Date Span: 1800 - 1960; Bulk Date Span: 1945 - 1953
President Truman instructed his personal secretary, Rose Conway, to keep several categories of documents, including the most sensitive ones that came to his desk, in special files located near the Oval Office. The President's Secretary's Files include national security and intelligence information, the President's most sensitive correspondence, his speech file, records of his daily appointments, and the miscellaneous notes and memorandums that constitute his diary.
[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List]
Size: 127 linear feet, 9 linear inches (ca. 233,600 pages).
Access: Open, with the exception that some documents that are closed for national security reasons or in accordance with the donor's legal instructions.
Copyright: Harry S. Truman donated his copyright interest in any of his writings in this collection to the people of the United States. In addition, documents prepared by government employees of the United States, in the course of their official duties, are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents, which do not fall into the aforementioned categories, is presumed to remain with the writers of the documents or their heirs.
Processed by: Dennis E. Bilger, Harry Clark, Erwin J. Mueller, and C. W. Ohrvall (1974-1987); Cynthia G. Edwards, Tammy Kelly, David Clark, and Randy Sowell (2004); Jan Davis and David Clark (2013, 2018).
The creation of this online resource was made possible in part by funding from the William T. Kemper Foundation - Commerce Bank, Trustee.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
1884 (May 8) | Born, Lamar, Missouri | |
1887 | Moved with family to farm near Grandview, Missouri | |
1890 | Moved with family to Independence, Missouri | |
1901 | Graduated from Independence High School | |
1901-1906 | Lived in Independence and Kansas City, Missouri; held various jobs, including clerk at two Kansas City banks | |
1905-1911 | Served in Missouri National Guard | |
1906-1917 | Worked on family farm near Grandview, Missouri | |
1917-1919 | Served in 129th Field Artillery; commanded Battery D during World War I; promoted to rank of Captain | |
1919 (June 28) | Married Bess Wallace at Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri | |
1919-1922 | Partner with Eddie Jacobson in Kansas City haberdashery | |
1923-1925 | Eastern District Judge, Jackson County (Missouri) Court | |
1924 (February 17) | Daughter, Mary Margaret born | |
1927-1935 | Presiding Judge of the Jackson County (Missouri) Court | |
1935-1945 | United States Senator from Missouri | |
1945 (January 20-April 12) | Vice President of the United States | |
1945 (April 12)-1953 (January 20) | President of the United States | |
1953 (January) | Left presidency and retired to Independence, Missouri | |
1957 (July 6) | Helped dedicate the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri | |
1972 (December 26) | Died, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri | |
A more detailed timeline of Harry S. Truman's life and Presidency is available on the Truman Trivia Page.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
The President's Secretary's Files consist of thirty-two series. There are also multiple subseries in the collection. The first series, the 1) Speech File, is comprised of nine subseries. The first two subseries contain the originals (reading copies) of President Truman's 1948 and 1952 campaign speeches. The third and fourth subseries contain press releases and drafts of these campaign speeches. The fifth and sixth subseries contain the originals, press releases, and drafts of other speeches delivered by Truman during his Presidency. The seventh subseries contains drafts of speeches and related notes in Truman's handwriting. (The President personally wrote drafts of some major speeches, but more frequently, he edited drafts prepared by Clark Clifford or other speechwriters on the White House staff.) The eighth subseries contains miscellaneous information relating to speeches, and the ninth includes speeches delivered by others.
The 2) Political File consists of cables, charts, correspondence, financial records, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, printed materials, speeches, and minutes of meetings pertaining to the Democratic National Committee, elections, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners, campaign gifts, candidates, platform strategies, state politics, and the 1948 Presidential campaign. Correspondents include Alben W. Barkley, India Edwards, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Clayton Fritchey, W. Averell Harriman, Adlai Stevenson, Louis Johnson, and Frank McKinney. Notable records within this series include material received from Frank Parks relating to the financing of Richard Nixon's 1950 Senatorial campaign, and requests that President Truman accept the 1952 Democratic nomination for President.
The 3) Press Conference File consists of two subseries, which contain transcripts of President Truman's press conferences from 1945 to 1953 and transcripts of press conferences held by the Secretary of State from 1948 to 1953. The 4) Press Release File also consists of two subseries. The first contains Presidential statements, proclamations, executive orders, appointment announcements, directives, remarks, and texts of letters issued as White House press releases from 1945 to 1953. The second contains press releases of President Truman's radio speeches from 1948 to 1952.
The 5) President's Appointments File is comprised of three subseries. The first subseries contains the President's desk calendars-schedules of his daily appointments that were placed on Truman's desk each day from 1945 to 1951. The desk calendars list the date and time of each visitor's appointment, with handwritten notations concerning additional visitors, cancellations, or time changes. Mrs. Truman's appointments from 1951 to 1952 are also listed. The second subseries contains the President's "daily sheets" from 1945 to 1953. The daily sheets are more detailed than the desk calendars, usually including information about the background of the appointments and the subjects to be discussed. Truman sometimes wrote diary-like notes on the daily sheets describing his day's appointments. Filed along with the daily sheets are correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reports, and other documents relating to the appointments. The third subseries contains appointment books listing the President's daily appointments from 1945 to 1953.
The 6) Department of State Radio Bulletins File consists of State Department press releases of foreign policy speeches delivered by the President and the Secretary of State in 1945. The 7) Trip File contains cables, handwritten notes, itineraries, schedules, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, digests, photographs, printed materials, and speeches relating to the President's trips from 1945 to 1953. Included is information about Truman's trips to Missouri, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Mexico, the Caribbean, Wake Island, and Key West, Florida. Notable items include the trip log of the President's airplane, the Independence, and documentation of the controversy that resulted when the President's motorcade was allegedly stopped for speeding in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The 8) Gift and Greeting File consists of three subseries, relating in turn to birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and gifts in general. Included in this series are cards, letters, handwritten notes, and memorabilia pertaining to gifts to the President, Mrs. Truman, and their daughter Margaret from 1945 to 1953. Also included are lists of the gifts received and of those that were shipped from the White House to Missouri when the Trumans returned home.
The 9) General File contains correspondence, charts, graphs, handwritten notes, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, and printed materials pertaining to a wide variety of topics, including atomic energy, Winston Churchill and his meetings with the President, floods, food, the Inauguration of the President, labor, legislation, meetings, the North Atlantic Treaty, personnel, reorganizations, resignations, security, steel, strikes, taxes, the United Nations, and veterans. This series includes Truman's correspondence with such prominent figures as Omar Bradley, Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, James Forrestal, W. Averell Harriman, Robert Landry, Max Lowenthal, Douglas MacArthur, George C. Marshall, Matthew Ridgway, and other Cabinet members and Presidential advisers.
The 10) Subject File is the largest series in the PSF, comprising more than one-fifth of the collection. It contains cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries and schedules, legislation, maps, minutes of meetings, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, printed materials, reports, speeches, telegrams, and transcripts. The Subject File is comprised of twelve subseries.
The Agencies subseries of the Subject File contains information concerning Congress and various agencies of the Executive Branch, including the Council of Economic Advisers, Economic Cooperation Administration, Economic Stabilization Agency, Federal Security Agency, National Security Resources Board, Office of Defense Mobilization, Office of Price Administration, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and Securities and Exchange Commission. The subseries also includes information pertaining to government advisory boards and commissions, the military, and the United Nations.
The Bureau of the Budget subseries includes documents relating to budget projections, recommendations, appropriations, and expenditures for government agencies during the Truman administration.
The Cabinet subseries contains material pertaining to the Departments of Agriculture, Justice, Commerce, Air Force, Army, Navy, War, Interior, Labor, Post Office, State, and Treasury from 1945 to 1953. Correspondents include Cabinet members and sub-Cabinet officials such as Dean Acheson, Clinton Anderson, Charles Brannan, James Byrnes, Oscar Chapman, Tom Clark, Jesse Donaldson, William Fechteler, James Forrestal, William Foster, Robert Hannegan, W. Averell Harriman, Harold Ickes, Louis Johnson, Julius Krug, Robert Lovett, George C. Marshall, J. Howard McGrath, James McGranery, Robert Patterson, Anna Rosenberg, Kenneth Royall, Lewis Schwellenbach, John Snyder, Edward Stettinius, John L. Sullivan, W. Stuart Symington, James Webb, and Francis Whitehair. Other documents in this subseries relate to the civil service, prisoners of war, the Medal of Honor, personnel, and the transition process from the Truman to the Eisenhower administration.
The China Lobby subseries contains information about American anti-communists who were strong supporters of Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist regime in China. Known informally as the "China Lobby," this influential group was highly critical of the Truman administration's policies in the Far East. The subseries includes correspondence, financial records, legislation, minutes of meetings, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reports, speeches, and transcripts relating to the activities of the China Lobby.
The Conferences subseries includes correspondence, maps, memorandums, minutes of meetings, press releases, printed materials, reports, and telegrams pertaining to important conferences and meetings with foreign leaders. The conferences documented in this subseries include the United Nations Conference in San Francisco and the Potsdam (Berlin) Conference in 1945; the Paris Conference of Foreign Ministers in 1946; the Moscow and London Conferences of Foreign Ministers in 1947; and the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco in 1951. Also included in this subseries is information concerning President Truman's meetings with British Prime Ministers Clement Attlee and Winston Churchill, French President Vincent Auriol, French Prime Minister Rene Pleven, and Italian Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi. Among the topics discussed in the Conferences subseries are European recovery, Germany, reparations, peace treaties, the Berlin Blockade, the atomic bomb, trade, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Korean War.
The Council of Foreign Ministers subseries consists of bound reproductions of documents pertaining to subjects discussed at the meetings of the Council, including postwar recovery, reparations, peace settlements, disarmament, occupation, demilitarization, denazification, displaced persons, and economic issues.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) subseries includes correspondence, memorandums, newspaper clippings, reports, and printed materials relating to the atomic bomb, communism, criminal activities, espionage, and intelligence activities. This subseries contains many reports submitted to the White House by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who was especially preoccupied with the threat of communist subversion.
The Foreign Affairs subseries contains many important and sensitive materials documenting U.S. foreign policy as it was conducted at the highest level of the government during the Truman administration. The subseries includes cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries, maps, memorandums, minutes of meetings, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, printed materials, reports, schedules, speeches, telegrams, and transcripts pertaining to Asia, statehood for Alaska, military bases, the Berlin Crisis, the occupation of Germany, the Palestine issue, reparations, the Truman Doctrine, the United Nations, the Suez Canal, Latin America, Lend-Lease, and Puerto Rico. Also included is correspondence and documents relating to meetings with government officials from Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, France, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Yugoslavia, and many other nations. Of particular significance in this subseries are telegrams from the U.S. government to its diplomatic representatives in capitals around the world.
The National Security Council subseries consists of charts, graphs, correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, printed materials, and reports relating to the activities of the National Security Council (NSC), which was established in 1947. Among the topics documented in this subseries are the Japanese peace treaty, the ending of the Berlin Airlift, psychological warfare, the United Nations, European defense, the Voice of America, trade, mobilization, military production, intelligence gathering and dissemination, communism, Soviet aggression, the use of Soviet defectors, arms shipments, and the Korean War.
The National Security Council-Atomic subseries contains agendas, cables, charts, graphs, correspondence, handwritten notes, maps, memorandums, minutes of meetings, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, printed materials, and reports pertaining to atomic energy and atomic weapons. Included is information on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, and the postwar series of tests that led to the development of the hydrogen bomb.
The National Security Council-Meetings subseries consists of agendas, correspondence, memorandums, and reports relating to the 128 meetings of the National Security Council that were held from September 1947 to January 1953. The NSC Papers and other documents in this subseries pertain to a wide variety of foreign policy issues, including relations with the Soviet Union and its satellites, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the Korean War, internal security, the Berlin Crisis, the recognition of Israel, the Point Four program, the United Nations, civil defense, and oil supplies. Much of this material reflects the advice President Truman was receiving from his foreign policy specialists as he grappled with the Cold War. Drafts of "NSC 68"-the most famous NSC Paper, which recommended massive increases in U.S. military spending to counter the worldwide Soviet threat-can be found in this subseries, along with related documents. Summaries of discussions at NSC meetings are filed under "Memoranda for the President." Click here for a list of National Security Council meeting dates and agenda topics.
The Supreme Court subseries contains correspondence and other documents concerning appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court and the President's relations with various Justices, including Harold H. Burton, Robert H. Jackson, and Stanley F. Reed.
The 11) Historical File consists of charts, graphs, correspondence, drafts of legislation, financial records, handwritten notes, legal documents, maps, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press conference transcripts, press releases, printed materials, reports, and speeches pertaining to Harry S. Truman's life, political career, and Presidency. The Historical File apparently was intended to serve as a documentary record of the Truman administration. It is comprised of four subseries. The Truman Papers subseries contains addresses by the President, corrected by the White House Official Reporter, Jack Romagna, to indicate when Truman departed from the prepared text. (The texts of almost all of Truman's speeches as President have been published by the National Archives in the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States series.) The Topics subseries contains documents pertaining to the atomic bomb, Cabinet members, China, civil defense, civil rights, Congress, Dwight D. Eisenhower, economic stabilization, foreign policy, Germany, government reorganization, health, the surrender of Japan, the Korean War, George Marshall, conferences with V. I. Molotov, the Potsdam Conference, the Truman Doctrine, and the United Nations. Included in this subseries are many explanatory memorandums by Eben Ayers, a Special Assistant at the White House who was assigned to organize an historical record of the administration. The Presidential Addresses, Letters, and Messages subseries contains documentation of President Truman's correspondence and speeches from 1950 to 1953. The Pre-Presidential subseries includes materials pertaining to Truman's Masonic activities, military career, business career, and service as County Judge and U.S. Senator.
The 12) Korean War File contains cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries, maps, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reports, and transcripts pertaining to the North Korean invasion of South Korea, financial and military support for South Korea, prisoner of war exchanges, President Truman's meeting with General MacArthur at Wake Island, and the actions of the Joint Chiefs of Staff relating to the Korean conflict. The 13) Frank E. Lowe File also pertains mostly to the Korean War. Lowe, a U.S. Army officer and friend of both President Truman and General MacArthur, was sent to Korea by the President in 1950 to serve as his "eyes and ears" on the scene, and as his personal liaison to the General. This series includes cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries, maps, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, and reports relating to Lowe's mission and his contacts with President Truman.
The 14) Intelligence File includes charts, graphs, correspondence, memorandums, reports, and printed materials. It is comprised of four subseries. The Central Intelligence subseries consists mostly of daily summaries of the military situation in Korea from June 1950 to January 1953, with references to political and economic issues, cease-fire negotiations, and communist propaganda. Also in the subseries are intelligence memorandums concerning Europe, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, Israel, Yugoslavia, and China.
The Central Intelligence Reports subseries contains reports prepared by the Central Intelligence Group and its successor, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). These include summaries of foreign radio comments, National Intelligence Estimates, reports from the Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE) and the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), and Situation Reports. These reports deal with a wide variety of foreign policy and national security issues, such as atomic energy, Soviet capabilities and intentions, Middle Eastern oil, the Voice of America, German and Japanese rearmament, Indochina, regional conflicts, and the political or military situations in many European, Asian, African, and Latin American nations.
The Army Intelligence-Korea subseries consists of situation reports on the Korean conflict, focusing on weather, troop movements, engagements with the enemy, bombing, and casualties. The Publications subseries contains reports and printed materials relating to intelligence estimates of the United Kingdom, U.S. policy in Korea, U.S. relations with the Soviet Union, and Soviet intelligence and counterintelligence.
The 15) Mr. President File consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, and transcripts pertaining to the book Mr. President, a collection of President Truman's personal letters, diaries, and papers that was published in 1952. Included in this series are letters from persons who received autographed copies or who enjoyed the book, corrected drafts of the manuscript, transcripts of interviews, and typed copies of longhand notes by Truman that were published in the book.
The 16) List of Correspondence File consists of lists of correspondence sent to White House Appointments Secretary Matthew J. Connelly, Administrative Assistant Donald S. Dawson, and the White House Central Files between 1946 and 1952. The 17) Address Books File contains addresses of individuals compiled from 1948 to 1954. The 18) Congressional Hearings Fileconsists of reports and transcripts pertaining to committee hearings, mostly relating to alleged corruption in the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
The 19) Political Campaign Material File includes charts, graphs, newspaper clippings, press releases, and reports. It is comprised of two subseries: the first containing Dwight D. Eisenhower's 1952 Presidential campaign speeches and statements, with related information; and the second containing miscellaneous research information about other campaigns, Congressional voting records, and Richard M. Nixon.
The 20) Diaries File contains entries in bound diaries made by President Truman in 1947, 1949, and 1951-53. Truman's diary entries pertain to such topics as the death of his mother, the firing of General MacArthur, the death of King George VI of Great Britain, and the inauguration of President Eisenhower. This entire series has been digitized and is available online. The 21) Miscellaneous File includes reports, correspondence, and memorandums concerning President Truman's speeches, the military, and the United States Lines Company case. The 22) Truman Library Foundation File consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, and reports pertaining to fundraising, potential foundation board members, and the location and design of the Truman Library.
The 23) Chronological Name File consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and press releases. This series includes copies of President Truman's letters to such prominent individuals as Dean Acheson, Tallulah Bankhead, Alben Barkley, Omar Bradley, Winston Churchill, John Foster Dulles, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Douglas MacArthur, George C. Marshall, Groucho Marx, J. Robert Oppenheimer, James Pendergast, Nelson Rockefeller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Upton Sinclair, Adlai Stevenson, Strom Thurmond, and Chaim Weizmann, dating from 1945 to 1953.
The 24) Biographical File consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and speeches pertaining to President Truman's life. This series includes an autobiographical sketch by Mr. Truman, articles, genealogical information, and copies of Truman's stationery. The 25) Martha E. Truman File contains correspondence from friends and family concerning the final illness and death of Truman's mother, and a copy of her will. The 26) White House File includes correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, and transcripts pertaining to the renovation of the White House and related matters.
The 27) Personal File consists of cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, and reports. Included in this series is Truman's correspondence with personal friends and with such prominent persons as Eleanor Roosevelt. Other materials in the series pertain to club memberships, Battery D, the Inauguration of the President, the 35th Division Association, Bess and Margaret Truman, Queen Elizabeth, personal expenses, gifts, Hitler stationery, Independence Square, John Ingalls, Louis Johnson, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Arthur Krock, James Garfield, the Masons, Pope Pius XII, the Potsdam Conference, Dred Scott, and the Truman home on Delaware Street in Independence.
The 28) Congressional Medal of Honor Awards File consists of citations for Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine recipients of the Medal of Honor between 1945 and 1952. The 29) Family Correspondence File contains cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, and press releases relating to Truman and his family. Included in this series is correspondence between Truman and relatives such as Louis W. Truman, Mary Jane Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Truman, J. Vivian Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace, Fred Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, and Madge Gates Wallace.
The 30) Longhand Notes File contains handwritten notes by Truman pertaining to various topics. Many of the notes are diary-like entries describing the events of the President's day; others contain Truman's candid observations on history, politics, and human nature. Included in this series are the "Pickwick Papers," autobiographical notes written by Truman during the early 1930s on the stationery of the Pickwick Hotel in Kansas City. At that time, Truman was Presiding Judge of the Jackson County Court. Other notes date from after the end of the Truman administration in 1953. The subjects discussed in Truman's longhand notes include Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Soviet Union, World War II, Herbert Hoover, the Potsdam Conference, the 1948 and 1952 elections, Louis Johnson, the Wake Island Conference with General Macarthur, Paul Hume, Tom Pendergast, the Korean War, the 35th Division, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Pete the Squirrel, Joseph Stalin, World War I, term limits, Cabinet members, Point Four, and public service. The notes date from 1930 to 1955, but many of them are undated. The Longhand Notes File is comprised of four subseries, consisting of Truman's pre-Presidential, Presidential, post-Presidential, and undated notes.
The 31) Summaries of Conversations File consists of summaries of telephone conversations derived from FBI wiretaps on the telephones of Thomas Corcoran and Edward F. Prichard, Jr. between 1945 and 1948. "Tommy the Cork" Corcoran, a prominent Washington lawyer, had been an influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Prichard was an official with the Federal Loan Agency and the Treasury Department. No documentation of who authorized the wiretaps or why they were ordered has been found in the manuscript collections of the Truman Library.
The 32) Ernest H. Gruening File consists of correspondence, memorandums, and reports, arranged in two subseries. The first subseries contains FBI reports and memorandums regarding the alleged communist leanings of Gruening, who served as Governor of Alaska Territory during the Truman administration. The second subseries contains similar reports prepared by FBI Special Agents who worked on the case.
In 2004, the President's Secretary's Files were reprocessed and as a result, the box numbers changed. A list of the series and subseries with their corresponding old and new box numbers is available.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Container Nos. | Series | |
1-42 | SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953 consisting of nine subseries as follows: |
1-3 |
3-5 |
6-13 |
13-21 |
21-27 |
27-35 |
35-40 |
40 |
40-42 |
43-49 | POLITICAL FILE, 1940-1960 Cables, charts, graphs, correspondence, budgets, memorabilia, newspaper clippings, printed materials, speeches, lists of gifts, meeting minutes, press releases, and reports. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
50-53 | PRESS CONFERENCE FILE, 1945-1953 consisting of two subseries as follows: |
50-52 |
53 |
54-64 | PRESS RELEASE FILE, 1945-1953 consisting of two subseries as follows: |
54-61 |
61-64 |
65-84 | PRESIDENT’S APPOINTMENTS FILE, 1945-1953 consisting of three subseries as follows: |
65-66 |
66-82 |
82-84 |
85 | DEPARTMENT OF STATE RADIO BULLETINS FILE, 1945 Press releases by the State Department about foreign policy issues. Arranged chronologically. |
86-91 | TRIP FILE, 1945-1953 Cables, handwritten notes, itineraries and schedules, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, printed materials, and speeches pertaining to President Truman’s trips, as well as the trip log of the Independence. Arranged chronologically. |
92-94 | GIFT AND GREETING FILE, 1945-1953 consisting of three subseries as follows: |
92 |
92 |
93-94 |
95-121 | GENERAL FILE, 1940-1953 Cables, charts, graphs, handwritten notes, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, and printed material. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
122-183 | SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953 consisting of twelve subseries as follows: |
122-128 |
128-130 |
131-136 |
136-137 |
137-140 |
141 |
142-144 |
144-161 |
161-167 |
167-170 |
170-183 |
183 |
184-200 | HISTORICAL FILE, 1924-1953 consisting of four subseries as follows: |
184-188 |
188-192 |
192-197 |
197-200 |
201 | KOREAN WAR FILE, 1946-1953 Cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries, maps, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reports, and transcripts pertaining to the Korean War. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
202-203 | FRANK E. LOWE FILE, 1947-1952 Cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, itineraries, maps, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials, reports, and transcripts pertaining to the Korean War. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
204-218 | INTELLIGENCE FILE, 1946-1953 consisting of four subseries as follows: |
204-206 |
206-213 |
213-218 |
218 |
219-220 | MR. PRESIDENT FILE, 1951-1953 Correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials and transcripts pertaining to the book Mr. President. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
221 | LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1946-1952 Correspondence sent to Matthew J. Connelly, Donald S. Dawson and the White House Central Files. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
221 | ADDRESS BOOKS FILE, 1948-1954 Addresses of individuals compiled during and after the Truman Administration. Arranged alphabetically by name. |
222-224 | CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS FILE, 1951-1952 Reports and transcripts pertaining to Congressional committee hearings. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
225-226 | POLITICAL CAMPAIGN MATERIAL FILE, 1944-1952 consisting of two subseries as follows: |
225 |
225-226 |
226 | DIARIES FILE, 1947-1953 Diary entries by President Truman. Arranged chronologically. |
227 | MISCELLANEOUS FILE, 1943-1953 Reports, correspondence, and memorandums pertaining to President Truman’s speeches, the military, and the United States Lines Company Case. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
228 | TRUMAN LIBRARY FOUNDATION FILE, 1946-1953 Correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, and reports pertaining to fundraising, potential foundation board members, and location and design of the library. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
229-246 | CHRONOLOGICAL NAME FILE, 1945-1953 Correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings and press releases. Arranged alphabetically by name. |
247-248 | BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1918-1953 Correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, printed material and speeches pertaining to President Truman’s life. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
248 | MARTHA E. TRUMAN FILE, 1918-1952 Correspondence from friends and family regarding Martha Truman’s illness and death and an early copy of her will. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
249 | WHITE HOUSE FILE, 1945-1953 Correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases and transcripts pertaining to the White House renovation. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
250-269 | PERSONAL FILE, 1800-1953 Cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, memorabilia, memorandums, newspaper clippings, press releases, printed materials and reports pertaining to Harry S. Truman’s personal life. Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
270 | CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR AWARDS FILES, 1945-1952 Citations for military personnel of the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy. Arranged alphabetically by Branch of Military. |
271-273 | FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1945-1953 Cables, correspondence, handwritten notes, memorandums, newspaper clippings, photographs, and press releases to Harry S. Truman from relatives. Arranged alphabetically by name. |
274-276 | LONGHAND NOTES FILE, 1930-1955 consisting of four subseries as follows: |
274 |
274-276 |
276 |
276 |
277-281 | SUMMARIES OF CONVERSATIONS FILE, 1945-1948 Summaries of telephone conversations which were based on wiretaps placed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the telephones of Thomas Corcoran and Edward Prichard. Arranged chronologically. |
282-283 | ERNEST H. GRUENING FILE, 1950-1951 consisting of two subseries as follows: |
282 |
282-283 |
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Campaign Speeches - Originals (Reading Copies) File, 1948
Box 1
- September 17 [Trip #3 Sept. 17 - Oct 2]
- September 18
- September 19
- September 20
- September 21
- September 22
- September 23
- September 24
- September 25
- September 26 - 27
- September 28
- September 29
- September 30
- October 1
- October 6 [Trip #4 Oct. 6 - 9]
- October 7
- October 8
Box 2
- October 11 [Trip #5 Oct. 11 - 16]
- October 12
- October 13
- October 14
- October 15
- October 16
- October 18 [Trip #6 Oct. 18 - 19]
- October 19
- October 21
- October 23 [Trip #7 Oct. 23]
- October 25 [Trip #8 Oct. 25 - Nov. 2]
- October 26
- October 27
- October 28
Box 3
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Campaign Speeches - Originals (Reading Copies) File, 1952
Box 3
- September 1 - 2 [Trip #1 Sept. 1 - 2]
- September 29 [Trip #2 Sept. 27 - Oct. 12]
- September 30
- October 1
- October 2
- October 2 - Farm Journal [articles used in October 2 Snohomish, WA speech at 3:15 p.m.]
