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Letter to Dr. Vannevar Bush Upon His Appointment as Chairman, Research and Development Board

September 25, 1947

My dear Dr. Bush:

I am happy to know that you are willing to continue in the public service as Chairman of the Research and Development Board created by the National Security Act of 1947.

Your work as chairman of the Office of Scientific Research and Development was of great importance to the armed services in the prosecution of World War II. Since V-J Day you have continued to render valuable service as chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board set up by the Secretaries of War and Navy.

The coordination of our scientific effort is one of the most important objectives of the National Security Act. It is a fortunate circumstance that, in carrying out these objectives, the Research and Development Board will have the benefit of your guidance.
Sincerely yours,

[Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman, Joint Research and Development Board, Washington, D.C.]