Motion Picture MP64-6
Mein Kampf
Administrative Information
4824 feet
Running Time
2 hours 14 minutes
Film Gauge
Black & White
Produced by
Tone Sjoberg Minewa Int. Film Prod. (Columbia Pictures)
This motion picture, using historic film footage, depicts the story of Adolf Hitler's life and the rise and fall of the Nazi party.
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Moving Image Type
Motion Picture
Shot List
- Reel 1
00:00 | Introduction, credits, script – Poland chosen to represent rape of Europe | |
01:41 | Berlin, 1945 – battle scene | |
02:30 | Berlin, 1914, Germany prepares for war – scenes of trenches, tanks, planes, submarines of World War I | |
04:05 | Russia, 1918 – desolation of country, Bolshevik Revolution . Germany – abdication of of Kaiser – Social Democratic Government takes over | |
05:53 | Terms of Versailles treaty | |
07:39 | Hitler’s early life | |
08:37 | Hitler’s days in Vienna, his first espousal of anti-Semitism. | |
10:00 | Hitler goes to Munich | |
10:20 | World War I declared. Hitler joins army, wounded in 1916, returns to front in 1917, eye injury in 1918. | |
11:30 | Hitler leaves army – starts his National Socialist Party – uses Germany’s confused political and economic situation to gain power. | |
12:56 | Munich Putsch fails. Hitler imprisoned. | |
14:07 | Hitler writes Mein Kampf while in prison - tenets of Mein Kampf discussed. | |
14:50 | Hindenburg becomes German leader | |
15:20 | Hitler released from prison – February, 1925, Nazis hold first major meeting since failure of Munich Putsch. Brown shirts begin march to power. | |
16:50 | 1926 Goering organizes Berlin – all parties begin aiming. | |
18:08 | Industrial leaders give money to Nazis to stop Communist | |
18:24 | A speech by Hitler | |
18:55 | 1929 Election Nazi Party is second largest | |
19:35 | Hitler seizes power legally. Industrial leaders finance Hitler’s campaign in hopes of controlling him later. | |
20:45 | Hitler becomes a German citizen so he can win in the election. | |
21:15 | Hindenburg re-elected , but the scheming begins immediately to unseat him. | |
22:31 | Hitler becomes chancellor, Social Democrats lose control.. | |
23:19 | New government meets | |
24:08 | Scenes of torch light procession, beatings of opposition. | |
24:34 | Street fighting between parties continues | |
26:39 | February 10, Hitler makes first speech as chancellor | |
29:30 | Legal campaign of terror begins. Reichstag burns. Communists blamed and the party is outlawed. Trial of alleged conspirators shown. | |
31:06 | Hitler needs help of Social Democrats. Scenes of Nazi parade. | |
32:02 | Hitler’s speech at Reichstag | |
32:26 | Hitler wants dictatorial powers. Members of Communist and Social Democratic parties arrested. | |
33:54 | March 9, 1933 Coup in Bavaria is followed by coups in other German states; puts Nazis in power all over Germany. | |
35:17 | Opposition parties are destroyed. Unions are abolished. Army comes under control of National Socialist Party. | |
35:50 | Scenes of book burning. | |
36:20 | April – Boycott of Jewish doctors. Scenes of Jews emigrating. Rudolf Hess is seen speaking. | |
37:12 | Hitler needs support of the army. Scene of Hitler speaking to army. | |
39:24 | August 2, 1934, Hindenburg dies. Hitler consolidates offices of president and chancellor. |
- Reel 2
00:00 | Hitler speaks to youth about building a new order. | |
01:11 | Labor becomes compulsory. Scenes of young people reading Mein Kampf. | |
02:22 | Ceremony emphasizing one Fuhrer, one Germany, etc. | |
03:37 | Those not joining the Nazi Party are subjected to terror. | |
03:56 | Hitler makes speech stating that those not with him are against him. | |
04:19 | Scenes of people being marched off to concentration camps. Hitler’s speech on “the state.” | |
05:50 | Military service becomes compulsory in 1935. | |
06:06 | Non-aggression pact with Poland signed | |
06:20 | France doesn’t act when Germany marches into the Rhineland. | |
06:48 | Scenes of Mussolini | |
06:58 | Scenes of Franco and the Spanish Civil War | |
