Dates: 1951-1953
The Psychological Strategy Board Files comprise documentation of the work of that agency from its founding on April 4, 1951 until the end of the Truman administration. The documents are filed according to the War Department decimal file system.
The two most important series are Class 000--General, and Class 300--Administration. These series together contain files on Government agencies; private societies and associations; boards, commissions, committees and councils; individual people, including PSB staff members; and PSB programs and procedures.
A second segment of PSB files, documenting the period January 20 to September 3, 1953, are in the holdings of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.
[ Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Size: 19 linear feet, 3 linear inches (ca. 35,000 pages).
Access: Open, with the exception that some documents are temporarily restricted in accordance with President Truman's letter of gift of February 12, 1957, his will dated January 14, 1959, and the requirements of the Executive Order governing the administration of classified information.
Copyright: Documents prepared by United States Government employees in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in documents outside of this category are presumed to remain with the writers of the documents.
Processed by: Dennis E. Bilger and Harry Clark (1981); Carol A. Briley, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Dennis E. Bilger and Erwin J. Mueller (1989); Janice Davis and David Clark (2014-2015).
Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List
The Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) was established by Presidential Directive on April 4, 1951 "to authorize and provide for the more effective planning, coordination, and conduct within the framework of approved national policies, of psychological operations." An abbreviated version of the Presidential Directive was released to the public on June 20, 1951.
The PSB was composed of the Undersecretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, or their designated representatives. The founding Presidential Directive instructed the PSB to report to the National Security Council "on the Board's activities on the evaluation of the national psychological operations, including implementation of approved objectives, policies, and programs by the departments and agencies concerned."
The Psychological Strategy Board succeeded the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, which had been established during World War II to coordinate the Government's psychological warfare efforts. During the Truman Presidency, the PSB, in addition to its inherited coordination role, conducted planning for psychological operations undertaken by its constituent agencies. It did not conduct operations of its own.
According to Edward P. Lilly, the PSB's historian, the Board's basic function was to prevent interagency rivalries from developing among the agencies involved in psychological operations. Seventeen meetings of the PSB's constituent agency representatives were held during the last year and a half of Truman's administration.
During the Eisenhower presidency, the PSB became purely a coordinating body; all planning was discontinued. The Board was terminated by Executive Order 10483 of September 3, 1953, and its functions were transferred to the Operations Coordinating Board.
The Psychological Strategy Board had three directors during Truman's presidency. Gordon Gray was the first director, serving from June 1951 to January 1952. Raymond B. Allen, the second director, served from January to September 1952. Third was Admiral Alan Kirk, who served the remainder of Truman's term. Charles E. Johnson was the Board's executive officer. Besides the office of the Director, the staff of the Psychological Strategy Board included the following offices: the Executive; Plans and Policy; Coordination; and Evaluation and Review.
The files of the Psychological Strategy Board were in the physical custody of the Central Intelligence Agency until they were turned over to the National Archives in about 1980. They were then divided chronologically into Truman and Eisenhower administration periods, and transferred to the appropriate Presidential Libraries.
The Truman Library's portion was opened for research in 1981. In December 1988, the PSB files were temporarily closed and were subsequently reviewed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Several hundred formerly open documents were restricted because of security classified content as a result of this review. The files were reopened for research in October 1989.
The PSB files, with the exception of a single folder of material filed under Gordon Gray's name, are arranged according to the filing scheme described in the War Department Decimal File System (Washington, D.C., revised edition, 1943). Each classification group, or "class," has been treated in the description of the PSB files as a series.
Probably the two most important series are Class 000--General, which includes such classifications as 040 Agencies, 080 Societies and Associations, 091 Countries, and 091.4 Peoples; and Class 300--Administration, which includes such classifications as 300.6 Memoranda and Notes, 334 Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils and Missions, 337 Conferences, Military and Naval and Others, which includes minutes, agendas and related documentation for the PSB's staff and board meetings, 381 National Defense, and 387.4 Armistice, which includes material about the Korean War. About 85% of the volume of the PSB files, apart from the Indexing and Suspense Form Series, is contained in these two classes.
The Indexing and Suspense Form series is composed entirely of forms of this name, which were used by the Psychological Strategy Board staff to provide cross references to their files. The origins of the forms were often, or perhaps even usually, attached to the fronts of the documents being referenced, and copies were then distributed throughout the files as appropriate. Copies were also put into this Indexing and Suspense Form series, which thus acts as an index to the PSB files. Not all of the documents cross referenced are present in these files.
The Truman Library staff does not know where such documents are, nor why, if they were ever part of the PSB files, they were removed from them. The Indexing and Suspense forms are arranged by the War Department decimal file system. They are filed disproportionately in two decimal files: 040 Executive Departments of the United States Government, and 201 Personal Records. The documents referenced are described by correspondents, dates and subject content.
A list of the specific War Department decimal file system classifications used in this collection of Psychological Strategy Board files is appended to this finding aid.
The Truman Library staff has selectively annotated the folder-title list to try to give some definition to uninformative folder titles. Acronyms and code names have been identified whenever possible. All Library staff additions made to folder titles received from the White House appear in brackets. Accretions of newly declassified documents were opened in 2007 and 2009.
Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List
Container Nos. | Series | |
1 | GORDON GRAY CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1951 Correspondence relating to staff organization and to the meetings of the Psychological Strategy Board during Gray's directorship. This file, which is about 75 pages in volume, appears to have been kept personally by Gray; it was not filed under the filing scheme employed with the rest of the PSB files. Arranged chronologically. |
1-15 | CLASS 000--GENERAL, 1951-1953 This is the main subject file of the PSB files. It consists of correspondence, reports and printed material relating to every area of Psychological Strategy Board activity. The General Class includes several important classifications: Executive Departments of the United States Government, which includes files on the Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Economic Cooperation Administration, the Mutual Security Agency, Radio Free Europe, the State Department, and the Voice of America; 080 Societies and Associations, which includes files on the American Legion, the Ford Foundation, the Red Cross, and the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia; and 090 Geographical and Political Divisions, which includes files on Germany, the Soviet Union, National Security Council report number 10/5, and approximately fifty people. The book which described the filing scheme used for the Psychological Strategy Board's files, War Department Decimal File System, is filed at the beginning of this series. |
15 | CLASS 100--FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING, 1951-1953 Correspondence and reports relating to the estimate of the Psychological Strategy Board's budget for fiscal year 1954, and to the intelligence operations of the State Department. |
16-18 | CLASS 200--PERSONNEL 1951-1953 Correspondence, reports, applications for employment and newspaper clippings concerning the personnel procedures of the Psychological Strategy Board. |
18-32 | CLASS 300--ADMINISTRATION, 1951-1953 Correspondence, reports and newspaper clippings relating to the methods and procedures employed in the operations of the Psychological Strategy Board. The series includes files on staff members Raymond B. Allen, C. Tracy Barnes, Gordon Gray and Palmer Putnam; the history of the statuses of the Government's psychological programs. Classification 334 Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils, and Missions includes files on the Committee on the Present Danger, the Air Force Special Weapons Project, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Council, and the United Nations. Classification 337 Conferences contains minutes of the staff meetings of the Psychological Strategy Board. Other important files in this series document the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, guerrilla warfare, the Rosenberg case, the escapee program, and psychological operations in Korea. |
32-33 | CLASS 400--SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT, 1951-1953 Correspondence, reports and newspaper clippings relating both to certain administrative procedures, and to projects and studies relating to specific supplies, services and equipment. Topics covered include Soviet agriculture, narcotics, oil cartels, and the psychological effects of atomic energy. |
33 | CLASS 500-TRANSPORTATION, 1952 Memoranda and reports relating to the maintenance of the Psychological Strategy Board's station wagon. |
33 | CLASS 600--BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, 1952 Memoranda and reports relating to the Psychological Strategy Board's air conditioning and alarm systems, and to the Board's liaison with the Telecommunications Policy Committee. |
33 | CLASS 700-MEDICINE, HYGIENE, AND SANITATION, 1952 Correspondence, reports and newspaper clippings relating to an epidemic in Korea, and to a Communist biological warfare propaganda campaign. |
33 | CLASS 800--RIVERS, HARBORS AND WATERWAYS, 1952 Correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings relating to the completion of the Volga-Don Canal. |
33-44 | INDEXING AND SUSPENSE FORMS, 1951-1953 Indexing and Suspense Forms, serving imperfectly as an index to the Psychological Strategy Board files. Not all documents cross referenced by these forms are present in the files. The forms identify the documents cross referenced by correspondents, date and subject content. Arranged by War Department decimal file system file number. |
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]
Box 1
- Gordon Gray Chronological File
CLASS 000--GENERAL, 1951-1953
- War Department Decimal File System (Washington, D.C., 1943)
- 000.l Rand Corporation Study International Communication and Political Warfare]
- 000.3 Russia for Ideological Warfare
- 000.5 Katyn Massacre
- 000.7 Conversation with Mr. Green of Congressman Kerstin's Office-- November 12, 1952 [background information on the PSB]
- 000.73 Domestic Censorship
- 000.76 Chinese Publication, Modern China Monthly--November 23, 1952
- 000.77 Recent Developments in Telecommunications--Matters of Possible Interest to PSB
- 000.8 Report of Mr. De Chant's Second Michigan Study--February 21, 1952 [proposal for a western peace offensive]
- 001 Invitation to Lunch at the Hotel Biltimore, New York City--January 28, 1952 [and report on an industrial fair, Bombay, India]
- 004 Private Agencies in Support of PSB-- December 17, 1952
- 005 Community Chest Drive--October 31, 1952
- 014.3 Dr. Fred Williams re Access to Estimate of Public Opinion in Every Significant Country
- 014.3 Social Science Research--Loomis Report [on Cold War aspects of Government research in the social sciences] [1 of 2]
- 014.3 Social Science Research--Loomis Report [on Cold War aspects of Government research in the social sciences] [2 of 2]
Box 2
- 014.31 Aliens [immigration laws and policies]
- 014.391 Immigrants
- 014.393 Utilization of Exiles--January 3, 1952
- 031 Liaison with the White House--March 19, 1952
- 031.2 Relationship of Statistical Security to Psychological Strategy--December 17, 1952
- 032 Executive-Congressional Relations in the Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy--February 20, 1952
- 032.l Congressional Relations--Contact with George F. Wilson of Senator Knowland's Staff--January 19, 1952 [and contact with other members of Congress]
- 032.3 Report of the Senate Foreign Relations Sub-committee on Public Information Programs [re Government overseas information programs]
- 040 Centralizing Paramilitary Activity [PSB relationship with other government departments and agencies]
- 040 Air Force [psychological warfare support]
- 040 Atomic Energy Commission [McCone report on atomic weapons]
- 040 Central Intelligence Agency [requests for intelligence information from; access to Library of]
- 040 Commerce Department [security clearances of civilian pilots]
- 040 Defense Department [coordination of psychological warfare operations] [1 of 2]
- 040 Defense Department [coordination of psychological warfare operations] [2 of 2]
- 040 Department of the Army [coordination with; use of Library of]
- 040 Economic Cooperation Administration [overseas information program of, etc.]
