Motion Picture MP2022-09
Administrative Information
Home movies shot by Lieutenant Daniel Karp during his service in the Air Force in the Korean War. Karp was mainly stationed in Japan. This film shows different Japanese scenes as Karp toured around Japan in Tokyo and Hiroshima, including: Fishing boats, beaches, games, a Noritake China store, urban street scenes of Tokyo, a procession, a harbor, train/cargo area, Moji Port, US Army boats, sawing logs, a gate, a shrine. The film also shows Hiroshima, a memorial, the peace monument, the atom bomb casualty shop, and soldiers visiting the ruins.
SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.
SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.
This item does not circulate but reproductions may be purchased.
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Please note that this video belongs to a different video collection than the items available to be borrowed by teachers, from our Education Department.