07:32 | Situation in Austria is discussed | |
09:55 | July , 1935, Dollfuss, the Austrian leader is murdered in an attempted coup. | |
10:27 | September, 1937, Mussolini and Hitler meet in Munich. Mussolini will no longer guarantee Austrian independence. German troops march into Austria. | |
11:17 | March, 1938, Hitler marches into Vienna | |
11:46 | Speech by Hitler | |
12:16 | Czechoslovakia throws off first Nazi assault of Sudetenland. | |
13:10 | Chamberlain and Hitler meet in Munich, September 29, 1938. Munich Agreement - Sudetenland becomes German, Czechoslovakia is betrayed; Russia is isolated. | |
14:40 | Scenes of Chamberlain and “Peace in our time.” | |
15:50 | Position of Jews now deteriorating rapidly – Night of Crystal. | |
16:10 | March, 1939, all of Czechoslovakia is occupied. Scenes of storm troops and a Rudolf Hess speech. | |
17:24 | Scenes of Hitler’s fiftieth birthday celebration April 24, 1939. | |
18:11 | Speech by Hitler | |
20:16 | September 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland. Hitler makes speech that state of war now exists. | |
21:08 | Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. | |
21:30 | Scenes of Polish Army, Polish cavalry against German tanks, devastation of Poland, Poles being arrested. | |
24:20 | Scenes of invasion o Warsaw, casualties. | |
26:06 | Germans march into Warsaw. | |
26:56 | Scenes of Poland being pillaged, Jews being forced to wear Star of David, hostages being taken, special streetcar for Jews only. | |
29:18 | Warsaw ghetto is created. Jews from all over Germany are sent to the Warsaw ghetto. Grim scenes of Warsaw ghetto. | |
36:24 | Terror against all Poles is instituted. Resistance grows. Poles described as being sub- human. Scenes of mass hangings and shootings. | |
37:36 | April 9, 1940 Denmark and Norway are invaded. | |
00:00 | June, 1940, Germany invades France. Britain stands alone. Germans bomb Britain in preparation to invade. | |
01:57 | Churchill speaking over scenes of his viewing the bombing, reviewing troops. | |
02:43 | Churchill and Roosevelt meet and sign the Atlantic Charter. | |
03:02 | Hitler attacks Russia instead of invading Britain. Scenes of the invasion. | |
04:16 | Hitler fails to take Moscow. Winter sets in and stops Germany’s advance. Scenes of the Russian winter and suffering of the German troops. | |
05:04 | October, 1942, war begins to turn against Germany. Germany is defeated at El Alamein and loses Africa. Battle scenes. | |
06:30 | Germany tries to take the Caucasus but gives up by January 31, 1943. | |
07:28 | Hitler speaks on his tenth anniversary of coming to power. As he speaks scenes of captured German soldiers in Russia and the battle of Stalingrad are shown. | |
10:09 | Slave workers from all captured areas sent to Germany to work. | |
10:50 | Scenes of concentration camps – Auschwitz – railroad cars, crematorium, Eichman. | |
14:36 | April, 1943, Warsaw Ghetto – Scenes of the three week uprising. | |
16:05 | August 1, 1944, Poles revolt against Germany. Germans destroy Warsaw. Russia refused to come to the aid of the Poles. | |
18:38 | June 6, 1944, Allies land at Normandy. June 20, 1944 attempted assassination of Hitler fails. Film of trial of assassins is shown. Thousands executed or sent to concentration camps as a result of the attempt. | |
24:47 | German army humiliated by complete takeover by SS troops. | |
25:20 | Scenes of German army retreating and boy soldiers. | |
28:56 | March, 1945, newsreel of Hitler – last pictures of Hitler. He is commending young boys for their prowess in battle. | |
31:17 | Battle of Berlin – Russia enters from east. Hitler commits suicide. Keital signs the surrender. | |
32:16 | Replay of Hitler’s early speeches over scenes of devastation in Berlin | |
33:06 | Nuremberg Trials | |
33:51 | Scenes of concentration camps. Eisenhower experiments, statistics on deaths in concentration camps – scenes of personal affects of prisoners. | |
37:40 | Conclusion – Statistics of casualties, statement “this must never happen again.” | |