452 Tassig, Charles W.
- PPF 1453 Grew, Joseph C.
- PPF 1454 Wood, Noel V.
- PPF 1455 Church of the Good Shepherd, The – Buffalo, NY
- PPF 1456 McCarty, Harry
- PPF 1457 Hook, Maude
- PPF 1458 Taylor, Ralph W.
- PPF 1459 Illinois, State of
- PPF 1460 Ickes, Harold L.
- PPF 1461 Thompson, Dr. J. D.
- PPF 1462 Collins, Ross F.
- PPF 1463 James, Chaplain Feltham S.
- PPF 1464 Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
- PPF 1465 Hickerson, Rev and Mrs. J. W.
- PPF 1466 Harigan, Joseph D.
- PPF 1467 Marks, Thomas R.
- PPF 1468 Meigs, Merrill C.
- PPF 1469 Byers, William E.
- PPF 1470 Ruff, Dr. Horace E.
- PPF 1471 Young, Nathan
- PPF 1472 Bostian, William B.
- PPF 1473 Johnson, Robert W.
- PPF 1474 Dew, Samuel A.
- PPF 1475 Vaughan, Eddie A.
- PPF 1476 Sverdrup, Maj. Gen. L. J.
- PPF 1477 Moss, Mrs. Cora Leonard
- PPF 1478 Durkin, Rev. Joseph T.
- PPF 1479 Gillen, Larry
- PPF 1480 Adams, John Quincy – Concerning
- PPF 1481 General George A. White Veterans Club
- PPF 1482 American University, The
- PPF 1483 Sheild, Marcellus C.
Box 583
- PPF 1484 Subscriptions to Publications Given to the President
- PPF 1484 (1945)
- PPF 1484 (1946-1947)
- PPF 1484 (1948)
- PPF 1484 (1949)
- PPF 1484 (1950)
- PPF 1484 (1951) [1 of 2]
Box 584
- PPF 1484 (1951) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1484 (1952-1953)
- PPF 1485 Rosenman, Samuel I.
- PPF 1486 Jackson, Andrew – Concerning
- PPF 1487 Civil Air Patrol League
- PPF 1488 Oglesby, H. Rube, Jr.
- PPF 1489 Biffle, Leslie L.
- PPF 1490 Meade, Annie Paulding
- PPF 1491 National Public Housing Conference, Inc.
- PPF 1492 Filene, Lincoln
- PPF 1493 Hodges, Frank
- PPF 1494 Kinder, J. A.
- PPF 1495 Willoughby, Capt. Roscoe R.
- PPF 1496 Eiser, Reginald Ingram
- PPF 1497 Biscailuz, Eugene W.
- PPF 1498 Porterfield, E. E., Jr.
- PPF 1499 Nelson, Dr. Mattie Caldwell
- PPF 1500 Second Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 1501 Missouri State Fair, 1945-1948
- PPF 1501 Missouri State Fair, 1949
Box 585
- PPF 1501 Missouri State Fair, 1950-1953
- PPF 1502 Goshorn, Robert E.
- PPF 1503 Lombard, Norman
- PPF 1504 Wirtz, Alvin J.
- PPF 1505 National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc.
- PPF 1506 U. S. Savings and Loan League
- PPF 1507 Freedom from Want and Fear, Communications Concerning
- PPF 1508 Sutton, Dr. Robert S.
- PPF 1509 Federation of Orthodox Rabbis of America
- PPF 1510 McHaney, Powell B.
- PPF 1511 Kelsey, Mrs. F. L.
- PPF 1512 Babler, Jacob
- PPF 1513 Opie, Tom
- PPF 1514 Andie, John R.
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1941
Box 586
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - A, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1950
Box 587
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - B, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1945-1947
Box 588
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
Box 589
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - C, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 590
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - D, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - E, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1949
Box 591
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - F, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1950
Box 592
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - G, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1950
Box 593
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - H, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - I, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1948
Box 594
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - J, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 595
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - K, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - L, 1952-1953
Box 596
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1951 [1 of 3]
Box 597
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1951 [2 of 3]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1951 [3 of 3]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - M, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1948
Box 598
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - N, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - O, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1945-1947
Box 599
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - P, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - Q
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1945-1947
Box 600
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - R, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1945-1947 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1945-1947 [2 of 2]
Box 601
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1951 [1 of 4]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1951 [2 of 4]
Box 602
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1951 [3 of 4]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1951 [4 of 4]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1952-1953 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - S, 1952-1953 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1950
Box 603
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - T, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - U
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1945-1947
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - V, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1945-1947
Box 604
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1951 [1 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1951 [2 of 2]
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - W, 1952-1953
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1945-1947
Box 605
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1948
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1949
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1950
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1951
- PPF 1515 Holiday Greetings Sent to the President - X-Y-Z, 1952-1953
- PPF 1516 Myers, Denys
- PPF 1517 Guilfoyle, Joseph
- PPF 1518 Deschner, R. B.
- PPF 1519 Hambacher, August M.
- PPF 1520 Garrison, Mrs. William B.
- PPF 1521 Higgins, Andrew
- PPF 1522 Gordon, John L.
- PPF 1523 Tutt, Harry C.
- PPF 1524 Marqua, Frank C.
- PPF 1525 Connally, Tom
- PPF 1526 Kansas City, Missouri Fire Department
- PPF 1527 Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C.
- PPF 1528 James W. Bell and Company, Inc.
- PPF 1529 Myers, Harry G.
- PPF 1530 Goldman, Lawrence E.
- PPF 1531 Elliott, E. M.
- PPF 1532 Kennedy, Daniel
- PPF 1533 Shields, Leighton
Box 606
- PPF 1534 American Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
- PPF 1535 Knudsen, Lt. Gen. William S.
- PPF 1536 Gray, Harve G.
- PPF 1537 First Baptist Church, Independence, Missouri
- PPF 1538 Paxton, A. J.
- PPF 1539 Goodman, Capt. Glenn W.
- PPF 1540 Godsey, Roy
- PPF 1541 Variety Clubs of America, Inc.
- PPF 1541 (1945-1947)
- PPF 1541 (1948-1953)
- PPF 1542 Holt, Bishop Ivan Lee
- PPF 1543 Calvary Methodist Church Sunday School, Keyport, N. J.
- PPF 1544 Smith, Melvin B.
- PPF 1545 Beurskens, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
- PPF 1546 Hickman, Mrs. Willey G.
- PPF 1547 Pitts, Y. A.
- PPF 1548 McDonald, Ed
- PPF 1549 Rayburn, E. M.
- PPF 1550 Upsala College
- PPF 1551 Officers Club of Kansas City, Inc.
- PPF 1552 Wilson, A. Reed
- PPF 1553 Rose, Vernon J.
- PPF 1554 United Spanish War Veterans
- PPF 1555 Whitley, Sam
- PPF 1556 Quinn, Michael A.
- PPF 1557 Whitlow, Martha
Box 607
- PPF 1558 Dunlap, Richard
- PPF 1559 Proctor, Rev. Lawrence M.
- PPF 1560 Botts, W. Lee
- PPF 1561 Norford, Walter J.
- PPF 1562 Buder, G. A.
- PPF 1563 Coyne, Roy
- PPF 1564 Deal, H. B.
- PPF 1565 Cusack, Msgr. Thos. E. – St. Peter’s Church, Quincy, Ill.
- PPF 1566 Doughton, Robert L.
- PPF 1567 Cantwell, Russell
- PPF 1568 Ruark, Fred
- PPF 1569 Brennan, Redmond S.
- PPF 1570 Caldwell, Robert B.
- PPF 1571 Callahan, Rev. Edward E.
- PPF 1572 Long, David H.
- PPF 1573 Stevenson, Charles S.
- PPF 1574 Popham, Arthur C.
- PPF 1575 LaFollette, Robert M., Jr.
- PPF 1576 Capitol Page School
- PPF 1577 Catholic War Veterans
- PPF 1578 McElroy, Perrin D.
- PPF 1579 Gallant, C. Lew
- PPF 1580 Phillips, Charles E.
- PPF 1581 Rothschild, Louis S.
- PPF 1582 Buecking, George H.
- PPF 1583 Early, Stephen T.
- PPF 1584 Sontag, W. H.
- PPF 1585 Denney, Frank O.
- PPF 1586 Thurston, Hal H.
- PPF 1587 Boren, Lyle H.
- PPF 1588 Symon, W. M.
- PPF 1589 Lauer, Earl
- PPF 1590 White, L. M.
- PPF 1591 Moore, Sid
- PPF 1592 Carpenter, Edward E.
- PPF 1593 Ennis, H. R.
- PPF 1594 Lozier, Ralph F.
- PPF 1595 Baldwin, L. W.
- PPF 1596 Nourse, James B.
- PPF 1597 Shartel, Stratton
- PPF 1598 Lowres, Abe
- PPF 1599 Manor Country Club, Norbeck, Md.
- PPF 1600 Banta, Grace Clayton
- PPF 1601 Laymen’s Missionary Movement
- PPF 1602 Hunter, Clarence E.
- PPF 1603 Keine, Henry Jr.
- PPF 1604 Corcoran, Rev. Clarence A.
- PPF 1605 White, Elmer H.
Box 608
- PPF 1606 American Merchant Marine Library Association
- PPF 1607 Berry, Edward J.
- PPF 1608 Walker, Mrs. Harry B.
- PPF 1609 Paddock, George W.
- PPF 1610 McCormick, Raleigh
- PPF 1611 Rolfson, J. O.
- PPF 1612 Hudson, John W.
- PPF 1613 Sebree, Sam B.
- PPF 1614 Timmons, Scott R.
- PPF 1615 White, Harry S.
- PPF 1616 Haynes, Lacy
- PPF 1617 Camp Fire Girls, Inc.; Allen, Martha S.
- PPF 1618 Barker, John T.
- PPF 1619 American Society of Newspaper Editors
- PPF 1620 National and Inter-American Music Week Committee
- PPF 1621 Trinity Episcopal Church, Hannibal, Missouri
- PPF 1622 Society of Tammany or Columbian Order
- PPF 1623 National Defense Transportation Association; Army Transportation Association
- PPF 1624 Christ Lutheran Community Church, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
- PPF 1625 Georgetown University
- PPF 1626 Taylor, Glenn H.
- PPF 1627 Twyman, Dr. Tom
- PPF 1628 Flannery, B. T.
- PPF 1629 Levy, Joseph S.
- PPF 1630 Edwards, Julius R.
- PPF 1631 Moore, John A.
- PPF 1632 Schorer, Dr. Edwin Henry
- PPF 1633 Vermillion, S. A.
- PPF 1634 Smith, Henry C.
- PPF 1635 Miles, John L.
- PPF 1636 Frank, Jerome N.
- PPF 1637 Long, Paul M.
Box 609
- PPF 1638 Stern, J. David, Philadelphia Record, The
- PPF 1639 Garrison, Harry R.
- PPF 1640 Thice, John F.
- PPF 1641 McAfee, Wes
- PPF 1642 Plummer, Charles E.
- PPF 1643 Garrard, Tom
- PPF 1644 Clough, Robert S.
- PPF 1645 Walsh, Jerome
- PPF 1646 Fennessey, Rev. Joseph T.
- PPF 1647 Hudson, George T.
- PPF 1648 Schopper, Dr. A. F.
- PPF 1649 Miller, Ray T.
- PPF 1650 Tiernan, Chaplain L. Curtis
- PPF 1651 Harrington, E. C.
- PPF 1652 Groves, Robert D.
- PPF 1653 Civitan International
- PPF 1654 State of Georgia
- PPF 1655 Wells, Mrs. Elsie K.
- PPF 1656 Jacobson, Edward
- PPF 1657 Negro Freedom Rally
- PPF 1658 William Jewell College – Walter Pope Binns, President
- PPF 1659 Hanssen, Henry R.
- PPF 1660 Janis, Elsie
- PPF 1661 Nathan, Winfrey G.
- PPF 1662 Woods, Elwyn W.
- PPF 1663 Wallace Mr. and Mrs. David Fred
- PPF 1664 Bradford, G. G.
- PPF 1665 Gumm, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H.
- PPF 1666 Green, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A.
- PPF 1667 Moberly, John R.
- PPF 1668 Perkins, Frances
- PPF 1669 Pope, James P.
- PPF 1670 McLain, B. F.
- PPF 1671 Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
- PPF 1672 Waters, J. H.
- PPF 1673 Lodwick, Albert I.
- PPF 1674 The Paris Post
Box 610
- PPF 1675 Caulfield, William J.
- PPF 1676 Eldus, Abram I.
- PPF 1677 Baptist Temple Association – Christian Herald – Poling, Rev. Daniel A.
- PPF 1678 National Society United States Daughters of 1812
- PPF 1679 Foulihoux, J. Andre
- PPF 1680 Capps, Jack L.
- PPF 1681 Herzog, Paul M.
- PPF 1682 Gardner, Floyd O.
- PPF 1683 Gibson, Maxwell E.
- PPF 1684 International Council of Religious Education
- PPF 1685 Hopkins, Harry L.
- PPF 1686 International Picnic – Masonic Island
- PPF 1687 Dade County, Georgia
- PPF 1688 Nielsen, Myrtle
- PPF 1689 Green, Edwin H., Jr.
- PPF 1690 Young, Solomon – Concerning
- PPF 1691 Lowe, Brig. Gen. Stephen E.
- PPF 1692 Watson, Mrs. Anna
- PPF 1693 Lemon, James H.
- PPF 1694 Barkley, Alben W.
- PPF 1695 University Club of Kansas City
- PPF 1696 Pulitzer, Joseph – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- PPF 1697 St. John’s Church, Huntingdon, Pa.
- PPF 1698 Gentry, Mary Gunn
- PPF 1699 Friant, Mrs. Julian
- PPF 1700 Kelley, Harry
- PPF 1701 Cooper, Mrs. Katherine Truman
- PPF 1702 Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Shipp - Concerning
- PPF 1703 Salsbury, Harry J., Jr.
Box 611
- PPF 1704 Perry, Dexter
- PPF 1705 Truman, William - Concerning
- PPF 1706 Greenleaf, Mrs. Nettie Cromwell
- PPF 1707 Hohenstein, Rev. H. H.
- PPF 1708 Riepma, Rev. Sears F.
- PPF 1709 United States of America Sports Federation
- PPF 1710 Pepper, Claude H.
- PPF 1711 National Retail Dry Goods Association
- PPF 1712 Austin, W. G.
- PPF 1713 American Automobile Association
- PPF 1714 William Jennings Bryan University – Rudd, Dr. Judson A.
- PPF 1715 Negro Newspaper Publishers Association
- PPF 1716 Vardaman, Mr. and Mrs. James K.
- PPF 1717 Miller, James E.
- PPF 1718 Joplin Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 1719 Houston, John M.
- PPF 1720 Higby, William E.
- PPF 1721 Harrell, Donald M.
- PPF 1722 Colt, John
- PPF 1723 Young Men’s Christian Association
- PPF 1724 Souers, Rear Admiral Sidney W.
- PPF 1725 Health
- PPF 1726 Williams, Aubrey
- PPF 1727 Pruitt, Ray
- PPF 1728 Stone Church, Independence, Missouri
- PPF 1729 Constitution of the United States – Bill of Rights
- PPF 1730 Baker, Mrs. C. E.
- PPF 1731 Gates, Marvin Hayes
- PPF 1732 Fisher, Charlie
- PPF 1733 Sampson, Ethel E. H.
Box 612
- PPF 1734 Tobin, Daniel J.
- PPF 1735 Hawkes, Albert W.
- PPF 1736 Brewster, Owen
- PPF 1737 Eden, Anthony
- PPF 1738 Roots, Bishop Logan H.
- PPF 1739 Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- PPF 1740 Edwards, F. Henry
- PPF 1741 Jasper, Rev. Ralph E.
- PPF 1742 Pittman, Bernard C.
- PPF 1743 American Negro Music Festival
- PPF 1744 Wheeler, Burton K.
- PPF 1745 Summer, Mrs. Grace
- PPF 1746 Hornbuckle, Myra (Mrs. Roy D.)
- PPF 1747 Curtin, John
- PPF 1748 Doran, George H.
- PPF 1749 Hokendauqua Presbyterian Church, Hokendauqua, Pa.
- PPF 1750 World Book Encyclopedia, The – Quarrie Corporation, Chicago, Ill.
- PPF 1751 Biddle, Francis
- PPF 1752 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
- PPF 1753 Simpson, Kirke L.
- PPF 1754 Johnson, Hiram
- PPF 1755 Truman, Harry A.
- PPF 1756 Christian Business Men’s Committee of Bergen County, NJ
- PPF 1757 Sloan, James
- PPF 1758 Loyal Order of Moose
- PPF 1759 Whittingham, Sir Harold E.
- PPF 1760 Gilmer, Garnet E.
- PPF 1761 Society for Prevention of World War III
- PPF 1762 Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. James R.
- PPF 1763 Witte, Edward H.
- PPF 1764 O’Neill, Grover
- PPF 1765 Arnold, Wat
Box 613
- PPF 1766 Marquis, George C.
- PPF 1767 Millard, Alden S.
- PPF 1768 Woodring, Harry H.
- PPF 1769 Holland, Thomas V.
- PPF 1770 Truman, Major Gen. and Mrs. Ralph E.
- PPF 1771 Truman, James
- PPF 1772 Corwin, Austin Michael
- PPF 1773 Makin, C. Conner
- PPF 1774 Lucas, Scott W.
- PPF 1775 New Glarus, Wisconsin
- PPF 1776 Sandburg, Carl
- PPF 1777 Noll, Most Rev. John F.
- PPF 1778 Thomas, John R., Jr.
- PPF 1779 Haskins, Charles A.
- PPF 1780 Harris, Thomas E.
- PPF 1781 Sumners, Hatton W.
- PPF 1782 National Press Club
- PPF 1782 (1945-1949)
- PPF 1782 (1950) [1 of 2]
- PPF 1782 (1950) [2 of 2]
Box 614
- PPF 1782 (1951-1953)
- PPF 1783 Stigall, John
- PPF 1784 Girl Scouts of America
- PPF 1785 Calvin, George B.
- PPF 1786 Reagan, Franklin E.
- PPF 1787 Waldrip, Rev. Marion Nelson
- PPF 1788 Bowman, Louis N.
- PPF 1789 Strode, Gilbert
- PPF 1790 Zeitung, A. L. – International Silver Co.
- PPF 1791 Davis, Chester C.
- PPF 1792 Taylor, John C.
- PPF 1793 Vogel, Charles J.
- PPF 1794 Burton, Harold H.
- PPF 1795 Hallicrafters Company
- PPF 1796 Baldwin, Raymond E.
- PPF 1797 Sullivan County, Missouri
- PPF 1798 Fraser, Peter
- PPF 1799 Hatboro Baptist Church,, Hatboro, Pa.
- PPF 1800 Maastricht, Holland
- PPF 1801 Rippey, Rev. T. L.
- PPF 1802 National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
- PPF 1803 Patterson, Robert P.
- PPF 1804 Church of Immaculate Conception, Pittsfield, Ill.
- PPF 1805 White House News Photographers Association
- PPF 1806 Spann, William M.
- PPF 1807 Forums
- PPF 1808 Christ Church (Methodist), New York, NY
Box 615
- PPF 1809 Posnansky, Ing. Arthur
- PPF 1810 Holy Cross Church, Detroit, Mich.
- PPF 1811 Woodside Sterling Company
- PPF 1812 Bucklew, L. L.
- PPF 1813 Kane, John J.
- PPF 1814 Forrestal, James V. [1 of 2]
- PPF 1814 Forrestal, James V. [2 of 2]
- PPF 1815 Hotel Morrison, Chicago, Ill.
- PPF 1816 Bilateral Leg Amputee Club of America
- PPF 1817 Lorenzen, Gen. A. F.
- PPF 1818 Hodges, George H.
- PPF 1819 Quinn, James D.
- PPF 1820 Ray, John E.
- PPF 1821 Neely, Matthew M.
- PPF 1822 Bloomer, Art
- PPF 1823 Woods, Leonard R.
- PPF 1824 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
- PPF 1824-A (1945-1947)
- PPF 1824-A (1948) [1 of 2]
Box 616
- PPF 1824-A (1948) [2 of 2]
- PPF 1824-A (1949)
- PPF 1824-A (1950-1953)
- PPF 1824-A Contributions
- PPF 1825 Museums
- PPF 1826 Kansas City Museum, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 1827 Florman, Irving
- PPF 1828 United Nations Conference Committee of San Francisco
- PPF 1829 Social Welfare
- PPF 1830 The American Flag
- PPF 1830-A The National Anthem
- PPF 1831 Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- PPF 1832 Dawes, Charles G.
- PPF 1833 Donovan, Maj. Gen. William J.
- PPF 1834 Lawson, W. D.
- PPF 1835 Seifert, Frank L.
- PPF 1836 Wells, Marvin C.
- PPF 1837 Barrett, James J.
- PPF 1838 Chiles, R. H.
Box 617
- PPF 1839 Overton, John H.
- PPF 1840 National Theatre, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 1841 Thomas, Elmer
- PPF 1842 Funk, Mrs. C. E.
- PPF 1843 Hannegan, Robert E.
- PPF 1844 National Highway Users Conference
- PPF 1845 Ford, Henry
- PPF 1846 Ebel, Walter M.
- PPF 1847 Bottom, M. H.
- PPF 1848 Romine, Mrs. Robert Talbot
- PPF 1849 Green, George Norman
- PPF 1850 White, Henry A.
- PPF 1851 McLaughlin, Rev. Bernard A.
- PPF 1852 First Presbyterian Church, Ramsey, NJ
- PPF 1853 Trenton Fair, Trenton, NJ
- PPF 1854 O’Toole, Donald L.
- PPF 1855 Time, Inc. – Life – Fortune – March of Time
- PPF 1856 St. Vincent de Paul Society
- PPF 1857 Sister Mary Augustine
- PPF 1858 Hotel Phillips, Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 1859 Allen, James D.
- PPF 1860 Easley, Harry
- PPF 1861 Flynn, Edward J.
- PPF 1862 Daunt, Joseph H.
- PPF 1863 Foster, Admiral E. D.
- PPF 1864 Faris, Edgar C. Jr.
- PPF 1865 French, M. O.
- PPF 1866 White House Swimming Pool
- PPF 1867 Groner, D. Lawrence
- PPF 1868 Haines, Charles Le Roy
- PPF 1869 Gunther, Joseph H.
- PPF 1870 Whalen, Grover A.
- PPF 1871 Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. George Earle
- PPF 1872 Robertson, A. W.
- PPF 1873 Romagna, Jack
- PPF 1874 Crowell-Collier Publishing Co. – Beck, Thomas H.
- PPF 1875 Davis, Elmer
- PPF 1876 American Federation of Teachers
- PPF 1877 McMahon, Dr. Bernard J.
- PPF 1878 Associated Church Press
Box 618
- PPF 1879 Robert, Lawrence Wood, Jr.
- PPF 1880 Rowland, Hon. M. R.
- PPF 1881 Howe, Parkman D.
- PPF 1882 Saltonstall, Leverett
- PPF 1883 Cross, Robert E.
- PPF 1884 Housholder, Vic H.
- PPF 1885 Cushman, Bishop Ralph S.
- PPF 1886 Schaefer, J. Earl
- PPF 1887 Blaine, Mrs. Emmons
- PPF 1888 Rittenberg, Louis – Liberal Judaism
- PPF 1889 Reed, Novus
- PPF 1890 San Francisco Chronicle
- PPF 1891 National Safety Council
- PPF 1892 McCain, Vice Adm. John S.
- PPF 1893 Warburg, James P.
- PPF 1894 Rowe, Dr. Leo S. – Pan American Union
- PPF 1895 Petrie, Charles L.
- PPF 1896 O’Keefe, Eddie
- PPF 1897 Emmanuel’s Lutheran And Reformed Church, Northampton County, Pa.
- PPF 1898 American Retail Federation
- PPF 1899 Associated Broadcasting Corporation
- PPF 1900 National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs
- PPF 1900-A International Federation of Business And Professional Women
- PPF 1901 Advertising
- PPF 1902 Advertising Federation of America
- PPF 1903 Bulen, Mrs. Ethel B.
- PPF 1904 Rogers, Dwight L.
- PPF 1905 India House
- PPF 1906 Comet Metal Products Company, Inc.
- PPF 1907 Easley, Mrs. G. Gilmer
- PPF 1908 New York Board of Jewish Ministers, Inc.
- PPF 1909 Driess, Mrs. O. M.
- PPF 1910 Stegall, Mrs. C. R.
Box 619
- PPF 1911 Boston Conference on Distribution
- PPF 1912 Alley, Calvin
- PPF 1913 George, Walter F.
- PPF 1914 McCormack, John F.
- PPF 1915 New York Herald Tribune
- PPF 1916 Veatch, N. T.
- PPF 1917 Wallace, Henry A.
- PPF 1918 Ayres, W. A.
- PPF 1919 Odom, William P.
- PPF 1920 Christmas
- PPF 1920 (1945-1946)
- PPF 1920 (1947)
Box 620
- PPF 1920 (1948)
- PPF 1920 (1949)
- PPF 1920 (1950)
- PPF 1920 (1951)
- PPF 1920 (1952-1953)
- PPF 1921 Vinson, Fred M.
Box 621
- PPF 1922 Hobby, Mrs. Oveta Culp
- PPF 1923 Piggott, Joseph
- PPF 1924 Conner, H. D.
- PPF 1925 Simmons, Harvey Earl
- PPF 1926 Leith, Milton B.
- PPF 1927 Cox, Edward Eugene
- PPF 1928 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain)
- PPF 1929 Fields, Benj. F.
- PPF 1930 Army and Navy Legion of Valor
- PPF 1931 National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, The
- PPF 1932 Douglass, Frederick – Concerning
- PPF 1933 Pope, S. B.
- PPF 1934 Texas Coaster, The
- PPF 1935 Ryan, Monsignor John A.
- PPF 1936 National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PPF 1936 National Council of Catholic Nurses of the U.S.
- PPF 1936 National Commission on Student Government
- PPF 1937 Head, Walter W.
- PPF 1938 Murray, Reid F.
- PPF 1939 Dillon, R. E.
- PPF 1940 Graves, John Temple
- PPF 1941 Contreras, Gen. Eleazar Lopez
- PPF 1942 Bolivar, Simon – Concerning
- PPF 1943 Stalin, Joseph V.
- PPF 1944 Herring, Clyde L.
Box 622
- PPF 1945 Hobbies
- PPF 1946 Haley, Mrs. J. S.
- PPF 1947 American Bar Association
- PPF 1948 Selassie, Emperor Haile
- PPF 1949 Turner, William A.
- PPF 1950 Whitfield, J. B.
- PPF 1951 Polish Roman Catholic Union of America
- PPF 1952 State Historical Society of Missouri; Missouri Historical Society
- PPF 1953 St. Mary’s Church, Lawrence, Mass. – Driscoll, Rev. Daniel W.
- PPF 1954 Central Church in Worcester (Mass.)
- PPF 1955 Langsdale, Clif
- PPF 1956 Henning, H. C.
- PPF 1957 Pershing, Gen. John J.
- PPF 1958 Welch, Bishop Herbert
- PPF 1959 Ryan, Most Rev. James Hugh
- PPF 1960 Deaf, The – Deafness
- PPF 1961 Gridiron Clubs
- PPF 1962 Propeller Club of the United States
- PPF 1963 American Council on Education
- PPF 1964 Himmler, Walter J.
- PPF 1965 American Society for the Hard of Hearing – American Hearing Society
Box 623
- PPF 1966 Stimson, Henry L.
- PPF 1967 Williston, Samuel
- PPF 1968 Davis, Rev. Bailey F., Sr.
- PPF 1969 Noland, Ethel – Noland, Nellie Tilford
- PPF 1970 Holmes, Jesse
- PPF 1971 Benton, William
- PPF 1972 Dodson, Harry C.
- PPF 1973 Hughes, Fred P. [folder empty]
- PPF 1974 Herald Publishing House, Independence, MO
- PPF 1975 American Field Service
- PPF 1976 Murphy, Robert D.
- PPF 1977 Newton, Cleveland A.
- PPF 1978 Sheppard, Harry R.
- PPF 1979 Wolferman, Fred
- PPF 1980 Hoey, Clyde R.
- PPF 1981 Darling, Jay N.
- PPF 1982 Willkie, Wendell L. – Concerning
- PPF 1983 Fletcher, Charles F.
- PPF 1984 LeVelle, Harry S.
- PPF 1985 Dictators – Regarding
- PPF 1986 Morley, Christopher
- PPF 1987 Spalding, Leo A.
- PPF 1988 Thomas, Elbert D.
- PPF 1989 National Society for Crippled Children and Adults
- PPF 1990 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Suffern, NY
- PPF 1991 St. Mary’s Church, Danville, NY
- PPF 1992 Church of the Holy Apostles, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 1993 National Aeronautics Association
- PPF 1994 Sinclair, Upton
- PPF 1995 Civil War, The
- PPF 1996 Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Melvell E.
- PPF 1997 Chancellor, Roy E.
- PPF 1998 Flint, Richard A.
- PPF 1999 Rouzee, Herbert S.
- PPF 2000 Hewes, Thomas
Box 624
- PPF 2001 Christ Church in Philadelphia (PA)
- PPF 2002 Allred, James V.
- PPF 2003 Missouri Press Association
- PPF 2004 Kleeman, William
- PPF 2005 Klauber, Edward
- PPF 2006 National Association of Broadcasters – National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- PPF 2007 McCarran, Pat
- PPF 2008 Camargo, Alberto Lleras
- PPF 2009 Michelson, Charles
- PPF 2010 Muckerman, Richard C.
- PPF 2011 Brod, Stephen
- PPF 2012 Whitaker, Fred D.
- PPF 2013 Werby, Jacob
- PPF 2014 Evers, James R.
- PPF 2015 Hudson, Wesley V.
- PPF 2016 Sullivan, Mike
- PPF 2017 Blue River Baptist Association
- PPF 2018 Monroe, George C.
- PPF 2019 Rusk, Dr. Howard A.
- PPF 2020 Jefferson Islands Club, Sherwood, MD
- PPF 2021 Winkelmaier, Robert C.
- PPF 2022 Clark, Gen. Mark W.