- October 3
- October 4
- October 6
Box 4
- October 7
- October 9
- October 10
- October 11
- October 16 [Trip #3 Oct. 15 - 19]
- October 17
- October 18
Box 5
- October 21 [Trip #4 Oct. 20 - 23]
- October 22
- October 23 [Trip #5 Oct. 23 - Nov. 5]
- October 27
- October 28
- October 29
- October 30
- October 31
- November 1 - 3
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Campaign Speeches - Press Releases and Drafts File, 1948
Box 6
- Itinerary, 1948 Campaign
- Miscellaneous, 1948 Campaign
- June 3 - 18 [Trip #1 (Western Trip)]
- Arizona, Winslow: June 15
- Arizona, Miscellaneous
- California, Berkeley: June 12 [University of California Luncheon]
- California, Berkeley: June 12 [University of California Commencement]
- California, Davis: June 12
- California, Los Angeles: June 14 [Cocoanut Grove Room, Ambassador Hotel]
- California, Roseville: June 12
- California, Sacramento: June 12
- California, Santa Barbara: June 14
- California, San Bernadino: June 14
- California, San Francisco: June 13 [Flag Day Ceremonies, Golden Gate Park]
- California, San Francisco: June 13 [Northern California Democratic Presidential Delegation Luncheon, Venetian Room, Fairmont Hotel]
- California, San Francisco: June 13 [Red Room, Fairmont Hotel]
- California, Miscellaneous
- Idaho, Arco: June 8
- Idaho, Blackfoot: June 8
- Idaho, Idaho Falls: June 8
- Idaho, Pocatello: June 7
- Idaho, Miscellaneous
- Illinois, Chicago: June 4 [Swedish Pioneer Centennial Association, Chicago Stadium]
- Illinois, East St. Louis: June 17
- Illinois, Miscellaneous
- Indiana, Fort Wayne: June 4
- Indiana, Gary: June 4
- Indiana, Indianapolis: June 17
- Indiana, Richmond: June 17
- Indiana, Terre Haute: June 17
- Kansas, Dodge City: June 16
- Kansas, Emporia: June 16
- Kansas, Hutchinson: June 16
- Kansas, Newton: June 16
- Kansas, Miscellaneous
- Maryland, Baltimore: June 18
- Missouri, Jefferson City: June 17
- Missouri, Sedalia: June 17
- Missouri, Warrensburg: June 17
- Missouri, Miscellaneous
- Montana, Butte: June 8
- Montana, Dillon: June 8
- Montana, Miscellaneous
- Nebraska, Omaha: June 5 [War Memorial Dedication]
- Nebraska, Omaha: June 5 [Boys Town]
- Nebraska, Omaha: June 5 [35th Division Reunion]
- Nebraska, Grand Island: June 6
- Nebraska, Kearney: June 6
- Nebraska, North Platte: June 6
- Nebraska, Sydney: June 6
- Nebraska, Miscellaneous
Box 7
- New Mexico, Albuquerque: June 15
- New Mexico, Gallup: June 15
- New Mexico, Las Vegas: June 15
- New Mexico, Raton: June 15
- Ohio, Columbus: June 17
- Ohio, Crestline: June 4
- Oregon, Albany: June 11
- Oregon, Eugene: June 11
- Oregon, Klamath Falls: June 11
- Oregon, Oakridge: June 11
- Oregon, Portland: June 11 [American Red Cross Broadcast]
- Oregon, Salem: June 11
- Oregon, Miscellaneous
- Pennsylvania, Altoona: June 18
- Pennsylvania, Harrisburg: June 18
- Pennsylvania, York: June 18
- Pennsylvania, Miscellaneous
- Washington, Bremerton: June 10 [Elk's Club]
- Washington, Ephrata: June 9
- Washington, Everett: June 9
- Washington, Olympia: June 10 [Sylvester Park]
- Washington, Seattle: June 10 [On the Pier]
- Washington, Seattle: June 10 [Washington State Press Club]
- Washington, Skyomish: June 9
- Washington, Spokane: June 9 [Communications Workers of America]
- Washington, Spokane: June 9 [Outside the Spokane Club]
- Washington, Tacoma: June 10
- Washington, Wenatchee: June 9
- Washington, Miscellaneous
- Wyoming, Cheyenne: June 6 [Governor's Mansion]
- Wyoming, Laramie: June 6
- Wyoming, Rawlins: June 6
- Wyoming, Miscellaneous
- President's Acceptance Speech, Democratic National Convention: July 15, 1948 [Reading Copy, Drafts, Party Platforms]
- September 5 - 7 [Trip #2]
- Michigan, Detroit: September 6 [Cadillac Square - Radio Broadcast]
- Michigan, Flint: September 6 [Flint Park]
- Michigan, Grand Rapids: September 6
- Michigan, Hamtramck: September 6
- Michigan, Lansing: September 6
- Michigan, Pontiac: September 6 [Oakland Park]
- Ohio, Toledo: September 6
- September 17 - October 2 [Trip #3]
- Arizona: September 24
Box 8
- California: September 22 - 24
- Colorado: September 20 - 21
- Illinois: September 18 and 30
- Indiana: September 30
- Iowa: September 18
- Kansas: September 19
- Kentucky: September - October 1
- Missouri: September 18 and 29
- Nevada: September 22
- New Mexico: September 25
- Ohio: September 17
- Oklahoma: September 28 - 29
Box 9
- Pennsylvania: September 17
- Texas: September 25 - 28
- Utah: September 21
- Virginia: October 2
- West Virginia: October 1
- October 6 - 9 [Trip #4]
- Delaware: October 6
- New York: October 8
Box 10
- New Jersey: October 7
- Pennsylvania: October 6 - 7
- October 11 - 16 [Trip #5]
- Illinois: October 12
- Indiana: October 12 and 15
- Minnesota: October 13 - 14 [1 of 2]
Box 11
- Minnesota: October 13 - 14 [2 of 2]
- Ohio: October 11
- West Virginia: October 16
- Wisconsin: October 13 - 14
- October 18 - 19 [Trip #6]
- Florida: October 18
- North Carolina: October 19
- Washington, D.C.: October 21 [White House Radio Address sponsored by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Campaign Committee]
- October 23 [Trip #7: Pennsylvania]
Box 12
- October 25 - November 5 [Trip #8]
- Connecticut: October 28
- Illinois: October 25 and 30
- Indiana: October 25 - 26 and 30
- Massachusetts: October 27 - 28
- Missouri: October 30
- New York: October 28 - 29
Box 13
- Ohio: October 25 - 26 and 30
- Rhode Island: October 28
- Washington, D.C.: November 5 [White House Portico]
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Campaign Speeches - Press Releases and Drafts File, 1952
Box 13
- Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh: September 1
- Ohio, Crestline: September 1
- Wisconsin, Milwaukee: September 1 [Labor Day Speech]
- Ohio, Cincinnati: September 2
- West Virginia, Parkersburg: September 2
- West Virginia, Clarksburg: September 2
- West Virginia, Grafton
- West Virginia, Keyser: September 2
- West Virginia, Martinsburg: September 2
- September 27 - October 12 [Trip #2]
- Trip #2: Background Data On Cities
- Minnesota, Breckenridge: September 29
- North Dakota, Fargo: September 29
Box 14
- North Dakota, Miscellaneous: September 29
- Montana, Chester: September 30 [Tiber Dam Project Dedication]
- Montana, Kalispell: October 1 [Hungry Horse Dam]
- Montana, Miscellaneous: September 29 - 30 [1 of 2]
- Montana, Miscellaneous: September 29 - 30 [2 of 2]
- Idaho, Miscellaneous: October 1
- Washington, Spokane: October 1
- Washington, Seattle: October 2
- Washington, Tacoma: October 2
- Washington, Miscellaneous: October 2
Box 15
- Oregon, Klamath Falls: October 3
- California, Redding: October 3 [Shasta Dam]
- California, San Francisco: October 4
- California, Oakland: October 4
- California, Miscellaneous: October 3 - 4
- Utah, Salt Lake City: October 6
- Utah, Provo: October 6
- Utah, Helper: October 6
- Colorado, Grand Junction: October 6
- Colorado, Colorado Springs: October 7
- Colorado, Denver: October 7
- Colorado, Pueblo: October 7
- Colorado, Miscellaneous: October 7
- Iowa, Shenandoah: October 8
- Iowa, Miscellaneous: October 7 - 8
- Missouri, St. Joseph: October 8
Box 16
- Missouri, Miscellaneous: October 8
- Pennsylvania, Erie: October 8
- Indiana, Miscellaneous: October 9
- Ohio, Cleveland: October 9
- Ohio, Miscellaneous: October 9
- New York, Buffalo: October 9
- New York, New York City: October 11
- New York State, Miscellaneous: October 10 [1 of 2]
- New York State, Miscellaneous: October 10 [2 of 2]
Box 17
- October 15 - 19 [Trip #3]
- Trip #3: Background Data On Cities
- Connecticut, Hartford: October 16
- Connecticut, Miscellaneous: October 16
- New Hampshire, Manchester: October 16
- New Hampshire, Portsmouth: October 16
- New Hampshire, Miscellaneous: October 16 - 17
- Massachusetts, Springfield: October 16
- Massachusetts, Boston: October 17
- Massachusetts, Brockton: October 18
- Massachusetts, Miscellaneous: October 16 - 18 [1 of 2]
Box 18
- Massachusetts, Miscellaneous: October 16 - 18 [2 of 2]
- New York, Brooklyn: October 18
- New York, New Rochelle: October 18
- New York, New York City: October 18
- Rhode Island, Miscellaneous: October 18
- Connecticut, Miscellaneous: October 18
- October 20 - 23 [Trip #4]
- Trip #4: Background Data On Cities
- Delaware, Wilmington: October 21
- New Jersey, Jersey City: October 21
- New Jersey, Miscellaneous: October 21
Box 19
- Pennsylvania, Scranton: October 21
- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: October 21
- Pennsylvania, Pottsville: October 21
- Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh: October 22
- Pennsylvania, Miscellaneous: October 21 - 22
- West Virginia, Miscellaneous: October 23
- Pennsylvania, Miscellaneous: October 23
- Maryland, Cumberland: October 23
- Washington, D.C.: October 23 [Union Station]
- October 26 - November 5 [Trip #5]
- Indiana, Gary: October 27
- Indiana, Miscellaneous: October 27 and November 1
Box 20
- Ohio, Miscellaneous: October 27
- Minnesota, Minneapolis: October 28
- Minnesota, St. Paul: October 28
- Minnesota, Miscellaneous: October 28
- Iowa, Davenport: October 29
- Iowa, Miscellaneous: October 29
- Illinois, Chicago: October 29 and November 1
- Illinois, Miscellaneous: October 29
- Michigan, Detroit: October 30
- Michigan, Flint: October 30
- Michigan, Grand Rapids: October 30
- Michigan, Hamtramck: October 30
Box 21
- Michigan, Lansing: October 30
- Michigan, Pontiac: October 30
- Michigan, Miscellaneous: October 30
- Ohio, Toledo: October 31
- Ohio, Miscellaneous: October 31
- Ohio, Cincinnati: November 1
- Illinois, Miscellaneous: November 1
- Missouri, St. Louis: November 1
- Missouri, Kansas City: November 3 [Election Eve]
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Speeches - Originals (Reading Copies) File, 1945-1953
Box 21
- April - May, 1945
- June - September, 1945
Box 22
- October - December, 1945
- January - March, 1946
- April - May, 1946
- June - December, 1946
- January - March, 1947
- April - May, 1947
- June, 1947
- July - December, 1947
- January - March, 1948
Box 23
- April - June, 1948
- July - August, 1948
- September - December, 1948
- January - March, 1949
- April - July, 1949
- August - September, 1949
- October - December, 1949
- January - April, 1950
Box 24
- May 8, 1950
- May 9, 1950
- May 10, 1950
- May 11, 1950
- May 12, 1950
- May 13 - 14, 1950
- May 15 - 31, 1950
- June, 1950
- July - August, 1950
- September, 1950
Box 25
- October - November, 1950
- December, 1950
- January - March, 1951
- April, 1951
- May, 1951
- June, 1951
- July - August, 1951
- September, 1951
- October - December, 1951
Box 26
- January - March, 1952
- April, 1952
- May 1 - 15, 1952
- May 16 - 31, 1952
- June, 1952
- July - August, 1952
- September, 1952
- October - November, 1952
Box 27
- December, 1952 - January, 1953
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Speeches - Drafts and Press Releases File, 1945-1953
Box 27
- April - June, 1945
- July - September, 1945
- October - December, 1945
- January - March, 1946
- April - June, 1946
- July - September, 1946
- October - December, 1946
Box 28
- January - March, 1947
- April - June, 1947
- July - September, 1947
- October - December, 1947
- January - March, 1948 [1 of 2]
- January - March, 1948 [2 of 2]
Box 29
- April - June, 1948 [including Western Trip: June 4 - 18, 1948] [1 of 2]
- April - June, 1948 [including Western Trip: June 4 - 18, 1948] [2 of 2]
- July - September, 1948
- October - December, 1948
- January - March, 1949
- April - June, 1949
- July - September, 1949 [1 of 2]
Box 30
- July - September, 1949 [2 of 2]
- October - December, 1949
- January - April, 1950
- May 7 - 16, 1950 Operating Schedule [Western Trip]
- May 8, 1950
- May 9, 1950
- May 10, 1950
Box 31
- May 11, 1950
- May 12, 1950
- May 13 - 16, 1950
- May 17 - June, 1950 [1 of 2]
- May 17 - June, 1950 [2 of 2]
- July - September, 1950
Box 32
- October - December, 1950 [1 of 2]
- October - December, 1950 [2 of 2]
- January - March, 1951
- April - June, 1951 [1 of 3]
- April - June, 1951 [2 of 3]
- April - June, 1951 [3 of 3]
Box 33
- July - September, 1951 [1 of 3]
- July - September, 1951 [2 of 3]
- July - September, 1951 [3 of 3]
- October - December, 1951
- January - March, 1952 [1 of 2]
- January - March, 1952 [2 of 2]
Box 34
- April - June, 1952 [1 of 5]
- April - June, 1952 [2 of 5]
- April - June, 1952 [3 of 5]
- April - June, 1952 [4 of 5]
- April - June, 1952 [5 of 5]
- July - September, 1952 [1 of 2)
Box 35
- July - September, 1952 [2 of 2]
- October - December, 1952
- January, 1953
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Speeches - Longhand Notes File, 1945-1953
Box 35
- April - June, 1945
- July - September, 1945
- October - December, 1945
- January - March, 1946
Box 36
- April - June, 1946
- July - September, 1946
- October - December, 1946
- January - March, 1947
- April - June, 1947
- July - September, 1947
- October - December, 194
Box 37
- January - March, 1948
- April - June, 1948 [including Western Trip: June 4 - 18, 1948]
- July - September, 1948
- October - December, 1948
- January - March, 1949
- April - June, 1949
- July - September, 1949
- October - December, 1949
- January - March, 1950
- April - June, 1950 [including Western Trip: May 8 - 16, 1950] [1 of 2]
Box 38
- April - June, 1950 [including Western Trip: May 8 - 16, 1950] [2 of 2]
- July - September, 1950 [1 of 2]
- July - September, 1950 [2 of 2]
- October - December, 1950
- January - March, 1951
- April - June, 1951
Box 39
- July - September, 1951
- October - December, 1951
- January - March, 1952
- April - June, 1952
- July - September, 1952
Box 40
- October - December, 1952
- January, 1953
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Speeches - Miscellaneous Speech Information File, 1945-1953
Box 40
- Public Reaction to Speeches: 1945 - 1951
- Miscellaneous Speech Data
- Autographed Speeches Data
SPEECH FILE, 1945-1953: Miscellaneous Speeches File, 1945-1952
Box 40
- Acheson, Dean
- Alfange, Dean
- Baker, Newton D.
- Baker, Newton D.
- Boyle, William M.
- Brannan, Charles F.
- Brynes, James F.
- Clifford, Clark M.
- Cone, J. Carroll
- Crosser, Robert
- Dawson, Donald S.
- DeGaulle, Charles
- Denham, Robert N.
- Fitzmaurice, Walter
Box 41
- Gerard, James W.
- Graham, Walter
- Grant, U.S., III
- Gray, Gordon
- Hannegan, Robert E.
- Harriman, W. Averell
- Hennings, Thomas C.
- Higgins, Andrew J.
- Hoffman, Paul G.
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Humphrey, Hubert H.
- Jester, Beauford H.
- Johnson, Louis
- Landon, Alfred M.
- Lilienthal, David E.
- Luckman, Charles
- Marshall, George C.
- McCabe, Thomas B.
- McMahon, Brien
- McNutt, Paul V.
- Moody, Blair
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
- Nourse, Edwin G.
- Rayburn, Sam
- Roosevelt, James
- Royall, Kenneth C.
- Rusk, Dean
- Sawyer, Charles
- Snyder, John W.
- Souers, Sidney W.
Box 42
- Steelman, John R.
- Stimson, Henry L.
- Sullivan, Gael
- Sullivan, John
- Symington, W. Stuart
- Vardaman, James K.
- Vinson, Fred A.
- Wallace, Henry A.
- Wallgren, Monrad C.
- Webb, James E.
- Whitehair, Francis P.
- Wilson, Charles E.
Box 43
- General
- Alabama
- Anderson, Clinton P.
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Booklets
- Boyle, William M.
- Bray, William
- Budget of the Democratic National Committee, 1952
- Bulletins [Capital Comment]
- "C"
- Cabinet Members' Correspondence Concerning the President's Decision Not to Run for Re-election
- California
- California: James Roosevelt
- Campaign: General
- Campaign: Material Received from Frank Parks [regarding Senator Richard M. Nixon's 1950 campaign finances]
Box 44
- Campaign: 1952
- Campaign: Speeches, 1952
- Candidate: Requests that the President accept the nomination, 1952
- Clippings: General
- Clippings: Western Trip, 1948
- Colorado
- Colored
- Congratulations [1948 nomination and election]
- Connecticut
- Contributions
- Convention: National, 1952
- Correspondence Concerning President's Decision Not to Seek the Nomination in 1952
- "D"
- Democratic Digest, The
- Democratic National Committee: General
- Democratic National Committee: Personal
- Democratic National Committee: Report on contributions as of October 12, 1946
- Denver Conference, May, 1951
- District of Columbia
- "E"
Box 45
- Edwards, India
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Election: Commentary
- Election: Forecasts
- Election: General
- Executive Committee
- Farmers, Republican Attitude Towards, 1920-1960
- Finance [Inaugural Committee 1949]
- Florida
- Foreign
- Fritchey, Clayton
- "G"
- Georgia
- Gridiron Dinner, May 13, 1950 [skit]
- "H"
- Harriman, W. Averell
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Illinois: Sevenson, Adlai
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Iowa: Trip, 1952
- Jackson County, Missouri: Election Statistics, 1960
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: A-K
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: L-R
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinners: S-XYZ
- Johnson, Louis
- "K"
- Kansas
- Kefauver, Estes
- Kentucky
- Kirwan, Michael J. [The Democratic Digest, September - October, 1950]
- "L"
Box 46
- List of gifts: 1948
- List of gifts: 1952
- "M"
- McKinney, Frank E.: Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
- McKinney, Frank E.: Meetings
- McKinney, Frank E.: Press conference [and final report]
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Meetings, Confidential
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri [1 of 2: 1946 - 1948]
- Missouri [2 of 2: 1949 - 1952]
- Missouri: Allison, Emery W.
Box 47
- Missouri: Brandon, Dr. W. L.
- Missouri: Burrus, Rufus
- Missouri: Collet, John C.
- Missouri: Congressional Districts
- Missouri: Contributions [1946 Jackson County Republican Committee]
- Missouri: Delegates to the 1948 Democratic National Convention
- Missouri: Duncan, Richard M.
- Missouri: Easley, Harry
- Missouri: Evans, Tom L.
- Missouri: Finnegan, James P.
- Missouri: Gage, John B.
- Missouri: Harper, Roy W.
- Missouri: Hendren, John H.
- Missouri: Huttig, Charles M.
- Missouri: Independence
- Missouri: Kansas City
- Missouri: Nacy, Richard R.
- Missouri: Nangel, John J.
- Missouri: Senatorial Campaign, 1950
- Missouri: Shinn, Charles L.
- Missouri: Smith, Bryce B.
- Missouri: Smith, Forrest
- Missouri: Smith, Mrs. Schuyler
- Missouri: Springfield
- Missouri: Thompson, Fred A.
- Missouri: Van Sant, T. H.
- Missouri: Voting statistics
- Missouri: White, Robert M.
- Mitchell, Stephen A.
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Nomination, States pledged to
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
Box 48
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- "P"
- Pennsylvania
- Polls
- Presidential candidates
- Primaries
- Recommendations, Democratic National Committee
- Reports, President's 1952 trips
- Reports, Senate contests, 1944 - 1946
- Republican Party, President Truman's statement on the
- Research
- Returns, elections
- Russell, Richard B.
