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Letter to Alben W. Barkley on the Eighth Anniversary of His Election as Majority Leader of the Senate

July 27, 1945

Dear Alben:

Today marks the eighth anniversary of your service as Majority Leader of the Senate. I understand that this is twice as
long as any of your predecessors have served. These years have been eventful ones. They have been years of great moment to
the United States and to the world.

In all of the recent events which have meant so much in shaping the future of our civilization you have played an important and
effective role. Not only have you helped to fulfill the ideals and principles of our party, but you have been willing and anxious to lay
aside all semblance of partisanship or desire for party advantage whenever the welfare of our nation required it.

I congratulate you on your past service as Majority Leader, and, also, on your thirty-three years of service in the Congress. The
nation is grateful to you for your patriotic share in the accomplishments of these years, and I know that the years to come will be
equally fruitful.

With all best wishes for your continued health and success from your old friend,
Very sincerely yours,

[Honorable Alben W. Barkley, The United States Senate]