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Exchange of Messages With President Aleman of Mexico

May 13, 1947

[Released May 13, 1947. Dated May 12, 1947]

I THANK YOU for your courteous message sent me upon your departure from the United States.

The visit which you and your distinguished companions have graciously paid to me and to the people of the United States has strengthened the already firm ties of friendship and understanding between our two countries. I share your confidence that our relations will grow ever stronger in the same cordial spirit that governed my recent visit to your great country and your visit to the United States.

May I express to you, Mr. President, my best wishes for your personal well-being and happiness.

[His Excellency Miguel Aleman, President of the Mexican States, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)]

NOTE: President Aleman's message, dated May 8 and sent from Olmsted Field, Middleton, Pa., follows:
His Excellency Harry S. Truman:

Upon leaving the territory of the United States, I desire to express to .you once again my deep gratitude for all the courtesies which you were so good as to extend to me during my stay in your great country, for whose happiness I express sincere wishes as President of a people which believes deeply in the democratic solidarity of liberty-loving men, governed by justice and associated in progress.

The spirit of complete and reciprocal understanding which guided all our conversations in Washington as well as in Mexico is an excellent guarantee of the cordiality of our Republics.

In view of your high qualities as a statesman and as a man which give value to your noble sincerity, that spirit of understanding has found in you a strong champion of inter-American cohesion.

Confident that the cordiality to which I refer will continue to be the best basis for strengthening and promoting the relations of our governments and our peoples, I repeat to you, Mr. President, the sentiments of my constant and steadfast friendship.