Administrative Information
Running Time
1 minute 25 seconds
GENERAL COLIN POWELL 7/24/98, Harry S. Truman Library. A videotape of a speech made by Colin Powell at the Auditorium of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Independence, Missouri. The speech commemorates the anniversary of the signing of Executive Order #9981 which integrated the armed forces. VHS tape, BetaCamSP, Dubbing Master BetaCamSP.
SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.
This item does not circulate but reproductions may be purchased.
To request a copy of this item, please contact truman.reference@nara.gov
Please note that this video belongs to a different video collection than the items available to be borrowed by teachers, from our Education Department.
Moving Image Type