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Map of River Engineering in Greater Kansas City

Map of River Engineering in Greater Kansas City
Map of River Engineering in Greater Kansas City
Accession Number
War Department, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Engineers Office, Kansas City District.
Photo Color
Physical Size
14 3/4 X 23 inches
1 inch = 500 feet
TIF Identifier

This item is in the public domain and can be used freely without further permission.

Note: If you use this image, rights assessment and attribution are your responsibility.

Credit: War Department, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Engineers Office, Kansas City District.

Courtesy Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, Independence, Missouri.

Attention media: Please make note of this item's map number. Print out this page and retain it for your permissions records before downloading this image file for possible publication. Library staff cannot sign permissions forms or provide additional paperwork. The Library charges no usage fees for downloaded images. Fees are charged for higher resolution scans.


A map showing land acquisition and proposed river engineering at the Liberty Bend Cut-off of the Missouri River. The map, covering areas in Jackson and Clay County, Missouri, highlights property ownership and acreage, railroads, proposed bridges, levees, pilot canals, construction reference planes, and other details. Handwriting on the front reads: "33" and "6." Handwriting on the back reads: "Senatorial Papers. Letter, 11-18-40 (Flood Control). 8-3-59, P.D.L."