- PPF 2023 Italian-American Labor Council, Inc.
- PPF 2024 Columbus, Christopher – Concerning
- PPF 2025 Jones, Matthew
- PPF 2026 First Lutheran Church, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 2027 Confederate Matters
- PPF 2028 Patton, Mrs. Loretta
- PPF 2029 Indians
- PPF 2030 Sioux Nation
- PPF 2031 Gurney, Chan
- PPF 2032 McHugh, Dr. William O.
- PPF 2033 Hicks, W. Glenn
- PPF 2034 Freedom House
Box 625
- PPF 2035 Erie Dispatch Herald
- PPF 2036 Washington College
- PPF 2037 Hayde, Thomas
- PPF 2038 McCarthy, Rev. Daniel W.
- PPF 2039 Moser, Guy L.
- PPF 2040 Purdum, Smith M.
- PPF 2041 Mizzey, Dr. David Saville
- PPF 2042 McKellar, Kenneth
- PPF 2043 Polish Matters
- PPF 2044 Parker, Leo B.
- PPF 2045 Kent, Charles A.
- PPF 2046 North, Roy M.
- PPF 2047 Creek Nation
- PPF 2048 Wood Office Furniture Institute
- PPF 2049 Polland, Milton R.
- PPF 2050 Player, William O., Jr.
- PPF 2051 Sherlock, W. E.
- PPF 2052 Clark, Bennett C.
- PPF 2053 Ernst, Morris L.
- PPF 2054 Stephens, Hugh
- PPF 2055 Boswell Institute
- PPF 2056 Fay School, Southborough, Mass.
- PPF 2057 Congregation Ahavai Sholom, Portland, Oregon
- PPF 2058 First Presbyterian Church, Port Jefferson, NY
- PPF 2059 Laymen’s Movement for a Christian World, Inc., The
- PPF 2060 Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray
- PPF 2061 Revolutionary War
- PPF 2062 Thieleman, Mrs. Bernice
- PPF 2063 Trophies and Cups Awarded in the Name of the President
Box 626
- PPF 2064 Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.
- PPF 2065 Foreign Policy Association
- PPF 2066 Hight, Mrs. Ruth E.
- PPF 2067 Rollins College
- PPF 2068 Agudath Israel Youth Council of America, Inc.
- PPF 2069 Federal World Government, Inc.; World Federalists
- PPF 2070 International Association of Machinists
- PPF 2071 American Pharmaceutical Association
- PPF 2072 Congregation Shaaray Tefila, New York, NY
- PPF 2073 Isham, Mrs. Kate C.
- PPF 2074 Ashurst, Henry F.
- PPF 2075 First Methodist Church, North Andover, Mass.
- PPF 2076 Palmer, Ely Eliot
- PPF 2077 McGrath, J. Howard
- PPF 2078 American Institute of Steel Construction
- PPF 2079 Erwin, Henry Eugene
- PPF 2080 Kenny, Gen. George C.
- PPF 2081 Mason, Lowell B.
- PPF 2082 Tiernan, Mrs. Peter H.
- PPF 2083 Barrett, Jesse W.
- PPF 2084 Colgan, R. C.
- PPF 2085 Cohn, Alfred A.
- PPF 2086 Grass, Mrs. J. W.
- PPF 2087 Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
- PPF 2088 Darden, Colgate W., Jr. – University of Virginia
- PPF 2089 Stock, Armin F.
- PPF 2090 Urban, Dr. E. T.
- PPF 2091 United Palestine Appeal
- PPF 2092 Missouri State Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 2093 University of California
- PPF 2094 Kansas City Philharmonic Association
Box 627
- PPF 2095 Werner, Charles
- PPF 2096 Fulbright, J. W.
- PPF 2097 Gray Iron Founders’ Society, Inc.
- PPF 2098 National Foreign Trade Council, 1945-1946
- PPF 2098 National Foreign Trade Council, 1947-1948
- PPF 2098 Naitonal Foreign Trade Council, 1949-1953
- PPF 2099 National Planning Association
- PPF 2100 Baylor University
- PPF 2100-A Browning Library
- PPF 2101 Rolla (MO) Herald – Woods, Charles L.
- PPF 2102 Helm, Dr. J. O.
- PPF 2103 World Youth Conference
- PPF 2104 Snyder, John W.
- PPF 2105 Braecklein, J. G.
- PPF 2106 Dierks, Rev. Dr. Hartwig
- PPF 2107 Conference of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges
- PPF 2108 Rutgers University
- PPF 2109 Cretans’ Association “Omonoia”, Inc.
- PPF 2110 Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
- PPF 2111 Carroll, Frederick A.
- PPF 2112 Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc.
Box 628
- PPF 2113 American War Dads
- PPF 2114 Villeneuve, J. M. Rodrique Cardinal
- PPF 2115 Vaughan, Major General Harry H.
- PPF 2116 United Council of Church Women
- PPF 2117 Whittington, William M.
- PPF 2118 Tiffany, J. Raymond
- PPF 2119 Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia
- PPF 2120 Truitt, Mrs. Marian
- PPF 2121 Evans, Tom L.
- PPF 2122 Knute Rockne Academy
- PPF 2123 Last Man’s Club of Battery F (129th Field Artillery)
- PPF 2124 American College of Radiology
- PPF 2125 Cambridge, Massachusetts
- PPF 2126 Thomason, R. Ewing
- PPF 2127 Shanahan Catholic Club, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 2128 Wallace, Frank G.
- PPF 2129 Andrews, W.
- PPF 2130 Society of the Cincinnati
- PPF 2131 Life Insurance Agency Management Association
- PPF 2132 Snodgrass, William H.
- PPF 2133 Ramspeck, Robert
- PPF 2134 Mizrachi Women’s Organization of America
- PPF 2134-A Mizrachi Organization of America
- PPF 2135 Robb, H. C.
- PPF 2136 Church of St. John Nepomucene, New York, NY
- PPF 2137 Barron, Carter T.
- PPF 2138 Kenosha Labor, The
- PPF 2139 McKinley Avenue Temple, Canton, Ohio
- PPF 2140 Pendleton, L. M.
- PPF 2141 Institute on Judaism and Race Relations
- PPF 2142 White, Compton I.
- PPF 2143 B. F. Goodrich Company
- PPF 2144 Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G.
- PPF 2145 Spears, Rev. Ross O.
Box 629
- PPF 2146 Fitzgerald, John F.
- PPF 2147 Wagner, Charles C.
- PPF 2148 United States Army Mothers
- PPF 2149 Brooks, Overton
- PPF 2150 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- PPF 2151 The Advertising Council – War Advertising Council
- PPF 2152 Solis H., Miguel A.
- PPF 2153 Tucker, Rt. Rev. Henry St. George
- PPF 2154 Atherton, Ray
- PPF 2155 New England Council
- PPF 2156 Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.
- PPF 2157 O’Dwyer, William
- PPF 2158 Lawrence, David L.
- PPF 2159 Tuskegee Insitute – Booker T. Washington
- PPF 2160 Pierce, Robert H.
- PPF 2161 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
- PPF 2162 Giddings, W. C.
- PPF 2163 Mahoney, W. C., Jr.
- PPF 2164 Millis, H. A.
- PPF 2165 Martin, Burton M.
- PPF 2166 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- PPF 2167 National Reclamation Association
Box 630
- PPF 2168 Keech, Richmond B.
- PPF 2169 J. Russell Young School of Expression
- PPF 2170 Mundt, Hon. Karl E.
- PPF 2171 Enright, W. Fairleigh
- PPF 2172 Alfalfa Club, D. C.
- PPF 2173 Quezon, Manuel L.
- PPF 2174 Burlington (Kansas) Daily Republican
- PPF 2175 Hoeguard, Gabriel
- PPF 2176 Rifle Practice
- PPF 2177 National Rifle Association of America
- PPF 2178 The South
- PPF 2179 Salter, Dr. J. T.
- PPF 2180 Roosevelt College
- PPF 2181 General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of City of New York
- PPF 2182 Luke, Brother Dominick
- PPF 2183 Southern Medical Association
- PPF 2184 Committee of Catholics for Human Rights
- PPF 2185 Evans, Milton R.
- PPF 2186 McMahon, Brien
- PPF 2187 New London, Connecticut
- PPF 2188 United Automobile Workers of America
- PPF 2189 Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians
- PPF 2190 Blue Star Mothers of America
- PPF 2191 Market Square Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 2192 Crosser, Robert
- PPF 2193 Patch, Lt. Gen. Alexander M.
- PPF 2194 Hebrew Union College, The
- PPF 2195 American Civil Liberties Union
- PPF 2196 Congregation B’Nai Jeshurun, New York, NY
- PPF 2197 International Association of Chiefs of Police
- PPF 2198 Weizmann, Dr. Chaim
- PPF 2198-A American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
Box 631
- PPF 2199 Nutter, Charles
- PPF 2200 Corder, Joseph W.
- PPF 2201 Gray, Carl R., Jr.
- PPF 2202 Fisher, Jess M.
- PPF 2203 Ramey, Homer A.
- PPF 2204 Riedel, Henry
- PPF 2205 Lopez-Penha, H. H.
- PPF 2206 Attlee, Clement R.
- PPF 2207 Solins, Samuel
- PPF 2208 Cincinnati Freie Presse
- PPF 2209 Women’s National Press Club
- PPF 2210 National Association of Manufacturers
- PPF 2211 United Order True Sisters, Inc.
- PPF 2212 Mitchell (SD) Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 2213 Davis, Mrs. Dwight F.
- PPF 2214 Slaughter, Steve
- PPF 2215 Mitchell, H. L. – Southern Tenant Farmers Union
- PPF 2216 Caldecott, Rev. Ernest
- PPF 2217 National Institute of Municipal Law Officers
- PPF 2218 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
- PPF 2219 New Orleans Cotton Exchange
- PPF 2220 Matthews, W. E. – Independence (MO) Junior High Schools
- PPF 2221 Robb, William E.
- PPF 2222 U.S. Conference of Mayors
- PPF 2223 Kern, Jerome
- PPF 2224 Midwest Research Insitute
- PPF 2225 Bayonne (NJ) Times, The
- PPF 2226 Conference on the Integration of the Veteran with the Community
Box 632
- PPF 2227 The State
- PPF 2228 Sprague, Lucian C.
- PPF 2229 State of Utah
- PPF 2230 First Magyar Reformed Church, New York, NY
- PPF 2231 Church of S. S. Cyril and Methodius, Reading, PA
- PPF 2232 Biter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
- PPF 2233 Hart, D. C. M.
- PPF 2234 Ingram, Admiral Jonas H.
- PPF 2235 Bailey, Cleveland M.
- PPF 2236 Popular Mechanics Magazine
- PPF 2237 Naulty, Jack
- PPF 2238 Niles, David K.
- PPF 2239 State College of Washington
- PPF 2240 Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
- PPF 2241 United Rubber Workers of America
- PPF 2242 National Conference on Labor Legislation
- PPF 2243 Walters, Ellis L.
- PPF 2244 Congregation Anshe Sholom, Chicago, IL
- PPF 2245 Marin, Mariano B.
- PPF 2246 Hughes, Charles Evans Sr.
- PPF 2247 American War Mothers
- PPF 2248 American Association for the United Nations, Inc.
- PPF 2249 Burnett, Henry
- PPF 2250 Wickham, Claire
- PPF 2251 Pathe News, Inc.
- PPF 2252 Wagner, Robert F.
- PPF 2253 Taft, Robert A.
- PPF 2254 Vaad Hahatzala Emergency Committee
- PPF 2255 Brick, Carl R.
- PPF 2256 Royal Neighbors of America
- PPF 2257 National Methodist Student Conference
- PPF 2258 McLean, A. Neil
- PPF 2259 Watson, Charles E.
- PPF 2260 American Veterans Association
- PPF 2261 Military Order of the Purple Heart
Box 633
- PPF 2262 Disabled Emergency Officers of the World Wars
- PPF 2263 Pendergast, Francis G.
- PPF 2264 Young, Milton R.
- PPF 2265 Goodrich, Carter
- PPF 2266 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield
- PPF 2266 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield
- PPF 2267 Brown, Prentiss M.
- PPF 2268 Tufts College; Leonard Carmichael
- PPF 2269 Chadbourne, William M.
- PPF 2270 Culver, R. E.
- PPF 2271 Fowlkes, R. L.
- PPF 2272 Allen, Frank C.
- PPF 2273 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays
- PPF 2274 Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, The
- PPF 2275 Baker Street Irregulars
- PPF 2276 Douglas, Donald W.
- PPF 2277 Disney, Walt
- PPF 2278 Noland, J. T.
- PPF 2279 Western Catholic, The
- PPF 2280 Wing, Maj. Gen. Leonard F.
- PPF 2281 Willows Pool, Oakmont, PA
- PPF 2282 Arevalo, Juan Jose
- PPF 2283 American-Soviet Medical Society
- PPF 2284 1000 Club
- PPF 2285 Sanders, Ted
- PPF 2286 Earp, Walter M.
- PPF 2287 Stritch, Samuel Alphonsus Cardinal
- PPF 2288 Mooney, Archbishop Edward
- PPF 2289 Thompson, Huston
- PPF 2290 Salsbury, Harry J.
- PPF 2291 Piper, Rhoma W.
- PPF 2292 Baer, Arthur B.
- PPF 2293 Prince, Leonard H.
- PPF 2294 Gardner, O. Max
- PPF 2295 Hornbuckle, Bob
- PPF 2296 Capps, Ernest L.
- PPF 2297 State of Texas
- PPF 2297-A Cooke County, Texas
- PPF 2297-B Williamson County, Texas
- PPF 2298 Winant, John G.
- PPF 2299 Tubman, William V. S.
- PPF 2300 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc
Box 634
- PPF 2301 American Newspaper Women’s Club
- PPF 2302 Military Order of the Carabao
- PPF 2303 Hunt, James V.
- PPF 2304 National Aircraft Show
- PPF 2305 Summerlin, George T.
- PPF 2306 Shuler, Rev. Allen C. – Immanuel Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla.
- PPF 2307 Garcia, Elie
- PPF 2308 U. S. S. Missouri
- PPF 2309 Uihlein, Robert A.
- PPF 2310 Ingersoll, Ralph
- PPF 2311 Brown, Armstead
- PPF 2312 Overstreet, Mr. and Mrs. John Harmon
- PPF 2313 United Office and Professional Workers of America
- PPF 2314 National Council of Scientific, Professional, Art and White Collar Organizations
- PPF 2315 Sisters Alumnae of Duquesne University
- PPF 2316 Conference for Safeguarding Wartime Savings
- PPF 2317 Miller, Rev. Dr. William J., Jr.
- PPF 2318 Moran, Rev. Jon P.
- PPF 2319 Congregation Tifereth Torah of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2320 Arrowsmith, Dr. George M.
- PPF 2321 Clark, William F.
- PPF 2322 Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations
- PPF 2323 National League of Wholesale Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Distributors
- PPF 2324 Buck, Philip E.
- PPF 2325 Bennett, David A.
- PPF 2326 Allen, Hunter
- PPF 2327 Summer, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
- PPF 2328 The Call, Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 2329 Harry and David – Bear Creek Orchards, Medford, Oregon
- PPF 2330 National Recreation Association
- PPF 2331 Walker, James J.
- PPF 2332 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- PPF 2333 Roberts, Ernie
- PPF 2334 Chang, T. K.
- PPF 2335 Miller, John E.
- PPF 2336 Phillips, Orie L.
- PPF 2337 United States Junior Chamber of Commerce
Box 635
- PPF 2338 National Aircraft War Production Council, Inc.
- PPF 2339 Philadelphia Inquirer – Walter Annenberg
- PPF 2340 Australian-American Association
- PPF 2341 Boonville (MO) Record and Missourian
- PPF 2342 Scully, Irvin John
- PPF 2343 Leo, Stephen F.
- PPF 2344 Huff, Rev. Homer S. – Immanuel Baptist Church, Kansas City, KS
- PPF 2345 American Association of State Highway Officials
- PPF 2346 London News Chronicle
- PPF 2347 Mansfield, Clayton J.
- PPF 2348 Barbour, J. W.
- PPF 2349 Littleton, Harry M.
- PPF 2350 American Association of Junior Colleges
- PPF 2351 Davis, Phillips N.
- PPF 2352 Oeser, Mr. and Mrs. John
- PPF 2353 Thompson, Ernest O.
- PPF 2354 China-America Council of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
- PPF 2355 Patrick, Luther
- PPF 2356 Wickard, Claude R.
- PPF 2357 Hibbert, Chester A.
- PPF 2358 Wilson, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland
- PPF 2359 Huang, Jen Zien
- PPF 2360 Tsao, Sbu-Ming
- PPF 2361 Bruner, Mrs. R. E.
- PPF 2362 Jewish Consumptives Relief Society, The
- PPF 2363 Groton School
- PPF 2364 Brown, Ralph
- PPF 2365 Radio Station WAGC
- PPF 2366 American Jewish Committee
- PPF 2367 Sensing, Thurman
- PPF 2368 Price, Vice Adm. John D.
- PPF 2369 Eversharp, Inc.
- PPF 2370 Distribution
- PPF 2371 United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association
- PPF 2372 American Law Institute, The
- PPF 2373 National Citizens Political Action Committee
- PPF 2374 Treanor, Arthur R.
- PPF 2375 Real Estate Board of Kansas City
- PPF 2376 Kansas City Baptist Association
- PPF 2377 Air Force Association
- PPF 2378 Bradley, Michael J.
- PPF 2379 Associated Equipment Distributors
- PPF 2380 MacDonald, Walter S.
- PPF 2381 Phister, Laurence H.
- PPF 2382 Smith, Fred
- PPF 2383 Bartholomew, Rev. Dr. Edward Fry
- PPF 2384 National Art Society
Box 636
- PPF 2385 American Social Hygiene Association
- PPF 2386 American Association for the Advancement of Science
- PPF 2387 Dowling, Rt. Rev. Msgr, John W. – Holy Name Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 2388 Marlier, Rev. Auguste F.
- PPF 2389 Burriss, Clyde S.
- PPF 2390 Thomas, W. A.
- PPF 2391 Ballard, E. H.
- PPF 2392 Murphy, Robert M.
- PPF 2393 Gore, Albert
- PPF 2394 Wyatt, Wilson W.
- PPF 2395 O’Brien, David Howard
- PPF 2396 State of Tennessee
- PPF 2397 Lang, Chester H.
- PPF 2398 Barnard, Edward N.
- PPF 2399 United Service Organizations, Inc.
- PPF 2400 Jones, Lon V.
- PPF 2401 Trowbridge, Rt. Rev. R. B.
- PPF 2402 Lee, Robert E.
- PPF 2402-A Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation
- PPF 2403 Beloit College
- PPF 2404 Forline, Carl M.
- PPF 2405 Rowland, Hardy
- PPF 2406 American Society for Russian Relief, Inc.
- PPF 2407 Columbia Broadcasting System
- PPF 2408 Japanese American Citizens League
- PPF 2409 National Association of Commodity Exchanges and Allied Trades, Inc.
- PPF 2410 Congregation Chevra Thilim, San Francisco, Cal.
- PPF 2411 Sommerhauser, Rev. William B. – St. Joseph’s Church, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 2412 Berle, Adolf A., Jr.
- PPF 2413 Johnson, Rev. Hewlett
- PPF 2414 262nd Ordnance Battalion
- PPF 2415 National Education Association of the U.S. [1 of 2]
- PPF 2415 National Education Association of the U.S. [2 of 2]
Box 637
- PPF 2416 National Council of Young Israel
- PPF 2417 Lim, Rodrigo G.
- PPF 2418 Union of American Hebrew Congregations
- PPF 2419 Yonkers, New York
- PPF 2420 Congressional Club
- PPF 2421 Goodrich, Annie Warburton
- PPF 2422 Harpie Club
- PPF 2423 Kelly, C. Wallace
- PPF 2424 Huber, Frederick R.
- PPF 2425 Seward (Alaska) Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 2426 Chow, Albert K.
- PPF 2427 Patti, Sebastian
- PPF 2428 Cox, Lester E.
- PPF 2429 Wallace, Rev. Addison A.
- PPF 2430 Cincinnati Racial Amity Committee
- PPF 2431 Marshall, A. W.
- PPF 2432 Perskie, Leon A.
- PPF 2433 American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
- PPF 2434 Dowling, Eddie
- PPF 2435 Kerr, Howard B.
- PPF 2436 McCoy, Jesse L.
- PPF 2437 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- PPF 2437 (1946-1949)
- PPF 2437 (1950-1953)
- PPF 2438 Sacasa, Dr. Don Guillermo Sevilla
Box 638
- PPF 2439 Snyder, J. Buell
- PPF 2440 Stephen, Rev. Edgar
- PPF 2441 Callihan, Fred H.
- PPF 2442 Dalglish, Herb F.
- PPF 2443 Beavers, Ellis
- PPF 2444 “B” Battery Veteran’s Club
- PPF 2445 Shultz, George Leonard
- PPF 2446 St. Louis University
- PPF 2447 Stefan, Karl
- PPF 2448 Williams, Rev. Howard K.
- PPF 2449 Blassie, Nick
- PPF 2450 Richardson, Lt. Gen. Robert C., Jr.
- PPF 2451 Evans, Luther H.
- PPF 2452 Farrington, John S.
- PPF 2453 Davis, Ewin L.
- PPF 2454 Gillespie, Dean M.
- PPF 2455 Boys’ Clubs of America
- PPF 2456 Breneman, Tom
- PPF 2457 Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union; National Farmers Union; Patton, James G.
- PPF 2458 Philips, Shine
- PPF 2459 Smith, William C.
- PPF 2460 St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Richmond, Va.
- PPF 2461 National Arthritis Research Foundation – Arthritis
- PPF 2462 Junior, Fred
- PPF 2463 Science
- PPF 2464 Inner Circle, New York, NY
- PPF 2465 Carnegie, Dale
- PPF 2466 Volunteers of America
- PPF 2467 Johnston, Harris C.
- PPF 2468 Boyle, Peter J.
- PPF 2469 Color (a magazine)
Box 639
- PPF 2470 Williamson, Marian L.
- PPF 2471 Brooks, Walter A.
- PPF 2472 Moravian College and Theological Seminary
- PPF 2473 Yat-Sen, Dr. Sun
- PPF 2474 Todt, Rev. J.
- PPF 2475 Pauley, Edwin W.
- PPF 2476 Berryman, Clifford K.
- PPF 2477 Dyer, Charles M.
- PPF 2478 Calhoun, Galloway
- PPF 2479 Brown, Fred H.
- PPF 2480 Green, John Raeburn
- PPF 2481 Rhodes, James A.
- PPF 2482 Bridges, Styles
- PPF 2483 Leibold, Lowell F.
- PPF 2484 Church of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2485 United Negro College Fund, Inc.
- PPF 2486 Talmud Torah Congregation Sons of Israel, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2487 Goldman, George
- PPF 2488 County, Dr. and Mrs. John F.
- PPF 2489 McDonough, John J.
- PPF 2490 Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, The Society of the
- PPF 2491 Boardman, Mabel Thorp
- PPF 2492 Brooklyn Jewish Center
- PPF 2493 Fordham University
- PPF 2494 White House Correspondents’ Association
- PPF 2495 Herbert, Hugh
- PPF 2496 Pittam, Dr. Radford F.
- PPF 2497 Smith, Mrs. Schuyler
- PPF 2498 Order, Sons of Italy in America
- PPF 2499 Staten Island Advance
- PPF 2500 International Ladies’ Handbag, Luggage and Novelty Workers Union
- PPF 2501 Vickery, Vice Adm. Howard L.
- PPF 2502 Ancient Order of Hibernians
- PPF 2503 March, James A.
- PPF 2504 Pioneers of Arizona
- PPF 2505 Retail Clerks International Protective Association
- PPF 2506 Committee for the Nation’s Health
- PPF 2507 Cleveland (Ohio) Sesquicentennial
Box 640
- PPF 2508 Future Farmers of America
- PPF 2509 Maverick, Maury
- PPF 2510 Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc.
- PPF 2511 Czatt, Milton S.
- PPF 2512 Simpson, Dr. Walter B.
- PPF 2513 Lehman, Herbert H.
- PPF 2514 Unitarian Service Committee
- PPF 2515 Third Presbyterian Church, Paterson, NJ – Demcott, Rev. O. M.
- PPF 2516 Fahey, John H.
- PPF 2517 Moran, Mrs. Lucille
- PPF 2518 Bell, Wilson
- PPF 2519 Reserve Officers Association of the U. S.
- PPF 2520 Vasa Order of America
- PPF 2521 Van Sant, T. H.
- PPF 2522 International Assembly of Women
- PPF 2523 Hayes, Dr. Carlton J. H.
- PPF 2524 Scribner, Gilbert H.
- PPF 2525 House of Art – Newman, Stephen L.
- PPF 2526 American Road Builders Association
- PPF 2527 Yeshiva University
- PPF 2528 Doyle, Clyde
- PPF 2529 Ensley Baptist Church, Ensley, Alabama
- PPF 2530 Workers Education Bureau of America
- PPF 2531 First Congregational Church, Danbury, Conn.
- PPF 2532 Associated Press, The
Box 641
- PPF 2533 American Bataan Clan
- PPF 2534 St. John’s University
- PPF 2535 Greater New York Safety Council
- PPF 2536 American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor
- PPF 2537 Needlework Guild of America, Inc.
- PPF 2538 American Association of Industrial Nurses
- PPF 2539 National Jewish Hospital at Denver
- PPF 2540 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- PPF 2541 National Farm School, Bucks County, PA
- PPF 2542 Chilcote, Ken
- PPF 2543 Sauter, James E.
- PPF 2544 Outdoor Advertising Association of America
- PPF 2545 “822” Kansas City Club
- PPF 2546 Radio Station, KXLR
- PPF 2547 The Blackstone (Hotel), Chicago, IL
- PPF 2548 Blake, Thomas D.
- PPF 2549 Jones, Marvin
- PPF 2550 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- PPF 2551 American Trade Association Executives
- PPF 2552 Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
- PPF 2553 Order of Cape Henry 1607
- PPF 2554 Maryland Hunt Club
- PPF 2555 Hodes, Barnet
- PPF 2556 Field, C. Don
- PPF 2557 Jones, Enoch P.
- PPF 2558 National Catholic Educational Association
- PPF 2559 Bagby, Julian H.
- PPF 2560 Sullivan, John L.
- PPF 2561 Carter, Al
- PPF 2562 Fork Methodist Church, Fork, Md.
- PPF 2563 Catholic Knights of St. George
- PPF 2564 Blackburn, Orlando
- PPF 2565 Taylor, Myron C.
Box 642
- PPF 2566 McGehee, Dr. W. H. O.
- PPF 2567 Workman, Jay
- PPF 2568 Ryan, Oswald
- PPF 2569 United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employees of America
- PPF 2570 Corrigan, Frank P.
- PPF 2571 Yancey, C. E., Jr.
- PPF 2572 Anzac Club, The
- PPF 2573 Vineyard Gazette, Edgartown, Mass.
- PPF 2574 United Federal Workers of America
- PPF 2575 Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
- PPF 2576 Campbell, Harold C.
- PPF 2577 Morgenthau, Henry, Sr.
- PPF 2578 English High School of Boston, Mass
- PPF 2579 Stone, Harlan Fiske
- PPF 2580 O’Ryan, Major Gen. John F.
- PPF 2581 Reppert, Vernon
- PPF 2582 Northern Baptist Convention – American Baptist Convention
- PPF 2583 Hastie, William H.
- PPF 2584 Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- PPF 2585 American Veterans Committee, Inc.
- PPF 2586 United Transport Service Employees of America
- PPF 2587 McCaffrey, Francis J.
- PPF 2588 National Savings and Loan League
- PPF 2589 World Friendship Day – Church World Service Committee on World Friendship Among Children, Inc. – World Friendship Council – World Education Service Council, Inc.
- PPF 2590 Nowlin, Clifford H.
- PPF 2591 Bryant College
- PPF 2592 Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival
- PPF 2593 National Jewish Welfare Board
Box 643
- PPF 2594 Alford, Theodore C.
- PPF 2595 National Federation of Sales Executives
- PPF 2596 American Foundrymen’s Association
- PPF 2597 International Union of Gospel Missions
- PPF 2598 Dunkle, Rev. Warren T.
- PPF 2599 Gorman, Tom
- PPF 2600 Conference on Unfinished Business in Social Legislation
- PPF 2601 Hutchinson, Kansas Diamond Anniversary Celebration
- PPF 2602 National Guard Association of the United States
- PPF 2603 World’s Christian Endeavor Union – International Society of Christian Endeavor – Christian Endeavor Movement
- PPF 2604 Wooton, Paul
- PPF 2605 Raupp, William
- PPF 2606 Shoemaker, Jack
- PPF 2607 Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva and Mesifta – United Lubavitcher Yeshivoth
- PPF 2608 National Fire Protection Association
- PPF 2609 National Congress of Parents and Teachers
- PPF 2610 Vaccaro, Ernest B.
- PPF 2611 St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Waverly, Iowa
- PPF 2612 McClenahan, Rev. John W.
- PPF 2613 Klein, Arthur G.
- PPF 2614 Anderson, Clinton P.
- PPF 2615 LaFollette, Philip F.
- PPF 2616 Spaatz, General Carl
- PPF 2617 Eisenhower, General Dwight D.
- PPF 2618 Celler, Emanuel
Box 644
- PPF 2619 McNarney, General Joseph
- PPF 2620 McGlinchey, Herbert J.
- PPF 2621 B’nai B’rith
- PPF 2621-A B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
- PPF 2621-B Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
- PPF 2622 American Association of Social Workers
- PPF 2623 Denslow, William R.
- PPF 2624 First Baptist Church, Nashville, Tenn. – Powell, Rev. W. F.
- PPF 2625 Neild, Edward F.
- PPF 2626 Birmingham (Ala) Stock Show and Rodeo
- PPF 2627 Diemer, Mr. and Mrs. George Willis
- PPF 2628 Johnston, Wm. G.
- PPF 2629 Congregation Beth Israel Anshei Emes, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2630 Modern Woodmen of America
- PPF 2631 Wentworth, John W.
- PPF 2632 Tuohy, Walter, J.
- PPF 2633 International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, Inc.
