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Map of the 11th Airborne Division During the Occupation of Japan

Map of the 11th Airborne Division During the Occupation of Japan
Map of the 11th Airborne Division During the Occupation of Japan
Accession Number
Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C. Reprinted by 69th Engineer Topographic Company, August 1945.
Photo Color
Physical Size
22 1/2 X 20 inches
TIF Identifier

This item is in the public domain and can be used freely without further permission.

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Credit: Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C. Reprinted by 69th Engineer Topographic Company, August 1945.

Courtesy Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, Independence, Missouri.

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An American map of central Japan, which includes Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama. The map, numbered sheet 30, shows highways, roads, trails, boundaries, principal navigational lights, railroads, rice fields, relief, and other details. A meters to feet conversion graph, Japanese to English glossary, and index to boundaries are also included. Annotations, in green, highlight the post-war occupation areas controlled by the 11th Airborne Division. The positions of 11th Airborne units, such as the 187th Glider Infantry Regiment, the 188th Glider Infantry Regiment, and the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, are included. A blue line drawn from Kawasaki to Hachioji is marked "Phase Line 2." The number "27" on this map represents the 27th Infantry Division. Handwriting on the back indicates that this map is part of the President's Secretary's Files. The handwriting reads: "Truman Papers-PSF, Misc. File."