- "S"
- Services offered
- Slaughter, Roger
- Slogans
- South Carolina
- Souvenirs [1948]
- Speeches: General
- Speeches: 1952
- Speeches: Resolution
- Ohio
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Strategy: Candidate
- Strategy: Electoral votes [New York]
- Strategy: General
- Strategy: Newspaper and magazine
- Strategy: Platform, 1948
- Strategy: Platform, 1952
- Strategy: Speech data
- Strategy: Suggestions and comments
- Survey
- "T"
- Taft, Robert A.
- Tennessee
Box 49
- Texas
- Truman- Barkley Club
- Truman, Harry S.: Campaign data [including 1940 Truman Campaign Committee audited financial statements]
- Truman, Harry S.: 1948 Western Trip, general
- Truman, Harry S.: [1948] Western Trip, newspaper and radio commentary
- Truman, Harry S.: [1948] Western Trip, railroad data
- Truman, Harry S.: [1948] Western Trip, speeches, June 4-18, 1948
- Utah
- "V"
- Virginia
- Voting Statistics
- "W"
- Wallace, Henry A.
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Whistlestop Speeches, 1952
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
PRESS CONFERENCE FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Press Conference Transcripts - "Originals" File, 1945-1953
Box 50
- April - December, 1945 (Nos. 1 - 40)
- January - June, 1946 (Nos. 41 - 71) [1 of 2]
- January - June, 1946 (Nos. 41 - 71) [2 of 2]
- July - December, 1946 (Nos. 72 - 93)
- January - June, 1947 (Nos. 94 - 110)
Box 51
- July - December, 1947 (Nos. 111 - 131)
- January - December, 1948 (Nos. 132 - 162)
- January - December, 1949 (Nos. 163 - 209) [1 of 2]
- January - December, 1949 (Nos. 163 - 209) [2 of 2]
- January - December, 1950 (Nos. 210 - 248) [1 of 2]
Box 52
- January - December, 1950 (Nos. 210 - 248) [2 of 2]
- January - December, 1951 (Nos. 249 - 287) [1 of 3]
- January - December, 1951 (Nos. 249 - 287) [2 of 3]
- January - December, 1951 (Nos. 249 - 287) [3 of 3]
- January, 1952 - January, 1953 (Nos. 288 - 324) [1 of 2]
- January, 1952 - January, 1953 (Nos. 288 - 324) [2 of 2]
PRESS CONFERENCE FILE, 1945-1953: Secretary of State's Press Conference File, 1948-1953
Box 53
- March - December, 1948
- January - December, 1949 [1 of 2]
- January - December, 1949 [2 of 2]
- January - December 1950
- January - December, 1951
- January, 1952 - January, 1953
PRESS RELEASE FILE, 1945-1953: White House Press Release File, 1945-1953
Box 54
- April, 1945 [including proof pages for Public Papers of the President: 4/17/45 News Conference]
- May, 1945
- June, 1945 [including printed copy of the President's 6/1/45 Outline of the Progress of the War Message]
- July, 1945
- August, 1945
- September, 1945 [including printed copy of the President's 9/6/45 Message to the Congress regarding Reconversion]
- October, 1945
- November, 1945
- December, 1945
- January, 1946 [including printed copy of the President's 1947 State of the Union Message and 1947 Summary Budget]
- February, 1946
- March, 1946
- April, 1946
Box 55
- May, 1946 [including printed copy of the President's Message Transmitting the Supplement to the 1947 Budget]
- July, 1946
- August, 1946
- September, 1946
- October, 1946
- November, 1946
- December, 1946
- January, 1947 [including hard-bound copy of the 1948 Budget]
- February, 1947
- March, 1947
- April, 1947
- May, 1947 [including printed copy of the President's 5/1/47 Message to Congress regarding Reorganization]
Box 56
- June, 1947
- July, 1947
- August, 1947
- September, 1947
- October, 1947
- November, 1947
- December, 1947
- January, 1948 [including hard-bound copy of the 1949 Budget]
- February, 1948
- March, 1948
- April, 1948
- May, 1948
Box 57
- June, 1948
- July, 1948
- August, 1948
- September, 1948
- October, 1948
- November, 1948
- December, 1948
- January, 1949
- February, 1949
- March, 1949
Box 58
- April, 1949
- May, 1949
- June, 1949
- July, 1949
- August, 1949
- September, 1949
- October, 1949
- November, 1949
- December, 1949
- January, 1950 [including printed copy of the President's 1951 Selected Budget Statements]
- February, 1950
- March, 1950
- April, 1950
Box 59
- May, 1950
- June, 1950
- July, 1950
- August, 1950
- September, 1950
- October, 1950
- November, 1950
- December, 1950
- January, 1951 [including printed copy of the President's 1952 Selected Budget Statements]
- February, 1951
- March, 1951
- April, 1951
Box 60
- May, 1951
- June, 1951
- July, 1951
- August, 1951
- September, 1951
- October, 1951
- November, 1951
- December, 1951
- January, 1952 [including printed copy of the President's 1953 Selected Budget Statements]
- February, 1952
- March, 1952
- April, 1952
- May, 1952
Box 61
- June, 1952
- July, 1952
- August, 1952 [including printed copy of the President's 8/19/52 Statement Reviewing the 1953 Budget]
- October, 1952 [1 of 2: October 1 - 15, 1952]
- October, 1952 [2 of 2: October 16 - 31, 1952]
- November, 1952
- December, 1952
- January, 1953 [including printed copy of the President's 1954 Selected Budget Statements]
PRESS RELEASE FILE, 1945-1953: Presidential Radio Addresses and Remarks File, 1948-1952
Box 61
- April - May, 1948: Remarks
- June, 1948: Addresses
Box 62
- June, 1948: Remarks
- July, 1948: Addresses
- July, 1948: Remarks
- August, 1948: Remarks
- September, 1948: Addresses
- September, 1948: Remarks
- October, 1948: Addresses
- October, 1948: Remarks
- November - December, 1948: Addresses
- November - December, 1948: Remarks
- January - December, 1949: Addresses
Box 63
- January - December, 1949: Remarks
- January - December, 1950: Addresses
- January - December, 1950: Remarks
- January - December, 1951: Addresses
- January - December, 1951: Remarks
- January - September, 1952: Addresses
- January - September, 1952: Remarks [1 of 2]
Box 64
- January - September, 1952: Remarks [2 of 2]
- October, 1952: Addresses [1 of 2: October 1 - 15, 1952]
- October, 1952: Addresses [2 of 2: October 16 - 31, 1952]
- October, 1952: Remarks
- November - December, 1952: Addresses
- November - December, 1952: Remarks
PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FILE, 1945-1953: Desk Calendars File, 1945-1952
Box 65
- April, 1945
- May, 1945
- June, 1945
- July, 1945
- August, 1945
- September, 1945
- October, 1945
- November, 1945
- December, 1945
- January, 1946
- February, 1946
- March, 1946
- April, 1946
- May, 1946
- June, 1946
- July, 1946
- August, 1946
- September, 1946
- October, 1946
- November, 1946
- December, 1946
- January, 1947
- February, 1947
- March, 1947
- April, 1947
- May, 1947
- June, 1947
- July, 1947
- August, 1947
- September, 1947
- October, 1947
- November, 1947
- December, 1947
- January, 1948
- February, 1948
- March, 1948
- April, 1948
- May, 1948
Box 66
- June, 1948
- July, 1948
- August, 1948
- September, 1948
- October, 1948
- November, 1948
- December, 1948
- January, 1949
- February, 1949
- March, 1949
- April, 1949
- May, 1949
- June, 1949
- July, 1949
- August, 1949
- September, 1949
- October, 1949
- November, 1949
- December, 1949
- January, 1950
- February, 1950
- March, 1950
- April, 1950
- May, 1950
- June, 1950
- July, 1950
- August, 1950
- September, 1950
- October, 1950
- November, 1950
- December, 1950
- January, 1951
- February, 1951
- March, 1951
- April, 1951
- May, 1951
- Mrs. Truman's engagements: January, 1951 - May, 1952
PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FILE, 1945-1953: Daily Sheets File, 1945-1953
Box 66
- April, 1945
Box 67
- May, 1945
- June, 1945
- July, 1945
- August, 1945
- September, 1945
- October, 1945
- November, 1945
- December, 1945
- January, 1946
Box 68
- February, 1946
- March, 1946
- April, 1946
- May, 1946
- June, 1946
- July, 1946
Box 69
- August, 1946
- September, 1946
- October, 1946
- November, 1946
- December, 1946
- January, 1947
Box 70
- February, 1947
- March, 1947
- April, 1947
- May, 1947
- June, 1947
Box 71
- July, 1947
- August, 1947
- September, 1947
- October, 1947
- November, 1947
Box 72
- December, 1947
- January, 1948
- February, 1948
- March, 1948
Box 73
- April, 1948
- May, 1948 [1 of 2: May 1 - 16, 1948]
- May, 1948 [2 of 2: May 17 - 30, 1948]
- June, 1948
- July, 1948
Box 74
- August, 1948
- September, 1948 [1 of 2]
- September, 1948 [2 of 2]
- October, 1948
- November, 1948
- December, 1948
- January, 1949
- February, 1949 [1 of 2]
Box 75
- February, 1949 [2 of 2]
- March, 1949
- April, 1949
- May, 1949
- June, 1949
Box 76
- July, 1949
- August, 1949
- September, 1949 [1 of 2]
- September, 1949 [2 of 2]
- October, 1949
- November, 1949
- December, 1949
- January, 1950
Box 77
- February, 1950
- March, 1950
- April, 1950
- May, 1950
- June, 1950
Box 78
- July, 1950
- August, 1950
- September, 1950
- October, 1950
- November, 1950
- December, 1950
- January, 1951 [1 of 2]
Box 79
- January, 1951 [2 of 2]
- February, 1951
- March, 1951
- April, 1951 [1 of 2]
- April, 1951 [2 of 2]
- May, 1951
- June, 1951
- January, 1951
Box 80
- July, 1951
- August, 1951
- September, 1951
- October, 1951
- November, 1951
- December, 1951
- January, 1952
Box 81
- February, 1952
- March, 1952
- April, 1952
- May, 1952
- June, 1952
- July, 1952
Box 82
- August, 1952
- September, 1952
- October, 1952
- November, 1952
- December, 1952
- January, 1953
PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FILE, 1945-1953: Appointment Books File, 1945-1953
Box 82
- 1945
Box 83
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
Box 84
- 1952
- 1953
Box 85
- May, 1945
- June, 1945
- July, 1945
- August, 1945
- September, 1945
- October, 1945
TRIP FILE, 1945-1953
Box 86
- 1945: Miscellaneous Trip Data
- 1946: Bermuda: August 16 - September 2, 1946
- 1946: Maryland, Annapolis [Navy - Penn State Game]: November 16, 1946
- 1946: Missouri, Independence: October 31 - November 6, 1946
- 1946: Missouri, Liberty: May 19 - 20, 1946
- 1947: Alaska
- 1947: Brazil: August 31 - September 20, 1947 [1 of 2]
- 1947: Brazil: August 31 - September 20, 1947 [2 of 2]
- 1947: Brazil: Biographical Data on Brazilians and Conference Personalities
- 1947: Brazil: Digest of the Rio de Janerio Newspapers
- 1947: Brazil: Greeting Messages
- 1947: Brazil: USS Missouri
- 1947: Brazil: Radio Press News [USS Missouri] [1 of 2]
Box 87
- 1947: Brazil: Radio Press News [USS Missouri] [2 of 2]
- 1947: Brazil: Speeches
- 1947: Brazil: Weather Bulletins
- 1947: Brazil: Wireless Bulletins, Department of State
- 1947: Canada, Ottawa: June 9 - 12, 1947
- 1947: Mexico: March 3 - 6, 1947 [1 of 2]
- 1947: Mexico: March 3 - 6, 1947 [2 of 2]
- 1947: Mexico: President Aleman
- 1947: Mexico: Reference Book
- 1947: Missouri, Grandview: April - May, 1947
- 1947: Missouri, Kansas City: June 6 - 8, 1947
Box 88
- 1947: New Jersey, Princeton: June 17, 1947
- 1947: New York, New York: April 21, 1947
- 1947: Texas, Waco: March 6, 1947
- 1947: Virginia, Charlottesville: July 3, 1947
- 1947: Virginia, Charlottesville: Speeding Controversy
- 1948: Caribbean and Key West, Florida: February - March, 1948
- 1948: Caribbean and Key West, Florida: President's Cruise to the West Indies
- 1948: Missouri, Bolivar: July 1, 1948
- 1948: New York, New York: July 31, 1948
- 1948: Texas, San Antonio: September 26, 1498
- 1948: Western Trip: June, 1948
- 1949: Arkansas, Little Rock: June 10, 1949
- 1949: Brazil: May, 1949
- 1949: Florida, Miami: August 22, 1949
- 1949: Illinois, Chicago: July 19 - 20, 1949
- 1949: Iowa, Des Moines: September 6, 1949
- 1949: Missouri, Independence: December 23 - 28, 1949
- 1949: Missouri, Kansas City: September 28 - 30, 1949
- 1949: Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul: November 2 - 4, 1949
- 1949: New York, New York: October 24, 1949
- 1949: North Carolina, Fort Bragg: October 4, 1949
Box 89
- 1949: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: August 29, 1949
- 1950: Florida, Eglin Air Force Base: April 21 - 22, 1950
- 1950: Georgia, Fort Benning: April 21, 1950
- 1950: Maryland, Baltimore: June 24 - 26, 1950
- 1950: Missouri, Kansas City and Independence: December 22 - 26, 1950
- 1950: Missouri, St. Louis, Columbia and Mexico: June 8 - 10, 1950
- 1950: Missouri, St. Louis, Kansas City and Independence: November 4 - 7, 1950
- 1950: New York, New York: October 23, 1950
- 1950: Philippines (President Elpidio Quirino): August 8 - 13, 1950
- 1950: Potomac - Chsapeake Bay Area: December 29, 1950 - January 1, 1951
- 1950: Wake Island - San Francisco (MacArthur): October 11 - 18, 1950
- 1950: Washington, Grand Coulee Dam: May 7 - 16, 1950
- 1950: Washington, Grand Coulee Dam: Itinerary and Report [1 of 2]
- 1950: Washington, Grand Coulee Dam: Itinerary and Report [2 of 2]
Box 90
- 1951: California, San Francisco: September, 3 - 9, 1951
- 1951: Maryland, Aberdeen: February 17, 1951
- 1951: Michigan, Detroit: July 28, 1951
- 1951: Missouri, Independence: December 24 - 28, 1951
- 1951: North Carolina, Winston Salem: October 15, 1951
- 1951: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: February 3, 1951
- 1951: Tennessee, Tullahoma: June 25, 1951
- 1952: Arkansas (Bull Shoals Dam): July 1-2, 1952
- 1952: Connecticut, Groton: June 14, 1952
- 1952: Connecticut: New London: September 20, 1952
- 1952: Illinois, Chicago (Democratic National Convention): July 25 - August 5, 1952
- 1952: Indiana, Gary, Minnesota, Hibbing, Illinois, Chicago, Michigan, Detroit, Ohio, Cincinnati, Missouri, St. Louis and Independence: October 26 - November 5, 1952
- 1952: Maryland, Annapolis: May 24, 1952
- 1952: Missouri, Springfield: June 6-7, 1952
- 1952: Nebraska, Omaha: April 16, 1952
- 1952: New York, West Point: May 20, 1952
- 1952: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: September 16, 1952
- 1952: Wisconsin, Milwaukee: August 31-September 2, 1952
- Digest of Newspaper Stories [1 of 2: 1946 - 1949]
- Digest of Newspaper Stories [2 of 2: 1950 - 1952]
- Key West, Florida [1 of 13: Pictures]
- Key West, Florida [2 of 13: Telegrams]
- Key West, Florida [3 of 13: 1945]
- Key West, Florida [4 of 13: 1946]
- Key West, Florida [5 of 13: 1947]
- Key West, Florida [6 of 13: 1948]
- Key West, Florida [7 of 13: 1949]
Box 91
- Key West, Florida [8 of 13: 1950]
- Key West, Florida [9 of 13: March, 1951]
- Key West, Florida [10 of 13: November 8 - December 9, 1951]
- Key West, Florida [11 of 13: November 8 - December 9, 1951 (correspondence)]
- Key West, Florida [12 of 13: March 7 - 27, 1952]
- Key West, Florida [13 of 13: March 7 - 27, 1952 (correspondence)]
- Trip Log of the USAF Independence [1 of 2: 1947 - 1949)
- Trip Log of the USAF Independence [2 of 2: 1950 - 1953)
GIFT AND GREETING FILE, 1945-1953: Birthday Gifts File, 1945-1952
Box 92
- Gift Acknowledgements [1 of 2: 1945 - 1948]
- Gift Acknowledgements [2 of 2: 1945 - 1948]
GIFT AND GREETING FILE, 1945-1953: Christmas Gift Data File, 1946-1951
Box 92
- 1946 - 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- Miscellaneous
GIFT AND GREETING FILE, 1945-1953: Gifts File, 1945-1953
Box 93
- List of Gifts to the President [1 of 3 - Brown Folder]
- List of Gifts to the President [2 of 3 - Brown Folder]
- List of Gifts to the President [3 of 3 - Brown Folder]
- List of Gifts to Mrs. Truman and Margaret Truman [Brown Folder]
- List of Gifts to the President, Mrs. Truman and Margaret Truman [Navy Blue Spiral Notebook]
- Packing List of Gifts: Museum Objects [1 of 2 - Black Spiral Notebook: By Box Number]
Box 94
- Packing List of Gifts: Museum Objects [2 of 2 - Black Spiral Notebook: Alpha Listing]
- Packing List of Gifts: Books [1 of 5: Boxes 1 - 50]
- Packing List of Gifts: Books [2 of 5: Boxes 51 - 100]
- Packing List of Gifts: Books [3 of 5: Boxes 101 - 150]
- Packing List of Gifts: Books [4 of 5: Boxes 151 - 182]
- Packing List of Gifts: Books [5 of 5: Boxes 1-x - 8-x; BR-1 - BR-5; PO-1 - PO-9; and S-1 - S-13]
GENERAL FILE, 1945-1953
Box 95
- "A"
- Acheson, Dean: Meeting with Ernest Bevin and Robert Schuman, Washington, D.C., September 13 - 15, 1949
- Administration, accomplishments of the
- Airlines
- Airport Commission, President's
- Alaska
- Allen, George
- Aluminum
- Anderson, Clinton, P.
- Appointments, Presidential
- Appropriations
- Army - War
- Atomic Bomb
- Atomic Energy Commission: Gordon Dean
- Atomic Energy Control Commission: United Nations
Box 96
- Attlee, Clement
- Ayers, Eben A.
- "B" [1 of 2: "Ba" - "Bl"]
- "B" [2 of 2: "Bo" - "Bz"]
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Baruch, Bernard M.
- Bell, David
- Benton, William: Chronological
- Benton, William: U.S. Senate
- Bowles, Chester
- Boyle, William M.
- Bradley, Omar N.
Box 97
- Bradley, Omar N.: Personal
- Byrnes, James F.
- "C" (1 of 2: "Ca" - "Cl")
- "C" (2 of 2: "Co" - "Cu")
- Carroll, John
- Carter, John Franklin
- Case Bill
- Caudle, T. Lamar
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Chronological File [April 11, 1945 - February 4, 1946]
- Churchill, Winston: Chronological [1 of 3: 1945-48]
Box 98
- Churchill, Winston: Chronological [2 of 3: 1949-53]
- Churchill, Winston: Chronological [3 of 3: 1949-53]
- Churchill, Winston: Meeting with President Truman, January, 1952 [1 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston: Meeting with President Truman, January, 1952 [2 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston: Photographs
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Memos and Minutes
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Negotiating Papers [1 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Negotiating Papers [2 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for Economic Problems
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for European Problems
Box 99
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for Far East Problems
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for General Information
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for Middle East Problems
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for NATO and other Military Matters
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for U.S.S.R. Problem
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Prepared for U.S. - U.K. Relations
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Proposed, White House Staff Copy [1 of 2]
- Churchill, Winston: Truman Meetings - Papers Proposed, White House Staff Copy [2 of 2]
- Civil Defense
- Civil Service Commission
- Clark, Mark
- Clay, Lucius D.
- Clifford, Clark M.
- Comptroller General
Box 100
- Connelly, Matthew J.
- Cooperatives
- Coyle, David Cushman
- Creel, George
- Currie, Lauchlin
- "D"
- Davies, Joseph E.
- Dawson, Donald S.
- Dennison, Robert L.
- Disarmament
- Douglas, Paul H.
- Douglas, William O.
- "E"
- Economic Council (Council of Economic Advisors)
- Edelstein, David N.
- Education Association (National Education Association)
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. [1 of 2: 1945 - 1949]
Box 101
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. [2 of 2: 1950 - 1953]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.: NATO
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.: President-elect
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Presidential Transition
- Elsey, George
- Ethics in the Federal Government
- European Emergency
- "F" [1 of 2: "Fa" - "Fi]
- "F" [2 of 2: "Fl" - "Fz]
Box 102
- Fair Employment Practice
- Faith of Our Fathers
- Federal Civil Defense
- Federal Power Commission
- Federal Security Agency
- Federal Works Agency
- Feeney, Joseph G. [and J. V. F.]
- Flood: Control
- Flood: Data, 1952
- Flood: Data, Ohio, January - February, 1952
- Flood: Maps of Missouri-Kansas Flood Area, 1951
- Flood: Miscellaneous Data
- Flood: President's Trip to Missouri-Kansas Area, 1951
- Flood: Reclamation Program
- Food, President's Committee on
- Food: Review of the Food Supply
- Food: Wheat Data
- Foreign Assets: Control Program
- Foreign: General
- Foreign Policy
- Forrestal, James V.: General
Box 103
- Forrestal, James V.: Secretary of the Navy
- Full Employment
- Fulton, Hugh
- "G" [1 of 2: "Ga" - "Go"]
- "G" [2 of 2: "Gr" - "Gz"]
- General Services Administration
- Graham, Frank P.
- Graham, Wallace
- Gray, Carl R.: Statement before Senate Subcommittee Investigating Medical Policies of the Veterans Administration
- Gray, Gordon
- "H" [1 of 2: "Ha" - "He"]
- "H" [2 of 2: "Hf" - "Hz"]
- Hannegan, Robert E.
Box 104
- Harl, Maple T.
- Harriman, W. Averell: General
- Harriman, W. Averell: Mutual Security Act Funds
- Harriman, W. Averell: Special North Atlantic Council Committee
- Harriman, W. Averell: Stevens, L.C., Talk on Russia
- Hassett, William D.
- Health
- Health Needs of the Nation, President's Committee on the
- Hennings, Thomas C.
- Hildreth, Melvin D.
- Hillman, William
- Historical Program (Federal)
- Holiday
- Hoover, Herbert C.
- Hospital
- Humphrey, Hubert H.
- Hysteria
Box 105
- "I"
- Ickes, Harold L.
- Inauguration: Comments on Address
- Inauguration: List
- Inauguration: Miscellaneous
- Inflation
- Internal Security and Individual Rights, Reports of President's Committee on
- Invitations
- "J"
- Jacobson, Eddie
- Johnson, Louis
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
Box 106
- Joint Chiefs of Staff: Shipbuilding Program
- Judges, Appointment of
- Justice Department
- "K"
- Kansas
- Keech, Raymond B.
- Kent, Fred I. [1 of 2: 1946 - 1950]
- Kent, Frad I. [2 of 2: 1951 - 1953]
- Keyserling, Leon H.
- "L" [1 of 2]
- "L" [2 of 2]
Box 107
- Labor
- Labor: Truman Records
- Landry, Robert B.
- Landry, Robert B.: Trip Data
- Lawton, Frederick J.
- Leahy, William D.
- Lee, Bert S.
- Legal Opinion
- Legislation: Cabinet [1 of 2]
- Legislation: Cabinet [2 of 2]
- Legislation: Congressional Data
- Legislation: Education
- Legislation: General
Box 108
- Legislation: Recommendations of the President
- Lloyd, David D. [1 of 2]
- Lloyd, David D. [2 of 2]
- Locke, Edwin A.
