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Map of the 35th Division

Map of the 35th Division
Map of the 35th Division
Accession Number
Photo Color
Physical Size
12 X 16 inches
TIF Identifier

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Courtesy Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, Independence, Missouri.

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An American map titled "Santa Fe: 35th Infantry Division." The map of the Western front shows the route taken by the 35th Division from its landing at Omaha to V.E. Day in Hanover, Germany. Printed text lists the towns the 35th Division passed through, along with the dates they were occupied, cleared, taken, captured, and liberated. Other text lists the battle stars earned by the Division, campaigns waged, and Division interaction with other Allied units and the German Army. Handwriting on the back indicates that this map is part of the President's Personal File. The handwriting reads in part: "PPF 9-W, 6-3-47."