- PPF 2634 St. Peter’s Church, Jefferson City, MO
- PPF 2635 National Florence Crittenton Mission
- PPF 2636 St. Bernard’s Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
- PPF 2637 Schaack, Harry C.
- PPF 2638 Huguenot Societies
- PPF 2639 United Synagogue of America, New York, NY
- PPF 2640 Liberal Party
- PPF 2641 First Methodist Church, Germantown, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 2642 Farouk, King of Egypt
- PPF 2643 Iowa Centennial – Iowa State of
- PPF 2644 Lang, Harold F.
- PPF 2645 Smith, Rev. John Bunyan
- PPF 2646 Air Transport Command
- PPF 2647 Forsyth, Dr. Bruce Dawson
- PPF 2648 Lightner, Joe G.
- PPF 2649 Schiffeler, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Conrad
- PPF 2650 Haworth, Mrs. J. H.
- PPF 2651 Bonnet, M. and Mme. Henri
- PPF 2652 Brown, O. E.
- PPF 2653 Strickler, Maj. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Box 645
- PPF 2654 Walsh, Wm. A.
- PPF 2655 Zuver, Worth V.
- PPF 2656 Washington, Harry M.
- PPF 2657 Howell, Williamson S., Jr.
- PPF 2658 Coffey, Martin V.
- PPF 2659 American Jewish Congress
- PPF 2660 American Association of Museums
- PPF 2661 International Association of Public Employment Services
- PPF 2662 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Church of, Bradford, Vt.
- PPF 2663 American Labor Party
- PPF 2664 National Fertilizer Association
- PPF 2665 Totalitarianism
- PPF 2666 O’Conor, Herbert R.
- PPF 2667 National Association of Purchasing Agents
- PPF 2668 Duffy, Frank H.
- PPF 2669 Independent Order Brith Abraham
- PPF 2670 Outland, George E.
- PPF 2671 The American University at Cairo (Egypt)
- PPF 2672 St. Catherine of Sienna Church, St. Louis County, MO; Nugent, Rev. John
- PPF 2673 St. Columbkille’s Church, Cleveland, OH
- PPF 2674 Glass, Carter
- PPF 2675 The Boston Herald
- PPF 2676 Woodmont Rod and Gun Club, Berkeley Springs, W. Va.
- PPF 2677 Boxley, Mrs. Frederick A.
- PPF 2678 Waltner, Harry
- PPF 2679 Murray, James E.
- PPF 2680 Seidlitz, C. N.
- PPF 2681 United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union
- PPF 2682 Linden Hall Junior College and School for Girls, Lititz, PA
- PPF 2683 House, William F.
- PPF 2684 Nathan, Robert R.
- PPF 2685 National Urban League
Box 646
- PPF 2686 St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Canby Minn.
- PPF 2687 Bowles, Chester
- PPF 2688 United Packinghouse Workers of America
- PPF 2689 Pittam, Dr. J. Thomas
- PPF 2690 Devers, General Jacob L.
- PPF 2691 National Symphony Orchestra
- PPF 2692 Matthews Memorial Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 2693 Simrall, Riley M.
- PPF 2694 McDaniel, Mrs. Elsie Bell
- PPF 2695 Millikin, Eugene D.
- PPF 2696 Texas Delegation, House of Representatives
- PPF 2697 Lloyd, Rev. Robert S.
- PPF 2698 National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau
- PPF 2699 Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
- PPF 2700 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of the California Bear State
- PPF 2701 The Oil City (PA) Derrick
- PPF 2702 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Marshall, Mich. – Heidenreich, Rev. Christopher
- PPF 2703 Hunt, Dr. Claude J.
- PPF 2704 Foote, F. W.
- PPF 2705 Hanna, Mrs. Nancy M.
- PPF 2706 Angle, A. J.
- PPF 2707 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
- PPF 2708 Buck, Mrs. Pearl S.
- PPF 2709 The Sign
- PPF 2710 Bundschu, Albert
- PPF 2711 Benswanger, William E.
- PPF 2712 Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
- PPF 2713 Hutcheson, Joseph C., Jr.
- PPF 2714 Main Street School, Harrisonburg, Va.
- PPF 2715 Scott, Rex H. – Bolles, James F. – Kerwin, Vincent S.
- PPF 2716 National Negro Insurance Association
- PPF 2717 Sons of the Revolution, General Society of the
- PPF 2718 College of William and Mary
- PPF 2719 Women’s Overseas Service League
- PPF 2720 Jewish National Worker’s Alliance
- PPF 2721 Blake, Mrs. Ernest
- PPF 2722 Kent, Fred I.
- PPF 2723 Detling, Cleary M.
- PPF 2724 Navy Club of the U.S.A.
- PPF 2725 International Association for Identification
- PPF 2726 Moreell, Vice Admiral Ben
- PPF 2727 National Association of Music Merchants
- PPF 2728 Schoeneman, George J.
- PPF 2729 National Federation of Rural Letter Carriers
- PPF 2730 Knights of St. Peter Claver
Box 647
- PPF 2731 Kelly, Frank V.
- PPF 2732 Brooks, Mrs. Armstead, Jr.
- PPF 2733 Stortz, R. Bailey
- PPF 2734 Business Advisory Council
- PPF 2735 Helvering, Mrs. Guy T.
- PPF 2736 Hughes, Howard
- PPF 2737 Schenck, Nicholas M.
- PPF 2738 O’Brien, Patrick H.
- PPF 2739 Killion, George L.
- PPF 2740 Papagos, Lt. Gen. Alexander
- PPF 2741 American Association for Jewish Education
- PPF 2742 Finley, David E.
- PPF 2743 Nu Beta Epsilon Law Fraternity
- PPF 2744 Nelson, Donald M.
- PPF 2745 Harl, Maple T.
- PPF 2746 Duggins, Mrs. Dean T.
- PPF 2747 Broaddus, Mrs. John W.
- PPF 2748 Henry, Harrison
- PPF 2749 Siegmund, Walter F.
- PPF 2750 Warren, Lindsay C.
- PPF 2751 Hancock, Murray J.
- PPF 2752 Haller, W. Harry
- PPF 2753 Murphy, John W.
- PPF 2754 Mehornay, Robert L.
- PPF 2755 American Pioneer Trails Association
- PPF 2756 Manchester (NH) Centennial Commission
- PPF 2757 South Bethlehem (NY) Methodist Church – Hahn, Rev. Herbert W.
- PPF 2758 Knight, Joseph R.
- PPF 2759 Marcey, Herbert L.
- PPF 2760 Beasley, Rex
- PPF 2761 McKnight, Charles Jackson
- PPF 2762 Hernandez, Alfredo de Machado
- PPF 2763 Maloney, Mrs. Francis
- PPF 2764 Indiana Democratic Editorial Association
- PPF 2765 Wadsworth, George
- PPF 2766 Aleman, Miguel
- PPF 2767 African Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL
- PPF 2768 Skerry, Leslie M.
- PPF 2769 The Aurora (IL) Beacon-News
- PPF 2770 Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
- PPF 2771 The Monongahela (PA) Republican
- PPF 2772 Cochran, John J.
- PPF 2773 Axtell, Enos Ayers
- PPF 2774 Allis, Barney L. – Hotel Muehlebach
Box 648
- PPF 2775 Shipstead, Henrik
- PPF 2776 Markham, Reuben H.
- PPF 2777 Welch, Mrs. Harold W.
- PPF 2778 Johnston, Eric A.
- PPF 2779 American Federation of the Physically Handicapped
- PPF 2780 United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Union
- PPF 2781 Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA
- PPF 2782 Nevils, Very Rev. W. Coleman
- PPF 2783 O’Leary, Most Rev. Thomas M.
- PPF 2784 Padma Shum Jhere Jung Bahadur Rana
- PPF 2785 National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc.
- PPF 2786 American Chemical Society
- PPF 2787 Hill, Mrs. H. Stanley
- PPF 2788 Washington, George Thomas
- PPF 2789 Bay, Charles Ulrick
- PPF 2790 Moore, Dward
- PPF 2791 Lowenthal, Max
- PPF 2792 Fleet Reserve Association – Allen, Robert W.
- PPF 2793 Lubin, Isador
- PPF 2794 Fisher Body Craftman’s Guild
- PPF 2795 Allison, Henry D.
- PPF 2796 National Federation of Post Office Clerks
- PPF 2797 Porter, Claude R.
- PPF 2798 Hirado (Hungarian Weekly)
- PPF 2799 First Slovak Wreath of the Free Eagle
- PPF 2800 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.
- PPF 2801 National Association of Waste Material Dealers, Inc.
- PPF 2802 Pinero, Jesus T.
- PPF 2803 St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2804 Academy of Model Aeronautics
- PPF 2805 Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America
- PPF 2806 Ellender, Allen J.
Box 649
- PPF 2807 Wilkison, William J.
- PPF 2808 Chief Juda of Marshallese Tribe, Renzerik Island
- PPF 2809 International Association of Fire Fighters
- PPF 2810 Al-Soleiman, Shaikh Abdullah
- PPF 2811 Interfaith Movement, Inc.
- PPF 2812 Cranfield, A. L.
- PPF 2813 Muhlenberg, Gen. Peter – Concerning
- PPF 2814 St. Peter’s Church, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 2815 Darling, D. W.
- PPF 2816 Frazier, Emery L.
- PPF 2817 Simpson, Leslie B.
- PPF 2818 Bricklayer, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America
- PPF 2819 Agudas Israel of America
- PPF 2820 American Federation of Government Employees
- PPF 2821 Trinity Methodist Church, La Grangeville, NY
- PPF 2822 Moran, William H.
- PPF 2823 Lambertville (NJ) Beacon, The
- PPF 2824 Cambridge (Mass.) Chronicle-Sun
- PPF 2825 Dame, Lawrence
- PPF 2826 Percintina, Roy
- PPF 2827 Prettyman, E. Barrett
- PPF 2828 Buchanan, Frank
- PPF 2829 Henderson, Rear Admiral George R.
- PPF 2830 International Rice Festival, Crowley, La.
- PPF 2831 Tuck, William M.
- PPF 2832 Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America
- PPF 2833 Missouri State Teachers Association
- PPF 2834 Lang, Fred N.
- PPF 2835 Roosevelt, James
- PPF 2836 Ahern, James T.
- PPF 2837 National Council of Catholic Women
- PPF 2838 Oxnam, Bishop G. Bromley
- PPF 2839 Fisher, Archbishop Geoffrey Francis
- PPF 2840 Neilson, George D.
- PPF 2841 National Conference on Weights and Measures
- PPF 2842 Collin County, Texas Centennial Celebration
- PPF 2843 Gold Star Mothers
Box 650
- PPF 2844 Aiken, George D.
- PPF 2845 Asbury Church, Tuckahoe, NY
- PPF 2846 First Methodist Church, Hampton, NH
- PPF 2847 Bratton, Sam G.
- PPF 2848 American Mission to Lepers
- PPF 2849 Composers-Authors Guild
- PPF 2850 The New Republic
- PPF 2851 Fried, Simon
- PPF 2852 O’Connor, George H.
- PPF 2853 Cooper, Mort
- PPF 2854 Townsend, W. Lamar
- PPF 2855 Nelson, Will L., Jr.
- PPF 2856 American Hospital Association
- PPF 2857 Rousselot, E. T.
- PPF 2858 St. Peter’s Church, McKeesport, PA
- PPF 2859 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, NY, NY – Buchheimer, Rev. Louis T.
- PPF 2860 Sisters of Mercy of the Union in the USA
- PPF 2861 Congregation Temple Israel, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 2862 Knox Hat Corporation
- PPF 2863 Home and Hospital of the Daughters of Jacob, Bronx, NY, Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration
- PPF 2864 Allen, George E.
- PPF 2865 Super Market Institute, Inc.
- PPF 2866 Warburg, Edw. M. M.
- PPF 2867 White, Wallace H., Jr.
- PPF 2868 Brereton, Lt. Gen. Lewis H.
- PPF 2869 Chamberlain, Frank
- PPF 2870 Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio
- PPF 2871 United Services to China, Inc.
- PPF 2872 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
- PPF 2873 Thurmond, J. Strom
- PPF 2874 College of the City of New York
- PPF 2875 National Catholic Rural Life Conference
- PPF 2876 Congregation B’nai Jacob, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- PPF 2877 Calvary Baptist Church, New York, NY
- PPF 2878 Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA
- PPF 2879 Congregation of Euclid Avenue Temple, Cleveland, OH
- PPF 2880 Davidson, James
- PPF 2881 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 2882 American Dental Association
Box 651
- PPF 2883 Dawson, Rev. Robert
- PPF 2884 Az Ember Hungarian Weekly
- PPF 2885 Salem Church, Selbyville, Del.
- PPF 2886 Stilwell, Gen. Joseph W.
- PPF 2887 Bluefield College, Bluefield, WV
- PPF 2888 Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada
- PPF 2889 Waesche, Admiral Russell R.
- PPF 2890 Totterdell, J.
- PPF 2891 McLean, Mrs. Evalyn Walsh
- PPF 2892 Dalton, Hugh
- PPF 2893 Hennessey, Michael E.
- PPF 2894 Temple Adath Emuno, Hoboken, NJ
- PPF 2895 Cummings, Homer S.
- PPF 2896 Barry, William B.
- PPF 2897 Goldsborough, Phillips Lee
- PPF 2898 Maloney, Walter H.
- PPF 2899 Old Settlers Club
- PPF 2900 Greek War Relief Association
- PPF 2901 Stafford, Dr. H. Eugene
- PPF 2902 American Veterans of World War II
- PPF 2903 Golden Rule Foundation
- PPF 2904 National Association of Radio News Editors
- PPF 2905 Smith, Paul A.
- PPF 2906 United National Association of Post Office Clerks
- PPF 2907 Connolly, Most Rev. James L.
- PPF 2908 Free Synagogue of New York, New York, NY
- PPF 2909 The Bethany Congregational Church, Bridgeport, Conn.
- PPF 2910 Congregation Shaarai Shomayim, Lancaster, PA
- PPF 2911 Zimmerman, Louis A.
- PPF 2912 Willis, Simeon
- PPF 2913 Saighman, E. S.
- PPF 2914 Smathers, George A.
Box 652
- PPF 2915 American Bible Society
- PPF 2916 McCaffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- PPF 2917 McCarthy, Wm. H.
- PPF 2918 Hull, Ira A.
- PPF 2919 Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association
- PPF 2920 Central Synagogue, New York, NY
- PPF 2921 American Public Health Association
- PPF 2922 Nagy, Ferenc
- PPF 2923 Foskett, Rear Admiral James H.
- PPF 2924 Hadassah
- PPF 2924-A Junior Hadassah
- PPF 2925 Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis
- PPF 2926 Mott Haven Reformed Church, New York, NY
- PPF 2927 Pelley, John J.
- PPF 2928 The Women’s National Sabbath Alliance
- PPF 2929 Hayden, Carl
- PPF 2930 Butler, Robert
- PPF 2931 Salinas (CA) Californian
- PPF 2932 Kaufman (Texas) Herald
- PPF 2933 New England
- PPF 2934 National Committee on Housing
- PPF 2935 New Orleans, LA
- PPF 2936 Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
- PPF 2937 Knous, Wm. Lee
- PPF 2938 Ayres, Bryson
- PPF 2939 Royall, Kenneth C.
- PPF 2940 Holland, Ralph S.
- PPF 2941 Butler, Hugh
Box 653
- PPF 2942 Earle, George H.
- PPF 2943 Hall, M. Stanley
- PPF 2944 Lipscomb, Mrs. Lamar Rutherford
- PPF 2945 Healy, Robert E.
- PPF 2946 Reily, E Mont.
- PPF 2947 Central Aircraft and Engineering Co., Inc., Los Angeles, CA – Ruppenthal, A. F.
- PPF 2948 Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
- PPF 2949 Sutton, K. T.
- PPF 2950 Jobes, Alice Crew
- PPF 2951 United Nations League of Lawyers
- PPF 2952 Gates, George D.
- PPF 2953 Trimble, South
- PPF 2954 Wall Street Synagogue, New York, NY
- PPF 2955 Shaefer, Bob
- PPF 2956 Quinn, John R.
- PPF 2957 National Social Welfare Assembly
- PPF 2958 National Association Radio Farm Directors
- PPF 2959 Audubon Artists
- PPF 2960 Second Presbyterian Church, New York, NY
- PPF 2961 Congregation Degel Israel, Lancaster, PA
- PPF 2962 Temple Israel, New York, NY
- PPF 2963 Diamantopoulos, Cimon P.
- PPF 2964 St. Catherine’s Church, Pelham, NY
- PPF 2965 Simrall, James S.
- PPF 2966 Hildreth, Melvin D.
- PPF 2967 Manning, Rev. Wm. T.
- PPF 2968 Mott, Dr. John R.
- PPF 2969 Harris, Edward A.
- PPF 2970 Runyon, Damon
- PPF 2971 Wright, Orville
- PPF 2972 Prince, Samuel L.
- PPF 2973 Mickelson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
- PPF 2974 Association of American Railroads
- PPF 2975 Halifax, Lord
- PPF 2976 Leatham, Sir Ralph
- PPF 2977 Corinthian Baptist Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
- PPF 2978 Talmadge, Eugene
- PPF 2979 Miller, Thomas T.
- PPF 2980 Tsaldaris, Constantin
- PPF 2981 Alexander of Tunis, Field Marshal Lord
- PPF 2982 Barnard, George M.
- PPF 2983 Rao, Paul P.
- PPF 2984 Clifford, Mrs. F. A.
- PPF 2985 Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
- PPF 2986 Kinney, Michael
Box 654
- PPF 2987 Cooper, Wade H.
- PPF 2988 Tingle, Joe
- PPF 2989 Anderson, George
- PPF 2990 Waskom, Frank
- PPF 2991 State of Alabama
- PPF 2992 McQuary, T. A.
- PPF 2993 Field, Richard H.
- PPF 2994 Turner, J. E.
- PPF 2995 Kane, Rev. W. T.
- PPF 2996 Marshall, Gen. George C.
- PPF 2997 Farmer, J. W.
- PPF 2998 Aufiero, John M.
- PPF 2999 Garey, Percy F.
- PPF 3000 McNutt, Paul V.
- PPF 3001 Hicks, William E.
- PPF 3002 Black, Mr. and Mrs. Myron
- PPF 3003 Bobst, Elmer H.
- PPF 3004 Folsom, Frank M.
- PPF 3005 Gray, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
- PPF 3006 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, VA
- PPF 3007 McInerny, Timothy A.
- PPF 3008 Mead, George H.
- PPF 3009 Miller, Walter H.
- PPF 3010 Moody, L. S.
- PPF 3011 Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W.
- PPF 3012 Webb, Del E.
- PPF 3013 Milliman, Elmer E.
- PPF 3014 National Conference of the Joint Defense Appeal
- PPF 3015 The Heinn Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.
- PPF 3016 White House Social Staff
- PPF 3017 Foster, George B.
- PPF 3018 Powelson, C. F.
- PPF 3019 Colgan, Murray T.
- PPF 3020 Cole County (MO) Historical Society Museum
- PPF 3021 Harzfeld’s, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 3022 Shaffer, Robert A.
Box 655
- PPF 3023 Smith, Rev. Ashley A.
- PPF 3024 Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
- PPF 3025 Bernard, Quirk
- PPF 3026 Palmer, Mrs. A. Mitchell
- PPF 3027 Council of State Governments
- PPF 3028 Land, Vice Admiral Emory S.
- PPF 3029 Conran, William P.
- PPF 3030 Sherrill, Right Rev. Henry Knox
- PPF 3031 Muir, Walter F.
- PPF 3032 Mother Church of the Brethren, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 3033 Geist, Irving
- PPF 3034 Meine, Franklin J.
- PPF 3035 Parkins, Ralph J.
- PPF 3036 International Desert Cavalcade of Imperial Valley
- PPF 3037 Washington (DC) Federation of Churches
- PPF 3038 Women’s Patriotic Conference on National Defense
- PPF 3039 Andersen, Anders
- PPF 3040 Talburt, H. M.
- PPF 3041 Jewish Labor Committee
- PPF 3042 Coolidge, Marcus A.
- PPF 3043 American Irish Historical Society
- PPF 3044 Tully, Grace G.
- PPF 3045 Barringer, Lewis T.
- PPF 3046 Fleming, Major General Philip B.
- PPF 3047 Boyle, James H.
- PPF 3048 McGee, Thomas
- PPF 3049 Moore, Grace
- PPF 3050 American Christian Committee for Refugees
- PPF 3051 Greenpoint Methodist Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3052 Van Dyke, Arthur A.
- PPF 3053 United Neighborhood Houses
- PPF 3054 Mitscher, Admiral Marc A.
- PPF 3055 Radio Correspondents Association
- PPF 3056 St. Patrick’s Church, Carleton, Mich.
- PPF 3057 Sachse, Richard
- PPF 3058 McCollum, Earl
- PPF 3059 Henry, Maj. Gen. Guy V.
- PPF 3060 Gryzmish, Mrs. Reuben B.
- PPF 3061 Soldiers and Sailors Club of New York, Inc.
- PPF 3062 Temple Beth El, Buffalo, NY
Box 656
- PPF 3063 National Association of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers
- PPF 3064 World Convention of Churches of Christ
- PPF 3065 Carson, Joseph K., Jr.
- PPF 3066 Rainbow Division Veterans Association
- PPF 3067 Hall, John Norris
- PPF 3068 Clark, Jay M.
- PPF 3069 American Council for Judaism, Inc., The
- PPF 3070 Hurja, Emil Edward
- PPF 3071 Williams, Wayne C.
- PPF 3072 Edison, Thomas A. – Concerning
- PPF 3073 Bevin, Ernest
- PPF 3074 McGregor, Douglas W.
- PPF 3075 Willis, Raymond E.
- PPF 3076 Soames, Christopher
- PPF 3077 International Brotherhood of Paper Makers
- PPF 3078 Lexington (KY) Herald
- PPF 3079 Mansfield, J. J.
- PPF 3080 International Bar Association
- PPF 3081 American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training) Federation
- PPF 3082 Carter, John Franklin
- PPF 3083 Rockford College
- PPF 3084 Johnson, Earle L.
- PPF 3085 Wilson, James C.
- PPF 3086 Thompson, Melvin A.
- PPF 3087 Bell, Alexander Graham – Concerning
- PPF 3088 Kuun, Arvid
- PPF 3089 National Democratic Club
Box 657
- PPF 3090 Searles, Jerry
- PPF 3091 Morison, Samuel Eliot
- PPF 3092 American Youth Hostels, Inc.
- PPF 3093 Bland, Schuyler Otis
- PPF 3094 Bynum, E. B.
- PPF 3095 Station WRUL
- PPF 3096 Reading, Pennsylvania
- PPF 3097 Conway, Granville
- PPF 3098 Hatch, Alden
- PPF 3099 Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus
- PPF 3100 Robertson, Flavel
- PPF 3101 Bulova, Arde
- PPF 3102 Yeshivath Torah Vodaath and Mesivta
- PPF 3103 Barr, Mrs. Robert W.
- PPF 3104 Bushwick Avenue Congregational Church, The, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3105 Appleby, Paul H.
- PPF 3106 Casey, James Eddie
- PPF 3107 Buxton, John E.
- PPF 3108 Hickey, William
- PPF 3109 Sayre, Francis B.
- PPF 3110 Hurley, Patrick J.
- PPF 3111 Bushway, J. Howard
- PPF 3112 Catt, Mrs. Carrie Chapman
- PPF 3113 Schimpff, A. R.
- PPF 3114 Evening Bulletin, The Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 3115 Wirtz, W. Willard
- PPF 3116 Vought, Rev. J. Francis
- PPF 3117 Egan, Mark
- PPF 3118 Johnson, Wayne
- PPF 3119 Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest
- PPF 3120 Roberts, Joseph Jenkins
- PPF 3121 Freeman, Douglas Southall; Richmond (VA) News Leader
- PPF 3122 Bruce, William George
- PPF 3123 Belair, Felix, Jr.
- PPF 3124 Shank, Mrs. Mabel V.
- PPF 3125 North Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, NY
- PPF 3126 Kyle, Edwin J.
- PPF 3127 Sturges, Harry
- PPF 3128 Hebrew University, New York, NY
- PPF 3129 Spottswood, John M.
- PPF 3130 Brothers of the Sacred Heart
- PPF 3131 American Theatre Wing, Inc.
- PPF 3132 Pawtucket Congregational Church, Lowell, MA
- PPF 3133 Eaton, Richard
- PPF 3134 Associated Motion Picture Advertisers
- PPF 3135 King, William H.
- PPF 3136 Congregation of Temple Isaiah Israel, Chicago, IL
- PPF 3137 St. James A. M. E. Zion Church, Beacon, NY
- PPF 3138 Xavier High School, New York, NY
- PPF 3139 D’Alesandro, Thomas, Jr.
- PPF 3140 Kennelly, Martin H.
Box 658
- PPF 3141 Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League
- PPF 3142 Army Signal Association – Armed Forces Communications Association
- PPF 3143 Old Colony Memorial, Plymouth, Mass.
- PPF 3144 Rodriguez, Abelardo L.
- PPF 3145 Kansas City Association for the Blind
- PPF 3146 American Public Relations Association
- PPF 3147 Colgate University
- PPF 3148 National Council of Catholic Men
- PPF 3149 Gallico, Paul William
- PPF 3150 Collins, L. B.
- PPF 3151 Kennedy, Joseph Patrick
- PPF 3152 Davis, Clifford
- PPF 3153 Gott, Susie
- PPF 3154 Joyce, J. Grover
- PPF 3155 Lederman, Harold P.
- PPF 3156 Arnold, Remmie L.
- PPF 3157 Allbee, E. R.
- PPF 3158 Proprietary Association of America
- PPF 3159 Young, William L.
- PPF 3160 McNergney, Ralph
- PPF 3161 First Methodist Church of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ
- PPF 3162 Lippman, Walter
- PPF 3163 Hockaday, F. “Woody”
- PPF 3164 Eaton, Charles A.
- PPF 3165 Rogers, Daniel C.
- PPF 3166 Caldwell, Mrs. J. J.
- PPF 3167 Economic Club of New York
- PPF 3168 Bethel Evangelical and Reformed Church, Concordia, MO
- PPF 3169 Henry, Clinton M. and Jack W.
- PPF 3170 Pohick Church, Fairfax County, VA
- PPF 3171 Matlock, Mrs. Clifford C.
- PPF 3172 Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, New York, NY
- PPF 3173 Lilienthal, David E.
- PPF 3174 Rio-Bonnet Prairie Lutheran Church, Rio, Wisc.
- PPF 3175 Butterfield, Chauncey G.
- PPF 3176 Bordentown (NJ) Register
- PPF 3177 Jewish Daily Forward
- PPF 3178 Nacy, John D.
- PPF 3179 Bailey, Edward C.
- PPF 3180 Hardaway, J. B.
- PPF 3181 Salisbury, Frank O.
- PPF 3182 Jarrell, Sanford
- PPF 3183 Lou Costello, Jr. Youth Foundation
- PPF 3184 Keck, Charles
- PPF 3185 Richardson, O. L.
- PPF 3186 Hollis, Truman
- PPF 3187 National Federation of Catholic College Students
- PPF 3188 Holy Name Societies of the United States
- PPF 3189 School Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, Wisc.
- PPF 3190 Clark, John D.
Box 659
- PPF 3191 St. Casimir’s Church, Shenandoah, PA
- PPF 3192 Michelson, George
- PPF 3193 Wills, Ray
- PPF 3194 Norfleet, Clyde
- PPF 3195 Norwayne Community Church, Wayne, Mich.
- PPF 3196 Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa – Cole, Russell D.
- PPF 3197 Gildersleeve, Virginia C.
- PPF 3198 Balch, Emily Greene
- PPF 3199 New Bedford, Mass.
- PPF 3200 American Society of International Law
- PPF 3201 Cooper, Kent
- PPF 3202 Reynolds, Milton
- PPF 3203 National Rivers and Harbors Congress
- PPF 3204 Higley, Morris – Childress Index
- PPF 3205 Grand Street Boys Association, Inc.
- PPF 3206 Christ Reformed Church, Littlestown, PA
- PPF 3207 American Institute of Cooperation
- PPF 3208 Duffy, Edmund
- PPF 3209 Greenfelder, A. P.
- PPF 3210 Industrial Hygiene Conference
- PPF 3211 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3212 Martin, Rev. Willsie
- PPF 3213 Young People’s Luther League
- PPF 3214 Jester, Beauford H.
- PPF 3215 Schall, W. A.
- PPF 3216 Bodet, Jaime Torres
- PPF 3217 American Woman’s Association
- PPF 3218 Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees
- PPF 3219 Temple B’nai Jeshurun, Des Moines, Iowa
- PPF 3220 Osage Mission, St. Paul, KS
- PPF 3221 Fouke, Rev. Hugh B.
- PPF 3222 Willsey, H. W.
- PPF 3223 Coleman, George W.
- PPF 3224 Pittinger, Homer
- PPF 3225 Bradley, General Omar N.
- PPF 3226 Warren, Earl
- PPF 3227 International Council of Nurses
- PPF 3228 Rowe, George H.
- PPF 3229 Swart, R. Emerson
- PPF 3230 Tibbett, Lawrence
- PPF 3231 Williams, Harry Delano
- PPF 3232 Pendergast, James M.
- PPF 3233 Mullane, John P.
- PPF 3234 Daleo, James
Box 660
- PPF 3235 Milton, Don
- PPF 3236 Scanlan, Emmett A., Jr.
- PPF 3237 Mayes, Dr. Corwin S.
- PPF 3238 Elizalde, Joaquin M.
- PPF 3239 Owen, Stephen K.
- PPF 3240 Acheson, Dean
- PPF 3241 French, Dudley
- PPF 3242 New York Infirmary
- PPF 3243 Rohde, Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen
- PPF 3244 Bunker, George H.
- PPF 3245 Reed, Gervais F.
- PPF 3246 Martins, Madame Maria
- PPF 3247 Jochum, Rt. Rev. Msgr. William A.; St. Mary’s Church, New Albany, Indiana
- PPF 3248 International Council of Industrial Editors
- PPF 3249 Caulfield, M. A.
- PPF 3250 Stover, Russell
- PPF 3251 Baskin, William P.
- PPF 3252 International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union
- PPF 3253 Cowles, Dr. Edward Spencer
- PPF 3254 Wright, James L.
