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Letter to the President, National Association of Wholesalers

May 3, 1947

[Released May 3, 1947. Dated May 2, 1947]

Dear Mr. Kolodny:

This is to acknowledge your letter of April 29, enclosing a copy of "Wholesaler," the official publication of your Association. I note with interest that you utilized the April issue of your publication to speak to your members on the subject of prices.

I was particularly impressed with your statements that the present price level is too high, that it is out of relationship with the income level of most wage earners, and that there is a responsibility on the part of the producer, the wholesaler, and the retailer to make an "honest contribution to the maintenance of a sound economy."

It is gratifying to see this fine response m the plea for price reduction. It is important that there be a continuing recognition of the price problem in all segments of our economy.
Very sincerely yours,

[Mr. Joseph Kolodny, President, National Association of Wholesalers, Inc., 200 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.]

NOTE: Mr. Kolodny's letter to the members of the Association, as printed in "Wholesaler," and his letter of transmittal dated April 29 were released with the President's reply.