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Telegram to Herbert Hoover, Honorary Chairman, Famine Emergency Committee

April 18, 1946

AN URGENT NEED has developed in this country to bring forcibly and dramatically to public attention, as a spur to the food-for-famine-effort, the facts about conditions in Europe which your visit and inquiries have brought to light.

Therefore, I wish to suggest the advisability of your return to the United States immediately after completion of the engagement in Cairo, in order to bring directly home to the American people your eyewitness account of the necessity for greater assistance from this country.

This would make your trip to India, China and Japan, by way of the United States. The Famine Emergency Committee in session yesterday with representatives of the Government Departments concerned, including the Departments of State, Agriculture and Commerce, felt that with only seventy-five days left in the current phase of the famine relief program, nothing should be left undone that can increase public response in ways to draw more wheat from the farms and to save more food in homes and eating places. Arrangements would be made for a large meeting in New York City and for others elsewhere.

[Honorable Herbert Hoover, Honorary Chairman, Famine Emergency Committee, c/o American Embassy, Cairo, Egypt]