Box 3
- 040 Federal Civil Defense Administration
- 040 Mutual Security Agency
- 040 Navy Department
- 040 Psychological Strategy Board-- Officials
- 040 POC [Psychological Operations Committee, Department of State--PSB liaison with; importance of]
- 040 Radio Free Europe [evaluation of operations of; and Greenwood Plan to fight Communism]
- 040 State Department
- 040 Veterans Administration
- 040 Voice of America
- 050 Relationship of Statistical Security to Psychological Strategy
- 060 Requests for Graphic Material-- December 11, 1952
- 062 Photo Branch Material
- 062.2 Proposal to Make a Series of Films on the General Subject "Why We Fight the Cold War"
- 063 Request for Project Progress Chart for PSB
Box 4
- 080 Recommendations of the Review Group to PSB
- 080 Aid for Refugee Chinese Intellectuals (ARCI)
- 080 American Center for Liberation
- 080 All American Conference to Combat Communism
- 080 American Committee for Cultural Freedom
- 080 American Legion [coordination with]
- 080 Chu Lieu Society [of Hong Kong]
- 080 Colonial Williamsburg Declaration
- 080 Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia [the rate of Soviet emigration]
- 080 Council Against Communist Aggression
- 080 Ford Foundation [William Kennedy Report on ideological warfare; support for escapee program]
- 080 Foreign Service Educational Foundation
- 080 Greater New York Hospital Association
- 080 Institute of Geopolitical Research
- 080 International Society for the Welfare of Cripples
- 080 Institute for International Development
- 080 National Student Association
- 080 Paix et Liberte
- 080 Red Cross
- 080 Russian Emigre Group in Buenos Aires
- 080 School for Advanced International Studies [empty]
- 080 Social Science Research Council [empty]
- 080 U.S. National Student Association
- 080 The Washington Seminar [impact of U.S. policies and programs on other nations]
- 080 Tolstoy Foundation, Inc. [and the resettlement of European refugees]
- 080 World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Box 5
- 091 Africa [Union of South Africa]
- 091 Arabia
- 091 Austria
- 091 Burma
- 091 China [refugees; anti-Communist propaganda]
- 091 Czechoslovakia [Radio Free Europe; refugees]
- 091 Formosa
- 091 France--File #1 [Communist influence in] [1 of 2]
- 091 France--File #1 [Communist influence in] [2 of 2]
- 091 Germany--File #1 [psychological strategy for; Kissinger report on] [1 of 3]
- 091 Germany--File #1 [psychological strategy for; Kissinger report on] [2 of 3]
- 091 Germany--File #1 [psychological strategy for; Kissinger report on] [3 of 3]
Box 6
- 091 Germany--File #2 [psychological strategy for] [1 of 3]
- 091 Germany--File #2 [psychological strategy for] [2 of 3]
- 091 Germany--File #2 [psychological strategy for] [3 of 3]
- 091 Germany--PSB D-38--Minutes [drafts of plan for the integration of Germany into the Western European Union]
- 091 Great Britain [Truman-Churchill conference, 1952]
- 091 Hungary
- 091 India [and Point IV; U.S. cultural and educational programs in; economic aid to; strategic importance of]
- 091 Indochina
- 091 Indonesia
- 091 Iran [U.S. policy toward; oil; political crisis, 1951-52]
- 091 Ireland
- 091 Israel [U.S. cold war strategy in]
- 091 Italy--File #1 [political situation in] [1 of 3]
- 091 Italy--File #1 [political situation in] [2 of 3]
Box 7
- 091 Italy--File #1 [political situation in] [3 of 3]
- 091 Japan--File #1 [importance of Japan to U.S. policy in Asia] [1 of 3]
- 091 Japan--File #1 [importance of Japan to U.S. policy in Asia] [2 of 3]
- 091 Japan--File #1 [importance of Japan to U.S. policy in Asia] [3 of 3]
- 091 Japan--File #2
- 091 Korea [Communist intentions in; psychological warfare operations in]
- 091 Malaya
- 091 Pakistan [combating Communist propaganda in]
- 091 Russia--File #1 [Soviet strategy against U.S.; anti-Communist psychological warfare] [1 of 3]
Box 8
- 091 Russia--File #1 [Soviet strategy against U.S.; anti-Communist psychological warfare] [2 of 3]
- 091 Russia--File #1 [Soviet strategy against U.S.; anti-Communist psychological warfare] [3 of 3]
- 091 Russia-File #2 [Communist propaganda, attitudes, techniques] [1 of 2]
- 091 Russia-File #2 [Communist propaganda, attitudes, techniques] [2 of 2]
- 091 Sweden
- 091 Switzerland
- 091 Thailand
- 091 Trieste
- 091 Turkey
- 091 Yugoslavia
- 091.112 Overt References--Malenkov [re visit of M.R. Masani of India; etc.]