- PPF 3255 Curley, Archbishop Michael J.
- PPF 3256 Chamberlain, Lawrence H.
- PPF 3257 Szymczak, M. S.
- PPF 3258 Reilman, Anthony H.
- PPF 3259 LaRoe, Wilbur
- PPF 3260 American-Scandinavian Foundation, The
- PPF 3261 SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish, Hartford, Conn.
- PPF 3262 American Marketing Association
- PPF 3263 Switchmen’s Union of North America
- PPF 3264 One World Award
- PPF 3265 Kopplemann, Herman P.
- PPF 3266 Congregation Talmud Torah Adereth El, New York, NY
- PPF 3267 McCabe, Rev. J. P.; First Baptist Church, Martinsville, VA
- PPF 3268 Watson, Kenneth E.
- PPF 3269 Hayes Foundation, The
- PPF 3270 National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, Inc.
- PPF 3271 Cathedral Preparatory School for Boys, Erie, PA
- PPF 3272 Martin, Joseph W., Jr.
- PPF 3273 Pan-Rhodian Society Apollon of America
- PPF 3274 Kallman Home for Children
- PPF 3275 Ateneo de Manila
- PPF 3276 American Medical Association
- PPF 3277 Catholic Hospital Association of the U.S. and Canada
- PPF 3278 National Lumber Manufacturers Association
Box 661
- PPF 3279 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen
- PPF 3280 Walsh, David I.
- PPF 3281 National Association of Retail Grocers
- PPF 3282 American Optometric Association
- PPF 3283 Newman Club Federation
- PPF 3284 More Community Presbyterian Church, More, Oregon
- PPF 3285 Stambaugh, Lynn U.
- PPF 3286 Turner, Roy J.
- PPF 3287 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 3288 Webb, John F., Sr.
- PPF 3289 National Methodist Rural Life Conference
- PPF 3290 Rome (GA) News Tribune
- PPF 3291 Hoffman, Jack
- PPF 3292 Quinn, Rev. James L.
- PPF 3293 Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot
- PPF 3294 Framingham (Mass.) News
- PPF 3295 Braden, Spruille
- PPF 3296 Williams, Carl R.
- PPF 3297 Roosevelt, Gen. Theodore, Jr.; Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor B.
- PPF 3298 Polish Legion of American Veterans
- PPF 3299 Bell, Daniel W.
- PPF 3300 O’Connell, Ambrose
- PPF 3301 Ellis, Mrs. Pearl Tyler
- PPF 3302 Northern Colorado Cherry Growers Association
- PPF 3303 Moore, Elmer W.
- PPF 3304 Cody, Most Rev. John Patrick
- PPF 3305 Quinn, Elmer S.
- PPF 3306 Walker, Thomas J.
- PPF 3307 Princeton (University) Herald
- PPF 3308 Grand Lodge of Scotland, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
- PPF 3309 Rosenberg, Anna M.
- PPF 3310 Duke University
- PPF 3311 Burleson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
- PPF 3312 McNaughton, Frank
- PPF 3313 Hehmeyer, Walter
- PPF 3314 Thompson, Fred A.
- PPF 3315 Scruton, D. Kelly
- PPF 3316 Joseph, Bertha C.
- PPF 3317 Glenn, Frank
- PPF 3318 Wisdom, Carroll
- PPF 3319 Kaltenborn, H. V.
- PPF 3320 Wilson, Charles Edward
- PPF 3321 Zimmerman, Orville
- PPF 3322 Neel, Fred A.
- PPF 3323 Thurston, Walter S.
- PPF 3324 Nashville Tennesseean
Box 662
- PPF 3325 Wicker, John J., Jr.
- PPF 3326 Saunders, George M.
- PPF 3327 Dulles, John Foster
- PPF 3328 Gundol, Mr. and Mrs. William
- PPF 3329 McCarthy, Eugene
- PPF 3330 Martin, Maj. Gen. C. I.
- PPF 3331 Harrison, E. A.
- PPF 3332 Quin, Rev. Clinton S.
- PPF 3333 Roosevelt, John A.
- PPF 3334 St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Big Rapids, Mich. – Wiese, Rev. F. W.
- PPF 3335 The New York Post – Thackrey, Mrs. Dorothy S.
- PPF 3336 National Association of Deputy U. S. Marshals
- PPF 3337 Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
- PPF 3338 National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 3339 Baptist World Alliance
- PPF 3340 Severns, Harmon
- PPF 3341 Kelley, A. A.
- PPF 3342 Johnson, Keen
- PPF 3343 Selznick, David O.
- PPF 3344 Cason, Charles
- PPF 3345 Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railway Co.
- PPF 3346 Coggeshall, Daniel G.
- PPF 3347 National Association of Women Lawyers
- PPF 3348 Huntsville, Alabama
- PPF 3349 Chrysler, Walter P., Jr.
- PPF 3350 Eveleth, Minnesota
- PPF 3351 Owen, Robert L.
- PPF 3352 Mississippi Valley Association
- PPF 3353 Order of the Alhambra
- PPF 3354 Callahan, Harvey G.
- PPF 3355 Wichita, Kansas
- PPF 3356 Watt, Robert J.
- PPF 3357 International Order of Job’s Daughters
- PPF 3358 B’nai B’rith Messenger, The
- PPF 3359 Rash, Bryson
- PPF 3360 Dale, Charles Milby
- PPF 3361 McCoy, Major General Frank R.
Box 663
- PPF 3362 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William A.
- PPF 3363 Baldridge, H. A.
- PPF 3364 Aquia Church, Stafford, Virginia
- PPF 3365 Morgan County Library, Versailles, Missouri
- PPF 3366 Knee Pants League
- PPF 3367 Greenbelt, MD
- PPF 3368 Thomas, Norman
- PPF 3369 First Presbyterian Church of Jackson County, Jacksonville, Oregon
- PPF 3370 Portland (Ore.) Sun
- PPF 3371 Riddle, Rod E.
- PPF 3372 Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Mass.
- PPF 3373 Becker, Julius W.
- PPF 3374 Ayre and Taylor Company, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 3375 Presidents Cup Regatta Association
- PPF 3376 International Council of Women
- PPF 3377 Combs, George Hamilton
- PPF 3378 Campbell, William P.
- PPF 3379 Smith and Wesson, Springfield, Mass. – Hellstrom, C. R.
- PPF 3380 Poliner, Lee
- PPF 3381 McComas Memorial Markers
- PPF 3382 Garrett, Lloyd
- PPF 3383 Morris, Ed E.
- PPF 3384 Mott, James E.
- PPF 3385 Kirby, Mrs. Veva
- PPF 3386 Norris, Rev. J. Frank
- PPF 3387 Associated Country Women of the World
- PPF 3388 Lane, William Preston, Jr.
- PPF 3389 Bustamante y Rivero, Jose Luis
- PPF 3390 Archer, H. N.
- PPF 3391 First Baptist Church, Caton, NY
- PPF 3392 Congregation Jeshuat Israel, Newport, Rhode Island
- PPF 3393 Goodloe, John D.
- PPF 3394 National Student Organization – National Student Congress – U. S. National Student Association
Box 664
- PPF 3395 Marine Corps League
- PPF 3396 Patton, James V.
- PPF 3397 Ewing, Oscar R.
- PPF 3398 Italian-American World War Veterans of the U.S., Inc.
- PPF 3399 Watkins, L. S.
- PPF 3400 St. Francis College and Seminary, Loretto, PA
- PPF 3401 Ensey, Sister Josephine
- PPF 3402 Nordstjernan
- PPF 3403 Lebanon (PA) Daily News
- PPF 3404 Mineral Point (WIsc.) Tribune
- PPF 3405 Larkin, Frank, Sr.
- PPF 3406 Amalgamated Association of Street Car, Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America
- PPF 3407 Nice, Paul S.
- PPF 3408 Cooper, Prentice
- PPF 3409 Sheppard, James C.
- PPF 3410 Tobey, Charles W.
- PPF 3411 Child, Mary
- PPF 3412 Taylor, Brig. Gen. John Thomas
- PPF 3413 Shelton, Dr. B. Wright
- PPF 3414 Hardy, Porter, Jr.
- PPF 3415 Schwellenbach, Lewis B.
- PPF 3416 Rowell, Ross E.
- PPF 3417 Wisehart, Jimmie
- PPF 3418 American Hotel Association
- PPF 3419 Christ English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, MD – Zimmerman, Rev. Leander M.
- PPF 3420 Goldsboro, NC
- PPF 3421 National Service Star Legion
- PPF 3422 First Congregational Church, Bristol, Conn.
- PPF 3423 Irish War Veterans
- PPF 3424 Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
- PPF 3425 Dutra, Eurico Gaspar
- PPF 3426 Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York
- PPF 3427 Milford Methodist Church, Milford, Ohio
- PPF 3428 First Presbyterian Church, Plattsburg, NY
- PPF 3429 First Reformed Church of Tarrytown, NY
- PPF 3430 Le College International De Chirurgiens (International College of Surgeons)
- PPF 3431 American Orchid Society
- PPF 3432 National Cotton Picking Contest
- PPF 3433 Bevers, Adolph W.
- PPF 3434 National League of Masonic Clubs
- PPF 3435 Alexandria (VA) Gazette
Box 665
- PPF 3436 United Indian War Veterans
- PPF 3437 Berry Schools, The
- PPF 3438 Norwood, Mass.
- PPF 3439 National Conference of Catholic Charities
- PPF 3440 Padway, Joseph A.
- PPF 3441 Webb, James E.
- PPF 3442 Roschke, Rev. E. L.
- PPF 3443 United States Independent Telephone Association
- PPF 3444 Williams, J. Howard
- PPF 3445 Mayfield, Frank M.
- PPF 3446 Holt, Wallace G., Sr.
- PPF 3447 Fathers of the Order of Preachers
- PPF 3448 National Association of Wholesalers
- PPF 3449 K.A.M. Temple, the Congregation of the Men of the West, Chicago, IL
- PPF 3450 Jimenez, Enrique A.
- PPF 3451 Hammond, W. S.
- PPF 3452 Messersmith, George S.
- PPF 3453 Costigan, Mrs. Edward P.
- PPF 3454 Sam Houston State Teachers College, Huntsville, TX
- PPF 3455 Wyalusing (PA) Rocket
- PPF 3456 Marymount College
- PPF 3457 Christian Herald Magazine
- PPF 3458 American Municipal Association
- PPF 3459 First Baptist Church, Hoosick Falls, NY
- PPF 3460 St. Luke’s Methodist Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 3461 Jewish Ministers Cantor’s Association of America, Inc.
- PPF 3462 O’Brien, Terence M.
- PPF 3463 Lonergan, Augustine
- PPF 3464 Smith, General Walter Bedell
- PPF 3465 Eastland, James O.
- PPF 3466 National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings
- PPF 3467 Jackson, Leslie
- PPF 3468 Television Broadcasters Association – Poppele, J. R.
- PPF 3469 McCutchen, W. A.
- PPF 3470 Girard College [1 of 2]
- PPF 3470 Girard College [2 of 2]
Box 666
- PPF 3471 McCall Corporation
- PPF 3472 Fisk University
- PPF 3473 Weeks, R. P.
- PPF 3474 Montpelier (VT) Evening Argus; Atkins, Elaine
- PPF 3475 American Trucking Association, Inc.
- PPF 3476 The Brothers of the Christian Schools
- PPF 3477 Jackson, Ernest
- PPF 3478 Thill, Albert
- PPF 3479 Horn, Stanley F.
- PPF 3480 Kemper, Charles T.
- PPF 3481 KCMO Broadcasting Company
- PPF 3482 Martin, A. J.
- PPF 3483 Thompson, Johnny
- PPF 3484 Roberts, Owen J.
- PPF 3485 Utility Workers Union of America
- PPF 3486 American Bakers Association
- PPF 3487 McKim, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.
- PPF 3488 Metcalfe, R. L.
- PPF 3489 Lake Geneva (Wisc.) Regional News – Bearder, A. M.
- PPF 3490 Preston, Mrs. Thomas J., Jr.
- PPF 3491 Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Paterson, NJ
- PPF 3492 Hunt, Herrold C.
- PPF 3493 Sweeney, Dr. Robert C.
- PPF 3494 Loretto Heights College
- PPF 3495 Johnson, C. Oscar
- PPF 3496 National Association of Ice Industries
- PPF 3497 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schuylkill Haven, PA – Smoll, Rev. Edwin H.
- PPF 3498 Foreign Press Association
- PPF 3499 Christ Lutheran Church, Shresbury, PA
- PPF 3500 United Stewardship Council of the Churches of Christ of the U.S. and Canada
- PPF 3501 Touchdown Clubs
- PPF 3502 McDaniel, Ruel
- PPF 3503 Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 3504 St. Williams Church, Chicago, IL – Loeffel, Rev. Paul F.
- PPF 3505 Clark, Mary B.
- PPF 3506 St. Patrick’s Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 3507 National Association of Housing Officials
- PPF 3508 Toms River Community of Jewish Farmers
- PPF 3509 Princess Elizabeth of England – Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh
- PPF 3510 de los Monteros, Dr. Don Antonio Espinosa
- PPF 3511 Acheson, Edward Campion
- PPF 3512 MacDowell, Mrs. Edward
- PPF 3513 National Bar Association
Box 667
- PPF 3514 Sandusky (Ohio) Register-Star-News
- PPF 3515 Ramez News (Plainville, Conn.)
- PPF 3516 The New Jersey Record
- PPF 3517 Zion-St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New York, NY
- PPF 3518 Congregation B’nai Israel, Elizabeth, NJ
- PPF 3519 South Fountain Avenue Temple, Springfield, OH
- PPF 3520 Davis, James J.
- PPF 3521 Black, Hugo L.
- PPF 3522 Mayo, Dr. Charles W.
- PPF 3523 National Committee for Labor Israel
- PPF 3524 All American News
- PPF 3525 Linhares, Jose
- PPF 3526 Jarecki, Edmund K.
- PPF 3527 Hull, James H.
- PPF 3528 Folts, Aubrey F.
- PPF 3529 Straus, Roger W.
- PPF 3530 Miller, Watson B.
- PPF 3531 Klein, Ernest L.
- PPF 3532 Marsden, Mrs. Peter Joseph
- PPF 3533 Gillmor, Dr. C. Steuart
- PPF 3534 Price, William Jennings
- PPF 3535 Grace Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 3536 Hoke, Robert
- PPF 3537 Starret, Howard
- PPF 3538 Riley, Franklin Studebaker
- PPF 3539 Schilling, William E.
- PPF 3540 Denni, Harry
- PPF 3541 Jewish Center of Forest Hills West, Forest Hills, Long Island, NY
- PPF 3542 Blair, Sam C.
- PPF 3543 Hudson, Stanton
- PPF 3544 Rose, Maurice
- PPF 3545 Canandaigua (NY) Daily Messenger
- PPF 3546 Surles, Maj. Gen. Alexander D.
- PPF 3547 Lavery, Clarence
- PPF 3548 St. James' Church, Arlington Heights, Mass. – O’Conner, Rev. Maurice J.
- PPF 3549 Saunders, Edward
- PPF 3550 Clements, Earle C.
- PPF 3551 Syracuse, NY
- PPF 3552 International Platform Association
- PPF 3553 Crusade for Christ through Evangelism – Powell, Dr. Sidney W.
- PPF 3554 National Retail Furniture Association
- PPF 3555 Jenner, William E.
- PPF 3556 Downey, Sheridan
- PPF 3557 Kerr, Mrs. Sylvia
- PPF 3558 Lodge, John Davis
- PPF 3559 Walsh, Arthur
- PPF 3560 St. Cornelius Church, Chicago, IL – Rooney, Rev. James L.
- PPF 3561 Nagle, Howard L.
- PPF 3562 League of Women Voters
- PPF 3563 Hammond, A. John
- PPF 3564 American Unitarian Association
- PPF 3565 Murray, Charles M.
- PPF 3566 Walsh, William J.
- PPF 3567 New York City’s Golden Anniversary
Box 668
- PPF 3568 Godwin, Earl
- PPF 3569 Helis, William G.
- PPF 3570 Snite, Fred B.
- PPF 3571 Helm, Mrs. J. M. (Edith B.)
- PPF 3572 Pickens, Mrs. S. E.
- PPF 3573 Lynch, Walter A.
- PPF 3574 Drewry, Patrick M.
- PPF 3575 Wolfner, Walter H. S.
- PPF 3576 Chain, Hubert
- PPF 3577 Bloch, E. Maurice
- PPF 3578 American Political Science Association
- PPF 3579 Wiggins, Archibald L. M.
- PPF 3580 Hall, Dr. James O.
- PPF 3581 Farmers Bank of Grandview (MO)
- PPF 3582 Lipic, Sylvester G.
- PPF 3583 Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Newark, NJ
- PPF 3584 McNamara, Mrs. A. M.
- PPF 3585 Coles, Marvin J.
- PPF 3586 Culmer, Frederic A.
- PPF 3587 Noe, James A.
- PPF 3588 Gallen, P. H.
- PPF 3589 Green, Charles A.
- PPF 3590 United Service for New Americans
- PPF 3591 Small, W. J.
- PPF 3592 Dougherty, Dennis Cardinal
- PPF 3593 Psaty and Fuhrman, Inc., New York, NY
- PPF 3594 National Food Brokers Association
- PPF 3595 First Congregational Church, Wayne, Michigan
- PPF 3596 Scarlett, Bishop William
- PPF 3597 O’Boyle, Archbishop Patrick Aloysius
- PPF 3598 Drury College, Springfield, MO
- PPF 3599 Blanton, Charles L.
- PPF 3600 Auchincloss, James C.
- PPF 3601 Priest, J. Percy
- PPF 3602 Leveritt, J. P., Jr.
- PPF 3603 Johnson, Charles F. H.
- PPF 3604 Howze, R. L.
- PPF 3605 Junior Air Force – Bob Mooney Squadron, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 3606 Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, MO – Sellers, J. McBrayer
- PPF 3607 Los Angeles Times – Russell, Bruce
- PPF 3608 Huang, Major General J. L.
- PPF 3609 Mid States Shoe Company, Milwaukee, Wisc.
- PPF 3610 Donaldson, Jesse M.
- PPF 3611 Brandeis, Susan
- PPF 3612 Comfort, Frank J.
- PPF 3613 Fechet, Major General James E.
- PPF 3614 Hickman, Mrs. Louise Helm
- PPF 3615 McHale, Frank M.
- PPF 3616 Louchheim, Harry Allen
- PPF 3617 Meenehan, Sharon
- PPF 3618 Congregation Ohel Yitzchok, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3619 Ross, M. Collier
- PPF 3620 Stuyt, Dr. J. C. L. M.
- PPF 3621 Parnell, James I.
Box 669
- PPF 3622 Human Interest Letters
- PPF 3623 Halleck, Charles A.
- PPF 3624 Cross, Wilbur L.
- PPF 3625 Lewis, Philip
- PPF 3626 Buck, Alan N.
- PPF 3627 Kohlberg, Alfred
- PPF 3628 Chicago Board of Trade
- PPF 3629 Los Angeles Daily News – Smith, Robert L. – Boddy, Manchester
- PPF 3630 Carpenter, Marion
- PPF 3631 Green, William Hatton
- PPF 3632 MacKinnon, George
- PPF 3633 Poage, William R.
- PPF 3634 Alton, Thomas W.
- PPF 3635 Visceglia, James
- PPF 3636 Dalai Lama
- PPF 3637 Brann, Louis J.
- PPF 3638 Lamont, Thomas W.
- PPF 3639 Haskell, Henry J.
- PPF 3640 Washington National Monument Society
- PPF 3641 Callison, Charles H.
- PPF 3642 Wright, Bishop R. R., Jr.
- PPF 3643 Chapin, William Wallace; The Argonaut
- PPF 3644 Sammons, E. C.
- PPF 3645 New York City Mission Society
- PPF 3646 Lake View Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL
- PPF 3647 The Methodist Church, Baysport, Long Island, NY
- PPF 3648 First Baptist Church, Camdenton, MO
- PPF 3649 USS Williamsburg – Freeman, Captain Charles L.
- PPF 3650 Pawley, William D.
- PPF 3651 Wakefield, Frederick W., Jr.
- PPF 3652 Berger, Oscar
- PPF 3653 Plumley, Charles A.
- PPF 3654 Norwich University
- PPF 3655 New Yorker Staatz-Zeitung und Herold
- PPF 3656 St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church of Woodstock (VA)
- PPF 3657 Lehigh University
- PPF 3658 Miltonberger, Maj. Gen. Butler B.
- PPF 3659 Gimbel, Mrs. Elinor S.
- PPF 3660 Tylee, Mrs. Clarence (Mabel E.)
- PPF 3661 Cook, H. Earl
- PPF 3662 National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods
Box 670
- PPF 3663 Kern, Richard A.
- PPF 3664 Block, Herbert (Herblock)
- PPF 3665 Healey, Joseph F.
- PPF 3666 Nizer, Louis
- PPF 3667 Huntington, C. S.
- PPF 3668 Taylor, E. Leland
- PPF 3669 McCormick, Admiral Lynde D.
- PPF 3670 Gallagher, Dale
- PPF 3671 West, W. Neal
- PPF 3672 Mid-Winter Flower and Fruit Show, Encinitas, Cal.
- PPF 3673 Newman, Ralph G.
- PPF 3674 Regan, Ken
- PPF 3675 West New York, NJ
- PPF 3676 Marlatt, Bobby
- PPF 3677 King, J. H.
- PPF 3678 Morris, L. W.
- PPF 3679 Rifkind, Simon H.
- PPF 3680 Walton, R. S.
- PPF 3681 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Long Island City, NY
- PPF 3682 Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton
- PPF 3683 Carr, Albert Z.
- PPF 3684 Clark, Grenville
- PPF 3685 Warren, Eugene R.
- PPF 3686 Pickens, Paul Jackson
- PPF 3687 Hale, Rev. B. J.
- PPF 3688 Stilwell, Mrs. Olga B.
- PPF 3689 Leue, Conrad
- PPF 3690 Balink, Albert
- PPF 3691 The Sporting News
- PPF 3692 Hanlon, Daniel J.
- PPF 3693 Polish Falcons of America
- PPF 3694 Lanigan, Maurice F.
- PPF 3695 Travis, Chaplain Paul W.
- PPF 3696 National Wildfire Federation
- PPF 3697 Dodd, Norris E.
- PPF 3698 Latta, Maurice C.
- PPF 3699 National Association of Suggestion Systems
- PPF 3700 McDonnell, Robert E.
- PPF 3701 Donnell, Forrest C.
- PPF 3702 Lenihan, Rev. Joseph C.
- PPF 3703 Jones, Spike
- PPF 3704 Masaryk, Jan G.
- PPF 3705 Clayton, William L.
- PPF 3706 Mollenkamp, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
- PPF 3707 Saint Francis College, Brooklyn, NY
Box 671
- PPF 3708 Scott, John Thad, Jr.
- PPF 3709 Levy, Mort B.
- PPF 3710 Eisenhower, Milton S.
- PPF 3711 Cox, Mrs. Endena
- PPF 3712 Sudrow, Mrs. Mabel K.
- PPF 3713 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Worthington, Minn.
- PPF 3714 Chautauqua Institution
- PPF 3715 Bullard, Mrs. R. L.
- PPF 3716 Davis, Blevins
- PPF 3717 Virginia Music Festival
- PPF 3718 Gambrell, George
- PPF 3719 Kaul, William
- PPF 3720 Murphy, Michael E.
- PPF 3721 Kerr, Elizabeth H.
- PPF 3722 Oppenheimer, Leo
- PPF 3723 Porter, Mrs. Clyde
- PPF 3724 Bergan, Rev. Gerald T.
- PPF 3725 Cole, I. Willis; Louisville (KY) Leader
- PPF 3726 Kirwan, Michael J.
- PPF 3727 Dun, Bishop Angus – Suter, Very Rev. John W.
- PPF 3728 Wilmington (NC) Star-News
- PPF 3729 Richards, John S.
- PPF 3730 Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America
- PPF 3731 Trinity Church, Rome, NY
- PPF 3732 Schenectady, New York
- PPF 3733 Graffis, Herb
- PPF 3734 Hotel Astor, New York, NY
- PPF 3735 Hill, John G.
- PPF 3736 Ivanissevich, Oscar
- PPF 3737 Associated Negro Press
- PPF 3738 Sheahan, John J.
- PPF 3739 Textile Workers Union of America
- PPF 3740 St. Louis Public School Patrons’ Alliance
- PPF 3741 Michelfelder, S. C.
- PPF 3742 Cunningham, Rev. J. R.
- PPF 3743 American Royal Association – American Royal Live Stock and Horse Show
- PPF 3744 National Exchange Club
- PPF 3745 Saxton, Edwin
- PPF 3746 Shaeffer, Charles B.
- PPF 3747 Stokes, Richard
- PPF 3748 Day, Bernard P.
- PPF 3749 McCutcheon, Mrs. Currie
- PPF 3750 Jackson, Thomas J.
- PPF 3751 Whitaker, Samuel Estill
- PPF 3752 Reynolds, Milo C.
- PPF 3753 Carlisle, James G.
- PPF 3754 Boston Boys Workers Conference
- PPF 3755 Friends of American Relief for Poland
- PPF 3756 Memphis (TN) Press-Scimitar – Meeman, Edward J.
- PPF 3757 Trinity Episcopal Church, Woodbridge, NJ
- PPF 3758 International Conference of Social Work
- PPF 3759 Wassell, Sam M.
- PPF 3760 Staples, George W.
Box 672
- PPF 3761 Southwest Missouri State College
- PPF 3762 Gibson, Rosalind
- PPF 3763 Butts, Brig. Gen. Edmund L.
- PPF 3764 Ely, Gertrude
- PPF 3765 Blinded Veterans Association
- PPF 3766 Von Windegger, F. R.
- PPF 3767 Brandon, Dr. W. L.
- PPF 3768 Marianite Sisters of the Holy Cross
- PPF 3769 Colonial Williamsburg
- PPF 3770 McCulloch, Dr. Carleton B.
- PPF 3771 Leake, Lowell L.
- PPF 3772 Maxfield, Thomas
- PPF 3773 Upholsterers’ International Union of North America
- PPF 3774 Gompers, Samuel – Concerning
- PPF 3775 St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3776 Gilday, James E.
- PPF 3777 East Boston (MA) Times
- PPF 3778 Edwards Memorial Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK
- PPF 3779 Roxas, Manuel A.
- PPF 3780 Association for Childhood Education
- PPF 3781 Knights of the Cauliflower Ear
- PPF 3782 Small, Benjamin F.
- PPF 3783 McCabe, Thomas B.
- PPF 3784 McDaniel, Lawrence
- PPF 3785 Reuther, Walter P.
- PPF 3786 Robb, Inez
- PPF 3787 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Lowe, Frederick N.
- PPF 3788 Hanley, Marshall E.
- PPF 3789 Denfeld, Admiral Louis E.
- PPF 3790 Goldich, Mrs. David E.
- PPF 3791 Hannigan, John E.
- PPF 3792 Clapper, Mrs. Raymond
- PPF 3793 Hoover, Calvin
- PPF 3794 Regan, Charles W.
- PPF 3795 Lea, Clarence F.
- PPF 3796 U. S. Trade Mark Association, The
- PPF 3797 Rhodes, John D.
- PPF 3798 Simmons, Roger L.
- PPF 3799 de Anza, Juan Bautista
- PPF 3800 Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, Delaware
Box 673
- PPF 3801 Swedish Pioneer Centennial Association
- PPF 3802 Donaldson, William J.
- PPF 3803 The South Haven (Mich.) Daily Tribune
- PPF 3804 Chapman, Oscar L.
- PPF 3805 Reicher, Bishop Louis J.
- PPF 3806 Greenpoint Reformed Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 3807 Trinity Methodist Church, Trenton, NJ
- PPF 3808 Nederland, Texas
- PPF 3809 Williams, Roger – Concerning
- PPF 3810 Hicksville, NY
- PPF 3811 Barrett, Robert J.
- PPF 3812 Jones, James
- PPF 3813 Special Libraries Association
- PPF 3814 Rahway (NJ) News-Record
- PPF 3815 Shea, Rev. James A.
- PPF 3816 Delaney, Edward K.
- PPF 3817 Franklin Institute
- PPF 3818 American Peace Society
- PPF 3819 National Security Committee
- PPF 3820 Trinity Lutheran Church, Milaca, Minn.
- PPF 3821 Huebler, Clarence D.
- PPF 3822 Hilldring, Maj. Gen. John H.
- PPF 3823 Wilson, Earl
- PPF 3824 Rue, Wes
- PPF 3825 Eucharistic Congress, Johnston City, IL
- PPF 3826 Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
- PPF 3827 Long, Earl
- PPF 3828 First Baptist Church, Oak Park, IL
- PPF 3829 Citizens Committee for Reciprocal World Trade
- PPF 3830 Kingsland, Lawrence C.
- PPF 3831 Brobst, Donald D.
- PPF 3832 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle
- PPF 3833 Payton, John J.
- PPF 3834 Egan, Edward E.
- PPF 3835 Storck, Erwin
- PPF 3836 Craig, James
- PPF 3837 American Psychiatric Association
- PPF 3838 Hale, Nathan – Concerning
- PPF 3839 West, Dr. James E.
- PPF 3840 Czechoslovak National Council of America
- PPF 3841 Myall, Richard R.
- PPF 3842 Decker, Louis E.
- PPF 3843 Yuresko, Mrs. Mary
- PPF 3844 OHare, T. F.
- PPF 3845 Polish American Congress
- PPF 3846 Brown, J. C.
- PPF 3847 Father Flanagan – Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home, Boys’ Town Nebr.
- PPF 3848 Palomar Observatory
- PPF 3849 Phillips, Warren B.
- PPF 3850 Fellhauer, Martin A., Jr.
- PPF 3851 Virden, John C.
- PPF 3852 Schmidt, Fred J.
- PPF 3853 Davis, James P.
- PPF 3854 James, Charles R.
- PPF 3855 Morales, Dr. Don Juan Felix
- PPF 3856 Tyson, George
- PPF 3857 Temple Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
Box 674
- PPF 3858 Brock, Hobart M.
- PPF 3859 Kronheim, Milton S.