- Loening, Grover
- Lowenthal, Max [1 of 2: 1949 - 1950]
- Lowenthal, Max [2 of 2: 1951 - 1953]
- Loyalty Review Board
- "Mac-Mc"
Box 109
- MacArthur, Douglas
- MacArthur, Douglas: Dismissal
- MacArthur, Douglas: General
- MacArthur, Douglas: Memorandum of Conversations, Averell Harriman
- MacArthur, Douglas: Messages, General
- MacArthur, Douglas: Messages, General Marshall
- MacArthur, Douglas: Messages, President Truman
- MacArthur, Douglas: Reports on Military Operations in Korea
- MacArthur, Douglas: Veterans of Foreign Wars
- McCarran-Walters Bill
- McCarthy, Joseph
- McCormack, John W.
- McGranery, James P.
- "M" [1 of 3]
- "M" [2 of 3]
Box 110
- "M" [3 of 3]
- Manpower Mobilization Policy
- Maps
- Marine Corps
- Maritime Commission
- Marshall, George C.
- Marshall, George C.: China
- Marshall, George C.: Greece and Turkey
- Marshall Plan
- Materials Policy Commission, President's
- Matthews, Francis P.
- Maylon, Charles
- Meat
- Meat-Stockyards Reports
- Medal for Merit
- Meetings: Big Four
- Meetings: Big Three
- Meetings: Congressional
- Meetings: White House, 1952
- Meetings: White House, Special [1 of 2]
Box 111
- Meetings: White House, Special [2 of 2]
- Mexico
- Mica
- Missouri
- Missouri: Farming, 1950
- Morris, Newbold
- Murphy, Charles S.
- Mutual Security Act, 1951
- "N"
- National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy, 1951
- National Archives
- National Capitol Park and Planning Commission
- National Emergency
- National Labor Management Conference
- National Press Club
- National Security Resources Board
- Naval Aide to the President
- Negro
Box 112
- Newspapers Interviews, White House
- Niles, David K.
- Nominations
- North Atlantic Treaty
- "O"
- Oatis, William
- Office Space [Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, MO]
- Office of War Information
- Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion
- Oil
- "P" [1 of 2: "Pa" - "Pf"]
- "P" [2 of 2: "Ph" - "Pu"]
Box 113
- Pacific Island Committee
- Patent Data
- Patterson, Robert P.
- Pauley, Edwin
- Pawley, William D.
- Personnel
- Personnel: Instructions
- Personnel: List
- Pick, Lewis A.
- Point Four Program
- Policy Operations: Agencies
- Poll Data: Senate
- Porter, Paul A.
- Postmaster General
- Pouch: Data
- Presidential Power
- Presidential Program Data
- Presidential Staff
- Presidential Succession
- Press Conference
- Press and Radio Statements
- Press Releases
- "R"
Box 114
- Railroad Financing
- Rayburn, Sam
- Recommendation: General [1 of 2]
- Recommendation: General [2 of 2]
- Recommendation: Robert E. Hannegan
- Recommendation: Michigan Judgeship
- Reorganization
- Reorganization: District of Columbia
- Reparations
- Reports: Foreign Trip
- Reports: General
- Reports: Messages to Congress
- Reports: Price and Wage Data
- Resignations
- Resignations: Press Releases
Box 115
- Ridgway, Matthew B. [1 of 2]
- Ridgway, Matthew B. [2 of 2]
- Rosenman, Samuel I.
- Royall, Kenneth C.
- "S" [1 of 2: "Sa" - "Sm"]
- "S" [2 of 2: "St"]
- Schwellenbach, Lewis B.
- Secretariat: the President
Box 116
- Security: Cryptographic
- Security: Data
- Security: Information, F.B.I.
- Security: Information, General
- Selective Service System
- Shipbuilding
- Short, Joseph
- Short, Mrs. Joseph
- Small Business
- Snyder, John W.
- Social Security
- Speech: Instructions for Public Statements
- Spingarn, Stephen J.
- Steel
- Steel: Statement on Steel Dispute, December 22, 1951
Box 117
- Steelman, John R.
- Stigall, John
- Stokes, Richard L.
- Strike Data
- Strikes: Allis-Chalmers
- Strikes: Coal
- Strikes: General Motors
- Strikes: Labor
- Strikes: Maritime
- Strikes: Oil
- Strikes: Railway
- Strikes: Steel
- Strikes: Telephone
- Surplus Property
- Symington, W. Stuart
Box 118
- "T"
- Taft, Robert A.
- Tax Court
- Tax Data
- Tax Data: Postwar
- Taylor, Myron C.
- Television
- Treasury Department
- Trends: Public Opinion
- Truman, Harry S.: Reading File
- Trusteeships, Pacific Islands
- Two Party System
- Tubby, Roger
- "U"
- Union Message, State of the, January 9, 1952
- United Kingdom
Box 119
- United Nations: Conference, June, 1945
- United Nations: Food and Agriculture Organization
- United Nations: Messages for 1945 U.N. Conference by Stettinius
- United Nations: Telegrams, San Francisco Conference, June, 1945
- United Nations: Treaty (Five Power)
- Utilities
- "V"
- Vaughan, Harry H.
- V-E Day
- Veterans Administration<
- Veterans Administration, Reorganization of
Box 120
- Veterans: Armed Forces Hospitals, Use of
- Veterans: Committee, Medical Services
- Veterans: Hospitals
- Vetoes by President Truman, Resume of
- Voice of America
- Vinson, Fred M.
- Vogeler, Robert
- "W"
- Wage-Price Data
- Wallace, Henry A.
- War Crimes Commission (United Nations)
- War Crimes Trials, 1945
- Watches (Foreign Watch Controversy)
- Webb, James E.
- West Point
- Western Union
- White House
Box 121
- Williamsburg, USS
- Wool
- "Y"
- "Z"
- Zanuck, Darryl E.
- Zimmerman, Raymond R.
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Agencies File, 1945-1953
Box 122
- Advisory Boards: Clemency
- Advisory Boards: International Development
- Advisory Boards: Mobilization Policy, National: General [Meetings 1 - 21]
- Advisory Boards: Mobilization Policy, National: Mobilization Program
- Advisory Committees: Management
- Advisory Committees: National
- Air and Airport Data
- Airport Commission, President's ["Doolittle Report"]
- Civil Aeronautics Administration
- Civil Aeronautics Board
- Congress: Eightieth
Box 123
- Congress: Eighty-first
- Congress: Eighty-second
- Congress: Legislation
- Congress: Messages to
- Congress: Miscellaneous
- Congress: Nomination
- Congress: Vote
- Council of Economic Advisors: General
- Council of Economic Advisors: Reports [1 of 2: February, 1950 - May, 1952]
- Council of Economic Advisors: Reports [2 of 2: June, 1952 - December, 1953]
- Defense Materials Procurement Agency
- Defense Production Act
- Defense Production Administration
- Economic Cooperation Administration: General
- Economic Cooperation Administration: Hoffman, Paul G.: Administrator, Personal
- Economic Cooperation Administration: Increase in Defense Expenditures in France and Italy in FY 1952
- Economic Stabilization Agency: General
- Economic Stabilization Agency: Johnston, Eric: Administrator
Box 124
- Federal Civil Defense Administration
- Federal Communication Commission
- Federal Reserve Board
- Federal Security Agency: Elliot, Martha: Children's Bureau Chief
- Federal Security Agency: Ewing, Oscar: Administrator
- Federal Trade Commission
- Housing
- Internal Revenue: Commissioners George I. Schoeneman and John B. Dunlop
- Internal Security and Individual Rights, President's Commission on (Nimitz Commission)
- Military: Assistance Program
- Military: Army-Navy Unification
- Military: Army Separations [October - November, 1945]
- Military: Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services (Fahy Committee)
- Military: Danger of War, Increase in Air and Naval Forces
- Military: Department of Defense
- Military: Miscellaneous
- Military: Personnel, Appointments
Box 125
- Military: President's Program, Army, Navy, and Air Appropriations
- Military: Universal Training
- Munitions Board
- National Security Resources Board: General [1 of 2]
- National Security Resources Board: General [2 of 2]
- National Security Resources Board: Memorandum to W. Stuart Symington, September 8, 1950
- National Security Resources Board: Meetings
- National Security Resources Board: Miscellaneous
Box 126
- National Security Resources Board: Reports
- National Security Resources Board: Rubber
- National Security Resources Board: Symington, W. Stuart
- Office of Defense Mobilization: Miscellaneous
- Office of Defense Mobilization: Personnel
- Office of Defense Mobilization: Reports [1951 - 1952]
- Office of Defense Mobilization: Wilson, Charles E. [Quarterly Reports: 1951 - 1953]
- Office of Price Administration: Commodity Prices
- Office of Price Administration: Decontrol Board
- Office of Price Administration: General
- Office of Price Administration: Price Controls
- Oil Reserves
- Organization for Defense
- Post Office Department
- Psychological Strategy Board: Gordon Gray, Director
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Administrator W. Stuart Symington
Box 127
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation: General
- Securities and Exchange Commission: General
- Securities and Exchange Commission: Reports
- Small Defense Plants Administration
- Stockpiling: Data
- Stockpiling: General
- Stockpiling: Tin
- Telecommunication Advisor to the President
- United Nations: Byrnes, James
- United Nations: Committee Data
- United Nations: Conservation Conference
- United Nations: General Assembly
- United Nations: Miscellaneous
- United Nations: Preparatory Commission
- United Nations: San Francisco Conference, 1945
Box 128
- United Nations: Stamp
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- Veterans Administration
- Wage Stabilization Board
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Bureau of the Budget File, 1945-1953
Box 128
- Defense Production Act
- Military, 1945 - 1953
- Miscellaneous, 1945 - 1953 [1 of 2]
- Miscellaneous, 1945 - 1953 [2 of 2]
- Smith, Harold D.
- FY 1947
- FY 1948
- FY 1950 - 1954: Projections
- FY 1951
- FY 1952
Box 129
- FY 1952 - 1953
- FY 1953: General
- FY 1953: Review of Agency Ceilings
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book I
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book II
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book III [Post Office Department and Occupied Areas]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book IV [Treasury Department]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book V [Department of the Interior]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book VI [Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, Bonneville Power Administration, Southwestern Power Administration, Southeastern Power Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book VII [Department of Labor]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book VIII [Department of Agriculture]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book IX [Department of Justice]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book X [Department of Commerce]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XI [11 Independent Agencies: Federal Power Commission; Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin; Motor Carrier Claims Commission; War Claims Commission; Tariff Commission; Export - Import Bank
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XII [Veterans Administration]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XIII [Federal Security Agency]
Box 130
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XIV [Housing and Home Finance Agency]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XV [Department of State]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XVI [General Services Administration]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XVII [National Science Foundation, Renegotiation Board, Displaced Persons Commission, National Security Resources Board]
- FY 1953: Summary of 1953 Budget Recommendations: Book XVIII [Bureau of the Budget and Atomic Energy Commission]
- FY 1954: Bureau of Indian Affairs
- FY 1954: General [1 of 2]
- FY 1954: General [2 of 2]
- FY 1954: Miscellaneous
- FY 1954: Miscellaneous and Appropriations
- FY 1954: Outlook for FY 1952 - 1956
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 1
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 2
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 3
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 4
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 5
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 6
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 7 [Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and Power Marketing Agency, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 8
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 9 [Treasury Department]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 10 [Department of State]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 11 [Housing and Home Finance Agency]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 12 [Department of State]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 13 [Department of the Army, Civil Functions and Ceremonial Expenses, American Battle Monuments Commission, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Federal Civil Defense Administration]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 14 [Department of Commerce]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 15 [Veterans Administration, Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 16 [Federal Security Agency]
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 17
- FY 1954: Summary of 1954 Budget Recommendations: Table 19 [Mutual Security Program]
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Cabinet File, 1945-1953
Box 131
- Civil Service Memoranda: Byrnes, James F. [Secretary of State: 07/45 - 01/47]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Clark, Tom C. [Attorney General: 06/45 - 08/49]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Forrestal, James [Secretary of the Navy: 04/45 - 09/47; Secretary of Defense: 04/47 - 03/49]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Hannegan, Robert E. [Postmaster General: 05/45 - 12/47]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Harriman, W. Averell [Secretary of Commerce: 09/46 - 04/48]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Krug, Julius A. [Secretary of the Interior: 02/46 - 12/49]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Patterson, Robert P. [Secretary of War: 09/45 - 07/47]
- Civil Service Memoranda: Schwellenbach, Lewis B. [Secretary of Labor: 05/45 - 06/48]
- General, 1945-1951
- Investigation Reports [1 of 2]
- Investigation Reports [2 of 2]
- Members, Removal
- Meetings, 1946 - 1950
- Reports [National Security Resources Board, Department of the Interior, Commerce Department, and Labor Department]
- Agriculture: Dairy, 1946
- Agriculture: Department of
- Agriculture: Miscellaneous [1949 - 1953]
- Agriculture: Statistics and Reports
- Agriculture: Clinton P. Anderson [Secretary of: 06/45 - 05/48]
- Agriculture: Charles F. Brannan [Secretary of: 05/48 - 01/53]
Box 132
- Attorney General [Department of Justice]: Miscellaneous [1945 - 1952]
- Attorney General [Department of Justice]: Tom C. Clark [Attorney General: 06/45 - 08/49]
- Attorney General [Department of Justice]: J. Howard McGrath [Attorney General: 07/49 - 04/52]
- Attorney General [Department of Justice]: James P. McGranery [Attorney General: 04/52 - 01/53]
- Commerce: Miscellaneous [1948 - 1952]
- Commerce: Reports
- Commerce: Henry A. Wallace [Secretary of: 04/45 - 09/46]
- Commerce: W. Averell Harriman [Secretary of: 09/46 - 04/48]
- Commerce: Charles Sawyer [Secretary of: 05/48 - 01/53]
- Defense: Department of: Memorandum to Louis A. Johnson from General J.H. Burns, July 24, 1950
- Defense: Department of: Inventory of Airplanes, Air Force and Navy
- Defense: Department of: Reserve Units
- Defense: Secretary of: Army Forces
- Defense: Secretary of: Correspondence, Stephen Early
- Defense: Secretary of: Meetings
- Defense: Secretary of: Military
- Defense: Secretary of: Miscellaneous [1 of 2: 1947 - 1949]
Box 133
- Defense: Secretary of: Miscellaneous [2 of 2: 1950 - 1953]
- Defense: Secretary of: National Defense
- Defense: Secretary of: National Guard
- Defense: Secretary of: Numbered Correspondence
- Defense: Secretary of: Personnel Data [Grade, Retirement, Disability]
- Defense: Secretary of: Personnel, General
- Defense: Secretary of: Prisoners of War [Korea]
- Defense: Secretary of: Reports
- Defense: Secretary of: James Forrestal [Secretary of: 04/47 - 03/49]
- Defense: Secretary of: James Forrestal [Secretary of: 04/47 - 03/49], Special Letters
- Defense: Secretary of: Louis A. Johnson [Secretary of: 03/49 - 09/50]
- Defense: Secretary of: Louis A. Johnson [Secretary of: 03/49 - 09/50], Copies of Letters Addressed to
- Defense: Secretary of: George C. Marshall [Secretary of: 09/50 - 09/51]
- Defense: Secretary of: Robert Lovett [Secretary of: 09/51 - 01/53]
- Defense: Secretary of: Anna M. Rosenberg [Assistant Secretary of: 11/50 - 01/53]
- Defense: Secretary of: William C. Foster [Deputy Secretary of: 1951-1953]
- Defense: Air Force: Assistant Secretary of State for Air
- Defense: Air Force: Bomber Data
- Defense: Air Force: General [1948 - 1952]
- Defense: Air Force: Instructions
- Defense: Air Force: Personnel
- Defense: Air Force: Secretary of War for Air W. Stuart Symington [Sec'y of: 01/46 - 09/47]
Box 134
- Defense: Army: General [1948 - 1952]
- Defense: Army: Miscellaneous [1949 - 1953]
- Defense: Army: Kenneth C. Royall [Secretary of the: 08/47 - 04/49]
- Defense: Navy: Daily Reports [Personnel, Demobilization]
- Defense: Navy: General [1945 - 1952]
- Defense: Navy: Marines
- Defense: Navy: Medal of Honor
- Defense: Navy: Miscellaneous [1946 - 1949]
- Defense: Navy: Operational Status
- Defense: Navy: Postwar
- Defense: Navy: John L. Sullivan [Secretary of the: 09/47 - 05/49], Personal
- Defense: Navy: Francis P. Whitehair [Under Secretary of the: 1951 - 1953]
- Defense: Navy: Admiral William M. Fechteler [Chief of Naval Operations: 1951 - 1953]
- Defense: War, Secretary of
- Interior: General [1945 - 1946]
- Interior: Miscellaneous [1948 - 1953]
- Interior: Harold L. Ickes [Secretary of: 04/45 - 02/46]
- Interior: Julius A. Krug [Secretary of: 02/46 - 12/49]
- Interior: Oscar L. Chapman [Secretary of: 12/49 - 01/53]
- Labor: General [1945 - 1952]
Box 135
- Labor: Lewis B. Schwellenbach [Secretary of: 05/45 - 06/48]
- Postmaster General [Post Office]: General [1948 - 1953]
- Postmaster General [Post Office]: Robert E. Hannegan [05/45 - 12/47]
- Postmaster General [Post Office]: Jesse M. Donaldson [12/47 - 01/53]
- State: Conference Data
- State: Foreign
- State: Foreign Countries
- State: General [1 of 2: 1945 - 1948]
- State: General [2 of 2: 1949 - 1952]
- State: Miscellaneous [1945 - 1952]
- State: Personnel
- State: Policy Manual [April 16, 1945]
- State: Edward R. Stettinius [Secretary of: 12/44 - 06/45]
- State: James F. Byrnes [Secretary of: 07/45 - 01/47]
Box 136
- State: George C. Marshall [Secretary of: 01/47 - 01/49]
- State: Dean Acheson [Secretary of: 01/49 - 01/53]
- State: Robert A. Lovett [Under Secretary of: 1947 - 1949]
- State: James E. Webb [Under Secretary of: 1949 - 1953]
- Treasury: Bond Data
- Treasury: Coast Guard
- Treasury: Miscellaneous [1945 - 1946]
- Treasury: Transition to the Eisenhower Administration [1952 - 53]
- Treasury: John W. Snyder [Secretary of the: 06/46 - 01/53] [1 of 2: 1945 - 1949]
- Treasury: John W. Snyder [Secretary of the: 06/46 - 01/53] [2 of 2: 1950 - 1953]
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: China Lobby File, 1945-1953
Box 136
- Agriculture Department
- Central Intelligence Agency
- China Lobby, General
- Commerce Department [1 of 2]
Box 137
- Commerce Department [2 of 2]
- Congress
- Data
- Justice Department
- List of Names
- State Department
- Treasury Department
- United States Chambers of Commerce in China
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Conferences File, 1945-1952
Box 137
- 1945: San Francisco Conference [United Nations: April - June]
- 1945: Potsdam, Germany Trip [July - August] [1 of 3: USS Augusta]
Box 138
- 1945: Potsdam, Germany Trip [July - August] [2 of 3: USS Augusta]
- 1945: Potsdam, Germany Trip [July - August] [3 of 3: Charts, Maps, Telephone Directory]
- 1946: Paris Conference of Foreign Ministers [1 of 2: April - May]
- 1946: Paris Conference of Foreign Ministers [2 of 2: June - August]
- 1947: Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers [March 10]
- 1947: Rio de Janeiro Conference [July 22 - 29]
- 1947: Paris Conference, European Recovery Needs [September]
- 1947: London Conference, Council of Foreign Ministers [November 25]
Box 139
- 1949: Paris Conference [May - June]
- 1949: Paris Conference [October 21 - 22]
- 1950: London Conference, North Atlantic Council [May]
- 1950: Conference of Foreign Ministers, North Atlantic Treaty Organization [September]
- 1950: North Atlantic Treaty Council, Brussels [December]
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: Briefing Book
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: Conference Data [Working Papers from Conference Room]
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: General [1 of 4]
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: General [2 of 4]
Box 140
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: General [3 of 4]
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: General [4 of 4]
- 1950: Truman - Attlee Talks [December 4 - 7]: Meetings
- 1950: Meeting of the President with Congressional Leaders [December 13]
- 1951: Truman - Pleven Talks [January 29 - 30]: Background Material
- 1951: Truman - Pleven Talks [January 29 - 30]: Minutes of Meetings
- 1951: Truman - Pleven Talks [January 29 - 30]: Press Releases, Communique, Miscellaneous
- 1951: Malta Talks [March]
- 1951: Truman - Auriol Meeting [March 29]
- 1951: Tariff Conference, Torquay, England
- 1951: NATO Council, Ottawa, Canada [September]
- 1951: Secretary of State, NATO, Rome, Italy [November]
- 1951: Truman - de Gasperi Meeting [September 25]
- 1951: Japanese Peace Treaty, San Francisco [September]
- 1951: Secretary of State: Miscellaneous Conferences [1951 - 1952]
- 1952: Winston Churchill Conference [January]
- 1952: Lisbon Conference, NATO [February]
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Council of Foreign Ministers File, 1945-1949
Box 141
- Documents On Germany: Sessions I-VI, 1945 - 1949
- Minutes and Records of Decisions: Vol. IIIA: German and Austrian Problems in Sessions I-III
- Minutes and Records of Decisions: Vol. IV: Moscow, 1947
- Minutes and Records of Decisions: Vol. V: London, 1947
- Minutes and Records of Decisions: Vol. VI: Paris, 1949
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Federal Bureau of Investigation File, 1945-1952
Box 142
- "A"
- American Soviet Friendship, Inc.
- Argentina
- Atomic Bomb
- "B"
- Brazil
- "C"
- Communists and Pro-Communists for Wallace
- Communist Data
- Communist Party
- "D"
- "E"
- "F"
Box 143
- "G"
- "H"
- "I"
- "J"
- "K"
- "L"
- "Mc"
- "M"
- Maritime
- "N"
- "O"
- "P"
- Personal
- "R"
- Railroads
- "S"
Box 144
- "T"
- "U"
- "V"
- "W"
- "X-Y-Z"
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Foreign Affairs File, 1940-1953
Box 144
Box 145
- Attlee, Clement R.
- Attlee, Clement R., Miscellaneous
- Attlee Meeting - December 1950
- Australia
- Austria and Czechosolvakia
- "B"
- Bases, Foreign Military
- Belgium
- Berlin Crisis
- Brazil: General
- Brazil: General Eurico Gaspar Dutra
- Brazil: Eisenhower
- British
Box 146
- Bulgaria and Rumania
- "C"
- Cabinet Committee, London Conference
- Canada: General
- Canada: King, William Lyon Mackensie
- Canada: St. Laurent, Louis
- Charter for the International Organization
- Chile
- China: 1945
- China: 1946
- China: 1947
Box 147
- China: 1948
- China: 1949
- China: 1950-1952
- China: Record of Round-Table Discussion by 25 Far East Experts with the Department of State on "American Policy Toward China": October 6, 7 and 8, 1949
- China: "Documents on Diplomatic Aspects of Efforts by the United States to Supply China with Materials of War under the Lend-Lease Act, 1940-47": Part I: 1940-1941
- China: "Documents on Diplomatic Aspects of Efforts by the United States to Supply China with Materials of War under the Lend-Lease Act, 1940-47": Part II: 1942
Box 148
- China: "Documents on Diplomatic Aspects of Efforts by the United States to Supply China with Materials of War under the Lend-Lease Act, 1940-47": Part III: 1943
- China: "Documents on Diplomatic Aspects of Efforts by the United States to Supply China with Materials of War under the Lend-Lease Act, 1940-47": Part IV: 1944-1947
- Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting
- Current Foreign Developments and State Department Memoranda for the President, 1945
Box 149
- Czechoslovakia
- "D"
- Defense: Department of
- Defense: Secretary of
- Dominican Republic
- Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, Comments and Proposed Amendments Concerning: May 7, 1945 [binder]
- "E"
- Egypt
- Embassies
- England
- European Economic Cooperation Committee Report: September, 1947
- European Inland Transport
Box 150
- Far East
- Far Eastern Conference Discussions: November, 1949
- Finland
- Foreign Economic Policy Board
- Foreign Ministers of American Republics, Meetings
- Foreign Policy and Foreign Aid: 1945 - 1947
- Foreign Security Information
- Formosa
- France: General
- France: Gift of Musical Clock and 2 Candelabra: April 18, 1952
- France: President Vincent Auriol: March, 1951
Box 151
- France: Bruce, David K. E.