- 091.3 John Haskell [of the New York Stock Exchange]--Report on East-West Trade, File #l [U.S. foreign economic policy and the European reaction to it] [1 of 2]
- 091.3 John Haskell [of the New York Stock Exchange]--Report on East-West Trade, File #l [U.S. foreign economic policy and the European reaction to it] [2 of 2]
Box 9
- 091.3 John Haskell [of the New York Stock Exchange-Report on East-West Trade], File #2 [Point IV; psychological aspects of economic policy]
- 091.3 Middle East
- 091.3 Southeast Asia
- 091.3 Europe
- 091.311 Inspection of Incoming and Outgoing Diplomatic Baggage
- 091.33 Resources--Summary of Forest Problems in Africa, Near East and Southwest Asia [1 of 2]
- 091.33 Resources--Summary of Forest Problems in Africa, Near East and Southwest Asia [2 of 2]
- 091.4 Comments on CENIS--Communications Research Projects
- 091.4 Asia
- 091.4 Doctrinal Warfare (Ideological)
- 091.4 Europe--File #1 [1 of 2]
- 091.4 Europe--File #1 [2 of 2]
- 091.4 Europe--File #2 [1 of 2]
Box 10
- 091.4 Europe--File #2 [2 of 2]
- 091.4 Middle East [1 of 2]
- 091.4 Middle East [2 of 2]
- 091 4 Pacific
- 091.4 Russia
- 091.4 Southeast Asia--File #1 [1 of 2]
- 091.4 Southeast Asia--File #1 [2 of 2]
- 091.4 Southeast Asia--File #2
- 091.4 Potential Role of Wealthy Individuals in Foreign Countries
- 091.411 Procedures for Review of Programs and Major Prospects under NSC 10/5
Box 11
- 091.411 Agenda for 12th Meeting of PSB, May 8, 1952, "PSB Responsibilities under NSC 10/5"
- 091.411 Intelligence Requirements under NSC 10/5
- 091.411 Register--NSC 10/5
- 091.411 Miscellaneous Material re NSC 10/5
- 091.411 Legislative Background to NSC 10/5
- 091.411 NSC 10/5--Meeting of Panel
- 091.411 Actions taken on NSC 10/5
- 091.411 OPC--Mr. Sherman's Files [relationship between the PSB, the CIA, and Defense and State Departments]
- 091.411 Responsibilities and Precedents Under NSC 10/5 [panel to review major programs]
- 091.411 Drafts of "National Psychological Strategy"--Papers #1 from files of Colonel Philbin--PSB [1 of 2]
- 091.411 Drafts of "National Psychological Strategy"--Papers #1 from files of Colonel Philbin--PSB [2 of 2]
- 091.411 Stevens Papers, "A Strategic Concept for a National Psychological Program with Particular Reference to Cold War Operations Under NSC 10/5," November 26, 1952
Box 12
- 091.411 Agenda for PSB Meetings, 1951-1952
- 091.411 Korea
- 091.412 Section I--"Torrential" File #1 [plan for conducting psychological operations during general hostilities] [1 of 2]
- 091.412 Section I--"Torrential" File #1 [plan for conducting psychological operations during general hostilities] [2 of 2]
- 091.412 ["Torrential"] File #2, "The Field and Role of Psychological Strategy in Cold War Planning" [1 of 2]
- 091.412 ["Torrential"] File #2, "The Field and Role of Psychological Strategy in Cold War Planning" [2 of 2]
- 091.7 H.R. 6368--A Bill, "to Amend the Mutual Security Act of 1951"
Box 13
- 091.7 Southeast Asia
- 091.7 Europe [rearming of; and NATO]
- 091.711 Plan for Psychological Warfare vis-a-vis Armed Forces of the Soviet Dominated World
- 091.715 The Aggregate Number of U.S. Diplomatic Personnel Including Families Now on Duty Behind the Iron Curtain
- 092 Chip Bohlen's talk before the Cooperative Forum, December 4, 1952 [Brookings Institution, seminar on U.S. foreign policy]
- 092 Asia [nationalistic movements in]
- 092 Southeast Asia
- 092.3 Armed Forces Special Weapons Projects Briefing
- 095 Aldrich, Richard
- 095 Beall, Jack
- 095 Bedouet, C.F. [report on foreign opinion of U.S. propaganda]
- 095 Brotherton, Norton T.
- 095 Cantril, Hadley
- 095 Chase, Howard
- 095 Chauncey, Henry [diary entries relating to India, Australia and New Zealand]
- 095 Crossman, R. H.
- 095 Dende, Leopold
- 095 Di Nicholas, Dr. George
- 095 Durante, Katherine D.
- 095 Fabian, Dr.
- 095 Finger, John K.
- 095 Fischer, George
- 095 Funston, G. Keith
- 095 Ginsberg, Eli
- 095 Gisevius, Hans [international development in Europe; NATO]
- 095 Grant, Will C.
- 095 Hadley, Arthur T.
- 095 Hannon, Stuart L. [overseas propaganda program]
- 095 Hasek, Dr. Joseph [political situation in Czechoslovakia]
- 095 Haskel, John
- 095 Henderson, Archibald
- 095 Inman, Samuel Guy [McCarran Act]
- 095 Kruger, Albert
- 095 Kurtz, Howard G. [U.S.-U.S.S.R. ideological warfare]
- 095 Lawrence, David [letter re psychological warfare]
- 095 Loomis, Wheeler F.