- PPF 3860 Alianiello, Nicholas
- PPF 3861 Fotes, George
- PPF 3862 Greek-American Progressive Association
- PPF 3863 Hart, Charles C.
- PPF 3864 International Federation of Technical Engineers, Architects and Draftsmen’s Unions
- PPF 3865 Connelly, Matthew J.
- PPF 3866 Luckman, Charles
- PPF 3867 Amerikai Magyar Nepszava, The
- PPF 3868 Julius Rosenwald Fund
- PPF 3869 First Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa
- PPF 3870 Sonnett, John F.
- PPF 3871 Woodward, Stanley
- PPF 3872 Smyth, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas G.
- PPF 3873 Furgerson, T. W.
- PPF 3874 Williams, Dr. Donald Cary
- PPF 3875 Andrews, Frank
- PPF 3876 Oak Ridge (TN) Times, The
- PPF 3877 Smith, J. Bert
- PPF 3878 American Turners, Detroit, Mich.
- PPF 3879 Parish, Rev. Ben E.
- PPF 3880 Free Synagogue of Westchester, Mt. Vernon, NY
- PPF 3881 Moran, Tim
- PPF 3882 Communications Workers of American; Beirne, J. A.
- PPF 3883 Smith, Ira R. T.
- PPF 3884 Gaffney, Frank J.
- PPF 3885 East Hampton, Long Island, New York
- PPF 3886 Ericksen, Mrs. Arne
- PPF 3887 Holcombe, Dr. R. F.
- PPF 3888 Lilly Reunion Association
- PPF 3889 Gobay, Mrs. Hazel Higgins
- PPF 3890 Graham, Brig. Gen. Wallace H.
- PPF 3891 Franzenburg, Paul, Jr.
- PPF 3892 Greater Los Angeles Press Club
- PPF 3893 Grolier Society, Inc., The
- PPF 3894 Samuel, Bernard
- PPF 3895 Richard, Father Gabriel
Box 675
- PPF 3896 Watson, Brig. Gen. Frank Bingley
- PPF 3897 McDermott, Fred
- PPF 3898 Kahn, David E.
- PPF 3899 Doran, Lee
- PPF 3900 Dorchester, Mass.
- PPF 3901 American Federation of Musicians
- PPF 3902 Engler, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
- PPF 3903 St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sherburn, Minn.
- PPF 3904 St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pender, Nebr.
- PPF 3905 Affiliated Young Democrats, Inc., New York, NY
- PPF 3906 Brannan, Charles F.
- PPF 3907 North Waseca Lutheran Church, Waseca, Minn.
- PPF 3908 Ness Lutheran Church, Litchfield, Minn.
- PPF 3909 Peron, Juan D.
- PPF 3910 Ingling, C. E.
- PPF 3911 First Baptist Church, Marshfield, Mass.
- PPF 3912 Donohue, Harold D.
- PPF 3913 Hyman, Milton B.
- PPF 3914 Mace, Verne C.
- PPF 3915 Washington State Press Club
- PPF 3916 Pettit, James B.
- PPF 3917 Walker, Mrs. Goldie Young
- PPF 3918 O’Connell, Richard C.
- PPF 3919 Dill, Clarence C.
- PPF 3920 Hodge, Lt. Gen. John R.
- PPF 3921 Huntington, Indiana
- PPF 3922 Heller, Mrs. Edward H.
- PPF 3923 Giffen, Ned
- PPF 3924 Eppley, Eugene C.
- PPF 3925 Miller, Charles A.
- PPF 3926 Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association
- PPF 3927 Devin, William F.
- PPF 3928 Foster, Charles E.
- PPF 3929 Emmons, Mrs. Della Gould
- PPF 3930 Lancaster, R. A.
- PPF 3931 Olympic Junior College
- PPF 3932 Melrose Baptist Young People, Oakland, Cal.
- PPF 3933 Robinson, Elmer E.
- PPF 3934 First Baptist Church, Roseburg, Oregon – Sconce, Rev. H. P.
- PPF 3935 Dorwart, Dr. C. B.
- PPF 3936 Bachmann, Walter J.
- PPF 3937 Drury, Ernest
- PPF 3938 Hobbs, Mrs. Maude
- PPF 3939 Enfield, Mrs. Gertrude Dixon
- PPF 3940 Peterson, Val
- PPF 3941 Love, Oscar M.
- PPF 3942 Hayes, Frank W.
- PPF 3943 Port Arthur, Texas
- PPF 3944 Marvel, W. S.
- PPF 3945 Nelson, Fred C.
- PPF 3946 Webb, Roy H.
- PPF 3947 Scott, Leslie M.
- PPF 3948 Horstman, H. B.
- PPF 3949 Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
Box 676
- PPF 3950 Garlick, James R.
- PPF 3951 Zionist Organization of America
- PPF 3952 Pan-Arcadian Federation of America
- PPF 3953 American Guild of Organists
- PPF 3954 Idaho State Democrat
- PPF 3955 Flack, Joseph
- PPF 3956 MacMorris, Daniel
- PPF 3957 Crane, John M. C.
- PPF 3958 American Osteopathic Association
- PPF 3959 Pastore, John O.
- PPF 3960 Yale University
- PPF 3961 Gilbert, A. G.
- PPF 3962 Martinez, Joe L.
- PPF 3963 Riddle, Maxwell
- PPF 3964 Swett, James E.
- PPF 3965 Giannini, A. P.
- PPF 3966 Hill, Dr. Kenneth R.
- PPF 3967 McCafferty, Rev. James J.
- PPF 3968 Lutheran Orphans’ Home, Des Peres, MO
- PPF 3969 Hooker, Henry S.
- PPF 3970 McCormick, Rev. Arthur B.
- PPF 3971 Gallegos, Romulo
- PPF 3972 Harnsberger, Harry
- PPF 3973 Wolfe, Donald J.
- PPF 3974 Waring, Frank A.
- PPF 3975 Smith, Vice Admiral W. W.
- PPF 3976 Congregation B’nai Jehudah, Kansas City, MO – Mayerberg, Rabbi Samuel S.
- PPF 3977 Reynolds, Lee E.
- PPF 3978 Catholic Order of Foresters
- PPF 3979 Hurwitt, Dr. Frank
- PPF 3980 Ruth, George Herman (Babe Ruth)
- PPF 3981 Worcester, Mass.
- PPF 3982 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- PPF 3983 Clason, Dr. G. A.
- PPF 3984 Schwimmer, Harry I.
- PPF 3985 Menefee, Walter B.
- PPF 3986 Hessville, Indiana
- PPF 3987 Howard, Dr. M. C.
- PPF 3988 Bartlett, Walter
- PPF 3989 Crow, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
- PPF 3990 Burns, Ira B.
- PPF 3991 National Mental Health Foundation
- PPF 3992 O’Brien, Nelle
- PPF 3993 O’Neal, Sam
Box 677
- PPF 3994 Vrooman, John Black
- PPF 3995 Goldman, Solomon
- PPF 3996 Hamilton, West Alexander
- PPF 3997 McCraw, Doyle C.
- PPF 3998 Hedges, James Dayton
- PPF 3999 Morse, Wayne
- PPF 4000 Lichtenstein, George
- PPF 4001 Dixon, John D.
- PPF 4002 Ohio Fire Safety Committee
- PPF 4003 Merkle, Edward J.
- PPF 4004 University of Wisconsin
- PPF 4005 Corning, New York
- PPF 4006 National Federated Craft
- PPF 4007 Army and Navy Union
- PPF 4008 Birkhimer, John E.
- PPF 4009 Goldstein, Abe
- PPF 4010 Mayer, Rabbi Harry H.
- PPF 4011 Bailey, Fred J.
- PPF 4012 Wasielewski, Thad F.
- PPF 4013 Holman, Chester D., Sr.
- PPF 4014 Haas, Saul
- PPF 4015 Springer, Paul L.
- PPF 4016 Duke, Joseph C.
- PPF 4017 Rucker, Mrs. Doyle
- PPF 4018 Lewando, Ralph
- PPF 4019 Robinson, Mrs. Joe T.
- PPF 4020 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway – Gurley, F. G.
- PPF 4021 Galloway, William H.
- PPF 4022 Nolte, C. Elmer, Jr.
- PPF 4023 Union Street Methodist Church, Schenectady, NY
- PPF 4024 Railsplitters Society
- PPF 4025 International Sourdough Reunion
- PPF 4026 Monessen, Pennsylvania
- PPF 4027 Wilson, George O.
- PPF 4028 Brotherhood of Railway Signalmen of America
- PPF 4029 Smith, Forrest
- PPF 4030 Lewis, McMillan
- PPF 4031 Smith, Mrs. Eunice Jones
- PPF 4032 Montgomery, Mrs. Hannah C.
- PPF 4033 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sturgis, Mich. – Schalm, Rev. William T.
- PPF 4034 Morris, Sam H.
- PPF 4035 Weyer, A. B.
- PPF 4036 Cross, Austin F.
- PPF 4037 Compton, Louis L. (Polly)
- PPF 4038 Carson, George C.
- PPF 4039 mcKinney, Rev. L.
- PPF 4040 Holloway, Mrs. Thelma
- PPF 4041 Hunter, Mrs. Ruth L.
- PPF 4042 Independent Order of Brith Sholom
- PPF 4043 Keller, Helen
- PPF 4044 George, Mr. and Mrs. Allan K.
- PPF 4045 Denham, Robert N.
- PPF 4046 Rudolf, G. J., Jr. [empty folder]
- PPF 4047 Carswell, Mrs. Robin B.
- PPF 4048 Boland, James J.
Box 678
- PPF 4049 Journeymen Barbers, Hairdressers and Cosmetologists' International Union of America
- PPF 4050 Mitchell, Michael E.
- PPF 4051 Mayer, Mrs. Irene
- PPF 4052 Helinski, Rev. James J.
- PPF 4053 Wiley, Alexander
- PPF 4054 Slattery, James M.
- PPF 4055 Lewis, Ira F.
- PPF 4056 St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s Kansas
- PPF 4057 Turner, Robert C.
- PPF 4058 Utica (NY) Public Library
- PPF 4059 Congregation B’nai Jacob, Charleston, WV
- PPF 4060 War of 1812
- PPF 4060-A Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Maryland
- PPF 4061 Temple Israel of Hollywood (CA)
- PPF 4062 Church of Jesus, Cleveland, TN
- PPF 4063 Messick, William H.
- PPF 4064 Haas, Bishop Francis J.
- PPF 4065 Roanoke Rapids (NC) Daily and Sunday Herald
- PPF 4066 Vlasak, Emil J., Jr. – MacNally, Mrs. Mary Shaw
- PPF 4067 Miller, Mrs. Barry
- PPF 4068 Campbell, Orville
- PPF 4069 Committee of One Hundred for the Relief of Italian Orphans
- PPF 4070 Van Antwerp, Eugene I.
- PPF 4071 Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation, Chicago, IL
- PPF 4072 Davidson, Howard R.
- PPF 4073 Historical Society of Pennsylvania
- PPF 4074 The Jewish Advocate – Brin, Dr. Alexander
- PPF 4075 Goebbels, L. D.
- PPF 4076 Jennings, Thornton
- PPF 4077 Blackburn, L. F.
- PPF 4078 Cook, Hale S.
- PPF 4079 Hopewell Church, Thompson Ridge, NY
- PPF 4080 Robinson, H. G.
- PPF 4081 Brown, E. K.
- PPF 4082 United Hebrew Trades of the State of New York
- PPF 4083 Great Books Foundation
- PPF 4084 Hamilton, Brutus
- PPF 4085 Brandeis University
- PPF 4086 Malone, Dudley Field
- PPF 4087 Teasley, Walter
- PPF 4088 Arkansas Live Stock Show Association
- PPF 4089 Rooney, Mrs. Judith Woodrum
- PPF 4090 Bennington College
- PPF 4091 Knights of Equity
- PPF 4092 Frazier, T. McCall
- PPF 4093 Carusi, Ugo
- PPF 4094 Leo N. Levi Hospital Association
- PPF 4095 St. Mary’s Church, Hudson, NY
- PPF 4096 Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Queens Village, NY
- PPF 4097 Claysburg Lutheran Church, Claysburg, PA
- PPF 4098 Columbia University
- PPF 4099 Baptist Temple, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 4100 National Association of Employees of Collectors of Internal Revenue
- PPF 4101 Brooklyn Jewish Home for Convalescents
- PPF 4102 National Association of Retail Druggists
Box 679
- PPF 4103 Cigar Makers International Union of America
- PPF 4104 Tobacco Workers International Union
- PPF 4105 Bernadotte, Count Folke
- PPF 4106 Arvey, Jacob M.
- PPF 4107 Bowron, Fletcher
- PPF 4108 Maryville, Missouri
- PPF 4109 National Association of Retired Civil Employees
- PPF 4110 27th Division Association
- PPF 4111 Sauer, Edgar J.
- PPF 4112 Patton, Nat
- PPF 4113 Lyle, John E., Jr.
- PPF 4114 National Builders Association – Aiken, W. H.
- PPF 4115 Mooneyham, Robert A.
- PPF 4116 New Orleans Charity Baseball Association
- PPF 4117 Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York
- PPF 4118 The Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church, Brooklyn, New York
- PPF 4119 Riverdale Country Day School, New York, New York
- PPF 4120 Arms, John Taylor
- PPF 4121 Green, Theodore F.
- PPF 4122 Evatt, Herbert V.
- PPF 4123 Miller, Tom
- PPF 4124 Roosevelt, Theodore – Concerning
- PPF 4125 Rowsey, Vernon
- PPF 4126 Foreign Missions Conference of North America
- PPF 4127 Pulaski, Brig. Gen. Casimir – concerning
- PPF 4128 Miller, Dorie
- PPF 4129 Marcus, David
- PPF 4130 First Presbyterian Church, Independence, Missouri
- PPF 4131 Darlington, Rev. Henry
- PPF 4132 Young, H. Raymon
- PPF 4133 Glendale (CA) News-Press
- PPF 4134 Darst, Joseph M.
- PPF 4135 Barber, George D.
- PPF 4136 Magen David Youth Center, New York, NY
- PPF 4137 Union Temple of Brooklyn (NY)
- PPF 4138 Society of the First Division
- PPF 4139 Highfill, Hubert P.
- PPF 4140 Denhardt, L. O.
- PPF 4141 Credit Union National Association
- PPF 4142 Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, NJ
- PPF 4143 National Association of Letter Carriers
- PPF 4144 International Brotherhood of Bookbinders
- PPF 4145 Indian Centennial – Five Civilized Tribes
- PPF 4146 America Pilots' Association
- PPF 4147 American Council on Human Rights
- PPF 4148 Green, Rev. Robert E.
Box 680
- PPF 4149 Farm Home Editorial Association
- PPF 4150 Fisher, Gerald T.
- PPF 4151 St. Peter’s Protestant Episcopal Church, Spotswood, NJ
- PPF 4152 Miles, Dr. Walter R.
- PPF 4153 American Memorial to Six Million Jews of Europe, Inc.
- PPF 4154 Monroney, A. S. Mike
- PPF 4155 Mitchell, John F., Jr.
- PPF 4156 Ashley, Henry M.
- PPF 4157 American Cross of Honor
- PPF 4158 Rice Petroleum Co. – Rice, A. A.
- PPF 4159 Rubin, Harry W.
- PPF 4160 Cherry, R. Gregg
- PPF 4161 Printers Ink
- PPF 4162 Laughlin, Anne
- PPF 4163 Niven, J. D.
- PPF 4164 Thorpe, J. E. S.
- PPF 4165 Denham Springs (LA) News – Allen, O. G.
- PPF 4166 Abington Woman’s Club, North Abington, MA
- PPF 4167 National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs
- PPF 4168 Bailey, Carl E.
- PPF 4169 Eielson, Harry A.
- PPF 4170 McDevitt, James L.
- PPF 4171 Bohr, Earl
- PPF 4172 Tevis, Harry A.
- PPF 4173 Neer, John L.
- PPF 4174 West, Milton H.
- PPF 4175 Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation
- PPF 4176 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Mt. Vernon, NY
- PPF 4177 Weaver, Zebulon, Jr.
- PPF 4178 Humphries, Wofford F.
- PPF 4179 United Shoe Workers of America
- PPF 4180 Hoover, J. Edgar
- PPF 4181 Kennedy, John A.; San Diego (Cal.) Journal
- PPF 4182 Brannan, F. A.
- PPF 4183 Muchnick, Sam
- PPF 4184 Independence (MO) Junior Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 4185 Young, J.
- PPF 4186 Wright, Fielding L.
- PPF 4187 Institute of International Education
- PPF 4188 Hinde, William H.
- PPF 4189 Auricular Foundation, Inc.
- PPF 4190 Sweeney, Mrs. Mary
- PPF 4191 Wagner, George W.
- PPF 4192 Lincoln, Murray D.
- PPF 4193 Labor League of Hollywood Voters
- PPF 4194 Tauriello, Anthony F.
- PPF 4195 Dever, Paul A.
- PPF 4196 Patteson, Okey L.
- PPF 4197 Linehan, Neil J.
- PPF 4198 Sullivan, Charles F. (Jeff)
- PPF 4199 Frazier, James B., Jr.
- PPF 4200 DiSalle, Michael V.
- PPF 4201 Farnsley, Charles P.
- PPF 4202 Dawson, William L.
- PPF 4203 Wayne, Irving
- PPF 4204 Clark, James P.
- PPF 4205 Pflaum, Irving
- PPF 4206 Barker, Harold H.
- PPF 4207 Kendall, Walter
- PPF 4208 Ryan, Mrs. Adele C.
- PPF 4209 MacBride, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
- PPF 4210 Wilson, Thomas E.
- PPF 4211 Fraser, Grover C.
- PPF 4212 Mack, Mrs. Harriet
- PPF 4213 McCluer, Dr. F. L.
- PPF 4214 First Baptist Church, New Bern, N.C.
- PPF 4215 Campbell, Nat
Box 681
- PPF 4216 Saunders, Willard A.
- PPF 4217 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
- PPF 4218 Martin, Royce G.
- PPF 4219 Miller, Charles H.
- PPF 4220 MacVeagh, Lincoln
- PPF 4221 Lockhart, Mary Barbara
- PPF 4222 Rivers, E. D.
- PPF 4223 Swartz, Eugene
- PPF 4224 Thompson, James C.
- PPF 4225 Whalen, John J.
- PPF 4226 Caraway, Hattie W.
- PPF 4227 Donnelly, Walter J.
- PPF 4228 Grady, Henry F.
- PPF 4229 Gross, Fred M.
- PPF 4230 Hanlon, James T.
- PPF 4231 Hearst, William Randolph, Jr.
- PPF 4232 Humphrey, Hubert H., Jr.
- PPF 4233 Pope, Generoso
- PPF 4234 Allen, J. R.
- PPF 4235 Murdock, Abe
- PPF 4236 Hornsberger, Harry
- PPF 4237 Franklyn, Charles V.
- PPF 4238 Froessel, Charles W.
- PPF 4239 Faricy, William T.
- PPF 4240 Hendren, John H.
- PPF 4241 Noyes, David M.
- PPF 4242 Taylor, Thomas R.
- PPF 4243 Swain, Dr. Earl R.
- PPF 4244 Walker, Paul A.
- PPF 4245 Reed, Stanley F.
- PPF 4246 Boettiger, Mrs. Anna Roosevelt
- PPF 4247 Ross, Charles G.
- PPF 4247 Re: Death
- PPF 4248 Landry, Major General Robert B.
- PPF 4249 Douglas, Helen Gahagan
- PPF 4250 Bushnell, George E.
- PPF 4251 Bennett, Charles E.
- PPF 4252 Brown, John Nicholas
- PPF 4253 Bulkley, Robert J.
- PPF 4254 Campbell, Bruce A.
- PPF 4255 Lawler, Joseph J.
- PPF 4256 Mason, Guy
- PPF 4257 Fuller, Claude A.
- PPF 4258 Coleman, Cyril
- PPF 4259 Stettinius, Edward R.
- PPF 4260 Terte, Ben
Box 682
- PPF 4261 Wainwright, General Jonathan M.
- PPF 4262 Thompson, Mrs. Patty M.
- PPF 4263 Begley, Owen M.
- PPF 4264 McMath, Sidney S.
- PPF 4265 Delaney, John J.
- PPF 4266 Vandenberg, General Hoyt S.
- PPF 4267 Providence (RI) Visitor
- PPF 4268 Wells, Mrs. Suda
- PPF 4269 Clifford, Clark M.
- PPF 4270 Geaslin, Bon
- PPF 4271 Brandon, Dr. J. P.
- PPF 4272 Dryden, Mildred L.
- PPF 4273 Dickson, Lee
- PPF 4274 Sunderland, Harry F.
- PPF 4275 Tivol, Charles L.
- PPF 4276 Truman-Barkley Clubs
- PPF 4277 Smathers, William H.
- PPF 4278 Beach, Major General George C.
- PPF 4279 Martin, William McChesney, Jr.
- PPF 4280 American Red Mogen Dovid (American Red Shield of David)
- PPF 4281 Lichtblau, Nathan
- PPF 4282 Carter, Steven V.
- PPF 4283 Jackson (Tenn.) Sun
- PPF 4284 Brooks, Elwood M.
- PPF 4285 Blair, James T.
- PPF 4286 More, Jake
- PPF 4287 Benny, Jack
- PPF 4288 Browning, John A.
- PPF 4289 Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Martin M.
- PPF 4290 Jeffries, John G.
- PPF 4291 Chatham, Thurmond
- PPF 4292 Jordan, Gordon B.
- PPF 4293 Klutznick, Phillip
- PPF 4294 Chapman, Virgil
- PPF 4295 O’Connor, Stanley J.
- PPF 4296 Pauley, Harold R.
- PPF 4297 Bankhead, John L.
- PPF 4298 Bankhead, Tallulah
- PPF 4299 Eversole, Edward T.
- PPF 4300 Douglas, Paul H.
- PPF 4301 Wanzer, H. Stanley
- PPF 4302 Schock, George A.
- PPF 4303 Wildcat Veterans Association, Inc.
- PPF 4304 Brown, J. Dwight
- PPF 4305 Gardiner, Samuel W.
Box 683
- PPF 4306 Lord’s Day Alliance of the United States
- PPF 4307 Newman, Oliver P.
- PPF 4308 Congregation Ohab Zedek, New York, NY
- PPF 4309 Rogers, George F.
- PPF 4310 Everett, Mrs. Evelyn Clay
- PPF 4311 Jones, Chester L.
- PPF 4312 Karsten, Frank M.
- PPF 4313 Long, Breckinridge
- PPF 4314 Mandel, Mac H.
- PPF 4315 McAdoo, Eleanor Wilson
- PPF 4316 Leffingwell, Russell C.
- PPF 4317 Pogue, L. Welch
- PPF 4318 Stewart, Samuel B.
- PPF 4319 Taylor, Tom L.
- PPF 4320 Truman, Col. and Mrs. Louis
- PPF 4321 Wilson, Arthur W.
- PPF 4322 Williams, G. Mennen
- PPF 4323 Dail, Delmar
- PPF 4324 Clark, Charles P.
- PPF 4325 Milgram, Nat
- PPF 4326 Bennett, Marion T.
- PPF 4327 Backus, A. C.
- PPF 4328 Trimble, Mrs. Charles H.
- PPF 4329 Arrington, James H.
- PPF 4330 Burke, James A.
- PPF 4331 Carter, Oliver J.
- PPF 4332 Clark, John B.
- PPF 4333 Cavanagh, Dan J.
- PPF 4334 Dwyer, Jack
- PPF 4335 Fanning, Stephen A.
- PPF 4336 Ferguson, Joseph T.
- PPF 4337 Fitzgerald, George S.
- PPF 4338 Freeman, Orville
- PPF 4339 Haymaker, Ira
- PPF 4340 Hutchinson, Martin
- PPF 4341 Horstman, Albert A.
- PPF 4342 Higgins, Edward J.
- PPF 4343 Johnson, Bryan G.
- PPF 4344 Kelly, Emmett J.
- PPF 4345 Kelly, David G.
- PPF 4346 Koontz, Arthur B.
- PPF 4347 Kells, George D.
- PPF 4348 Luckey, E. George
- PPF 4349 McDowell, Harris B., Jr.
- PPF 4350 McFarlane, Grant
- PPF 4351 Malone, John
- PPF 4352 Malone, William M.
- PPF 4353 Mathews, Philip
- PPF 4354 Miller, Raymond
- PPF 4355 Powell, Paul
- PPF 4356 Quigley, James C.
- PPF 4357 Rawlings, Calvin
- PPF 4358 Seiller, Edward
- PPF 4359 Sweetland, Monroe
- PPF 4360 Tehan, Robert E.
- PPF 4361 Vahey, James
- PPF 4362 Waynick, Capus M.
- PPF 4363 Whatley, Barney L.
- PPF 4364 Donnelly, Rev. John F. A. Cavanagh – Catholic Boys Brigade of United States
- PPF 4365 Orphans Messenger and Advocate of the Blind, The
- PPF 4366 Kirkpatrick, Everett J.
- PPF 4367 Bomar, Mrs. Madge A.
- PPF 4368 Cahlan, Albert E.
- PPF 4369 Reynolds, Jean Strother
- PPF 4370 Terte, Harry H.
- PPF 4371 Benjamin, Morris
- PPF 4372 Blythe, Joe L.
- PPF 4373 Foley, Raymond M.
- PPF 4374 Choplin, Luke
- PPF 4375 Craven, Tom
- PPF 4376 Holloway, Rear Admiral James L., Jr.
- PPF 4377 Deramus, William N.
- PPF 4378 Hennessy, John M.
- PPF 4379 Bolling, Richard
- PPF 4380 Gettings, Mrs. Marie Babler
Box 684
- PPF 4381 Conrad, Dr. Harry
- PPF 4382 Carr, John F.
- PPF 4383 South African Financial News, The
- PPF 4384 Owen, Ferd
- PPF 4385 Tucker, Robert C.
- PPF 4386 Tallman, Frank
- PPF 4387 Williams, Neal D.
- PPF 4388 Madison (Wisc) Capitol Times
- PPF 4389 Preston (MD) News and Farmer
- PPF 4390 First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 4391 Truman, Randolph S.
- PPF 4392 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- PPF 4393 Mallonee, Richard C.
- PPF 4394 Middelton, Carl
- PPF 4395 Motley, Ralph E.
- PPF 4396 Ching, Cyrus S.
- PPF 4397 Farris, Clyde A.
- PPF 4398 Frear, J. Allen, Jr.
- PPF 4399 Garvey, Tom
- PPF 4400 Hamma, Carl A.
- PPF 4401 Hanrahan, Edmond M.
- PPF 4402 Kuter, Maj. Gen. Laurence S.
- PPF 4403 Morrison, Fred W.
- PPF 4404 Siskind, Max
- PPF 4405 Stevenson, Adlai E.
- PPF 4406 Conway, James B.
- PPF 4407 Hayek, Will J.
- PPF 4408 Latimer, J. Austin
- PPF 4409 Seay, Harry L.
- PPF 4410 Underwood, Arch
- PPF 4411 Yeager, Francis D.
- PPF 4412 Fiftieth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 4413 McConnell, J. W.
- PPF 4414 Whittemore, Rex F.
- PPF 4415 Jayne, A. Sears
- PPF 4416 Brown, Maxwell
- PPF 4417 Roswell (NM) Morning Dispatch
- PPF 4418 Transport Workers Union of America
- PPF 4419 Oppenborn, Henry L.
- PPF 4420 Harber, W. Elmer
- PPF 4421 Duff, James H.
- PPF 4422 Magee, Clarence E.
- PPF 4423 Edminster, Lynn R.
- PPF 4424 Gibson, Floyd R.
- PPF 4425 Garrett, George A.
- PPF 4426 Hyatt, Joseph R.
- PPF 4427 Hall, Harold H.
- PPF 4428 Jolson, Al
- PPF 4429 Lewis, Dr. James E.
- PPF 4430 Meade, Lakin
- PPF 4431 Odlum, Floyd B.
- PPF 4432 Pytsch, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno
- PPF 4433 Rogers, Clay C.
- PPF 4434 Rockdale Avenue Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio
- PPF 4435 Boxley, Calvin
- PPF 4436 Layne, John A.
- PPF 4437 Lieberman, Joe
- PPF 4438 Drucker, Harry S.
- PPF 4439 Liberalism
- PPF 4440 Burke, Adrian P.
- PPF 4441 Driscoll, Jerry E.
- PPF 4442 Drum, Robert A.
- PPF 4443 Kupcinet, Irv
- PPF 4444 Kemper, William T., Jr.
- PPF 4445 Taylor, Jonathan E.
- PPF 4446 Zwitman, Rabbi Colman A.
Box 685
- PPF 4447 Cowen, Myron Melvin
- PPF 4448 Beckley, Harold R.
- PPF 4449 Edwards, William Churchill, Jr.
- PPF 4450 Bell, Jack
- PPF 4451 Gonzalez, Diego R.
- PPF 4452 Fisher, Harvey S.
- PPF 4453 Herod, A. Wendell
- PPF 4454 Beyer, Otto S.
- PPF 4455 King, James F.
- PPF 4456 Hatten, A. D.
- PPF 4457 Fleeman, William J.
- PPF 4458 McDermott, T. S.
- PPF 4459 Nelson, Arthur E.
- PPF 4460 Free Sons of Israel
- PPF 4461 Cook, Floyd
- PPF 4462 Umstead, William B.
- PPF 4463 Starnes, Joe
- PPF 4464 Shakespeare, William – Concerning
- PPF 4465 Northeast Missouri State Teachers College – Ryle, Walter H.
- PPF 4466 Swenson, Homer L.
- PPF 4467 Sundstrom, Frank L.
- PPF 4468 Howard, Richard R.
- PPF 4469 Loberding, W. G.
- PPF 4470 Wolf, Mrs. Alfred C.
- PPF 4471 Winters, Thomas M.
- PPF 4472 Cottrell, Mrs. Mary James
- PPF 4473 Mowrer, Edgar Ansel
- PPF 4474 Walsh, Mrs. Frank P.
- PPF 4475 Akin, Major General S. B.
- PPF 4476 Federal Bar Association
- PPF 4477 Taylor, Lt. Gen. Maxwell D.
- PPF 4478 Young, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
- PPF 4479 Snoberger, R. E.