- Franks, Sir Oliver
- "G"
- Germany: General
- Germany: Washington Agreements on: Acheson-Bevin-Schuman Meetings
- Germany: Military Governments in Germany
- Germany: Nuremberg War Crimes
- German Reparations
Box 152
- Greece
- "H"
- Highway Project, Inter-American Highway
- Hungary
- "I"
- India: General
- India: Bowles, Chester
- India: Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal
- Iran: General
Box 153
- Iran: Maps
- Iran: Mosadeq
- Iran: Harriman, W. Averell
- Iraq, Visit of the Regent of
- Ireland
- Israel, State of
- Italy: General
- Italy: Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi
- Italy: The Vatican
- "J"
Box 154
- Japan
- Japanese Peace Treaty
- Japanese Surrender, Communications with Switzerland, England, Russia and China: August 11, 1945
- Jews: Displaced Persons
- Jurists, Committee of
- Korea: General
- Korea: NSRB Memo: July 6, 1950
- "L"
- Latin America
- Lebanon: Edwin A. Locke, Ambassador
- Lend Lease
- Lilienthal, David E.
- Luxembourg
- "M"
- Marshall, George C.: General
- Marshall, George C.: Telegrams
Box 155
- Marshall, George C.: War Department
- McCloy, John J. Visit of
- Memoranda for the President: 1945-1946
- Mexico: General
- Mexico: Foot and Mouth Disease
- Mexico: Mule Situation
- "N"
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- "P"
- Pakistan
- Palestine: 1945-1947
Box 156
- Palestine: 1948-1952
- Palestine: Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry Report: April 20, 1946
- Palestine: Committee on Palestine and Related Problems
- Palestine: Jewish Immigration
- Palestine: Press Releases: 1945-1952
- Panama
- Pearl Harbor: General
- Pearl Harbor: Investigations
Box 157
Box 158
- Reparations, Miscellaneous Correspondence
- Reports: General
- Reports: Current Foreign Developments
- Russia: General: 1945-1948
- Russia: General: 1949-1952
- Russia: Lend Lease
- Russia: Molotov
Box 159
- Russia: Moscow
- Russia: Stalin
- Russia: Soviet - U.S. Relations Policy Review: Conferences, etc. (to February, 1951)
- Russia: State Department, Plan for Psychological Offensive (USSR)
- Russia: U.S. Relations with
- "S"
- South America
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- "T"
- Telegrams: Secret
- Telegrams: Athens [Greece]: McVeagh
- Telegrams: Baghdad [Iraq]: Moreland
- Telegrams: Beirut [Lebanon]: Wadsworth
- Telegrams: Belgrade [Yugoslavia]: Patterson
- Telegrams: Bogota [Colombia]
- Telegrams: Brussels [Belgium]: Sawyer
- Telegrams: Buenos Aires [Argentina]: Peron
- Telegrams: Caracas [Venezuela]
Box 160
- Telegrams: Caserta [Italy]: Kirk
- Telegrams: China
- Telegrams: Chungking [China]: Hurley
- Telegrams: Damascus [Syria]
- Telegrams: Florence [Italy]: Erhardt
- Telegrams: Geneva [Switzerland]
- Telegrams: Hague, The [Netherlands]
- Telegrams: Jidda [Saudi Arabia]
- Telegrams: La Paz [Bolivia]: Thurston
- Telegrams: Lisbon [Portugal]: Baruch
- Telegrams: London [England]: Winant
- Telegrams: Managua [Nicaragua]: Warren
- Telegrams: Manila [The Philippines]
- Telegrams: Mexico City [Mexico]: Messersmith
- Telegrams: Moscow [Soviet Union]: Harriman and Smith
- Telegrams: Nanking [China]
- Telegrams: New Delhi [India]: Herrell
- Telegrams: Ottawa [Canada]: Atherton
- Telegrams: Paris [France]: Caffery
- Telegrams: Port au Prince [Haiti]: Wilson
- Telegrams: Rio de Janeiro [Brazil]: Berle
- Telegrams: Rome [Italy]: Kirk
- Telegrams: Santiago [Chile]: Bowers
- Telegrams: Sofia [Bulgaria]: Barnes
- Telegrams: Stockholm [Sweden]: Johnson
- Telegrams: Tegucigalpa [Honduras]: Erwin
- Telegrams: Tel Aviv [Palestine / Israel]
- Telegrams: Tientsin [China]
- Telegrams: Tirana [Albania]: Jacobs
- Telegrams: Vatican City: Taylor
- Telegrams: War Department
- Telegrams: Warsaw [Poland]
- Telegrams: Wellington [New Zealand]: Patton
- Turkey
- "U"
- UNICO Developments
- Uruguay
- "V"
- Vatican, Mark W. Clark, Ambassador to the
- Venezia Giulia, Occupation of
- "W"
- Warfare, Biological
- "Yalta Conference, Roosevelt and the Russians at," by Edward R. Stettinius (draft)
Box 161
- "Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945" (galley proofs, Part I)
- "Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945" (galley proofs, Part II)
- Yemen at Sanaa
- Yugoslavia
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: National Security Council File, 1947-1953
Box 161
- Actions, Record of: 1947-1949
- Actions, Record of: 1950
Box 162
- Actions, Record of: 1951-1952
- Actions, Record of: 1953
- Central Intelligence
- Communications: Intelligence
- Communications: Security
- Determinations: General
- Determinations: No. 1
- Determinations: Nos. 2-6
- Determinations: Nos. 7-17
- Determinations: Nos. 18-21
- Directives
- Memorandum Approvals: General
- Memorandum Approvals: 6
Box 163
- Memorandum Approvals: 10/2
- Memorandum Approvals: 83
- Memorandum Approvals: 165
- Memorandum Approvals: 201
- Memorandum Approvals: 204
- Memorandum Approvals: 235
- Memorandum Approvals: 236
- Memorandum Approvals: 253
- Memorandum Approvals: 283
- Memorandum Approvals: 358
- Memorandum Approvals: 359
- Memorandum Approvals: 360
- Memorandum Approvals: 413
- Memorandum Approvals: 446
- Memorandum Approvals: 469
- Memorandum Approvals: 516
- Memorandum Approvals: 543
- Memorandum Approvals: 544
- Memorandum Approvals: 558
- Memorandum Approvals: 590
- Memorandum Approvals: 604
- Memorandum Approvals: 612
- Memorandum Approvals: 622
- Memorandum Approvals: 623
- Memorandum Approvals: 637
- Memorandum Approvals: 657
- Memorandum Approvals: 670
- Memorandum Approvals: 696
- Memoranda for the National Security Council
- Miscellaneous Data
- Office of Policy Coordination
- Pending Data
- Policies Developed Through the National Security Council - Chronological List
Box 164
- Reports: "Current Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": "Vol. I, Geographical Area Policies" (1 of 2)
- Reports: "Current Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": "Vol. I, Geographical Area Policies" (2 of 2)
- Reports: "Current Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": "Vol. II, Functional Policies"
- Reports: "Current Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": "Vol. III, Organizational Policies"
- Reports: "Current Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": Cumulative Index
- Reports: "Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": Vol. I, 1947-1948
- Reports: "Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": Vol. II, 1949
- Reports: "Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": Vol. III, 1950
Box 165
- Reports: "Policies of the Government Relating to National Security": Vol. IV, 1951
- Reports: "Status of the National Security Progress in the United States"
- Reports: "Military Program": "Air Readiness and Development"
- Reports: "Military Program": "Army Production"
- Reports: "Miscellaneous"
- Reports: "Soviet and NATO"
- Reports: Status of Projects: August-December, 1949
- Reports: Status of Projects: January-June, 1950
- Reports: Status of Projects: July-December, 1950
- Reports: Status of Projects: January-June, 1951
- Reports: Status of Projects: July-September, 1951
Box 166
- Reports: Status of Projects: October-December, 1951
- Reports: Status of Projects: January-March, 1952
- Reports: Status of Projects: April-June, 1952
- Reports: Status of Projects: July-September, 1952
- Reports: Status of Projects: October, 1952-January, 1953
- Reports: To National Security Council for Information: General
Box 167
- Reports: To National Security Council for Information: Progress Reports
- Reports: To the President: Reporting Unit
- Reports: To the President: Stockpiling Program
- Reports: Senior National Security Council Staff Meetings: General
- Reports: Senior National Security Council Staff Meetings: Miscellaneous
- Reports: Senior National Security Council Staff Meetings: Point Four
- Reports: Souers, Sidney W.: General
- Reports: Souers, Sidney W.: "Communist Concepts of War, Pacifism, and Peace"
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: National Security Council - Atomic File, 1945-1952
Box 167
- Atomic Bomb: Alsop Article
- Atomic Bomb: Attack
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: General
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Clinton P. Anderson
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: James F. Byrnes
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Tom C. Clark
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Philip B. Fleming
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Harold L. Ickes
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: James Forrestal
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: William D. Leahy
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Fred M. Vinson
- Atomic Bomb: Cabinet: Henry A. Wallace
- Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Atomic Bomb: Long Range Detection Program
- Atomic Bomb: Strategic Bombing
- Atomic Bomb: Reports
Box 168
- Atomic Bomb: Press Releases
- Atomic Energy: Advisory Committee
- Atomic Energy: Agreed Declaration by U. S., United Kingdom and Canada
- Atomic Energy: Annual Reports
- Atomic Energy: Budgets
- Atomic Energy: Canada
- Atomic Energy: Central Intelligence Agency
- Atomic Energy: Committee Personnel
- Atomic Energy: Contracts
- Atomic Energy: Defense, Secretary of
- Atomic Energy: Expansion of the Atomic Energy Program
Box 169
- Atomic Energy: International Control
- Atomic Energy: Personnel
- Atomic Energy: Plants
- Atomic Energy: President's Directive: January 31, 1950
- Atomic Energy: Russia
- Atomic Energy: Super Bomb Data
- Atomic Energy: Underground Data
- Atomic Energy: United Kingdom
- Atomic Testing: General
- Atomic Testing: Miscellaneous
- Atomic Testing: Bikini
- Atomic Testing: Buster Jangle
- Atomic Testing: Crossroads
- Atomic Testing: Greenhouse
Box 170
- Atomic Testing: Ivy
- Atomic Testing: Nevada: General
- Atomic Testing: Nevada: Attendance of NATO Representative
- Atomic Testing: Tumbler Snapper
- Atomic Testing: Windstorm
- Atomic Weapons: Agreed Concepts
- Atomic Weapons: Department of Defense
- Atomic Weapons: Non-Nuclear Components
- Atomic Weapons: Procedure for Use
- Atomic Weapons: Stockpile
- Atomic Weapons: Thermonuclear
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: National Security Council - Meetings File, 1945-1953
Box 170
- Finding Aids: Numerical List of Meetings
- Finding Aids: Subject Index
- Meetings: 1: September 26, 1947
- Meetings: 2: November 14, 1947
- Meetings: 3: December 12, 1947
- Meetings: 4: December 17, 1947
- Meetings: 5: January 13, 1948
- Meetings: 6: February 12, 1948
- Meetings: 7: March 11, 1948
- Meetings: 8: March 23, 1948
- Meetings: 9: April 2, 1948
- Meetings: 10: April 22, 1948
- Meetings: 11: May 20, 1948
- Meetings: 12: June 3, 1948
- Meetings: 13: June 17, 1948
- Meetings: 14: July 1, 1948
Box 171
- Meetings: 15: July 15, 1948
- Meetings: 16: July 22, 1948
- Meetings: 17: August 5, 1948
- Meetings: 18: August 19, 1948
- Meetings: 19: September 2, 1948
- Meetings: 20: September 7, 1948
- Meetings: 21: September 16, 1948
- Meetings: 22: September 30, 1948
- Meetings: 23: October 7, 1948
- Meetings: 24: October 14, 1948
- Meetings: 25: October 21, 1948
- Meetings: 26: November 3, 1948
- Meetings: 27: November 23, 1948
- Meetings: 28: December 2, 1948
- Meetings: 29: December 10, 1948
- Meetings: 30: December 16, 1948
- Meetings: 31: January 6, 1949
Box 172
- Meetings: 32: January 27, 1949
- Meetings: 33: February 3, 1949
- Meetings: 34: February 17, 1949
- Meetings: 35: March 3, 1949
- Meetings: 36: March 22, 1949
- Meetings: 37: April 7, 1949
- Meetings: 38: April 21, 1949
- Meetings: 39: May 5, 1949
- Meetings: 40: May 17, 1949
- Meetings: 41: June 2, 1949
- Meetings: 42: June 16, 1949
- Meetings: 43: July 7, 1949
- Meetings: 44: August 4, 1949
Box 173
- Meetings: 45: September 15, 1949
- Meetings: 46: September 29, 1949
- Meetings: 47: October 20, 1949
- Meetings: 48: November 17, 1949
- Meetings: 49: December 8, 1949
- Meetings: 50: December 29, 1949
- Meetings: 51: January 5, 1950
- Meetings: 52: February 1, 1950
- Meetings: 53: February 16, 1950
- Meetings: 54: April 6, 1950
Box 174
- Meetings: 55: April 20, 1950
- Meetings: 56: May 4, 1950
- Meetings: 57: May 18, 1950
- Meetings: 58: June 28, 1950
- Meetings: 59: June 28, 1950
- Meetings: 60: July 6, 1950
- Meetings: 61: July 13, 1950
- Meetings: 62: July 27, 1950
- Meetings: 63: August 3, 1950
- Meetings: 64: August 10, 1950
- Meetings: 65: August 17, 1950
- Meetings: 66: August 24, 1950
Box 175
- Meetings: 67: September 7, 1950
- Meetings: 68: September 29, 1950
- Meetings: 69: October 12, 1950
- Meetings: 70: November 2, 1950
- Meetings: 71: November 9, 1950
- Meetings: 72: November 22, 1950
- Meetings: 73: November 28, 1950
- Meetings: 74: December 11, 1950
- Meetings: 75: December 14, 1950
- Meetings: 76: December 21, 1950
- Meetings: 77: January 4, 1951
- Meetings: 78: January 10, 1951
Box 176
- Meetings: 79: January 12, 1951
- Meetings: 80: January 17, 1951
- Meetings: 81: January 24, 1951
- Meetings: 82: February 1, 1951
- Meetings: 83: February 14, 1951
- Meetings: 84: February 21, 1951
- Meetings: 85: March 7, 1951
- Meetings: 86: March 14, 1951
- Meetings: 87: March 21, 1951
- Meetings: 88: April 11, 1951
Box 177
- Meetings: 89: April 18, 1951
- Meetings: 90: May 2, 1951
- Meetings: 91: May 16, 1951
- Meetings: 92: May 23, 1951
- Meetings: 93: June 6, 1951
- Meetings: 94: June 13, 1951
- Meetings: 95: June 27, 1951
- Meetings: 96: July 11, 1951
- Meetings: 97: July 18, 1951
Box 178
- Meetings: 98: August 1, 1951
- Meetings: 99: August 8, 1951
- Meetings: 100: August 22, 1951
- Meetings: 101: August 29, 1951
- Meetings: 102: September 12, 1951
- Meetings: 103: September 26, 1951
- Meetings: 104: October 10, 1951
- Meetings: 105: October 17, 1951
Box 179
- Meetings: 106: October 23, 1951
- Meetings: 107: November 28, 1951
- Meetings: 108: December 5, 1951
- Meetings: 109: December 12, 1951
- Meetings: 110: December 18, 1951
- Meetings: 111: January 16, 1952
- Meetings: 112: February 6, 1952
- Meetings: 113: March 5, 1952
- Meetings: 114: April 2, 1952
- Meetings: 115: April 23, 1952
- Meetings: 116: April 30, 1952
- Meetings: 117: May 28, 1952
Box 180
- Meetings: 118: June 11, 1952
- Meetings: 119: June 18, 1952
- Meetings: 120: June 25, 1952
- Meetings: 121: August 6, 1952
- Meetings: 122: September 3, 1952
- Meetings: 123: September 24, 1952
- Meetings: 124: October 14, 1952
Box 181
- Meetings: 125: November 19, 1952
- Meetings: 126: November 26, 1952
- Meetings: 127: December 17, 1952
- Meetings: 128: January 9, 1953
- Regular Meeting Data: National Security Council
- Memoranda for the President: Meeting Discussions: 1948
- Memoranda for the President: Meeting Discussions: 1949
- Memoranda for the President: Meeting Discussions: 1950
Box 182
- Memoranda for the President: Meeting Discussions: 1951
- Memoranda for the President: Meeting Discussions: 1952-1953
- Memoranda for the President: Volumes: I: September 26, 1947 - December 17, 1948
- Memoranda for the President: Volumes: II: January 7, 1949 - July 7, 1950
- Memoranda for the President: Volumes: III: July 14, 1950 - June 14, 1951
- Memoranda for the President: Volumes: IV: June 28, 1951 - January 9, 1953
Box 183
SUBJECT FILE, 1940-1953: Supreme Court File, 1945-1947
Box 183
HISTORICAL FILE, 1924-1953: Truman Papers File, 1945-1953
Box 184
- General: Memorandum re Historical Files
- General: Memorandum re Truman Papers
- April, 1945
- May-June, 1945
- July-August, 1945
- September-October, 1945
- November-December, 1945
- January-February, 1946
- March-April, 1946
- May-June, 1946
- July-August, 1946
- September-October, 1946
Box 185
- November-December, 1946
- January-February, 1947
- March-April, 1947
- May-June, 1947
- July-August, 1947
- September-October, 1947
- November-December, 1947
- January, 1948
- February, 1948
- March, 1948
- April, 1948
- May, 1948
- June, 1948
- July, 1948
Box 186
- August, 1948
- September, 1948
- October, 1948
- November-December, 1948
- January-February, 1949
- March-April, 1949
- May-June, 1949
- July-August, 1949
- September-October, 1949
- November-December, 1949
- January-February, 1950
- March-April, 1950
- May-June, 1950
Box 187
- July-August, 1950
- September-October, 1950
- November-December, 1950
- January-February, 1951
- March-April, 1951
- May-June, 1951
- July-August, 1951
- September-October, 1951
- November-December, 1951
- January-February, 1952
- March-April, 1952
- May-June, 1952
Box 188
- July-August, 1952
- September, 1952
- October 1-15, 1952
- October 16-31, 1952
- November-December, 1952
- January, 1953
HISTORICAL FILE, 1924-1953: Topics File, 1945-1953
Box 188
- Atomic Bomb - 1945
- Atomic Bomb - War Department
- Atomic Energy
- Cabinet - Presidential
- Censorship, Office of
- China
- Civil Defense
- Civil Rights - FEPC
Box 189
- Combined Boards
- Conferences - M. Bidault, 1945
- Congress, Message to, September 6, 1945
- Congress, State of the Union Messages
- DeGaulle, Charles
- Economic Stabilization - Defense Production Act of 1950
- Economic Stabilization - Economic Stabilization Program, 1945-1953 [1 of 2]
- Economic Stabilization - Economic Stabilization Program, 1945-1953 [2 of 2]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- First Days in Office
- Food - Food Crisis, 1945-1948
- Foreign Policy: Bipartisan Policy
Box 190
- Foreign Policy: Disarmament
- Foreign Policy: European Recovery Program
- Foreign Policy: Greek-Turkish Aid Program - Truman Doctrine
- Foreign Policy: Mutual Aid and Defense Program - NATO
- Germany - Postwar
- Germany - Surrender, May 8, 1945
- Greece
- Health and Medical Program
- Hopkins - Davies Moscow Mission - 1945
- Immigration and Naturalization
- Internal Revenue and Justice Department Investigations
- International Trusteeships
- Iraq
- Japanese Surrender - August 14, 1945
Box 191
- Korea and the Korean War
- Lend-Lease
- Marshall, George C.
- Miscellaneous - May, June, July, 1945
- Molotov Conferences - 1945
- Netherlands
- Potsdam Conference - 1945
- Philippines
- Poland - 1945
- Refugees, War
- Reorganization, Government, 1945-1952
- Reparations - Edwin Pauley, 1945
- Selective Service
- Social Security
- Supreme Court - 1945
- Surplus Property
- Syria, 1945
Box 192
- Taylor, Myron C.
- Trade, Foreign - Reciprocal
- United Nations
- Universal Military Training
- War Information, Office of
HISTORICAL FILE, 1924-1953: Presidential Addresses, Letters, and Messages File, 1950-1953
Box 192
- 1950: September 1: Radio Address on Korea
- 1950: November 4: Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, Missouri
- 1950: December 5: White House Conference on Children and Youth
- 1951: April 26: Extension of Defense Production Act - drafts
- 1951: June 14: Anti-inflation Speech Broadcast
- 1951: July 28: Drafts of Detroit, Michigan Speech
- 1951: August [7 and 9]: Letters Concerning U. N. Contributions
- 1951: August 14: American Legion, Washington, D. C.
- 1951: August 15: National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week - draft
Box 193
- 1951: August 23: Drafts of Message on Strengthening Defense Production Legislation
- 1951: September 4: Democratic Party Luncheon, San Francisco, California
- 1951: September 14: Letter of Greeting to AFL Convention - San Francisco, California
- 1951: September 14: Letter of Greeting to International Union of Electrical Workers
- 1951: September 17: National Association of Postmasters, Washington, D. C.
- 1951: September 17: Sealing of Constitution and Declaration of Independence, Washington, D. C.
