June 4, 1947
My dear Mr._________:
On October 23, 1945, I recommended to the Congress the enactment of a system of universal training. From the extensive discussion which followed, it was obvious that there was great disparity of viewpoint on the subject.
In an effort to clarify the situation, I appointed, on November 20, 1946, an Advisory Commission on Universal Training. I asked the Commission to determine whether the security of this Nation and the preservation of world peace required the establishment of a system of universal training. I asked further, that if such a system were deemed necessary, how it should be carried out to give this country the largest measure of protection, make maximum allowance for the spiritual, mental and physical development of the young men in training, and keep costs at the lowest level consistent with attainment of its security goal.
The Commission has made an exhaustive investigation and has submitted an excellent report. It is significant to note that the members of the Commission, consisting of outstanding Americans in various fields of endeavor, unanimously recommend the adoption of universal training.
Copies of the Report of the Commission are transmitted herewith for the information of the Congress and I urge that the Congress give early consideration to the subject of universal training which is, in the words of the Commission, "an essential element in an integrated program of national security designed to protect the United States against possible aggression, to perpetuate the freedoms for which millions shed their blood, and to hasten the advent of universal disarmament and peace through the United Nations."
Very sincerely yours,
NOTE: This is the text of identical letters addressed to the Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg, President pro tempore of the Senate, and to the Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The report entitled "A Program for National Security" is dated May 29, 1947 (Government Printing Office, 453 pp.). A list of the members of the Commission is appended to the President's remarks at a meeting with them in December 1946 (see 1946 volume, this series, Item 268).
My dear Mr._________:
On October 23, 1945, I recommended to the Congress the enactment of a system of universal training. From the extensive discussion which followed, it was obvious that there was great disparity of viewpoint on the subject.
In an effort to clarify the situation, I appointed, on November 20, 1946, an Advisory Commission on Universal Training. I asked the Commission to determine whether the security of this Nation and the preservation of world peace required the establishment of a system of universal training. I asked further, that if such a system were deemed necessary, how it should be carried out to give this country the largest measure of protection, make maximum allowance for the spiritual, mental and physical development of the young men in training, and keep costs at the lowest level consistent with attainment of its security goal.
The Commission has made an exhaustive investigation and has submitted an excellent report. It is significant to note that the members of the Commission, consisting of outstanding Americans in various fields of endeavor, unanimously recommend the adoption of universal training.
Copies of the Report of the Commission are transmitted herewith for the information of the Congress and I urge that the Congress give early consideration to the subject of universal training which is, in the words of the Commission, "an essential element in an integrated program of national security designed to protect the United States against possible aggression, to perpetuate the freedoms for which millions shed their blood, and to hasten the advent of universal disarmament and peace through the United Nations."
Very sincerely yours,
NOTE: This is the text of identical letters addressed to the Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg, President pro tempore of the Senate, and to the Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The report entitled "A Program for National Security" is dated May 29, 1947 (Government Printing Office, 453 pp.). A list of the members of the Commission is appended to the President's remarks at a meeting with them in December 1946 (see 1946 volume, this series, Item 268).