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  4. Letter to the Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee, Urging Restoration of Funds for a TVA Steamplant at New Johnsonville, Tennessee

Letter to the Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee, Urging Restoration of Funds for a TVA Steamplant at New Johnsonville, Tennessee

May 26, 1948

My dear Mr. Chairman:

I am advised that the Senate Committee on Appropriations is currently considering the appropriation request for the Tennessee Valley Authority, including particularly restoration of the budgeted amount of $4,000,000 to begin construction of a steam plant at New Johnsonville, Tennessee, which amount was deleted by the House of Representatives.

The New Johnsonville plant is needed to provide a minimum reserve capacity for supplying firm power to the Tennessee Valley, assuming a normal peacetime growth of demand, and it is urgently needed at this time to meet potential requirements in the event of an emergency affecting the national security. There is no equally effective means of assuring to the nation the prompt installation of this new capacity, and of integrating the power available from this source into that provided by the hydroelectric system of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

I am attaching for the information of your Committee a copy of a letter received by me from the Chairman of the National Security Resources Board, which indicates the importance of this project to our national security.

I urge, in the strongest possible terms, the favorable consideration of your Committee and of the Congress.
Very sincerely yours,

[Honorable Styles Bridges, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, Washington, D.C.]

NOTE: The letter from Arthur M. Hill, Chairman of the National Security Resources Board, was released with the President's letter.

For the President's statement upon signing the Government Corporation Appropriation Act of 1949, which included funds for the Tennessee Valley Authority, see Item 148.