- 095 Mager, Harold
- 095 Makaroff, Vadim S.
- 095 Marcus, J. Anthony [Soviet geopolitical objectives]
- 095 Marshall, Samuel L.A.
Box 14
- 095 Mayers, Lawrence E.
- 095 Mays-Laforet, Charles
- 095 McKenzie, Vernon [observations on Yugoslovia]
- 095 Meek, Samuel W.
- 095 Merchant, L.T.
- 095 Patterson, Jere
- 095 Pell, Robert
- 095 Pinkerton, Roy
- 095 Rand Corporation
- 095 Renzo, Dr. Renato di
- 095 Riznik, Joseph Q.
- 095 Rooney, Congressman [John J.]
- 095 Roper, Sheldon M.
- 095 Rostow, Walter W.
- 095 Salant, Dr. Edward O. [consultant to the PSB]
- 095 Sanborn, William
- 095 Schramm, Wilbur
- 095 Schwartz, Dr. H.W.
- 095 Scott, John
- 095 Smith, Randall
- 095 Smyser, Selden
- 095 Spier, Hans
- 095 Taylor, George
- 095 Thorsen, Wallace
- 095 A
- 095 B
Box 15
- 095 C
- 095 D [views on the Soviet regime, etc.]
- 095 E
- 095 F [Soviet "peace offensive;" psychological warfare against Russia; etc.]
- 095 G [articles on the cold war; political situation in Czechoslovakia]
- 095 H
- 095 K [Russian national income; suggestions for world peace; etc.]
- 095 L
- 095 M [Italian politics; Russian-Americans; American Economic Security League, etc.]
- 095 N [psychological warfare and the Eisenhower Administration]
- 095 P
- 095 R
- 095 S [Russian emigres]
- 095 T
- 095 V
- 095 W
- 110 Budget Estimate for PSB for FY 1954
- 112.5 Answers to Certain Questions Posed re Intelligence Area, Department of State
Box 16
CLASS 200--PERSONNEL, 1951-1953
- 200.2 Memorandum re Identification Card Procedures for PSB, August 8, 1951
- 200.3 Authorized staff for Assistant Director for Special Studies
- 200.6 Applicability of State Department Honor Awards to Staff of PSB
- 201 Allen, Dr. Raymond B.
- 201 Almond, Gabriel A. [study on the appeal of Communism]
- 201 Antrim, Richard N. [appraisal of Communist radio broadcasts]
- 201 Barghoorn, Frederick C.
- 201 Barnes, C. Tracy
- 201 Bennett, Edward J.
- 201 Button, Robert E.
- 201 Cox, Arthur
- 201 Cutler, Robert
- 201 Davis, Colonel Paul
- 201 Enyart, Colonel Byron K.
- 201 Gange, John Frederic
- 201 Godel, William H.
- 201 Gray, Gordon
- 201 Healey, Lt. Joseph L.
- 201 Irwin, Wallace
- 201 J
- 201 Johnson, Charles E.
- 201 Jordan, Michael
- 201 Jordowsky, Michael
- 201 Kennedy, William D.
- 201 Kirk, Admiral Allen G.
- 201 Laughlin, Henry P., M.C., "Some Areas of Psychiatric Interest"
- 201 Lilly, Dr. Edward
- 201 Loomis, Henry
- 201 McCarthy, Charles W.
- 201 MacDonald, J.E.
- 201 Matthewson, Maj. General Lemuel
- 201 Maxwell, Major General Russell
- 201 Philbin, Lt. Colonel Tobias R.
- 201 R
- 201 Raffa, Lt. Colonel Aldo L.
- 201 Ravndal, Christian M.
- 201 Shainmark, E.L.
- 201 Sibert, Brig. General Edwin L. and James B. Sweeney
Box 17
- 201 Stevens, Captain J.E.
- 201 Taylor, Edmond L.
