McCormick, Fred G. Papers

Dates: 1949-1952

Private First Class, U. S. Army, 1950-1951.

The papers of Fred G. McCormick consist of approximately sixty letters he wrote to his wife during his service in the Korean War, along with correspondence, financial records, printed materials, and other documents mostly relating to his death in combat in February 1951.

[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]



Size: About 800 pages. 
Access: Open. 
Copyright: The donor gave her copyright interest in this material to the U.S. government. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their duties are also in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Randy Sowell (2024).

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Fred Gene "Ted" McCormick was born in Moberly, Missouri on January 12, 1928. He joined the U.S. Army in 1949 as a reservist and received training at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas and at Fort Bliss, Texas. Following the outbreak of the Korean War, McCormick was called into active service in September 1950, only a week after his marriage. He arrived in Korea in November 1950, and served in Company M of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. On February 22, 1951, McCormick’s unit was assigned to provide supporting fire for an assault on enemy positions near Tokchong-ni. The unit was subjected to a heavy artillery and mortar barrage, and suffered many casualties. In the words of his citation for the Silver Star, “Private McCormick, observing a vulnerable area along the left flank, rushed through a hail of enemy bullets to the opening. Armed with grenades and his rifle, he maintained this position until mortally wounded by the enemy fire. His dauntless courage inspired his comrades to greater efforts and materially aided in repulsing the enemy attack.” McCormick’s remains were returned to the United States some months later, and he was buried in Moberly, Missouri.

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The papers of Fred G. McCormick consist of approximately sixty letters he wrote to his wife during his service in the Korean War, along with correspondence, financial records, printed materials, and other documents mostly relating to his death in combat in February 1951.

McCormick’s letters to his wife Marjorie, who lived in Moberly, Missouri, cover the period from his return to active service in the Army in September 1950 to his death five months later. In his correspondence, he describes his training in Texas, his travels by train to California and by ship to the Far East, and the fighting in Korea. His letters are frequently emotional and include detailed accounts of his experiences. McCormick’s final letter to his wife was written only a few days before he was killed in action.

The papers also include the telegram that informed Mrs. McCormick of her husband’s death, condolence letters, and other correspondence concerning McCormick’s insurance policy and personal effects, the identification and transportation of his remains, and the arrangements for his funeral. The financial records include insurance forms relating to McCormick’s death. Among the printed materials is a souvenir book documenting McCormick’s training at Fort Bliss in 1949, and his copy of the New Testament, which was sent to his widow along with his other belongings. Sympathy cards, lists of funeral guests, and McCormick’s posthumous Silver Star citation are also in the papers.

Related collections at the Truman Library include the Korean War Collection, the records of the Center for the Study of the Korean War, and the papers of Rex W. Edwards and Edward B. LeMaster.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



Container Nos. Series
1 SUBJECT FILE, 1949-1952
Correspondence, printed materials, financial records, and other documents. Arranged alphabetically by folder title, and thereunder chronologically.

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SUBJECT FILE, 1949-1952

Box 1

  • Correspondence From Fred McCormick, 1950-51 [1 of 5]
  • Correspondence From Fred McCormick, 1950-51 [2 of 5]
  • Correspondence From Fred McCormick, 1950-51 [3 of 5]
  • Correspondence From Fred McCormick, 1950-51 [4 of 5]
  • Correspondence From Fred McCormick, 1950-51 [5 of 5]
  • Correspondence Relating to the Death of Fred McCormick, 1951-52
  • Financial Records and Other Materials
  • Funeral Lists and Sympathy Cards
  • Printed Materials

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