- PPF 4480 Hert, Frederick H.
- PPF 4481 Barber, Mrs. James W.
- PPF 4482 Gold, Samuel M.
- PPF 4483 Arbogast and Bastian, Inc., Allentown, PA
- PPF 4484 Pritchard, Clarence F.
- PPF 4485 Marsh, Coscie
- PPF 4486 Ridler, Mrs. C. M. (Beulah)
- PPF 4487 Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
- PPF 4488 American Institute of Architects
- PPF 4489 Jewish Theological Seminary of America
- PPF 4490 Federation of Inter-American Automobile Clubs
- PPF 4491 Collins, Ross A.
- PPF 4492 Davis, Manvel H.
- PPF 4493 Fraher, Ed
- PPF 4494 Clunet, Victor
- PPF 4495 Ambers, Perry J.
- PPF 4496 Billings, Mrs. James V.
- PPF 4497 Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
- PPF 4498 Ford, Eugene F.
- PPF 4499 Mand, George F.
- PPF 4500 Lexington (MO) Daily Advertiser-News
- PPF 4501 All Souls Universalist Church, Brooklyn, NY – Greenway, Rev. Cornelius
- PPF 4502 Oliver, John L.
- PPF 4503 Bobbitt, Robert Lee
Box 686
- PPF 4504 St. Paul’s Eastchester, Mt. Vernon, NY
- PPF 4505 Lundy, Roy
- PPF 4506 Pollock, Lou H.
- PPF 4507 Vance, Homer
- PPF 4508 Walzer, Michael
- PPF 4509 Lawton, Harry R.
- PPF 4510 Federation of the Italian-American Democratic Organizations of the State of New York, Inc.
- PPF 4511 Magnes, Dr. Judah L.
- PPF 4512 Messiah Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 4513 The Sheboygan (Wisc.) Press
- PPF 4514 Trinity Methodist Church, Alexandria, VA
- PPF 4515 Doarn, James W.
- PPF 4516 Henderson, Loy W.
- PPF 4517 Glass, Si
- PPF 4518 Brown, Frank D.
- PPF 4519 Cruzen, Mrs. Nat G. (Mary Edna)
- PPF 4520 Mayo, Mrs. Laura R.
- PPF 4521 Fulton, Selmo
- PPF 4522 Messall, Victor R.
- PPF 4523 Towles, Samuel
- PPF 4524 Pacific University
- PPF 4525 Hamilton, Helen
- PPF 4526 Modlin, Mrs. Robert E.
- PPF 4527 Saunders, Ted
- PPF 4528 Wayne County (Mich.) Democrat – Rener, Gus
- PPF 4529 Johnston, Alvanley
- PPF 4530 Forde, Francis M.
- PPF 4531 Wixcey, Earl B.
- PPF 4532 Walker, John C., III
- PPF 4533 Jump, W. A.
- PPF 4534 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
- PPF 4535 Dulle, Henry J.
- PPF 4536 Cain, Harry P.
- PPF 4537 Hicks, P. Francis
- PPF 4538 Martin, The Very Rev. Robert A. – Church of St. Luke, Excelsior Springs, MO
- PPF 4539 Miller Printing Machinery Co., Pittsburgh, PA
- PPF 4540 Noll, Mrs. Eva H.
- PPF 4541 Royse, Mrs. E. K. (Clara Evans Royse)
- PPF 4542 Schappler, The Rt. Rev. Stephen
- PPF 4543 Sarvela, Mrs. L. A. (Clara E.)
- PPF 4544 Wesner, Bernice E.
- PPF 4545 Wallace, Fred S.
- PPF 4546 Fowler, Francis E., Jr.
- PPF 4547 McKenney, William E.
- PPF 4548 Cummings, Rev. Clark Walter
- PPF 4549 Dickenson, Dr. Robert Edd
- PPF 4550 Taylor, Herbert B.
- PPF 4551 Chicago Defender
- PPF 4552 West, Mrs. Alice Hogan
- PPF 4553 Traffic Club of Kansas City (MO)
- PPF 4554 Boles, Mike
- PPF 4555 Williams, E. W.
- PPF 4556 Sands, Mr. and Mrs. John V.
- PPF 4557 St. Mary’s Hospital, Grand Junction, Col.
- PPF 4558 Northport (NY) Journal
- PPF 4559 Carvel, Elbert N.
- PPF 4560 Braverman, A. Marvin
Box 687
- PPF 4561 Keyes, John
- PPF 4562 Moss, B. S.
- PPF 4563 Maryland, State of
- PPF 4564 First Baptist Church, Gallipolis, Ohio
- PPF 4565 Clark, D. Worth
- PPF 4566 State of Minnesota
- PPF 4567 Perrin, George A.
- PPF 4568 Kemper, Jess
- PPF 4569 Adair, J. Leroy
- PPF 4570 Andrews, Robert Armstrong
- PPF 4571 Caemmerer, H. P.
- PPF 4572 O’Donnell, John Adrian
- PPF 4573 Folsom, James E.
- PPF 4574 Dennison, Rear Admiral Robert L.
- PPF 4575 Alphonsus, Sister Mary
- PPF 4576 Chandler, A. E.
- PPF 4577 Goodrum, Cap
- PPF 4578 Advertising and Sales Executives Club, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 4579 Hampden-Sydney College
- PPF 4580 Williams, Ashton H.
- PPF 4581 Hook, James F.
- PPF 4582 Padlon, Joseph F.
- PPF 4583 Blyholder, Mary Jane
- PPF 4584 Smithville (MO) Democrat Herald - Shinn, Charles L.
- PPF 4585 American Newspaper Guild
- PPF 4586 Dwyer, Dan
- PPF 4587 Long, J. E.
- PPF 4588 New York Sun
- PPF 4589 The (Portland) Oregon Democrat
- PPF 4590 Rothe, Albert J.
- PPF 4591 Tingle, Mrs. Mildred
- PPF 4592 Dunn, Francis, Jr.
- PPF 4593 Schroeder, J. J.
- PPF 4594 List, Eugene
- PPF 4595 Haley, James Michael
- PPF 4596 Jackson County Welfare Office, Kansas City, MO
Box 688
- PPF 4597 Warren, Fuller
- PPF 4598 Marshall, Dr. Peter
- PPF 4599 Ritter, Archbishop Joseph E.
- PPF 4600 Campbell, Alexander M.
- PPF 4601 Cole, Felix
- PPF 4602 Cicognani, Archbishop A. B.
- PPF 4603 Chew, Lau Ah
- PPF 4604 Cartier, Inc.
- PPF 4605 Minor, Eleanor and Grace
- PPF 4606 Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
- PPF 4607 Ridge, Edney
- PPF 4608 White, George R.
- PPF 4609 Wilson, Herbert H.
- PPF 4610 Asheville (NC) Citizen – Webb, Charles A.
- PPF 4611 Vivian, John C.
- PPF 4612 Whitaker, John A.
- PPF 4613 Fleming, Arthur S.
- PPF 4614 Marin, Luis Munoz
- PPF 4615 Gosselin, E. N.
- PPF 4616 Sewell, Frank A.
- PPF 4617 Lum and Abner
- PPF 4618 Youngdahl, Luther W.
- PPF 4619 Tierney, William L., Jr.
- PPF 4620 Derlin, Mrs. Margaret
- PPF 4621 Brown, Dan
- PPF 4622 Alamance County, NC
- PPF 4623 (Little Rock) Arkansas Democrat, The
- PPF 4624 Graham, Alexander W.
- PPF 4625 Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L.
- PPF 4626 International Road Federation
- PPF 4627 Brown, Edward E.
- PPF 4628 Griffin (GA) Daily News
- PPF 4629 Pratt, Newton
- PPF 4630 Dawson, Frank N.
- PPF 4631 Simpson, H. G.
- PPF 4632 Weir, Mrs. H. W.
- PPF 4633 Garrity, Harold T.
- PPF 4634 National Civil Liberties Clearing House – National Citizens Conference on Civil Liberties
- PPF 4635 Taylor, William H.
- PPF 4636 Murphy, Thomas E.
- PPF 4637 Malaby, Dr. Zachary Taylor
- PPF 4638 Lincoln University, Oxford, PA – Ashmun Institute
- PPF 4639 Metzger, John W.
- PPF 4640 Brice, Mrs. George E.
- PPF 4641 Rosenblum, Sidney
- PPF 4642 Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
- PPF 4643 Bauermeister, Mr. and Mrs. John and Donald E.
- PPF 4644 Weisbaum, Harry J.
- PPF 4645 Johnson, J. Monroe
- PPF 4646 Whited, Mrs. Paul
Box 689
- PPF 4647 Hart, Rev. William L.
- PPF 4648 Paul, Randolph E.
- PPF 4649 Stroke, John J.
- PPF 4650 Blaustein, Jacob
- PPF 4651 Deerfield Academy
- PPF 4652 Glass, Martin A.
- PPF 4653 Dieden, Leonard J.
- PPF 4654 Floyd, Robert L.
- PPF 4655 Neppel, Ralph G.
- PPF 4656 Plambeck, Herb
- PPF 4657 Frame, Reg. D.
- PPF 4658 Office Employees International Union
- PPF 4659 Smith, Dorman H.
- PPF 4660 Harper, J. W.
- PPF 4661 Wright, Denver M.
- PPF 4662 The Chapel of the Holy Evangelists, Baltimore, MD
- PPF 4663 Delgado, Francisco A.
- PPF 4664 Washington World Affairs Center
- PPF 4665 Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, New Brunswick, NJ
- PPF 4666 Shields, Paul V.
- PPF 4667 Bebee, J. A.
- PPF 4668 Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
- PPF 4669 Retirement Federation of Civil Service Employees
- PPF 4670 Frew, Mrs. Myron
- PPF 4671 Moore, Annette
- PPF 4672 Washington and Lee University
- PPF 4673 Weisbart, Horace J.
- PPF 4674 Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
- PPF 4675 Davis, True, Jr.
- PPF 4676 African Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 4677 Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities
- PPF 4678 Easley, John F.
- PPF 4679 Latshaw, John
- PPF 4680 Phillips, L. F.
- PPF 4681 Armstrong, William
- PPF 4682 American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers
- PPF 4683 Davisville Baptist Church, Southampton, PA
- PPF 4684 Garner, William C.
- PPF 4685 Patterson, Richard C., Jr.
- PPF 4686 Crump, Elijah L.
- PPF 4687 Brotherhood Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline, Mass.
- PPF 4688 Green, Mrs. Joseph Hugh (Lenora C.)
- PPF 4689 Thorpe, Merle
- PPF 4690 Liberty Memorial Association, Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 4691 Conservation Federation of Missouri
- PPF 4692 Croatian-American matters
- PPF 4693 Miller, Dr. Albert R.
Box 690
- PPF 4694 Williams, S. Clay
- PPF 4695 Woodlawn Public Foundation – Woodlawn Estate
- PPF 4696 Sybert, Letha E.
- PPF 4697 Independence Hall Association
- PPF 4698 Niermann, Rev. Karl
- PPF 4699 Bartle, Dr. H. Roe
- PPF 4700 McGloin, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James F.; St. Nicholas Church, Buffalo, NY
- PPF 4701 O’Connor, Most Rev. William A.
- PPF 4702 Phillips Exeter Academy, The
- PPF 4703 Teunis, Optometrists
- PPF 4704 New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene, NH)
- PPF 4705 Patton, Anne W.
- PPF 4706 Green, Winfred C.
- PPF 4707 Greenlaw, Robert Nelson
- PPF 4708 Schwartz, Leo T.
- PPF 4709 Champion, Mr. and Mrs. Gower
- PPF 4710 Parkert, Peter
- PPF 4711 Cashmore, John
- PPF 4712 Fauteux, Gaspard
- PPF 4713 Byland, Richard H.
- PPF 4714 Alsop, John T., Jr.
- PPF 4715 Todd Kaufmann Memorial Building, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- PPF 4716 Johnson, Dr. Cliff
- PPF 4717 Gore, Thomas Pryor
- PPF 4718 Broughton, J. Melville
- PPF 4719 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- PPF 4720 Hockaday, Ray K.
- PPF 4721 Survey Graphic
- PPF 4722 McNamara, Most Rev. Martin D.
- PPF 4723 America (Catholic Weekly)
- PPF 4724 Biloxi, Mississippi
- PPF 4725 College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ
- PPF 4726 Mason, Roberta Lee
- PPF 4727 Boston College
- PPF 4728 Cahokia, IL
- PPF 4729 Weinhold, Virginia
- PPF 4730 McGee, Thomas S.
- PPF 4731 Griffis, Stanton
- PPF 4732 Ethridge, Mark Foster
- PPF 4733 Botts, F. A.
- PPF 4734 Bourke, Thomas Edmond
- PPF 4735 National Association of Intercollegiate Basket Ball
- PPF 4736 Adams, John B.
- PPF 4737 Prefabricated Home Manufacturers’ Institute
- PPF 4738 Neal, O. F.
- PPF 4739 Kennedy, John F.
- PPF 4740 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 4741 Bogart, Humphrey
- PPF 4742 Kennedy, Robert E.
- PPF 4743 Slumbering Groundhog Lodge
Box 691
- PPF 4744 New York Foundling Hospital, New York, NY
- PPF 4745 Stark, Clay H.
- PPF 4746 St. Stanislaus Church, New York, NY
- PPF 4747 Stephan, Sol
- PPF 4748 Temple Israel, Lafayette, Indiana
- PPF 4749 Bierwirth, John E.
- PPF 4750 Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri
- PPF 4751 Neeley, William B.
- PPF 4752 Americans for Democratic Action
- PPF 4753 Intercultural Education, Bureau for
- PPF 4754 Sacred Heart College, Wichita, Kansas
- PPF 4755 Lambs, The
- PPF 4756 Boys Town of Missouri
- PPF 4757 Sexton, Winton K.
- PPF 4758 Vandegrift, Gen. A. A.
- PPF 4759 Polish Army Veterans Association of America
- PPF 4760 Charno, George H.
- PPF 4761 Peary, Rear Admiral Robert E. – Concerning
- PPF 4762 Drury, Newton B.
- PPF 4763 Democratic Eighty-first Club
- PPF 4764 Rush County, Kansas
- PPF 4765 Mission Hills Country Club, Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 4766 Cowlitz County, Washington
- PPF 4767 Somers, Andrew L.
- PPF 4768 Cooperative League of the United States of America
- PPF 4769 Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America
- PPF 4770 Solis-Cohen, J., Jr.
- PPF 4771 Shafer, Paul W.
- PPF 4772 Georgetown Visitation Convent, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 4773 Benidickson, W. M.
- PPF 4774 Cleveland (Ohio) Aviation Club
- PPF 4775 Fleming, Edward J.
- PPF 4776 Heller, Louis B.
- PPF 4777 First Baptist Church of Canton, Ohio
- PPF 4778 Green, William H.
- PPF 4779 Greenburg (PA) Sesqui-Centennial
- PPF 4780 Perlman, Philip B.
Box 692
- PPF 4781 Wise, William H. - Wise Book Co., Inc.
- PPF 4782 St. George’s Society of New York
- PPF 4783 Waggoner, Harry K.
- PPF 4784 Skouras, Charles P.
- PPF 4785 Vanatta, Regna
- PPF 4786 Gillette, Guy M.
- PPF 4787 National Council of Juvenile Court Judges – Beckman, Walter H.
- PPF 4788 Songkhram, Field Marshal P. Phibun [folder empty]
- PPF 4789 Fort Worth, Texas
- PPF 4790 Inter-American Bar Association
- PPF 4791 Missouri Association for Social Welfare
- PPF 4792 Devine, Burnie
- PPF 4793 Beckworth, Lindley
- PPF 4794 Barnes, Mrs. Mary T.
- PPF 4795 United Publishing Company – Rodier, Henry Tait
- PPF 4796 Coffey, Robert L., Jr.
- PPF 4797 Dickinson College
- PPF 4798 Estime, Dumarsais
- PPF 4799 First Baptist Church, Pawhuska, Oklahoma
- PPF 4800 Priest, Mrs. Asenath Cox – Priest, Mr. W. Blodgett
- PPF 4801 Murray, Thomas E.
- PPF 4802 Parade Publication, Inc.
- PPF 4803 Simpich, Frederick
- PPF 4804 North Sea Mine Force Association
- PPF 4805 Robey, Donald L.
- PPF 4806 Lamkin, Dr. Uel W.
- PPF 4807 American Federation of Hosiery Workers
- PPF 4808 National Association of Radio News Directors
- PPF 4809 Glenn, Fannie
- PPF 4810 National Board of Fire Underwriters
- PPF 4811 Roseland, Chicago, IL
- PPF 4812 National Noise Abatement Council
- PPF 4813 Bonner, John W.
- PPF 4814 Nemec, Right Rev. Msgr. M. W.
- PPF 4815 Dexter (Missouri) Messenger
- PPF 4816 Muncie (IN) Star
- PPF 4817 Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York, NY
- PPF 4818 Englewood, New Jersey
- PPF 4819 Mason, George
- PPF 4820 The First Parish in Malden, Malden, Mass.
- PPF 4821 American Public Power Association – Allen, Thomas H.
- PPF 4822 Church of St. Anthony of Padua, Minneapolis, Minn.
- PPF 4823 Grace Baptist Church, River Rouge, Mich.
- PPF 4824 Colby, Merle
- PPF 4825 Reynolds, Richard S.
- PPF 4826 Guzman, Luis
- PPF 4827 LaRue, Mrs. William E.
- PPF 4828 Smith, Walter
- PPF 4829 East Orange, NJ
- PPF 4830 The Blair (Nebr.) Pilot-Tribune
- PPF 4831 Clarence Center, NY
- PPF 4832 Prosperity
- PPF 4833 Old Albuquerque (NM) Historical Society
- PPF 4834 Benson, Thomas W.
- PPF 4835 Pizzoni, Alfredo
- PPF 4836 Radio Manufacturers Association
Box 693
- PPF 4837 McGuire, John A.
- PPF 4838 Reynolds, Robert R.
- PPF 4839 Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 4840 Foley, Edward H.
- PPF 4841 Blankemeier, C. F.
- PPF 4842 Spear, Alfred
- PPF 4843 Broadhurst, William
- PPF 4844 Armstrong, Pat McGreal
- PPF 4845 Watson, Clifford
- PPF 4846 Beck, Earl W.
- PPF 4847 West, Albert
- PPF 4848 Seiler, Charles E.
- PPF 4849 University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
- PPF 4850 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Wyandotte, Mich.
- PPF 4851 Fry, Henry P.
- PPF 4852 Sherith Jacob Congregation, Cleveland, Ohio
- PPF 4853 St. Joseph’s Church, New Orleans, LA – Le Sage, Very Rev. Marshall J.
- PPF 4854 Meinen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
- PPF 4855 Gramz, Arthur P.
- PPF 4856 Jordan Marsh Company, Boston, Mass.
- PPF 4857 Hendrickson, Robert C.
- PPF 4858 Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A.
- PPF 4859 Norristown (PA) Times Herald
- PPF 4860 Watson, Archibald R.
- PPF 4861 Bumby, J. Harold
- PPF 4862 Grube, Mr. and Mrs. William C.
- PPF 4863 Billikopf, Jacob
- PPF 4864 Smith, Waddell
- PPF 4865 Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, NY
- PPF 4866 Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist Order, Kentucky
- PPF 4867 Altoona (PA) Mirror
- PPF 4868 First Baptist Church, Oakland, Nebraska
- PPF 4869 Knopf, Alfred A.
- PPF 4870 Keating, Edward
- PPF 4871 Montevideo, Minn.
- PPF 4872 Stonington, Conn.
- PPF 4873 Gray, J. Copeland
- PPF 4874 Plondke, E. J.
- PPF 4875 Phoenixville, PA
- PPF 4876 Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
- PPF 4877 Central Conference of American Rabbis
- PPF 4878 Alphin, J. H.
- PPF 4879 Yates, Sidney R.
- PPF 4880 Smith, K. V.
- PPF 4881 Moses, Mrs. Anna Mary Robertson
- PPF 4882 Tobias, Dr. Channing H.
- PPF 4883 Minneapolis Star and Tribune
- PPF 4884 Des Moines Register and Tribune
- PPF 4885 Greenfield, Albert M.
- PPF 4886 National Conference of Jewish Social Welfare
- PPF 4887 Kerr, John H.
- PPF 4888 National Association of Postmasters
Box 694
- PPF 4889 Prescott (AZ) Courier – Seaman, Dan J.
- PPF 4890 Labor Zionist Organization of America
- PPF 4890-A Women’s Labor Zionist Organization of America
- PPF 4891 Kee, John
- PPF 4892 Order of Railroad Telegraphers, The
- PPF 4893 Santa Fe (NM) New Mexican
- PPF 4894 Cone, Carroll
- PPF 4895 National Industrial Advertisers Association
- PPF 4896 Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees
- PPF 4897 Smith, Rear Admiral Allan E.
- PPF 4898 Schulz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
- PPF 4899 Hornaday, Jesse R.
- PPF 4900 Milum, Roy
- PPF 4901 Hoffman, Paul G.
- PPF 4902 Diario De Noticias (New Bedford, Mass.)
- PPF 4903 Aldrich, M. S.
- PPF 4904 Cantwell, John F.
- PPF 4905 Lawrence High School Alumni Association, Lawrence, Mass.
- PPF 4906 Moore, Vernon E.
- PPF 4907 Gilstrap, Max K.
- PPF 4908 Corning, Erastus, II
- PPF 4909 Moritt, Fred G.
- PPF 4910 Zonta International, Cleveland, Ohio
- PPF 4911 Browning, Gordon
- PPF 4912 Newburgh (NY) Beacon-News
- PPF 4913 Entrekin, Louis C.
- PPF 4914 Optimist International
- PPF 4915 Richardson, Robert O.
- PPF 4916 Macclesfield, North Carolina
- PPF 4917 O’Malley, Rev. Thomas A.
- PPF 4918 St. Laurent, Louis S.
- PPF 4919 Camtz, Marvin
- PPF 4920 Wickersham, Victor
- PPF 4921 Gardner, Albert S.
- PPF 4922 Johnson, Dr. Robert L.
- PPF 4923 The Journal-Transcript (Franklin, NH)
- PPF 4924 Ennis, Frank
- PPF 4925 Persons, Maj. Gen. W. B.
- PPF 4926 Steed, Tom
- PPF 4927 Williams, Robert K.
- PPF 4928 Benson, Ezra Taft
- PPF 4929 Furcolo, Foster
- PPF 4930 University of Redlands – Armacost, Dr. George H.
- PPF 4931 Van Buskirk, Earl A.
- PPF 4932 United Automobile, Aircraft, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, International Union (UAW-CIO)
- PPF 4933 Phoebus, Harry T.
- PPF 4934 Beaver, Fred H.
- PPF 4935 Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
- PPF 4936 Orange Cove Irrigation District Water Festival, Orange Cove, Cal.
- PPF 4937 Barnes, James E.
- PPF 4938 Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
- PPF 4939 Shanahan, John
- PPF 4940 National Association of Life Underwriters, The
- PPF 4941 University of Dayton
- PPF 4942 Swanson, Rear Admiral Clifford A.
Box 695
- PPF 4943 Rorex, Sam
- PPF 4944 Scott, W. Kerr
- PPF 4945 Gaughan, Vincent M.
- PPF 4946 Albert City, Iowa
- PPF 4947 Greenfield, Ohio
- PPF 4948 Greenville (SC) News
- PPF 4949 Tack, Augustus V.
- PPF 4950 Allen, William R.
- PPF 4951 Meader, George
- PPF 4952 Cathedral of the Holy Name, Chicago, IL
- PPF 4953 Akron, New York
- PPF 4954 Frontiers of America, The, Columbus, Ohio
- PPF 4955 Cole Brothers Circus
- PPF 4956 Samuels, Dr. Lynn
- PPF 4957 Karst, Raymond W.
- PPF 4958 Smith, Dr. Henry Louis
- PPF 4959 Stibick, Lee T.
- PPF 4960 St. Stephen’s Church, New Boston, Mich.
- PPF 4961 Spaulding, Hector G.
- PPF 4962 Lambertville, NJ
- PPF 4963 Union City, Ind. and Union City, Ohio
- PPF 4964 International Chemical Workers Union
- PPF 4965 O’Reilly, Mary
- PPF 4966 The Stevens Hotel, Chicago, IL
- PPF 4967 New York Clothing Manufacturers’ Exchange, Inc.
- PPF 4968 Rice Lake (Iowa) Chronotype, The
- PPF 4969 Remsen, Iowa
- PPF 4970 The Webster (NY) Herald
- PPF 4971 The Denison (Iowa) Bulletin
- PPF 4972 Warren, Ohio
- PPF 4973 Harriet Chapel, Thurmont, MD
- PPF 4974 Evangelical United Brethern Church, Thurmont, MD
- PPF 4975 Fleming, Robert V.
- PPF 4976 Philatelic Americans, Society of
- PPF 4977 Barrymore, Ethel
- PPF 4978 International Chamber of Commerce
- PPF 4979 Roberts, Dr. Sam E.
- PPF 4980 Paralyzed Veterans of America
- PPF 4981 Truman, Corbie R.
- PPF 4982 Joint Industry Board, Electrical Construction Industry
- PPF 4983 Cobb, John B.
- PPF 4984 Mitchell, Margaret (Mrs. John I. Marsh)
- PPF 4985 United Presbyterian Church, College Corner, Ohio
- PPF 4986 Kiowa, Kansas
- PPF 4987 Butler County, MO
- PPF 4988 Vaughn, George L.
- PPF 4989 Peru, Indiana
- PPF 4990 Bunche, Ralph J.
- PPF 4991 Duplin County, NC
- PPF 4992 Washington County, NC
- PPF 4993 Cecil, Harlin H.
- PPF 4994 World’s Student Christian Federation
- PPF 4995 Catholic Alumni Sodality of Boston (Mass)
Box 696
- PPF 4996 Cowen, Joshua L.
- PPF 4997 Sutton, Pat
- PPF 4998 Brownlow, Louis
- PPF 4999 Fisher Methodist Church, Schenectady, NY
- PPF 5000 Kappel, John F.
- PPF 5001 Thacker, Daniel R.
- PPF 5002 Costello, J. Maxwell
- PPF 5003 Morse, Samuel F. B. – Concerning
- PPF 5003-A National Academy of Design
- PPF 5004 Burrus, Florence A.
- PPF 5005 Tea Association of the United States of America
- PPF 5006 First Methodist Church, Watseka, IL
- PPF 5007 Adas Israel Hebrew Congregation, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 5008 Congregation Beth El, Norfolk, Virginia
- PPF 5009 Harron, Marion J.
- PPF 5010 Bass, A. C.
- PPF 5011 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- PPF 5012 International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America
- PPF 5013 Williston (ND) Herald, The
- PPF 5014 The West
- PPF 5015 Schroers, J. D.
- PPF 5016 Holt, Dr. Hamilton
- PPF 5017 Gunn, Dr. Aubrey J.
- PPF 5018 Allegheny County Free Fair, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- PPF 5019 Enterprise-Courier, Charleston, Missouri
- PPF 5020 Martin, Edward
- PPF 5021 Security
- PPF 5022 Patterson, Dr. C. L.
- PPF 5023 Snyder, Floyd L.
- PPF 5024 Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, Graymoor, Garrison, New York
- PPF 5025 Zimmerman, R. R.
- PPF 5026 Felician Sisters, Plymouth, Michigan
- PPF 5027 Welch, Richard J.
- PPF 5028 Diehl, Harman M.
- PPF 5029 Littell, Rt. Rev. Harrington S.
- PPF 5030 McSweeney, John
- PPF 5031 Post Tavern, Battle Creek, Michigan
- PPF 5032 Wilson, Nancy
- PPF 5033 Anderson (SC) Daily Mail
- PPF 5034 Gwynedd (PA) Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
- PPF 5035 First Hungarian Reformed Church, Bridgeport, Conn.
- PPF 5036 Scorse, Dr. Sidney W.
- PPF 5037 Allied States Association of Motion Picture Exhibitors
- PPF 5038 Claretian Missionaries, Los Angeles, CA
- PPF 5039 Yehlen, Arthur C.
- PPF 5040 Hudson, Manley O.
- PPF 5041 Elgin (IL) Courier-News
- PPF 5042 Pace, Frank, Jr.
- PPF 5043 Eden Baptist Church, Salsbury Cove, Maine
- PPF 5044 Association of American Railroad Dining Car Officers
- PPF 5045 Newspaper Reporters Association of New York City, Inc.
Box 697
- PPF 5046 First Baptist Church, Collingswood, NJ
- PPF 5047 Reddig, William M.
- PPF 5048 Progressive Magazine, The
- PPF 5049 The New Era, Deep River, Conn.
- PPF 5050 National Retail Farm Equipment Association
- PPF 5051 Tuckerman, Dr. L. B.
- PPF 5052 Trolliet, Henry
- PPF 5053 Bronson, Mrs. Marion
- PPF 5054 Bradford, James M.
- PPF 5055 Ittner, Anthony F.
- PPF 5056 Miller, Bert Henry
- PPF 5057 Dewey, Dr. John
- PPF 5058 McCarty, William H.
- PPF 5059 Crook, Thurman C.
- PPF 5060 Stocking, Robert Bliss
- PPF 5061 San Bernardino Covered Wagon Days
- PPF 5062 Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- PPF 5063 National Association of Food Chains
- PPF 5064 First Baptist Church, Woodland, California
- PPF 5065 Holy Trinity Church, St. Louis, Missouri
- PPF 5066 Woodward, Dr. and Mrs. George
- PPF 5067 Hayne, Dan C.
- PPF 5068 Holyoke (Mass) Transcript Telegram
- PPF 5069 Leahy, Admiral William D.
- PPF 5070 Church of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 5071 Air Reserve Association
- PPF 5072 Ford, Henry, II
- PPF 5073 Coffman, Hal
- PPF 5074 All Souls' Unitarian Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 5075 Chopin, Frederic – Concerning
- PPF 5076 First Presbyterian Church, Williamsbridge, New York, New York – Gantz, Rev. Albert Dale
- PPF 5077 Batt, William L.
- PPF 5078 Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 5079 Spartanburg (South Carolina) Journal and Carolina Spartan
- PPF 5080 Wightman, P. G.