- 1951: September 20: Gift of Italian Horses
- 1951: September 26: Pilgrimage of American Churchmen
- 1951: September 27: Disclosure of Incomes of Public Officials
- 1951: September 27: Democratic Women's Day
- 1951: September 30: Community Chest Speech
- 1951: October 12: Letter to American Legion Convention
- 1951: October 13: Letter to Vice President Concerning Supplemental Appropriation for the Federal Trade Commission
- 1951: October [15]: Wake Forest, North Carolina - drafts
- 1951: October 26: Dedication of Gompers' Square
- 1951: October 27: Letter to National Association of Independent Tire Dealers
- 1951: November 1: Letter of Greeting to CIO National Convention
- 1951: November [5]: Women in the Armed Forces speech - drafts
- 1951: November [7]: Fireside Chat on Disarmament - drafts
- 1952: State of the Union Message [1 of 3]
Box 194
- 1952: State of the Union Message [2 of 3]
- 1952: State of the Union Message [3 of 3]
- 1952: January 16: Economic Message and Report
- 1952: January 28: Message on the St. Lawrence Waterway
- 1952: February 11: Defense Production Act Message
- 1952: February 29: Letter Concerning UNICEF Contribution
- 1952: March 6: Message on the Mutual Security Program [1 of 2]
Box 195
- 1952: March 6: Message on the Mutual Security Program [2 of 2]
- 1952: March 8: Letter to the National Farmers Union
- 1952: March 15: Columbia Scholastic Press Association
- 1952: March 29: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
- 1952: April 4: Acceptance of Carillon from the Netherlands
- 1952: April 4: NATO Treaty Speech
- 1952: April 8: Point Four - Read by Secretary Dean Acheson
- 1952: April 8: Steel Strike - Radio Address
- 1952: April 8: Steel Strike - Message, Speech, Drafts, and Related Material
- 1952: April [18]: AMVETS Speech - drafts
- 1952: April 24: First Annual Report of Federal Civil Defense Administration
- 1952: April 25: Letter to Senator Kenneth McKellar on the Need for Restoring Flood Control Funds
- 1952: May 2: Civil Service Speech - drafts
- 1952: May 15: Agriculture Honor Awards Speech
- 1952: May 17: Americans for Democratic Action
- 1952: May 17: Americans for Democratic Action - drafts
- 1952: May 20: United States Military Academy
- 1952: May 20: United States Military Academy - drafts
- 1952: May 21: Veterans Administration Voluntary Services Speech
Box 196
- 1952: May 29: Tidelands Oil Veto
- 1952: June 7: Reunion of the 35th Division, Springfield, Missouri
- 1952: June 7: Reunion of the 35th Division, Springfield, Missouri - drafts
- 1952: June 13: Howard University Commencement
- 1952: June 13: Howard University Commencement - drafts
- 1952: June 14: Keel Laying, U. S. S. Nautilus, Groton, Connecticut
- 1952: June 14: Keel Laying, U. S. S. Nautilus, Groton, Connecticut - drafts
- 1952: July 2: Bull Shoals Dam, Arkansas
- 1952: July [13]: Letter to Public Advisory Board for Mutual Security - drafts
- 1952: July [15]: Statement on Signing Supplemental Appropriation Bill of 1953
- 1952: July [26]: Democratic National Convention Address
- 1952: September 1: Labor Day Speech, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 1952: September 2: Parkersburg, West Virginia
- 1952: September [4]: Physically Handicapped Speech Drafts
- 1952: September 13: Letter of Greeting to AFL Convention
- 1952: September 27: Community Chest Speech - drafts
- 1952: September: Speech Drafts - General
- 1952: September: West Coast Trip - Speech Drafts
Box 197
- 1952: October: Speech Drafts - General
- 1952: October: Midwest Trip - Speech Drafts
- 1952: October: New England Trip - Speech Drafts
- 1952: October: New Jersey-Pennsylvania Trip - Speech Drafts
- 1952: December 16: Alumni Association, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- 1952: December 19: National War College
- 1953: January 2: Budget Message to Congress - draft
HISTORICAL FILE, 1924-1953: Pre-Presidential File, 1924-1951
Box 197
- Personal: Masonic - Records and Papers, 1924-1944
- Personal: Military Record of Harry S. Truman, 1932-1934
- Personal: Otis, M. E.
- Personal: Truman-Jacobson Affairs
Box 198
- Personal: Truman-Roosevelt Correspondence
- County Judge: Addresses of Harry S. Truman, 1929-1933
- County Judge: Boxley, Fred A.
- County Judge: Jackson County Courthouse - Charles Keck Contract
- County Judge: Kansas City Flood Control
- County Judge: List of County Employees by Township
- County Judge: Maps
- County Judge: Reports
- United States Senator: Appropriations, Requests for
- United States Senator: Election, United States Senate, 1934
- United States Senator: Federal Communications Commission - Application of WHB Broadcasting Company
- United States Senator: Federal Communications Commission - Radio Intelligence Division
Box 199
- United States Senator: Freight Forwarders - Interstate Commerce Commission Committee [1 of 2]
- United States Senator: Freight Forwarders - Interstate Commerce Commission Committee [2 of 2]
- United States Senator: Grimble, Clifton
- United States Senator: Latin America and the Caribbean - United States Government Expenditures and Commitments
- United States Senator: Lowe, Frank E.
- United States Senator: Midwest Defense Conference
- United States Senator: Military Affairs: Hearings Before Committee on - House of Representatives
- United States Senator: Military Affairs: Hearings Before Subcommittee on - House of Representatives
- United States Senator: Military Affairs: Hearings Before War Contracts Subcommittee on - Senate
- United States Senator: National Wool Marketing Corporation - Annual Report
- United States Senator: Petroleum - Report on United States Inland Petroleum Transportation - 1943
Box 200
- United States Senator: "Postwar Problems of the Aircraft Industry" by Melvin A. Brenner
- United States Senator: Publications
- United States Senator: Reelection - United States Senate - 1940
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: 1940
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: January-April, 1941
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: May, 1941
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: June, 1941
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: July, 1941
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: 1943
- United States Senator: Senate Correspondence: 1944
- United States Senator: Voting Record of Harry S. Truman - 74th-76th Congresses
- United States Senator: Winn-Senter Construction Company - Brochure
KOREAN WAR FILE, 1946-1953
Box 201
- General Data
- Air Force Briefings
- Armistice Negotiations
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Civil Affairs
- Marshall, George C.
- Messages - Air Force and Army
- Radio Broadcast by E. D. Canham, July 25, 1950
- Releases: General
- Releases: Drafts
- Releases: Mimeographed
- Report of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Senate Committees, April 30, 1951
- Survey of North Korea
- State Department: Foreign Telegrams
- State Department: Summary of Telegrams
- United Nations Data
- Wake Island: General
- Wake Island: Conference - Statements, October 15, 1950
- Wake Island: Talks
- Wake Island: Trip: General
- Wake Island: Trip: Communique between President Truman and General MacArthur
- Wake Island: Trip: Itinerary
- Wake Island: Trip: Speeches - Hawaii and San Francisco
FRANK E. LOWE FILE 1947-1952
Box 202
- Correspondence, 1947-1952 [1 of 3]
- Correspondence, 1947-1952 [2 of 3]
- Correspondence, 1947-1952 [3 of 3]
- Miscellaneous Documents [Intelligence Summary, August 1950]
- Psychological Warfare [1 of 2]
- Psychological Warfare [2 of 2]
- Publications
- Report of Mission: General [Supply Economy]
Box 203
- Report of Mission: Report
- Report of Mission: Appendix to personnel report-Tab 1
- Report of Mission: Appendix to G-3 operations report-Tab 4
- Report of Mission: G-4 Logistics Report-Tab 5
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Ordnance Report, Part I-Tab 6
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Ordnance Report, Part II-Tab 6
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Engineers Report-Tab 7
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Signal Report, Part I-Tab 8
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Signal Report, Part II-Tab 8
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Quartermaster Report-Tab 9
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Medical Report-Tab 10
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Korean Military Advisory Group Report-Tab 11
- Report of Mission: Appendix to First Cavalry Division Report-Tab 12
- Report of Mission: Appendix to First Marine Division Report-Tab 13
- Report of Mission: Appendix to United States Air Force Report-Tab 14
- Report of Mission: Japanese Police Reserve-Tab 15
- Report of Mission: Appendix to Okinawa Report-Tab 16
INTELLIGENCE FILE, 1946-1953: Central Intelligence File, 1950-1953
Box 204
- Atomic Data
- Current Intelligence Bulletin
- Daily Korean Summaries: June - August, 1950
- Daily Korean Summaries: September - October, 1950
- Daily Korean Summaries: November - December, 1950
- Daily Korean Summaries: January - February, 1951
- Daily Korean Summaries: March - April, 1951
- Daily Korean Summaries: May - June, 1951
- Daily Korean Summaries: July - August, 1951
- Daily Korean Summaries: September - October, 1951
Box 205
- Daily Korean Summaries: November - December, 1951
- Daily Korean Summaries: January - February, 1952
- Daily Korean Summaries: March - April, 1952
- Daily Korean Summaries: May - June, 1952
- Daily Korean Summaries: July - August, 1952
- Daily Korean Summaries: September - October, 1952
- Daily Korean Summaries: November, 1952 - January, 1953
- Memoranda, 1945-1948
- Memoranda, 1949
Box 206
INTELLIGENCE FILE, 1946-1953: Central Intelligence Reports File, 1946-1953
Box 206
- Central Intelligence Agency: RE Reports
- Central Intelligence Agency: RR Reports
- Central Intelligence Agency: SI Reports
- Central Intelligence Group [and Central Intelligence Agency, 1946, 1948-1950]
- Central Intelligence Reports
- Foreign Radio Comments: January - April, 1949
- Foreign Radio Comments: May - August, 1949
- Foreign Radio Comments: September - December, 1949
- Foreign Radio Comments: January - April, 1950
- Foreign Radio Comments: June, 1950
- Foreign Radio Comments: July - August, 1950
- Foreign Radio Comments: September - October, 1950
Box 207
- Foreign Radio Comments: November - December, 1950
- Foreign Radio Comments: January - February, 1951
- Foreign Radio Comments: March - May, 1951
- Foreign Radio Comments: June - September, 1951
- Foreign Radio Comments: October - November, 1951
- Foreign Radio Comments: January - March, 1952
- Foreign Radio Comments: April - July, 1952
- Foreign Radio Comments: October, 1952 - January, 1953
- "M" Reports [Map and Geographical Intelligence]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 1-6 [November 3, 1950 - April 5, 1951]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 7-20 [7, 9-12, 14, 15, 17-20: November 21, 1951 - April 20, 1951]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 21-26 [21, 23-26: January 22, 1951 - December 11, 1952]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 27-34 [27, 29, 31-34: March 20, 1951 - January 4, 1952]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 35-43 [35, 36, 41-43: August 1, 1951 - October 20, 1952]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 44-52 [44, 46-50, 52: October 15, 1951 - October 31, 1952]
Box 208
- National Intelligence Estimates: 53-62 [53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62: February 12, 1952 - September 10, 1952]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 64-66 [64: November 12, 1952 - December 24, 1952]
- National Intelligence Estimates: 67-75 [67, 69, 70, 72, 75: July 31, 1952 - January 9, 1953]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1946 [July 24-December 26]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1947: 1-14 [1, 4-6, 11, 13, 14: January 6-March 11]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1947: 15-39 [15-17, 19-21, 39: February 28-August 5]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1947: 44-54 [44, 45, 47-54: September 15-November 14]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1947: 55-65 [55, 56, 62-65: November 20, 1947-January 5, 1948]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 6-15 [6, 7, 9-15: January 13-August 3]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 16-18 [March 31, 1948-January 26, 1949]
Box 209
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 19-20 [April 23-August 2]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 21-29 [April 2-November 19]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 30-39 [30-32, 34, 35, 37-39: May 14, 1948-March 17, 1949]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 40-47 [February 16-October 28]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 48-57 [48-53, 57: July 22, 1948-February 15, 1949]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 58-65 [58, 60, 61, 65: July 30-November 2]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1948: 67-78 [67-69, 71, 77, 78: February 9, 1948-March 30, 1949]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 1-16 [1-3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16: January 31-August 2]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 17, 22 [May 4, 1949-October 5, 1950]
Box 210
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 23-24 [July 18, 1949-January 5, 1950]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 28-45 [28, 29, 33, 39-41, 43-45: January 27-November 17]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 46-59 [46, 48, 50, 51, 56-59: April 13-August 31]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 60-74 [60, 65-69, 71, 74: June 27-December 15]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 76-89 [76-79, 83, 85, 86, 89: August 31, 1949-February 3, 1950]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1949: 90-100 [90-93, 100: November 9, 1949-April 10, 1950]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1950: 1-17 [1, 2, 4, 7-9, 11, 17: February 3-June 2]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1950: 18-29 [18-20, 22, 25, 26, 29: April 21-October 13]
- O. R. E.: [Office of Reports and Estimates]: 1950: 32-58 [32-34, 46, 48, 50, 58: June 9-October 13]
- O. S. I. Reports: 1949
- O. S. I. Reports: 1950
- O. S. I. - I. S. Reports
Box 211
- O. S. I. - Situation Reports
- Situation Reports: 1-3 [2-3; c. 1947]
- Situation Reports: 4-5 [August 15, 1947; September 1, 1947]
- Situation Reports: 6 [August 1, 1947]
- Situation Reports: 7 [April 6, 1949]
- Situation Reports: 8 [November 1947]
- Situation Reports: 8 - Map Supplement
- Situation Reports: 9-10 [September 1, 1947; March 1948]
- Situation Reports: 11 [November 15, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 12-13 [September 27, 1949; October 5, 1949]
Box 212
- Situation Reports: 14-15 [January-June, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 16-17 [May-November, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 18-19 [November 16, 1948; January 24, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 20 [December 9, 1949]
- Situation Reports: 21 [September 16, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 25 [December 7, 1949]
- Situation Reports: 26, 28 [March 1948; February 4, 1949]
- Situation Reports: 29 [December 23, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 30-31 [October 13, 1949; March 17, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 32, 36 [October 21, 1948; November 28, 1950]
Box 213
- Situation Reports: 38 [September 14, 1948]
- Situation Reports: 46, 48 [April 1, 1949; July 27, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 49 [May 5, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 53, 61 [February 20, 1950; July 24, 1950]
- Special Estimate Reports: 1-9 [January 11-August 6, 1951]
- Special Estimate Reports: 10-18 [10, 11, 14-18: September 15-November 8, 1951]
- Special Estimate Reports: 21-35 [21-25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35: January 24, 1952-January 2, 1953]
- Special Evaluation Reports [40-41: July 29-August 14, 1950]
INTELLIGENCE FILE, 1946-1953: Army Intelligence - Korea File, 1950-1953
Box 213
- Situation Reports: 1-15 [June 29-July 12, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 16-30 [July 13-27, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 31-45 [July 28-August 11, 1950]
Box 214
- Situation Reports: 46-60 [46-52, 54-60: August 12-26, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 61-75 [August 27-September 10, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 76-90 [September 11-25, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 91-105 [91-94, 96-105: September 26-October 10, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 106-120 [October 11-25, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 121-135 [October 26-November 15, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 136-150 [November 16-December 7, 1950]
Box 215
- Situation Reports: 151-165 [December 8-29, 1950]
- Situation Reports: 166-180 [January 2-22, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 181-195 [January 23-February 12, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 196-210 [February 13-March 6, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 211-225 [211-213, 215-225: March 7-27, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 226-240 [March 28-April 17, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 241-255 [April 18-May 8, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 256-270 [256-261, 263-270: May 9-29, 1951]
Box 216
- Situation Reports: 271-285 [May 31-June 20, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 286-300 [June 21-July 12, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 301-315 [July 13-August 2, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 316-330 [August 3-23, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 331-345 [August 24-September 14, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 346-360 [September 17-October 5, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 361-375 [October 8-26, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 376-390 [October 29-November 19, 1951]
Box 217
- Situation Reports: 391-405 [319-394, 396-405: November 20-December 11, 1951]
- Situation Reports: 406-420 [December 12, 1951-January 2, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 421-435 [January 3-22, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 436-450 [January 23-February 12, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 451-465 [February 13-March 5, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 466-480 [March 6-26, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 481-495 [481-488, 490-495: March 27-May 1, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 496-510 [May 5-June 23, 1952]
Box 218
- Situation Reports: 513-525 [513-516, 518-525: July 3-August 14, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 526-540 [August 18-October 6, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 541-555 [October 9-November 26, 1952]
- Situation Reports: 556-569 [December 1, 1952-January 15, 1953]
INTELLIGENCE FILE, 1946-1953: Publications File, 1946-1950
Box 218
- Booklets and Reports [1 of 2]
- Booklets and Reports [2 of 2]
Box 219
- Acknowledgement of Books
- Correspondence
- Drafts [1 of 2]
- Drafts [2 of 2]
- Farrar, Straus, and Young
- Interviews
- List of Autographed Numbered Copies
- List of Autographed Numbered Copies - Alphabetical
Box 220
- List of Autographed Unnumbered Copies
- Miscellaneous Material [press releases]
- Newspaper Clippings concerning Mr. President
- Page Proof - Mr. President
- Reader's Digest
- Receipts
- Truman, Harry S. - Longhand Notes - typewritten copies
- Wagg, Alfred
Box 221
- Correspondence Sent to Matthew J. Connelly: 1946-1950
- Correspondence Sent to Matthew J. Connelly: 1951-1952
- Correspondence Sent to Donald S. Dawson, 1949-1951
- Correspondence Sent to White House Central Files: 1946-1947
- Correspondence Sent to White House Central Files: 1948-1949
- Correspondence Sent to White House Central Files: 1950-1951
- Correspondence Sent to White House Central Files: 1952
Box 221
- Address Book: A-Mc
- Address Book: M-Z
- Address Book [Post-Presidential]
Box 222
- Internal Revenue Investigation, Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Part IV, March-May, 1952
- McCarthy-Benton Senate Investigation [1 of 2]
- McCarthy-Benton Senate Investigation [2 of 2]
- Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections of the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, Hearings, Part I, December 9, 1952
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: February 21, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: February 22, 1951
Box 223
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: February 23, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: February 26, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: February 27, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 1, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 2, 1951
Box 224
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 5, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 7, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 8, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 12, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 19, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation - Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate: March 28, 1951
POLITICAL CAMPAIGN MATERIAL FILE, 1944-1952: Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1952 Presidential Campaign Speeches and Statements, 1952
Box 225
- Campaign Chronology
- Campaign Statements of Dwight D. Eisenhower – Reference Index
- Chronological: July 11-September 14
- Chronological: September 15-22
- Chronological: September 23-October 2
- Chronological: October 3-7
- Chronological: October 8-10
- Chronological: October 11-20
- Chronological: October 20-24
- Chronological: October 25-29
- Chronological: October 30-December 14
POLITICAL CAMPAIGN MATERIAL FILE, 1944-1952: Miscellaneous [Campaign Research], 1944-1952
Box 225
- Election Charts for 1944-1950 Compiled by Louis Bean
- Federal Corrupt Practices and Political Activities
- Material Relating to 1952 Election and Aftermath
Box 226
- Nixon, Richard M. – Data
- Voting Record – 80-82nd Congresses
DIARIES FILE, 1947-1953
Box 226
Box 227
- Catalogue of the President's Speech Broadcasts
- Eighth Air Force: Strategic and Tactical Operations, 1943-1945
- Lord Beaverbrook Correspondence
- Map Service, Eleventh Airborne Division, 1945 [Cross Reference to Oversize File]
- Thirty-fifth Division, Thirty-second Annual Reunion, June 6-8, 1952
- United States Lines Company Case, 1949-1952 [1 of 3]
- United States Lines Company Case, 1949-1952 [2 of 3]
- United States Lines Company Case, 1949-1952 [3 of 3]
- United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe, February 20-25, 1944
Box 228
- Allen, George
- Anderson, Clinton P.
- Arizona
- Articles of Agreement
- Buchanan, Thomas C.
- California
- Correspondence - General
- Davis, Blevins
- District of Columbia
- Evans, Tom
- Goldberg, Bernard
- Hurja, Emil
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Jobes, Harry C.
- Lloyd, David D.
- Maryland
- Maverick, Maury
- Metcalf, K. D.
- Missouri
- Moore, Vernon
- Neild, Edward F.
- Nevada
- New York
- North Carolina
- Rhode Island
- Sermon, Roger T.
- Shannon, Ray
- Stephens, A. J.
- Tipton, Ernest M.
- Ward, Philip H.
- Weatherford, Robert P.
Box 229
- "A" ["Ab"-"Ah"
- Aandahl, Fred G.
- Acheson, Dean G.
- Ahern, James T.
- Ahlfeldt, Ernie
- "Ai" [-"Ap"]
- Aiken, George D.
- Akin, S. B.
- Alexander, Rees, Sr.
- Alfange, Dean
- Allen, George E.
- Allen, Harry B.
- Allis, Barney L.
- Anderson, Clinton P.
- Andrews, W. G.
- Angle, A. J.
- Annapolis [United States Naval Academy] [empty folder]
- "Ar" [-"Ay"]
- Arnall, Ellis
- Arnold, Henry H.
- Arrowsmith, George M.
- Arvey, Jacob M.
- Austin, Warren R.
- Axtell, Enos A.
- "B"["Ba"-"Be"]
- Baldridge, H. A.
- Ball, Joseph H.
- Bane, Frank
- Bankhead, Tallulah
- Barker, John T.
- Barkley, Alben W.
- Barringer, Lewis T.
- Barron, Carter T.
- Bartholomew, Harland
- Bartle, H. Roe
- Bartlett, E. L.
- Baruch, Bernard M.
- Baska, [Mrs.] Joseph A.
- Bay, Charles Ulrick
- Becker, Julius W.
- Beeman, Mark
- Beggs, Lyall T.
- Bell, C. Jasper
- Bennett, Charles E.
- Benson, E. H.
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr.
- Berle, Adolf A., Sr.
- Berryman, C. K.
- Bethune, Mary McLeod
- Beuder, M. J.
- Bevan, Cyril
Box 230
- "Bi" [-"Bo"]
- Biddle, Francis
- Bierwirth, John E.
- Biffle, Leslie L.
- Billikopf, Jacob
- Binns, Walter Pope
- Bland, Schuyler Otis
- Blair, James T., Jr.
- Blaustein, Jacob
- Bliss, R. W.
- Bloom, Sol
- Blue, Robert D.
- Boggs, Hale
- Boland, James J.
- Bolling, Richard
- Bonner, John W.
- Bonnet, Henri
- Bostian, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V.
- Bowers, Claude G.
- Bowles, Chester
- Bowman, Fred J.
- Bowman, Louis N.
- Bowman, Welbern
- Bowron, Fletcher
- Boykin, Frank W.
- Boyle, William M., Jr.
- "Br" [-"By"]
- Bradley, Omar N.
- Brandon, W. L.
- Brannaman, Roy H.
- Brannan, Charles F.
- Brant, Irving
- Bray, William
- Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
- Brewster, Owen
- Bridges, Styles
- Briggs, Frank P.
- Broadhurst, William
- Brod, Stephen
- Brooks, Overton
- Brown, H. W.
- Brown, Perry
- Brown, Prentiss M.
- Browne, Charles H., Sr.
- Browning, Gordon
- Bruce, James
- Buchanan, Frank
- Buckley, Tom
- Buford, Anthony A.
- Bullard, Jack
- Bundschu, Henry A.
- Bunker, Ellsworth
- Burdge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
- Burdick, Usher L.
- Burrus, Rufus
- Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H.
- Busch, August A., Jr.
- Bush, Vannevar
- Bushman, Adrian L.
Box 231
- Butler, Hugh
- Butler, Robert
- Butterfield, Chauncey G.
- Buxton, John E.
- Byrnes, James F.
- "C" ["Ca"-"Ch"]
- Caffrey, James J.
- Cain, Harry P.
- Caldwell, Millard F.
- Calhoun, Galloway
- Campbell, Thomas D.
- Canaday, Ward M.
- Canfield, Gordon
- Canfil, Fred A.
- Cannon, Clarence
- Capper, Arthur
- Capps, Ernest L.
- Capps, J. L.
- Carpenter, Marion A.
- Carson, George C.
- Carter, Amon
- Carter, John Franklin
- Celler, Emanuel
- Chandler, William P.
- Chapman, Oscar
- Chavez, Dennis
- Chelf, Frank L.
- Cherry, R. Gregg
- Chiles, Mrs. H. C.
- Chow, Albert
- Christopher, George H.
- Churchill, Sarah
- Churchill, Winston S.
- "Ci" [-"Co"]
- Clapp, Gordon R.
- Clark, Bennett Champ
- Clark, John D.
- Clark, Tom C.
- Clarke, Gilmore D.
- Clason, G. A.
- Claudy, Carl H.
- Clayton, William L.
- Clements, Earle C.
- Clements, H. M.
- Clifford, Clark M.
- Coers, Morris
- Coffey, Martin V.
- Colgan, F. R.
- Colgan, Mrs. R. C.
- Collet, John Caskie
- Collins, A. Loyd
- Collins, J. Lawton
- Combs, George Hamilton
- Compton, Karl T.
- Condon, Edward V.
Box 232
- Conger, A. B.
- Connally, Tom
- Connelly, Matthew C.
- Conran, James V.
- Cook, H. E.
- Cook, Oscar T.
- Cooke, James Francis
- Cooper, Armwell L.
- Corrigan, Frank P.
- Corry, Edgar C., Jr.
- Costolow, Tom
- Cowan, Raymond G.
- Cowan, Ruth
- Cowen, Myron Melvin
- Cowles, Edward Spencer
- Cox, E. E.
- Cox, James M.
- Coy, Wayne
- "Cr" [-"Cu"]
- Crane, John M.
