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WHEREAS section 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enacted on June 27, 1952 (Public Law 414, 82nd Congress; 66 Stat. 163, 190), authorizes the President to impose restrictions and prohibitions in addition to those otherwise provided by that Act upon the departure of persons from, and their entry into, the United States when the United States is at war or during the existence of any national emergency proclaimed by the President or, as to aliens, whenever there exists a state of war between or among two or more states, and when the President shall find that the interests of the United States so require; and

WHEREAS the national emergency the existence of which was proclaimed on December 16, 1950, by Proclamation 2914 still exists; and

WHEREAS because of the exigencies of the international situation and of the national defense then existing Proclamation No. 2523(1) of November 14, 1941, imposed certain restrictions and prohibitions, in addition to those otherwise provided by law, upon the departure of persons from and their entry into the United States; and

WHEREAS the exigencies of the international situation and of the national defense still require that certain restrictions and prohibitions, in addition to those otherwise provided by law, be imposed upon the departure of persons from and their entry into the United States:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, do hereby find and publicly proclaim that the interests of the United States require that restrictions and prohibitions, in addition to those otherwise provided by law, be imposed upon the departure of persons from, and their entry into, the United States; and I hereby prescribe and make the following rules, regulations, and orders with respect thereto:

1. The departure and entry of citizens and nationals of the United States from and into the United States, including the Canal Zone, and all territory and waters, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, shall be subject to the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of State and published as sections 53.1 to 53.9 inclusive, of title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Such regulations are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this proclamation; and the Secretary of State is hereby authorized to revoke, modify, or amend such regulations as he may find the interests of the United States to require.

2. The departure of aliens from the United States, including the Canal Zone, and all territory and waters, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, shall be subject to the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of State, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, and published as sections 53.61 to 53.71, inclusive, of title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Such regulations are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this proclamation; and the Secretary of State, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to revoke, modify, or amend such regulations as he may find the interests of the United States to require.

3. The entry of aliens into the Canal Zone and American Samoa shall be subject to the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of State, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, and published as sections 53.21 to 53.41, inclusive, of title 22 of the code of Federal Regulations. Such regulations are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this proclamation; and the Secretary of State, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to revoke, modify, or amend such regulations as he may find the interests of the United States to require.

4. Proclamation No. 2523 of November 14, 1941, as amended by Proclamation No. 2850(2)
of August 17, 1949, is hereby revoked, but such revocation shall not affect any order, determination, or decision relating to an individual, or to a class of individuals, issued in pursuance of such proclamations prior to the revocation thereof, and shall not prevent prosecution for any offense committed, or the imposition of any penalties or forfeitures, liability for which was incurred under such proclamations prior to the revocation thereof; and the provisions of this proclamation, including the regulations of the Secretary of State incorporated herein and made a part hereof, shall be in addition to, and shall not be held to revoke, supersede, modify, amend, or suspend, any other proclamation, rule, regulation, or order heretofore issued relating to the departure of persons from, or their entry into, the United States; and compliance with the provisions of this proclamation, including the regulations of the Secretary of State incorporated herein and made a part hereof, shall not be considered as exempting any individual from the duty of complying with the provisions of any other statute, law, proclamation, rule, regulation, or order heretofore enacted or issued and still in effect.

5. I hereby direct all department and agencies of the Government to cooperate with the Secretary of State in the execution of his authority under this proclamation and any subsequent proclamation, rule, regulation, or order issued in pursuance hereof; and such departments and agencies shall upon request make available to the Secretary of State for that purpose the services of their respective officials and agents. I enjoin upon all officers of the United States charged with the execution of the laws thereof the utmost diligence in preventing violations of section 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and this proclamation, including the regulations of the Secretary of State incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and in bringing to trial and punishment any persons violating any provision of that section or of this proclamation.

To the extent permitted by law, this proclamation shall take effect as of December 24, 1952.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this 17th day of January in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-three and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-seventh. [SEAL]


By the President:

Secretary of State

(1)3 CFR, 1943 Cum. Supp.
(2)3 CFR, 1949 Supp., p. 41.