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Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting Reports on Foreign War Relief Activities

July 17, 1945

[Released July 17, 1945. Dated July 14, 1945]


I have the honor to transmit herewith reports prepared by the American Red Cross and the War Refugee Board reflecting
foreign war relief operations which have been conducted during the period July 1, 1940 through April 30, 1945, from appropriations
for foreign war relief consolidated and extended by the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, the Urgent Deficiency
Appropriation Act, 1943, and the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944.

These reports supplement those previously submitted as of April 30, 1941, April 30, 1942, April 30, 1943, and April 30, 1944 and
are of necessity of an interim nature since the foreign war relief program is still in progress.

The Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945 has extended the availability of $2,150,000 of this appropriation until December
31, 1945 in order to provide for the termination of the program and a final report will be submitted following that date.

There is also transmitted herewith a statement of allocations that have been made to government purchasing agencies from this
appropriation together with unobligated balances remaining in each allocation as of April 30, 1945. It will be noted that obligations
reflected in this statement have been based on orders placed with vendors as distinguished from the report of the American Red
Cross which was prepared on the basis of requisitions submitted to government purchasing agencies.
Respectfully yours,

NOTE: This is the text of identical letters addressed to the Honorable Kenneth McKellar, President pro tempore of the Senate,
and to the Honorable Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The reports of the American Red Cross and the War Refugee Board and the report on status of appropriation and allocations are
printed in House Document 262 (79th Cong., 1st sess.).