- Crim, Howell G.
- Criss, Dr. and Mrs. C. C.
- Crook, Thurman C.
- Crotty, William L.
- Crum, Bartley C.
- Crum, Bartley C.
- "D" [-"De"]
- D’Alesandro, Thomas, Jr.
- Dallman, V. Y.
- Daniels, Jonathan
- Daniels, Josephus
- Darden, Colgate
- Darst, Joseph M.
- Davies, John C.
- Davies, Joseph E.
- Davis, Clifford
- Davis, Mrs. Dwight
- Davis, Frank
- Dawson, Donald S.
- Deal, H. B.
- Decker, Clarence V.
- Delaney, Edward K.
- Delano, William A.
- Delgado, Francisco A.
- Denfeld, Louis E.
- Dennison, Robert L.
- Denny, Charles R.
- Denslow, Raymond V.
- Detling, Cleary M.
- De Witt, James
- "Di" [-"Do"]
- Dickmann, Bernard F.
- Dickson, Lee
- Dill, Clarence C.
- Dingell, John D.
- Disney Wesley E.
- Dockweiler, Henry I.
Box 233
- Dodds, Harold W.
- Doherty, J. J.
- Donaldson, Jesse M.
- Donnelly, Eugene P.
- Donnelly, Phil M.
- Donnelly, Walter J.
- Dougherty, D. J. Cardinal
- Dougherty, Richard E.
- Doughton, Robert L.
- Douglas, Donald W.
- Douglas, Helen Gahagan
- Douglas, Lewis W.
- Douglas, Paul H.
- Douglas, William O.
- Downey, G. C.
- Downey, Sheridan
- Doyle, Clyde
- Doyle, Michael Francis
- "Dr" [-"Dy"]
- Driscoll, Alfred E.
- Dubinsky, David
- Dubord, F. Harold
- Ducournou, J. A.
- Dudley, Henry H.
- Duffy, F. Ryan
- Dulles, John Foster
- Duncan, Richard M.
- Du Pre, Grace Annette
- "E" ["Ea"-"Ed"]
- Earle, George H.
- Early, Stephen T.
- Easley, Harry
- Eastland, James O.
- Eaton, Cyrus S.
- Eccles, Marriner S.
- Edwards, India
- Egan, Edward E.
- "Ei" [-"Ep"]
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Ellis, Clyde T.
- Elsey, George
- Elson, Edward L. R.
- Ely, Gertrude
- "Er" [-"Ew"]
- Ernst, Morris L.
- Evans, E. A.
- Evans, Tom L.
- Evins, Joe L.
- Ewing, Morris E.
- Ewing, Oscar R.
- Eyssell, G. S.
- "F" ["Fa"-"Fe"]
- Fahey, John H.
- Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
- Fallon, George H.
- Farley, James A.
- Felker, Edward P.
- "Fi" [-"Fo"]
- Finletter, Thomas K.
- Finley, David E.
Box 234
- Finnegan, James P.
- Fitzpatrick, Paul E.
- Fleming, Philip B.
- Fleming, Robert V.
- Flynn, Edward J.
- Foley, Raymond M.
- Folger, John H.
- Folsom, Frank M.
- Folsom, James E.
- Forrestal, James V.
- Forsyth, Bruce D.
- Foskett, James H.
- Foster, William C.
- "Fr" [-"Fu"]
- Francisco, William
- Frankfurter, Felix
- Freeman, Douglas Southall
- Fulton, Hugh
- "G" ["Ga"-"Ge"]
- Gallegos, Romulo
- Gardner, O. Max
- Garner, John Nance
- Gaston, Herbert E.
- Gates, G. Walter
- Geist, Mr. and Mrs. Irving
- Gentry, Alonzo H.
- George, Walter F.
- Gerard, James W.
- "Gi" [-"Go"]
- Gillette, Guy M.
- Glenn, C. Leslie
- Godwin, Earl
- Goodwin, Clarence N.
- Goss, A. S.
- "Gr" [-"Gu"]
- Grady, Henry
- Graffis, Herb
- Graham, Frank P.
- Graham, J. W.
- Graham, Wallace
- Grant, U. S. III
- Gray, Carl R., Jr.
- Gray, Gordon
- Green, W. Cooper
- Green, William
- Greensfelder, Albert P.
- Grew, Joseph C.
- Griffis, Stanton
- Griffith, Paul H.
- Griswold, Dwight
- Grover, Wayne C.
- Gruening, Ernest
- Guffey, Joseph F.
- Guilfoyle, J. D.
- Gurney, Chan
Box 235
- "H" ["Ha"-"He"]
- Hague, Frank
- Hall, Ella
- Hannegan, Robert E.
- Hannegan, Mrs. Robert E.
- Harl, Maple T.
- Harper, Roy W.
- Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden
- Harriman, William Averell
- Harris, Brown
- Harris, Frederick B.
- Hart, D. C. M.
- Hassett, William D.
- Hastie, William H.
- Hatch, Carl A.
- Hatten, Amos D.
- Hawes, Harry B.
- Hawkes, Albert W.
- Hayden, Carl
- Hayes, Patrick
- Healey, Joseph F.
- Helis, William G.
- Helm, Neil W.
- Henderson, Loy W.
- Hendren, John H.
- Hennock, Frieda B.
- Hershey, Lewis B.
- Herzog, Paul M.
- "Hi" [-"Ho"]
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
- Hildreth, Melvin D.
- Hill, Arthur M.
- Hill, Lister
- Hilldring, John
- Hillman, William
- Hinde, Edgar G.
- Hise, Harley
- Hodges, Frank
- Hoey, Clyde R.
- Hoffman, Paul G.
- Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
- Holland, Lou E.
- Holloway, J. L., Jr.
- Holman, Rufus C.
- Holt, Hamilton
- Holt, Wallace G., Sr.
- Hoover, Calvin
- Hoover, Herbert
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy D.
Box 236
- Housholder, Vic H.
- "Hr" ["Hu"-"Hy"]
- Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Cordell
- Humphrey, Hubert H.
- Hunt, Lester C.
- Hurja, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
- Hurley, Patrick J.
- Huselton, Howard E.
- "I" ["Id"-"Is"]
- Ickes, Harold L.
- "Ij" [-"Ip"]
- "Ir" [-"Iv"]
- "J" ["Ja"-"Je"]
- Jackson, N. D.
- Jackson, Robert H.
- Jackson, Samuel D.
- Jacobs, Andrew
- Jacobson, Edward
- Jarman, Pete
- Jarrell, Sanford
- Jessel, George
- Jester, Beauford H.
- "Ji" [-"Jo"]
- Jobes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
- Joffee, Jerome M.
- Johnson, C. Oscar
- Johnson, Clifford R.
- Johnson, Edwin C.
- Johnson, Gus H.
- Johnson, Jed
- Johnson, J. M. ["Battleship"]
- Johnson, Keen
- Johnson, Leo H.
- Johnson, Louis
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Johnson, Melvin M.
- Johnson, Robert L.
- Johnson, Robert W.
- Johnston, Eric
- Johnston, James P.
- Johnston, Olin D.
- Jones, Jesse H.
- Jones, Marvin
- Jones, Renick
- Jordan, Gordon B.
- Joseph, Bertha C.
- "Jr" [-"Ju"]
- "K" ["Ka"-"Ki"]
- Kaltenborn, H. V.
- Karsten, Frank M.
- Kaufmann, A. P.
- Kaufmann, Edmund I.
- Keck, Charles
- Kee, John
- Keech, Richmond B.
- Keenan, Joseph B.
- Kefauver, Estes
- Kelley, Augustine B.
- Kellstadt, Charles H.
Box 237
- Bowles, Chester
- Kelly, D. G.
- Kelly, Edward J.
- Kemp, William E.
- Kennedy, John A.
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kent, Fred I.
- Kerr, Robert S.
- Ketchum, Omar B.
- Keyserling, Leon H.
- "Ki" [-"Ko"]
- Kilgore, Harley M.
- Killion, George
- Kimball, Dan A.
- Kindler, Hans
- King, E. A.
- King, W. L. Mackenzie
- Kinney, Michael
- Kirwan, Michael J.
- Kleeman, William
- Klein, Arthur G.
- Klutznick, Philip M.
- Knous, Lee
- Knowland, William F.
- Knudson, James K.
- "Kr" [-"Ku"]
- Kroll, Jack
- Krug, Julius A.
- Kyle, Edwin J.
- "L" ["La"-"Lh"]
- LaFollette, Charles M.
- LaGuardia, Fiorello
- Lambert, Bruce E.
- Lamkin, Dr. and Mrs. Uel W.
- Land, Frank S.
- Landon, Alfred M.
- Landry, Robert
- Lane, William Preston, Jr.
- Lang, Chester
- Lang, Fred N.
- Lang, Harold F.
- Langer, William
- Langsdale, Clifford
- Lanham, Henderson
- Larson, Jess
- Latham, Henry J.
- Latshaw, John
- Laughlin, P. E.
- Lausche, Frank J.
- Lawrence, David
- Lawton, Frederick J.
- Lea, Clarence F.
- Leahy, William D.
- Lee, Bert S.
- Lee, Frank H.
- Lehman, Herbert H.
- Leigh, Verne C.
- Leith, Milton B.
- Leonard, David W.
- Lesinski, John
- Leslie, Grey
- Levand, M. M.
- Levy, Mort
- Lewis, Clyde A.
- Lewis, Martin
- "Li" [-"Lo"]
- Lilienthal, David E.
- Lincoln, Murray D.
Box 238
- Lipic, Sylvester G.
- Littlejohn, Robert M.
- Lloyd, David D.
- Locke, Edwin A.
- Lockhart, Harold A.
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
- Lodge, John Davis
- Long, Carl K.
- Long, Paul M.
- Lorenzen, A. F.
- Lovett, Robert A.
- Lowe, Frank E.
- Lowenthal, Max
- "Lr" [-"Ly"]
- Lubin, Isador
- Lucas, Scott W.
- Luckman, Charles
- Lynn, David
- "Mc" ["McA"-McL"]
- MacArthur, Douglas
- MacBoyle, Mrs. Glen
- MacKinnon, George
- MacMorris, Daniel
- McCabe, Thomas B.
- McCahey, James B.
- McCarran, Pat
- McCasland, Carl W.
- McClellan, John L.
- McCloy, John J.
- McCormack, John W.
- McCraw, Doyle C.
- McDaniel, Mrs. E. A.
- McDonald, Harry A.
- McDonald, James G.
- McFarland, Ernest W.
- McGee, Joseph J.
- McGee, Thomas
- McGill, George
- McGranery, James P.
- McGrath, J. Howard
- McGregor, W. B.
- McGuire, John A.
- "McI" [-"McQ"]
- McIntire, Ross T.
- McKellar, Kenneth
- McKim, Edward D.
- McKinney, Frank E.
- McLean, Robert
- McMahon, Brien
- McMath, Sid
- McNicholas, John T.
- "McR" ["McS"-"McW"]
- "M" ["Ma"-"Me"]
Box 239
- Maas, Melvin J.
- Magnuson, Warren G.
- Mahon, George
- Major, Joseph F.
- Major, J. W.
- Makin, Norman
- Malmfeldt, Ted
- Malone, Dudley Field
- Malone, George W.
- Manheimer, Benjamin P.
- Mansfield, Mike
- Marin, Luis Munoz
- Markel, Lester
- Marks, Theodore
- Marks, Thomas R.
- Marquis, George C.
- Marsden, Mrs. Peter Joseph
- Marshall, George C.
- Martin, C. I.
- Martin, Edward
- Martin, Harry
- Martin, Joseph W.
- Martin, Thomas E.
- Martin, W. W.
- Marvin, Cloyd H.
- Marx, Groucho
- Mason, Lowell B.
- Matthews, Francis P.
- Maverick, Maury
- Maw, Herbert B.
- Maybank, Burnet R.
- Maylon, Charles
- Meade, Hugh A.
- Meeman, Edward J.
- Meisburger, Edward P.
- Menefee, Walter B.
- Merkle, E. J.
- Messall, Victor R.
- Messersmith, George S.
- Mesta, Perle
- Metzger, John W.
- Meyer, Mrs. Eugene
- "Mi" [-"Mo"]
- Middlebush, Frederick A.
- Millard, Alden S.
- Miller, Carroll
- Miller, Mrs. Emma Guffey
- Miller, John E.
- Miller, Jo Zach III
- Miller, Watson B.
- Mills, George I., Jr.
- Milton, Donald
- Minton, Sherman
- Miravalle, Peter S.
- Mitchell, Hugh B.
- Monroe, Frank
- Monroney, Mike
- Moore, A. Harry
- Moore, George H.
- Moore, Vernon E.
- More, Jake
- Moreell, Benjamin
- Morgan, David H.
- Morgan, Harold N.
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
- Morison, H. Graham
- Morris, Edmund E.
- Morris, M. E.
- Morris, Newbold
- Morrison, DeLesseps S.
- Morrison, James H.
- Morrow, Wright
- Morse, Wayne
- Morton, W. J.
- Moseley, Roy F.
- Moser, Guy L.
- Mox, W. L.
Box 240
- "Mr" [-"My"]
- Mullane, John P.
- Murdock, John R.
- Murphy, Charles S.
- Murphy, Frank
- Murphy, Fred P.
- Murphy, Robert M.
- Murphy, Thomas E.
- Murray, James E.
- Murray, Philip
- Murray, Thomas E.
- Meyers, Francis J.
- Myers, Walter
- "N" ["Na"-"Ne"]
- Nachtman, Paul
- Nacy, Richard R.
- Naeter, Fred
- Nangle, John J.
- Neblett, William
- Nee, Daniel M.
- Neff, Pat M.
- Negbaur, Walter H.
- Neild, Edward F.
- Nelson, William L., Jr.
- "Ni" [-"No"]
- Nichols, J. C.
- Nickell, Joe
- Niles, David K.
- Nimitz, Chester W.
- Nizer, Louis
- Noland, James E.
- Noland, Mary Ethel
- Noland, Nellie
- Norris, J. Frank
- Norton, Mary T.
- Nourse, Edwin G.
- Noyes, David M.
- "Nr" [-"Ny"]
- "O" ["Oa"-"Og"]
- O'Brien, Nelle
- O'Connelly, Joseph J., Jr.
- O'Connor, Basil
- O'Connor, J. F. T.
- O'Connor, William
- O'Conor, Herbert R.
- Odgers, Merle M.
- O'Donnell, John A.
- O'Dwyer, William
- "Oi" [-"Op"]
- O'Mahoney, Joseph C.
- O'Neal, Edward A.
- Oppenheimer, Robert
- "Or" [-"Ow"]
- Orr, Douglas W.
- Osgood, Warren
- O'Toole, Donald L.
- Overton, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
- Oxnam, G. Bromley
- "P" ["Pa"-"Ph"]
- Pace, Frank Jr.
- Page, Arthur
- Painter, W. R.
- Palmer, C. R.
- Palmer, Dwight R. G.
- Palmer, R. L.
- Palmer, Mrs. W. L. C.
Box 241
- Parker, Harry Field
- Parker, John J.
- Paterson, N. T.
- Patman, Wright
- Patterson, Richard C., Jr.
- Patterson, Robert P.
- Patterson, Mrs. Robert P.
- Patton, James G.
- Pauley, Edwin W.
- Pawley, William D.
- Payne, Howard
- Payton, John
- Pearson, J. A., Jr.
- Pendergast, Francis G.
- Pendergast, James M.
- Pepper, Claude
- Percintina, Roy
- Perkins, Carl D.
- Perkins, Frances
- Perlman, Philip B.
- Perry, Dexter
- Peters, Mize
- Peterson, Val
- Pew, John B.
- Pflaum, Irving
- Philbin, Philip J.
- Phillips, Warren B.
- "Pi" [-"Po"]
- Pick, Lewis A.
- Pinchot, Mrs. Cornelia Bryce
- Pinero, Jesus T.
- Pittam, J. Thomas
- Pittman, Vail
- Plumley, Charles A.
- Poage, W. R.
- Poindexter, H. K.
- Poling, Daniel
- Potts, Edward W.
- Powell, David H.
- "Pr" [-"Py"]
- Price, Melvin
- Priest, Frank T.
- Priest, J. Percy
- Pruden, Edward H.
- "Q" ["Qua"-"Qui"]
- "Qui"
- "Qur"
- "R" ["Ra"-"Rh"]
- Radcliffe, George L.
- Ramspeck, Robert
- Rankin, John E.
- Ray, Means
- Rayburn, Sam
- Reader, Harold L.
- Reagan, Franklin E.
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Reed, Clyde M.
- Rees, Edward H.
- Reeves, James M.
- Regan, Ken
- Reid, Mrs. Ogden
- Reily, E. Mont
- Reinsch, J. Leonard
- Renfrow, Louis H.
- Rennebahm, Oscar
- Rentzel, D. W.
- Reuther, Walter P.
- Reynolds, W. E.
- "Ri" [-"Ro"]
- Ribble, George
- Rice, Carl V.
- Richards, Alfred N.
Box 242
- Richardson, Seth W.
- Ricketts, Floyd T.
- Ridge, Albert A.
- Riley, Franklin Studebaker, Jr.
- Riley, Morris G.
- Ritchie, William
- Ritter, Willis W.
- Roberts, E. R.
- Roberts, Owen J.
- Roberts, Roy A.
- Roberts, Samuel E.
- Robertson, A. Willis
- Robertson, E. V.
- Robertson, James M.
- Robinson, Elmer E.
- Robinson, H. G.
- Robinson, Mrs. Joseph T.
- Rockefeller, Nelson A.
- Rogers, Edith Nourse
- Romine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.
- Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D.
- Roosevelt, James
- Rorex, Samuel
- Rosenberg, Anna M.
- Rosenblum, Hyman
- Rosenman, Samuel I.
- Rosenstiel, Lewis S.
- Rosenwald, Lessing J.
- Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
- Ross, M. Collier
- Ross, Mrs. Nellie Tayloe
- Royall, Kenneth C.
- "Rr" ["Ru"-"Ry"]
- Rucker, Frank W.
- Rusk, Howard A.
- Russell, Harold
- Russell, Richard B.
- Ryan, Oswald
- Ryder, Oscar B.
- Ryle, Walter
- "S" ["Sa"-"Sh"]
- Sabath, A. J.
- Sacusa, Guillermo Sevilla
- Sachs, Alex F.
- Sadowski, George G.
- Salisbury, Frank O.
- Salisbury, Harry J., Jr.
- Saltonstall, Leverett
- Sarnoff, David
- Saunders, George M.
- Sawyer, Charles
- Sayre, Francis B.
- Schauffler, Edward F.
- Schiffeler, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Conrod
- Schmidt, Ernest L.
- Schmidt, Frederick J.
- Schoenberg, Albert
- Schoeneman, George J.
- Schoeppel, Andrew F.
- Schopper, A. F.
- Schroeder, J. J.
- Schroeder, W. W.
- Schwellenbach, [Mr. and Mrs.] Lewis B.
- Schwimmer, Harry I.
- Scott, Leslie M.
- Scott, W. Kerr
- Scruton, D. Kelly
- Seay, Harry L.
- Seidlitz, C. N.
- Sermon, Roger T.
- Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
- Sheehy, Maurice S.
- Sheppard, Harry R.
Box 243
- Sheppard, James C.
- Sherwood, Robert E.
- Shields, Leighton
- Shields, Paul V.
- Shinn, Charles L.
- Shishkin, Boris
- Short, Dewey
- Short, [Mr. and Mrs.] Joseph H.
- Shouse, [Mr. and Mrs.] Jouett
- Shreve, Earl O.
- "Si" [-"Sp"]
- Siddons, F. P. H.
- Siegmund, Walter F.
- Sigler, Kim
- Simmons, Robert G.
- Simmons, Roger L.
- Simpson, H. G.
- Sinclair, Upton
- Skelly, James W.
- Skerry, Leslie M.
- Slagle, Walter G.
- Slonim, M. J.
- Small, J. D.
- Smathers, George A.
- Smathers, William H.
- Smith, A. Clarendon
- Smith, A. Douglas, Jr.
- Smith, Bryce B.
- Smith, Forrest
- Smith, George A.
- Smith, H. Alexander
- Smith, Harold D.
- Smith, Louise Grant
- Smith, Margaret Chase
- Smith, Merriman
- Smith, Robert L.
- Smith, Walter Bedell
- Smoot, I. A.
- Snyder, John W.
- Solins, Samuel
- Sonnett, John F.
- Souers, Sidney W.
- Southern, William, Jr.
- Sowers, Claude E.
- Spaatz, Carl
- Spann, William M.
- Sparkman, John
- Spellman, Francis C.
- Spence, Brent
- Sproul, Robert G.
- "Sr" [-"Sz"]
- Stainback, Ingram M.
- Starnes, Joe
- Starr, Louis E.
- Stassen, Harold E.
- Statler, Hinkle
- Steed, Tom
- Steelman, John R.
- Sterling, George E.
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.
- Stevenson, Adlai E.
- Stewart, Mrs. George Earle
- Stewart, Russell
Box 244
- Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.
- St. Laurent, Louis
- Stone, William B.
- Stovall, L. Greene
- Straight, Michael
- Straus, Michael W.
- Straus, Oscar
- Strauss, Lewis L.
- Strode, Gilbert
- Sturdy, Orvis A.
- Sturgis, Robert S.
- Suddath, J. W.
- Sullivan, Gael
- Sullivan, John B.
- Sullivan, John L.
- Summe, A. J.
- Summer, Mrs. Grace
- Sutton, Pat
- Swanson, C. A.
- Switzer, Carroll O.
- Swofford, Mrs. Jewell W.
- Symington, W. Stuart
- "T" ["Ta"-"Th"]
- Taber, John
- Taft, Robert A.
- Tamm, Edward A.
- Taylor, Glen H.
- Taylor, James A.
- Taylor, J. E.
- Taylor, Maxwell D.
- Taylor, Myron C.
- Taylor, Paul S.
- Taylor, Ralph W.
- Taylor, William H.
- Teague, Olin E.
- Teasley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
- Tehan, Robert E.
- Thacher, John H.
- Thom, William R.
- Thomas, Elbert D.
- Thomas, Elmer
- Thomas, Norman
- Thomason, Ewing
- Thomasson, J. E.
- Thompson, Ernest O.
- Thompson, Frank A.
- Thompson, Fred A.
- Thornton, Raymond E.
- Thurman, Samuel
- Thurmond, J. Strom
- Thurston, Walter
- "Ti" [-"To"]
- Tiernan, L. Curtis
- Tingle, Joseph
- Tipton, Ernest M.
- Tobey, Charles W.
- Tobias, Channing H.
- Tobin, Maurice J.
- "Tr" [-"Ty"]
- Travis, Leslie L.
- Trimble, Mrs. Charles H.
- Trimble, James W.
- Truman, Corbie R.
- Truman, Elmer
- Truman, Fred
- Truman, Harry A.
- Truman, [Mr. and Mrs.] J. C.
- Truman, J. Vivian
- Truman, Louis W.
- Truman, [Mr. and Mrs.] Ralph E.
- Tuck, William M.
- Tucker, Charles
- Tugwell, Rexford G.
- Tully, Grace G.
- Tunnell, James M.
- Turner, Irby
Box 245
- Turner, J. E.
- Turner, Roy J.
- Tydings, Millard E.
- "U" ["Ua"-"Un"]
- "Ui" [-"Un"]
- "Ur" [folder empty]
- "V" ["Va"-"Ve"]
- Vaccaro, Tony
- Vaughan, Harry H.
- Veatch, N. T.
- "Vi" [-"Vo"]
- Vinson, Fred M.
- "Vr"
- "W" ["Wa"-"Wh"]
- Wagner, Robert F.
- Walker, Frank C.
- Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
- Wallace, Fred
- Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. George P.
- Wallace, Henry A.
- Wallace, Lew
- Wallgren, Mon C.
- Walsh, David I.
- Walsh, Edmund A.
- Walsh, Jerome
- Ward, Charles A.