- 201 Witman, William
- 201.2 Letter of Commendation to Division of Central Services
- 201.3 Entries into Biographical Register
- 201.61 Efficiency Reports--Department of the Army
- 210.4 Duty Officer Schedules
- 210.6 Office Personnel, Accounting of
- 210.71 Requests for Military Leave
- 230 File #1, PSB Personnel Matters--Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
- 230 File #1, PSB Personnel Matters--Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
- 230.02 File #1, Applications for Employment with PSB [1 of 2]
- 230.02 File #1, Applications for Employment with PSB [2 of 2]
Box 18
- 230.02 File #2, Applications for Employment with PSB
- 230.08 PSB Staff Instruction on Clearance Procedures for Separating Personnel
- 230.42 Travel Orders for Dr. Lilly
- 230.741 Indoctrination of U.S. Tourists Going Abroad
- 231.2 Employment of Consultants
- 254 Communist Propaganda re U.S. Concentration Camps
- 291.2 New Threat to the Genocide Convention
- 300.6 Office Memoranda--Dr. Allen
- 300.6 Office Memoranda--Barnes, C. Tracy
- 300.6 Office Memoranda--Gray, Gordon
- 300.6 Office Memoranda--Putnam, Palmer
- 300.6 Office Memoranda--General [numbered "Office Memoranda," and other administrative correspondence, Jan.-Sept. 1952,] 120 PSB Staff Instruction Manual
- 310.2 Office Space
- 311.1 Comments on Dr. Craig's Proposal of October 1, 1952 re Distributing Incoming Material with PSB
- 311.13 Mats
- 311.21 Telegrams
Box 19
- 311.24 Supplying FBI's Ticker service to PSB
- 311.4 State Department Courier Mail
- 311.5 Code Words
- 312 Procedures for Developing Staff Studies
- 312.1 Receipt of Envelope Number 469923
- 312.4 Symbols
- 312.6 Time Lapse in Routing of Paper, "The Free World's Secret Weapons"
- 312.7 Labels on Terminology in our Propaganda Output
- 313 Checking the Records [procedures for handling files]
- 313.5 Distribution of PSB Report to NSC
- 313.6 Putnam Papers [procedures for disposal of classified material]
- 314.7 History of PSB
- 319.1 File #1--Report by PSB on the Status of the Psychological Program [1 of 2]
Box 20
- 319.1 File #1--Report by PSB on the Status of the Psychological Program [2 of 2]
- 319.1 File #2--Report by the PSB on the Status of the Psychological Program
- 323 NATO
- 323 SHAPE [proposed European counterpart to PSB]
- 330.34 Duty Rosters
- 331.1 Steps to Ease Workload in Library [PSB staff use of State Department Library]
- 333 MSA and TCA Inspection Practices
- 334 File #1, Committee on the Present Danger
- 334 Advisory Council [proposed creation of by PSB]
- 334 Air Force Special Weapons Project, AFSWP
- 334 Committee on Human Resources [evaluation of human resource research projects undertaken within the Defense Department]
- 334 Committee on Weapons Guidance
- 334 Director's Group
- 334 HICOG [High Commissioner's Office, Germany] Communication with General Gruenther
- 334 Joint Chiefs of Staff [PSB relations with]
- 334 JSPD [Joint Subsidiary Plans Division]
- 334 JSPG [Joint Subsidiary Plans Group]
Box 21
- 334 LENAP (Cloven Coordinating Committee)
- 334 National Psychological Mobilization Authority
- 334 NSC [reorganization of the staff of; public opinion re U.S. foreign policy]
- 334 NSRB [National Security Resources Board]
- 334 Panel "A" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on the armistice negotiations in Korea]
- 334 Panel "B" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on U.S. and U.S.S.R. psychological operations]
- 334 Panel "C" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on France and Italy]
- 334 Panel "D"
- 334 Panel "F" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on Germany]
- 334 Panel "H" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on the Middle East]
- 334 Panel "I" [Ad Hoc Task Panel on Southeast Asia]
Box 22
- 334 Panel "J"
- 334 Panel "L"
- 334 PSB Staff Coordination [and] Liaison with the White House--File #1 [organization and functions of the PSB] [1 of 2]
- 334 PSB Staff Coordination [and] Liaison with the White House--File #1 [organization and functions of the PSB] [2 of 2]
- 334 [PSB staff coordination and liaison with the White House]--File #2 [role of PSB, background notes re] [1 of 2]
- 334 [PSB staff coordination and liaison with the White House]--File #2 [role of PSB, background notes re] [2 of 2]
- 334 [PSB staff coordination and liaison with the White House]--File #3 [reorganization and staffing adjustments; evolution of PSB] [1 of 2]
Box 23
- 334 [PSB staff coordination and liaison with the White House]--File #3 [reorganization and staffing adjustments; evolution of PSB] [2 of 2]
- 334 Plans and Policy
- 334 President's Materials Policy Commission
- 334 POCC [Psychological Operations Coordinating Committee, Department of State]
- 334 United Nations
- 334 UNESCO [United Nations Economic and Social Council]
- 334 Watch Committee
- 337 Agenda [for PSB meetings]
- 337 Alternates [for PSB meetings]
- 337 Army Department--Army Advisory Orientation Conference, November 12, 1951 [1 of 2]
- 337 Army Department--Army Advisory Orientation Conference, November 12, 1951 [2 of 2]
Box 24
- 337 Staff Meeting[s]--1952-January 1953 [1 of 2]
- 337 Staff Meeting[s]--1952-January 1953 [2 of 2]
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes--File #1
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes--File #2 [1 of 3]
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes--File #2 [2 of 3]
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes--File #2 [3 of 3]
Box 25
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes [1 of 2]
- 337 [PSB, board meetings]--Minutes [2 of 2]
- 337 [PSB] Luncheon Meetings--Minutes
- 350 File #1, Department of State--USIE [United States International Information and Educational Exchange] Program--July 27, 1951
- 350 File #2, Department of State--USIE Program--1952
- 350 Southeast Asia
- 350.001 File #1--Dr. Raymond B. Allen Lecture, "Psychological Political Strategy Re-examined" [1 of 2]
Box 26
- 350.001 File #1--Dr. Raymond B. Allen Lecture, "Psychological Political Strategy Re-examined" [2 of 2]
- 350.001 File #2--Lectures by Admiral Allen Kirk of PSB (Misc.)