- PPF 5081 Atlanta Journal
- PPF 5082 National Council of Jewish Women
- PPF 5083 Temple Beth-El, San Antonio, Texas
- PPF 5084 Howard, Roy W.
- PPF 5085 Bloomingdale, Samuel J.
- PPF 5086 First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry
- PPF 5087 National Fraternal Council of Negro Churches in America
- PPF 5088 Handy, W. C.
- PPF 5089 Congregation Emanuel, Denver, Colorado
- PPF 5090 Kirschner, Walter
- PPF 5091 Olney (Illinois) Times – Spelman, Lewis C.
- PPF 5092 Field, Robert M.
- PPF 5093 Bates, George J.
- PPF 5094 Mahon, W. D.
- PPF 5095 American Society of Civil Engineers
- PPF 5096 Minnesota State Historical Society
- PPF 5097 Nygaard, Mrs. Daphna
Box 698
- PPF 5098 Davis, Dr. Michael M.
- PPF 5099 Hood, Clarence E., Jr.
- PPF 5100 Thomas, Lowell
- PPF 5101 Henle, James
- PPF 5102 Brennan, Joseph T.
- PPF 5103 Elliott, Carl
- PPF 5104 Lithuanian American Congress
- PPF 5105 Congress of Americans of Ukrainian Descent
- PPF 5106 Bremer, Otto
- PPF 5107 Chelf, Frank L.
- PPF 5108 Boggs, Hale
- PPF 5109 Murphy, Fred P.
- PPF 5110 Shelley, John F.
- PPF 5111 Ryan, Larry
- PPF 5112 Golschmann, Vladimir
- PPF 5113 Hand, Learned
- PPF 5114 The New Yorker Magazine
- PPF 5115 Reed, Clyde M.
- PPF 5116 Consumers Cooperative Association
- PPF 5117 Owens, William
- PPF 5118 Stone, William B.
- PPF 5119 World Alliance for International Friendship Through Religion
- PPF 5120 Beatrice, Sister M.
- PPF 5121 Wallace, James Garrett
- PPF 5122 Kern, John W.
- PPF 5123 Bruner, Glen L.
- PPF 5124 Olds, Leland
- PPF 5125 Ritter, Willis W.
- PPF 5126 Frazee, Harry W.
- PPF 5127 Humble, A. Josephine
- PPF 5128 National Junior Vegetable Growers Association
- PPF 5129 Matthews, Francis P.
- PPF 5130 Dade County (Missouri) Advocate
- PPF 5131 Kutztown (PA) Patriot
- PPF 5132 McNamara, Martin J.
- PPF 5133 Bittner, Van A.
- PPF 5134 Hopley, Russell J.
- PPF 5135 Baldwin, Roger N.
- PPF 5136 Nehru, Jawaharlal
- PPF 5137 National Council of Salesmen’s Organizations, Inc.
- PPF 5138 Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 5139 Wisconsin State Democratic Organizing Committee Conference, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1949
- PPF 5140 International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers
Box 699
- PPF 5141 Sullivan, Cathryn
- PPF 5142 Lewis, David N.
- PPF 5143 National Consumers League
- PPF 5144 Hadley, Opal
- PPF 5145 Gates, G. Walter
- PPF 5146 American Public Welfare Association
- PPF 5147 Burton, Felix A.
- PPF 5148 Clayton, Lawrence
- PPF 5149 Mt. Sinai Hospital, Miami Beach, Florida
- PPF 5150 Congregation Gates of Prayer, New Orleans, Louisiana
- PPF 5151 Kennedy, Thomas
- PPF 5152 Mitchell, James William
- PPF 5153 Judd, Neil Merton
- PPF 5154 Gorski, Martin
- PPF 5155 Raymer, Dorothy
- PPF 5156 Moulder, Morgan M.
- PPF 5157 Ellis, George Adams
- PPF 5158 Congregation Beth Israel, San Francisco, California
- PPF 5159 Watson, Drake
- PPF 5160 Mason County Democrat, Havana, Illinois
- PPF 5161 Kelly, John
- PPF 5162 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Shahinshah of Iran
- PPF 5163 Leban, John L.
- PPF 5164 The Sperry Corporation - Morgan, Thomas A.
- PPF 5165 Ayers, Eben A.
- PPF 5166 Feeney, Joseph G.
- PPF 5167 Dawson, Donald S.
- PPF 5168 Elsey, George
- PPF 5169 Desert News, Salt Lake City, Utah
- PPF 5170 Renfrow, Brig. Gen. Louis H.
- PPF 5171 Bjornsson, Sveinn
- PPF 5172 Kelly, Harry T.
- PPF 5173 Kroll, Jack
- PPF 5174 Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Sam B.
- PPF 5175 Bode, Irwin T.
- PPF 5176 Shirtcraft Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland
- PPF 5177 Bowman, Dr. Isaiah
- PPF 5178 Butler, Catherine
- PPF 5179 Benton County Democrat, Bentonville, Arkansas
- PPF 5180 Milton (PA) Evening Standard
- PPF 5181 Summe, A. J.
- PPF 5182 Iturbi, Jose
- PPF 5183 Kirk, Thomas J.
- PPF 5184 Lloyd, David D.
- PPF 5185 Schmitt, William A.
- PPF 5186 Richart, Brig. Gen. D. G.
- PPF 5187 Danciger, A.
- PPF 5188 National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools
- PPF 5189 Congregation Ahavath Chesed, Jacksonville, Florida
Box 700
- PPF 5190 American National Theatre and Academy
- PPF 5191 Quirino, Elpidio
- PPF 5192 Rosier, Joseph
- PPF 5193 Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, New York, New York
- PPF 5194 Jewish Federation of Chicago – Block, Joseph L.
- PPF 5195 White, Cecil F.
- PPF 5196 Michael, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of North and South America
- PPF 5197 Traub, Major Gen. Peter E.
- PPF 5198 The Curtis Publishing Co.
- PPF 5199 Scott, Ed
- PPF 5200 Doyle, Michael Francis
- PPF 5201 Temple Beth El, Detroit, Mich.
- PPF 5202 MacArthur, General Douglas
- PPF 5203 Beard, Chaplain John W.
- PPF 5204 Brown, Paul
- PPF 5205 Bass, Mr. and Mrs. William L. (Helen Traubel)
- PPF 5206 McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. James Grover
- PPF 5207 Kreisler, Fritz
- PPF 5208 Hayden, Jay G.
- PPF 5209 Catholic Protectory, Arlington, NJ
- PPF 5210 McCarthy, Dr. Harry H.
- PPF 5211 Criss, Dr. C. C.
- PPF 5212 Baker, Roy G.
- PPF 5213 Hamilton, McKinley J.
- PPF 5214 Gill, Howard V.
- PPF 5215 Citizens Regional Planning Council, Kansas City, Missouri
- PPF 5216 Webb, Walter Prescott
- PPF 5217 Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco, California
- PPF 5218 Sinai Temple, Chicago, Illinois
- PPF 5219 Price, Byron
- PPF 5220 Albers, Mrs. F.
- PPF 5221 Edwards, Danny
- PPF 5122 Kern, John W.
- PPF 5223 Short, Joseph H.
- PPF 5224 Grace, Eugene G.
- PPF 5225 Kelly, George T.
- PPF 5226 Nelson, Ronald W.
- PPF 5227 Khan, Sir Zafrulla
- PPF 5228 Granoff, A. J.
- PPF 5229 University of Utah
- PPF 5230 Walden Methodist Church, Walden, New York
- PPF 5231 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- PPF 5232 Alden, Charles A.
- PPF 5233 Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Missouri Chapter, Columbia, Missouri
Box 701
- PPF 5234 Missouri Valley College
- PPF 5235 Welles, Very Rev. Edward R.
- PPF 5236 Lillard, James B.
- PPF 5237 Howley, Brig. Gen. Frank L.
- PPF 5238 Andrews, Bert
- PPF 5239 Goodfriend, Arthur
- PPF 5240 Thorogood, Augustine H.
- PPF 5241 Kimball, Dan A.
- PPF 5242 Burdick, Usher L.
- PPF 5243 Capital University, Columbus, Ohio
- PPF 5244 Herbert, Clifford V.
- PPF 5245 Pryor, Samuel
- PPF 5246 Conger, A. B.
- PPF 5247 Skinner, Roger A.
- PPF 5248 National Cartoonists Society
- PPF 5249 Congregation Sherith Israel, San Francisco, CA
- PPF 5250 First Methodist Church, Alta, Iowa
- PPF 5251 Leslie, Grey
- PPF 5252 Ridgefield (Connecticut) Press
- PPF 5253 Motion Picture Academy
- PPF 5254 Cole, Harry O.
- PPF 5255 German St. Vincent’s Orphan Association, Normandy, Missouri
- PPF 5256 National Farm Chemurgic Council, Inc.
- PPF 5257 Middlebury College
- PPF 5258 Clinton, Mass.
- PPF 5259 McKay, Douglas
- PPF 5260 deCastro, Morris F.
- PPF 5261 Union Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
- PPF 5262 Collins, General J. Lawton
- PPF 5263 Fairchild, Gen. Muir S.
- PPF 5264 Lynn, Mass.
- PPF 5265 Catholic Library Association
- PPF 5266 Sprague, David W.
- PPF 5267 Abercrombie, James S.
- PPF 5268 Gore, Daniel Benton
- PPF 5269 Stuart, Dr. Andrew Eugene
- PPF 5270 Mack, Connie
- PPF 5271 Colby, Bainbridge
- PPF 5272 Botts, Fred
- PPF 5273 Greenville, Texas
- PPF 5274 Parkville Congregational Church, Brooklyn, NY – Allen, Rev. Charles J.
- PPF 5275 Weatherford, Robert P., Jr.
- PPF 5276 Gray, Gordon
- PPF 5277 Goldsborough, T. Alan
- PPF 5278 Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago
- PPF 5279 Western Carolina Teachers College
- PPF 5280 Saxe, John Godfrey
- PPF 5281 Phillips, Herbert S.
- PPF 5282 LaGrange Baptist Church, LaGrange, IL
- PPF 5283 Rennie, Chaplain W. A.
- PPF 5284 Temple Beth Israel, Hot Springs National Park, Ark.
- PPF 5285 Street, George
Box 702
- PPF 5286 First Baptist Church, Olean, NY
- PPF 5287 Catholic Press Association of the United States
- PPF 5288 St. Louis Cardinals
- PPF 5289 Shenefield, Hale T.
- PPF 5290 Order of Railway Conductors of America
- PPF 5291 Workmen’s Circle
- PPF 5292 Blum, Leon
- PPF 5293 Municipal University of Wichita, Kansas
- PPF 5294 Macrae, Elliot B.
- PPF 5295 Seymour, O. G.
- PPF 5296 Northwest Missouri State Fair
- PPF 5297 New York Typographical Union Number 6
- PPF 5298 Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
- PPF 5299 Holifield, Chet
- PPF 5300 Nettles, E. E.
- PPF 5301 International House, New York, NY
- PPF 5302 University of Alaska
- PPF 5303 Strauss, Lewis L.
- PPF 5304 Houston, Charles H.
- PPF 5305 Associated Services for the Armed Forces, Inc.
- PPF 5306 State of Kentucky
- PPF 5307 National Association of Evangelicals
- PPF 5308 77th Division Association, Inc.
- PPF 5309 Steinhardt, Laurence A.
- PPF 5310 First Presbyterian Church, Cortland, NY
- PPF 5311 Morristown (NJ) Daily Record
- PPF 5312 Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
- PPF 5313 Waverly, Mo.
- PPF 5314 Denver Post, The
- PPF 5315 Markham, Charles B.
- PPF 5316 O’Callahan, Rev. Joseph T.
- PPF 5317 Order of the Sisters of St. Ann
- PPF 5318 Betz, Jacob L.
- PPF 5319 Swofford, Mrs. Ralph P.
- PPF 5320 Sherman, Admiral Forrest P.
- PPF 5321 Skelton, Byron
- PPF 5322 Claxton, Brooke
- PPF 5323 University of Minnesota
- PPF 5324 Boston, Mass.
- PPF 5325 American Planning and Civic Association
- PPF 5326 Khan, Liaquat Ali
- PPF 5327 Simmons, William D.
- PPF 5328 First Presbyterian Church, Kasota, Minn.
- PPF 5329 First Baptist Church, Manitowoc, Wisc.
- PPF 5330 College Miserecordia, Dallas, PA
- PPF 5331 Pilot International
- PPF 5332 Tyson, John A.
Box 703
- PPF 5333 Coleman, W. C.
- PPF 5334 United Textile Workers of America
- PPF 5335 Manly, Basil
- PPF 5336 Garnett, Henry
- PPF 5337 Delaware Valley Advance, Langhorne, PA
- PPF 5338 Congregation Agudath Achim Anshe Chesed, New Brighton, Staten Island, NY
- PPF 5339 Lancaster (Ohio) Eagle-Gazette
- PPF 5340 Oskaloosa (Iowa) Daily Herald
- PPF 5341 Calmar, Iowa
- PPF 5342 Fraser, Harry W.
- PPF 5343 Kucera, Bishop Louis B.
- PPF 5344 Watson Memorial Methodist Church, Kansas City, Missouri – Brown, Rev. Walter E.
- PPF 5345 Biederman, Mrs. Marie Surface
- PPF 5346 Rennebohm, Oscar
- PPF 5347 Reppert, E. C.
- PPF 5348 Smuts, Field Marshal Jan Christian
- PPF 5349 Brown, Thomas G.
- PPF 5350 Christopher, George H.
- PPF 5351 Vermillion, George C.
- PPF 5352 Dillon, Mrs. Mary C.
- PPF 5353 Paine, Thomas – Concerning
- PPF 5354 Aandahl, Fred G.
- PPF 5355 Langlie, Arthur B.
- PPF 5356 Robins, C. A.
- PPF 5357 Crane, A. G.
- PPF 5358 Meyer, Aloyse
- PPF 5359 Videla, Gabriel Gonzalez
- PPF 5360 Lovelace, Dr. W. R.
- PPF 5361 Lesinski, John
- PPF 5362 Butler County, PA
- PPF 5363 Elath, Eliahu
- PPF 5364 Trinity Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 5365 Wood, Mrs. Rufus
- PPF 5366 Bixby, Mrs. William K., II
- PPF 5367 Dewson, Molly
- PPF 5368 Gates, Harold B.
- PPF 5369 Reinsch, J. Leonard
- PPF 5370 Haines, Clinton B.
- PPF 5371 Bulwinkle, Alfred L.
- PPF 5372 Trimble, James W.
- PPF 5373 Tate, John Torrence
- PPF 5374 Davies, John C.
- PPF 5375 World Organization for Brotherhood
- PPF 5376 Arnold, William W.
- PPF 5377 Martin, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles A.
- PPF 5378 National Negro Business League
- PPF 5379 Morrisonville (IL) Times
- PPF 5380 Augustana Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minn.
- PPF 5381 State of California
- PPF 5382 Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
- PPF 5383 Smithdas, Robert J.
- PPF 5384 Simpich, Phil
- PPF 5385 Secaucus, NJ
- PPF 5386 Gorski, Chester C.
- PPF 5387 Boyd, Dr. Julian P.
- PPF 5388 Nordoestlicher Saengerbund (Northeastern Singers Union)
- PPF 5389 Eliot, George Fielding
- PPF 5390 Greene, William M.
- PPF 5391 International Walther League
- PPF 5392 Press Photographers Association of New York
- PPF 5393 Raleigh County, WV
Box 704
- PPF 5394 Congregation B’nai Israel, Muskegon, Mich.
- PPF 5395 Wood County, Texas
- PPF 5396 Temple Beth El, Flint, MIch.
- PPF 5397 Creech, Brevator J.
- PPF 5398 Paterson (NJ) Evening News
- PPF 5399 Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
- PPF 5400 Newton, Thomas C.
- PPF 5401 Butler, Edward Gay
- PPF 5402 Second Division Association
- PPF 5403 Alford, Mass.
- PPF 5404 Georgieff, Nick
- PPF 5405 Schwien, Ed
- PPF 5406 Curran, William A.
- PPF 5407 Lamy, John Baptist
- PPF 5408 St. Hyacinth’s Church, La Salle, IL
- PPF 5409 St. Nicholas Church, Homestead, PA
- PPF 5410 Society of Business Magazine Editors – National Conference of Business Paper Editors
- PPF 5411 Huber, Walter B.
- PPF 5412 Ferson, Julia and Harriet
- PPF 5413 National Forensic League
- PPF 5414 Pittston (PA) Gazette
- PPF 5415 Allen, F. L.; Harper's Magazine
- PPF 5416 Bethune, Mrs. Mary McLeod
- PPF 5417 National Home for Jewish Children
- PPF 5418 Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash.
- PPF 5419 Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa.
- PPF 5420 Lasker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert D.
- PPF 5421 Boardley, John E.
- PPF 5422 Hogg, James Oliver, Jr.
- PPF 5423 Harris, Roy J.
- PPF 5424 Anderson, Eugenie
- PPF 5425 Collingwood, Charles
- PPF 5426 Babcock, Gaylon E.
- PPF 5427 Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
- PPF 5428 Pearson, Osborne A.
- PPF 5429 Highlands, N.J., Borough of
- PPF 5430 Palmer, Iowa
- PPF 5431 Trinity Lutheran Church, Waseca, Minn.
- PPF 5432 Church of St. John the Baptist, Northampton, PA
- PPF 5433 Cooper, Jere
- PPF 5434 Blair, Nadine
- PPF 5435 Scottsbluff, Nebraska
- PPF 5436 National Association of Colored Women, Inc.
- PPF 5437 Williamsville, NY
- PPF 5438 Polish Workmen’s Aid Fund
- PPF 5439 Long, Russell B.
- PPF 5440 American Prison Association
- PPF 5441 Knecht, Gustav W.
- PPF 5442 Trinity Church, Newport, RI
- PPF 5443 Sinnot, Francis J.
- PPF 5444 Adas Israel Congregation, Duluth, Minn.
- PPF 5445 Mt. Sinai Synagogue, Cheyenne, Wyoming
- PPF 5446 National Counter Intelligence Corps Association – National Counter Intelligence Corps Convention
- PPF 5447 Marshall, M. Lee
- PPF 5448 Sylvester, Brother J.
- PPF 5449 Yankwich, Leon R.
Box 705
- PPF 5450 International Typographical Union
- PPF 5451 Daily Citizen, Ambridge, PA
- PPF 5452 Warren (PA) Times-Mirror
- PPF 5453 Gastonia (NC) Gazette – Atkins, James W.
- PPF 5454 Walter, Francis E.
- PPF 5455 Esquire – Coronet
- PPF 5456 Gotshal, Sylvan
- PPF 5457 Compassion, Sister Mary
- PPF 5458 Yates Center, Kansas
- PPF 5459 Shenandoah (PA) Evening Herald
- PPF 5460 Webster Groves, MO
- PPF 5461 St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, New York, NY
- PPF 5462 Temple Israel, Detroit, Michigan
- PPF 5463 Kaiser, Oscar
- PPF 5464 Mercersburg, PA
- PPF 5465 Adams County, PA
- PPF 5466 Rivers, Herbert
- PPF 5467 Wood, Mrs. Glen Eyre
- PPF 5468 Mills, Dr. George I., Jr.
- PPF 5469 Alliance, Ohio
- PPF 5470 Whitney, George
- PPF 5471 Haase, Rev. Gustave C.
- PPF 5472 Carter, F. Ernest
- PPF 5473 Bartow, John
- PPF 5474 Universal Match Corporation
- PPF 5475 Memphis (MO) Democrat; Bumbarger, J. V.
- PPF 5476 Schuylkill Haven, PA
- PPF 5477 Stern, Max
- PPF 5478 Bonfils, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frederick
- PPF 5479 Hamra, Philip, Sr.
- PPF 5480 National Federation of Stamp Clubs
- PPF 5481 St. Augustine, FL
- PPF 5482 International Labor Press of America
- PPF 5483 Connolly, Jack S.
- PPF 5484 Cummings, Dr. Byron
- PPF 5485 Medical Women’s International Association
- PPF 5486 O’Donnell, Jack J.
- PPF 5487 American Hungarian Federation
- PPF 5488 Hassett, William D.
- PPF 5489 Weiss, Richard M.
- PPF 5490 Beale, David
- PPF 5491 Langer, William
- PPF 5492 Chilton, Mrs. William E.
- PPF 5493 MacLeish, Archibald
- PPF 5494 Missouri Farmers Association
- PPF 5495 Sheehy, Rt. Rev. Maurice S.
- PPF 5496 Norwegian-American Historical Association
- PPF 5497 Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L.
- PPF 5498 Reformed Church of Bronxville, Bronxville, NY
- PPF 5499 Unionville Reformed Church, Coeymans, NY
- PPF 5500 United Paperworkers of America
- PPF 5501 Aquinas Institute, Rochester, NY
- PPF 5502 Snyder, Drucie and Horton, John E.
- PPF 5503 Meyersdale (PA) Republican
- PPF 5504 Temple Beth Israel, Sharon, PA
- PPF 5505 Lasker, Morris E.
Box 706
- PPF 5506 Chillicothe (Ohio) Gazette
- PPF 5507 Jackson Democratic Club, Kansas City, MO
- PPF 5508 National Association of Postal Supervisors
- PPF 5509 Fulton, James G.
- PPF 5510 First Baptist Church, St. Albans, WV
- PPF 5511 Knox, John C.
- PPF 5512 Woodrum, Clifton A.
- PPF 5513 Jensen, Hans
- PPF 5514 Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana
- PPF 5515 Keisler, Adolph
- PPF 5516 Broadcasting – Telecasting Magazine
- PPF 5517 First Baptist Church, Franklinville, NY - Mumford, Rev. Adrian F.
- PPF 5518 Daily Svornost, Chicago, Ill.
- PPF 5519 Raskob, John J.
- PPF 5520 Kosciuszko. Gen. Tadeusz – Concerning
- PPF 5521 Central Vermont Railroad
- PPF 5522 National Rehabilitation Association
- PPF 5523 Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio
- PPF 5524 University of Rochester
- PPF 5525 Oneida, Limited
- PPF 5526 Arion Singing Society, Baltimore, MD
- PPF 5527 Harwood, Charles
- PPF 5528 Pace, Stephen
- PPF 5529 Underhill, William Amory
- PPF 5530 Armstrong, Gale G.
- PPF 5531 Lindsay, Edward; Decatur (Ill.) Herald and Review
- PPF 5532 Sheet Metal Workers International Association
- PPF 5533 Beatty, Clarence W., Jr.
- PPF 5534 Lie, Trygve
- PPF 5535 Friml, Rudolph
- PPF 5536 Coffelt, Leslie
- PPF 5537 Hellenic Political Alliance
- PPF 5538 United Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc.
- PPF 5539 Shaw, George Bernard – concerning
- PPF 5540 The Nation (Weekly Magazine)
- PPF 5541 Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, NC
- PPF 5542 Carrollton (MO) Democrat
- PPF 5543 First Methodist Church, Pasadena California
- PPF 5544 Military Government Association, New York, NY
- PPF 5545 Green, Shirley
- PPF 5546 Barnes, James M.
- PPF 5547 McCormick, John J.
- PPF 5548 Morris, Roy Glenn
- PPF 5549 Howland, Fred A.
- PPF 5550 Cross, Pross T.
- PPF 5551 Holland, Al
- PPF 5552 “Meet the Press” Radio Program
Box 707
- PPF 5553 Lawton, Frederick J.
- PPF 5554 Congregation Rodeph Shalom, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 5555 Cahill, Eugene Noland
- PPF 5556 Vinson, Carl
- PPF 5557 John Donnelly and Sons
- PPF 5558 Martin, Dr. Donald S.
- PPF 5559 Merrell, Clay
- PPF 5560 Chinese Press, San Francisco, CA
- PPF 5561 Harriman, E. Roland
- PPF 5562 Mayhugh, Cleo D.
- PPF 5563 Styles, Paul L.
- PPF 5564 Canton, PA
- PPF 5565 Hanks, V. M., Jr.
- PPF 5566 Feis, Herbert
- PPF 5567 Breidenthal, W. J.
- PPF 5568 Walsh, John R.
- PPF 5569 Noyes, Charles F.
- PPF 5570 Aldrich, Ed B.
- PPF 5571 Conard, C. J.
- PPF 5572 Nash, Philleo
- PPF 5573 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
- PPF 5574 Fisher, Hammond E.
- PPF 5575 Harding, Victor H.
- PPF 5576 Curran, Edward M.
- PPF 5577 Stokes, Thomas L.
- PPF 5578 Johnson, Mrs. Adelaide
- PPF 5579 Scott, Armond W.
- PPF 5580 Methodist Church, Orrtanna, PA
- PPF 5581 Loveland, Albert J.
- PPF 5582 Rabbinical Assembly of America, The
- PPF 5583 Hayes, Patrick – Hayes Concert Bureau
- PPF 5584 Ewing, John D.
- PPF 5585 Amateur Athletic Union of the United States
- PPF 5586 Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 5587 Kruse, Edward H., Jr.
- PPF 5588 Forsling, Mrs. Elizabeth P.
- PPF 5589 Carpenter, Randolph
- PPF 5590 National Thrift Committee, Inc.
- PPF 5591 Walnut Street Baptist Church, Munice, Indiana
- PPF 5592 Ranson, John W.
- PPF 5593 Dunkle, Earl F.
- PPF 5594 American Historical Association
Box 708
- PPF 5595 Walker, Gen. Walton H.
- PPF 5596 Feinberg, Abraham
- PPF 5597 Publishers’ Auxiliary, The
- PPF 5598 Redding, John M.
- PPF 5599 Society for Ethical Culture in the City of New York
- PPF 5600 Radford, Admiral Arthur W.
- PPF 5601 Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, Ark.
- PPF 5602 Koehler, John T.
- PPF 5603 Cincinnati Post
- PPF 5604 Alvano, Vincent
- PPF 5605 McCarthy, William T.
- PPF 5606 Glennon, Annie
- PPF 5607 Koirtyshann, Mrs. Mary Jayne
- PPF 5608 American Arbitration Association
- PPF 5609 Evins, Joe L.
- PPF 5610 Palestine Economic Corporation
- PPF 5611 Brandeis, Louis D. – Concerning
- PPF 5612 Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Vergne
- PPF 5613 Householder, Mr. and Mrs. William
- PPF 5614 Baer, Frank L.
- PPF 5615 McAbee, F. R.
- PPF 5616 Sparks, Harry
- PPF 5617 Springer, Mrs. Mary
- PPF 5618 Woods, Tighe E.
- PPF 5619 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E.
- PPF 5620 Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E.
- PPF 5621 Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C.
- PPF 5622 Ferris, Alice Moss
- PPF 5623 Smith, J. V.
- PPF 5624 Caudle, Theron Lamar
- PPF 5625 Van Hook, Ben M.
- PPF 5626 Spingarn, Stephen J.
- PPF 5627 Cooke, Charles
- PPF 5628 Murray, Johnston
- PPF 5629 Watson, Mrs. Edward
- PPF 5630 Sampson, Mrs. Edith S.
- PPF 5631 Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon
- PPF 5632 Biddle, Moncure
- PPF 5633 O’Rourke, Frank J.
- PPF 5634 Wellston High School, St. Louis, MO
- PPF 5635 White, Hugh
- PPF 5636 Assumption Fathers, Hyattsville, MD
- PPF 5637 National Baseball League
- PPF 5638 Palmer, Wallace
- PPF 5639 Abbott, Thomas G.
- PPF 5640 Statler, W. H.
- PPF 5641 Temple Tifereth Israel, Columbus, Ohio
- PPF 5642 Darby, Edwin W.
- PPF 5643 Bourgholtzer, Frank
- PPF 5644 Edwards, John
- PPF 5645 Lawrenceburg (Indiana) Press
- PPF 5646 National Society of Professional Engineers
- PPF 5647 Mauss, Mrs. Juanita
- PPF 5648 Allen, Kenneth L., Jr.
- PPF 5649 Clark, Mrs. Georgia Neese
- PPF 5650 Thrall, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton
Box 709
- PPF 5651 Park, Mrs. Maud Wood
- PPF 5652 Amberg, Julius H.
- PPF 5653 Popkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
- PPF 5654 Prichard, Edward F., Jr.
- PPF 5655 St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 5655-A St. Joseph’s Preparatory School, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 5656 American Russian Slavonic Democratic Club, Inc., The, New York, NY
- PPF 5657 Stevens Hoboken Academy, Hoboken, NJ
- PPF 5658 American Warehousemen’s Association
- PPF 5659 Conners, William J., Jr.
- PPF 5660 St. John’s College, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 5661 Sacramento (CA) Union, The
- PPF 5662 Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
- PPF 5663 Swain, Frank G.
- PPF 5664 Thorp, R. D.
- PPF 5665 Melchior, Lauritz
- PPF 5666 Freshney, Edwin E.
- PPF 5667 Vedder, Adolph J.
- PPF 5668 Henderson, Jeff S.
- PPF 5669 St. Stephen’s Methodist Church, New York, NY
- PPF 5670 Hale, Mrs. J. H., Sr.
- PPF 5671 Barnes, J. C.
- PPF 5672 Louis Feinberg Synagogue, Cincinnati, Ohio
- PPF 5673 Clark, Mrs. Richard
- PPF 5674 Cockroll, Ewing
- PPF 5675 Colyell Baptist Church, Frost , LA
- PPF 5676 52 Association of New York, Inc., The
- PPF 5677 Phelan, John Henry
- PPF 5678 Seiler, Mrs. Jeanne Kent
- PPF 5679 National Housing Policy Conference
- PPF 5680 Stephens, A. J.
- PPF 5681 Hogg, James Stephen
- PPF 5682 Warden, Oliver S.
- PPF 5683 Safety Maintenance and Production Magazine
- PPF 5684 Larson, Jess
- PPF 5685 First Baptist Church, Bordentown, NJ
- PPF 5686 Van Arkel, Gerhard P.
- PPF 5687 Andrus, B. C.
- PPF 5688 Kresge, Sebastian S.
- PPF 5689 First Baptist Church, Key West, Fla.
- PPF 5690 Shivers, Allan
- PPF 5691 First Hungarian Reformed Church, Cleveland, Ohio
- PPF 5692 National Institute of Municipal Clerks
- PPF 5693 New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 5694 Bradfield, Jerry
- PPF 5695 Stufflebam, Frank L.