- Waring, Frank A.
- Warner, H. M.
- Warren, Earl
- Warren, Fletcher
- Warren, Fuller
- Warren, Henri L.
- Warren, Henry
- Warren, Lindsay
- Washington, George Thomas
- Wasielewski, Thaddeus F.
- Wassell, Samuel M.
- Watkins, Arthur V.
- Watson, Mrs. Anna
- Watson, Mrs. Edwin M.
- Watson, Thomas J.
- Wear, Sam
- Weatherford, Robert P.
- Webb, James E.
- Webb, Roy H.
- Weizmann, Chaim
- Welch, Phil J.
- Welch, Richard J.
- Wells, Mrs. Elsie K.
- Wells, W. Gates
- Welsh, George W.
- Wenige, Hermann A.
- Weston, A. E.
- West Point [United States Military Academy]
- Whatley, Barney L.
- Wheatley, Charles
- Wheeler, Burton K.
- Wheeler, John N.
- Wherry, Kenneth S.
- Whitaker, Fred D.
- White, Cecil F.
- White, Compton I.
- White, Edwin C.
- White, L. M.
- White, R. B.
- White, Robert M., II
- White, Wallace H., Jr.
Box 246
- White, Walter
- Whitehair, Francis P.
- Whitney, A. F.
- Whitney, Cornelius V.
- Whitney, H. Leroy
- Whittington, William M.
- "Wi" [-"Wo"]
- Wicker, John J., Jr.
- Wickersham, Victor
- Wiggins, Archibald L. M.
- Wiley, Alexander
- Williams, Aubrey
- Williams, G. Mennen
- Williams, Hermann Warner, Jr.
- Williams, John J.
- Williams, Wayne C.
- Williamson, Hugh P.
- Willis, Raymond E.
- Wills, Ray
- Wilson, A. Reed
- Wilson, Charles E.
- Wilson, Herbert H.
- Wilson, Walter L.
- Winant, Mr. and Mrs. John G.
- Wise, Stephen S.
- Wolf, Arthur W.
- Wolff, B.
- Woll, Matthew
- Wolverton, Charles A.
- Wood, Dean
- Woodhouse, Chase G.
- Woodring, Harry H.
- Woodson, Mrs. J. T.
- Woodward, Ellen S.
- Woodward, Stanley
- Wooton, Paul
- "Wr" [-"Wu"]
- Wright, James L.
- Wyatt, Wilson W.
- "X" [folder empty]
- "Y"
- "Z"
- Zimmerman, Raymond R.
Box 247
- Addresses and Statements of Harry S. Truman, 1935-1945 – Publication
- Autobiographical Sketch
- Bundschu, Henry A. – Biography of Harry S. Truman
- Castillo, Tito – "Mr. Harry S. Truman, the Man Who Worked the 'Political Miracle'"
- Correspondence relating to Harry S. Truman – Biographical
- Crane, John M. – Pictorial Biography of Harry S. Truman
- Cross Reference Sheet [Photographs of President Truman]
- Daniels, Jonathan – Correspondence Relating to The Man From Independence
- Genealogy – Truman Family
- Information on Truman Biography
- Magazine Articles
- Masonic Biography of Harry S. Truman
- National Old Trails Road Association
- Newspaper Clippings
- Newspaper – Independence Examiner, April 30, 1951
- Planetary Influences – Astrological Report on Harry S. Truman
- Presidential Citation – Company E, 17th Armored Engineers Battalion – "Hell on Wheels", June 18, 1945
- Stationery – Harry S. Truman: Harry S. Truman, Independence, Missouri
- Stationery – Harry S. Truman: U. S. Senator
- Stationery – Harry S. Truman: Vice President
Box 248
- United States Army: Extension Courses, 1934
- United States Army: Notes from U. S. Army Field Message, 1918
- United States Senate: Announcement for Reelection, February 4, 1940 [empty folder]
- United States Senate: Appointments, April 14, 1937
- United States Senate: Postal Franks and Stamps
- United States Senate: Telegrams – Copies
Box 248
- Centennial Medallion Honoring President Truman’s Mother – 1952
- Correspondence re Final Illness, May-June, 1947
- Correspondence re Death, 1947-1953
- Diplomatic and Foreign Messages re [Martha Truman’s Death], 1947
- Memorials – 1947-1949
- Radio Broadcasts re [Martha Truman’s Death], July 1947
- "Unknown" – Unacknowledged Letters and Cards
- White House Cards – Mary Jane Truman List
- White House Cards – Official and Foreign
Box 249
- Appropriations
- China
- Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion – Correspondence Re
- Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion – “Thank you” Letters for Copies of Report Sent
- Cross Reference Sheet [Photographs]
- Disposal of Surplus Furniture
- Harry S. Truman Library – Memorandum re
- Historical Information
- Newspaper Clippings
- Personnel Matters
- "A Preliminary Handbook of Historical Information Concerning the White House and Its Furnishings"
- "Safety Survey of the White House" – Department of the Navy; June, 1946
- Trees, Relocation of
- USS Williamsburg – Receipts Cancelled
- "The White House" [Extract from Washington City and Capital]
PERSONAL FILE, 1800-1953
Box 250
- "A"
- Airplane Data
- Alfalfa Club
- Allen, George E.
- Allis, Barney L.
- Articles
- Austin, Warren R.
- Autographs
- Automobiles
- Ayers, Eben A.
- "B" [1 of 2]
- "B" [2 of 2]
- Bank Data
- Baptist Church – Grandview, Missouri
- Barker, John T.
- Barkley, Mr. and Mrs. Alben W.
- Bennett, Marion
- Biffle, Leslie M.
Box 251
- Book and Scrapbook Material
- Bostian, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V.
- Boyle, William M., Jr.
- Brandon, W. L.
- Bray, William J.
- Brod, Stephen
- Bundschu, Henry
- Burrus, Rufus
- Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H.
- Byrnes, James F.
- "C"
- Canfil, Fred A. [1 of 2]
- Canfil, Fred A. [2 of 2]
- Carter, Amon
- Cartoons
- Chavez, Dennis
- Chiles, Mrs. Henry Clay
- Christmas Holiday
- Clark, Bennett C.
- Clark, Tom C.
Box 252
- Clifford, Clark M.
- Clippings, Press [1 of 2]
- Clippings, Press [2 of 2]
- Club Data
- Collet, J. Caskie
- Connelly, Matthew J.
- Contributions – Harry S. Truman
- Curley, James M.
- "D"
- D Battery: 1949 Presidential Inaugural
- D Battery: 379th Field Artillery
- D Battery: 35th Division [1 of 2]
Box 253
- D Battery: 35th Division [2 of 2]
- Daniels, Jonathan
- Davies, Joseph E.
- Davis, Blevins
- Degrees: Baylor University
- Degrees: Elon College
- Degrees: Fordham University
- Degrees: George Washington University
- Degrees: List of Degrees Awarded
- Degrees: Washington College
- Degrees: Westminster College
- Degrees: William Jewell College
- Degrees: William and Mary College
- Desk Files [1 of 3]
- Desk Files [2 of 3]
- Desk Files [3 of 3]
- Douglas, [Mrs.] Lewis W.
- Douglas, Paul H.
- Duncan, Richard M.
- Dupre, Grace Annette
- "E"
Box 254
- Easley, Harry
- Elizabeth II, Queen
- Evans, Tom L.
- Expense Account – Personal
- Expense Postage – White House
- "F"
- Faris, Edgar "Bud"
- Forrestal, James V.
- Foskett, James H.
- "G"
- Garner, John Nance
Box 255
- Gavel Data
- Geist, Irving
- Gifts: General [1 of 2]
- Gifts: General [2 of 2]
- Gifts: Food Items
- Gifts: Foreign
- Gifts: Music
- Gifts: Periodic Reports of Parcels Received
- Gifts: President’s Trip, May 7-16, 1950
- Graham, James W.
- Graham, Wallace H.
- Grandview Church [First Baptist]
- "H"
- Hannegan, Robert E.
- Harper, Roy W.
- Harris, Brown
Box 256
- Hassett, William D.
- Hatch, Carl A.
- Hawes, Harry B.
- Helm, Neal
- Hillman, William
- Hinde, Edgar G.
- Historical Data
- Hitler Papers
- Hodges, Frank
- Holland, Lou
- Housholder, Bill
- Housholder, Vic H.
- Hurja, Emil
- Huselton, Howard E.
- "I"
- Inaugural Data
- Inauguration Data – January 20, 1949
- Insurance – Personal
Box 257
- "J"
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson County, Missouri
- Jackson Day Dinner
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner – 1951
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner – 1952
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jobes, [Mr. and Mrs.] Harry C.
- Johnson, Jed
- Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands
- "K"
- Kirby, William M.
- Kirschner, Walter
- "L"
- Lambert, Bruce
Box 258
- Leahy, William D.
- Lee, Bert S.
- Letters of Credence
- Letters: Election Victory, 1948
- Letters: President’s Souvenirs [1 of 2]
- Letters: President’s Souvenirs [2 of 2]
- Letters: Special Envelopes
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lists
- Lowe, Frank E.
- "M"
- "Mc"
- MacDonald, Jeanette
- McGranery, James
- McGrath, J. Howard
- McKim, Edward D. [1 of 2]
Box 259
- McKim, Edward D. [2 of 2]
- McKinney, Frank
- McLean, Mrs. Evalyn Walsh
- Maps [1 of 2]
- Maps [2 of 2]
- Marks, Ted
- Marshall, [Mr. and Mrs.] George C.
- Mason, Lowell B.
- Masonic: Biographical Data
- Masonic: Bradford, James M.
- Masonic: Claudy, Carl H.
- Masonic: Denslow, Ray V.
- Masonic: Foreign Data
- Masonic: Johnson, Melvin M.
- Masonic: King, Edward A.
- Masonic: Land, Frank S.
- Masonic: Miscellaneous [1 of 3: Fratneral Correspondence]
Box 260
- Masonic: Miscellaneous [2 of 3: Pamphlets, Fratneral Correspondence]
- Masonic: Miscellaneous [3 of 3: Pamphlets, Reports]
- Masonic: Missouri Lodge of Research Library
- Masonic: Reader, Harold L.
- Matthews, Francis P.
- Maverick, Maury
- Medallions
- Meisburger, Eddie
- Memorial: Presidential
- Memorial: Simon Bolivar
- Messall, Victor R.
- Mesta, Perle S.
- Military Data
box 261
- Miller Jo Zach, III
- Milligan, Maurice M.
- Minton, Sherman
- Missouri, USS
- Morgan, David H. [1 of 2]
- Morgan, David H. [2 of 2]
- Mox, W. L.
- Murphy, Fred P.
- Music
- Myers, Henry T.
- "N"
- Nacy, Richard
- Navy Day Celebration
- Noland, Ethel and Nellie [1 of 2]
- Noland, Ethel and Nellie [2 of 2]
- Noyes, David M.
Box 262
- "O"
- Operas
- "P"
- Patterson, [Mr. and Mrs.] Robert P.
- Pauley, Edwin W.
- Pendergast, James
- Pendergast and Kohn
- Peter the Great, Will of
- Pictures
- Planes, Presidential
- Political – Vice-Presidential Nomination, 1944
- Pony Express
- Pope Pius XII
- Pruden, Edward H.
- "Q"
- Quotations – Jokes
- "R"
- Reception – Army, Navy, Air Force, May 14, 1952
- Recommendations
Box 263
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Recordings
- Reinsch, J. Leonard
- Roberts, Lee C.
- Roberts, Roy A.
- Roosevelt, Eleanor: General [1 of 3]
- Roosevelt, Eleanor: General [2 of 3]
- Roosevelt, Eleanor: General [3 of 3]
- Roosevelt, Eleanor: United Nations Organization
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Death of
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Memorial Foundation
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Papers of
- Roosevelt, James
- Rosenman, Samuel I.
Box 264
- Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. [Truman's Potsdam diary]
- "S" [1 of 2]
- "S" [2 of 2]
- Safe
- Saint
- Schoeneman, George J.
- School of Science
- Schwellenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B.
- Scott, Dred, Case
- Secret Service, United States
- Sermon – Pastor Raymond Black
- Sermon, Roger T.
- Shientag, Florence Perlow
- Signatures – President Truman
- Smith, Bryce B.
- Southern, William, Jr.
- Souvenir Data
Box 265
- Spellman, Francis Cardinal
- Statements, Financial – Bills [1 of 2]
- Statements, Financial – Bills [2 of 2]
- Stevenson, Adlai, E.: General
- Stevenson, Adlai E.: Speech File
- Stewart, Mrs. George Earle
- Stewart, Russell
- Stigall, John
- Stiles, Lela
- Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.
- Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
- Swords, Saudi Arabian
- Swofford, Mrs. Jewell W.
- Symington, W. Stuart
- "T"
Box 266
- Television
- Tiernan, L. Curtis
- Traveling Expenses
- Trip Data
- Truman, Bess
- Truman, Harry S.
- Truman, Harry S.: Financial Ledger [2009 accretion] [1 of 2]
- Truman, Harry S.: Financial Ledger [2009 accretion] [2 of 2]
- Truman, Margaret: General [1 of 2]
- Truman, Margaret: General [2 of 2]
Box 267
- Truman, Margaret: Clippings
- Truman, Margaret: Comments re Concerts
- Truman, Margaret: Concerts
- Truman, Margaret: Debut Concert
- Truman, Margaret: European Trip, 1951
- Truman, Margaret: European Trip, 1952
- Truman, Margaret: Expense Data
- Truman, Margaret: Itinerary
Box 268
- Truman, Martha E. – Address List of Condolence Card Senders
- "V"
- Vaccaro, Tony
- Vardaman, James K.
- Vaughan, [Mr. and Mrs.] Harry H.
- Vinson, Fred M.
- Voting
- "W"
- Wallgren, Mon C.
- Wear, Sam
- Welch, Phil J.
- Weston, A. E.
Box 269
- Wheeler, Burton K.
- White House Photographers Association
- Wilson, Arthur W.
- Wilson, Charles E.
- Woll, Matthew
- Woodring, Harry N.
- Woodward, Stanley
- "X-Y-Z"
Box 270
- Air Force
- Army [A-K]
- Army [L-Z]
- Marine Corps
- Navy
Box 271
- Colgan, F. R.
- Colgan, Murray T.
- Colgan, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
- Gates, G. Walter
- Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy D.
- Relatives – General
- Romine, Mrs. Robert T.
- Shipp Family Genealogy
- Summer, Grace
Box 272
- Truman, Elmer
- Truman, Lamoyn
- Truman, Louis W.
- Truman, Mary Jane [1 of 2]
- Truman, Mary Jane [2 of 2]
- Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
- Truman, J. Vivian [1 of 3]
- Truman, J. Vivian [2 of 3]
Box 273
- Truman, J. Vivian [3 of 3]
- Truman, J. Vivian and Family
- Walker, Frank C.
- Wallace, [Mr. and Mrs.] Frank G.
- Wallace, Fred
- Wallace, [Mr. and Mrs.] George P.
- Wallace, Madge Gates
- Wells, w. Gates
LONGHAND NOTES FILE, 1930-1955: County Judge File, 1930-1934
Box 274
- December 3, 1930
- May 1931
- May 14, 1934
- Undated [1 of 5]
- Undated [2 of 5]
- Undated [3 of 5]
- Undated [4 of 5]
- Undated [5 of 5]
LONGHAND NOTES FILE, 1930-1955: Presidential File, 1945-1953
Box 274
- July 1944
- January 22, 1945
- April 5 and 7, 1945
- May 12, 1945
- May 22, 1945
- May 23, 1945
- May 27, 1945
- May 30, 1945
- June 1, 4, 5, 7, and 13, 1945
- June 17 and July 4, 1945
- June 18, 1945
- July 7 and 9, 1945
- August 5, 1945
- August 10, 1945
- August 11, 1945
- September 20, 1945
- November 1945
- December 1945
- Undated, ca. 1945 [1 of 3]
- Undated, ca. 1945 [2 of 3]
- Undated, ca. 1945 [3 of 3]
- January 5, 1946
- September 12, 1946
- September 16, 1946
- September 17, 1946
- September 19, 1946
- December 5, 1946
- December 11, 1946
- December 14, 1946
- Undated, ca. 1946 [1 of 2]
- Undated, ca. 1946 [2 of 2]
- January 1, 1947
- May 11, 1947
- December 1947
- Undated, ca. 1947
- April 1, 1948
- April 1948
- Ca. November 1948
- December 30, 1948
- Undated, ca. 1948
- February 12, 1949
- February 14, 1949
- July 8, 1949
- Undated, ca. 1949
- January 4, 1950
- March 5, 1950
- April 16, 1950
- May 8, 1950
- August 15, 1950
- August 27, 1950
- September 11, 1950
- October 5, 1950
- November 25, 1950
- November 30, 1950
- December 2, 1950
- December 3, 1950
- December 5, 1950
- December 9, 1950
- January 10, 1951
- February 8, 1951
- March 7, 1951
Box 275
- June 21, 1951
- Ca. June 29, 1951
- September 2, 1951
- October 7, 1951
- October 10, 1951
- December 26, 1951
- January 1 and 2, 1952
- January 3, 1952
- January 4, 1952
- January 6, 1952
- January 8, 1952
- January 10, 1952 [1 of 2]
- January 10, 1952 [2 of 2]
- January 14, 1952
- January 18, 1952
- January 27, 1952
- January 30, 1952
- February 4, 1952
- February 5, 1952
- February 6, 1952
- February 9, 1952
- February 13, 1952
- February 18, 1952
- February 20, 1952
- February 26, 1952
- February 29 and March 2, 1952
- March 3, 1952
- March 4, 1952
- March 27, 1952
- April 3, 1952
- April 4 and 12, 1952
- April 13, 1952
- April 15, 1952
- May 4, 1952
- May 15, 1952
- May 18, 1952
- June 1, 1952
- June 8, 1952
- June 15, 1952
- June 25, 1952
- July 6, 1952
- July 7, 1952 [1 of 2]
- July 7, 1952 [2 of 2]
- July 8, 1952
- July 11, 1952
- July 24, 1952
- August 12, 1952
- August 19, 1952
- August 21, 1952
- August 25, 1952
- August 26, 1952
- August 28, 1952
- September 9, 1952
- September 23, 1952
- October 5, 1952
- October 11, 1952
- October 14, 1952
- November 15, 1952 [1 of 2]
- November 15, 1952 [2 of 2]
- November 18, 1952
- November 20, 1952
- November 24, 1952
- November 28, 1952 [1 of 2]
- November 28, 1952 [2 of 2]
- December 1, 1952
- December 4, 1952 [1 of 2]
- December 4, 1952 [2 of 2]
- December 5, 1952
- December 6, 1952
- December 22, 1952
- December 25, 1952
- Undated, ca. 1952 [1 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [2 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [3 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [4 of 11]
Box 276
- Undated, ca. 1952 [5 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [6 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [7 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [8 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [9 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [10 of 11]
- Undated, ca. 1952 [11 of 11]
- January 9, 1953
LONGHAND NOTES FILE, 1930-1955: Post-Presidential File, 1953-1955
Box 276
- February 5, 1953
- March 20, 1953
- May 20, 1953
- June 19, 1953
- July 8, 1953
- October 30, 1953
- June 2, 1954 [1 of 2]
- June 2, 1954 [2 of 2]
- July 1954
- November 11, 1954
- Undated, ca. 1954 [1 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [2 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [3 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [4 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [5 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [6 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [7 of 8]
- Undated, ca. 1954 [8 of 8]
- February 2, 1955
- March 8, 1955
LONGHAND NOTES FILE, 1930-1955: Undated File
Box 276
- Undated [1 of 31]
- Undated [2 of 31]
- Undated [3 of 31]
- Undated [4 of 31]
- Undated [5 of 31]
- Undated [6 of 31]
- Undated [7 of 31]
- Undated [8 of 31]
- Undated [9 of 31]
- Undated [10 of 31]
- Undated [11 of 31]
- Undated [12 of 31]
- Undated [13 of 31]
- Undated [14 of 31]
- Undated [15 of 31]
- Undated [16 of 31]
- Undated [17 of 31]
- Undated [18 of 31]
- Undated [19 of 31]
- Undated [20 of 31]
- Undated [21 of 31]
- Undated [22 of 31]
- Undated [23 of 31]
- Undated [24 of 31]
- Undated [25 of 31]
- Undated [26 of 31]
- Undated [27 of 31]
- Undated [28 of 31]
- Undated [29 of 31]
- Undated [30 of 31]
- Undated [31 of 31]
Box 277
- 1945: May 8-13
- 1945: June 1-15
- 1945: June 17-29
- 1945: July 2-12
- 1945: July 13-19
- 1945: July 20-31
- 1945: August
- 1945: September
- 1945: October
Box 278
- 1945: November
- 1945: December 1-11
- 1945: December 12-31
- 1946: January 1-18
- 1946: January 19-31
- 1946: February 1-15
- 1946: February 16-28
- 1946: March
Box 279
- 1946: April
- 1946: May
- 1946: June
- 1946: July 1-15
- 1946: July 16-31
- 1946: August
- 1946: September 3-15
Box 280
- 1946: September 16-30
- 1946: October 1-15
- 1946: October 16-31
- 1946: November 1-15
- 1946: November 16-30
- 1946: December 1-10
- 1946: December 11-20
- 1946: December 21-31
Box 281
- 1947: January 1-7
- 1947: January 8-27
- 1947: February 1-10
- 1947: February 11-19
- 1947: March-April
- 1948: May
ERNEST GRUENING FILE, 1950-1951: General File, 1950-1951
Box 282
- FBI Report - "In the Case of Ernest Henry Gruening, Governor, Territory of Alaska, Department of the Interior"
- Letter, Robert C. Wysong, American Consul, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, March 1, 1951
- Memo, J. Edgar Hoover, FBI, to James E. Hatcher, Chief, Investigation Division, U. S. Civil Service Commission re Ernest Henry Gruening, December 11, 1950-April 2, 1951
- Memo, John R. Steelman to Donald S. Dawson re FBI Report on Ernest Henry Gruening, April 12, 1951
ERNEST GRUENING FILE, 1950-1951: Special Agents Reports, 1950
Box 282
- Ahsens, Robert J., St. Louis, Missouri, October 4, 1950
- Carlson, George W. H., San Antonio, Texas, October 2, 1950
- Condon, Joseph E., Boston, Massachusetts, October 4-November 1, 1950
- Davis, Vern F., Portland, Oregon, October 4, 1950
- Denton, George H., Houston, Texas, October 3, 1950
- Desmond, John F., Anchorage, Alaska, October 31, 1950
- Ducibella, Salvatore F., New Haven, Connecticut, October 10, 1950
- Flint, Edwin W., Chicago, Illinois, September 25-October 19, 1950
- Gucker, Alexander L., Albany, New York, October 14, 1950
- Hamaker, John F., Jr., Anchorage, Alaska, November 15, 1950
- Hart, Arthur V., New York, New York, October 20, 1950 and April 4, 1951
- Martinez, Gabriel R., Los Angeles, California, November 4, 1950
- McEldowney, Samuel G., Los Angeles, California, September 26, 1950
- McKee, H. Holton, San Antonio, Texas, October 10, 1950
- Noonan, Roy T., Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 6, 1950
- Rice, Patrick M., Washington, D. C., November 14, 1950 and April 12, 1951 [1 of 3]
- Rice, Patrick M., Washington, D. C., November 14, 1950 and April 12, 1951 [2 of 3]
- Rice, Patrick M., Washington, D. C., November 14, 1950 and April 12, 1951 [3 of 3]
Box 283
- Richardson, Ray W., Seattle, Washington, November 2, 1950
- Roberts, Willard L., San Antonio, Texas, November 3, 1950 and January 19, 1951
- Trainor, Joseph C., Baltimore, Maryland, September 26, 1950
- Wolcott, Ross D., Houston, Texas, November 22, 1950
- Young, Polk L., Jr., Louisville, Kentucky, October 20, 1950