- 350.01 Series of Memoranda on Anticommunist and Pro-Democratic Literature--Notes on "Handbook of Anticommunism"
- 350.05 Discussion with Evron Kirkpatrick, January 31, 1952 re, "Investigate the General Intelligence Research Situation from the Point of View of PSB and to Discuss the Witzell Project"
- 350.06 Evaluation of Project VISTA [re the armed forces' use of psychological warfare], Joint Aspects
- 352 Armed Forces Special Weapons Project [atomic warfare]
- 352 National War College [lecture schedules, 1951-52]
- 353 CIA 8th Agency Orientation Course [psychological warfare planning]
- 353.8 Activities of "Lefty" O'Doul in Promoting U.S.-Japanese Friendship Through Sports Activities
- 370.05 Comments on Draft NSC Statement of Policy in Evacuation of Selected Key Indigenous Persons from Danger Areas
- 370.64 Guerrilla Warfare Study Project
Box 27
- 373 Psychological Impact of Air Weapons Evaluated
- 380.01 File #1--Security Violations [security regulations; clearances; disposal of materials] [1 of 2]
- 380.01 File #1--Security Violations [security regulations; clearances; disposal of materials] [2 of 2]
- 381 File #1--List of Planning Projects Authorized by the Board, March 27, 1952 [1 of 2]
- 381 File #1--List of Planning Projects Authorized by the Board, March 27, 1952 [2 of 2]
- 381 File #2--Comments on PSB Planning Resources Paper, October 6, 1952 [1 of 2]
Box 28
- 381 File #2--Comments on PSB Planning Resources Paper, October 6, 1952 [2 of 2]
- 381 File #3—PSB Plans Delayed in Development or Implementation, December 18, 1952
- 381 Europe
- 381 United States
- 383 Psychological Aspects of Phase "A" Defection Program [1 of 2]
- 383 Psychological Aspects of Phase "A" Defection Program [2 of 2]
- 383.4 Rosenberg Case [background on President Truman's statement re, 1952]
- 383.6 Report on Situation with Respect to Repatriation of Prisoners of War
Box 29
- 383.7 Escapee Program--Section 1 [agencies and organizations involved with] [1 of 2]
- 383.7 Escapee Program--Section 1 [agencies and organizations involved with] [2 of 2]
- 383.7 Escapee Program--Section 2 [Presidential and agency actions re] [1 of 2]
- 383.7 Escapee Program--Section 2 [Presidential and agency actions re] [2 of 2]
- 383.7 Educational Programs for Iron Curtain Escapees, Project ENGROSS--File #l [Psychological Operations Plan]
- 383.7 Report of Richard Brown on Escapee Program File #2 [programs for Far East and Soviet bloc nations; legislation to aid defectors] [1 of 2]
- 383.7 Report of Richard Brown on Escapee Program File #2 [programs for Far East and Soviet bloc nations; legislation to aid defectors] [2 of 2]
Box 30
- 384.51 Project East River
- 384.51 PSB's Disaster Plan, November 3, 1952
- 385 File #1--(Inventory of Resources Presently Available for Psychological Operations Planning, January 5, 1952) [1 of 2]
- 385 File #1--(Inventory of Resources Presently Available for Psychological Operations Planning, January 5, 1952) [2 of 2]
- 385 File #2--Reply to Congressman Kersten re Escapees from Soviet Satellite Countries [German-Russian alliance; defense against Communism]
- 385 Suggestions--File #1--Moral Rearmament Events Around the World [1 of 2]
- 385 Suggestions--File #1--Moral Rearmament Events Around the World [2 of 2]
Box 31
- 385 Suggestions--File #2, 7th Anniversary of Meeting of Soviet and American Armies at the Elbe, May 13, 1952 [1 of 3]
- 385 Suggestions--File #2, 7th Anniversary of Meeting of Soviet and American Armies at the Elbe, May 13, 1952 [2 of 3]
- 385 Suggestions--File #2, 7th Anniversary of Meeting of Soviet and American Armies at the Elbe, May 13, 1952 [3 of 3]
- 385 [Suggestions]--File #3, Crusade for Freedom
- 387.4 Korea--File #1 [plan "Takeoff," re collapse of armistice talks]
- 387.4 Korea--File #2 [psychological plans re. cease-fire negotiations] [1 of 2]
- 387.4 Korea--File #2 [psychological plans re. cease-fire negotiations] [2 of 2]
Box 32
- 388 Congress of Vienna--U.S. Peace Appeals [proposed summit meeting]
- 388.3 Disarmament Proposal [evaluation of by U.S., U.K., France]
- 388.4 Reexamination of Present Security Policies and Regulations, July 17, 1952
- 400 Request for Additional Reproduction Facilities from the State Department for PSB Equipment
- 430 Multipurpose Foods [for refugees], November 16, 1952
- 441 U.S. Narcotics Charges Against the Communists, May 12, 1952
- 452.4 Imre Kovacs, "Bombs for Peace" Project [propaganda leaflets]