- PPF 5696 Rowe, Grace
- PPF 5697 Lowe, Otto
- PPF 5698 Rider, Nelson W.
- PPF 5699 United States Wholesale Grocers’ Association, Inc.
- PPF 5700 Trinity Methodist Church, Spencerville, Ohio - Abels, Dr. H. H.
- PPF 5701 National Industrial Conference Board, Inc.
- PPF 5702 Dixon (IL) Evening Telegraph
- PPF 5703 Gillen, Henry
- PPF 5704 Elk City, Oklahoma
- PPF 5705 Salem Methodist Church, St. Louis, MO
Box 710
- PPF 5706 Frampton, J. Armand, Jr.
- PPF 5707 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Springtown, PA
- PPF 5708 Military Chaplains Association
- PPF 5709 Nordisk Tidende
- PPF 5710 Cavasin, John
- PPF 5711 People’s Baptist Church, Providence, RI
- PPF 5712 Horigan, Joseph A.
- PPF 5713 O’Connell, Sister Loretto
- PPF 5714 Waugh, Sidney
- PPF 5715 Harding, T. Swann
- PPF 5716 Young Democratic Farmer-Labor Clubs of Minnesota
- PPF 5717 Wright, Leon E.
- PPF 5718 Johnson, Theodore J.
- PPF 5719 Peurifoy, John E.
- PPF 5720 March, Mrs. Peyton C.
- PPF 5721 Cumberland-Carlisle Bicentennial, Carlisle, PA
- PPF 5722 Bnai Israel Community Center, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 5723 Circus Fans Association of America
- PPF 5724 Miles, Frankland W. L.
- PPF 5725 Ives, Howard S.
- PPF 5726 Heyerdahl, Thor
- PPF 5727 Aronson, Robert L.
- PPF 5728 National Democratic Club of New Jersey
- PPF 5729 Brunner, Jean A.
- PPF 5730 Vogeler, Robert A.
- PPF 5731 First United Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, CA
- PPF 5732 Cunningham, Fred C.
- PPF 5733 Franke, John T.
- PPF 5734 Tierney, Leo A.
- PPF 5735 McMillian, I. E.
- PPF 5736 Finletter, Thomas K.
- PPF 5737 Marsh, Ronald S.
- PPF 5738 Palmer, Rev. Thomas M.
- PPF 5739 Rathgeber, Mr. and Mrs. John
- PPF 5740 New Castle, Delaware
- PPF 5741 Labor Press Association
- PPF 5742 Araujo, Antonio M.
- PPF 5743 Cucolo, Anthony
- PPF 5744 National Association of Student Councils
- PPF 5745 Littlefield Memorial Baptist Church, Rockland, Maine
- PPF 5746 McCoy, R. L.
- PPF 5747 DeVoe, Mrs. Bruce
- PPF 5748 Parents' Magazine
- PPF 5749 American Association of Workers for the Blind
Box 711
- PPF 5750 Glos Narodu
- PPF 5751 Norwalk, Conn.
- PPF 5752 United Hebrew Community of New York
- PPF 5753 Edmond, Julian, Sr.
- PPF 5754 Daily Record, The, Long Branch, NJ
- PPF 5755 Gifford, Walter S.
- PPF 5756 Munhall, PA
- PPF 5757 Friedman, Joseph M.
- PPF 5758 Reeves, H. Clyde
- PPF 5759 Pickens County Herald, Carrolton, Alabama
- PPF 5760 Clear Lake, Iowa
- PPF 5761 Mundell, Harold
- PPF 5762 Brewster (Wash.) Herald-Reporter
- PPF 5763 Koyl, Dr. George S.
- PPF 5764 Hays, Wayne L.
- PPF 5765 New Canaan, Conn.
- PPF 5766 American Library Association
- PPF 5767 Moody, Blair
- PPF 5768 Owen, Margaret
- PPF 5769 Detroit, Michigan
- PPF 5770 St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England
- PPF 5771 Harrison, Hugh
- PPF 5772 Craig, Mrs. May
- PPF 5773 Fitzpatrick, W. B. [empty folder]
- PPF 5774 Current Events (school newspaper)
- PPF 5775 Temple Emanu-El Congregation, Youngstown, Ohio
- PPF 5776 Erwin, John D.
- PPF 5777 Eckles, Raymond
- PPF 5778 Waskom, John A.
- PPF 5779 Truslow, Francis Adams
- PPF 5780 Donora, Pa.
- PPF 5781 Christ Lutheran Church, Nauvoo, IL
- PPF 5782 Little, Burtis M., Jr.
- PPF 5783 Vaughn, Rev. John Joseph
- PPF 5784 International Association of Fire Chiefs
- PPF 5785 National Capital Model Air Show
- PPF 5786 National Convocation of Methodist Youth
- PPF 5787 Harris, Mrs. Gerard
- PPF 5788 McEvoy, William J.
- PPF 5789 Latimer, Fred
- PPF 5790 Holmes, John Haynes
- PPF 5791 Bowden, George K.
- PPF 5792 Guyer, Mrs. C. Irving
- PPF 5793 Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Pottstown, PA
- PPF 5794 Rosenstiel, Lewis S.
- PPF 5795 Summer, Harry
- PPF 5796 Sullivan, John J.
- PPF 5797 Albertine, Sister M.
- PPF 5798 Lowry, Rev. Charles W.
- PPF 5799 Kenney, Thomas T.
- PPF 5800 National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
Box 712
- PPF 5801 University of Detroit
- PPF 5802 Stewartstown (PA) Centennial
- PPF 5803 Beverly, Mass.
- PPF 5804 25th Infantry Division Association
- PPF 5805 World Assembly of Youth
- PPF 5806 Walker, Clayton H.
- PPF 5807 Ray, Rev. George McNeill
- PPF 5808 Loretto Academy, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- PPF 5809 Dairyland Power Cooperative, LaCrosse, Wisc.
- PPF 5810 Radio Station WSGN, Birmingham, Ala.
- PPF 5811 Parker, Dr. Daniel P.
- PPF 5812 Erie, PA
- PPF 5813 Riverside, NJ
- PPF 5814 Rock Island (IL) Argus
- PPF 5815 Armstrong, Mrs. Lourine
- PPF 5816 Watson, Glenn E.
- PPF 5817 Kelly, Mrs. Edna F.
- PPF 5818 The Carville (LA) Star
- PPF 5819 Garcia-Trevino, Dr. Eliud
- PPF 5820 29th Division Association
- PPF 5821 Salvner, Rev. John Leonard
- PPF 5822 National Association of Real Estate Brokers
- PPF 5823 Penn, PA
- PPF 5824 Snider, Nat M.
- PPF 5825 St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mamaroneck, NY; Fairman, Rev. William R.
- PPF 5826 Seabee Veterans of America
- PPF 5827 Brown, John H.
- PPF 5828 Chinn, Hiram D.
- PPF 5829 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
- PPF 5830 Wake Forest College
- PPF 5831 Stark, Louis
- PPF 5832 First Methodist Church, Anderson, Ind.; Bransford, Rev. Wesley H.
- PPF 5833 Holy Cross Seminary, La Crosse, Wisc. – Haden, Very Rev. Monsignor Thomas F.
- PPF 5834 Pearlman, Paul
- PPF 5835 Aler, Samuel E.
- PPF 5836 Harper, Jim
- PPF 5837 Clayton, George D.
- PPF 5838 Mortgage Bankers Association of America
- PPF 5839 John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls' High School, Philadelphia, Penna.
- PPF 5840 Lutheran Home Finding Society of Iowa
- PPF 5841 First Baptist Church, Charleston, WV
- PPF 5842 Adams, Richard S.
- PPF 5843 Seehorn, Thomas J.
- PPF 5844 Taylor, Dr. George W.
- PPF 5845 Olson, Floyd B.
- PPF 5846 McGuire, F. T.
- PPF 5847 Kostelanetz, Lily Pons (Lily Pons)
Box 713
- PPF 5848 O’Brien, John P.
- PPF 5849 Vickery, Howard F.
- PPF 5850 Millet, Lucia
- PPF 5851 Igoe, William L.
- PPF 5852 Taylor, Mrs. Hazel F.
- PPF 5853 Providence (RI) College
- PPF 5854 Luther College, Decorah, Iowa
- PPF 5855 National Association of Educational Broadcasters
- PPF 5856 Radio Station WKBH, La Crosse, Wisc.
- PPF 5857 Reformed Church of South Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 5858 Congregation Adas Emuno, Hoboken, NJ
- PPF 5859 York (Nebr.) Republican
- PPF 5860 National Association of Assessing Officers
- PPF 5861 Lenroot, Katherine F.
- PPF 5862 Curran, William
- PPF 5863 Crosswaith, Frank R.
- PPF 5864 Drexel Institute of Technology
- PPF 5865 Greenwich House, New York, NY
- PPF 5866 Comstock, A. Barr
- PPF 5867 Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
- PPF 5868 Jenkins, Charles H.
- PPF 5869 Kurfees, Marshall C.
- PPF 5870 Harris, John A.
- PPF 5871 Burnside, M. G.
- PPF 5872 Congregation Agudath Achim, Savannah, GA
- PPF 5873 McKenna, James C.
- PPF 5874 Baptist Children’s Home of Long Island, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 5875 Milk Industry Foundation
- PPF 5876 Williams, G. E.
- PPF 5877 Hornell N.Y. Evening Tribune
- PPF 5878 Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Dana
- PPF 5879 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, West New York NJ
- PPF 5880 Anderson, Peyton
- PPF 5881 Browning, Cass W.
- PPF 5882 Kavasch, Rev. John
- PPF 5883 Olson, Culbert L.
- PPF 5884 Clagett, Brice
- PPF 5885 Keyserling, Leon
- PPF 5886 New Philadelphia Moravian Church, The, Winston Salem, NC
- PPF 5887 Folliard, Edward T.
- PPF 5888 Clark, Dr. Dean A.
- PPF 5889 Waithman, Robert
- PPF 5890 National Association of Independent Tire Dealers, Inc.
- PPF 5891 Henryetta, Oklahoma
- PPF 5892 Temple Emanuel, Davenport, Iowa
- PPF 5893 Luck, Joel Marshall
- PPF 5894 Wagner, Dr. F. R.
- PPF 5895 Gavin, Thomas J.
- PPF 5896 Irelan, Charles M.
- PPF 5897 Long Island Star-Journal, Long Island City, NY
- PPF 5898 Patten, Thomas F.
- PPF 5899 Foothill Boulevard Baptist Church, Oakland, Calif.
- PPF 5900 Shea, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
- PPF 5901 Chester, W. E.
- PPF 5902 Rohlman, Archbishop Henry P.
- PPF 5903 Heavey, Thomas Jackson
Box 714
- PPF 5904 Gerhold, Sister Magdalene
- PPF 5905 Persons, Gordon
- PPF 5906 Wherry, Kenneth S.
- PPF 5907 James, Edwin L.
- PPF 5908 McAdams, Right Rev. Monsignor Edward P.
- PPF 5909 Dowdy, Rev. R. Edward
- PPF 5910 Bane, Billie
- PPF 5911 Inman, Mrs. Lorraine
- PPF 5912 Dilliard, Irving
- PPF 5913 Lawrence, W. H.
- PPF 5914 Pracht, John C.
- PPF 5915 Thompson, Mrs. Hugh (Elizabeth Palmer)
- PPF 5916 Yorty, Samuel William
- PPF 5917 Josslin, William L.
- PPF 5918 Kingston, New York
- PPF 5919 Malone, Mrs. Mary Wood
- PPF 5920 Gibson, John T.
- PPF 5921 Lowry, Don E.
- PPF 5922 Taylor, Telford
- PPF 5923 Balaban, Barney
- PPF 5924 Fitzgerald, J. V.
- PPF 5925 Mack, Ted
- PPF 5926 Tumulty, Joseph P.
- PPF 5927 First Presbyterian Church of Newtown, Elmhurst, Long Island, NY
- PPF 5928 Kornitzer, Bela
- PPF 5929 Bennett, Dr. Henry Garland
- PPF 5930 Dittbenner, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.
- PPF 5931 O’Hara, Archbishop John F.
- PPF 5932 Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
- PPF 5933 Bowman, Mrs. Milton E.
- PPF 5934 Roberts, Ernest W.
- PPF 5935 Pierce, Walter M.
- PPF 5936 McGregor, Susan and Judy
- PPF 5937 Lovett, Robert A.
- PPF 5938 Wood, Dean
- PPF 5939 Hilltop School for Girls, Independence, MO
- PPF 5940 Plaisted, Charles
- PPF 5941 Tondra, John A.
- PPF 5942 Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. John
- PPF 5943 Histadruth Ivrith of America
- PPF 5944 Ritchie, Jud
- PPF 5945 Swanson, Thomas C.
- PPF 5946 National Association of Home Builders
- PPF 5947 Haffenreffer, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph F.
- PPF 5948 Byrne, William T.
- PPF 5949 Blairstown (NJ) Press, The
- PPF 5950 Carpenter, Mrs. Wilbert A. (Ruth Ann Carpenter)
- PPF 5951 First Baptist Church, Corning, NY
- PPF 5952 Macoupin County Enquirer, Carlinville, IL
- PPF 5953 Carroll, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Howard J.
- PPF 5954 Whitehair, Francis P.
- PPF 5955 Viles, Charles W.
- PPF 5956 Luther, Willis
Box 715
- PPF 5957 Mott, Mrs. Mary E.
- PPF 5958 Baker, Kenneth L.
- PPF 5959 Sheppard, Maj. Gen. A. D.
- PPF 5960 Bird, Leo E.
- PPF 5961 United World Federalists, Inc.
- PPF 5962 Mattson, Mrs. A. R.
- PPF 5963 Thorney, Charles H., Jr.
- PPF 5964 Pan American Society of the United States, Inc.
- PPF 5965 Jan Hus Bohemian Brethern Presbyterian Church, New York, NY
- PPF 5966 Hardy, Benjamin H.
- PPF 5967 Crilley, Dr. A. Cyril
- PPF 5968 Mitchell, James
- PPF 5969 National Travelers Aid Association
- PPF 5970 American International Underwriters, Paris, France
- PPF 5971 Coolidge, Charles A.
- PPF 5972 Jones, W. Davis
- PPF 5973 Negro Labor Committee
- PPF 5974 Chapman, Dr. J. Archer
- PPF 5975 First English Lutheran Church, Schenectady, NY
- PPF 5976 St. Hedwig’s Church, South Bend, Indiana
- PPF 5977 Temple Beth-Or, Montgomery, Ala.
- PPF 5978 Emmaus Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado
- PPF 5979 Appel, Mr. and Mrs. William
- PPF 5980 Kirchhofer, A. H.
- PPF 5981 Mellett, Lowell
- PPF 5982 Goodwill Industries of America
- PPF 5983 Washington Street Baptist Church, Lynn, Mass.
- PPF 5984 Worthing, W. E.
- PPF 5985 Heillman, Lee A.
- PPF 5986 Trinity Church, Upper Sandusky, Ohio
- PPF 5987 Passionist Fathers, Union City, NJ
- PPF 5988 Froman, Jane
- PPF 5989 Columbia Scholastic Press Association
- PPF 5990 Read School, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 5991 Vaughn, Jack J.
- PPF 5992 Ragan, W. E.
- PPF 5993 Vance, William
- PPF 5994 Peterson, Mrs. Carl A. (Ruth)
- PPF 5995 Van Devander, Charles
- PPF 5996 McDonald, Harry A.
- PPF 5997 Brown, Peter Campbell
- PPF 5998 New York Historical Society
- PPF 5999 Nichols, John Lowell
- PPF 6000 Air Force Relief Society
- PPF 6001 Morgan, Edward P.
- PPF 6002 Newhouse, John S.
- PPF 6003 Milles, Walter H.
- PPF 6004 Bolich, Bryan
- PPF 6005 Montclair (NJ) Times, The
- PPF 6006 Bloomsburg (PA) Morning Press, The
- PPF 6007 Walker, Trudy
- PPF 6008 Rhodes, George M.
- PPF 6009 National Council on Agricultural Life and Labor
- PPF 6010 Johnson, Gerald W.
- PPF 6011 Collins, John
- PPF 6012 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
- PPF 6013 Haynes, Rev. F. D.
- PPF 6014 Milan (IL) Independent, The
- PPF 6015 Newton (IA) Daily News
Box 716
- PPF 6016 Jackson College, Jackson, Miss.
- PPF 6017 Shull, Dr. George H.
- PPF 6018 American Forum of the Air, Washington, D. C.
- PPF 6019 Baker, Sibyl
- PPF 6020 National Society of the Children of the American Revolution
- PPF 6021 Shoop, Duke
- PPF 6022 Eastern Labor Press Conference
- PPF 6023 Scott, Jack Garrett
- PPF 6024 Degan, Rt. Rev. Monsignor John A.
- PPF 6025 Goodman, Henry J.
- PPF 6026 Rosenthal., Rabbi Rudolph
- PPF 6027 Krock, Arthur
- PPF 6028 3rd (Canadian) Divisional Artillery, Officers Mess of
- PPF 6029 Brown, Mrs. L. L. (Esther M.)
- PPF 6030 Roberts, Patricia
- PPF 6031 Meany, George
- PPF 6032 Chicago Press Club
- PPF 6033 FitzGerald, Thomas A.
- PPF 6034 Genesee County Sesquicentennial, Oakfield, NY
- PPF 6035 Rusk, Dean
- PPF 6036 Lebanon Lutheran Church, West New York, NJ
- PPF 6037 Hebrew Free Loan Society, New York NY
- PPF 6038 National Association for Practical Nurse Education
- PPF 6039 Barton, Edwin
- PPF 6040 Seminary of St. Josaphat, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 6041 Clatterbuck, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E.
- PPF 6042 Springfield, Mass.
- PPF 6043 Kauvar, Rabbi Charles E.
- PPF 6044 American Federation of Soroptimist Clubs
- PPF 6045 Wolfarth, Mrs. Agnes
- PPF 6046 Oldham, Rev. Fintan
- PPF 6047 Citizen-Advertiser, The, Auburn, NY
- PPF 6048 Voit, Manuel M.
- PPF 6049 Naeseth, Chester
- PPF 6050 McCabe, Kathleen
- PPF 6051 National Civil Service League
- PPF 6052 Woody, Edward M.
- PPF 6053 Quasset School, Woodstock, Conn.
- PPF 6054 Stewart, R. Donald
- PPF 6055 International Organization for Standardization
- PPF 6056 Polish National Alliance
- PPF 6057 Preston, Mrs. Joe L.
- PPF 6058 Electric Consumers’ Conference
- PPF 6059 Cooper, Dr. Norman C.
- PPF 6060 Sindic, Jules K.
- PPF 6061 McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. John
- PPF 6062 de Murginando, Mrs. M. E. B.
- PPF 6063 Stuber, Rev. Norman
Box 717
- PPF 6064 Figgins, Mrs. Jesse Dade
- PPF 6065 Bottoms, Harry Truman
- PPF 6066 Mayer, Frederick C.
- PPF 6067 First Congregational Church of Christ, Lynn, Mass.
- PPF 6068 Moody, Harold
- PPF 6069 Carrick, Jimmy
- PPF 6070 Tullahoma, TN
- PPF 6071 Waterville, Maine
- PPF 6072 Crawford County, Iowa
- PPF 6073 Robinson, James B.
- PPF 6074 American Federation of Technical Engineers
- PPF 6075 Einbinder, Charles and Davina
- PPF 6076 Altman, Joseph
- PPF 6077 Barnett, Mrs. Nellie G.
- PPF 6078 Price, E. Melville
- PPF 6079 Garcia, Manuel Perez
- PPF 6080 Vaughan, Lafe
- PPF 6081 Gooch, Tom C.
- PPF 6082 Roussel, Louis J.
- PPF 6083 American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood
- PPF 6084 Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
- PPF 6085 Wageley, George L.
- PPF 6086 Sheean, Vincent
- PPF 6087 Williams, T. Harry
- PPF 6088 Thomas, Stephen F.
- PPF 6089 Cousins, Most Rev. William E.
- PPF 6090 Baltic States Freedom Committee
- PPF 6091 Cropley, Charles E.
- PPF 6092 Sierra, Delores
- PPF 6093 Minden, Nebraska
- PPF 6094 Berkshire, Claude G.
- PPF 6095 Mankato, Minn.
- PPF 6096 Nance, Thomas B.
- PPF 6097 Hirsch, William P.
- PPF 6098 Emerson Radio and Phonograph, Corp.
- PPF 6099 Huttig, Charles M.
- PPF 6100 Whalen, E. J.
- PPF 6101 Butler, Mrs. Monroe (Isabel Butler)
- PPF 6102 Dunkirk, Ohio
- PPF 6103 Levy, Joseph C.
- PPF 6104 McMahon, Mrs. Elizabeth
- PPF 6105 Gabreski, Francis S.
- PPF 6106 Barnwell, Frank H.
- PPF 6107 Heiskell, J. N.
- PPF 6108 Canonsburg, PA
- PPF 6109 Vieth, Rev. H. P.
- PPF 6110 St. Louis (MO) Argus
- PPF 6111 Powell, Jesse H.
- PPF 6112 Whitlock, E. Clyde
- PPF 6113 National Plowing Matches and Soil Conservation Field Days
- PPF 6114 Sparrow, Mrs. William
- PPF 6115 Catholic Central Union
- PPF 6116 Montgomery, Dr. James Shera
- PPF 6117 Wheeling (W. Va.) Intelligencer, The
- PPF 6118 American G. I. Forum, San Antonio, TX
- PPF 6119 Roberts, Dennis J.
- PPF 6120 Hutton, Frank R.
- PPF 6121 Rosenman, James
- PPF 6122 Cobleskill, NY
- PPF 6123 McMahon, Edmund J.
Box 718
- PPF 6124 Jewish Criterion, The – Pittsburgh, PA
- PPF 6125 Goodloe, Robert M.
- PPF 6126 Stowe, David H.
- PPF 6127 Tressler, Harry
- PPF 6128 Rosewald, Maurice G.
- PPF 6129 McKelway, B. M.
- PPF 6130 Moloney, Herbert W.
- PPF 6131 Robards, C. H.
- PPF 6132 Duggan, Jerome F.
- PPF 6133 Schuster, M. Lincoln
- PPF 6134 Fox, Joseph A.
- PPF 6135 Chesapeake Bay Bridge
- PPF 6136 Greek Orthodox Youth of America
- PPF 6137 Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
- PPF 6138 Kirby, William
- PPF 6139 Watkins, O. K.
- PPF 6140 Danaher, John A.
- PPF 6141 Turner, Roscoe
- PPF 6142 Lesavoy, I. Lawrence
- PPF 6143 Sullivan, Mark
- PPF 6144 Snyder, William, Jr.
- PPF 6145 Coaldale, Pennsylvania
- PPF 6146 Langsdale, Gibson
- PPF 6147 Brown, Arthur W.
- PPF 6148 St. Cunegunda Parish, Detroit, Michigan
- PPF 6149 American Jewish World
- PPF 6150 Free University of Berlin
- PPF 6151 Strunk, Harry D.
- PPF 6152 Farmer Labor Press, Council Bluffs, Iowa
- PPF 6153 Oregon Journal, Portland, Oregon
- PPF 6154 Stigler, William G.
- PPF 6155 International Printing Pressmen and Assistants’ Union of North America
- PPF 6156 Saxe, Tom, Jr.
- PPF 6157 Salomon, Sidney
- PPF 6158 American-Hungarian Committee for St. Stephen Celebration
- PPF 6159 McCune, Wesley
- PPF 6160 Gettysburgh (PA) Times, The
- PPF 6161 Berliner, Abe S.
- PPF 6162 Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Claude A.
- PPF 6163 Stults, Mr. and Mrs. Morris E.
- PPF 6164 May, james E.
- PPF 6165 Winthrop, Mass.
- PPF 6166 Parkersburg (WV) Sentinel, The
- PPF 6167 Saint Sophia Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA
- PPF 6168 Petkov, Nikola – concerning
- PPF 6169 Christ the Savior Cathedral, Johnstown, PA
- PPF 6170 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Albany, NY
- PPF 6171 Financial World (magazine)
- PPF 6172 McBride, Joe W. – The Anadarko (Oklahoma) Daily News
- PPF 6173 St. Thomas’s Protestant Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 6174 St. Peter’s Church, Freehold, NJ
- PPF 6175 Trapnell, Edward R.
- PPF 6176 Ridgway, Mrs. Hamlet C.
- PPF 6177 Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wisconsin
- PPF 6178 Long, George W.
- PPF 6179 First Baptist Church of West Washington, Washington, D.C.
- PPF 6180 Fockele, Glick
- PPF 6181 Rummel, Archbishop Joseph F.
Box 719
- PPF 6182 Pettus, Mr. and Mrs. Clay B.
- PPF 6183 Carter, James R.
- PPF 6184 Gigliotti, Rev. Frank B.
- PPF 6185 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
- PPF 6186 National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses, Inc.
- PPF 6187 Wright, Louis T.
- PPF 6188 Bell, David E.
- PPF 6189 Farley, Walter S.
- PPF 6190 Pollock, Elmer W.
- PPF 6191 Dormann, Henry
- PPF 6192 Kingsbury, Mrs. Wallace
- PPF 6193 Feighan, John T.
- PPF 6194 Congregation Shaari Zedek, Brooklyn, NY
- PPF 6195 Wilson, Lyle C.
- PPF 6196 Durning, Harry M.
- PPF 6197 Peterson, George I.
- PPF 6198 First Hungarian Evangelical Reformed Church, Bethlehem, PA
- PPF 6199 St. Casimir’s Church, Baltimore, MD
- PPF 6200 St. Hedwig’s Church, Kingston, PA
- PPF 6201 Donnelly, Terry, Jr.
- PPF 6202 St. John Nepomucene Church, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 6203 Cornell University
- PPF 6204 Meehan, Mrs. Mary Howley
- PPF 6205 Luedee, Charles
- PPF 6206 Fisher, Mrs. Marie
- PPF 6207 Hughes, Robert E.
- PPF 6208 Gregg, John P.
- PPF 6209 American Committee on Italian Migration
- PPF 6210 Dixon, Sherwood
- PPF 6211 Patterson, James T.
- PPF 6212 Smith, Margaret Chase
- PPF 6213 Wild, Edward F.
- PPF 6214 St. Patrick Church, St. Patrick, MO
- PPF 6215 Trinity Lutheran church, El Paso, IL
- PPF 6216 Locke, Edwin A., Jr.
- PPF 6217 Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
- PPF 6218 Retired Officers Association
- PPF 6219 Ward, Harry
- PPF 6220 Svoboda (Ukrainian Weekly)
- PPF 6221 Maylon, Brig. Gen. Charles
- PPF 6222 Atlantic Union Committee
- PPF 6223 Cage, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
- PPF 6224 Gadwood, Greta
- PPF 6225 Farband – Labor Zionist Order
- PPF 6226 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
- PPF 6227 Association of American Ukrainians
- PPF 6228 Dulles, Allen W.
- PPF 6229 Barnes, Mrs. Paul McIntyre
- PPF 6230 International Council of Free Trade Unions
- PPF 6231 Hunkeler, Archbishop Edward J.
- PPF 6232 Cummings, Dr. Donald
- PPF 6233 Leake, Paul R.
- PPF 6234 Kavanagh, Giles
- PPF 6235 Eckl, Louis A.
- PPF 6236 Bryan, Travis B.
- PPF 6237 Congregation Petrikower, Brooklyn, NY
Box 720
- PPF 6238 Ault, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
- PPF 6239 World Veterans Federation
- PPF 6240 Christy, Gregg
- PPF 6241 Meredith, William B.
- PPF 6242 Rooney, John J.
- PPF 6243 Morris, Toby
- PPF 6244 Kolson, Clifford J.
- PPF 6245 Wright, Judge and Mrs. Emory
- PPF 6246 Weaver, Frederick S.
- PPF 6247 Spangler, Dave H.
- PPF 6248 Breeskin, Barnee
- PPF 6249 Pouzenc, George J., Jr.
Box 721
- PPF 1-B (1945-1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 1-N X-Y-Z [Oversize]
- PPF 9 B (April-June 1945 [Oversize]
- PPF 9 E (1945) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 K (April-July 1945) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 R (April-June 1945) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 S (October-November 1945) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 W (September-December 1945 [Oversize]
- PPF 9 N (January-May 1946) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 D (1947) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 R (July-December 1947) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 X-Y-Z (1947) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 C (Dece 1948) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 G (1948) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 C (January-March 1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 G (January-May 1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 J (1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 S (February-April 1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 C (June-September 1950) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 L (January-June 1950) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 P (January-April 1950) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 S (September-December 1950) [Oversize]
Box 722
- PPF 9 B (January-March 1951) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 D (January-Aug 1952) [Oversize]
- PPF 9 R (January-May 1952) [Oversize]
- PPF 13 (1945-1946) [Oversize]
- PPF 16-A [Oversize]
- PPF 22 (1945-1947) [Oversize]
- PPF 36 (1952-1953) [Oversize]
- PPF 65-A Democratic National Committee [Oversize]
- PPF 129-A Denied (June-Aug 1949) [Oversize]
- PPF 137 [Oversize]
- PPF 200 Election Congratulations L (November 1948) [Oversize]
- PPF 200 (Pro ) U February 2, 1948 [Oversize]
- PPF 200 Support R 1945 [Oversize]
- PPF 200 Support W 1946 [Oversize]
- PPF 354 (1949-1953) [Oversize]
- PPF 2197 [Oversize]
- PPF 2061 [Oversize]
- PPF 2248 [Oversize]
- PPF 2593 [Oversize]
- PPF 2621 [Oversize]
- PPF 3252 [Oversize]
- PPF 3372 [Oversize]
Box 723
- PPF 3567 [Oversize]
- PPF 3584 [Oversize]
- PPF 3590 [Oversize]
- PPF 3649 [Oversize]
- PPF 3804 [Oversize]
- PPF 4141 [Oversize]
- PPF 4513 [Oversize]
- PPF 4626 [Oversize]
- PPF 4774 [Oversize]
- PPF 4994 [Oversize]
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Folder Title List]
The creation of this online resource was made possible in part by funding from the William T. Kemper Foundation - Commerce Bank, Trustee.