- 461 Rand Corporation Study, "Leadership in Soviet Agriculture and the Communist Party"--File #1 [1 of 2]
- 461 Rand Corporation Study, "Leadership in Soviet Agriculture and the Communist Party"--File #1 [2 of 2]
- 461 [Rand Corporation study, "Leadership in Soviet Agriculture and the Communist Party"]--File #2 [requests for ideological warfare materials]
Box 33
- 463 Conversation with Stephen J. Spingarn, Chairman, FTC, re Oil Cartels
- 470 Rand Corporation Study re Atomic Weapons, July 23, 1952 [1 of 2]
- 470 Rand Corporation Study re Atomic Weapons, July 23, 1952 [2 of 2]
- 471.6 Reanalysis of Dr. Possony's Paper on Psychological Use of Atomic Energy, November 18, 1952
- 486.3 PSB Cleaning Service, August 20, 1952
- 537 Garage and Maintenance of PSB Station Wagon, November 25, 1952
- 673 Air Conditioners for PSB
- 676 Liaison with the Telecommunications Policy Committee, October 15, 1952
- 676.9 Alarm System [at PSB offices, map plan of]
- 710 Korean Plague Epidemic, March 3, 1952
- 729.2 File #1--PSB Staff Study, "Preliminary Analysis of the Communist BW [brain washing] Propaganda Campaign with Recommendations," August 7, 1952
- 730 Project ESSEX, Prepared by Lt. Geiger, USA July 15, 1952
- 821 Completion of the Volga-Don Canal, May 23, 1952
- JIGM-NIE [Joint Intelligence Committee and National Intelligence Estimates]
- NSC 10/5
- SPDM U.S. Psychological warfare and Tasks--PSB Plan "Torential"
Box 34
- 000.1-000.8
- 001-008
- 010.2-014.331
- 020-032.3
- 040 Department of Agriculture
- 040 ADPC--A Suggested Approach to Psychological Warfare
- 040 Atomic Energy Commission
- 040 Attorney General
- 040 Air Force
- 040 Central Intelligence Agency
- 040 Commerce Department
- 040 Coordinating Committee in each Major Embassy--Status of CIA's Planning re Plan Cancellation
- 040 Defense Department
- 040 Economic Cooperation Administration
- 040 ERS [Evaluation and Review Staff]
- 040 FBIS [Foreign Broadcast Information Staff]
- 040 Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 040 JSPD [Joint Subsidiary Plans Division, Joint Chiefs of Staff]--Security Aspects of Cloven
- 040 Justice Department
- 040 Labor Department
- 040 Mutual Security Agency
- 040 National Security Council
- 040 Navy
- 040 ODM [Office of Defense Mobilization]
- 040 Office of International Trade
- 040 Officials
- 040 POCC [Psychological Operations Coordinating Committee]
- 040 Psychological Strategy Board
- 040 Radio Free Europe
Box 35
- 040 State Department
- 040 Supreme Headquarters Allied Forces in Europe SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe]
- 040 Technical Cooperation Administration
- 040 Treasury Department
- 040 USIE [United States International Information and Educational Exchange, Department of State]
- 040 Voice of America
- 061-062.2
- 080 Air University--American Political Science Association
- 080 Bedford (Va.) Democrat--Democratic Combattante
- 080 Ford Foundation--Interdependence Council
- 080 National Advisory Council--National Security Commission
- 080 Radio Free Asia-U.S.
- 091 Africa-Egypt
- 091 Finland-Malaya
- 091 Nepal-Yugoslavia
- 091 Russia
- 091.1-091.3
- 091.4
- 091.411-092.3
Box 36
- 095 (A-C) [1 of 2]
- 095 (A-C) [2 of 2]
- 095 (D-F)
- 095 (G-H)
- 095 (I-L)
- 095 (M-N)
- 095 (O-R)
Box 37
- 095 (S-T)
- 095 (U-XYZ)
- 110-200.2
- 201 A [1 of 2]
- 201 A [2 of 2]
- 201 Allen, Dr. Raymond B. [1 of 2]
- 201 Allen, Dr. Raymond B. [2 of 2]
- 201 Ba-Be [1 of 2]
- 201 Ba-Be [2 of 2]
Box 38
- 201 Barnes, C. Tracy [1 of 2]
- 201 Barnes, C. Tracy [2 of 2]
- 201 Bi-Bz [1 of 2]
- 201 Bi-Bz [2 of 2]
- 201 Browne, Mallory
- 201 Ca-Cl
- 201 Cm-Cz [1 of 2]
Box 39
- 201 Cm-Cz [2 of 2]
- 201 D
- 201 E-F
- 201 G [1 of 2]
- 201 G [2 of 2]
- 201 H [1 of 2]
- 201 H [2 of 2]
Box 40
- 201 I-J
- 201 Johnson, Charles E. [1 of 2]
- 201 Johnson, Charles E. [2 of 2]
- 201 K
- 201 Kirk, Admiral Allan A.
- 201 L
Box 41
- 201 Ma-Mn [1 of 2]
- 201 Ma-Mn [2 of 2]
- 201 Mo-Mz [1 of 2]
- 201 Mo-Mz [2 of 2]
- 201 N-O
- 201 Norberg, Charles R. [1 of 2]
- 201 Norberg, Charles R. [2 of 2]
Box 42
- 201 P [1 of 2]
- 201 P [2 of 2]
- 201 R
- 201 Sa-Sh
- 201 Sherman, John [1 of 2]
- 201 Sherman, John [2 of 2]
- 201 Si-Sz
- 201 Smith, General Walter B.
Box 43
- 201 T-V
- 201 Taylor, Edmund L. [1 of 2]
- 201 Taylor, Edmund L. [2 of 2]
- 201 W-XYZ [1 of 2]
- 201 W-XYZ [2 of 2]
- 201.2-231.4
- 310-313
- 313.5-331.1
- 334 A-J
- 334 K-W
Box 44
- 334 Panels B-K
- 335.17-337
- 350-373.21
- 380.01-381
- 383-410.2
- 415-730
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